
pavlosaljoni: same desktop unless the server is running multiple DEs, then you can configure which to access00:00
aljonipavlos: Same desktop isn't an option.  With VNC, when it works, you can multiple instances.00:00
akikaljoni: nomachine nx supports multiple simultaneous users with their own desktops, as does x2go00:00
aljoniI tried connecting from a different computer and it kicked the other one off00:01
bugzbunnyakik: This one https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX00:02
akikbugzbunny: freenx is dead00:02
akikaljoni: of course you can't use the same username in both sessions00:03
bugzbunnyakik: k00:03
aljoniakik: Why not?  VNC and xRDP allow for that.  Can be quite useful actually.00:03
akikaljoni: it tries to use your $HOME and settings under it which doesn't work00:04
pavlosaljoni: I guess you can run unity with userA on altF7 and xfce with userB on altF800:04
aljoniInstalling XFCE or another DE is not an option.00:04
aljoniI've gotten a little further with VNC, I get the wallpaper now, but nothing else00:07
pavlosaljoni: then add some xterm in the xstartup options, hopefully it will pop up00:08
aljoniThat guide shows getting a full desktop, I didn't after following it.00:09
pavlosaljoni: it installs gnome-panel and other gnome stuff00:10
aljonipavlos: I followed the guide, and I didn't get the same result.00:10
pavlosaljoni: same idea as installing xfce4 for remote use only00:10
aljonipavlos: The result looks like a unity desktop to me: https://linode.com/docs/assets/1643-vnc-ubuntu-3_small.png00:11
pavlosaljoni: I'm not going to test that guide ... but I have installed xfce4 just for remote access. System continues to work as unity but the startup files call xfce00:12
aljonipavlos: I understand that.  If I could install xfce for this, I would have already done it/00:13
akikaljoni: why can't you install other desktops?00:13
pavlosaljoni: I dont know your requirements, seem very tight, I'm just telling you options.00:13
aljoniakik: My boss says I have to use clean ubuntu.  When I told him Unity doesn't play well with VNC he said "that sounds unlikely to me, I'm SURE there is a way".00:14
aljoni"clean ubuntu", for example: no xubuntu, or other desktop installed00:15
bugzbunnyaljoni: It has to be lts?00:15
pavlosaljoni: I'd say something to your boss but this is a family channel00:15
akikaljoni: xubuntu is an official ubuntu flavor00:15
bugzbunnyThe next lts will be on Gnome?00:16
pavlosas Lubuntu00:16
pavlosbugzbunny: gnome300:16
bugzbunnyJust add that to a list of ideas00:16
aljoniakik: I told him that, but he had a concern of "what happens in the future if they stop updating it, what will we do then.  I dont see normal ubuntu going anywhere"00:16
akikwhat is normal ubuntu? it changes from release to release00:17
aljoniYeah, using it as a server.  It needs a GUI though for the applications were using.00:17
pavlosaljoni: install Xubuntu or Lubuntu, they will not go away00:18
aljoniakik: I have no idea. He told me I have to use normal ubuntu, not any other flavour.  He says "in the real world when you're told you have to use certain software, or there or other requirements, then you do as you're told"00:18
aljonipavlos: I'd love to do that, make this much easier.  Not allowed to though.00:18
Tin_manJust wait till April, then you have Regular Ubuntu (Gnome).00:19
aljoniHave to get this server up and running now.00:19
kenrinWhy can't you use vino ?00:19
DiecastMessiahcan ya ssh intot he server?00:19
pavlosaljoni: unity was "normal" for 16.04 then Canonical changed to gnome3 (18.04). Wayland was another X but now it will be Xorg. Change happens.00:20
aljoniCan SSH into it, but using desktop applications.  I know about X11 forwarding over SSH but really not that easy to use the software that way.00:20
akiktunneling x11 over ssh is slow00:20
DiecastMessiahoh kk00:20
aljoniI feel like I might be able to bodge this somehow, but I have to idea yet.00:20
Tin_manUse Team viewer it plays well with all flavors00:21
Jordan_Ualjoni: Have you tried vino?00:21
aljoniWhat's vino?00:21
Jordan_Ualjoni: The default vlc server in Ubuntu.00:21
aljoniCan't use TeamViewer, connection goes through other people's servers.00:21
Jordan_Ualjoni: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC/Servers#vino00:22
aljoniHow can I configure that via. the terminal? Server is in a closet elsewhere at the moment, can SSH into the box but physical access to configure isn't an option at the moment.00:22
Pan51aljoni: what vnc are you using?00:23
Jordan_Ualjoni: There is almost certainly a way to configure it via the terminal. That said, it might be faster to run "gnome-control-center" via ssh -X.00:23
aljoniPan51: I've tried: tightvnc, tigervnc, ultravnc00:23
Pan51aljoni: with tightvnc you have to edit a file xstartup in .vnc where the server is run00:24
aljoniDoesn't matter about how secure, or not, it is. Just the principle of using other people's servers, not allowed to do that for data security reasons.00:25
aljoniPan51: I've messed around in that file for the past 2 hours, trying all the configs online that "work".00:25
Pan51aljoni: and you set the desktop there00:25
pavlosTeamViewer supports 2FA, you can lock it down nicely00:25
aljonipavlos: My boss won't have it.00:26
aljoniJordan_U: "gnome-control-center" isn't installed.00:26
aljoniJordan_U: It's unity.00:26
Tin_manwell, aljoni sounds like for every option, you have a objection, so your just in a spot where your going to have to keep trying, and testing..00:27
Jordan_Ualjoni: How about "vino-preferences" ?00:27
aljoniTin_man: I wish I had more options, I've unfortunately been given very specific requirements.00:28
Tin_manit is not really a ubuntu issue from this point on..00:29
Tin_manit's a boss issure00:29
donofrio_anyone know if there is a command line clint like pianobar is for pandora is there a youbar that is no video just audio?00:29
aljoniYup. Tell me about it.00:29
donofrio_command like client for youtube00:29
aljoniJordan_U: I was able to access it, but can't connect after setting it up in thre00:30
akikdonofrio_: https://github.com/mps-youtube/mps-youtube00:30
Jordan_Ualjoni: Is the user that you ssh'd in with currently locally logged in on that machine, graphically?00:30
aljoniJordan_U: No, and I can't right now either.00:31
pavlosif the system in the closet runs X, you can ssh -Y user@closet00:33
bugzbunnyaljoni: I just understand why aren't trying hard to explain the complications?00:33
aljonibugzbunny: To my boss?00:33
bugzbunnyI mean, if you are technically incline, explain the hurdles and show alternatives00:33
bugzbunnyaljoni: Yes,00:34
Jordan_Ualjoni: I'm not sure that Unity, being based on Compiz/OpenGL, can run without a physical screen to draw to (as otherwise there would be no direct rendering, except maybe via llvmpipe which inneficiently uses the CPU).00:34
aljonibugzbunny: He just gets angry at me and tells me that I can't always get my own way.00:34
akikpavlos: remote server doesn't need running xorg for that00:34
bugzbunnyKeep trying00:35
bugzbunnyYou could speak to Ubuntu directly00:35
pavlosinstall ubuntu-mate or linuxmint, those run well with vnc00:35
bugzbunnyIt would cost, and see if they have any bright ideas00:36
aljoniI might have to, don't really like to though. As soon as he hears me starting to say there is a problem, he cuts me off and gets angry.00:36
akikaljoni: how fast is the network between clients and the server?00:36
aljoni1 Gbit00:36
Jordan_Ualjoni: You could configue a user to automatically login, then you should be able to connect via VNC, if all else is working (which is not guaranteed).00:36
akikaljoni: maybe the tunneling in ssh might work, if you can't make vnc work and you don't need a separate desktop from the server00:37
SimarillionI am returned.00:37
aljoniakik: May have to go that route, not as nice as a full remote desktop but it somewhat functions00:39
akikaljoni: and it satisfies your boss :)00:40
aljoniakik: Not sure that it does, he wanted a remote desktop.00:41
akikbut hey a benefit is a secure connection00:41
aljoniWhy does unity have to put up such a fight with remote access.00:42
sneakyimpCan anyone tell me why the apt package for apache2 installs it in prefork mode?00:43
sneakyimpis there some compatibility reason to use prefork instead of worker or event? Because over in the #apache IRC, they say DON'T USE PREFORK IN PRODUCTION00:44
SimarillionI read a stack of forum posts and answers. My machine is ASUS notebook circa 2014 (formerly had version: Win 8.1 - 64 bit).00:44
SimarillionI just want to clean install Xubuntu (only - NO DUAL BOOT). I was formerly advised: DO NOT set my BIOS to CSM. In another post the solution is DO SET BIOS to CSM. What the..?00:44
=== andyhuzhill1 is now known as andyhuzhill
SimarillionI am installing to an new SSD (no operating systems on it)00:45
bugzbunnysneakyimp: Ask the Maintianers00:45
jane_booty_doesneakyimp, http://www.php.net/manual/en/faq.installation.php#faq.installation.apache200:46
SimarillionIf I am installing afresh, what is the point of creating a 1 mB boot partition (i am using a bootable USB with uefi boot = verified)00:48
sneakyimpbugzbunny: where do I find them?00:50
SimarillionI started off using gdisk..the one solution that made perfect sense to me, but it seems that is not working out when i review partitions using Gparted there are warnings regarding the partitions (unmounted - as i created all partitions using gdisk prior to running the install)00:51
sneakyimpjaone_booty_doe: that's a pretty darn old statement in the FAQ...does it still apply? Seems pretty pathetic to me.00:51
sneakyimpjane_booty_doe: that's a pretty darn old statement in the FAQ...does it still apply? Seems pretty pathetic to me.00:51
Jordan_USimarillion: I think you're confused. You indeed do not need any 1 MB partition for UEFI booting. For booting via BIOS/CSM you would have a 1 MB BIOS Boot Partition (which is not the same as a /boot/ partition). With UEFI you will need an EFI System Partition, but that should be larger than 1 MB (between 100 MiB and 1 GiB).00:51
Jordan_USimarillion: Why not just let Ubuntu's installer do automatic partitioning?00:52
sneakyimpjane_booty_doe: is PHP group still eschewing threaded environment? In this day and age of multicore CPUS?00:52
bugzbunnysneakyimp: Uh, if there, it still applies00:52
bugzbunnysneakyimp: And the fact offered a solution00:52
bugzbunnyerr, Faq00:53
sneakyimpbugzbunny: guys at #apache IRC were quite clear: DON'T USE APACHE2 IN PREFORK...it doesn't scale00:53
bugzbunnyI personally don't use Apache00:53
SimarillionJordan_U, What you stated iss what i did when i installed on my other notebook and everything went fine.00:53
bugzbunnysneakyimp: Then use the solution00:53
sneakyimpbugzbunny: that doesn't really answer my question, does it?00:53
bugzbunnysneakyimp: The issue, when install PHP, it pulls Apache00:53
bugzbunnysneakyimp: Use FastCGI instead00:54
sneakyimpbugzbunny: apt-get install apache2 installs prefork00:54
SimarillionThat is right, Jordan_U, all i need is the EFI sys partition.00:54
bugzbunnysneakyimp: I don't want to argue the merits, perhaps open a bug report, explain your use case00:55
bugzbunnysneakyimp: It could benefits all00:55
sneakyimpbugzbunny: i would love to, but am sadly trying to find out how to remedy the install on a system about to head in production00:56
SimarillionSo my next question is: Do i set my BIOS to CSM and Disable Secure Boot in the BIOS settings or "No". If "No" then what should I set my BIOS Boot setting to?01:00
SimarillionUsing the EFI boot method as mentioned what is the appropriate BIOS boot setting to USE?01:01
happy_hackerSimarillion: Why don't you set boot to UEFI and do not enable CSM (compatibilty mode)?01:02
happy_hackerSimarillion: And Disable Secure Boot, also.01:03
happy_hackerSimarillion: What is your computer? If a laptop, what make/model?01:03
aljoniI've got two options. Convince him to use Xubuntu, or explain that it (or some other DE) will have to be installed alongside unity for remote desktop to work.01:03
SimarillionASUS S500ca01:04
happy_hackerSimarillion: ASUS VivoBook S500CA ?01:04
aljoniMy last ditch effort was to use "Xephyr" over a SSH tunnel and run Unity in it.  That didn't work though.01:04
SimarillionYes, happy_hacker, that is correct. Asus VivoBook S500ca01:05
SimarillionAptio BIOS settings01:05
mesaI'm happy to report Ubuntu Bionic Beaver (devel branch todays build)  is working excellenmt on my iMac 5k 27"... Dual booting macosx high sierra. I'm very excited. Thanks to the support of the graphics drivers in this build everything went really smooth right out of the box.01:05
happy_hackermesa: Which DE?01:06
rud0lfmesa: a 18.04 candidate?01:06
happy_hackermesa: Does it use Xorg or Wayland?01:06
mesaI really don't know...01:06
mesaI just booted.01:06
happy_hackerIf you just booted, how do you know it's working excellently?01:07
SimarillionI only have 2 options in the Aptio BIOS settings: FAST BOOT [Enable/Disable], the other option is: Launch CSM [Enable/Disable]01:08
mesaThe obvioud, I should say, Display perfect, sound, wireless ethernet. all my devices, kb + mouse / trackpad...01:08
happy_hackermesa: What not post your laptop https://www.linuxquestions.org/hcl/uploadproduct.php so others can learn about it/01:09
mesaI would love to. Fyi: This is the iMac desktop 5k 27" retina.01:10
happy_hackerSimarillion: Disable Fast Boot (read it's help) and Disable Launch CSM (read it's help).01:10
happy_hackermesa: Sorry, got you and the other guy mixed up. But you can post it, also.01:11
mesahappy_hacker: Yes it is a 18.04 candidate.01:11
happy_hackermesa: You already said that and I didn't have a question about it.01:11
Simarillionhappy_hacker..So I should set: FAST BOOT to Enable and set SECURE BOOT: to Disable01:11
rud0lfmesa: it was me that asked01:11
happy_hackermesa: In case you didn't know, bionic/18.04: /join #ubuntu+101:11
happy_hackerThis channel supports Ubuntu and its official flavors; versions 14.04, 16.04, and 17.1001:11
happy_hackermesa: /topic01:11
mesaIt recognized everything but the Magic keyboard 2. I will work on that later.01:12
Simarillioni see you are busy assisting01:12
mesahappy_hacker: thanks01:12
Simarillioni will wait01:12
happy_hackerSimarillion: Negative. Set them both to Disable.01:12
rud0lfLTS is now 3 years?01:13
happy_hackerSimarillion: On my UEFI machines, Fast Boot will prevent you from booting from USB.01:13
rud0lfor is there a typo? i see End of Life April 29, 202101:13
happy_hackerrud0lf: I think 6 months +1 da from last release?01:13
brenster21hey so I cant seem to mount my external hard drive to my computer properly. i had mounted it via the mount command but that stopped working for somereason01:13
happy_hackerrud0lf: hences, .04 .10 is April, October01:13
brenster21for a whilte it was also on fstab.01:14
Bashing-omrud0lf: 16.04's EOL is 2021 .01:14
rud0lfso there is a typo on the page01:14
compdocbrenster21, you might try the Disks utility01:14
brenster21in terminal?01:14
SimarillionOk..Disable BOTH..wow..a great, right-to-the-point (no confusion), Answer. Best day all week!01:14
bugzbunnyhappy_hacker: There is an issue with FAST-BOOT?01:14
Bashing-omrud0lf: xubuntu's stuff is 3 years .. while main remains as 5 years .01:15
aljoniDoes "Gnome 3" like VNC?  Just want to know before that gets suggested by my boss.01:15
bugzbunnyFor second there, I thought you guys were talking about Windows fastboot01:15
SimarillionThanks a buncg for that, happy hacker!!01:15
Simarillion*bunch* and bunches.01:15
bugzbunnyaljoni: I haven't tried, but, try it localling in a vm01:16
aljonibugzbunny: Okay.01:16
SimarillionNo wonder the whole procedure was a bumble. My BIOS settings were for shnicketty.01:16
bugzbunnyAfaik, at least here, BIOS doesn't initialize some devices during POST01:17
SimarillionWell, it's straight back to the 'ubuntu blackboard' for this nub.01:17
happy_hackerbrenster21: issue your mount command in a terminal and pastebin the output01:17
brenster21sure thing happy_hacker01:18
happy_hackerbrenster21: I'm going to dinner, but others can help, also.01:18
happy_hackerhey zerri ; cute nick01:18
zerrii'm New her01:18
zerrihow are you01:19
brenster21ok now it works01:19
Emcywhats the deal with 2 different hexchat packages on ubuntu software center?01:19
brenster21i think ubuntu hates me01:19
SimarillionWriting it all down so I don't (pointlessly) take up anyone's whilst they try to assist others.01:19
Emcycould one of htem be fake01:19
brenster21i reran the command and this time it worked01:19
SimarillionI don't like to waste anyone's *time* here, i realize there are others in search of guidance.01:21
pavlosmesa: does browse network work? can you see other hosts in your subnet?01:22
SimarillionOk, enough small talk. I'm heading back to the on ramp to the "lost highway of installation".01:22
SimarillionMuch thanks in order, happy_hacker, TJ-, and oerheks. As always, it has been a privelige.01:24
bugzbunnyEmcy: One, what Ubuntu version are you using?01:24
bugzbunnyEmcy: Second, the package name is just 'hexchat'?01:24
bugzbunnyEmcy: Can apt show hexchat?01:25
Emcyjust hexchat01:25
Emcyapt only lists one of them01:26
bugzbunnyWhere do you see two?01:26
brenster21hey for some reason i cant change the read write settings for the drive i mounted01:26
bugzbunnybrenster21: What filesystem?01:26
brenster21tried sudo chmod -R 777 drive01:26
Emcyubuntu software centre01:26
bugzbunnyEmcy: Oh, that, I have no idea01:26
brenster21the external is ntfs, it is mounted into my home folder01:26
bugzbunnybrenster21: NTFS doesn't support Linux permissions01:27
UmeaboyAnyone here that has used wget to get an entire website?01:27
Emcyis there some kind of disconnect from before ubuntu started using 'snaps' and after01:27
bugzbunnybrenster21: IIRC, ntfs-3g should make the drive rw01:27
brenster21i am just trying to give plex permission to read the folder, i had it working last week01:27
oerheksEmcy, that is valid, one via softwarecenter, the other via snap package01:27
bugzbunnybrenster21: You can look at the mount options for ntfs-3g01:27
UmeaboyIf using wget -r gives me a 403 error (seems blocked?), is there an alternative solution?01:28
pavlosbrenster21: what are the mount parms?01:28
bugzbunnybrenster21: Like setting the user or setting default folder permissions etc01:28
Emcyok i thought it was01:28
UmeaboyNo I don't own the website in question.01:28
Emcyi barely understand what snap is01:28
UmeaboyEmcy: Snapshot.01:28
UmeaboyAs it is now.01:28
bazhangUmeaboy, a snap package is something else entirely01:29
bazhang#snappy for more info Umeaboy01:29
brenster21pavlos the options was sudo mount  /dev/sdb1 /home/brendan/maindrive -o uid=1000,gid=1000,utf8,dmask=027,fmask=13701:29
oerheksnot snapshot, .. https://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/snappy01:30
pavlosbrenster21: can you try, sudo mount -o remount,rw  /home/brendan/maindrive01:33
brenster21just run it?01:33
pavlosbrenster21: type the command in a terminal01:34
brenster21did it, same mount options as before01:34
brenster21i mean same read write permissions01:35
brianXPanybody there? D:01:36
pavlosbrenster21: mount | grep sdb1 reports what line?01:36
brenster21pavlos /dev/sdb1 on /home/brendan/maindrive type fuseblk (rw,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,default_permissions,allow_other,blksize=4096)01:36
pavlosbrenster21: it says read/write isnt that you want?01:37
brenster21i need it read write for all users not just me01:37
brianXPpavlos can you see my messages? D:01:37
pavlosbrianXP: yes01:37
brenster21brianxp i can see it01:37
bugzbunnybrenster21: Alright, what's not working01:37
bugzbunnybrenster21: Uhhh01:38
bugzbunnythe user_id=0 <--01:38
pavlosbrianXP: there are 1588 ppl on this channel01:38
brianXPAh ok I was a bit scared, Is it okay to install at this point ubuntu 18.04?01:38
brenster21bugzbunny what should user_id be?01:38
bugzbunnybrenster21: Do what pavlos suggest and gid=100001:38
pavlosbrianXP: discussion for 18.04 in channel #ubuntu+101:39
bugzbunnyBecause it seems like it mount the drive as root01:39
brenster21ok so change the command to sudo mount  /dev/sdb1 /home/brendan/maindrive -o uid=1000,gid=1000,utf8,dmask=027,fmask=13701:39
bugzbunnybrenster21: Sorry, I mean uid=100001:40
bugzbunnyYou can omit gid, but it doesn't matter01:40
brenster21isnt that set as uid1000?01:40
brenster21bugzbunny i need it so any user on the comptuer can access it01:41
bugzbunnybrenster21: When you mount that like that, what is not exactly not working01:41
bugzbunnyThat, huh, I would have to look at the manpage01:41
bugzbunnyMake it writable very everyone, I've never tried01:41
brenster21basically i need rutorrent and plex to be able to acces it01:43
bugzbunnyI think, the best way to do this, if they are NOT running under the same user01:44
bugzbunnyWhatever user those process are running as, add them to same group, however you might to muck around with umask, or fmask dmask indiviually01:45
bugzbunnyI am very bad at bitmask01:45
brenster21i will try umask01:46
pavlosumaks is usually the complement of what you want to do ... umaks 022 creates files as 64401:47
brenster21pavlos so what combo for umask for read write for others?01:48
pavlosbrenster21: you want files to be 666, then umask is 00001:49
brenster21what is fmask and dmask?01:49
pavloscheck the man page ...01:50
happy_hackerbrenster21: You probably want to use ACLs.01:50
brenster21will do01:50
happy_hackerbrenster21: Here's an article https://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/security/acls_extended_filepermissions01:50
happy_hackerbrenster21: This one should compliment that other, or even be the foundational article https://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/Security/Quick_and_Dirty_Guide_to_Linux_File_Permissions01:50
bugzbunnyTill you mention Linux File Permissions01:53
bugzbunnybrenster21: Another idea, set others rwx01:53
bugzbunnyThat should be simplest way, without have to mangle other users group permissions01:54
brenster21wahoo thank you guys i think01:54
brenster21i got it working01:54
brenster21if you ever want ski lessons give me a call01:54
happy_hackerwhat's your number?01:55
happy_hackerwe have a new client in Telluride ;)01:55
cfhowletttake this to a pm!01:55
brenster21happy_hacker you ski?01:55
happy_hackerbrenster21: /query happy_hacker01:56
cfhowlettbrenster21, happy_hacker you can communicate privately in an off-topic channel by doing /msg username ...01:56
happy_hackercfhowlett: I prefer /query as stated above01:56
brenster21it says i need to log in with services01:57
bugzbunnybrenster21: We appreciate it01:57
brenster21sorry about that01:57
bugzbunnyFor everyone we/I help is plus01:57
bugzbunnyYou are the third person I've read who have been thankful, to be, if open source was like this everyday01:58
bugzbunnyIt would be a fun environment to work in01:58
pavlosbrenster21: you can send someone a cookie (/cookie nick)01:59
ubottuWow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!01:59
bugzbunnybrenster21: By any chance, what worked for you ??01:59
bugzbunnyI don't need a cookie, preffably more success stories02:00
brenster21bugzbunny sudo mount  /dev/sdb1 /home/brendan/maindrive -o uid=brendan,gid=1000,utf8,dmask=000,fmask=00002:00
* bugzbunny registers to brain02:02
happy_hackerbrenster21: so the dmask and fmask allows the others to write to it?02:05
immy1101i have my system just the way i want it, but i want to install an experimental driver. what is the best way to do this so that i don't negatively impact my system?02:13
immy1101or can i save the state of my system somehow, and if i need to, revert back at some point?02:13
brenster21happy_hacker apparently02:13
brenster21idk i just tried random number till it worked02:13
cfhowlettimmy1101, if you're doing that kind of experimentation, I suggest you use virtualization, e.g. virtualbox02:14
immy1101but how can i make virtualbox mimic my system?02:15
aljoniI finally have a full solution to my issue. It's probably not what people in here want to here though. I was asked to use standard Ubuntu, or if not then CentOS, it's default desktop is fine with xRDP (rdp to vnc).02:16
cfhowlettimmy1101, simple.  install virtualbox.  create virtual machine.  install ubuntu to VM.  configure.  save state.  experiement.  restore saved state if necessary.  once you have your test cased figured out, configure the host machine.02:16
bugzbunnyimmy1101: If you have problems with setup a virtual Machine02:16
bugzbunnyCome back02:16
happy_hackerimmy1101: I don't know how your system is setup, and haven't used Ubuntu but a couple of days. You can make an image of your system with Clonezilla, to an external device, and if it breaks, just restore it. http://clonezilla.org/02:17
bugzbunnyimmy1101: More important, using experimental driver on a REAL system, will cause a lot problems02:17
cfhowlettTHIS!! ^^^}02:17
happy_hackerimmy1101: I've used it successfully for backing up entire systems of several different OSes.02:17
immy1101what i mean is, i don't think virtualbox can mimic my ati graphics card02:17
immy1101so how could i test the driver?02:17
bugzbunnyimmy1101: What model02:17
immy1101r9 29002:17
happy_hackerimmy1101: I've not had much success with a VM for that type of use case.02:18
bugzbunnyimmy1101: Okay, open source or closed source?02:18
immy1101closed source02:18
bugzbunnyimmy1101: AFAIK, that should be GCN02:18
immy1101what is gcn?02:18
bugzbunnyI think that's in GCN variety02:19
bugzbunnyimmy1101: What version of Ubuntu are you using?02:19
immy1101lubuntu 16.04.4 LTS02:19
bugzbunnyimmy1101: AMD supports it, it shouldn't be experimental02:20
bugzbunnyThe issue is what GCN version you have, the problem with AMD, is VERY confusing02:21
immy1101i think you're right02:21
immy1101i think the driver might already be installed02:22
immy1101no sleep02:22
Kumoolwhat happens if i close the loopback device?02:29
happy_hackerFor years rxvt-unicode has been my favorite terminal. But I can't make the colors like I want. Terminator has colors I like. How do I find out what colors Terminator is using, so I can try and set them in ~/.Xdefaults for urxvt?02:29
pragmaticenigmaKumool, your computer gets sad02:29
Kumoolpragmaticenigma, i'm being serious here, trying to save some elec on things i dont use02:31
pragmaticenigmaKumool, the loopback device is used for system diagnostics as well as other internal features like DNS caching. Only your local machine can access it and it's required for system operation02:31
Kumoolwell, thanks02:32
pragmaticenigmaKumool, what saves power is turning off the computer when you aren't using it. if you are trying to save battery, the best you can do with linux is make sure screen brightness is turned down02:32
bugzbunnyWhat ever listening on lo02:33
Kumoolscreen brightness does nothing or barely anything on LCD screens02:33
bugzbunnyWill fail to community02:33
bugzbunnyWill it CRASH Linux02:33
bugzbunnyDepends, because, what importian services that is not using UNIX sockets02:34
pragmaticenigmadnsmasq for one bugzbunny02:34
bugzbunnyThat's trouble with DNS resolving02:34
pragmaticenigmadnsmasq runs locally to reduce time for resolving recently resolved host addresses. it runs on loopback because most programs don't have the ability to use a unix socket instead of tcp for talking to DNS02:35
bugzbunnypragmaticenigma: Useless for me for the most part02:36
bugzbunnypragmaticenigma: ALL my DNS request goes through my Firewall which is double caching DNS request02:37
bugzbunnyBut tearing down lo, I will try it in the future and see what happens02:37
pragmaticenigmaas is my system, though default Ubuntu installations enable it02:37
bugzbunnyIt's enabled it here, just I have so many projects I am working, it's a leas02:38
Kumoolit was just a harmless question... now bugz is gonna crash everything on purpose...02:39
bugzbunnyI'd like to see what happens, I want to know Ubuntu resiliancy02:39
pragmaticenigmafor my system, mythtv listens on localhost for communicating between the backend and frontend programs02:39
cfhowlettthat is one way to learn ...02:39
pragmaticenigmathat's the only active localhost connection I have at the moment02:39
pragmaticenigmaor I'm infected with the W32.Mytob.FO@mm trojan virus02:40
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jnewt1trying to vnc to my ubuntu desktop which has two large monitors.  i have x11vnc setup to run like this: full command: /usr/bin/x11vnc -display :0 -rfbport 5900 -passwd ******** -clip 3840x2160+0+0 -scale 1920x1080  -v -o ~/x11vnc.log02:49
jnewt1im not getting the clipping and scaling expected.   i want it to work like rdp or teamviewer where i see only one screen, at an appropriate resolution.02:50
jnewt1fonts are small, i see both screens crammed into my client screen, nothing is usable02:50
bugzbunnyjnewt1: NoMachines?02:52
bugzbunnyjmw: x2go?02:53
bugzbunnyjnewt1: x2go02:53
jnewt1bugzbunny: i was using x2go, someone said use x11vnc for whatever problem i was having with it (i think it was an issue with resuming sessions).02:54
kj4hello all02:54
jnewt1bugzbunny, can you see what is wrong with my config, don't really feel like switching again.02:54
jnewt1is that not supposed to clip to my first & leftmost 4k monitor, scale it to my 1920x1080 client size and output only that portion?02:55
jnewt1b/c that's what i expect, but not what i'm seeing02:55
bugzbunnyI never use either, not a expert02:56
bugzbunnyBut, I just think those might do a better job02:56
bugzbunnyhello kj402:57
jnewt1my framebuffer info shows width 3840 height 14304 scaled_width 1920 scaled_height 12960 , so the height is botched for some reason02:58
bugzbunnyI can't help, I never done it02:58
jnewt1not asking you specifically.  although these channels get sparser every year, i should quit expecting anything03:01
bugzbunnyjnewt1: Got to askubuntu03:04
bugzbunnyjnewt1: Forums03:04
bugzbunnyjnewt1: I don't think you will get HARD solution03:05
bugzbunnyThe problems here can be fixable03:05
kj4any running ubuntu on a NUC and has a comment?03:17
cesutewatrans "Let A and B be square matrices.遐 怀1.  When B is obtained from A by interchanging two rows of A, det(B) = −det(A). 遐 怀2.  When B is obtained from A by adding a multiple of a row of A to another row of A, det(B) = det(A).遐 怀3.  When B is obtained from A by multiplying a row of A by a nonzero constant c, det(B) = c det(A)"03:34
cfhowlettcesutewa, check your channel.  this is ubuntu support03:34
Emcyare "snaps" sandboxed or something like that03:35
Emcyso i have hexchat installed as a snap, it cant access ~/downloads because permission denied03:35
cfhowlettwhy would you install hexchat snap.  just use the repo version.03:35
Emcybecause the repo is out of date03:36
[n0mad]what about ~/Downloads03:36
Emcyi try to select it in the gui picker and permission denied03:37
Emcybut its running under my user account03:37
Emcyi dont get it03:37
KumoolEmcy, did you try the chown?03:44
* cfhowlett has installed newest hexchat. sees no immediate/obvious difference.03:45
cfhowlettEmcy, how did you install?  mine works perfectly in 16.0403:45
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ajbozdarSkype and CoreBird snaps are not working. Anyone else with same issue?03:53
bugzbunnyEmcy: Out of version how?03:58
bugzbunnyEmcy: What exactly in a newer version that YOU really need?03:59
WorldGenesis[v]is it possible to kickstart an installation utility in a live ubuntu environment? o.o04:03
WorldGenesis[v]if so, what's the command for that?04:03
SimarillionEverything was going just swell when i left channel moments ago.04:10
SimarillionI wrote down all the advice given here in channel. I outlined my partition scheme. All was beautiful & nice, until..04:11
SimarillionMy brother, the mercurial savant of 'how to' Linux Mint , chimed in. I listened until 1/2 past my sanity and quarter to full blown rant as to why! why! why!, did i not format my ubuntu partitions with 'btrfs' on my older Toshiba 256 gB SSD..04:18
Simarillionhad i known he would go on like adolph hitler i would have embelished and said, i'm going to start all over..04:19
Simarillionbtrfs is still getting the kinks ironed out, afaik. I formatted my linux partitions, in ext4 fs, of course, as reco'd on the Ubuntu Forums. It's the most reliable source I've come across apart from channel.04:21
SimarillionI got so caught up in this that i burned my pizza (which was supposed to be lunch) and you don't want to know what time it is here. I've researching and working on getting this install just right for more than a week.04:25
m2_teknixI have shared the "~/Public" folders via nautilius on a machine. Though I am able to locate and access this folder on another machine via Nautilius, but how can I access it via coomand line?04:26
m2_teknixI am unable to locate where the folder on the client side is mounted04:27
SimarillionConverting all my bloated windows notebooks on track with Linux was the best diet plan for someone who didn't need to lose 8 lbs. here.04:27
m2_teknixI have shared the "~/Public" folders via nautilius on a machine. Though I am able to locate and access this folder on another machine via Nautilius, but how can I access it via coomand line?04:31
SimarillionSifting through links at Ubuntu forums, i was about jumping up & down when i found the article stating that ext4 is just as efficient.04:32
SimarillionExt4 is, even, times more efficient (re: excessive writes per the block") if not more, than btrfs (and that is not due to the numerous writes btrfs performs 'snapshots' of the OS' for user's reinstallation convenience).04:33
bugzbunnym2_teknix: What protocol?04:33
SimarillionThank you, again, channel, for saving my peaceful enjoyment of xUbuntu04:34
SimarillionI didn't think btrfs was a sound choice, seeing as i am new to the latest versions of Ubuntu/Gnome/Unity.04:36
SimarillionUsing xUbuntu was the best advice, and that came from someone on the wire via Freenode.04:37
SimarillionIs btrfs worth trying on a regular scsi hdd (notebook).04:40
SimarillionI don't use multiple internal drives.04:41
delthow to get a list of all installed packages with apt on command line?04:48
EriC^^delt: apt list --installed04:50
kurkudilodelt, dpkg --get-selections04:52
deltkurkudilo: thanks04:54
SimarillionAnother county heard from..(be it Cork or Mayo), i suppose.04:54
SimarillionWill i be losing performance if i create a separate /home partition (via SSD)?05:07
SimarillionGoing to read up on development and stability of btrfs. B'bye channel.05:15
sneakyimpCan anyone tell me the difference between the packages libapache2-mod-fcgid and libapache2-mod-fastcgi ?05:18
bugzbunnysneakyimp: apt show libapache2-mod-fcgid05:23
bugzbunnysneakyimp: apt show libapache2-mod-fastcgi05:23
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sputnik13anyone around?  apt-get purge is supposed to get rid of everything right?  when I purge strongswan it doesn't seem to get rid of everything, and when I go and delete /etc/ipsec.d and /etc/strongswan.d then reinstall strongswan it doesn't put the directories back...  so I'm thinking there must be some state somewhere being persisted...  would that be a strongswan specific problem or is there additional state somewhere for dpkg?05:28
sneakyimpbugzbunny: thanks! those descriptions are nearly identical too. although they have links to more info...since http://www.fastcgi.com/ doesn't respond, I think i'll go with mod-fcgid05:30
lotuspsychjesputnik13: do you have external ppa's added to your system?05:30
sputnik13lotuspsychje nope05:30
sputnik13tried to reproduce the problem using an ubuntu:16.04 container05:31
sputnik13and same thing05:31
lotuspsychjesputnik13: you could try purge with dpkg -P perhaps?05:31
sputnik13prior to installing strongswan no /etc/ipsec.d, after install /etc/ipsec.d is still there05:31
sputnik13ok, I will try05:31
EriC^^!find ipsec.d05:34
ubottuFile ipsec.d found in libreswan05:34
sneakyimpbugzbunny: looks like fastcgi is now dead. https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=83537405:34
ubottuDebian bug 835374 in ftp.debian.org "RM: libapache-mod-fastcgi -- dead upstream, quite old, orphaned, dfsg-free alternative (libapache-mod-fcgid)" [Normal,Open]05:34
lotuspsychjesputnik13: if that doesnt work, i would plave a new !bug perhaps05:34
sputnik13lotuspsychje yeah that doesn't work...  strongswan install scripts must be checking for something to see whether to place default files/directories, which the uninstall scripts aren't removing on purge05:36
lotuspsychjesputnik13: ubuntu-bug strongswan and add your story mate05:37
Atomic_RcX4di need help, was the windows installer package for ubuntu discontinued?05:37
lotuspsychje!wubi | Atomic_RcX4d05:37
ubottuAtomic_RcX4d: Wubi was a way to install Ubuntu from within Windows, but it is no longer supported in recent versions of Ubuntu and Windows, and was never well maintained even for Ubuntu 12.04. Do not use Wubi. See !install for other options for installing Ubuntu.05:37
sputnik13lotuspsychje yeah, going to dig a little more first, thx05:37
Atomic_RcX4dWe cannot discontinue Wubi Installer. Please demand it to be considered for future release versions05:38
lotuspsychjeAtomic_RcX4d: that wont happen mate05:38
lotuspsychjeAtomic_RcX4d: make an ubuntu usb stick/media to install ubuntu, like universal usb installer05:39
Atomic_RcX4dwhy not? it made everything easy and simple. now we have to buy hardware to insrall it? ugh...05:39
Atomic_RcX4dwhat about people without isb?05:40
Atomic_RcX4dthere is laptops with no disk drives or usb05:40
Atomic_RcX4dwhat about them?05:40
lotuspsychjeAtomic_RcX4d: cd,dvd,isoboot,..05:40
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bugzbunnyAtomic_RcX4d: Why do you want to install Ubuntu?05:41
Atomic_RcX4dis there a way to install ubuntu on android devices?05:41
lotuspsychjeAtomic_RcX4d: yes, the ubports community can install ubuntu touch on some android devices05:41
bugzbunnyIt's touch screen05:42
Atomic_RcX4dwhy does it really matter? what if i prefer ubuntu over this crap os i have?05:42
bugzbunnyYou going to have more hard time navigating05:43
lotuspsychjeAtomic_RcX4d: depends of the device, some devices cant install ubuntu05:43
bugzbunnyYou can VM Ubuntu05:43
bugzbunnyProbably be easier05:44
Atomic_RcX4ddo i need an unlocked bootloader to install or flash ubuntu touch?05:44
Atomic_RcX4ddo i need root?05:44
lotuspsychjeAtomic_RcX4d: are you trolling with us now? first wubi, now android?05:45
Atomic_RcX4dwhat is it not supported anymore either?05:45
Atomic_RcX4dyou guys need to update05:45
lotuspsychjeAtomic_RcX4d: stop please, only ask ubuntu related questions here05:46
Atomic_RcX4dthey are05:46
Atomic_RcX4dare you trolling?05:46
bugzbunnyAtomic_RcX4d: I am trying to help05:46
sputnik13apt-get autoremove was what I needed05:46
sputnik13lotuspsychje ^05:46
lotuspsychjesputnik13: ahhh; holded back packages makes sense05:46
lotuspsychjesputnik13: +105:47
bugzbunnyAtomic_RcX4d: It's very unfortunate, while I am trying to help you, you using it for granted05:47
bugzbunnyAtomic_RcX4d: I'd prefer, if you actually really need help, I can help you05:47
bugzbunnyOtherwise, it's a bit disrespectful05:47
Atomic_RcX4dhow im i using anything for granted?05:47
bugzbunnyI want to help, but it seems you not take me seriously, and doing it in a playful way05:48
Atomic_RcX4di asked a serious question05:48
bugzbunnyI'd prefer, if you actually have a problem, we work on fix it that?05:48
bugzbunnyWell, From what I read, that's not the case05:49
Atomic_RcX4dthis isnt a fix a problem channel is basic ubuntu channel05:49
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Atomic_RcX4di had questions05:49
Atomic_RcX4ddont be a menace05:49
bugzbunnyAtomic_RcX4d: Why are you here? because I'd like to see, they say you are trolling05:50
bugzbunnyAtomic_RcX4d: If you believe that Ubuntu channel is about helping people05:50
Atomic_RcX4dim screenshotting everything because i know in irc channels admins can be abusive an pick fights with people just asking questions...05:50
bugzbunnyWhat's the link Ubuntu channel guidelines05:50
lotuspsychjeAtomic_RcX4d: stop it please05:51
Atomic_RcX4dyou guys are really steering me away from ising ubuntu at all. and you shouldnt make people feel that way when they come here for information. its not very professional05:51
Atomic_RcX4dnow im leaving05:52
Atomic_RcX4dgoood day05:52
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:53
siva_machinaBy telling you to follow the guidelines.05:54
siva_machinaAlso last I check this channel is for Ubuntu not ubuntu-touch05:54
Atomic_RcX4dfrom guidelines Telling people to "RTFM" or to "just google it" is not very polite. Ideally, you should find them a link, or at least give them some directions to documentation they can use. 05:58
Atomic_RcX4dyou basically left me to google everything you assholes05:58
bugzbunnyI have been here two days05:59
bugzbunnyI haven't seen that behavior you are talking about05:59
Frankfurt_SoupIs ubuntu-touch for mobile devices and such?06:00
lotuspsychjeFrankfurt_Soup: canonical has detached ubuntu-touch project06:01
bugzbunnyFrankfurt_Soup: AFAIK, it's discontinued06:01
lotuspsychjeFrankfurt_Soup: but the project has taken over by #ubports community and very alive06:01
Frankfurt_SoupOk cool thanks for the info :-)06:01
lotuspsychjeFrankfurt_Soup: check their cool website for sure, and telegram group over 1000 users06:02
Frankfurt_SoupIm browsing the website now :-) whats telegram?06:02
lotuspsychjeFrankfurt_Soup: telegram is a social chat program used from ubuntu and ubuntu-touch06:05
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Frankfurt_SoupLotuspsychje ok cool ill check it out, thanks06:11
lotuspsychjeFrankfurt_Soup: sudo snap find telegram on your ubuntu system06:19
bugzbunnyGive a line?06:20
bugzbunnyI tab up06:20
bugzbunnyIgnore me06:20
Frankfurt_SoupAhhh looks like ubuntu-touch only supports one model of tablet :-(06:31
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bunnymanHi all06:41
Frankfurt_SoupDoes anyone here have much experience with ubuntu-touch? Am i still able to instal it on a tablet thats not officially supported?06:42
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bunnymanhmm, it's a matter if there is a driver available it06:42
Frankfurt_SoupOk so i can try to install it still but it just might not work?06:44
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bunnymanyes the thing that makes it work is the support for touch interface through the available drivers @Frankfurt_soup06:46
Frankfurt_SoupBunnyman ok cool so thats my project for tonight :-) might even try it on my old mate 906:48
bugzbunnyThe touch interface06:48
bugzbunnyHave fun06:48
bunnyman@Frankfurt_soup you have some fun...if worse comes to worse...make your own driver ;)06:48
bunnymanhow do you do that? I have no idea but I can be done lol06:49
Frankfurt_SoupBunnyman lol thats beyond my capabilites06:49
maumhow can I access docker from outside?06:49
maumI installed oracle docker on ubuntu06:49
bunnyman@Frankfurt_soup Same on my part06:49
bunnyman@Maum assign a public ip06:49
maumbunnyman: on docker image?06:50
maumbunnyman: the ubuntu ip is the public ip06:50
bunnyman@maum are you talking about like a VM06:50
bunnymanlike KVM or VB06:50
bugzbunnyI don't DOcker to well06:50
bunnymanor ESXI?06:50
maumbunnyman: not actually VM but docker06:50
bugzbunnybunnyman: Docker is LXC06:50
bunnymanhmm let me research sorry06:51
bunnymanI get them confused06:51
bugzbunnyDocker is like LXC06:51
bunnymanI think of the whale I think VM for some reason06:51
bugzbunnyIt's not VM06:51
bugzbunnyIt's a container06:51
bugzbunnyI don't know docker to well06:51
bunnymanso a sandbox?06:52
bugzbunnyGoogle lxc and coker06:52
bugzbunnyYou need to learn a bit more what it does, it's not just sandbox06:52
bunnymanhmm will do, maybe I can use it...weird sorry @maum I wish I could help06:53
bugzbunnyThe best way to explain it06:53
bugzbunnyIt shares the same host kernel06:53
bugzbunnyBut you can contain different distributions06:54
bugzbunnyYou can do the same for applications06:54
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bunnymanhmm interesting...definitely will get some more information on06:55
bunnymanthankyou @bugzbunny06:55
bugzbunnybunnyman: I have 7 Redhat containers07:00
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amosbirdhow can I make linux boot on DP2 ?08:08
amosbirdit keeps switching back to the laptop screen and after xorg started, switching back08:09
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Frankfurt_SoupIm going to switch my win10 laptop to ubuntu but im stuck deciding what flavour, do any in particular stand out over the others?08:28
dadabidethello, cant I search for pattern in the "files" browser in ubuntu 16?08:30
dadabidetfor example I want to display all image files in a directory that have many subdirectories08:31
lotuspsychjeFrankfurt_Soup: ubuntu 18.04 is comming out in april08:32
lotuspsychjeFrankfurt_Soup: otherwise any long time support version is a good choice in many cases08:32
dadabidetsearching for *.png doesn't ork08:32
lotuspsychjeFrankfurt_Soup: flavor itself, is really a users choice, or if your hardware needs it?08:33
Frankfurt_SoupLotuspsychje im tossing up between budgie or kde what are your opinions? My laptop is a predator gaming laptop so its got plenty of power08:34
EriC^^dadabidet: find -iname '*.png'08:35
dadabidetEriC^^, I meant in the Files manager, not in command line08:35
ducasseFrankfurt_Soup: boot both installers in 'try ubuntu' mode and see which one you like08:35
dadabidetalthough I just searched for "png" and it did what I wanted08:36
EriC^^ok cool08:36
lotuspsychjeFrankfurt_Soup: budgie is lightweight and kde uses more resources and eye candy08:36
lotuspsychje!flavors | Frankfurt_Soup08:37
ubottuFrankfurt_Soup: Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours08:37
lotuspsychjeFrankfurt_Soup: ask yourself what you really want/need perhaps? what will you be doing on your machine?08:37
Frankfurt_SoupLotuspsychje general laptop stuff i guess, web browsing, some games, remote admin, just all sorts really lol08:40
lotuspsychjeFrankfurt_Soup: if your system can handle them, try them out as ducasse suggested, findout your personal likings :p08:42
Frankfurt_SoupThe pc have a gtx 1060 an i7 7700hq cpu and 32gig ram08:42
lotuspsychjeFrankfurt_Soup: thats gona rocknroll mate, and welcome to the ubuntu community08:42
Frankfurt_SoupYeah i guess i can always install another DE if i dont like the original08:43
lotuspsychjeFrankfurt_Soup: yeah you can test multiple DE's from one flavor aswell, but we reccomend if you like one, to clean install08:43
Frankfurt_SoupIm not exactly new to ubuntu but thanks :-) I already have an ubuntu server running for playing around with08:43
lotuspsychjeFrankfurt_Soup: feel free to join us @ #ubuntu-discuss08:44
Frankfurt_SoupLotuspsychje yeah ill do that, might start with kde cause its pretty lol and if i have any issues ill see how budgie goes08:44
hateballFrankfurt_Soup: make sure you install nvidia drivers asap, or you wont have a pleasant experience in plasma. nor will games work very well08:48
hateballFrankfurt_Soup: it is also quite possible you need to use !nomodeset to boot/install at all08:48
Frankfurt_SoupHateball noted thanks :-)08:49
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yoggI try to migrate to netplan from network/interfaces. What I have not found yet is how to bring up an interface without config ("manual" keyword in network/interfaces)09:24
yoggdoes someone know how to do this in netplan?09:24
yoggIn the migrate script (netplan ifupdown-migrate) is also nothing for "manual" https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/netplan/blob/master/netplan/cli/commands/migrate.py09:29
immy1101i have motion with a webcam running on system. when i start motion (records video when it detects motion) on the machine, it works as expected. But when I ssh in and start motion, it doesnt start recording upon detecting motion09:43
immy1101im assuming it is detecting motion09:43
immy1101i have a feeling it has something to do with the webcam09:43
immy1101i don't think the webcam is working when i run motion over ssh09:44
immy1101why would that be?09:44
greatnameNot sure if this is the right place to ask, but I suppose asking on the security forums takes a lot of time.09:52
greatnameRouter is safer than ethernet for security, right?09:52
greatnameHow would you protect your ethernet-wired pc?09:53
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^peter^greatname Sure the ethernet is more secure locally, but you are still going to connect to a remote internet provider, and a more secure system there is to have a VPN, and encryption of your stuff to the VPN.10:02
^peter^Whether the VPN is trustworthy is another question ?10:03
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greatnameSo if I've got it right, the VPN hides your ip (even from your router) so it can't be searched and exploited?10:06
nerbno, a vpn provides encryption from your machine to your router. Encryption beyond the router is not guaranteed. Your IP is not hidden.10:07
nerb"security over an untrusted network"10:08
greatnameOkay, got it. Thank you all!10:10
xiao_who am i10:12
xiao_do you died10:12
xiao_1        110:13
xiao_1        110:13
xiao_1         110:13
xiao_1         110:13
akik!ops | xiao_10:13
ubottuxiao_: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax10:13
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herka_hello, how do i safey clean /var/log10:18
herka_Its taking 6 GB10:18
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xzrherka_: try to find out the largest ones and just remove with rm10:19
Jonno_FTWdoes amdgpu-pro not work on 16.04.04?10:19
JimBuntuherka_, Please look into setting up logrotate10:21
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immy1101i have motion with a webcam running on system. when i start motion (records video when it detects motion) on the machine, it works as expected. But when I ssh in and start motion, it doesnt start recording upon detecting motion10:33
immy1101i don't think the webcam is working when i run motion over ssh10:33
immy1101why would that be?10:33
BluesKajHI folks10:33
tsjoaquimHello everyone, everything good?10:37
tsjoaquimI would like to promote my work, I am a developer and I created a portal for web mining that is available at http://www.supermine.club10:37
tsjoaquimWe are working for 5 days,so if you give me some feedback or if you need some help go to Telegram Group at https://t.me/joinchat/EYa2gREWxxIZ7aYJ1tbaQg.10:37
tsjoaquimAnyone who can at least give feedback will already be helping a lot !!!10:37
tsjoaquimThank you guys!!!10:37
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akiktsjoaquim: no advertising, please10:39
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tsjoaquimakik: no ads... im request some feedback of my project in many communit... but i dont speek about then him... tx man :)10:41
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nightlydawnHey does anybody have Osu! running stable on kubuntu11:13
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UnregisteredScumG'day all, just wondering if anyone has experienced the grub install dummy failure and if there is any resolution? It appears to only happen with LUKS/LVM with explicit partitioning. It appears to work OK with the installer defaults for LUKS/LVM (with the downside being that the swap partition size can't be specified).11:33
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pragmaticenigmaUnregisteredScum, the installer doesn't have the ability to do that type of custom partitioning during install. You could try resizing the LVM partition after the fact and then create/move your swap to it's own partition outside LVM11:44
pragmaticenigmaUnregisteredScum, https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/356635/creating-custom-sized-lvm-partitions-during-installation-debian11:45
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bluescreenhow open i a file as root to copy what in?11:59
RoBzsudo nano filename11:59
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OlofLI have a Ubuntu VM Guest. Its running logical volume managed disk as root disk. How can I expand this _12:07
roscoIs there a way to know which package changed a file? (in my case /etc/pam.d/common-auth)12:08
SimarillionG'morning masters, journeymen/journeywomen, apprentices, helpers & fellow nubs.12:10
UnregisteredScumpragmaticenigma, I just assumed it would support such a setup, since that is how it does it when using the guided partitioning for encrypting the whole disk. I went the resizing route previously (i.e. shrink the file system, then the LV, and then expand the second LV), but it started spitting out superblock errors (maybe I just did something wrong), so I thought this might be the better approach.12:13
SimarillionI came here as the answer eluded me EVERYwhere else (i mean 4 hours of mining the linux forums, tech forums re: efi boot partition settings for standalone xUbuntu to run solo on this ASUS after finaaally! getting the answer to a long time problem from happy_hacker in this channel.12:14
SimarillionMy problem was created by 2 pranksters standing over me and lecturing me on settings. The last time i listened to these characters i trashed my whole grub.12:15
SimarillionI am now trying to become better aquainted with Gparted Live instead of gdisk/command line (using Ubuntu Live via bootable UEFI (fat 32 fs) USB thumb drive).12:17
deemOlofL: add a new disk or partition to the lvm and resize it and afterwards resize the fs12:18
freakynlHi, I'm trying to use Ubuntu 17.10.1 live to change secure boot certificates. Upon running efi-readvar it says 'No efivarfs filesystem is mounted'. It is mounted however and visible under /sys/firmware/efi/efivars. Any ideas?12:20
UnregisteredScumRegardless, I don't know if the grub error is due to LVM or LUKS, and what the solution is. Whether to do all the partitioning manually before running the installer, or if I just accept the installer defaults and try to retrofit it afterwards. Either way, not very flexible.12:20
SimarillionAll i ask is that if someone could, kindly, please correct me if I am wrong. The proper amount of space in the space provided to input the__ MiB preceeding the EFI boot partition is 1 mB, as i did before using gdisk. This is a standalone install of xUbuntu on a 'laptop'/ASUS vivo with UEFI bios set properly  as of yesterday night.12:21
happy_hackerSimarillion: My EFI system partitions are all 500 MiB, and I use either parted or gdisk in CLI. Are you booting UEFI or MBR?12:22
SimarillionI was ranked on and made sport of for 3 hours already and told I have to input 100 mB at least as MiB preceeding.12:23
EriC^^Simarillion: no, a 1mb partition is used for booting gpt + legacy not uefi12:25
happy_hackerSimarillion: And your disk partitions have which label? parted /dev/sda print  where sda is *your* disk in question12:25
UnregisteredScumIt doesn't require trailing space. It requires 17KiB at the start of the disk for the protective MBR and the GPT header and entries, but is usually allocated 1MiB for alignment purposes. The same applies to the end of the disk, except there is no protective MBR, so it's only 16.5KiB plus whatever space is required to align it to a 1MiB boundary. Is that what you mean?12:25
SimarillionIt was running Windows 8.1, i took out the old HDD and installed SSD. I figured out and calculated all my partitions so that NO space beyond 1 mB would be left unused.12:26
SimarillionSo 1 MiB preceeding the EFI boot partition is correct, in essence.12:26
happy_hackerSimarillion: The question is whether your disk partition table is gpt or mbr (msdos).12:27
UnregisteredScumYes, but as free space, doesn't need to be partitioned.12:27
UnregisteredScumBut you could have only 17KiB preceeding and it would work if you didn't require alignment on 1MiB boundaries.12:27
UnregisteredScumBut most of the partitioning software seems to just slap it at 1MiB.12:28
happy_hackerSimarillion: issue:  parted /dev/sda print|curl -F 'f:1=<-' ix.io    and give us the link please12:28
SimarillionOh, THAT is GREAT news. 17 kB!!12:28
happy_hackerSimarillion: Here is just one of my laptops booting UEFI with GPT table: http://ix.io/10UA12:29
SimarillionYes that is what i needed to go over. I know it didn't need me to enter the trailing space..but the start of the protective boot /mbr12:30
happy_hackerSimarillion: And btw, I partitioned that disk the way I wanted and installed: DISTRIB_RELEASE=17.1012:31
Simarillioni read the entire Linux magazine article on SSD, page, block and GPT volumes! lol, you made my day again, it has been Hell-O here this a.m.12:31
UnregisteredScumIn the context of the installer, it will take whatever space you assign for the initial partition (i.e. ESP) and subtract 1MiB to automatically make room for the headers at the start of the disk, so if you're OCD like I am, just add an extra 1MiB to the initial partition.12:31
* happy_hacker must be on ignore12:31
happy_hackerUnregisteredScum: Where did you come up with this hypothesis?  ;)12:32
SimarillionIt is standalone xUbuntu.12:32
SimarillionOoooh, very nice..512 gb SSD.12:33
SimarillionYes, I'm a GPT volume.12:33
UnregisteredScumSpent the last 3 days reading documentation and determining header sizes to get partitions perfectly rounded... certainly not saying I'm an authority on the matter.12:33
SimarillionGPT table. Windows 8.1 x64 bit was the previous OS on this machine's former HDD.12:34
UnregisteredScum(But your offset of 1049kB/1024kiB seems to support what I just mentioned.)12:34
SimarillionOnly one solid state drive. The 256 SSD is a virgin (blank) drive.12:34
SimarillionYes but I have to go back in after the install and align the SSD. Gparted Live can also do this.12:36
SimarillionAlign the partitions on the SSD.12:36
UnregisteredScumYou shouldn't need to align them unless you're OCD. I believe the alignment was for performance purposes with mechanical hard drives.12:37
sreejaihey there12:38
SimarillionOptimally, it would have been better to have one full primary partition for everything. Adding a swap partition is not ideal for the efficiency and longevity of the SSD. I consulted the OEM re: that and the Ubuntu OS is really a great OS to run on SSD.12:38
SimarillionNo, the tech journals provide input on the matter. One moment..12:39
SimarillionIf I UEFI BIOS/GPT what should i set the space preceeding the EFI boot partition (if 1 MiB is incorrect for this machine)12:42
SimarillionI haven't partitioned the drive yet.12:43
SimarillionI must be OCD.12:43
UnregisteredScumGPT is 17kiB at the start of the disk, and is only 1MiB in total for alignment, but if you're using the installer, it will automatically allocate it for you but subtracting 1MiB from whatever you specify as the initial partition size (for GPT disks, typically the ESP).12:44
OlofLhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/MGxGxVFkJ3/ why wasnt my disk expanded?12:44
josNZHi, after configuring my wireless card during the server installer it autostarts at boot and after installing cinnamon the wireless it connected but the network manager applet says wireless unavailable.12:44
josNZHow can I get the applet to manage my wireless12:45
UnregisteredScumYou have to resize the file system within the LV.12:46
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SimarillionI'm going to use gdisk to verify it again (to be absolutely sure I have GPT capability)12:50
TheTechGuy[08:49]  TheTechGuy: Is it possible to have burpsuite and owasp running at the same time?12:50
UnregisteredScumFrom memory, there was a parameter for the lvextend to automatically resize the underlying file system, I think -r.12:50
UnregisteredScumBut you can do it manually as well.12:50
TheTechGuyHelp is appreciated👍12:50
SimarillionIt has been a rough morning.."don't poke the bear"..please.12:51
UnregisteredScumAnyway, have fun, bye for now.12:52
SimarillionYes, GPT (i checked it thricely, yesterday afternoon, 4 times last night and now this morning) reads, MBR protective, BSD not present, APM not present, GPT present (238.5 GB free)12:58
TheTechGuyYou having issues?12:59
TheTechGuyDm me12:59
SimarillionWhat is Dm?13:00
EriC^^Simarillion: what's your problem?13:00
SimarillionUnregisteredScum left.13:00
EriC^^oh good, maybe you can memoserv him, this channel is for ubuntu support issues13:02
SimarillionI have a GPT volume and the only question i have is what increment of MiB do i need to input in the space provided in GParted Live (try/then install because I'm pre-partitioning - prepping my partitions prior to install and will select the "Something Else" option to manually partition my GPT volume (machine/ASUS Vivobook UEFI Bios)13:02
EriC^^Simarillion: ^13:02
EriC^^Simarillion: anything over 100mb will do, the uefi standard is 512mib iirc13:03
SimarillionWhat proper amount of space is necessary to input for the allotment of space that need to preceed the EFI boot partition?13:04
SimarillionDo i leave that blank?13:04
EriC^^Simarillion: yeah it will take care of the alignment13:04
SimarillionUnregisteredScum said it was 17KiB.13:06
EriC^^Simarillion: just make sure to select the partition type as EFI and set the filesystem to fat3213:06
EriC^^hmm, i dont think so, i think he's referring to msdos partition table, the part where grub is embedded usually13:07
EriC^^it's not an issue on gpt, and that space is nonexistent, which is why for legacy booting you need to manually create a 1mib partition for it to be embedded in13:08
SimarillionI did this EriC13:09
SimarillionSo no 1 MiB preceeding.13:09
SimarillionLeave that space blank.13:09
EriC^^Simarillion: it will have 1 mib by default because of gpt13:10
EriC^^this is my partition table, it's gpt http://termbin.com/as2313:10
SimarillionI disabled Fast Boot, Launch CSM and Secure Boot Control in BIOS boot settings, altogether as per happy_hacker's advice.13:11
EriC^^that sounds good13:11
SimarillionOkay. SO i had it accordingly and my prankster relatives who came by with after there breakfast for scones and coffee made the most of trying to make a wreck of me by trying to confuse me.13:13
SimarillionThey run Ubuntu GNOME/UNITY.13:13
SimarillionSeveral distros.13:14
SimarillionI'm very grateful for this channel.13:14
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EriC^^yeah the ubuntu community is pretty helpful in general13:14
SimarillionIs it wrong to go back in and align the SSD partition before installing xUbuntu EriC^^13:14
Frankfurt_Souphi guys what can i do about this error? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5HQNqNjmTg/13:15
SimarillionI can do that with GParted.13:15
EriC^^Simarillion: if you want to sure why not13:15
SimarillionI'm trying to learn to use GParted Live aside from Gdisk.13:15
EriC^^Frankfurt_Soup: it means windows was hibernated or fast shutdown was used, and you can't mount it read-write13:16
EriC^^Frankfurt_Soup: you could boot into windows and restart instead of shutting down to avoid the fast shutdown13:17
EriC^^Simarillion: yeah, gdisk is pretty powerful, if you're learning about it that's great13:17
Frankfurt_SoupEriC^^ thats my data drive in my laptop which is now running kubuntu13:17
Frankfurt_Soupis there anything else i can do?13:18
EriC^^Frankfurt_Soup: ah, well, you could either mount it read-only, or you could use the 'ntfsfix' program to remove the hibernation13:18
SimarillionYou have to know the formulas for aligning using gdisk (various multiplicands and multipliers for offsets13:18
SimarillionI have them written down. Thank you EriC^^13:19
EriC^^Simarillion: i usually just create a partition table, and let gdisk handle the default starting sector13:20
Frankfurt_SoupEriC^^ mounting it read only will allow me to copy needed files from it still wont it?13:20
EriC^^Frankfurt_Soup: yup, it would13:20
Frankfurt_Soupok sweet thats a job for tomorrow :-)13:21
Frankfurt_SoupEriC^^ thanks for the help13:21
EriC^^Frankfurt_Soup: no problem :)13:21
SimarillionI have all the partitions calculated to make the most of partitioning the whole drive. It seems the boot partitions have expanded to 500 Kb - 1 Gb to allow for adding boot/volume rescue tools + the ubuntu installation *.iso13:23
SimarillionMaybe that doesn't pertain to a small SSD like mine.13:23
akika few years ago (before uefi?) the tools defaulted the first partition to start at 64 sectors13:24
akiknow it's 2048 512-byte sectors = 1 MiB13:25
SimarillionBuckets and ducats of thanx EriC^^, happy_hacker, and wherever UnregisteredScum (some nick, he has there) went off to.13:25
SimarillionI could not find this specific information in any post on the Ubuntu Forums/Ask Ubuntu/Tech forums/sites13:26
SimarillionI ran out of coffee and cigarettes, those were delivered and paid for thanks to the trusty pranksters who tried to scramble my brains with bad reco and advice regarding this issue.13:28
akikSimarillion: here's somebody who's drawn a picture of it https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/81556/area-on-disk-after-the-mbr-and-before-the-partition-start-point/81596#8159613:29
SimarillionI love, love THIS channel, and the people who give a care to lend a hand to an old gal.13:29
akikeven a history lesson :)13:29
JimBuntuSimarillion, then you may also like #ubuntu-offtopic13:29
SimarillionThanks for the channel info. I will enjoy it. Need a break from setup.13:31
SimarillionThank you. Will not interrupt further while you advise others.13:31
SimarillionB'bye channel. Much thanks.13:32
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estevamwhats uo13:35
estevamwhats up13:35
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Huliois there anyway to get rid of the left side menu ?14:09
Hulioi really hate left side menu14:09
HulioI would prefer menu on the top14:09
zanshinHulio: Use i3? :)14:09
Huliojust like the old ubuntu14:09
Huliozanshin, yes I use Intel i314:10
Huliowhy is that?14:10
pragmaticenigmaHulio, you can chose a different desktop environment like XFCE, LXDE, KDE14:10
HulioI have no clude14:10
zanshinNot Intel i3, the i3 window manager14:10
pragmaticenigmaHulio, there is no method for changing the sidebar into a drop down menu in Unity14:10
Hulioall i know is download ubuntu and install14:11
Huliomaybe show some directions?14:11
zanshinI was being facetious14:11
leftyfbHulio: if you're running 16.04, you can follow this: https://www.debugpoint.com/2016/04/install-classic-gnome-flashback-in-ubuntu-16-04-replacing-unity/14:11
Hulioi am on 16.0414:11
Huliook thanks14:11
leftyfbHulio: This is what I use. It's based on gnome 2.x14:12
pragmaticenigmaPlease ask your question Pyta, there isn't much we can do with the word Help14:14
RoBzhe gone14:14
RoBzafter 5 seconds xD14:15
pragmaticenigmaThanks RoBz, I have join/part disabled in my client... it gets too busy otherwise14:15
RoBztrue that, i need to turn that on for this channel actually14:16
Huliomust better now14:18
HulioI love classic14:18
Huliowhy do they change it to a left menu?14:18
Hulioso badly14:18
Huliothanks for your help14:18
pragmaticenigmaHulio, wish I knew, there are channels dedicated to gnome and other desktop managers. You might find the answer there.14:19
Huliolove the classic look... :) very happy14:19
ecormierHulio: maybe check out mate14:20
ecormiernot sure how 'classic' you mean14:20
ubottugarda: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».14:21
mister1_garda: ciao14:21
leftyfbgarda: please stop14:22
Huliook lastly, how can i do sftp server ?14:23
Hulioi remember i did it awhile ago14:23
Hulioenable sftp server14:23
ecormierI would suggest forgetting about sftp and look into sshfs14:23
pragmaticenigmaHulio, if you have openssh-server installed, you already have sftp enabled aswell14:23
Hulioyeah something like that14:24
Hulioyeah, now i remember, how to install ssh ?14:24
Huliosudo apt-get install openssh-server ?14:24
Huliook brb14:24
krukudiloHulio, if you don't want ssh I recommend vsftpd14:25
Hulioi want ssh14:25
Hulioafter install i'm done?14:25
Huliohow about adding user ?14:25
Hulioinstead of using my login14:25
Huliobasically, i want someone to sftp to me, but i want to create an account for that person though14:26
Hulioalso what is sftp port use?14:28
Hulioi need to port forwarding14:28
black_13is there an alternative to samba to connect between ubuntu filesystem to windows?14:29
pragmaticenigmaHulio, the default port for SSH/SFTP is 22, you will have to add a new user account to your system for an external user to be able to SFTP to you14:32
Hulioyes, but the problem is how to add new account? :)14:33
pragmaticenigmablack_13, you can use SFTP/SCP, however it does require an application to perform the file transfer. There is no built in tool other than windows file sharing in windows14:33
EriC^^Hulio: sudo adduser <username>14:33
Hulioah, thanks14:33
pragmaticenigmaHulio, here is al ittle more indepth answer14:34
black_13i can connect via samba but the authentication is not working14:37
black_13which password applies to samba the password for the user or the samba password14:37
pragmaticenigmasamba manages it's own users and passwords. So the password may not be the same as your ubuntu system password14:38
kiwi-n66sorry, wrong window. xx14:39
pragmaticenigmakiwi-n66, remember to change your passwords now14:39
black_13the user is ask for is companydomain\black_1314:39
black_13not just "black_13"14:40
pragmaticenigmaIs this for a company network with Active Directory?14:40
black_13no but i am on a company domain14:40
pragmaticenigmaIs the Ubuntu server part of the company domain?14:41
black_13i dont think so14:41
black_13oddly this worked yesterday14:41
pragmaticenigmaI think you can remove the domain prefix to the user name and it will work14:42
black_13i just noticed something my machine is on a domain14:43
black_13its black_13@company-name:/home/black_1314:43
pagioshello, say  i  have a hardware raid1 with 2 disks, if i remove one disk, plug it into computer , mount it and write some data and do the same for the other disk on another pc and then replug both disks into the raid 1 hardware, what would happen who overwrites who?14:59
TJ-pagios: real hardware RAID devices? depends if you over-write RAID metadata or not15:01
TJ-pagios: if you only write to the file-systems within the device, the hardware controller won't know or care, but the OS and applications likely will be rather upset15:02
eforeverwhat is the purpose of this app?15:03
pagiosTJ-, the hw controller wont care but will overwrite who on who?15:04
happy_hackerWhere do I report bugs with software from launchpad? Should I go directly to the owner of that repo?15:04
TJ-pagios: there is no 'overwrite' - you'll just have 2 supposedly identical file-systems with different content, and depending on which disk reads come from the OS and applications will see different data, which is likely to mess things up very quickly15:05
happy_hackereforever: define: this app15:06
TJ-happy_hacker: do you packages from Personal Package Archives (PPAs) ? Then yes, to the PPA owner15:06
Hulioguys, looks like chrome for ubuntu running(refresh) slow than chrome in windows15:06
Huliois that true?15:06
pagiosTJ-, so hardware raid checks on the filesystem level for consistency and not on the bits level?15:06
Huliofor some reason, i experience slower in vmware while it runs faster in window15:07
Huliomaybe I should use firefox but i love chrome!15:07
happy_hackerTJ-: http://ppa.launchpad.net/go-for-it-team/go-for-it-daily/ubuntu artful InRelease15:07
TJ-pagios: it can depend on the RAID controller; if you make changes to the data in the file-systems independently and put the disks back, unless the HW controller reads and compares every sector of the disks it won't know there's corruption15:08
happy_hackerTJ-: I didn't really understand "do you packages from Personal Package Archives (PPAs)"? I assume "do you use", and, <1w in Ubuntu and didn't know what PPA designated. Thanks15:08
TJ-pagios: generally, unless the HW controller already knows of a problem with one of the array members, it won't do a scan-and-rebuild.15:08
happy_hackerpagios: I'd bet a lot of renminbi that you will have corruption. Don't do eet.15:09
TJ-happy_hacker: arghh, my typos strike again!15:09
Kharma-Scribbles@Hulio I used to be strict Chrome for 10+ years, lately it's been super slow so just the other day I switched to Firefox 59.. love it.15:09
happy_hackerTJ-: np, my Asperger's leaves me not much room for guessing. I've been wanting to dialog with this guy, so it's a good time.15:09
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Kharma-ScribblesI'm new to Linux, and I'm new to using the command line, but I'm trying to learn.. I screwed up my SD card reader trying to reformat and make a new partition and fs today and I'm at a loss trying to figure out how to fix this..15:12
Kharma-ScribblesI can not mount my SD card .15:13
happy_hackerKharma-Scribbles: in a terminal issue "journalctl -f" and then plug it in15:13
happy_hackerKharma-Scribbles: as root15:13
TJ-Kharma-Scribbles: is it just one SD-card or are you having problems with other SD-cards too?15:13
happy_hackerKharma-Scribbles: after it reads it, issue "blkid|curl -F 'f:1=<-' ix.io" and post the link15:14
Kharma-Scribblesit says invalid filesystem15:14
happy_hackerKharma-Scribbles: nothing about it shows up in the first paste15:18
severnfoldsup guys15:18
happy_hackersevernfold: work15:18
severnfoldneed some help if you got  few mins15:18
severnfoldman im working from home today but hardly got any actual work done15:19
Kharma-Scribblesre: SD card.. when I try to mount from file manager for instance I get this error15:19
Kharma-ScribblesError mounting /dev/mmcblk1p1 at /media/chrx/0CBB-09B9: Command-line `mount -t "exfat" -o "uhelper=udisks2,nodev,nosuid,uid=1000,gid=1000,iocharset=utf8,namecase=0,errors=remount-ro,umask=0077" "/dev/mmcblk1p1" "/media/chrx/0CBB-09B9"' exited with non-zero exit status 32: mount: unknown filesystem type 'exfat'15:19
happy_hackerKharma-Scribbles: leave the "journalctl -f" running, unplug it, plug it in, wait until something about it shows up15:19
TJ-Kharma-Scribbles: oh, that's easy!15:19
kostkonKharma-Scribbles, you need install the exfat packages15:20
Kharma-ScribblesLol I'm so noob I have reformatted multi times and just cant get this15:20
severnfoldanyone any ideas how to get the bcm4360 nic working?15:20
klrAnyone know a terminal based Bonjour/mDNS chat client other than finch (requires a lot of X libraries)?15:20
Kharma-ScribblesI need a filesystem cokmpatible with installing/running steam games, so Linux needs to exacute files in it15:21
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happy_hackerKharma-Scribbles: so it is used by some other OS?15:21
TJ-Kharma-Scribbles: read the message. it refers to mmcblk1p1 that's MMC BLocK device 1 Partition 1 but your pastebin shows only mmcblk0 (device 0)15:22
Kharma-ScribblesSo, not Fat32 basically.15:22
happy_hackerapt-get install ntfs-3g ... Linux and that other OS can both read NTFS15:23
happy_hackerKharma-Scribbles: You'll need ntfs-3g for write access; do not enable/use any of the NTFS modules in the kernel, just the ntfs-3g package.15:23
TJ-!info exfat-utils | Kharma-Scribbles: do you have this package installed?15:24
ubottuKharma-Scribbles: do you have this package installed?: exfat-utils (source: exfat-utils): utilities to create, check, label and dump exFAT filesystem. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.7-1 (artful), package size 45 kB, installed size 231 kB15:24
Kharma-ScribblesI do15:25
Kharma-Scribblessorry I'm so slow with all this15:25
severnfoldis that an answer to me kharma?15:26
TJ-Kharma-Scribbles: the PC has an internall MMC device that it boots from as well as the external card reader, is that correct?15:26
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx15:26
zed_he has followed the forums and still has errors i told him to ask here15:27
Kharma-ScribblesI have ntfs-3g..15:27
Kharma-Scribbles@TJ thats correct15:27
severnfoldsup zed15:27
Kharma-ScribblesI duel boot with Chrome OS15:27
TJ-Kharma-Scribbles: OK, have you tried a reboot? it could be the reader controller/driver has got confused and it'll be fine once it's been restarted15:27
zed_the b43 installer is latest version but wireless still dosen't work15:28
TJ-!info exfat-fuse | Kharma-Scribbles also ensure you have this package15:28
ubottuKharma-Scribbles also ensure you have this package: exfat-fuse (source: fuse-exfat): read and write exFAT driver for FUSE. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.7-1 (artful), package size 28 kB, installed size 71 kB (Only available for linux-any; kfreebsd-any)15:28
Kharma-ScribblesYes, I've shut down and rebooted.. my USB device is read, my SD card slot was working fine before I started playing with the partition tables etc15:28
TJ-Kharma-Scribbles: If the reader itself is no longer appearing the first thing I'd check is the firmware setup menus at boot-time, in case it has somehow been disabled in firmware. These things aren't unknown!15:29
TJ-Kharma-Scribbles: also, sometimes, a complete power-off reboot can be required rather than a warm-reboot, in order to fully reset a problem device15:30
Kharma-Scribbles@TJ installing exfat-fuse now15:30
TJ-Kharma-Scribbles: if it wasn't installed that was the cause of the File Manager message that included " mount: unknown filesystem type 'exfat' "15:31
TJ-Kharma-Scribbles: so now hopefully all you need to do is bring the MMC reader bakc to life!15:31
anchnkhey, ubuntu LTS with unity, is there a built-in shortcut or a simple way to move mouse focus from one screen to the other using the keyboard ?15:34
Kharma-Scribbles... Wow15:34
Kharma-Scribbles@TJ thank you15:34
TJ-Kharma-Scribbles: working now?15:34
Kharma-ScribblesYes, and I saved a test text file and all works great as it should15:35
Kharma-ScribblesI feel dumb wow lol15:35
Kharma-Scribblesso easy15:35
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Kharma-ScribblesThanks to everyone. I am slowly learning I love that I switched away from Windows15:36
TJ-Kharma-Scribbles: we love the command line and log files because we can generally diagnose everything via them15:39
lmatKharma-Scribbles: Welcome.15:42
Kharma-ScribblesBelieve it or not I've come a long way but now that I'm playing around though I'm breaking everything.15:43
TJ-Kharma-Scribbles: I know the feeling! Best to 'play' inside a Virtual Machine if you can15:44
super_kozaHi there!15:46
super_kozaI have a dual boot with Windows 10 and Ubuntu 16.04.15:47
super_kozaI can't mount the Windows partition.15:47
iglowhy would u want to?15:48
super_kozaBecause I have a dual boot setup and I need to share data between systems.15:48
super_kozaI have turned off the fast boot option in Windows.15:49
Kharma-Scribbles@TJ I never thought about that, since I can't figure out how to use a GUI on my Linux instance on E2 I just got frustrated with the Cloud option and that's when I looked into duel booting..15:49
Kharma-Scribblesmy original plan was to use my linux VM to run desktop apps from my ChromeOS15:49
super_kozaI also tried restarting Windows and booting into Ubuntu, to achieve the full shut down, but that didn't help...15:49
super_kozaHere is the error message: https://ibb.co/jv1tuc15:49
Kharma-Scribblessince Chrome can't run Steam etc15:49
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TJ-super_koza: it tells you "Windows is hibernated"15:50
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super_kozaThis is how I try to auto-mount it: https://ibb.co/djR9Zc15:50
super_kozaTJ-: I have no idea what I could else do to bring it out of the hibernated state...15:51
super_kozaAs I said, fast boot is turned off and I tried restarting Windows and booting into Ubuntu...15:51
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TJ-super_koza: there's a flag in NTFS file-systems that indicates if the hibernate image is active; it seems it is in your case. Not sure how you influence that other than disabling fastboot and doing a proper shutdown15:56
super_kozaTJ-: Damn, I did just that...15:57
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zulrax_hey i have a problem where the amdgpupro kernel module fail to build, this is the install progress https://pastebin.com/5W5HMCPS . and here is the crash report https://pastebin.com/p80WJkDf15:59
SilverswordIs there a standard mechanism in Ubuntu somewhere for handling scheduled automatic LVM snapshots as cryptolocker protection for a SMB server? Anyone know of articles...my google searches haven't found anything.16:00
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TJ-!info snapper | Silversword16:06
ubottuSilversword: snapper (source: snapper): Linux filesystem snapshot management tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.0-2 (artful), package size 327 kB, installed size 1771 kB (Only available for linux-any)16:06
SilverswordMany thx TJ- I'll check that out :)16:07
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sla3kHi, So I have this issue here where the server is Ubuntu 16.10 (code name yakkety) which reached EOL back in July 2017; I want to install a few packages on this machine, is it possible in any way (minus the manual compile)...?16:17
sjohnsonprobably a FAQ but, how does one know what values to stick in fstab when mount /blah /somewhere works automatically?16:18
sla3kRight now I am getting this while doing "apt update": https://pastebin.com/9nZPXY9j16:19
TJ-sla3k: edit /etc/apt/sources.list  and use http://old-releases.ubuntu.com instead of http://archive.ubuntu.com/  ... and then upgrade to a supported release!16:20
TJ-!eolupgrade | sla3k16:20
ubottusla3k: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades16:20
sla3kTJ-: thanks, will look at those.16:20
sneakyimpam I correct in understanding that there's no apt package option for getting apache running in event mode?16:21
sneakyimpi tried setting apache to event mode but it complained that php was not compiled for threaded mode. i uninstalled/reinstalled libapache2-mod-php7.0 and it switched apache back to prefork16:22
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naccsneakyimp: yes, i believe that is correct16:29
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freecoderhi all, how do i install the ncurses-devel package on 17.10? apt throws the following error - https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/sP4K8YsFwz/16:35
freecoderah installing libncurses-dev fixed it16:36
HorribleProgramHello ubunutu, I plugged in a fresh usb that I just bought (16GB)16:42
HorribleProgramit only has 4.1MB of free space, the rest (16GB) is not free space, it says "Partition 1 16 GB FAT"16:42
maddawg2HorribleProgram, is it a fake chinese flash drive?16:43
HorribleProgramnever heard of them :P16:44
maddawg2or maybe you dont have it formatted correctly16:44
HorribleProgramI never formatted it16:44
HorribleProgramidk how to16:44
pavlosHorribleProgram: use gparted to see partitions16:44
hggdhHorribleProgram: so, what is the problem? It is pre-allocated as FAT16:44
HorribleProgrampavlos: I'm using the disks utility in GNOME16:44
HorribleProgramhggdh: I believe so16:45
HorribleProgramcan I put a movie on it to give to my dad even if it's FAT?16:45
hggdhHorribleProgram: ys, you can16:45
HorribleProgramhggdh: okay sweet.16:45
HorribleProgrambtw, different file system types are stupid af16:46
kostkonHorribleProgram, fat is the only safe bet actually16:47
hggdhHorribleProgram: no, they are not. Different filesystems usually cater to different use scenarios16:47
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sneakyimpnacc: thanks for response. can you suggest the best way to get apache running in event mode with php7-fpm?16:50
sneakyimpnacc: I'm also concerned about breaking apache/php when i update packages. e.g., what if i apt-get upgrade and it reverts apache to prefork? is that something i need to worry about?16:51
serei added this to fstab and now cant write to the drive. UUID=4C6C38516C3837D2 /media/wd ntfs-3g defaults,uid=0,gid=0,umask=0022,fmask=0133 0 016:56
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pavlossere: what's the output of 'mount | grep media'17:05
serepavlos: /dev/sdb1 on /media/wd type fuseblk (rw,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,default_permissions,allow_other,blksize=4096)17:06
pavlossere: it is rw17:14
pavlossere: what are the perms of /media/wd17:15
akikSergioMeneses: you set uid=0 and gid=0 <= root user17:17
xgptwhat is the expected release date for the next LTS? also when is LTS support supposed to fall off? I'm debating between the current regular ubuntu and the current LTS. I just want to install-once-and-forget desktop experience for a lenovo SL410 laptop I have. It's older I know, but I'm just looking for something that will be ***STABLE*** and **FAST**. Also are there any suggestions for non-mainline releases17:19
xgptfor my use-case? I used to use GNOME back in the day, and prefer a VERY VERY simple desktop experience. xubuntu/lubuntu are appealing but I worry about stability compared to the mainline releases/LTS release and the DEFAULT desktop. Are LUBUNTU/XUBUNTU well supported variants? (is XUBUNTU even developed anymore? I only ever see references to LUBUNTU)17:19
xgpthow stable is bionic beaver?17:20
bugzbunnyxgpt: I hear, for 18.04, you should wait 3 months, before installing as rule of thumb17:22
bugzbunnyxgpt: It's on the 26th, of April though17:22
xgptbugzbunny: that's very fair. I always seem to find myself looking up where a distro is in the release cycle and it's ALWAYS right right **RIGHT** before the NEXT LTS cycle lolol. I guess 16.04 is still plenty well supported for office/web browsing use?17:23
bugzbunnyGoogle Ubuntu LTS life-cycle17:23
xgptwhich variant would y'all suggest for a student who just needs FAST and NON LAGGY web browsing/office suite use? (whatever suite is default will be good)17:23
tgm4883xgpt: Ubuntu LTS is 5 years17:23
tgm4883flavor LTS I believe is 3 years17:24
xgptso 16.04 will get not just security but also feature releases? I was confused by my findings because I'm not sure what sa17:24
xgptwhat a "hardware" vs. a "maintainance" update is. I'17:24
xgptI'm used to seeing "security-only" and such17:24
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack17:24
xgptbut like...for instance. How updated will Firefox be compared to the NEXT lts release?17:26
xgptspecifically that actually loll17:26
tgm4883firefox will get updated17:26
akiksere: you set uid=0 and gid=0 <= root user17:28
xgptso I can just stick with 16.04 and it'll stay pretty much good as 18.04?17:28
hggdhxgpt: yes, you can keep on 16.04, you still have 3 years of support17:29
hggdhxgpt: on the other hand, most packages will only receive bug/security fixes (apart from HWE, FFOX, X stack, and perhaps a few others)17:30
hggdhxgpt: but you can also use snap for more up-to-date *versions* (like LibreOffice)17:31
xgptfair. So my real question is, mate vs ubuntu-gnome-desktop vs ubuntu-desktop. I don't understand the difference between mate vs. ubuntu-gnome-desktop, but I don't really like unity and want to stick with what I know, I haven't used a linux desktop since...ugh...2008? 2009? what's the most similar to that? I'd like to stay current though.17:34
xgptwill non-ubuntu-desktop(unity) be more buggy? I'm going to be upgrading my ubuntu server installation of 16.04 on this sl41017:34
happy_hackerxgpt: sounds like Mate, which iirc, is forked Gnome217:34
tgm4883xgpt: ubuntu mate uses the mate desktop17:35
tgm4883and as happy_hacker stated, gnome 217:35
leftyfbxgpt: why do you need a desktop on a server to begin with?17:38
cetrtekhello how tu run wine in lubuntu17:38
leftyfbcetrtek: wine <windows program name>17:39
leftyfbcetrtek: wine <windows executable name>17:39
leftyfbcetrtek: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine17:40
cetrtekhow to start it with right mouse button17:40
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xgptleftyfb: it's a laptop I used to use as a server for tinkering, but I need a new desktop because I just need a second desktop right now, so just need to install the rest of the packages17:43
francisvHi. Question about environment variables in Ubuntu 17.10.  At the very end of my '~/.bashrc' file, I add 'export MYVARIABLE=value'.  In terminal, the variable is there when I do `echo $MYVARIABLE', but no other applications inherit those variables.17:52
francisvFor example, evince does not do it, Emacs starting from a launcher either17:53
francisvWhere should I set environment variables in Ubuntu?17:53
akikfrancisv: if you start the application, it'll be inherited. another place to put environment variable would be /etc/profile.d or /etc/environment17:53
akikfrancisv: i meant if you start the application FROM the terminal17:53
francisvakik: I assumed all the time they would be inherit, but they don't17:53
francisvakik: yes, if I start the application from the terminal they are inherit17:54
francisvbut I start applications from the Ubuntu launch pad17:54
akikfrancisv: read my message -^17:55
francisvif I declare the environment variables in /etc/environment or profile.d, would they be inherit if I start applications from the launcher?17:55
akikfrancisv: yes17:55
francisvah ok, I'll try now17:55
francisvafter declaring those variables there, do I source those files?17:55
akikfrancisv: i think /etc/environment would suit you perfectly17:55
francisvI'll try17:55
akikfrancisv: /etc/environment is only read during the boot, i think17:56
francisvakik: I need to reboot then17:57
akikfrancisv: it's also read when logging in17:57
francisvakik: I modified /etc/environment and now I cannot login to my user name18:06
francisvuser account18:06
francisvI think I copy/pasted the export command that I had in .bashrc into it18:06
DrEmmettBrownSo, y'all know what to do when there ain't no linux drivers for your device?18:07
DrEmmettBrownMoved to full ubuntu install and forgot about my wireless dongle18:07
francisvhow can I enter to Ubuntu in terminal mode, so I can fix /etc/environment?18:07
DrEmmettBrowncontrol alt f118:08
DrEmmettBrownor just try from f1 to f618:09
francisvtrying but doesnt wokr18:09
DrEmmettBrowntry from f1 to f618:09
DrEmmettBrownnow put your user and then pass18:09
akikfrancisv: the file has the format: VARIABLE="value"18:11
akikfrancisv: still unable to login?18:12
francisvI managed to login in terminal mode18:12
francisvedited the file by removing 'export'18:13
akikfrancisv: what is terminal mode?18:13
francisvstill not able to login, getting in to add ""18:13
DrEmmettBrownwhat did you do?18:14
francisvakik: what is the correct way to call it when I enter not using the GUI18:14
akikfrancisv: sorry, i didn't know it could bring such trouble with wrong syntax18:14
francisvbut Ctl + Alt + F218:14
DrEmmettBrownIt's called TTY18:14
sla3kWhat do you guys recommend for full server backup running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS? Paid service is surely an option here...I was looking at Mozy Pro but unfortunately it does not support Linux.18:14
DrEmmettBrownTTY mode to be exact18:14
akikfrancisv: virtual console18:14
DrEmmettBrownbtw do any of you know how to find drivers18:15
sla3kBackups be made everyday and the service should be able to do Bare Metal Restore18:15
DrEmmettBrownlike, aparently my dongle doesnt have a linux version18:15
francisvwell, I have changed the syntax, but it does not let me login in GUI18:15
francisvthey are four variables now18:16
akikfrancisv: what do you have there?18:16
francisvI have PATH, CUPS_USER18:17
francisv(obviuosly not with comma18:17
francisveach variable in a line18:17
iainwhats up homies18:18
akikfrancisv: you can probably catch the error with ". /etc/environment"18:18
francisvok, I know what was the problem18:18
francisvI had two times PATH, the second time was adding it for it self18:18
francisvas it was in '.bashrc'18:18
iainhow do you install silerlight on chromium?18:19
iainwanna watch some netflix18:19
francisvI removed that and now I managed to logged in in GUI18:19
francisvis it correct to say that I logged-in in GUI mode=18:19
akikfrancisv: sure18:20
francisvI'll check whether the environment variables are inherited by other programs now18:21
akikfrancisv: new versions of ubuntu include two separate gui systems, xorg and wayland, so it can be also more descriptive to say maybe "logged into an xorg session or into an wayland session"18:21
francisvakik: how can I know which type of GUI system I am using now?18:21
akikfrancisv: echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE18:22
francisvWayland is suppose to replace xorg, isn't?18:23
akikfrancisv: some day, but not yet18:23
Jcbullethi guys18:23
Jcbulletanyone here know about porxys being used with upnp ?18:23
sjohnsonhi guys.  i used mount to mount an exFAT partition that shows up as "fuseblk" in the mount command after.18:24
sjohnsondoes that suggest that if i want it to work in fstab on bootup, i should use "fuseblk" as the filesystem type?18:24
francisvAll applications inherit my environment variables now.  Thank you akik.  In this case, it was possible to edit /etc/environment because I have sudo privileges.  Is there a way to initialize environment variables that have the same effect, but without sudo privileges?  The scope would be only my user.18:24
francisvI want to add my GPGKEY as environment variable.  I should not do that in /etc/environments18:26
francisvI used to have it in .bashrc18:26
francisv.profile would do the same as .bashrc, I suppose18:27
akikfrancisv: yes environment is for all users18:27
akikfrancisv: for bash there's .bash_profile and .bashrc. .bash_profile load .bashrc18:27
francisvakik: all variables initialized in those configuration files would take effect only in terminal18:28
francisvhow would you make them take effect in all programs initialized outside terminal?18:29
akikfrancisv: i'm drawing a blank now18:31
pragmaticenigmafrancisv, you can modify and add export variables to your .bashrc file in your user home directory. Add them at the very end. This will establish those environment variables for each terminal session.18:32
naccfrancisv: akik: i think pam can do this18:32
naccspecifically, pam_env18:32
pragmaticenigmafrancisv, this only works for applications and programs that you manually initiate. The would not work with user defined CRON tasks18:32
francisvpragmaticenigma: yes, those variables are effective for terminals, but I want programs started outside terminal to inherit those variables18:32
akikfrancisv: .bash_profile does it18:33
pragmaticenigmaah, I guess I didn't fully understand what you meant18:33
francisvakik: trying18:34
analogicalwhere can I find games for Ubuntu?18:35
pragmaticenigmaI think akik mean .bashrc not .bash18:35
naccpragmaticenigma: .bash_profile is different than .bashrc18:35
francisvpragmaticenigma: I tried .bashrc before18:35
francisvit did not work18:35
pragmaticenigmaanalogical, all supported games are available in the ubuntu software center18:35
francisvvariables in .bashrc were available only in terminal18:36
naccfrancisv: the second answer at  https://askubuntu.com/questions/866161/setting-path-variable-in-etc-environment-vs-profile has some good details18:36
francisvnot inherited in other programs18:36
pragmaticenigmanacc, akik  i see it now... hexchat doesn't display underscores for me for some rason18:36
naccpragmaticenigma: that seems ... bad18:36
akikyou can check it with "ps auxwwfe" output. that gives out all the environment variables for the processes (the e option)18:36
krukudiloanalogical, https://lgdb.org/18:37
pragmaticenigmanacc, I have it set to "monospace 9" and they disappear... any font larger than that is too big on my screen18:37
francisvthanks you akik, nacc, and pragmaticenigma for the discussion.  '.bash_profile' did the job.18:38
naccpragmaticenigma: strange18:38
DrEmmettBrownhow can I use a custom driver18:39
DrEmmettBrownand find it18:39
naccDrEmmettBrown: for what?18:40
DrEmmettBrownwifi dongle18:40
DrEmmettBrownno signs of a linux driver18:40
naccDrEmmettBrown: what device, specifically?18:40
DrEmmettBrownLinksys WUSB 6100M18:41
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francisvI forgot to thank DrEmmettBrown for helping also :)18:41
naccDrEmmettBrown: https://askubuntu.com/questions/799104/unable-to-get-linksys-wusb6100m-wireless-adapter-to-work18:41
naccDrEmmettBrown: seems unsupported on linux, fullstop18:41
DrEmmettBrownwell on other topic18:42
naccah but there was some upstream churn: https://marc.info/?l=linux-wireless&m=148434332728333&w=218:42
nacclet me read18:42
DrEmmettBrowncan I make a hotspot through the same adapter18:42
naccDrEmmettBrown: also, please watch your language in the channel18:42
naccDrEmmettBrown: well ... you'd only be able to do that if the adapter worked?18:43
naccDrEmmettBrown: what version of ubuntu are you on?18:43
DrEmmettBrownthanks anyway18:43
DrEmmettBrownalso 16.0418:43
naccDrEmmettBrown: using hwe or not?18:43
naccDrEmmettBrown: `uname -r` would tell us18:43
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ioriaDrEmmettBrown, if that thing has winXp drivers available , you could try  ndiswrapper18:46
naccioria: waiting to hear back, as it looks like the wireless driver usb support was added upstream in 4.1318:46
naccso they could try 18.04 or hwe-edge (I think)18:46
naccor wait, hwe stock should have 4.13, nm18:47
iorianacc, right18:47
DrEmmettBrownnope it has win 7 and up18:47
naccDrEmmettBrown: hrm, can you pastebin the dmesg?18:48
DrEmmettBrownsorry, just got into ubuntu full time so idk a lot of the stuff18:48
naccDrEmmettBrown: run `dmesg | pastebinit` in a terminal18:48
naccDrEmmettBrown: it will emit a URL (note you might need to install pastebinit first)18:48
naccDrEmmettBrown: ok, it sees your device18:50
naccDrEmmettBrown: line 73718:50
DrEmmettBrownI see18:50
naccDrEmmettBrown: hrm, can you pastebin `lsusb` and `ip a` outputs ?18:51
DrEmmettBrownI append | pastebinit so it gives me the link right18:51
naccDrEmmettBrown: yeah18:51
naccDrEmmettBrown: it's possible the driver isn't bonding to the device for some reason, but it seems like the kernel does see it ... i guess also `lsmod | grep ath | pastebinit`18:52
DrEmmettBrownlsusb: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jFYByBZk45/18:53
naccDrEmmettBrown: ok, line 3 of that is your atheros device18:54
naccDrEmmettBrown: https://marc.info/?l=linux-wireless&m=148434332728333&w=2 the original post talks about required firmware, i wonder if it's not being found18:54
DrEmmettBrowncould you help me with the firmware?18:55
naccDrEmmettBrown: yeah, i think ubuntu does not ship usb compatible firmware (per the description there)18:55
DrEmmettBrownI see18:55
DrEmmettBrowndo I still send the grep | ath thing?18:55
naccDrEmmettBrown: so you need to follow the steps listed under "* usb firmware *" on that link18:55
naccDrEmmettBrown: it'd be helpful to see if it loaded the module or not18:55
DrEmmettBrownYou are trying to send an empty document, exiting.18:56
DrEmmettBrownthat's what it gives me18:56
naccDrEmmettBrown: ok, then it's loaded18:56
nacc*not loaded18:56
naccDrEmmettBrown: yeah, i'd try and follow those steps about the firmware18:56
DrEmmettBrownthey dont provide the firmware tho18:57
DrEmmettBrownwait nvm18:57
naccDrEmmettBrown: yeah you hhave to download it yourself (for any number of reasons)18:58
DrEmmettBrownno like linksys doesnt give the firmware18:58
DrEmmettBrownunless they mean the windows driver .zips18:59
happy_hackerDrEmmettBrown: I'm late to the party, but is this firmware not in linux-firmware pkg?18:59
naccDrEmmettBrown: did you check the link in that url?18:59
nacchappy_hacker: it's not, in this case, afaict18:59
happy_hackernacc: did he paste "dmesg|grep -i firmware" ?19:00
nacchappy_hacker: well, the module isn't loading in the first place, and i can tell you the firmware doesn't exist on bionic19:00
nacchappy_hacker: not specifically pasted that, but the full dmesg, yes19:00
DrEmmettBrownran it jsut in case19:00
naccDrEmmettBrown: yeah, i'd grab one of the zips (i'm not sure which one, tbh) and see if that file is in it19:01
happy_hackerIt's the Sunplus device?19:01
naccDrEmmettBrown: yeah it is19:01
nacchappy_hacker: linksys + atheros, it would appear19:01
=== Bugged is now known as _Dbug_
happy_hackernacc: WUSB6100M 802.11a/b/g/n/ac Wireless Adapte19:02
nacchappy_hacker: yes, i think so19:03
DrEmmettBrownsunplus is something else19:04
DrEmmettBrownthe device in specific is the linksys one19:04
nacchappy_hacker: in this particular case, it's a USB dongle which the ath10k firmware in ubuntu does not support19:04
DrEmmettBrownoh he has prebuilt firmware19:05
DrEmmettBrowndo I still make my own or use his19:05
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naccDrEmmettBrown: whatever you want :)19:05
happy_hackernacc: has you guys tried linux-firmware?19:05
naccDrEmmettBrown: prebuilt is probably easier19:05
nacchappy_hacker: you mean upstream linux-firwmare?19:06
nacchttps://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/firmware/linux-firmware.git/tree/ath10k/QCA9377/hw1.0 not there either19:06
DrEmmettBrownokok found them19:07
DrEmmettBrownhow do I download them from github19:07
DrEmmettBrownI mean there isnt a download option19:07
dman777trying to install pip on Xenial LTS but the repo link is no longer valid...even after apt-get update19:07
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tomreyndman777: python-pip19:09
tomreyndman777: that's the name of th epackage you should be installing19:10
dman777yep... sudo apt-get install python-pip19:10
naccDrEmmettBrown: switch to the usb branch19:10
naccDrEmmettBrown: and then naviage to the files you want to download?19:10
DrEmmettBrownuhhhh ok19:10
tomreyndman777: what are you referring to when you say "the repo link is no longer valid"?19:10
happy_hackernacc: and you guys have been https://wikidevi.com/wiki/Linksys_WUSB6100M and https://askubuntu.com/questions/799104/unable-to-get-linksys-wusb6100m-wireless-adapter-to-work I suppose?19:11
tomreyn!paste | dman77719:11
ubottudman777: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:11
dman777tomreyn: http://dpaste.com/3V9VYPT19:11
DrEmmettBrownok im here19:11
=== polywog is now known as pollywog
tomreyndman777: which command produced this output?19:11
DrEmmettBrowncan I just clone the whole thing19:11
nacchappy_hacker: the AU article from there is how i foudn the upstream discussion, which is how I foudn that the driver supports it in 4.1319:11
naccDrEmmettBrown: yes, you can do that too, then locally copy files19:12
dman777tomreyn: sudo apt install python-pip19:12
DrEmmettBrownbut how19:12
DrEmmettBrownlike, which link do I use19:12
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=== black_pollywog is now known as bad_pollywog
tomreyndman777: can i see the output of "sudo apt-get update"?19:12
=== bad_pollywog is now known as Pollywog
naccDrEmmettBrown: you're asking how to clone a git repo?19:13
DrEmmettBrownI mean I know the command is git clone19:13
DrEmmettBrownbut which link do I use19:13
DrEmmettBrownand how do I get it19:13
tomreyndman777: also, can you ping ?19:14
dman777yes, I can ping... working out put for other19:14
dman77764 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=51 time=99.9 ms19:14
dman777tomreyn: https://paste.ubuntu.com/19:16
RouthOk, I'm out of Google searches.. I have two Ubuntu 17.10 laptops (identical hardware), both using systemd-resolved for DNS. In order for out VPN software to work, IPv6 must be disabled. On my laptop everything works fine, with the exact same settings on the other laptop, systemd-resolved hangs and does not return on any DNS query when I run dig against it, but dig direct to works. If I enable ipv6 on the second laptop resolved works, but VPN d19:16
Routhoesnt'. - Why is resolved refusing to return when ipv6 is disabled on the one laptop?19:16
naccDrEmmettBrown: click "clone or download" ?19:16
tomreyndman777: thanks for passing along the main page of the ubuntu pastebin. i already knew where to find it, though.19:16
DrEmmettBrownnvm found out19:16
dman777tomreyn: sorry about that... https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/p6YBZ9nFjg/19:17
DrEmmettBrowndowloaded it19:17
DrEmmettBrownwhat now19:17
naccDrEmmettBrown: ok, switch to the usb branch (cd <local repo name>; git checkout usb)19:18
naccDrEmmettBrown: then place the files (firwmare-usb-5.bin and board-usb.bin) in /lib/firmware/ath10k/QCA9377/hw1.0 as per the lkml email)19:19
DrEmmettBrownhow can I open that location through terminal19:19
naccDrEmmettBrown: what location?19:19
naccDrEmmettBrown: sudo cp <SRC> <DESTINATION DIR>/ (will put the file in that dir)19:20
DrEmmettBrownalso there isnt a board-usb.bin19:20
RouthMan I'm really beginning to hate resolved19:20
fernieRouth: what if you set you systemd to prefer ipv4, uncomment line #precedence ::ffff:0:0/96  100 from /etc/gai.conf , does everything work then?19:20
naccDrEmmettBrown: oh it's a symlink19:20
fernienot systemd system.. :)19:21
RouthWill check that fernie19:21
fernieRouth: instead of completely disabling ipv619:21
RouthI tried disabling ipv6 for just the tun0 adapter but it creates the same issue. Also the ipv6 MUST be disabled for Pulse VPN19:22
RouthWill not work if it is enabled.19:22
naccDrEmmettBrown: also cp eeprom_qca9377_7_1p1_Robin_clpc_fcc.bin, I think19:22
DrEmmettBrownidk it didnt mention anything19:22
dman777tomreyn: any ideas?19:23
fernieweird vpn that is19:23
tomreyndman777: you seem to have intermittent connectivity / routing issues to these IP addresses. this could help diagnose if you have dnsutils, curl and tracepath installed:  for IP in `dig archive.ubuntu.com +short`; do echo "[ $IP ]"; curl --silent --resolve archive.ubuntu.com:80:$IP http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ | grep title; echo; ping -c1 $IP; echo; tracepath $IP; echo; echo; done19:23
isaacNM__try getting nord vpn19:23
isaacNM__works well for me19:23
RouthSwitching VPN is not an option.19:23
naccDrEmmettBrown: and then `sudo ln -s /lib/firwmare/ath10k/QCA9377/hw1.0/eeprom_qca9377_7_1p1_Robin_clpc_fcc.bin /lib/firmware/ath10k/QCA977/hw1.0/board-usb.bin19:24
RouthAlso this works fine on one laptop but not another so that's a really hard sell for me to go to management with19:24
naccDrEmmettBrown: fcc is if you are in america, to be clear19:25
dman777tomreyn: http://dpaste.com/2QDGPCQ19:25
naccDrEmmettBrown: adjust the region appropriately, if not19:25
dman777haven't got the other stuff yet19:25
DrEmmettBrownpermission denied by the file manager19:25
naccDrEmmettBrown: for what command, and what do you mean file manager?19:26
naccDrEmmettBrown: you should be doing all of this in the termianl19:26
DrEmmettBrownoh ok19:26
DrEmmettBrownlemme try to copy19:26
tomreyndman777: well, something seems to be wrong with your internet access, you are uable to reach several locations (run by different organizations in different places in the world) which others can reach fine.19:26
tomreyndman777: i.e. talk to your ISP19:26
tomreyndman777: using a vpn or socks proxy may help to work around this issue.19:27
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DrEmmettBrownso I copied the board.bin19:29
=== Pistola is now known as Pollywog
naccDrEmmettBrown: hrm?19:30
DrEmmettBrownI can't get this to copy the firmware.bin19:30
DrEmmettBrownsays no such file19:30
=== Pollywog is now known as Eddy_zedo
DrEmmettBrownk done19:32
dman777tomreyn: ok, thanks19:32
=== Eddy_zedo is now known as Pollywog
DrEmmettBrownhow do you tag in here19:33
happy_hackerjust put their nick first19:33
happy_hackerDrEmmettBrown: and that should highlight most folks; some fix it to get highlighted anywhere their nick shows up19:33
happy_hackerDrEmmettBrown: folks get busy with other things; can I help?19:34
happy_hackerDrEmmettBrown: building some software at work and can't stop to /lastlog DrEmmettBrown19:34
ikoniaDrEmmettBrown: just buy a supported dongle19:34
ikoniayou're struggling too much19:34
happy_hacker<$10 USD here19:34
kostkon!tab | DrEmmettBrown19:34
ubottuDrEmmettBrown: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.19:34
ikoniaand if anyone makes a kernel change you'll continue to struggle19:34
ikoniajust buy a supported dongle and make life easy19:35
DrEmmettBrownI ain't buying one19:35
RouthNow I can't get resolved to answer with ipv6 enabled or disabled.19:35
DrEmmettBrownno time to do it either19:35
happy_hackerDrEmmettBrown: that's right, you keep hacking at it19:35
happy_hackermoney's hard to come by these days; time, heck, we can always print some more ;)19:35
DrEmmettBrownis that sass or something19:36
DrEmmettBrownanyway I'mma try to get these drivers to work19:36
tomreyndman777: if you can tell me more about what causes this situation it may enable me to provide better suggestions to others who also can't access the ubuntu archives19:36
titou_hey ! hello people !19:37
happy_hackerDrEmmettBrown: sometimes you got to decide ... my hourly rate puts stopping by BestBuy on the way home, even spending $20, and it's cheap ... writing 10 lines of code will pay for it19:37
happy_hackerDrEmmettBrown: Life's about choices. You could plop down that MC and give someone remote access, if you feel squirrely.19:37
ikoniaDrEmmettBrown: do not give or try to give remote access to people19:37
ikoniahappy_hacker: please do not offer your professional services in here19:37
dman777tomreyn: I am using WSL on Windows 10 and I think that may have something to do with it... but not sure19:38
happy_hackerikonia: I didn't19:38
ikoniahappy_hacker: ok - please do not suggest giving remote access then please19:39
ducasse!ubuwin | dman77719:39
ubottudman777: Windows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide19:39
happy_hackerikonia: is there some rules against this here?19:39
happy_hackerwhat country hosts us?19:40
ikoniahappy_hacker: yes, we like to keep all support in the channel so that others can peer review19:40
happy_hackerdman777 I know from Gentoo maybe?19:40
happy_hackerikonia: can you help him get over the hump?19:40
ikoniawe also don't want people offering remote connection support or paid services so this becomes a risk to our users19:40
ikoniahappy_hacker: not at the moment, hence why I suggested he buys a supported card as I dont' feel he's at a level to compelete this and maintain it19:40
happy_hackerikonia: so tell me if it's okay if I /query DrEmmettBrown , as I'm too busy doing https://ibin.co/3vmlruKNbDId.png atm19:41
ikoniahappy_hacker: you can query who you want19:41
happy_hackerikonia: I am new to this channel, and don't want to offend or break the rules19:41
ikoniaDrEmmettBrown: I strongly advise you not to accept help from anyone in private19:42
happy_hackerDrEmmettBrown: private message okay or not?19:42
ikoniaDrEmmettBrown: taking help from people in the channel will protect you from bad/dangerous advice19:42
kostkon!guidelines | happy_hacker19:42
ubottuhappy_hacker: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines19:42
DrEmmettBrownthanks ikonia19:42
ikoniagetting help from people in private is a risk19:42
DrEmmettBrownI'mma just wait for the other guy19:42
ikoniaDrEmmettBrown: it is totally your decision what to do,19:43
DrEmmettBrownnacc, you there?19:43
RouthAlright.. in the end the solution for me was to rip resolved out of the system like a gangrenous limb and set things back up for networkmanager.19:46
aleksander_so what happens if i echo'Loading initial ramdisk ...' from grub? will be able to boot? plan is to remove ramdisk from boot – it takes too long19:52
aleksander_if i remove it19:52
TJ-aleksander_: how will the system mount the root file-system without the initrd ?19:52
TJ-aleksander_: initrd activity is rarely the cause of slow boot times; those are normally caused by the init system after the root file-system is mounted19:53
aleksander_TJ- thank You, You're obviously right19:55
aleksander_but it takes a long time displaying that loading initial ramdisk… any way to bite into that?19:55
TJ-aleksander_: to pin-point the cause of delays, use "systemd-analyse critical-chain" and systemd-analyze blame"19:55
codebot_does nspluginwrapper have anything to do with read out aloud in adobe reader in ubuntu 16.0319:56
kostkoncodebot_, hmm doubt it19:56
TJ-aleksander_: OK, that early, it's GRUB boot manager. I'd guess you've got the GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=10 (seconds) and GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT_QUIET=true in /etc/default/grub -- does 10 seconds sound about correct?19:57
kostkoncodebot_, but you never know. why are you asking?19:57
codebot_<koston> my read out aloud is not working, ive tried installing the tts engine festival as well as espeak speech driver.19:57
TJ-aleksander_: so you can change GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT to 2, or maybe 1, then do "sudo update-grub" and then the delay will be much shorter but stil gives you time to hit the escape key to get the boot menu if you need to19:58
sneakyimpcan anyone tell me how to determine if my php7 is running via proxy_fcgid or via proxy_fcgi_module or via fcgid_module?  I'm really confused about the difference between the two19:58
kostkoncodebot_, by adobe reader you mean acroread?19:58
codebot_koston_, i'm not sure about the difference between acroread and adobe reader, but yes i installed acroread via terminal.20:00
kostkoncodebot_, which version of Ubuntu are you using?20:01
codebot_koston_: im using ubuntu 16.0420:02
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kostkoncodebot_, do you remember how you install it because it's not available in the repos20:03
codebot_koston_: you mean acroread is not available in the repos?20:04
devslashWayland is the X video manager in Ubuntu 17 right ?20:05
codebot_sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ precise partner"20:07
codebot_sudo apt-get update20:07
codebot_sudo apt-get install adobereader-enu20:07
codebot_i did this in order20:07
kostkoncodebot_, precise is 12.04 though20:07
codebot_koston_: what's available for 16.04 then?20:08
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ioriacodebot_, why do you need acroread ?20:09
naccDrEmmettBrown: sorry, back20:09
=== gidott is now known as Brain
DrEmmettBrownHey there20:09
DrEmmettBrownso I copied the files and did the link20:10
DrEmmettBrownreplugged and nothing20:10
naccDrEmmettBrown: ok, try `sudo modprobe ath10k`20:10
codebot_koston_, i  read a lot of pdfs and books and for convenience, it helps a lot if pdf files can be read.20:11
DrEmmettBrownmodprobe: FATAL: Module ath10k not found in directory /lib/modules/4.13.0-37-generic20:11
=== Brain is now known as tjllx
codebot_koston_: and i use ubuntu.20:11
ioriacodebot_, ubuntu ships with evince by default20:11
lotuspsychje!info mupdf | codebot_ easy, lightweight20:11
ubottucodebot_ easy, lightweight: mupdf (source: mupdf): lightweight PDF viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.11+ds1-1.1 (artful), package size 19393 kB, installed size 34040 kB20:12
naccDrEmmettBrown: hrm, i see it in the config but also don't see it in the module list20:12
naccDrEmmettBrown: one moment20:12
devslashdoes Ubuntu 17.10 still use Wayland instead of Xorg ?20:12
DrEmmettBrownsure fam20:13
ioriadevslash, both20:13
=== tjllx is now known as dotthin
naccDrEmmettBrown: ah it's a different driver, and doesn't exist on that kernel20:14
naccDrEmmettBrown: you will need to try the hwe-edge kernel (4.15 based) i think20:14
naccDrEmmettBrown: as you need ath10k_usb20:14
nacc!hwe | DrEmmettBrown20:15
ubottuDrEmmettBrown: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack20:15
navplayerfoud in20:16
naccDrEmmettBrown: so in xenial-proposed there is a 4.15 kernel (linux-generic-hwe-16.04-edge)20:16
navplayerdirec tory20:16
naccDrEmmettBrown: i need to work on some other stuff, but i think someone else in this channel can help you get that installed to test20:16
naccDrEmmettBrown: or, you can try a 18.04 live usb?20:16
DrEmmettBrownis it out?20:16
ioriaDrEmmettBrown, bleeding edge kernel is your best option20:17
naccDrEmmettBrown: no, it's in the post-beta right now20:17
codebot_ioria_: evince does not support read out loud.20:18
ioriaDrEmmettBrown, if you really want to use that dongle .... (i'am wondering)20:18
DrEmmettBrownyes I really need the dongle20:18
ioriaok :þ20:18
DrEmmettBrownI dont wanna deal with a bored 8 yr old over spring break20:18
naccDrEmmettBrown: i would try the hwe-edge stack in xenial-proposed or 18.0420:18
DrEmmettBrownso I NEEEEEED the dongle for hotspot20:18
codebot_lotuspsychje_: does mupdf support read out loud?20:19
DrEmmettBrownnacc, would 17.04 work?20:20
DrEmmettBrownor 17.1020:20
naccDrEmmettBrown: no, and it's eol :)20:20
naccDrEmmettBrown: no, 17.10 has the same kernel you have20:20
DrEmmettBrownso either 18 or bust20:20
naccDrEmmettBrown: or the hwe-edge on 16.0420:20
DrEmmettBrownhow do I use that20:20
naccDrEmmettBrown: i can confirm on 18.04 there is a ath10k_usb module, so that's osmething20:20
naccDrEmmettBrown: i provided the links above20:20
DrEmmettBrownhmm ok20:21
naccDrEmmettBrown: the only issue is you need th eone from xenial-proposed20:21
DrEmmettBrownso how do I use hwe20:21
navplayerneed 18 boot20:21
naccnavplayer: please stop that20:21
naccnavplayer: do not use enter as punctuation20:21
codebot_kostkon_: what should i use for ubuntu 16.04?20:23
navplayererd only20:24
codebot_kostkon_: what should i use to install acroread on ubuntu 16.04?20:24
ChaeskaYellow. Has anybody seen errors like "Failed to replace specifiers:" when updating systemd?20:24
navplayeri use ub20:25
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naccnavplayer: you are still doing it. please stop. ask your question in one line.20:29
codebot_ubottu_: mupdf does not support the read out loud functionality.20:30
ubottucodebot_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:30
codebot_does anyone know any tool to read out loud pdf files in ubuntu 16.04?20:31
ikonianavplayer: can you understand English ?20:32
nacccodebot_: https://askubuntu.com/questions/633337/pdf-reader-that-can-read-out-loud20:32
navplayertool read20:33
leftyfbnavplayer: is a bot or troll20:33
stacks88my / partition has only 20 gb allocated. its reaching 98% used, so i noticed that i have lots of old files like /boot/initrd.img-3.13.*-generic -- can i just rm -f these files, or is there a proper procedure i need to follow before i can do taht? like clearly old files related to kernel that im not even using anymore.. i run ubuntu 14.04 and use stock/distrib kernels20:33
ducassenavplayer: do you have a support question? please ask it on one line in plain english.20:33
ChaeskaOK, I think I found the answer to my systemd question - seems to be a bug introduced in a recent release: https://www.mail-archive.com/ubuntu-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com/msg5356400.html20:33
ikonianavplayer: last change - please respond. "Can you read English"20:33
ikonialast chance20:33
codebot_navplayer_: wha is tool read?20:33
leftyfbikonia: ducasse: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/gGbjmtHGFN/20:33
codebot_navplayer_: what is tool read?20:33
nacccodebot_: ignore them, please20:34
kostkonit's a bot20:34
naccikonia: i think you are free to kick20:34
ikonialeftyfb: ? what was that about ?20:34
ikonialeftyfb: as in the paste20:34
ikoniaahhh, it's a paste of this channel, ok20:34
leftyfbikonia: just letting you know of the history of the bot20:34
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TJ-This *is* setuid root isn't it? "-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root ..."20:39
codebot_nacc_: read out loud is not working in okular. ubuntu version: 16.0420:39
ikoniaTJ-: yes20:39
ioriaTJ-, 'am afraid so20:40
nacccodebot_: with the extra stuff that post mentioned?20:40
ioriacodebot_, you know orca ?20:40
TJ-ikonia: I thought I was going potty! lxc-checkconfig is telling me it isn't. I'm /sure/ I fixed that bug once as well20:40
ikoniaTJ-: you're spot on20:40
codebot_ioria_: no, im not aware about orca.20:40
codebot_ioria_: what is orca?20:42
nacccodebot_: it's the generic gnome screen reader20:42
naccioria: that's a good thought20:42
nacccodebot_: it's the next answer in the link i provided20:42
ioria!info  gnome-orca  | codebot_20:43
ubottucodebot_: gnome-orca (source: gnome-orca): Scriptable screen reader. In component main, is optional. Version 3.26.0-1ubuntu3 (artful), package size 474 kB, installed size 4876 kB20:43
ioriacodebot_,  alt+Super+S  , select your text, it will speak for you20:44
DrEmmettBrownso you said I have to upgrade to 1820:44
DrEmmettBrownwhat's up with the hwe whatever you mentioned?20:44
naccDrEmmettBrown: well, i suggested you try the liveusb first20:44
naccDrEmmettBrown: as i said it'20:44
nacc*it's only in xenial-proposed20:44
naccDrEmmettBrown: did you read those links i provided earlier?20:45
TJ-aha, found it on another system! Strange how it's not been fixed in 16.04!  # 2017-10-11 Tj: bugfix "Warning: new{u,g}idmap is not setuid-root"20:45
DrEmmettBrownalready the latest version, nacc20:46
naccDrEmmettBrown: latest version of what?20:47
DrEmmettBrownoh hwe20:47
naccDrEmmettBrown: hwe-edge?20:47
naccDrEmmettBrown: as I said, it's hwe-edge you need, and the one from xenial-proposed20:47
DrEmmettBrownI thought you meant this in the link you gave me20:48
codebot_nacc_: im trying to use adobereader for read out loud. when i click the read out loud option in that, it doesnt speak. also the read out loud options are greyed in the preferences.20:48
naccDrEmmettBrown: no, as i've said a few times now, hwe-edge20:48
naccDrEmmettBrown: i'm not typo-ing that. Read the rolling hwe link in the HWE page20:49
codebot_nacc_: i also installed jovie and okular. it's not working as well20:49
nacccodebot_: i don't know anything about adobe, and that's not an ubuntu thing (afaik)20:49
nacccodebot_: did you try orca?20:49
DrEmmettBrownlinux-generic-hwe-16.04-edge so i'd have to install this package right20:49
naccDrEmmettBrown: from xenial-proposed specifically20:50
naccDrEmmettBrown: but that's not necessarily trivial to do, if you don't know what you're doing20:50
kostkoncodebot_, try the screen reader option20:50
naccDrEmmettBrown: as you don't want to install everyting from xenial-proposed, only the one package20:50
codebot_kostkon_: you mean orca?20:50
DrEmmettBrownso I run sudo apt-get install linux-generic-hwe-16.04-edge or is there any other way to di it20:51
kostkoncodebot_, start with that it's the default reader in Ubuntu afaik20:51
naccDrEmmettBrown: you have to enabled xenial-proposed, and then i'd suggest pinning just that one package from it20:51
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto20:52
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.20:52
=== eric is now known as Guest91906
DrEmmettBrownSo I enabled xenial-prop20:52
DrEmmettBrowndo I pin the package20:52
naccDrEmmettBrown: not by version, but by source, yes20:53
naccDrEmmettBrown: you want only that package to come from xenial-proposed20:53
DrEmmettBrowncan you give me an example? I really don't get the pinning tutorial20:53
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naccDrEmmettBrown: the example /etc/apt/preferences bit, except you want an n= of xenial-proposed, i think20:54
naccDrEmmettBrown: sorry, a=xenial-proposed20:55
beerkoutiHey guys, quick question, i have a process in /usr/local/example/ gave ownesrship of the folder to the user Bob and have stated Bob as the user in the unit systemd file but when i call the service it does not have rights to write in said folder example20:55
DrEmmettBrownPackage:  linux-generic-hwe-16.04-edge Pin: release n=xenial-proposed20:56
DrEmmettBrownPin-Priority: 90020:56
DrEmmettBrownso like this?20:56
naccDrEmmettBrown: yeah i think so20:57
DrEmmettBrownso I add it to that place20:57
naccDrEmmettBrown: oh wait20:57
naccDrEmmettBrown: a= not n=20:57
naccDrEmmettBrown: and then make sure you add xenial-proposed to your sources.list file (or sources.list.d sub-file)20:57
naccDrEmmettBrown: read the second faq above20:58
DrEmmettBrownI did it on software sources or whatever20:58
naccDrEmmettBrown: yeah that's fine20:58
naccDrEmmettBrown: then `sudo apt-get update` and then pastebin `apt-cache policy linux-generic-hwe-16.04-edge`20:58
naccso we can see what it will do20:58
DrEmmettBrownso I use nano for this right20:58
DrEmmettBrownnacc, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wZkgf26KzK/21:01
kostkonDrEmmettBrown, looks good21:03
DrEmmettBrownso what now21:04
codebot_nacc_: i tried sudo apt-get install gnome-orca and then pressed super+Alt+S still it wont speak.21:05
DrEmmettBrownare you visually impaired?21:06
DrEmmettBrownjust curious about why do you need the speaking thing21:06
codebot_DrEmmettBrown_: not visually impaired. but it'd be a great help to have a pdf reader.21:08
codebot_i have to read lots of documents on regular basis.21:08
DrEmmettBrownthat's a nice idea21:09
DrEmmettBrownkinda like a robotized audiobook21:09
DrEmmettBrownnacc, so, what do we do now?21:09
codebot_nacc, i tried sudo apt-get install gnome-orca and then pressed super+Alt+S still it wont speak.21:13
=== DrWatson_ is now known as DrWatson
ThomasCrownNeed some help: I have a Ubuntu 16.04 image running on Virutalbox. When I boot up the system, it boots to a black screen. I am able to SSH to the box, and all networking is working as it should. My question is how do i get the GUI back? I have tried removing lightdm and reinstalling with no luck. Any ideas?21:25
DrEmmettBrownnacc, Yo, you there?21:32
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TJ-DrEmmettBrown: nacc is busy21:36
adrian_1908Does anyone know what the X input driver before 'libinput' was called?21:40
sereim stuck at scanning btrfs systems but i can alt over to a different shell.21:42
sereerror could not create lock file in tmp/21:43
cliff777Hello all, I started to update my packages on Ubutnu 16.04.4 and updating linux-headers-4.13.0-37 is not finishing - how can I fix this?21:45
adrian_1908cliff777: update via graphical interface or terminal?21:47
cliff777adrian_1908: Terminal via apt21:47
adrian_1908cliff777: then I try to cancel it (CTRL-C) and invoke the command again. Should be resilient enough.21:48
adrian_1908*I would ty21:48
cliff777I already tried, ctrl-c doesn't do anything21:48
cliff777I could kill -9 it but wouldn't that mess up dkpg?21:49
kostkoncliff777, pastebin the output21:49
adrian_1908cliff777: Hmm, I've never run into a case where CTRL-C doesn't work. Tried hitting it multiple times?21:49
ThomasCrowncliff777: you are out of space on your boot21:49
youtah"Upgrade to Artful!"21:49
ThomasCrowncliff777: you need to clean up some old linux imgs on your boot.21:50
youtah"An upgrade from 'yakkety' to 'artful' is not supported with this tool."21:50
* youtah cries21:50
cliff777ThomasCrown: My /boot/efi is 29% used21:51
ThomasCrownwhat is the error your getting?21:51
cliff777Terminal output: https://pastebin.com/uP3UyAnk21:51
cliff777ThomasCrown: No error, just hangs21:52
argusbrthe license VMware Workstation can be used in vmware esxi?21:52
Bashing-omyoutah: Yeah, seems the zesty release is a victum of spectre/meltdown . The upgrade path is broke .. clean fresh install .21:52
youtahBashing-om, yeah, that is unfortunately what I think I must do21:53
youtahBashing-om, and all of the tickets keep referring to (and keep being marked as duplicates) the documentation for upgrading from an EOL, and none of it works21:59
Emcycan ubuntu package qtox21:59
tgm4883Emcy: you sure can http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/22:00
Emcyanyone can package for ubuntu?22:02
tgm4883Emcy: yes, ideally you'd build a snap. You'll want to take a look at http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/packaging-new-software.html22:02
Emcywhat about quality control22:04
kostkonEmcy, what about it? also https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages#Requesting_a_new_package_for_Ubuntu22:04
tgm4883Emcy: Did you read the page?22:06
Emcynot yet i have about 50 tabs22:07
kostkonEmcy, you're getting there22:07
Emcyi started using linux yesterday22:07
Emcyhttps://github.com/qTox/qTox/pull/4983 theyre trying to make debs at least22:08
=== soulisson_ is now known as Soulisson
sneakyimpcan anyone tell me how to determine if my php7 is running via proxy_fcgid or via proxy_fcgi_module or via fcgid_module?  I'm really confused about the difference between the two22:12
axis_i want to install a kernel package via a script inside a chroot. but when i do this, it prompts me to install grub to a device. how can i figure out the debconf settings that i need to manipulate?22:13
PLChi' there22:14
PLCI try to use "sed" with standard output, is it possible ?22:15
axis_PLC: echo "no" | sed 's/no/yes/'22:16
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PLCfor exemple I've got this string : "Sending SMS 1/1....waiting for network answer..OK, message reference=97"22:17
PLCI want keep "Ok ….."22:17
serehow long should a boot up btrfs scan take at boot?22:18
PLCcommand | grep Sending | sed -e '/Sending SMS/,/answer/d'22:18
codebot_how to configure orca?22:19
PLCno wait …22:19
PLCin real word :22:20
codebot_i tried installing it using sudo apt-get install gnome-orca. but it doesnt read out loud.22:20
PLC  MESSAGE=$(echo 'TEST Message'| gammu --sendsms TEXT 000000000 2>&1 | grep Sending | sed '/Sending SMS/,/answer/d' )22:20
codebot_i have ubuntu 16.0422:20
codebot_how to configure orca?22:20
pavloscodebot_: https://help.gnome.org/users/orca/stable/introduction.html.en22:28
pavloscodebot_: https://help.gnome.org/users/orca/stable/index.html.en#getting_started22:29
codebot_pavlos_: in the link you provided, i press the keys Alt+Super+S but no speech output is produced.22:30
codebot_pavlos: in the link you provided, i press the keys Alt+Super+S but no speech output is produced.22:33
pavloscodebot_: the key bindings may be different in 16.04 ...22:34
codebot_pavlos: i checked the keyboard shortcuts. they're the same.22:34
ThomasCrownNeed some help: I have a Ubuntu 16.04 image running on Virutalbox. When I boot up the system, it boots to a black screen. I am able to SSH to the box, and all networking is working as it should. My question is how do i get the GUI back? I have tried removing lightdm and reinstalling with no luck. Any ideas?22:36
pavloscodebot_: I'll start my laptop and see if I can figure it out ...22:36
codebot_pavlos: okay.22:37
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=== vemacs|ded is now known as vemacs
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pavloscodebot_: you're on 16.04 unity right?22:42
codebot_pavlos: that's right.22:42
codebot_i am on 16.04 unity22:43
pavloscodebot_: dash look for universal access22:43
codebot_pavlos: yes i did.22:44
pavloscodebot_: is the 3rd option to eanble reader on/off? the key alt-super-S is not working for me but I can toogle on that screen22:45
codebot_pavlos: universal access shortcut22:46
codebot_pavlos: the shortcut for turn screen reader on/off is Alt+super+s22:47
pavloscodebot_: that key does not work for me (16.04, unity) but clicking on the 3rd thingy, it does22:48
codebot_pavlos: sorry, but what do you mean by clicking on the third thing?22:49
codebot_pavlos: do you mean clicking on the third option in the universal access list of shortcuts?22:49
pavloscodebot_: the universal access has 4 lines, each with an on/off swithc to the right. Clicking the 3rd activates reader, clicking it again it stops22:50
sereive been stuck at scanning btrfs filesystem for 20min now should i wait or did it freeze?22:51
codebot_pavlos: it's showing to be on and off for me but its not actually reading anyhing.22:51
pavloscodebot_: if you click it, does it turn ON and then reader starts talking ... check that you have audio not muted22:52
=== hyperreal is now known as Guest93170
codebot_pavlos: if i click it, it does turn ON, but the reader does not start talking.22:53
codebot_pavlos: i have checked the audio.22:53
codebot_it is not muted.22:53
pavloscodebot_: mine does talk and then clicking again, it stops. No idea how to troubleshoot22:54
Ntemisi need some help with two packages22:55
codebot_pavlos: how did you initially enable orca? did you do it at the installation time?22:55
Ntemisavahi-dnsconfd/xenial-proposed 0.6.32~rc+dfsg-1ubuntu2.1 i38622:55
Ntemisubuntu-mate-default-settings/xenial 18.04.12~16.04.york0 i38622:55
Ntemiscant update those22:56
Ntemisapt list --upgradable shows ubuntu-mate-default-settings/xenial 18.04.12~16.04.york0 i386 [upgradable from: 18.04.5~16.04.york0]22:57
Ntemisbut apt upgrade list nothing22:57
Ntemisalso apt dist-upgrade list nothing22:57
pavloscodebot_: gnome-orca is installed by default and gets activated with alt-super-s22:58
Ntemisre pavlos kamoia voithia?22:58
pavlosNtemis: ela,22:58
pavlosNtemis: let me read what you wrote22:58
Ntemissure ty22:59
vachoshouldn't this work? sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php22:59
vachosudo: add-apt-repository: command not found23:00
pavlosNtemis: if you're on xenial, why update from 18.0423:00
Ntemisi have mate 1.223:00
Ntemisxenial has 1.1623:00
pavlosNtemis: did you ask in the ubuntu-mate community? I use mate but stick to 16.0423:01
Ntemisi will ty23:02
Ntemissoftware updater fixed it23:02
pavloscodebot_: if you don't want orca, sudo apt remove gnome-orca and killall orca23:03
pavlosNtemis: eyge !!23:03
Ntemiscyprus here23:03
codebot_pavlos: some forums said that enabling orca at the installation time was different than installing it later on. so i was wondering if you had enabled it at the installation time?23:04
pavloscodebot_: I dont recall enabling at install, this is a stock 16.04 unity install on my laptop23:05
pavloscodebot_: I pressed alt super S and it started reading the screen23:06
bill_I am running Ubuntu on a windows pc and the internet is really laggy. Any suggestions?23:10
codebot_pavlos: does read out loud function in acroread in your lapyop?23:10
pavloscodebot_: acroread?23:10
pragmaticenigmabill_, explain "running Ubuntu on a windows pc" ... do you mean you are running it in a Virtual Machine like Virtual Box?23:10
bill_Yeah VirtualBox23:11
codebot_pavlos: it's basically similar to adobe reader.23:11
bill_I installed guest additions and all the updates.23:11
codebot_pavlos: im not sure but i think it IS adobereader for ubuntu.23:12
pavloscodebot_: I looked for adobe in dash; nothing23:13
codebot_pavlos: what do you mean by 'dash'?23:13
pavloscodebot_: the top left icon in unity23:13
pragmaticenigmabill_, that's normal. when you virtualize a computer like that, it shares resources with the main computer. you might be able to fine tune VirtualBox, but that is beyond the scope that can be offered here23:13
bill_gotcha. I am just trying it out to see if it would be a good replacement for windows and I didn't know if my computer would not work with linux.23:15
codebot_pavlos: can you try installing adobereader and then checking its read out loud? sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ precise partner"23:15
codebot_sudo apt-get update23:15
codebot_sudo apt-get install adobereader-enu23:15
vachowhy is ubuntu so retarded with php updates.. always like 2 years behind on the most used programming language for the web23:16
pragmaticenigmabill_, you can create live boot media that doesn't require installation or modification to you current computer. when you reoot and remove the USB boot disk or DVD-rom, the computer returns to it's original state23:16
bill_Yeah I tried that first and it was about the same.23:17
=== nader_ is now known as nader
bill_When I run the speed test it looks just like my windows print out but it's laggy. I feel like it is not the internet connection.23:19
pavloscodebot_: installing ...23:21
adrian_1908vacho: stability (I assume you're using 16.04?). What version do you expect?23:22
vachowhy can't I use php 7.2 on 16.0423:24
codebot_vacho: i guess you can.23:24
vachoit's not supported23:24
vachoand creating a ton of head-ace right now to get going23:25
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
pavloscodebot_: opened a pdf, it spoke the filename but dont know how to tell it to read the text23:26
adrian_1908vacho: considered using a PPA?23:27
codebot_pavlos: open any pdf in the adobereader, then go to Edit->Read Out Loud.23:28
vachoadrian_1908: I followed a tutorial, broke my entire server23:28
adrian_1908vacho: is that a yes or no?23:28
codebot_pavlos: sorry, not Edit, go to View->Read out loud.23:28
vachoadrian_1908: if it works, yes23:29
adrian_1908Ondrej is legit afaik, so you could use his PPA: https://launchpad.net/~ondrej/+archive/ubuntu/php23:29
pavloscodebot_: I dont have View  | Read out loud23:29
codebot_pavlos: in the menu bar, where there is File, Edit,...23:30
codebot_pavlos: You have the menu bar right?23:30
mrushis the ia32/x86 architecture still supported23:30
pavloscodebot_: I have continuous dual side pane fullscreen presentation zoom in zoom out23:30
adrian_1908vacho: do you actually _need_ a more recent PHP though? Any groundbreaking changes?23:31
=== nader is now known as alsna
pavloscodebot_: I think my default viewer is evince, I need to change to adobe23:32
vachoadrian_1908: yes, a lot happened since php 7.023:32
vachoadrian_1908: would be nice if someone walked me through how to update it23:33
adrian_1908vacho: I see. I suggest you try the PPA i mentioned, looks like it has 7.2.3-1+ubuntu16.04.123:33
vachoadrian_1908: that's what I tried, then it complained it cannot connect to mysql23:33
adrian_1908vacho: do you still have the server running?23:33
vachoadrian_1908: restoring from a backup made yday23:33
adrian_1908Well, I never use PHP/MySQL so I cannot speak from experience.23:34
codebot_pavlos: what do you mean by 'continuous dual side pane fullscreen zoom in zoom out'?23:34
TJ-For a Shingled drive with a band-size range of 15-40MB, what LVM/FS block size would be best to minimize band-rewrites? I'm thinking either 40MB or 28MB23:35
codebot_pavlos: you can simply open a particular pdf file with adobereader.23:36
codebot_pavlos: in the menu bar, you'll find Edit->Read Out Loud.23:36
pavloscodebot_: I opened the pdf with adobe, selected read loud, it does not23:37
pavloscodebot_: It puts a paragraph in a box but ... nothing else23:37
TJ-pavlos: does the PDF contain text or just images that represent the text?23:38
codebot_pavlos: no speech output?23:38
=== vemacs|ded is now known as vemacs
pavloscodebot_: pdf is text, no poutput23:39
JDoe_Hey, I have a question about mounting options23:39
=== vemacs is now known as Guest5213
pavloscodebot_: clicked read this page only ... nothing23:39
JDoe_Does the following options make any sense to mount external hd (ntfs)? ntfs-3g noatime,nodiratime,nodev,nosuid,noauto,dmask=0022,fmask=0133,uid=1000,gid=1000,utf823:40
codebot_pavlos: do you have espeak installed?23:41
pavlosJDoe_: mount /dev/sdb1  /media  ntfs   defaults  0   023:41
pavloscodebot_: no23:42
codebot_pavlos: try doing this sudo apt-get install espeak23:42
codebot_pavlos: i tried all of these things and still my adobe reader didnt produce speech output.23:43
pavloscodebot_: espeka installed ... trying again23:43
pavloscodebot_: nothing23:45
pavloscodebot_: I have to go ... maybe someone else can help further23:46
JDoe_pavlos: So I don't need nodev and nosuid?23:46
codebot_pavlos: no problem. thanks for the help :D23:46

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