[02:40] Hum, so I can't add a Debian bug to a bug filed under src:qwt... [02:40] OOPS-4fba37af98a09ddef0bfbebd5b4338e0 [02:40] https://oops.canonical.com/?oopsid=OOPS-4fba37af98a09ddef0bfbebd5b4338e0 [02:40] I tried three times, all weirdly throw that... [02:53] tsimonq2: The bug already has that task. [02:53] Though it should tell you that rather than OOPSing. [02:53] wgrant: Oh. [02:53] Thanks. === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun === trevorj_ is now known as trevorj === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk === trevorj_ is now known as trevorj [10:22] is it possible to change the URL a git mirror is importing from (API?) or do I need to delete & re-create it? [10:26] Laney: LP staff can change it [10:27] cjwatson: ok, I'll file a question [10:27] thanks [10:28] no problem === Guest61343 is now known as newell