
jrwrencmaloney: end.find isn't a thing, but everything in ruby is an expression.01:27
jrwrenthe end is the end of the previous block expression.01:27
jrwrenwhich happens to return a list/iterable, which is then .find being called.01:27
cmaloneyAh, that makes some sense01:32
cmaloneybut the syntax is ugh. :)01:32
jrwrensyntax only a rubyist could love.01:36
jrwrenGood Morning.13:04
waldo323good morning15:49
waldo323for a little bit longer15:49
rick_h_gah! /me stomps around and old man rants at "The problem with ... Time for a thread"17:12
rick_h_NO NO NO NO NO, I have something interesting thoughts to put down and share is NEVER "time for a thread"17:12
brouschWhat is the right time for a thread?17:16
rick_h_there is no such thing17:21
rick_h_seriously, a thread on twitter is what, seen across one day at most by folks? and then it's gone into the ether17:22
rick_h_and if it's interesting/thoughtful enough for a thread is it really meant to have a fruit fly life?17:22
cmaloneySo blog about it. :)17:40
cmaloneyAnd yes, I really hate when folks take to Twitter to string together 5+ thoughts into a Twitter thread.17:41
rick_h_I decided I'd rant in my safe place because clearly my opinion on it won't change anything17:41
rick_h_but it's nice to get it outside your head17:41
cmaloneyYeah, it's great for stream of conciousness17:41
rick_h_I deleted two different replies in twitter17:41
cmaloneybut take those thoughts and put them into a blog post. :)17:41
cmaloney(assuming they're worth the trouble)17:42
cmaloneyAnd if they're not worth the trouble then let them be ephemeral17:42
rick_h_heh, the blog post I'm working on is a reply to https://twitter.com/samuelclay/status/97592166025880371217:42
rick_h_that one bothers me so much17:42
cmaloneyOh FFS17:43
rick_h_it really bugs me on several levels and I have mad respect for Samuel17:43
cmaloneyGo fart your way to work on your cloud of good intentions and smugness17:43
cmaloneyand realize that humanity can fuck up at any time and you could trip on a crack and die17:44
cmaloneysorry, that came off rather strong17:44
cmaloneybut I really love it when folks make not having a car a sign of privilege17:45
cmaloneySorry that we live in Detroit and having a car is pretty much the only way to get anywhere in a reasonable timeperiod17:46
rick_h_that's one of the levels. I mean in the USA to be able to live a productive life w/o a car is kind of a 1% thing. I'm really curious what that % really is.17:46
cmaloneyI'd also ask how many Ubers, Lyfts, and cabs he's hailed in the past year17:46
cmaloneyoh wait, if he's used Uber then I could probably get that data17:46
cmaloneysorry we don't have sherpas and rickshaws to cart our butts around17:47
jrwrenits not why I don't have a car, but look at the pic, the guy is amish. don't let religious views bother you.17:48
rick_h_I don't think he's amish. He's SFO the guy behind newsblur and such. He was working on newsblur while I was starting bookie and his actually is a business lol17:49
rick_h_why I can't shake it off as random dude said something stupid17:49
cmaloneyHonestly I don't enjoy owning a car. It's kind of a pain in the butt17:51
cmaloneybut it's better than the other options and I enjoy being able to hop in the car and go where I want to go17:52
jrwrenAnn Arbor 11.2% !!!   #31 on the list.  hehehehe17:52
cmaloneyif someone came up with a better way to take my will to be somewhere and transport my butt from point A to point B with reasonable safety and low ethical cost I would be quite happy to ditch the car17:52
cmaloneyand quickly17:52
jrwrenworking at home, it made NO SENSE for me to keep a car. I can take lyft or the bus and still spend less than I was on insurance alone for a paid off car.17:52
cmaloneyUntil then I'll burn dinosaur remnants17:53
cmaloneyfor a while we only had one car17:53
cmaloneythen I started at Morpace and we had to get a second car17:53
cmaloneyI didn't enjoy that17:53
rick_h_jrwren: how much stuff does your daughter have to do?17:53
rick_h_jrwren: that was what killed me when we had one car in the shop17:54
jrwrenrick_h_: wife has a car.17:54
jrwrenwe never have a car in the shop.17:54
rick_h_was the kid stuff that had to be worked around for swim, shopping, soccer, etc17:54
rick_h_jrwren: so either I had to take my wife to work and back each day or we needed that second vehicle back17:54
jrwrengymnastics, girl scouts, those would be expensive lyft rides for sure, but still less than the cost of keeping a car.17:54
rick_h_but when she's rotating between hospital/office/etc she needs a way around17:55
jrwrenYeah, it is not for everyone for sure.17:55
jrwrenI'm not trying to shame you or say, you should try this.17:55
rick_h_I guess that's the advantage of the lyft being in a more densely populated area17:55
rick_h_no, I'm generally curious as I know you have a kid and are pretty active in stuff17:55
rick_h_e.g. you seem to get around and post to instagram well enough, curious if that's all full family time or what17:55
jrwrenyup, i'm never more than 2mi away from a lyft driver, and usually less than a mile.17:55
jrwrenrick_h_: I've taken the bus to at least one of those games at crysler center that I posted to IG this year :)17:56
rick_h_I had thought about one day trying to be a one vehicle family17:56
jrwrenbut mostly it is full family time.17:56
rick_h_I think the big thing is less that it's cheaper but the time involved to organize 3rd party transit and the unknown on if you can get it or not17:57
jrwrenYou are dead on right re: kid stuff. My Kid's 2 best friends from school live outside of our school zone, they are school of choice, and so instead of being a 20min walk away at most, they are a 20min drive away :(17:57
rick_h_so we pay more for that second vehicle for predicability and more time at home vs managing the transit17:57
jrwrenyup, I worried that unknown was going to be an issue for me, but so far it hasn't been.17:58
jrwrenBut I can also walk home from downtown in about an hour, so it really is not an issue.17:58
rick_h_that's where I'm curious what percent of the US population lives in a place large enough to do that17:58
jrwrenand the bus stop is 1/8mi from here. I can hear the bus use its turn signal, sometimes even when the house is closed up and the air is right :)17:58
jrwrenIt is a good question. I think you'd only need to know what % of US Population lives in areas with good public transit.17:59
jrwrenIIRC most of USA population does NOT live in NYC, LA, Chi, Hou, Pho, Phily, SanAn, SD, Dallas, SanJose, Austin18:00
jrwrenjust looking at this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_cities_by_population  I don't know about public transit in some of those top 10 cities, but when I visited Austin and Jax (admittedly a while ago now) they were NOT public transit cities, adn CBUS is #14 on taht list?  pffff... no way.18:01
jrwrensheesh I didn't realize cbus had grown so much!18:01
jrwrenbigger than detroit by population now?!?18:02
rick_h_well not sure if it's grown or DTW has shrunk :)18:03
jrwrenyes, i think I was misinformed on cbus size. I thought it was much smaller.18:04
cmaloneyFor those of us who aren't familiar with acronyms: CBUS=?18:08
cmaloneyAh, Columbus18:09
cmaloneyyeah Columbus is hopping18:09
brouschcmaloney: Mastodon is getting some press due to the latest Facebook scandal20:01
Scary_Guyhttps://asciinema.org this seems useful21:29
cmaloneybrousch: Awesome. :)22:57

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