[00:01] I will try that with my old LG gPad 8.3 [00:09] @Ismaelbonato, ❤️❤️❤️ [00:10] @Eds_Mat, Tomorrow [00:30] @Yann Roth, Tap the message you want to reply to, then tap reply. [01:43] Hi guys [01:47] (Photo, 1280x800) https://irc.ubports.com/iKyjefZu.png [01:47] my bacon [01:47] drivers is ok [01:59] How long does halium "repo sync -c" take to finish in general? [02:11] @Eds_Mat, ew windows. [02:12] @FreeGarlicBread, yep [02:16] @FreeGarlicBread, Win10 actually does a great job of installing UT. I was having issues on both Arch and Ubuntu but with Win, it worked on the first try [02:16] @AmolithSeregion, It's because of how the package is distributed probably. [02:17] @FreeGarlicBread, That's what I was assuming === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun [04:50] @AmolithSeregion, Another mole! Get him! === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk [05:02] @Eds_Mat, Had the same problem. I have dual boot and tried it with ubuntu. This worked for me [05:46] @Ismaelbonato, Depending on your internet connection it may take hours. [05:47] thanks! I [05:47] But you can use -j something to make it faster and everyone else in your house angry. [05:50] now I'm setting some kernel options [05:55] Which device? [05:56] Are you already in the halium group? [06:09] Kev was added by: Kev [06:15] Gpad v500 LG [06:15] @jonny, Nope [06:32] https://t.me/halium [06:32] I guess you will need help some time.... === ecloud_wfh is now known as ecloud [07:31] Moritz was added by: Moritz [08:02] Hi, Are the update channels down at the moment. Was try to update bq 5hd to dev from stable and no channels are showing. Same on my other devices nexus 5, mx 4 no channels to update from. [08:57] @demokrit atomos, Perhaps install uvolman and see if there is a volume slider set to 0 that you can crank up? [09:28] Hi Kev & Moritz, welcome. Check out https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome to get you started [09:32] hi, and thanks ;) [10:15] 👍 [11:00] Heyo. Now running.Ubuntu Touch. But lile Kubuntu the fonts are very small. I did not found an option to change the system font size in UTouch. Why is there no option? There are people out there who dont have eyes like an eagle. xD [11:16] in ubuntu touch, unity8 scales the ui according to your devices screen specs. there is some way to trick or tweak the overall scaling, but not really to set a font size. [11:17] maybe something is not quite rihgt on your device? coud you send a screen shot pointing out what parts you think are too small? [11:17] [Edit] maybe something is not quite right on your device? could you send a screen shot pointing out what parts you think are too small? [11:18] and what device do you have by the way? [11:23] yeah, not the "official" way but you can change your device GRID_UNIT_PX settings to make UI bigger or smaller [11:35] Oneplus Onäne [11:35] I have bad eyes and want it bigger. [11:38] Ok i just saw that my oneplus didnt upload the screenshots. [11:38] (Photo, 1080x1920) https://irc.ubports.com/Ap5oeRft.png [11:45] Theirs a bug report for changing text size on github [11:54] @Direktor_Enzo, Multirom? [11:57] Dualboot on pc. Win10 / Kubuntu. With win10 it did not work, but with Kubuntu it as worked. [11:57] Changing size of only text is generally unfeasible. It would require going through every line of code in every app and every system UI component, and adjusting things to use actual font sizes based on some system setting. It's also probably the wrong solution, because in almost all cases one would also want the other elements of the [11:57] UI to scale as well. [11:59] @Lakotaubp, Are you on 16.04 devel and wanting to change back to the 15.04 stable? You can't do this through the system settings UI as it doesn't show all channels, only the ones for the base version you're on (and there is no 16.04 stable channel) [11:59] Didnt see the problem. It works with android, windows and iOS. So why not on Ubuntu? But anyways ... then why is there no option in the app (telegram for example)? [12:00] Windows even habe a 125% UI mode. This would help [12:00] Ubuntu also has an ui scaling but at some point it went way too big. [12:04] @Direktor_Enzo, Ubuntu is not Android, Windows, or iOS. Many UT apps specify font sizes using the same units as other UI elements so they are correctly proportional to the rest of the UI. This is I think, the correct way to do things generally speaking. So we would need a "scale the UI" option, rather than "pick a font and size [12:04] " setting. [12:05] @Direktor_Enzo, Are you talking about Ubuntu on your PC or on your phone? They are different things [12:06] As for why there is no option in the telegram app, I would have to guess that probably nobody implemented such an option [12:07] One the phone there is no such thing, so i mean the pc. I scaled from 1.0 to 1.4 with NO effect and at 1.5 its got so big, even the ISS could see it. [12:09] Well, it depends on the environment being used, as well as the applications themselves there, really. I don't think GTK+/GNOME stuff supports scaling at odd values very well. I don't know about KDE. [12:11] Any prefered systems? [12:12] there's a large mix of using named sizes and gird units, for font sizes, in UT apps/UI though. so i guess scaling is going to be difficult to implement there, either way [12:13] @Direktor_Enzo, I don't tend to scale things up, so my preferences probably won't help you much [12:14] like, i'm kind of disappointed that i can't make fonts/UI even smaller on android [12:14] @Direktor_Enzo, I see [12:14] @Direktor_Enzo, For bash terminal win10? [12:14] Okok, I will get this on my own. I can do this! [12:15] @Eds_Mat, No terminal. I used the exe but it wont work. So I rebooted to Kubuntu and used the program I downloded [12:16] but i do agree with your concerns; too many things these days are built without the slightest concern of accessibility :( [12:17] @dohbee, Thats one big problem with iOS. „Think different“ ... even if its worse. ;) [12:18] @jonny, This is plasma mobile? [12:18] @Direktor_Enzo, Yeah. iOS is pretty good though if you're totally blind, with text2speech and stuff, but horrible for only moderate needs [12:19] @Eds_Mat, no, it's the android base layer that ut/pm/etc can be built on [12:20] @dohbee, No. I dont use text2speech on my iphone. IOS has much benefits, Android too. It depends on what is the best for your useage. I would say iOS is efficient but android is adjustable. [12:20] i hope i can help push people to build more accessible stuff for ut, especially for non-english, but it's a hard road at this point, and there's a lot of more basic underlying technical issues that need solved too [12:22] @dohbee, KDE makes a big deal about how well it does scaling, so I'd say probably does. [12:22] @Direktor_Enzo, Right, I wasn't suggesting you do. I was simply suggesting that iOS/Android are much better suited to "fully disabled" situations than more moderate needs, in terms of their accessibility support [12:23] anyway, i think we're getting a bit into OT land, and i need to get ready for work [12:27] @dohbee, Okok. Last thing i want to mention is that i never had a need these os couldnt handle. Habe fun at work. I am almost done for today. Sent at 13:27 (1:27 pm) [12:33] I'm on 15.04 stable on the bq [12:34] Não [12:49] Does it lag on the bq? [12:52] @dohbee, The bq is on 15.04 stable still on channel options showing. Its also still the same on my other devices no update channel options showing. Haven't been able to change from release to dev on the nexus 5 for a few days but at least the options where there but as of today only a blank page. But confusing as everything [12:52] else seems fine. [13:01] Could you pass me screenshot of your telegram chat from the bq? Wonder about the scaling [13:02] I think the UBports image server is down. [13:08] @Direktor_Enzo, It's 960x540 at 4.6" i think, so it will probably look a little bigger on the e4.5, but less of it will fit in the same area [13:09] @Lakotaubp, ok, it does seem like something is wrong with the system-image server right now [13:10] Dispatching the latest in downtime response technologies as we speak [13:17] It's back [13:18] Our server had a meldown/spektre migration by the provider. Sorry about that [13:18] *server provider* that is [13:18] never good for a sentence to start with "our server had a meltdown" :P [13:19] haha not that kind of meltdown :P [13:19] "No two PIDs are not on fire" [13:19] pid 1 is on fire [13:20] lp0 also on fire, in case you were wondering [13:23] Another question: there are 2 different BQ E5. One as android-edition and one as ubuntu-edition. The ubuntu-edition has a weaker cpu. Ubuntu has a MediaTek cpu and Android a Snapdragon. Can the ubports flash tool also be used with the android edition (Snapdragon)? [13:23] No [13:25] @UniversalSuperBox, I have literally written software to do this, before [13:26] @Direktor_Enzo, The e5 ubuntu edition is the same as it's android self. You are talking about a different model e5 that did not have an ubuntu edition [13:27] i guess you're asking about e5 4g [13:29] or maybe the M5 [13:39] (Photo, 492x800) https://irc.ubports.com/EW49AD0g.png I dont watched at LTE bc I dont use it. I marked the part I meant bc you may dont understand german??? [13:40] IF I buy a BQ I want the more powerful one. Thats the reason I bought the OPO in first place. But Ubuntu lags extremely on my device [13:42] The more powerful one will not work, it is not the BQ E5 [13:43] It's the BQ E5 LTE, a completely different device [13:49] Damn [13:50] So no lag free UT for me. :( [13:51] i'm not sure what you mean by lag there [13:51] @Direktor_Enzo, I use OPO daily and have no lag ;) [13:53] I mean that the browser stuck from time to time. Also the app switch is very slow and its nearly impossible to sent pics in telegram. Everything is slow and laggy. [13:53] @Direktor_Enzo, What do you mean here exactly? [13:54] @UniversalSuperBox, Thanks All. Back to normal again🙂 [13:54] hmm [13:54] sounds like some network issues perhaps [13:55] maybe app switching feels slow because the gestures are a little abnormal? [13:58] Not rly. I am good with the gestures. Could be a broken phone though. I bought it second hand. [14:01] @Direktor_Enzo, Pics problem in telegram is bad app design, not your device [14:02] -The lead developer of the Telegram app [14:03] -The poor guy who inherited maintaining the Telegram app [14:03] Basically [14:05] Its not only telegram. If you check youtube you see ubuntu phones running as smooth as ios. Mine not. Maybe some issues. Dont know. [14:10] i don't know about ios. i used it once for about 30 seconds 8-9 years ago and hated it. [14:10] but nothing could match webos then [14:12] @Direktor_Enzo, I had an Bq E5, and the OPO runs much smoother and with less lag. E5 has 1 Gb Ram and OPO 3 Gb, no wonder. [14:12] @wagafo, SoC has a lot more to do with that than RAM, I think [14:13] @dohbee, On android RAM is THE THING. Dint know about Ut [14:13] I think also the processor of the OPO is more powerful, I think, but have to check [14:13] @Direktor_Enzo, I bought a Pixel brand new from Google, and it's still slow and annoying [14:14] @wagafo, it certainly is [14:14] Those BW with Ubuntu were really basic [14:14] [Edit] Those BQ with Ubuntu were really basic [14:15] @dohbee, Pixel is not rly good. [14:16] I'm pretty sure the hardware is plenty fast, in the Pixel [14:17] more cores and RAM than my nexus 5, but nexus 5 felt better in every respect [14:19] but anyway, doesn't matter. with some performance and optimization work, ubuntu would be buttery smooth on even the bq phones [14:43] @dohbee, This sentence made me hungry. I'm going to make some toast. [15:03] what version is Android inside Anbox on UBPorts? [15:05] It's Android 7 afaik [15:14] Android 7.1.1 😏 [16:33] Hey guys, has anyone tried this on fire hd 10? [16:38] @Hari Surayagari, due to the way Android works, UBPorts need to be ported for each device [17:08] could someone on MediaTek device cat /etc/init/ofono.override? [17:27] @Eds_Mat, No. This is halium, which is meant to be the standard hardware abstraction layer for all Linux/GNU distros on Android devices. So it is the base for Ubuntu Touch, Plasma Mobile and hopefully many others in the future. [17:37] #JustUbuntuThings .... this happens every 30 seconds [17:37] (Video, 7s) https://irc.ubports.com/sJPBg0hg.mp4 [17:39] And yes, it happens even at the start where i have to enter name etc [17:39] We aren't really an Ubuntu support channel... You might consider #ubuntu on freenode for that [17:47] @Hari Surayagari, I'm not sure but Amazon devices have locked bootloader, so don/t know if there is possibility to install UT on it in this situation [18:00] tone36 was added by: tone36 [18:00] Hi [18:01] Windows app stuck at bootloader screen [18:01] What can I do === alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOW [18:04] Hi @tone36 , welcome. Please check out this page, and I think someone can help you in the install room https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome [18:05] also called the "Newcomers Room" [20:08] @UniversalSuperBox, Who 😆 [20:15] On the radio today noted that FB grabs all data from your phone book, despite those third parties having zero say in the matter … [20:15] If some apps are used in common, the data includes phone and SMS logs [20:16] if you give it access to contacts, yes [20:16] telegram does the same [20:16] well on android you can give access to contacts and not to sms/phone [20:17] but only on newer versions of android. [20:17] It comes down to how transparent and obvious consent is in practice [20:18] The basic point is that other people divulge about us, even where we opt to have nothing to do with all that [20:19] Hi [20:19] Hello Tone [20:20] Did you find the Welcome Room? [20:20] Why ubports ain't working on windoes [20:20] It fails to detect phone [20:21] But all drivers are installed [20:22] @Stereofont, well just like mulder says, trust no one. [20:28] Reiner Hell was added by: Reiner Hell [20:36] Hello Rainer. For stuff about UBports check the link. Also note that we have a group in German … https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome [20:36] [Edit] Hello Reiner. For stuff about UBports check the link. Also note that we have a group in German … https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome [22:33] Go [22:33] (Photo, 960x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/vhUj0zg0.png Vamos brincar [22:47] Enjoy 😊 [22:48] @Stereofont, Tks [22:48] 'Now we can play' [23:09] @riccardovidotto has no rotation on his Frieza. The same on both Canonical UT and in UBports UT. The obvious answer is a hardware fault but does anyone have any insights or suggested tests? [23:10] Fwd from riccardovidotto: All apps are in portrait, only lockscreen is in landscape [23:11] Thank you @Stereofont [23:12] https://uappexplorer.com/app/sensorsstatus.chrisclime Get any info from the accelerometer in this app? [23:17] Yes, I see lots of numbers 😂 But there are no data available on Gyroscope [23:17] sadly you didnt try it when you was still in android [23:17] Accelerometer ? [23:18] @riccardovidotto, Do they change according to the rotation of the device? Gyroscope isn't used for screen rotation if I recall [23:19] Accelerometer gives 10, 0 when landscape [23:19] @Lyokanthrope, Yes they change [23:20] @Stereofont, Yeah, x should generally be 10 or -10 in landscape (probably varies depending on sensor/phone) [23:21] Well, I don't think it's a hardware fault if the accelerometer is working fine [23:23] Was a full data wipe and reinstall of UT already attempted? [23:24] It was fresh to Canonical and to UBports but same problem [23:25] Odd [23:25] Riccardo did you try reset? [23:25] @Lyokanthrope, +1 [23:27] Yes, when I flash Canonical UT I suppose the SPflashtool did wipes, and in UBports installer I made wipes [23:27] @Stereofont do you think I have to make wipes from recovery? [23:29] No I don't think that would do anything. Reset in settings is worth trying, just to show it has no effect [23:30] In System Settings, the Rotation Lock on the second line is off? [23:31] @Stereofont, Yes [23:32] If it is off turn it on, then off again [23:32] After that I am lost … [23:33] @Stereofont, Doesn't work.... [23:34] Maybe a ninja here has sn answer 😊 [23:34] Strange.. [23:34] [Edit] Maybe a ninja here has an answer 😊 [23:35] Ahahah [23:36] Install UTtweaktool and wipe the cache. Probably has no effect but might as well try [23:38] But for me, bed [23:39] @Stereofont, With libertine ? Or from Openstore? [23:41] OpenStore [23:46] I can't find "wipe cache" [23:52] apps scopes > system settings > "clear" [23:52] I think he was refering to that, not sure