
gamerchick02yay bonus track!21:46
gamerchick02ooops this was for the bugcast21:46
gamerchick02but yeah, if anyone in here likes CC music, go to #thebugcast and hang and listen to good music21:47
cmaloneyI hate CC music. :)22:25
gamerchick02http://stream.otherside.network:8904/listen.pls is the stream22:26
gamerchick02a lot of it is, yes23:07
Scary_Guyno, what is CC?  I'm not getting it23:08
Scary_GuyClassic Country?23:08
Scary_GuyI can't get it to open in NCMPCPP anyway23:09
greg-gCreative Commons, I presume23:15
Scary_Guythat would make way more sense23:15
greg-gAnd not Change Congress, also started by Larry Lessig (and, yes, he accidentally sent emails to the wrong staff list at least twice while I was at the original CC)23:16

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