
Unit193bluesabre: You didn't adapt the packaging to account for the issue listed above?00:28
bluesabredidn't realize there was a change needed00:30
bluesabreIs there? :D00:33
Unit193There was discussion about the icon cache, yeah.00:34
bluesabreAnd still not sure what the patch should be :D00:37
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-artwork:: [bionic] r333 Update elementary-xfce to 0.11 (by Sean Davis)00:56
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-artwork:: [bionic] r334 Release 18.04.3 (by Sean Davis)00:56
Unit193bluesabre: Right, so dh_icons finds the icon themes and adds a call to update-icon-caches, except 'darkest' contains symlinks rather than the files it knows to expect, thus a problem.  One would add a call to the maintainer scripts for darkest.00:57
Unit193I didn't see anything in dh_icons you could add to just include the dir.00:57
Unit193Specifically, postinst and postrm.00:59
bluesabreSo, should just need postinst then? http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/WRQRmvy9Sp/01:15
Unit193postrm too.01:17
Unit193You should really guard that..01:18
Unit193bluesabre: Just copy from the generated version?01:18
bluesabrewould you remove the cache file then?01:18
bluesabreor just try generating in case it's there01:19
Unit193http://paste.openstack.org/show/708392 install version.01:20
Unit193Gah, let me be slightly more clear.  That's the existing postinst and postrm versions as they stand, generated.01:26
bluesabreUnit193: so https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-art/xubuntu-artwork/bionic/revision/335 should be the complete patch, right?01:40
Unit193...Well I guess that's one way to do it, sure.01:41
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-artwork:: [bionic] r335 Generate icon theme caches for all included icon themes (by Sean Davis)01:58
Unit193I know what I was supposed to do today.06:34
flocculantlucky you 06:39
flocculantI usually find out too late 06:39
Unit193"The community based [Xubuntu core|https://xubuntu.org/news/introducing-xubuntu-core/] ISOs can be downloaded from the [contributor's site|linkie]  perhaps?06:50
ochosi_crap. i guess i just lost some more irssi history...08:06
ochosi_(read up on the irc log)08:10
Unit193Shouldn't have, run of the mill netsplit, then you showed up with a tail.08:15
Unit193ochosi_: You happen to know what doesn't show up if indicators aren't enabled/working on lightdm-gtk-greeter?08:42
bluesabreUnit193: for us, nothing... we only use the greeter's native "indicators"09:48
Unit193Is there some way to test this?09:49
bluesabreindicators = power09:50
bluesabreand install indicator-power09:50
bluesabrevs indicators = ~power (which is the native indicator)09:50
Unit193Cool, will do.09:52
bluesabrekeep in mind that I haven't tested the indicator support in years :)09:52
Unit193Well crap, I wanted to make sure linking against the new indicators didn't give regressions. :P09:56
Unit193It builds, ldd agrees... :P09:56
Unit193bluesabre: Snagged the new whisker the other night.09:57
Unit193https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mate-dev/ubuntu-mate/+git/ubuntu-mate-artwork/tree/etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf.d/99_ubuntu-mate.conf they don't either.10:01
bluesabreUnit193: yeah, it may be a completely unused feature10:02
bluesabreUnless some users use it10:02
bluesabrethe new xfce4-terminal no longer drops down correctly when bound to a keyboard shortcut10:52
bluesabrebind F12 to: `xfce4-terminal --drop-down` to check10:53
Unit193I launched that directly and got two tray icons.10:54
Unit193Now, which "new" one?10:54
bluesabreyeah, that one10:55
bluesabrelatest packaged one10:55
bluesabreswitched to guake this morning in the interim10:55
bluesabreI depend on that functionality :)10:55
Unit193Uh oh.10:56
bluesabregnome 3.28 apps and libraries started landing in today's iso, https://wiki.bluesabre.org/bionic_changes?do=diff&rev2%5B0%5D=1521625095&rev2%5B1%5D=1521716290&difftype=sidebyside10:59
bluesabregstreamer too it seems10:59
bluesabreupdateed cheese might affect mugshot11:00
Unit193Why the new indicator libs?11:04
bluesabre"Have -dev package depend on libgtk2.0-dev or libgk-3-dev according to its pkgconfig file (LP: #1757574) (LP: #1757574)"11:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1757574 in libappindicator (Ubuntu) "development libraries missing depends listed in *.pc files" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175757411:06
Unit193I may have made a change, yeah.  That's just header packages though (I did not write that commit.)11:08
Unit193Also you didn't even look! https://git.xfce.org/apps/xfce4-terminal/commit/?id=2f6db7f83c6db2e12e76ebb4a75ff1bd3eea38cf11:08
bluesabrejbicha's "t" key seems to be going out11:10
bluesabreand in debian unstable, glib2 depends on python-distuils :)11:10
Unit193I saw some people unhappy about that, yeah.  Didn't bother reading what the annoyance was about this time though. :311:11
ubottuDebian bug 893773 in libglib2.0-dev-bin "libglib2.0-dev-bin: Depends on uninstallable python3-distuils (typo?)" [Serious,Fixed]11:12
bluesabreblocking my menulibre upload :)11:12
Unit193bluesabre: https://packages.qa.debian.org/liba/libayatana-appindicator/news/20180322T105237Z.html ? :311:12
Unit193"Oh, you get around" :311:13
FurretUberI've updated Xubuntu 18.04 and now the icons from the gtk windows are strange. Gedit example: https://i.imgur.com/5JzSJf1.png Theme: Adwaita Dark18:41
FurretUberThe only themes with proper icons are Greybird and Breeze/Breeze Dark, all other have the minimize icon as a download button18:43
FurretUberI have tested on Ubuntu and this have not happened18:48
ali1234FurretUber: that's gtk3 right?20:32
ali1234hmm yes i see that too20:38
ali1234to reproduce: theme: anything other than greybird, icon theme: elementary xfce20:40
ali1234FurretUber: do you have any idea when it started happening?20:43
FurretUberali1234: Yes. Today, 6 hours ago I updated the system and xubuntu-icon-theme was updated20:51
ali1234what did you update from?20:53
FurretUberI think I haven't understood the question. I was using Xubuntu 18.04, opened synaptic, reloaded the repositories and chose to update the packages20:56
flocculantali1234: have iso from the 21st - all looks ok there20:57
ali1234so do i20:57
ali1234actually mine is a bit older20:57
flocculantI have a handful from March - keep a month locally of when I've zsynced the ios20:58
ali1234well there was indeed a xubuntu-icon-theme update yesterday21:00
ali1234* Update elementary-xfce to v0.1121:00
flocculantochosi_ bluesabre ^^ best undo what we did there :)21:04
ondondilI can confirm. Download button instead of minimize. Up to date ISO from beta release. Icon theme: elementary-xfce-darker21:05
ali1234diffing the source now21:05
ali1234xubuntu-artwork/usr/share/icons/elementary-xfce-darkest/actions/symbolic/window-new-symbolic.svg changed... a lot21:06
ali1234it looks like all the svg files have been super mangled21:07
ali1234i can't tell if it is intentional21:07
ali1234for example http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wDX2Trk6sS/21:10
knomethat almost looks like a plain, cleaned up SVG instead of an inkscape SVG with a lot of unused stuff (without seeing the visual changes this does)21:11
ali1234i agree... but it is suspiciously short imo21:12
ali1234it looks like someone tried to clean it and cleaned it too much...21:12
knomeyeah, don't know21:12
knomewhat does the SVG look like?21:13
ali1234the old one looks like how you'd expect the minimize button to look21:14
ali1234the new one is the download icon that everyone is seeing21:14
knomemaybe that's intentional though21:14
ali1234why only gtk3 though?21:14
knomebut i was merely asking if the SVG looks like... a real vector21:14
ali1234oh yes the svg appears to be valid21:15
knomearen't those icons drawn by xfwm with gtk2?21:15
ali1234xfwm draws the theme21:15
knomeyes, and the buttons too21:15
knomewith gtk221:15
ali1234yes, but it draws them according to how the theme tells it to21:15
knomethe xfwm theme, not the icon theme :)21:16
ali1234well the thing is21:16
ali1234you only see these icons in gtk3 if you dont use the xubuntu theme (greybird)21:17
ali1234so it seems weird for this to be intentional21:17
knomeso one could say this is a bug with all themes except greybird...21:17
ali1234every theme except greybird and also every icon theme except elementary xfce21:18
ali1234and also if you use both of those at the same time that is also bugged :)21:18
knomeyou really should get ochosi_ to appear magically21:18
=== sorinello_ is now known as sorinello
Unit193bluesabre: Congrats on menulibre.22:03
ubottu♫ samba rumba bueno la conga cha cha cha22:04
bluesabreso, what's the issue?22:24
knomedunno, but i'm out ;)22:25
bluesabrethe minimize button doesn't seem minimizey enough?22:25
knomesee you later22:25
bluesabreseeya knome22:25
bluesabreso the icon changes if it's not greybird + elementary-xfce22:26
bluesabreI don't know where to begin with that, doesn't seem like a normal thing for the toolkit to do22:26
bluesabreI don't know that I'd call that a download icon though22:27
bluesabreochosi_: any ideas?22:27
bluesabreShocked and pleasantly surprised to see the spotify snap integrates with mpris :)23:39
bluesabreand running as a snap doesn't seem to break the wnck integration or anything23:44
ali1234is it classic mode though?23:55

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