
=== guiverc_d is now known as guiverc
lotuspsychjegood morning to all03:54
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JimBuntuIt's Friday! YAY!05:02
lotuspsychjehey JimBuntu05:03
lotuspsychjehey EriC^^05:03
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
saabstory88Does anyone here have experience moving an adobe creative suite workflow over to ubuntu in a profressional setting?05:25
saabstory88Our company is getting to the point where Microsoft's OS is so locked down that even the enterprise version is unacceptable, and we can't buy powerful enough Macs05:29
JimBuntuCan't buy powerful enough macs is a common issue.... resolved easily/obviously.05:30
Lin-Buo-RenIt depends on the "professional setting", the workflow still has to adapt to Ubuntu and Ubuntu-compatible application counterparts.05:31
saabstory88We are ready to pay for software and hardware, our largest obstacle at this point is feature set05:32
saabstory88JimBuntu: What do you mean?05:35
JimBuntusaabstory88, About the "can't buy powerful enough macs" statement? I mean that it's common for companies to realize they should have a generic Linux farm instead of trying to buy tons of Apple products to do the same task... as in rendering/etc.05:41
saabstory88I wish our firm was large enough to support such a solution. We are a little to small to buy into Foundry software05:43
saabstory88Another issues is portability. My laptop had enough brunt (i6700k, gtx980, 64gbram, win7/ubuntu) for a lot of the live event rendering work we do, but Win7 is starting to have issues with new software updates05:45
lotuspsychjesaabstory88: contact canonical?05:46
saabstory88About rendering software?05:47
lotuspsychjesaabstory88: about helping your company professionally05:48
saabstory88Do they provide help to small firms? (8 employees)05:49
lotuspsychjeand youl get much cheaper then windows support05:49
saabstory88Well they can't be worse than Microsoft support. MS doesn't even seem interested in dealing with a firm our size05:51
saabstory88It's really frustrating. I've been using Ubuntu for a couple years now as my home operating system, and when developing special applications for work. A good bit of our work is tethered to software which only runs in MacOS and Windows. Apple can't make powerful hardware, and Windows gives you no control over the OS.06:02
lotuspsychjethis is where ubuntu comes :p06:09
ubot5Canonical Ltd. is committed to the development, distribution and promotion of open source software products, and to providing tools and support to the open source community. It is the driving force behind the Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, and Edubuntu Operating Systems. Canonical's website is at http://www.canonical.com/06:09
lordievaderGood morning07:08
EriC^^morning lordievader , how's it going?07:31
lordievaderDoing good here :)07:32
ducassegood morning, everyone07:34
lordievaderHey ducasse07:34
lordievaderHow are you doing, EriC^^ ducasse ?07:34
ducassehi lordievader - how are you?07:35
EriC^^morning ducasse07:35
ducassefine here, thanks07:35
lordievaderDoing good :)07:35
EriC^^lordievader: doing good here07:35
ducassehi EriC^^07:35
lordievaderPhone got updated to Oreo this morning 😁07:35
lordievaderNot that I notice  whole lot of difference this time around.07:37
lotuspsychjebbl work, have a nice108:28
BluesKajHiyas all10:26
ducassehi BluesKaj - how are you today?10:27
BluesKajhey ducasse, doing ok, and you ?10:28
ducasseall good here, about to have lunch soon10:29
BluesKajmorning coffee and some hardtack with peanut butter here10:35
BluesKajsorta my morning routine before breakfast10:36
TJ-This is sounding good. https://www.collabora.com/news-and-blog/blog/2018/03/23/a-new-era-for-linux-low-level-graphics-part-2/17:30
lotuspsychjegood weekend to all18:15
daftykinsand to you! :D18:16
lotuspsychjewell thank you :p18:17
lotuspsychjecrowdy week pfff18:17
daftykinsbusy times?18:18
lotuspsychjeyeah too many hours at work18:18
pragmaticenigmaallo lotuspsychje18:49
lotuspsychjewelcome pragmaticenigma18:49
lotuspsychjepragmaticenigma: we talk & share about ubuntu & more here18:50
lotuspsychjefor a better support experience18:51
pragmaticenigmaCool... question, saw an article about Gnome Desktop having a bit of a memory leak. has there been any suggestions on how to mitigate/work-around it?18:53
lotuspsychjeyeah omgubuntu had this article right18:53
daftykinssounds like a support query to me18:53
lotuspsychjei invited pragmaticenigma here daftykins18:54
lotuspsychjehe helping support18:54
daftykinsright but it doesn't make this chan for the support :>18:54
kostkonpragmaticenigma, i've got one. don't use it :P18:55
pragmaticenigmaworks for me18:55
lotuspsychjekostkon: bit weird advice, knowing thousands of users will get into bionic soon18:56
pragmaticenigmadon't plan on updating right away... wait until the first update to 18.0418:56
lotuspsychjei got all my boxes 18.04 already :p18:56
kostkonlotuspsychje, and that'll mean more support work for us right?18:57
lotuspsychjekostkon: yes indeed :p18:57
lotuspsychjea month from now we get 2000 users in here18:58
daftykinsi don't think users move that fast :)18:58
lotuspsychjeyoul see youl see :p18:59
kostkonwe've never gone past that afaik but we are gonna almost hit that18:59
kostkon1800-1900 range surely19:00
pragmaticenigmaWith the switch back to Gnome desktop, I have a feeling a lot of users will be returning19:01
lotuspsychjekostkon: before ubuntu-unregged trick we had 1900+ indeed19:01
pragmaticenigmaat least those that like the gnome 3 desktop19:02
lotuspsychjekostkon: now its climbing back slowly19:02
lotuspsychjepragmaticenigma: yeah alot of unity boxes will get the choice to upgrade19:02
kostkonlotuspsychje, yeah there's been some increase in users already19:03
lotuspsychjekostkon: support feels liek supprt again now heh19:03
kostkonlotuspsychje, say that again. good old times19:03
TJ-grrrr, quiet is best!19:03
lotuspsychjeand with TJ- we can have them all!19:04
kostkonlotuspsychje, more activity, more spam, more angry people19:04
lotuspsychjemore joy, more community feeling :p19:04
TJ-Have you seen the list of open bugs for major packages that are going to hit us when people start upgading to 18.04? It's going to be horrible I tell ya!19:05
lotuspsychjeagree on that1 TJ-19:05
daftykinss'all about waiting for that .1 release :)19:05
TJ-Dropping of ifupdown is already throwing some issues up, especially in those that try to help themselves first and copy instructions from old wiki/web pages19:05
lotuspsychjewayland not ready, gnome memory leak..slow systemd..slow overal gnome system,..19:05
lotuspsychjedid i forget some?19:06
TJ-netplan supporting very few scenarios19:06
daftykinsWayland arguably doesn't matter though19:06
pragmaticenigmawayland isn't being installed by default fortunately... hopefully that will reduce some of the support19:07
tomreyndon't people upgrading from 17.10 get to keep wayland?19:07
TJ-systemd-resolved taking over  - had an issue earlier where it and N.M.'s dnsmasq were active, but /etc/resolv.conf had (the systemd-resolved listener) which hadn't configure the interface, so there was no DNS resolution19:07
pragmaticenigmaI believe when upgrading things stay in place19:07
lotuspsychjetomreyn: no, 18.04 will result in xorg by default19:07
TJ-I thought Wayland is installed but not the default?19:07
lotuspsychjeon 17.10 wayland is still default19:07
pragmaticenigmalotuspsychje, but tomreyn is asking about upgrades19:08
tomreynlotuspsychje: also on upgrades then?19:08
lotuspsychjei should suspect so19:08
daftykinshonestly things seem like such a mess compared to 14.04 days :)19:08
lotuspsychje16.04 was the best19:08
lotuspsychjeinstalled it on tons of machines19:09
daftykinsthink it took a while to get sane, 16.0419:09
pragmaticenigma16.04 is when I came back to the Ubuntu image... otherwise I had been on Xubuntu for quite a few years, if only because mythbuntu that was what came by default19:10
lotuspsychjetomreyn: devs wont risk nvidia boxes result in wayland session on upgrade right?19:10
TJ-I like 18.04 on the server side... but the desktop turmoil is horrible19:10
daftykinsTJ-: +1 glad to not use desktop really for that reason xD19:10
tomreynlotuspsychje: i do not know.19:10
lotuspsychjewe didnt hear about unity news yet neither?19:10
lotuspsychjehow great will it survive on bionic19:11
TJ-yeah, as you know I work from console/terminal most of the time anyhow so I don't need or want fancy GUI effects19:11
kostkonand canonical went from trying to create the best desktop in the world to being completely indifferent about it and that's terrible. hence now the mess with gnome shell19:11
lotuspsychjeTJ-: i need a lightweight, stable desktop for my customers19:11
TJ-lotuspsychje: I'd guess it'll wither and die eventually now Canonical no longer puts resources into it19:11
pragmaticenigmaI wish the GUI had at least two modes... Get stuff done mode and Sparkles (effects) mode19:11
TJ-lotuspsychje: XFCE/Xubuntu :)19:11
lotuspsychjeTJ-: never :p19:12
lotuspsychjeunderkill for normal machines in my opinion19:12
TJ-I measured all the desktops for 'light weight' and xubuntu just beat Lubuntu19:12
pragmaticenigmaonly reason I dropped XFCE/Xubuntu was I got tired of not having an easy method of adding new applications to the applications menu19:12
lotuspsychjeill file bugs until they get it straight19:13
lotuspsychje+1 pragmaticenigma19:13
lotuspsychjei dont like that either19:13
TJ-new applications are automatically added from their .desktop files19:13
lotuspsychjei like lubuntu xenial best under lightweights19:13
lotuspsychjewe will see what the future brings, and how the mass reacts under gnome19:15
TJ-budgie seems to be gaining some traction19:15
lotuspsychjeyeah budgie is interesting19:15
lotuspsychjebut i think they should at least fix vanilla ubuntu desktop for normal use right19:16
lotuspsychjedoesnt that sound logical19:16
lotuspsychjeanyway tv time here,19:17
lotuspsychjei wish you all a great weekend19:17
daftykinsand you sir \o19:17
kostkonlotuspsychje, "Midnight Run" this is your friday movie for this week19:18
lotuspsychjeTJ-: !rootirc is your-new-factoid-text-here in ubottu query19:18
lotuspsychjekostkon: lol19:18
kostkonlotuspsychje, yeap19:18
TJ-No money in desktop that's the problem... once SABDFL realised 'convergence' wasn't going to get Ubuntu onto millions of tablets and smartphones and therefore there's no income stream, GUI priority dropped - money is in Cloud and Enterprise, MAAS, Landscape, support subscriptions, deployments, etc.19:18
lotuspsychjelaterz ; )19:18
TJ-Desktop is effectively a loss-leader to win mind-share, rather like how Microsoft gave students free/discount Windows/Office so they'd want to use it when they got into the workplace19:20
kostkonit's not even a loss making now since red hat is paying for it19:21
TJ-there's still a lot of Ubuntu-introduced bugs too due to 'Unity look n feel' - I was looking at the list for gnome-software a few days ago and it is scary!19:23
daftykinsi wonder how bad subiquity is :)19:23
TJ-gnome-software with added features for snap discovery, ubuntu channels, etc19:23
pragmaticenigma18.04, if gnome is no good at time of -do-release-upgrade... I will choose either KDE or LXDE19:32
pragmaticenigmaI honestly will drop to the un-unityfied gnome for 18.04 baring the memory leak doesn't get fixed19:33
daftykinsi'm sure it will, do you not wait for the .1 release anyway to wait for a new release to approach some semblance or reliability?19:34
pragmaticenigmaTJ-, one would think .desktop would auto pickup... the problem was... where did it need to go? the normal drop points did find it19:34
daftykinsversion number chasers always get burnt and with good reason19:34
pragmaticenigma*normal drop point didn't find it19:34
pragmaticenigmadaftykins, I will wait till my system says the --do-release-upgraede is available. which is usually the .01 release19:34
TJ-pragmaticenigma: packages install it to /usr/share/applications/ ... locally built packages to /usr/local/share/applications/  per-user in $HOME/.local/share/applications/19:35
pragmaticenigmaTJ-, must have been something in the spin I was using, it never found those for some reason19:35
pragmaticenigmadaftykins, I may stick on 16.04 for a year. Anything that I need bleeding edge for is either self compiled or installed from vendor package19:36
TJ-I've just started upgrading all mine to 18.04 yesterday. Server's first, they're easiest19:37
daftykinsyeah LTS to LTS19:37
TJ-but still got to maintain my own build of apache2 which is a pain19:37
pragmaticenigmaTJ-, reduced feature set? or enhancing?19:38
TJ-I want mod_md19:38
TJ-that's the support for the ACME protocol so Let's Encrypt is built into apache, not an external tool19:39
TJ-now Let's Encrypt is isuing wildcard certificates too there's not many sites where it won't be the default choice19:40
TJ-biggest upgrade I've got to herd is a very active cluster of postfix mail server19:40
pragmaticenigmaoh, neat, I didn't know apache could manage the ACME protocol directly. I'm currently happy with the cronjob method of updating19:42
daftykinsyou don't even need to manually set that up if you have certbot installed which i make use of19:42
pragmaticenigmacome to think of it... not sure how I have installed at the moment19:44
pragmaticenigmait was whatever was documented at the time of install in June of 201619:45
daftykinsi waited for the first renewal date but then saw it had automatically been done xD was quite handy!19:45
TJ-daftykins: yeah, I just want to have the entire config managed within apache config files19:45
pragmaticenigmayeah, I've been happy with the autorenewal. i'm glad they made that a priority. more users using the autorenewal, the better the expiration of a ssl when it's no longer used19:46
pragmaticenigmaexpiration of the cert19:46
TJ-each vhost 443 SSLEngine On then includes it's own certificate logic19:46
daftykinsmakes sense!19:46
daftykinshow does it work if you have one for a www.domain.tld now and want to swap to a wildcard, do you have to wait for it to end then re-request? i've not even looked into it19:47
pragmaticenigmaI only use one, and since I make use of dynamic-dns address service, really only can operate one site, no wildcards19:47
daftykinsah, i got a cheap domain and run nextcloud from home19:47
daftykinsthe domain registrar includes an updater client to allow dynamic DNS :)19:48
pragmaticenigmamine is primarily so i can run openVpn server19:48
daftykinsah yeah19:48
daftykinsi do that with a DigitalOcean VPS19:48
TJ-in mod_md it uses the <MDomainSet> directive19:48
pragmaticenigmaMy router now has OpenVPN server built in, I usually use the VPN to access local network stuff19:49
pragmaticenigmathe hard part was figuring out the routing so i can access both the internet and my local network dns19:49
pragmaticenigmain the tunnel19:49
TJ-I've just started with wireguard in place of openvpn; so far, so good19:49
daftykinsi just disable the default gateway changing directive so i have subnet access and still browse from where i am19:49
daftykinsdepends if that's what you want though of course19:50
pragmaticenigmai send all traffic through the VPN if it's connected19:50
pragmaticenigmaI also use it so I can hop onto public wifi and minimize nosy people snarfing on my packets19:50
daftykins:) are you using the easy-rsa key setup scripts and so on?19:51
TJ-openvpn using udp transport and TA also protects against DoS attacks19:51
daftykinsi bumped up the crypto pretty high on my instances19:51
pragmaticenigmadaftykins, for me? no... I currently have username/password authentication enabled... haven't had time to look into documenation for the client certs yet19:52
daftykinsif the cypher strength is on default it might be bad :>19:53
daftykinscipher o019:53
daftykinswhy does my cat like to stand on my lap and headbut my mouse arm? :)20:02
pragmaticenigmaif a cat is present when human is on computer, cat must "help" human... it's the law of the universe20:05
pragmaticenigmadaftykins, it looks like the OpenVPN configuration requires the client have the Server Cert in order to make a connection. There are client certs, just the export/importing/exporting/importing seem daunting at the moment20:38
daftykinspragmaticenigma: you can actually streamline all the relevant certs and keys into a single .ovpn profile file, for ease of use20:39
daftykinsthough it would require starting over perhaps, i'd recommend this one - https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-an-openvpn-server-on-ubuntu-16-0420:39
JimBuntudaftykins, I highly recommend this ( and do this)21:04
JimBuntuno need to start over21:04
pragmaticenigmai'm familiar with that one daftykins ... except openvpn lives on my router, synology21:31
=== akik_ is now known as akik
Bashing-omFriday Support ??22:12
Bashing-ompragmaticenigma: Support - week end - looks slow .22:54
pragmaticenigmauntil ghostrider graces us.. then it gets exciting23:15
Bashing-ompragmaticenigma: Well, exciting is not the term I would employ :) .. Better you than me as I have little patience in such an event .23:17
pragmaticenigmaI've given up on them once before, and just made them wait for someone else to attempt to help23:28
pragmaticenigmaDon't know if the time alowed cooler heads to prevail or just someone had the right touch to get them to be more helpful to the situation23:29
Bashing-ompragmaticenigma: Uh Huh .. calm down, think --- patience : works wonders :)23:37

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