
za1b1tsuSo after installing waterfox, I could not tab complete in terminal, it said: bash: cannot create temp file for here-document: No space left on device06:48
za1b1tsuuninstalled waterfox, problem is no more06:49
tsimonq2That means your hard drive was filled up by waterfox.06:49
za1b1tsuI have free space: 17.4 gb in home06:50
za1b1tsuFile System, free space: 106.4mb06:50
za1b1tsuare there some temporary files I can safetly delete?06:51
JohnDoe_71Ruscheck file system to error06:51
JohnDoe_71Ruswith err filesystem remount to ro mode06:52
za1b1tsuumm, yeah, I dont understand :)06:52
JohnDoe_71Rushttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode and then check FS06:53
za1b1tsuJohnDoe_71Rus, I did like you said first it stopped at: https://imgur.com/a/5ytba , pressed ENTER, Resume and then stopped at: https://imgur.com/a/n8h99 and from here I had to CTRL+ALT+DEL07:15
za1b1tsuback in ubuntu, I had to report a system error07:15
za1b1tsuon File System I still have 104mb left07:15
za1b1tsudid sudo apt-get clean, got 738,7mb now07:17
hateballza1b1tsu: you might have lots of old kernels, "sudo apt autoremove" should clean those07:20
=== ochosi_ is now known as ochosi
ValluHi there! I'm trying to install Lubuntu on a Acer Extensa 5220 with Windows 7...I downloaded the 32bit version and opened it with 7zip, then whatever I try to open from the unzipped folder the pc says it hasn't the proper sw to handle it...what am I supposed to do? thanks! Valentina.12:25
Vallusorry, windows vista12:28
JohnDoe_71RusVallu: https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-install-ubuntu-desktop#012:34
=== DonVlad is now known as ornelis
ThedarkbWhy was the non-PAE kernel option discontinued for Lubuntu?16:42
dragetI was sad to see that there were no beta builds for 18.04 on http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/. It would be really neat if Lubuntu was included in the *buntu build cycles o.o19:56
krytarikdraget: That's what happens when nobody tests, you could start right there.20:00
dragetTesting would be so much easier if there were beta or daily-build ISOs :)20:01
dragetAlready submittet three bug reports for (x/u)buntu 18.04 beta today. =D20:02
dragetAs I am evaluating *buntu flavors for some old machines today.20:02
krytarik1.) There are dailies, and 2.) there were beta images too.20:03
dragetOh… these here? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/daily-live/current/20:06
dragetI will test these… be prepared! *puts on software-braking-hat*20:13
dragetAaaaand I made the installer crash! \o/ xD20:26
krytarikMaybe that's the one that made releasing the Beta impossible then.20:27
dragettwo of my earlier three bugs today were ubiquity related. =/20:33
dragetAny idea what the difference would be between an plain ubuntu-server without a desktop + the lubuntu-desktop package and the lubuntu iso?20:39
krytarikdraget: mini.iso + Lubuntu task would be closer to the latter though, or if it's about the installer issues, just use the alternate image.20:47
dragetJup… the installer is currently broken on the live image.20:56

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