
gunixguys, any idea how i can change boot order from maas ?00:31
gunixi just rebooted the servers and they all defaulted to pxe boot00:31
gunixi just want them to boot the OS00:31
bradmwell, the boot order is a computer thing00:32
bradmif you boot them and it pxe boots, maas should have nothing for it, so it should then boot from disk00:33
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gunixbradm: well booting from disk is failing which is strange01:05
gunixand no idea why maas set the boot order for pxe first01:05
bradmgunix: if its failing to boot from disk I'd say that has nothing to do with maas, but more with whats on the disk01:06
RoyKgunix: trying to dual-boot?01:11
sarnoldRoyK: I think gunix is just trying to deploy a machine with maas, nothing fancy01:11
lordievaderGood morning07:07
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adacHmm I created /var/log/journal directory and my servera gain crashed tonight. There is a file in it now that I wanted to check on what has happened08:37
adacbut the file seems be pretty much binary08:37
adacah i need to read it with journalctl -b08:38
adachmm but still again there are no old messages in there08:39
adaconly from the last boot If I do:08:39
adacjournalctl -b 108:39
adac /var/log/journal/35a754864d1e47469f9af2c0262f700e/system.journal08:39
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blackflowadac: did you check the standard syslog? journald is forwarding to it by default.10:23
adacblackflow, yes in syslog I see the time before the machine stopped/was not reachable10:25
adacbut I cannot see what happened10:25
adaconly when the machine is rebooted there are entries again10:25
adacbefore there is no error indicating what is happening10:25
blackflowadac: sounds like a hard crash reboot, and when those happens it's usually due to faulty hardware like memory10:40
gunixbradm: RoyK: sarnold: The first deployment was ok but something happened after that. Now all deployments are failing. I noticed there was an issue when I tryed to reboot the servers and all failed to boot.11:47
gunixthis is highly confusing11:47
mojtabaHello, If I want to keep a process running on the remote machine, even after exiting ssh, should I run screen on my local machine and ssh in screen to the remote machine and run my command? Is there any other way?12:34
ahasenackmojtaba: nohup12:35
ahasenackssh machine12:35
ahasenacknohup <start-your-process>12:35
mojtabaahasenack: Is it like screen?12:35
ahasenackno, it will just prevent the process from getting the HUP signal when you logout12:36
ahasenackif it's something interactive, or something that prints stuff to the console that you want to see later,12:36
ahasenackthen I recommend to use screen/byobu on the remote machine12:36
ahasenackssh machine12:36
ahasenackstart process12:36
ahasenackctrl-a d12:36
mojtabaahasenack: thanks12:36
gunixahasenack: do you have any idea why machines that got previously deployed by MAAS are now failing deployment ?12:48
ahasenackgunix: not without more data, no12:50
gunixahasenack: what data would you need?12:51
ahasenackstart by clicking on such a machine in the maas gui, inspect the data you get there. Notably installation logs12:51
gunixthere are not installation logs.12:51
ahasenackif that's empty, try watching the machine's console while it deploys until it fails12:51
ahasenackand the events tab in maas12:52
ahasenackyou might also want to hangout in the #maas irc channel, that's more specific than ubuntu server12:52
ahasenackI idle there as well12:52
gunixahasenack: events: https://bpaste.net/show/811673766cfc12:52
gunixnobody on #maas is answering12:53
gunixi think they have no idea how the software works cause when i ask a more complex questions it's silence12:53
gunixbut they are answering questions to easy questions :D12:53
ahasenackwatch the console then12:54
ahasenackit's usually what I do when debugging such a problem with my nodes12:54
gunixahasenack: this si the console: https://ibb.co/nc9q9n12:54
gunixit's stuck there .12:55
ahasenackit doesn't tell me if that's the first boot or second boot12:55
ahasenackduring deployment there is a first boot, where the installer comes up and installs the ubuntu release on the disk12:55
ahasenackthen it reboots into the newly installed system12:55
ahasenackdo you see evidence in the console, as messages scroll by, that it was able to reach the network to install packages and download stuff?12:56
gunixaaand it faield.12:58
TJ-middle of that photo is a line that reads 'object XXXX from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (cannot open shared object file). ignored'12:59
adacblackflow, thanks for the hint, I will contact my hosting provider!12:59
gunixTJ-: i saw that line but i have no idea how to interpret that13:00
ahasenackrbasak: if I could pick your brain for a minute wrt a packaging question13:00
TJ-gunix: nor me, but it was the only anomaly visible13:00
gunixTJ-: yea and it doesn't tell me anything13:01
gunixahasenack: from my point of view it seems like it is getting the image since that is the only way cloudinit could be obtained .13:01
ahasenackrbasak: package contents: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/vnKrkqNczH/13:01
ahasenackrbasak: the files under nvml_dbg are triggering an ldconfig call, flagged by the lintian as undesirable13:01
ahasenackrbasak: upstream told me this about those files:13:01
ahasenack"Files under nvml_dbg are builds with debugging symbols, logging, asserts13:01
ahasenackand expensive checks that we normally don't want users to run with."13:01
ahasenackrbasak: I'm wondering if they should be shipped in another package then, and what its name could be13:02
ahasenacklibfoo-extra-debugging? Is there a precedence for this?13:02
ahasenackgunix: hm, no, cloudinit data is passed down via another way13:02
ahasenackgunix: do you see it reboot once, after doing a bunch of stuff?13:02
ahasenackgnuoy: anyway, in general, the debugging of such failures is either around the actual image installation on disk (that's the first boot), or networking problems13:03
ahasenackit does run apt-get at some point, so it needs to be able to reach the internet or a mirror13:03
gunixahasenack: no, i don't see it reboot13:03
ahasenacktry to ssh to the node while it's stuck in that powered-on state13:04
gnuoyahasenack, I think gunix and I are different people13:04
ahasenackif you added your key to maas, you should be able to ssh in as ubuntu13:04
ahasenackgnuoy: hah13:04
gunixahasenack: i will recheck network config but that is ok afaik13:04
ahasenacktry ssh in and poking around13:05
ahasenackalso make sure you selected the right disk for your root partition in the node in maas13:05
ahasenackif there is more than one13:05
ahasenackit also pays to check the partitioning in general, and network config, in the node's page13:05
gunixahasenack: network is ok13:06
rbasakahasenack: looking13:06
gunixahasenack: this is the exact config that was working a few days ago13:08
gunixthat's why this is highly confusing13:08
gunixthe server is still stuck there btw ... at deleting temporary files13:09
ahasenackgunix: if it was commissioned, then the hardware view maas has of the node changed to reflect the current state13:09
ahasenackdid you ssh in?13:09
rbasakahasenack: for a first iteration I'd remove them from the build. I think it's incorrect to ship them in the -dev package.13:09
ahasenackwas your maas installed as a snap?13:10
ahasenackrbasak: they are more than just debugging symbols13:10
rbasakahasenack: the package can be fully functional without them, right?13:10
rbasakYou don't have to provide every development feature upstream provides in a package build.13:10
ahasenackrbasak: yes, but supposedly upstream would want them somewhere when debugging sometihng. They are installed by "make install"13:10
rbasakUpstream wouldn't use the distribution package build to debug though, would they?13:11
gunixahasenack: i installed using "apt instal maas" on ubuntu 16.0413:11
ahasenackrbasak: it's a new package, they might ask users to do stuff13:12
ahasenackI'll propose we remove those files, but wanted to get another opinion13:12
ahasenackspecially if there was precedence for this in ubuntu, an extra-debugging package13:12
rbasakI imagine the right way to package both, if you really want to package both, would be to provide an alternate libfooX binary package with some other name that conflicts and provides it, so they could ask users to switch to that one instead.13:12
ahasenackthere is no need to conflict13:12
ahasenackand those extra libs are not used since they are not in the linker's path. I suppose upstream would ask users to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH before some debugging task13:13
rbasakI don't think that's appropriate for a distribution package.13:13
ahasenackbut, their placement is enough to trigger debhelper's automatic ldconfig call13:13
rbasakBut this is perhaps a discussion from #ubuntu-devel.13:13
rbasakahasenack: I think my issue with weird things like this is that the package isn't a special snowflake and users shouldn't have to know about special per-package snowflakes before being able to do things like this. The (reasonable) desire to have a debugging version with extra assertions but lower performance is a generic one. The distribution should provide a generic solution. And the mechanism we13:20
rbasakhave for that is drop in replacement packages via conflicts/provides. Not weird stuff to do with getting the user to override paths.13:20
rbasakThe point of a distribution is to unify these things.13:20
ahasenackso there is a precedence with special builds that are drop-in replacements and have more logging/debugging/checks?13:21
rbasakI'm not sure about specifically for libraries.13:22
rbasakBut there are plenty of packages that provide varying functionality depending on the user's package selection.13:22
rbasakexim for example.13:22
rbasakPeople in #ubuntu-devel may know more13:22
rbasakI'm also unsure about simultaneously providing a concrete package and a virtual package that conflicts with it.13:23
rbasakI'd want to read and/or test a bit more before committing to that.13:24
rbasakIn the meantime, IMHO it's not worth blocking to figure this out.13:24
ahasenackI asked them how they would expect end users to use these files, and if we can drop them13:24
ahasenackin the meantime, a test build confirmed the lintian ldconfig warning is gone when I remove them13:25
rbasakThis kind of thing is very common.13:25
rbasakUpstreams need to understand that the point of a distribution is to unify things, and they shouldn't expect to be able to do every weird thing that they do in a distribution package.13:25
ahasenackalso that nvml_dbg dir mixes devel and runtime builds of the library13:26
ahasenackI assume you could link to a debugging version of the library and get more info in your app13:26
ahasenackso that means two extra packages per library: dev and runtime13:26
ahasenackif we go down that route13:26
rbasakdev, normal runtime, normal runtime with debugging symbols, debugging runtime, debugging runtime with debugging symbols.13:27
rbasakIt might be possible to collapse the last two down, as debugging runtime without debugging symbols makes no sense.13:27
ahasenackit might if it's just about exrta logging13:28
rbasakIf you want to do any of this, I would speak to an archive admin now on how you plan to arrange everything to save any wasted effort.13:28
ahasenackI also asked to confirm if this extra logging cannot be enabled via env vars13:28
ahasenackI'm hoping I can just drop that dir13:29
pgaxattecoreycb: I tested the changes you submitted on mistral (https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-archive/+bug/1757433) and it works for me on Xenial for both pike and queens version14:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1757433 in mistral (Ubuntu Artful) "[SRU] mistral-event-engine conflicts mistral-event" [High,Fix committed]14:13
pgaxattecoreycb: however I'm not familiar with launchpad and I don't get how I am supposed to "change the tag from verification-pike-needed to verification-pike-done"14:14
TJ-pgaxatte: edit the tags (below the description box)14:51
pgaxatteTJ-: ah yes on the original comment :)14:54
pgaxatteTJ-:  i mean the first one which is the description :)14:55
pgaxatteTJ-, coreycb: done!14:56
ahasenackhm, I have this lintian warning that I'm trying to override:15:09
ahasenackW: libpmemlog-dev: manpage-has-errors-from-man usr/share/man/man3/libpmemlog.3.gz 235: warning: macro `..,' not defined15:09
ahasenackI created debian/source/lintian-overrides15:09
ahasenacklibpmemlog-dev binary: manpage-has-errors-from-man15:09
ahasenackbut the warning is still there15:09
ahasenackwhen I run "lintian" from the build directory15:09
ahasenackdo I need to install the package?15:09
lolekmaybe you guy will have some idea.  I've got two machines, ubuntu 12.04 and ubuntu 16.04 both have exact same sudoers config file, on both machines the users have almost identical groups (with one eception of one group the one for the virtualmachine), now when I try to run this command: /usr/bin/sudo -k -u lolek /bin/true   on U16.04 I don't get pw prompt while on U12.04 the prompt is there15:27
rbasaklolek: have you looked in /etc/sudoers.d/?15:38
rbasaklolek: also, remember that sudo caches the fact that you entered the password. There's some default expiry time set.15:38
lolekrbasak: yes, but in both cases the sudoers file has got commented out that include for sudoers.d15:39
lolekrbasak: also for the cache is not a problem here as I'm using the -k switch15:39
rbasakI don't know then, sorry.15:39
TJ-lolek: how about /etc/pam.d/sudo  ?15:40
lolekTJ-: checked, the same :/15:41
TJ-lolek: check /var/log/auth.log on both machines for differences/clues15:41
lolekright ... hmm let me find it15:42
lolekI should also mention that u12.04 has got sudo 1.8.3p1 while 16.04 has got version 1.8.1615:42
TJ-lolek: I cannot reproduce your issue here on 12.04 and 16.04 I see password prompt15:43
lolekTJ-: you've used your current user right?15:45
TJ-lolek: I've tried several user accounts15:46
lolekyou've got original sudoers file?15:46
lolekTJ-: ok that's interesting .. in auth.log somehow on 12.04 the user is represented in the auth.log having id 1000 but on u16.04 the id is 015:50
TJ-lolek: well that'd do it!15:50
lolekTJ-: well yeah but why..15:51
TJ-lolek: well start off with 'getent passwd lolek'15:51
lolekwhen I do id lolek on 16.04 and 12.04 the id is not 015:51
TJ-lolek: is sudo or /bin/true setuid root ?15:51
lolekboth machines same rights15:52
lolekTJ-: do you have 18.04 at hand?15:55
TJ-lolek: yes15:55
lolekas I checked clean 18.04 installation and it's the same, it doesn't ask for pw15:55
lolekand also in the auth.log the user id is...015:55
TJ-lolek: as i said earlier, it's /etc/pam.d/sudo -- on 12.04 it's 'auth' but on 16.04+ it's 'session'16:00
lolekmissed this one16:01
lolekTJ-: well I've changed it to auth on 18.04 and it still doesn't ask for pw :/16:04
lolekI'm wondering where it's taking that uid = 016:07
TJ-lolek: what does the 16.04  /etc/sudoers look like, can you pastebin it?16:22
lolekTJ-: sure, a sec16:22
lolekTJ-: http://pasteall.org/88974616:23
lolekhere it's the default one16:23
lolektbh it's logical that it won't ask for pw if I want to switch to current user16:23
lolekbut the question is why on 12.04 it asks for it16:23
loleka bug?16:23
TJ-I wonder if it's been added since. I checked the Debian changelog and didn't see mention but there were several upstream releases in between so they may have brought it in16:27
TJ-lolek: is sudo-ldap installed on any of them?16:32
lolekI don't see any sudo-ldap package so no16:33
mojtabaHello, I am going to write a script to make a backup when a specific computer joins the network. I want to repeat the process, until the directory is fully backed up. Could you please let me know how can I improve this code? http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/TbwKWcT5rz/18:04
blackflowmojtaba: why don't you just ping ?18:19
blackflowyou don't even have to sleep you can set, say, 30 seconds between two pings18:19
mojtabablackflow: ping -i 300 ?18:20
blackflowthat's a bit too long18:20
blackflowone icmp packet every 30 seconds should be more than enough.18:21
mojtabablackflow: ping -i 30 ?18:21
mojtabablackflow: Do you know how should I check if rsync has been successful?18:23
mojtabablackflow: should it be rsync && exit or rsync && break?18:23
blackflowmojtaba: yes, but actually I think you'll have to put that into a loop and send one packet only, to have ping exit with success or failure18:23
blackflowso something like ping -c1 -i 30    in a loop and when it exits with success, the host has replied18:24
mojtabablackflow: Can I grep the exit of ping?18:24
blackflowexit code? no, it's available in something like $?  depending on your shell18:26
mojtabablackflow: it is bash18:26
blackflowyou can also do things like     while true; do ping -c1 > /dev/null && break; done18:27
blackflowthat will wait until ping exits with success.  oh and I forgot -i18:27
mojtabaSo I have to replace this with until statement in my code?18:28
mojtabablackflow: what about the rsync part? should it be rsync && break?18:29
blackflowrsync should also return success or failure, so you can test its output18:29
mojtabablackflow: How can I test its output?18:29
blackflowhowever, note that rsync can report error on things like files changed during transfer, but otherwise having successful transfer18:30
blackflowmojtaba: $? contains last set exit code18:30
mojtabablackflow: Thanks. I will check it.18:30
blackflowmojtaba: also consider using ~/.ssh/config instead of ssh options on the command line18:32
mojtabablackflow: sure, thanks.18:32
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boxrickI am after a minimal ISO installer without needing internet access. Is there any way to achieve that similar to CentOS?22:31
ChmEarlboxrick, thats what the ubuntu-server ISO is. Its a CD with about 300 packages, enough to do a minimal install22:49
boxrickI always thought it had a fit when it didn't get any network22:50
boxrickPerhaps I am wron22:50
boxrickwrong* then22:50
ChmEarlboxrick, I admit , I never used it when competely disconnected from internet22:51
ChmEarlboxrick, perhaps use this ISO as a debootstrap source22:52

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