
vachowould be great if someone could walk me through on how to install php 7.1 or 7.2 on Ubuntu 16.0400:12
tgm4883vacho: the official answer is to use 7.0, as it's the supported version for 16.04. Otherwise you'd either need to compile or use a PPA00:15
vachotgm4883: im ok with using PPA00:15
tgm4883vacho: I'm not going to endorse any PPA since I haven't used it, but a quick search points to https://launchpad.net/~ondrej/+archive/ubuntu/php00:16
vachotgm4883: just installed that00:17
tgm4883vacho: then what's the question?00:17
vachonevermidn i give up00:21
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logan0405Hi, how can I remove gnome 3 desktop and all applications depending on it? I removed gnome-shell-common but have duplicate applications now in cinnamon leftover from gnome. "Startup Applications" etc00:49
logan0405ubuntu 171000:49
logan0405i just removed software-properties-common, gnome-session-common, gnome-software-common & gnome-games-common after some searching. not a clean way to do it and definitely some leftover applications00:59
maddawg2is there a linux command that would list my RAM modules?01:01
maddawg2and slots available01:01
maddawg2i have a remote machine i want to buy ram for but i dont know what slots are open if any01:01
maddawg2or what sticks are in it currently01:02
pragmaticenigmamaddawg2, lshw -class memory01:04
pragmaticenigmarun with sudo maddawg201:04
pragmaticenigmasudo dmidecode -t memory01:04
pragmaticenigmawill possibly work too01:04
maddawg2ah thanks01:06
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luxiois there a summary of the most significant changes coming in bionic beaver?01:21
pragmaticenigmaIs there something specific you are curious about luxio ?01:32
TJ-luxio: does this help? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes01:37
luxioTJ-: yes thank you!01:38
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GoopHow do you find out if Ubuntu system log daemon is running?01:49
TJ-Goo "systemctl status systemd-journald rsyslog"01:50
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guivercunderd0g, this is the Ubuntu support channel; if you have a support question please just ask it (ideally in a single line).  If someone in the room knows the answer they'll reply (please be patient too)01:57
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energizeri have a keyboard with some unusual fn keys. xev and screenkey arent noticing when i press them. what can i do?03:03
thelisis there any support for low-graphics mode?03:05
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hispeed67 anybody real familiar with PAM?03:14
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joshuafewfsssssAre there any compatriots from China?03:33
aliendude5300Hello, I'm trying to mount my LUKS partition to get to my files from an 18.04 live USB. I'm getting this error https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/86hqrv/im_unable_to_unlock_an_encrypted_luks_volume_on/03:41
aliendude5300Direct image link; https://i.redd.it/hw0a0kftofn01.png03:41
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aliendude5300Whoops, I see I should post in #ubuntu+1. Moving there03:42
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aliendude5300Seems nobody is on, will ask again tomorrow03:51
hispeed67how do i specify the authentication method for an application via pam?03:54
Dexx1_Hey guys. I am trying to get my Ethernet working so I could access my router settings. However, when I go into "Network settings", it just says "Ethernet Unplugged" -- Any tips?04:09
Dexx1_I already did sudo ifconfig eth up/down04:09
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lotuspsychjeDexx1_: wich ubuntu version, chipset and driver loaded?04:14
mr_yogurtIs there a way to install nvidia drivers such that they won't end up breaking every so often forcing me to reinstall ubuntu?04:15
lotuspsychjemr_yogurt: depends wich ubuntu version, driver version,card chipset?04:17
mr_yogurtlotuspsychje 16.04, gtx 1060, whatever the most recent version is (390?)04:17
lotuspsychjemr_yogurt: is your system up to date to latest, have you tryed other driver versions?04:18
mr_yogurtlotuspsychje this is a recurring problem. i'm currently on attempt 2 of reinstalling ubuntu for the 6th time04:19
lotuspsychjemr_yogurt: reinstalling is overkill, you need to findout whats the problem first04:20
mr_yogurti've tried to fix it04:21
mr_yogurtreinstalling is easier04:21
lotuspsychjemr_yogurt: check your drivers with: ubuntu-drivers list04:22
mr_yogurtgimme a bit04:23
mr_yogurti think it was 384 when i ran it after the first reinstall?04:25
lotuspsychjemr_yogurt: try to switch to 384?04:26
lotuspsychjemr_yogurt: when things go wrong, dont reinstall but try !nomodeset04:29
mr_yogurtwhat does that do04:29
lotuspsychje!nomodeset | mr_yogurt04:33
ubottumr_yogurt: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter04:33
mr_yogurti get to a login loop04:33
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Dexx1_lotuspsychje: how do I find out?04:40
lotuspsychjeDexx1_: sudo lshw -C network04:42
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Dexx1_lotuspsychje:        product: 82579LM Gigabit Network Connection04:53
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saabstory88Is there a good freenode channel to discuss ubuntu software suggestions?05:22
ubottuWant to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!05:22
lost_and_unfoundGreetings all. I have a USB GSM module, I have a service installed (gammu) for sending a receiving SMS's. In the config I have my modem defined as  /dev/ttyUSB0. However, sometimes with a reboot, the OS detects the device on /dev/ttyUSB1, making the config invalid. What can I do to ensure the GSM will always detect as /dev/ttyUSBx ? Thanks05:37
abdullhello guys05:51
abdullMD5sum change after copy the file ? any help05:53
wedgiecopy it again?05:54
abdullwedgie: same issue when i disconnect and plug it into window MD5sum change05:54
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wedgiedisconnect what? Maybe you should start at the beginning. How are you copying the file and what are you copying it to?05:56
abdullcopy from linux mint 18.3 to pen drive USB 2.0 16gb file size is 5gb its NTFS but after disconnect and then connect it top wndows laptop MD5sum change05:57
wedgie"16gb file size is 5gb"   What does that mean?05:58
abdull1 iso file 5gb size05:58
abdullpen 16gb05:58
rud0lfUSB 2.0 16 GB i think05:58
wedgieah. So you md5sum the source file, copy it to the usbdrive, then md5sum the file on the usb drive and they don't match?05:58
abdullonly when connect to windows laptop its not match05:59
wedgiebad usb drive maybe?05:59
wedgieoh. So the md5sum is correct on the usb drive when checked from linux?05:59
abdullwhen i type 'cd /media/abdull/SD' then 'MD5sum file' same MD5sum for source05:59
abdullwedgie: yes06:00
guivercwedgie, your gnu/linux may have some of it still in buffers (cached) and thus is not reading the full file as written to usb-thumb-drive..06:00
rud0lfdid you compare the file size?06:00
guivercsorry - that was for abdull ; sorry wedgie06:00
abdullguivers: same file size06:00
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abdullpen is not full '16 GB — 12 GB free (22.3% full)'06:02
wedgieabdull: only thing i can think of is bad usb drive, or you're pulling it too soon without unmounting or syncing06:02
abdullwedgie: i use save remove06:04
abdullright now i have the file in pen same MD5sum in source HDD06:04
abdullis there i commend line for save disconnect? for pen drive06:05
abdulli will use Eject from gui06:06
guivercabdull, i agree with wedgie (likely bad/faulty usb thumb-drive) - the other possible is malware/virus on windoze; but mint & windows are not Ubuntu and off-topic here06:09
ubottuThe Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)06:10
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abhi_do anyone here knows is there any exploit for windows 1006:35
abdullguiverc: Eject and waiting fix the issue for MD5sum06:37
abdullguiverc, before using save removal is not good as Eject06:37
abdullabhi_, exploit for hacking?06:38
abhi_basically i need to know if there is anyway i can get into port 2106:39
grayhi :D06:46
RM982so if you enter a passphrase when generating ssh keys you'd have to provide that passphrase every time you start a session, is that correct?06:47
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mooncakehexchathi all07:05
mooncakehexchatcan anyone tell me the fastest way to copy (backup) a hdd i have-its size is about 1tb-hoping to find out that if i boot from a live usb without drives mounted it may be faster-Or that doing it from terminal will be faster07:07
mooncakehexchatcopy and past seemed to take for ever in past and am dealing with about 500GB spinning discs 7200 i think07:09
hateballmooncakehexchat: rsync is probably your best bet07:16
EriC^^mooncakehexchat: if you're copying os files then you'll want to use a live usb07:16
hateballor straight up dd, if you want to copy the entire DISK07:16
Triffid_Huntermooncakehexchat: even imaging the partition will likely take a couple hours, spinning rust can only read/write so fast..07:16
mooncakehexchatthank you-i have a slight problem file permissions i think can anyone help me make my drive able to read write and execute by me at least07:21
mooncakehexchatfrom what i remember it is chmod but the digits i am unsure of07:22
mooncakehexchat777 or 755 comes to mind ?07:22
EriC^^mooncakehexchat: sudo chmod -R 777 /mountpoint makes all files read write executable by everyone07:22
mooncakehexchatwill that apply for an empty drive ex4 gpt07:23
mooncakehexchatwell the numbers anyway07:24
geirhamooncakehexchat: just change ownership instead07:24
geirhasudo chown "$USER:" /mountpoint07:24
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mooncakehexchatso copy the above verbatim or add my unsername after the dollar(sorry to be so noob)07:25
mooncakehexchatsmokingrunts wsup07:25
SmokinGruntswhat's good, mooncakehexchat07:26
geirhamooncakehexchat: $USER will expand to your username, so either way works07:26
mooncakehexchatthank you very much07:26
SmokinGruntswho you thankin'? nobody deserves thanks yet here so far..07:27
* SmokinGrunts is getting better at corrupted speaking07:28
* SmokinGrunts hopes07:28
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mooncakehexchatbit worried about this "the permissions of 1GBbackup could not be determined" should i change drive permissions before proceeding to use for a backup drive i changed ownership as instructed07:38
geirhaWould need to know what it does to come to that conclusion07:43
geirhaoh it's nautilus07:45
geirhaare you sure you wrote the mount point correctly when you ran the command in the terminal earlier?07:45
mooncakehexchati think so i open 'disk' and copied and paste the mount point from there i will show you what i wrote07:46
mooncakehexchatsudo chown "$USER:" /media/noj/1GBbackup07:47
jpmhsomehow I seem to have cerated a file with an empty name.  find and ls both seem to show it - how can I get rid of it?07:49
mooncakehexchat<geirha> posted a pic of lsblk -a07:51
EriC^^jpmh: what's the exact name? " " ?07:51
EriC^^jpmh: try rm -i " "07:51
jpmhEriC^^: good question - as far as I can tell there is NO name - when I do an ls to a file and then remove from the file all lines that are non-empty, I am left with an emmty file07:52
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jpmhthe name is NOT space.07:52
EriC^^jpmh: try stat *07:53
EriC^^it should show the name more clearly07:53
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geirhamooncakehexchat: and   ls -la /media/noj/1GBbackup  ?07:55
jpmhEriC^^: it does not appear to show in that mode, to the extent that I can tell - there are a boatload of other files, so I grepped the stat to File:, then looked for any line thatid not contain ' then a word characted - found none07:57
jpmhbut, ls |sort generates a blank line at the start  of the output07:58
mooncakehexchat<geirha> let me know if you think i should reformat with gparted-this drive will be used to store files under linux07:59
mooncakehexchator other07:59
mooncakehexchat*gparted or other07:59
EriC^^jpmh: blank line?07:59
EriC^^this is getting odd07:59
EriC^^oh nevermind08:00
EriC^^thought you meant ls -l08:00
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jpmhEriC^^: what I mean is that I see a blank as the first line and if I re-direct to a file, then the first line of the file is just the line freed, sort of empty08:00
mhiltonmorning all08:01
geirhamooncakehexchat: permissions look right, so not sure why nautilus is unable to determine it08:02
mooncakehexchatreboot ?08:02
mooncakehexchatim going to boot from live ubuntu and see if prob persists-reason for want to backup was cus i have wrecked my os and wanted to migrate files to backup drive prior to proceeding08:03
geirhaI don't see what a reboot would change08:03
EriC^^jpmh: i have an idea, maybe try stat  !NOT [[:lower:]]* , trying to figure out the syntax of it08:04
mooncakehexchati deleted files i shouldnt have and os has been action odd esp in terminal re tab autocomplete08:04
jpmhEriC^^: I did do a stat `ls |sort -r` thinking that would get it - but no - does not show there - whereas the ls |sort -r does show a blank line at the end08:05
mooncakehexchatbut the file i deleted where in the home dir so i thought it was safe to delete them08:05
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EriC^^jpmh: does it show in ls -l | sort ?08:05
geirhajpmh: Does this output anything? (shopt -s nullglob; printf '%q\n' *$'\n'*)08:06
jpmhyes, with sort I start with a blank line08:06
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EriC^^jpmh: even with ls -l ?08:06
mooncakehexchattypo action =acting08:06
EriC^^it should show file metadata like owner perms size etc08:06
mooncakehexchatspeak soon08:06
jpmhwith -l the sort won't really be useful08:07
EriC^^jpmh: is there a way to get the size from ls -l?08:07
jpmhEriC^^: there are enough files in the directory I have no idea how to do an ls -l on that file08:08
EriC^^jpmh: ok, this should help, try stat [![:lower:]]*08:09
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jpmhEriC^^: what will that do - I did try it and see nothing new08:11
EriC^^jpmh: it should list all files that dont start with a lowercase letter08:11
EriC^^jpmh: this is better try stat [![:alpha:]]*08:12
rud0lfEriC^^: is that a globe or regex?08:12
EriC^^it's a bash class stuff08:12
MoL0ToVin ubuntu 18.04 libreoffice 6 is included?08:12
rud0lfdidn't know it can be this complex08:12
geirhathat glob is the standard kind that will also work in sh08:13
jpmhEriC^^: yep - that showed me all of the files start start with numbers but ot the "special" one08:13
geirhaMy guess is there's a filename containing a newline somwhere, which this should make visible: (shopt -s nullglob; printf '%q\n' *$'\n'*)08:14
ducasse!ubuntu+1 | MoL0ToV08:14
ubottuMoL0ToV: Bionic Beaver is the codename for Ubuntu 18.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+108:14
EriC^^jpmh: if you try with [![:digit:]]* ?08:14
EriC^^try geirha 's suggestion08:14
jpmhEriC^^: and geirha - geirha's idea genearted: $'temp.fil\n' - what does that mean?08:16
geirhathere's your culprit. That filename ends with a newline08:16
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jpmhgeirha: and EriC^^ - t so much - yep - I removed all temp.fil files and problem solved08:18
EriC^^jpmh: great08:18
ikoniaShriHari: don't need that sort of thing please08:18
jpmhthank you both so much, mow I have to go and read up so I understand the shopt command08:19
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Guest456131654xubuntu channel?08:47
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zambai need an updated driver for the 930-8i raid controller on ubuntu 16.0408:57
zambathe driver is available in ubuntu 17, but not 1608:57
EriC^^zamba: is it part of the kernel package?08:57
zambaEriC^^: in ubuntu 17 it is, yes08:57
EriC^^!hwe | zamba08:58
ubottuzamba: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack08:58
zambaEriC^^: can this be included when booting and installing?08:58
zamba"These enablement stacks can be installed manually but are also available when installing with Ubuntu LTS point release media."08:59
EriC^^zamba: 16.04.4 has it i believe08:59
EriC^^zamba: http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04.4/09:00
zambaEriC^^: ubuntu desktop has it, but what about server?09:00
zamba"Server installations will default to the GA kernel and provide the enablement kernel as optional. "09:00
zambahow do we then enable this kernel when installing?09:01
EriC^^zamba: yup seems to be included in the .list file09:01
zambaEriC^^: so how do we enable it when booting and installing?09:02
EriC^^zamba: i think it installs it by default09:02
EriC^^zamba: if not it seems available in the iso as a .deb package09:03
EriC^^zamba: pool/main/l/linux-hwe/linux-image-4.13.0-36-generic_4.13.0-36.40~16.04.1_amd64.deb09:03
zambaEriC^^: no, it doesn't09:05
zambaEriC^^: but we have a catch-22 here.. we want to install on the same disks that require this driver09:06
ShriHarizamba : download the kernel & associated header files from http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.15.12/  And install the same09:07
zambaShriHari: what? :)09:07
zambaShriHari: this is when installing ubuntu from a bootable iso09:07
ShriHarizamba : This is after you have installled basic os09:08
EriC^^zamba: i've never installed the server edition, tty isn't available at all?09:08
zambaShriHari: but you don't understand.. we need to install the basic os ON the disks that are not available until we have the correct drivers in the kernel to access the disks09:09
ShriHariok Zamba : I got the sequence wrong.09:10
TJ-zamba: at boot-time the installer provides the option to load drivers (kernel .ko modules) from separate media, but it sounds as if you're indicating that 4.13 has the module but 4.4 does not09:10
zambaTJ-: yes09:11
zambaubuntu 17 has the correct driver09:11
TJ-zamba: what's the module, do you know?09:11
TJ-zamba: we can check if there's a possibility to build for the ISO's 4.4 GA kernel so you could slip it in as the installer boots09:12
zambaTJ-: one sec09:12
TJ-zamba: aloternatively you could just create another ISO by cloning the current one and dropping in the vmlinuz from 4.13 plus it's modules (/lib/modules/4.13...09:12
zambaTJ-: too advanced for me, i'm afraid :)09:13
simaI have a problem with Ubuntu NTFS support. Whenever I save the file to NTFS partition (like, i just saved an PDF from internet) it is set as Executable file! Maybe that is the problem with Ntfs-3G itself ?09:15
simaFirefox warns my PDF is therefore executable09:15
TJ-zamba: an alternative is to use the netboot installer; we have those with the HWE kernels. See http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/netboot/xenial/09:15
SwedeMikesima: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=12640609:16
TJ-zamba: is that lscpi from 4.13 ?09:16
SwedeMikesima: the important part is the last thing, "umask=0022"09:17
zambaTJ-: yes09:17
hisforeverHi I just installed linux lite and need to know how to change the ALT key to the supper for blender?09:19
TJ-zamba: can you tell me the [vendor:device] ID? you'll see that at the right-side of the 1st line using "lscpi -nn -s 58:0.0"09:19
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zamba58:00.0 RAID bus controller [0104]: LSI Logic / Symbios Logic MegaRAID Tri-Mode SAS3508 [1000:0016] (rev 01)09:22
TJ-zamba: thanks, so it's 1000:0016 - that's what the driver matches09:22
simaI just checked, everything tha tis written on Ntfs partition, every file is se as Executable!09:23
TJ-zamba: git-blame shows us when and with which commit that was added: "45f4f2eb3 (Sasikumar Chandrasekaran   2017-01-10 18:20:43 -0500   61) #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_LSI_HARPOON             0x0016"09:24
TJ-zamba: the patch itself doesn't add much functionality but it's enough to doubt it'd backport to 4.4... but I'll try that just-in-case09:25
zambaTJ-: what do you mean?09:26
zambaTJ-: you don't think it'll work backporting it?09:26
TJ-zamba: If I can apply the patch to the 4.4 megaraid_sas code anf build it you would be able to load it before the installer boots (the built kernel module has to match the booting kernel exactly)09:27
zambaTJ-: ok, cool :)09:28
TJ-zamba: but there have been so many changes to that source-code between 4.4 and 4.13 that this patch may depend on previous patches... it can become a rabbit-hole09:28
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cart_manHey everyone. My network card eth0 has this rediculous name enxb827eb75c ... why and HOW do i get it to be eth0 ?09:30
TJ-zamba: I need to know the exact version of the kernel on the ISO - did you recently download the ISO and if so what link did you use (then I can check the ISO's file manifest)09:31
EriC^^cart_man: it's called predictable interface naming or something, it's systemd09:31
EriC^^cart_man: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/335461/predictable-network-interface-names-break-vm-migration09:32
zambaTJ-: maybe easier to just try booting with the netboot image?09:32
cart_manEriC^^ Why would they do that though? also why not use the first 4 letters...that thing is HUGE09:32
EriC^^cart_man: i guess so you can predict what the name would be regardless, sort of like a uuid09:33
EriC^^it is a mouthful though yeah :D09:33
EriC^^cart_man: in the link there's a part on how to disable it if you want09:34
TJ-zamba: It's up to you - good news is the patch applied :)09:36
zambaTJ-: can you provide me with the iso? :)09:37
TJ-zamba: it's in the link I gave you earlier to hwe-netboot > amd64 > mini.iso09:37
cart_manEriC^^ Ok so I followed the one rule... noe the UI looks Horrible and the ETH0 still has that shitty name >.<09:38
TJ-cart_man: the hex numbers after the interface prefix enx is the MAC address of the interface09:38
cart_manI used this -> ln -s /dev/null /etc/systemd/network/99-default.link09:39
zambaTJ-: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial-updates/main/installer-amd64/current/images/hwe-netboot/mini.iso ?09:40
zambaTJ-: do i need to do something with this?09:40
TJ-cart_man: the interface prefix is <type><location> "en" means EtherNet, usually that is followed by Port.Slot (e.g. enp1s0) but it seems like the device you have isn't on PCI - is it on SDIO or USB09:40
zambaTJ-: or just burn and boot?09:40
TJ-zamba: that's the one :) burn and boot... it'll need Internet access because it has to fetch all the packages from the Ubuntu archive servers09:40
cart_manis there some sort of rollback I can do ?09:41
TJ-cart_man: it can be disabled by a kernel command-line option that systemd/udevd look for09:42
zambaTJ-: yup.. or just access to a local proxy09:43
TJ-zamba: yes, same thing :)09:44
zambaTJ-: thank you for your help :)09:44
TJ-cart_man: you can pass "net.ifnames=0" -- see https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames/09:45
cart_manTJ- Where is this Kernel command line ?09:48
cart_manANd do I do it once only?09:48
EriC^^cart_man: it's in /etc/default/grub next to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT09:49
EriC^^cart_man: after adding it you need to run sudo update-grub to save the changes09:49
codebot_i cant find #adobe in gnome-xchat.09:49
TJ-cart_man: edit /etc/default/grub, the variable GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="" should have 'net.ifnames-0' inside the double-quotes. Then "sudo update-grub" and that'll work for all subsequent boots09:49
TJ-cart_man: typo! ... should have 'net.ifnames=0' insude ...09:50
cart_manGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="'net.ifname=0'"  ?09:53
akikusb ethernet adapters show up like that09:53
TJ-cart_man: remove the single-quote marks - I type them to surround what you enter from my instructions09:54
cart_manEriC^^ Btw the /etc/default/grub does not exist ? Do I create it ?09:54
cart_manOk cool09:54
TJ-cart_man: /etc/default/grub should *always* exist else there's a problem09:54
cart_manHmm I dont seem to have one : /09:54
TJ-cart_man: what does "cat /etc/issue" report?09:54
cart_manUbuntu 16.04.2 LTS \n \109:55
TJ-cart_man: if /etc/default/grub is missing you've got a serious issue since that controls the GRUB boot-loader configuration09:56
cart_mangrub seems to be in /boost/grub09:58
cart_mani mean /boot/grub09:58
TJ-cart_man: I suggest you do some checks since it could be signs of greater issues; I have to leave now but there are others here who know about this stuff09:59
rud0lfi used to use command: "bman <cmd>" as alias to "man --html=x-www-browser <cmd>"10:00
rud0lfnow when i launch it in terminal it says "Unable to init server: connection refused"10:00
rud0lfcannot open display 0:010:00
ikoniaare you root ?10:01
pirxhello! i just upgraded from 16.10 (desktop) to 17.10, and i miss how unity worked in the earlier version:) i dont like these "on the fly workspaces", and it seems that there are no keyboard shortcuts for e.g. maximizing a window to 1/2 of the screen, or 1/4th of the screen. does anyone know if i can get that behaviour back?10:01
ikoniarud0lf: xhost +10:01
rud0lf"access control disabled", but the error persists10:02
ikoniawhat is the exact error10:02
rud0lfit may be issue of xUbuntu beta 18.04 sooo10:02
ikoniaif you're using 18.04 use the #ubuntu+1 channel for discussion please, but I doubt its release related10:03
rud0lfikonia: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/r5GF4pK46z/10:04
codebot_i cant find #adobe in gnome-xchat.10:04
ikoniarud0lf: lets move this to #ubuntu+1 please10:04
codebot_can someone tell me if it is possible that my irc client does not list all the channels?10:05
guiverccodebot_, i can't see #adobe in freenode, but i'm no expert in irc10:06
ShriHariguiverc : nobody thinks you are irc expert. No confusion there10:08
pirxand i have 2 monitors attached to my computer. it looks like all windows that exist on my right monitor are "sticky", they follow me as a switch between workspaces. not yet sure if i like this:)10:10
pirxis it like that for everyone?10:10
ducassecodebot_: there's ##adobe, but it's empty10:12
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ommarmolHi folks whats up. I'm having some issues with several 16.04 ubuntu-server machines running openvpn client.10:14
ommarmoleverything works well but when I reload or restart the server openvpn instance, the clients lose connection and never reconnect. A manual openvpn restart is required in the clients to get connected again10:15
ommarmolI was using this config several years ago with ubuntu 14.04 with no problems, but with 16.04 the behaviour differs a little10:16
JimBuntuommarmol, I believe there is a config setting (client side) to control this, I can't remember what is is but will check my configs as I think I use it10:16
ommarmolJimBuntu, thanks ;)10:18
JimBuntuommarmol, 'resolv-retry infinite' may help. I don't see anything else in my configs that stands out, however, I know they re-connect when the connection is lost10:18
JimBuntuI am also connecting to 16.04 machines via OpenVPN10:19
JimBuntuommarmol, To be clear, I start the connections manually in a shell and then leave them backgrounded, unsure if you are using something GUI to connect10:21
ommarmolin my case, if I do a reload (or restart) of the server openvpn instance, all clients get disconnected10:21
JimBuntuI'm fairly certain I have done this, and the clients regain their connection, if it's ever even lost... I'll double-check right now though10:22
pi_nihv \10:24
JimBuntuommarmol, confirmed. I did lose the ability to traverse the remote network for a moment, but the client re-established a functional connection.10:25
chozhey guys, anyone knows what's wrong with my command here (trying to copy image files, and rename them as its meadata) - find . -type f -name "*.JPG" -exec bash -c 'NAME=$(exiftool -d "%Y%m%d_%H%M_%e" -DateTimeOriginal -S -s "$1")' _ {} \; -exec echo $(NAME) \;10:26
BluesKajHiyas all10:26
pi_I DOT KNOW10:26
chozaw cmon.. help me10:26
JimBuntuhiya BluesKaj10:26
chozfind . -type f -name "*.JPG" -exec bash -c 'NAME=$(exiftool -d "%Y%m%d_%H%M_%e" -DateTimeOriginal -S -s "$1")' _ {} \; -exec echo $(NAME) \;10:26
pi_IM SORRY, Im new bird10:27
BluesKajHey JimBuntu10:27
ommarmolJimBuntu, in my case my clients don't reconnect anymore10:27
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JimBuntuommarmol, I am using OpenVPN 2.3.10 on the client side, and (yikes) 2.3.2 on the server side.10:28
ommarmolOpenVPN 2.3.10 on the client10:29
ommarmolOpenVPN 2.4.3 amd64-portbld-freebsd11.0 on the server side10:29
JimBuntuI have 'keepalive 10 120' in the server config, but don't see anything else relevant10:29
ommarmolin my client.conf I have resolv-retry infinite10:31
guivercpi_, this is the Ubuntu support channel; if you have a [Ubuntu] question please just ask it (in a single line please). If someone knows the answer, they'll reply to you (please be patient)10:34
ubjontuhi there how do i find my user files (HDD location) am booting from usb and want to see the userfiles from an install on my disc not the usb10:42
ubjontucan see bin boot cdrom dev etc home...10:43
ubjontunever mind found it10:43
ubjontuhey need help can paste to hdd from live install what do i need to change permissions chmod?10:51
ubjontucant paste into driv10:51
akikubjontu: the live session user is probably ubuntu? id will show it10:52
akik"id" command10:52
ubjontudo you want paste10:52
akikubjontu: so you can change the ownership of the target to ubuntu: sudo chown -R ubuntu /target/dir10:52
ubjontucool thanks10:53
akikubjontu: remember that when you boot normally, you need to change the ownership back to your user10:53
ubjontuso take note of current  details before i change it over10:53
akikubjontu: and don't do this for your home directory10:53
dragetThe installer is the same across kubuntu, xubunut etc, right?10:56
ubjontuin my case the hdd is just a external that i want anyone to be able to read and write to10:57
dragetWhich bugtracker would I report bugs of the installer to?10:57
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TJ-!info ubiquity | dragnet10:59
ubottudragnet: ubiquity (source: ubiquity): Ubuntu live CD installer. In component main, is optional. Version 17.10.10 (artful), package size 5437 kB, installed size 17157 kB10:59
ubjontuhow do i check the drive i want to changes current owner id and permissions10:59
ubjontuls -a /locationofdrive11:00
dragetTJ-: It is 'draget', and a 'yep, and the bugtracker is here <url>' might have been even easier than just triggering that bot11:00
TJ-draget: weird; I used tab-complete!11:01
TJ-draget: are you aware of the !bug factoid? it shows how to report bugs11:01
ubjontuwhats that all about11:01
dragetI'll try https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+filebug11:02
ubjontuwhois poped up11:02
ubjontuall about me11:02
ubjontuthree times11:02
ubjontui am ubjontu11:02
ubjontuso how do i find out current file permissions or drive permissions11:03
TJ-ubjontu: "ls -al /path/to/directory/"11:03
cart_manWhere have my /etc/default/grub gone? Its missing and I cant find it anywhere else. Running ubuntu MATE11:04
dragetlaunchpad.com blocked from bugmenot.com… meh… so annoying to create accounts on project-specific pages… <.<11:05
TJ-draget: check if the bug is already reported - you might not need to report it11:05
ommarmolanybody running openvpn on 16.04 server?11:12
TJ-ommarmol: Many do11:12
ommarmolI'm having problems: when the server does 'service openvpn reload' or 'restart', the clients lose connection until manual openvpn restart on each of them. Months ago this never was an issue. Any ideas?11:13
NoCodewhich packages of MATE will I need to install just the DE and not the full desktop?11:13
ubjontucan someone tell me what chown 777 and 755 do please11:14
TJ-ommarmol: Likely something in the local config has changed; the lastest update to openvpn on 16.04 was June 201711:15
TJ-ommarmol: could it be the process/application controlling the client-side causing it, rather than the server side? Have you reviewed the openvpn logs?11:16
guivercubjontu, have a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions  or owner.group.others read=4,write=2,execute=1  777=owner+group+others have all read+write+execute ...11:17
ommarmolTJ-, let me check11:17
ubjontucan i throw a "-R or -r for recursive11:19
ubjontu"chown 755 -r /location/ofhdd" ?11:20
guivercubjontu, in a chmod, -R means recursion (i refer to `man chmod` when I need to check the manual)11:20
ubjontuwould that command change everything on an entire drive?11:21
ommarmolTJ-, syslog shows nothing when restarting/reloading the server instance11:21
guivercubjontu, yes (assuming drive allows those permissions changed) - with -R11:22
ubjonturead the man often confuses me nt having examples11:22
ubjontuif it didnt,'allow permisions changed" and i wanted to change them-how would i ?11:23
tumblergoodbye folks, i go to have lunch ... see you11:24
ubjontuits late here11:24
guivercubjontu, an example of a 'would-fail' could be a mounted partition on a different computer (server isn't allowing it), to a format (ntfs/fat) that doesn't have a place to store these permissions... the fix for each is different..11:25
ubjontumine is gpt does so it would have one right but how would i change permission if i needed to11:27
ubjontucuz i do11:27
ubjontufor the whole drive11:27
guivercgpt is a partition.table type, not a filesystem (which is put on partitions themselves). so networked example (samba etc) won't apply, but if you're using a *nix format you won't have issue most-likely11:29
dragetubiquity defaults on my test-system and VM to use MBR based partition tables when creating a manual partition layout. Will it create a GPT partition table in some other case?11:36
EriC^^draget: possibly if the disk is 2tb+ as it can't create a 2tb+ partition with msdos11:38
TJ-draget: under the hood it used partman (a sub-system used extensively by debian-installer). In most cases I've seen partman creates GPT, or GPT with hybrid MBR. You're positive it's plain MBR not GPT+MBR hybrid?11:38
EriC^^not sure though11:38
TJ-I'd tend to agree with EriC^^ supposition11:39
dragetTJ-: It have to finish the installation and check… but it does not look like a protective MBR… since the manual installer dialog tells me I should choose 'Primary/Extended' and an extended partition is sda511:40
TJ-draget: yeah, sounds that way... probably makes sense in BIOS mode with a small (relatively!) device11:41
dragetSince Grub can handle GPT even on legacy system, I'd suggest defaulting to GPT in the installer. Just wanted to make sure I am not overlooking anything before adding this to a bugreport/wishlist entry. :)11:41
TJ-draget: I've got the source-code to hand (well, it's more like spaghetti!) I'll see if I can find a clue11:41
TJ-draget: aha, changelog entry: "./d-i/source/partman-auto/debian/changelog:2693:  * Use gpt instead of msdos disklabel for disks larger than 2TB."11:43
dragetI have yet to test the new console based installer. Heard good things about it. :) But I always thought it was a pity that the graphical installer was hiding out on some things. The manual partitioning dialog would also always suggest to create a seperate swap partition. Tho it is a lot more flexible to use a swap file on the disk with the same performance. :)11:43
dragetTJ-: Thanks for the clarification! :-)11:44
dragetDoes it help anyone if I tag bugs with tags like 'minor' or 'feature-wish' ?11:50
TJ-draget: there's a bug status of "wishlist'; tags are generally used by automation tools for package maintainers to keep track of what needs doing11:52
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phillhey guys, I'm looking at the Gonme Vala language. But I cannot find the GXml library packaged for it. Would that cause problems if I wanted to package the library I want to create for ubuntu?12:02
ScioMinhi all. What tool in Ubuntu is recommended to create bootable Windows 10 pendrives?12:07
tomreynScioMin: i dont think there is a general recommendation for this specific use case. a generic tutorial on creating a bootable usb stick from an iso file is provided at https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-create-a-usb-stick-on-ubuntu12:11
ScioMintomreyn, thanks. When I select the ISO file on Startup Disk Creator it does nothing. If I open the program in console to see errors I get: "isoinfo: Unable to find Joliet SVD"12:15
tomreynScioMin: is the ISO file intact? have you checked its checksum vs a hash you generated?12:15
Muriiwhen does 18.04 lts come out?12:17
ScioMintomreyn, yes the ISO file is fine. I managed to create a bootable pendrive from the same file using another windows.12:17
tomreynMurii: 18 stands for 2018, 04 for april, so in april this year. more details in #ubuntu+112:17
Muriioh, thanks tomreyn !12:18
BluesKajApr 26 I believe12:18
tomreynScioMin: maybe try mkusb then https://help.ubuntu.com/community/mkusb#Windows_USB_install_drive12:18
ScioMintomreyn, trying right now: https://i.imgur.com/phZ2Qr1.png12:24
SatyamHow to install Camera Driver in MSI Laptop(Ubuntu OS)12:24
tomreynScioMin: good luck. sounds correct, but i don't have much experience with it.12:26
tomreynSatyam: is the camera connectedvia USB?12:26
tomreynSatyam: if so, show the output of this command, run in a temrinal: lsusb12:27
tomreyn!paste | Satyam12:27
ubottuSatyam: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:27
Satyamno it's in-built camera12:28
Satyami fire "lsusb" Command and i got o/p: Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub Bus 001 Device 003: ID 046d:c31d Logitech, Inc. Media Keyboard K200 Bus 001 Device 002: ID 046d:c077 Logitech, Inc. M105 Optical Mouse Bus 001 Device 005: ID 0bda:0129 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTS5129 Card Reader Controller Bus 001 Device 004: ID 8087:0aa7 Intel Corp.  Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub12:29
tomreynSatyam: please show both 'lsusb' and 'lspci -nn' outputs, as well as 'lsb_release -sd' and 'cat /proc/version' on a pastebin12:31
tomreynSatyam: also this: sudo dmidecode --type system --type baseboard --type bios12:34
Satyamtomreyn: o/p is: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jfsMT3gXvX/12:36
tomreynSatyam: thanks, give me a minute. in the meantime you could run "sudo update-pciids" and "sudo update-usbids" for your own convencience. this should provide more specific output on lspci and lsusb command sin the future.12:38
TJ-Satyam: Have you checked if the camera is disabled in the PC's firmware setup menus?12:39
SatyamTJ: How to checked?12:41
Satyamtomreyn:  more specific o/p is : https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/NTRJrz9CfD/12:44
tomreynSatyam: thanks. unfortunately your webcam doesn't currently get detected at all. this is probably why TJ- suggested to check whether it is diabled in firmware (BIOS/UEFI/CMOS setup configuration.12:46
tomreynSatyam: how to access this configuration shortly after powering on your system is probably discussed in https://www.msi.com/Laptop/support/PL62-7RC#down-manual12:46
TJ-tomreyn: it could also be an ACPI issue I guess, but firmware config is the most obvious12:47
Satyamtomreyn: thank a lot......12:49
SatyamTJ: thank a lot......12:49
tomreyngood point, TJ12:50
tomreynSatyam: did you find it there?12:50
ioriaSatyam,  Fn+F6   ?12:50
Satyamioria: yeah, It's Working.......12:52
tomreynyour bios version is E16JDIMS.10A (Release Date: 12/26/2017). This very version is not listed on the changelog available in the text file stored in http://download.msi.com/bos_exe/nb/E16JDIMS.10D.zip - which could suggest it is a 'bad' version, and you should upgrade. there are also spectre / meltdown mititgations available.12:53
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Faradaywe plan to implement a bonding setup with 2 10G ethernets, our current setup configured to use 802.3ad with layer3+4 hashing algorithm. It works great with fault tolerance and data transfer but we could not get 20G from a single data connection link to the server because of 802.3ad technology. We are discussing with our team if its worth to change setup to bonding mode0 which gives 20G from single link data connection.13:25
FaradayCould anyone compare pros and cons for mode0 (Round-robin policy) and mode4. We plan to operate Ceph over this cluster.13:25
pragmaticenigmaI'm sorry Faraday, this isn't the best forum for a question like that. We specialize in support Ubuntu Operating System.13:26
tomreynthere are ##networking and ##linux, too13:28
pragmaticenigmaFaraday, please see tomreyn's message for some great suggestions13:28
TJ-Faraday: I can show you my config if it helps13:29
FaradayTJ: Do you compare pros and cons for mode 0 and mode 4.13:31
TJ-Faraday: I'm using layer2 so maybe it's not what you want13:32
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skinuxI need help configuring nginx to work. #nginx hasn't been able to give me a solution. https://gist.github.com/skinuxgeek/aa94232abbc98004c8f62fc1b5e51e2d13:46
freakynlHi, I have 2, afaik identical (well not the IP addresses etc.) 16.04 servers with IPv6. On one of them connecting via SSH takes nearly 4-5 minutes via IPv6. IPv4 is fast on both, IPv6 is fast as well on the other. Any ideas on what might be causing that?13:51
tomreynskinux: were these error messages really triggered by this (applied) configuration? since it does not say "verbose" in line 5 and 'info' is not an alias for 'verbose'?13:51
nutzzIs it possible to update a 17.04 using a 18.04 live usb?13:52
skinuxI'm getting 404 according ot curl13:52
tomreynnutzz: maybe from a chroot.13:52
tomreyn!eol | nutzz13:52
ubottunutzz: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades13:52
ubottuUbuntu 17.04 (Zesty Zapus) was the 26th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on January 13th, 2018. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2018-January/000228.html13:53
TJ-freakynl: have you enabled verbose debugging for the ssh connection, and used tcpdump at both ends to discover what packets are passing?13:53
skinuxcurl gives 404 but browser gives WSOD13:54
OmegaHey! I'm trying to use Ubuntu in a docker container as an interactive environment. I first managed this with 16.04, running /sbin/init, but it appears no such command exists in 17.10. What would be the correct way now?13:54
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tomreynOmega: In both 16.04 (xenial) and 17.10 (artful), /sbin/init is a symlink pointing to /lib/systemd/systemd, provided by package systemd-sysv14:04
OmegaHm, maybe the docker image specifically removed /lib/systemd/systemd.14:09
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vavkamilI'm on Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS, somehow my time was almost 10 minutes late, anybody experiencing same issue?14:26
TJ-vavkamil: European power network running behind?14:30
TJ-vavkamil: Depends on whether it's using NTP at startup to sync the system clock, and how long the system has been up14:30
vavkamilyeah I'm in central europe, but I guess that it's using ntp.ubuntu.com14:31
vavkamilin settings I have enabled auto sync by default, but it was not working. I updated it via terminal14:32
vavkamilidk if I should add it to cron or something after startup14:33
tomreynntpq -p | pastebinit14:33
tomreynvavkamil: if you run the above command (and have the pastebinit package installed) this should return a url to a web page wehre we can inspect your time server synchronization status.14:35
tomreyn!patebinit | vavkamil14:35
tomreyn!pastebinit | vavkamil14:35
ubottuvavkamil: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit14:35
vavkamilE: Unable to locate package ntpq14:36
tomreynvavkamil: ntpq is a command provided part of the "ntp" package, at leats on 16.0414:38
titou_hi !14:38
titou_I would like some advise on a C project, anyone pm !14:38
tomreynvavkamil: do you not have ntp (and thus ntpd, and thus time synchronization) installed? are you using something else to do network time server synchronization?14:39
vavkamiltomreyn, seems like I have nptdate instead of ntp14:40
tomreyn!ot | titou_14:40
ubottutitou_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:40
tomreynvavkamil: ntpdate doesn't provide network time server synchronization on a regular schedule, like ntpd does.14:41
krukudilovavkamil, ntpdate only update via terminal14:41
krukudiloor you can put it in cron14:42
vavkamilweird, ntp wasn't installed14:42
krukudiloyoushould isntall ntp14:42
tomreynvavkamil: how did you install ubuntu?14:42
vavkamilfrom official download14:42
tomreynvavkamil: 16.04? maybe it didn't install it automatically since you did not have an internet connection available at the time.14:43
tomreyni'm just guessing there, though14:43
vavkamilyeah I was without internet during installation process14:44
vavkamilnow when I have ntp it should be fine?14:45
vavkamilthank you14:45
tomreynvavkamil: you can try "ntpq -p | pastebinit" again if you like14:45
krukudiloto see what ntp is doing try ntpq -pn414:46
vavkamilthe pastebinit command is cool14:47
tomreynvavkamil: this web page provides a rough check on whether your computer is getting the right time https://time.is/14:48
tomreynsome of your jitter and offset values are quite high, but you should be ok14:50
nukastI'm running a nginx server on aws. Can someone help me understand this line from access.log14:51
nukast115.61.86.63 - - [23/Mar/2018:05:52:06 +0000] "GET http://www.<removed>.com/ HTTP/1.1" 404 580 "http://www.<removed>.com/" "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)"14:51
nukastWhy does the request not have a leading "/"?14:52
nukastwhy are they requesting a different url on my webserver?14:52
TJ-nukast: looks like someone manually entered that and typed it incorrectly14:52
TJ-nukast: or else it's a script testing if you've got an open proxy14:53
nukastTJ- I'm trying to recreate what that request would look like in curl14:53
nukastlike `curl my.domain.com/http://www.<removed>.com`14:53
jessarcadeI tried setting up a custom x session with .xinitrc, and everything is broken now14:53
nukastBut that always gives me a leading "/" in the logs14:54
TJ-nukast: "echo -e 'GET http://www.<removed>.com/ HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n' | nc www.domain.com 80"14:54
kaleozhou'google nihao14:54
nukastTJ-: Ah. What is that trying to acheive. Sorry not familiar with nc.14:55
TJ-nukast: it's sending the literal string to your www.domain.com HTTP server, you would then see the same log message14:55
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nukastTJ- Ah, thanks very much. Would that be in the body of the request?14:56
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nukastI didn't think GET requests could contain a body14:57
_bthello, is there a channel for bionic?14:57
pragmaticenigma_bt, please ask your question here, all in one line if you can.14:58
tomreyn!ubuntu+1 | _bt14:58
TJ-nukast: there is no body, the first line is the HTTP GET, usually it's "GET /path/to/file HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: www.yourdomain.com\r\n\r\n"14:58
ubottu_bt: Bionic Beaver is the codename for Ubuntu 18.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+114:58
ikonia_bt: #ubuntu+114:58
leftyfbpragmaticenigma: they did14:58
* pragmaticenigma arg, I always forget bionic is coming, not currently release14:58
nukastTJ-: Thanks you I understand now. I wonder what they are trying to do. Is is something to worry about security-wise?15:00
_bti am having trouble mounting an encrypted volume from gnome. when double clicking the volume I am prompted for the password, but an error "error unlocking /dev/sda1: the function 'bd_crypto_luks_open_blob' called, but not implemented!" - will I have to unlock the volume via the command line only?15:00
TJ-nukast: like I said, it may be a scanner looking for open HTTP proxies15:00
_btI missed a few words out but you get the picture haha15:00
nukastTJ-: Ok. Thanks again.15:00
jessarcadeI'm curious if there's a way to reset ubuntu but keep all my files and applications?15:00
TJ-nukast: a proxy would connect to the foreign server and return the requested page15:00
TJ-nukast: but your server returns a 404 Page Not Found15:01
nukastTJ-: Yep. I understood the /phpmyadmin requests but the lack of leading "/" on the URL ones had me confused.15:02
TJ-nukast: ahh  :)15:03
pat_dehello everyone15:07
pat_deunfortunately I am here because of a problem I seem to be incapable of fixing myself :(15:08
pat_dei tried RTFM and gugl15:09
pat_demy NIC is not getting an IPv4 address15:11
pat_dethis is a fresh install15:11
pat_dei am currently using the box15:11
_btpat_de, if you set a static IP address does it work?15:11
pat_dei found running dhclient as root causes an IPv4 to be assigned15:11
pat_dehey _bt15:11
pat_dedidnt try that but dhclient works15:11
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pat_deconnection information keeps telling me "no valid active connections found"15:12
pat_deyes indeed15:12
pat_deokay, something special:15:12
pat_dei always wanted to install via PXE15:12
pat_deso that's when inital IP is assigned15:12
pat_degrep -i v4 gives no match in dmesg15:13
pat_dethis is intel pro/1000 so  even compiled intels driver15:14
pat_dei am thinking of doing a reinstall, but it is extremly unsatisfying to me15:14
xzrso, running dhclient as root gets you an ip and networking is ok?15:15
pat_deyes xzr15:15
DuckleSo my laptop is locking up quite often. I'm thinking it's due to memory :/15:16
xzrbut if you don't do it manually then it doesn't?15:16
xzrusing networkmanager?15:16
Duckle4GB is a bit on the low end right?15:16
pat_deyes xzr15:16
pat_dethere was no interface in network mgr15:16
pat_dei explicitly added an internface15:16
pat_dethen rebootet - no avail15:16
xzrdoes the interface show up if you do ifconfig ?15:17
pat_deit did before15:17
pat_dewith ipv6 and alike15:17
pat_deanyplace where I can find logs?15:17
pat_debesides dmesg?15:17
pat_de[   13.928334] e1000e 0000:00:19.0 enp0s25: renamed from eth015:18
theTOOLM1Npat_de: what kind of logs are you looking for?15:18
pat_deanything @theTOOLM1N15:18
theTOOLM1Nif you're on a modern version of ubuntu, journalctl is the best place for logs15:18
theTOOLM1Notherwise, individual logs would typically be found in /var/log/15:18
pat_dewill check that right away15:18
theTOOLM1Nyou can watch that log live doing journalctl -f15:19
theTOOLM1N-f is follow15:19
pat_dejust like tail - sweet15:19
theTOOLM1Nwhat application are you trying to debug?15:19
adabardWould this be the best place about asking to get additional instance types enabled for Amazon EC2? Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04 appear to be a full instance type version behind.15:19
xzrso you added a new connection in networkmanager, assigned the interface to that and set it to automatic?15:19
pat_deyes xzr15:19
pat_debut interfaces shows:15:19
pat_deiface enp0s25 inet manual15:19
pat_dealthough I chose auto ipv415:20
theTOOLM1Nifconfig -a15:20
theTOOLM1Ndoes the interface show up in there?15:20
pat_deiyes theTOOLM1N15:20
pat_deboth, enp0s25 and eth015:20
theTOOLM1Ncan you assign an ip that works on it15:20
theTOOLM1Nip addr dev enp0s2515:20
pat_dewhen i run dhclient i get a working IP15:20
pat_dethe one that also gets assigned by PXE15:21
pat_dei am using 172.1615:21
pat_defor all my devices15:21
theTOOLM1Nip addr add dev enp0s2515:21
pat_dei guess if i run that command i will become offline15:21
theTOOLM1Ni forgot the route command off the top of my head15:21
pat_debecause i am currently using the box :D15:22
theTOOLM1Nif it already has a dhcp address, it will just give a second address on that interface15:22
pat_deoh yes, you are right!15:22
pat_deok, hold on15:22
theTOOLM1Nbut you'll still have to set your default route when you lose the route provided by dhcp15:23
theTOOLM1Nxuhai: password?15:23
TJ-pat_de: if you've got the same interface defined in /etc/network/interfaces and in Network Manager, NM will not manage it (unless specifically told to take over ifupdown configured interfaces)15:23
pat_dehm, interesting15:23
pat_denothing happened after invoking ip addr add15:23
theTOOLM1Nip addr15:24
theTOOLM1Nwill show you the ips on the interfacesd15:24
pat_deip addr -> there it is15:24
theTOOLM1Nbut your route is still being given by your dhcp lease15:24
pat_de   inet scope global enp0s2515:24
pat_deDestination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags   MSS Window  irtt Iface         UG        0 0          0 enp0s25   U         0 0          0 enp0s25   U         0 0          0 enp0s2515:25
pat_denetstat -nr15:25
theTOOLM1Nsince i'm native debian...15:25
pat_delet me answer TJ- : all I want is the box to obtain an IPv4 after reboot15:26
pat_dei don't know why this is not working out of the box15:26
pat_deafter a fresh install of 16.04.115:26
theTOOLM1Npat_de: /etc/network/interfaces15:26
pat_devia PXE15:26
pat_de# interfaces(5) file used by ifup(8) and ifdown(8) auto lo iface lo inet loopback auto enp0s25 iface enp0s25 inet manual15:26
theTOOLM1Nenp0s25 inet static15:27
pat_deyeah, I saw that15:27
pat_detried to change it in network connections15:27
TJ-pat_de: if you want N.M. to manage enp0s25 you need to remove all mentions of it from /etc/network/interfaces15:27
pat_dethat's how it was before @TJ-15:27
pat_deagain, no ipv415:28
pat_demaybe I am overseeing something really stupid15:28
theTOOLM1Nheres how your /etc/network/interfaces should be15:28
theTOOLM1Nauto enp0s2515:28
theTOOLM1Niface en0s25 inet static15:28
TJ-pat_de: remove the mentions in /etc/network/interfaces; then do 'systemctl restart network-manager' then look at /var/log/syslog to see what is happening15:28
pat_deokay, will try theTOOLM1Ns solution first, then removing all occurances as second option, then report15:29
pat_dei will do REAL reboots okay?15:29
theTOOLM1Njust because i don't use network manager15:29
pat_desee you in a bit15:29
pat_deand thanks alot!15:30
pat_denow editing interfaces...15:30
pat_dei will use my current address-settings: inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
pat_denow doing reboot15:31
theTOOLM1Nstop what15:32
pat_desomething happened!15:32
pat_dein Network Connetions i can see "Wired connection 1"15:32
pat_denever seen that before?!15:32
theTOOLM1Nis it the one that was connected with the ip addr add command?15:32
pat_deLast Used 34 minutes ago?!15:32
pat_deyes i think so @theTOOLM1N15:32
theTOOLM1Nas i said, i don't use network manager15:33
pat_deoh boy15:33
theTOOLM1Nfor wireless, i've been known to use wicd15:33
pat_deall i wanted was standard ubunut :D15:33
pat_dei prefer debian as well15:33
theTOOLM1Ni always start with ubuntu server and build up from that15:33
pat_demaybe i should try that (server)15:33
theTOOLM1Nmy ubuntu flavor can be call xubuntu15:33
theTOOLM1Ngdm with xfce415:34
theTOOLM1Nits very clean15:34
pat_deslim fast :D15:34
theTOOLM1Ni can't stand unity15:34
Joelcan anyone recommend a side by side diff tool that can diff more than 3 files?15:35
theTOOLM1Ni know perforce can do it15:35
theTOOLM1Nbut i think perforce is crap for what it is15:36
theTOOLM1Ngitswarm i think will do it as well15:36
pragmaticenigmaJoel, check out meld15:36
theTOOLM1Ngitswarm is way cooler than perforce15:36
pat_deokay, as soon as i ip addr del the address, it's gone in Network COnnections15:38
pat_deavahi-daemon[807]: Withdrawing address record for on enp0s25.15:38
alexarnaudHello all15:38
pat_dehello alex15:38
MarbugHi, I've added a file with specific actions to do in /etc/tmpfiles.d, but what service do I need to restart/reload in order to have the contents of that file executed by systemd without restarting my system?15:39
pat_deTJ- you still there?15:40
pat_dei have removed all occurances and will do the reboot now15:40
pat_decrossing fingers15:40
TJ-pat_de: yes15:41
pat_de_oh my god15:44
pat_de_it's that simple15:44
TJ-pat_de_: yes :)15:44
pat_de_remove the lines from interfaces15:44
pat_de_thank you TJ-15:44
TJ-pat_de_: as I said, N.M. by default will not manage an interface that is also managed by ifupdown (/etc/network/interfaces)15:44
pat_de_i can only guess that is has something to do with the way I installed unbuntu15:44
pat_de_got it TJ- :)15:45
pat_de_thank you too, theTOOLM1N15:45
Joelpragmaticenigma unless I'm missing something it only does 3 way15:45
pat_de_everybody have a nice weekend15:46
ioriaJoel, try diffuse15:47
pragmaticenigmaJoel, I have not seen a diff tool that has done more than 3. Most diff tools are comparing a source, destination and possibly merging a conflict15:47
Joelpragmaticenigma so, in short, you made a bad suggestion?15:48
Joelioria thanks! diffuse does unlimited!15:48
pragmaticenigmaJoel, be nice. I offered information based on what I know.15:49
Joelpragmaticenigma you made a bad/uninformed suggestion.15:50
Joelif you want a hug for doing that, ask someone else15:50
vernthanks for your help, pragmaticenigma. it is appreciated, even if not by everyone15:52
pragmaticenigmathanks vern15:52
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TJ-Joel: people here are all volunteers and contribute based on their individual experience. Insulting someone who gives a best-efforts piece of advice is not acceptable, see the Ubuntu Code of Conduct15:54
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TJ-!coc | Joel15:54
ubottuJoel: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is the document that spells out etiquette in the Ubuntu community | http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/conduct | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct | Watch http://static.screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/2010/12/22/004-SigningCoC.ogv15:54
JoelTJ- it's insulting to point out someone didn't read and or comprehend your question?15:55
Joelor answered entirely wrong?15:55
Joelwhat's the appropriate thing to do?15:55
vernWheaton's Law15:56
JoelSeems a lot like this person failed to take responsibility for their words in this case.15:56
Joelre CoC15:57
pragmaticenigmaJoel, if you receive advisement that doesn't fulfill your needs, you kindly point out that they might have missed a requirement in your inquery. We all move forward faster when we better informed about our mistakes, to avoid making them again in the future. You action was to insult another person. That isn't productive in helping anyone.15:59
pragmaticenigma!ops | Joel15:59
ubottuJoel: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax15:59
Joelpragmaticenigma I didn't insult you, seems like you're reading into my reply.15:59
raul782cat test.txt | sed -e "s/\‘/X/g"15:59
raul782not working15:59
raul782what I'm doing wrong?15:59
Sven_vBhi! I'm trying to upgrade wine to a somewhat recent version, using the howto on https://wiki.winehq.org/Ubuntu . after updating my package lists, aptitude can find winehq-devel and winehq-staging but no package named winehq-stable. any ideas?16:00
pragmaticenigmaSven_vB, winehq isn't a support software library found in the ubuntu packages. You may find better assistance with /join #winehq16:00
Sven_vBaffected Ubuntu versions are xenial i386 and trustry i38616:00
vernraul782: what's not working? what are you expecting and what is actually happening?16:00
Sven_vBpragmaticenigma, thanks!16:01
raul782vern: text.txt has the contents of ‘content‘ I should expect XcontentX16:01
raul782It's an apostrophe not a single quote16:02
pragmaticenigmaraul782, are you attempting to replace the unicode smartquote or a backtick?16:02
raul782no backtick16:02
pragmaticenigmaraul782, not sure what you meant with "no backtick"16:02
raul782was not sure about smartquote16:03
pragmaticenigmaThank you for clarifying raul78216:03
raul782but yeah, that charcter: https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/ucs/quotes.html16:03
TJ-raul782: it works here: echo '‘‘‘‘' | sed -e "s/\‘/X/g"16:05
pragmaticenigmaraul782, that should work, what happens if you use single quotes around your sed expression instead of the double quotes?16:05
seredoes one have to install a full server or can i install minimal and then install server packages as need16:08
pragmaticenigmasere, you can install minimal and then install the desired packages later through apt16:09
pragmaticenigmasere, if using the mini.iso disk, it will only install packages needed to get your system up and running.16:10
serepragmaticenigma: ok thanks.. thats what i thought but i read somewhere yesterday its a must to run a sshserver16:10
serepragmaticenigma: thats what i normal do but installed a full install that lasted 10min16:11
pragmaticenigmasere, I regularly use the mini.iso to install and have had to manually install openssh-server after the fact beacause it didn't do it by default.16:11
pragmaticenigmasere, though I do believe it installs openssh-client by default16:11
serepragmaticenigma: oh ok cool thanks.. on this one im on a minimal w the server packages install the other is just minimal.. what is your preferred method of vnc or shh16:13
raul782pragmaticenigma : let me try16:14
dragetWhen installing a fresh system and even after doing an 'apt update ; apt dist-upgrade' and rebooting, the system is still lacking internationalisation packages. When opening the language settings the first thing it says that there are language packages missing and it will auto-install them.16:16
dragetWhy does this not happen during the system installation? I noticed this behaviour already on 17 and 16.xx16:17
dragetAnd to what package would I file a bugreport about that?16:17
raul782thanks that worked16:17
ScioMintomreyn, it worked! mkusb worked like a charm. thank you!16:19
tomreynwelcome ;-)16:24
pragmaticenigmasere, I prefer openssh-server for remote management of my systems as it can be hardend against many attacks using fail2ban, port obfuscuation, etc. If I need VNC for remote GUI, I run x11vnc as a server, and SSH first to the remote machine with the -L option to tunnel ports from the remote machine to the local one16:25
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darmehi. if ill install ubuntu 17.10 now, will it be easy to move to ubuntu 18.0416:29
pragmaticenigmadarme, yes, there will be an upgrade path that will allow you to upgrade from 17.10 to 18.04. Though that won't be available at the same time as 18.04 is released.16:30
serepragmaticenigma: awesome ok thanks so much.. thats exactly what i want to do :)16:31
pragmaticenigmasere, something to note, Ubuntu-desktop includes VINO (a different vnc server) by default, you may need to uninstall that to avoid conflicts with x11vnc16:33
pragmaticenigmaI found VINO to be slow and buggy on my system. It also has some issues with the nvidia driver.16:33
serepragmaticenigma: i installed that last night but didnt get to messing with it.. im uninstalling it now lol16:34
serepragmaticenigma: my goal is to have this acer mini do everything from vnc,shh,cloud server, file / media server.. it well probably over heat and die in a flamming fire though16:36
pragmaticenigmasere, i'll take a look at my configuration and see if I can find my initialize script for it. I have some customizations you may find helpful16:36
pragmaticenigmasere, are you setting this up to run something like owncloud?16:36
serepragmaticenigma: i would very much appreciate that.. its been a few years since ive done this so im alittle rusty16:37
serepragmaticenigma: that was the plan.. although never have done it :)16:37
serepragmaticenigma: i was supprised when i had 2T of personal movies and music and it streamed it flawlessly16:39
pragmaticenigmasere, if you avoid a GUI installation and make it a dedicated nextcloud/owncloud box it should be able to handle the workload16:41
skinuxIs IPTables by default going to block browsers from localhost http?16:42
serepragmaticenigma: do you mean install from minimal console or dont install xorg etc.16:42
serepragmaticenigma: right now its on a minimal 16.04 lubuntu core16:43
serepragmaticenigma: its going to eventaully be installed to a ssd card aswell in hopes it might help alittle16:47
pragmaticenigmasere, I mean don't install a desktop environment at all if you don't need it16:50
pragmaticenigmasere, I found the instructional that I used to setup x11vnc as a service to run on boot. http://c-nergy.be/blog/?p=898416:51
ChaosDHello, i've a problem with my system. i have a mounted sd card in my internal card reader and after a while it makes the mounted partition ro and the /dev/sdx disapears but a new /dev/sdy appears. in this case i have to to mount -a to get it running. but this is currupting my data. any ideas how to fix this?16:52
serepragmaticenigma: i would really only need it until i got it up and running.. ok awesome i would check it out thank you :)16:52
pragmaticenigmasere, the arguments I pass to x11vnc are "-auth guess -forever -loop -noxdamage -repeat -skip_lockkeys -rfbauth /etc/x11vnc.pass -rfbport 5900 -shared"16:53
pragmaticenigmasere, I think the skip_lockkeys is the important one, it prevents the numlock and capslock from getting stuck.16:54
pragmaticenigmaChaosD, is the SD card from a raspberry pi like device?16:55
ChaosDnope, it is bought as a extension to my internal very small ssd in my chromebook :D16:55
serepragmaticenigma: ok i cool.. thank you so much.. im going to go check out that link and pull up a mindmap and try to figure this all out.. i will be here though16:56
pragmaticenigmaChaosD, the configuration of the SD card isn't supported by many devices. Android and Raspberry Pi place partitions on the SD card which isn't part of the standard for SD card file systems.16:56
pragmaticenigmaChaosD, I believe I remember seeing something with chromebook/android where when you use SDcards to extend the space available to the device, the card cannot be used with any other device until it is formatted16:57
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ChaosDpragmaticenigma, i do not run chrome os, its galliumOS, some ubuntu version, but i think the problem is a little bit deeper. the problem is, my dmesg says something like this: https://pastebin.com/gg1TCLiX | i separated the log somehow useful, u can see, my card reader disconnects an connects after wakeup which leads to a 'new' partition17:08
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pragmaticenigmathat's a bit outside my knowledge base ChaosD ... on the surface it appears that something is preventing the system from "waking" after a power state. it might be ignoring the old mount and just remounting the same disk as a new partition17:12
pragmaticenigmaChaosD, is this from the Chromebook instance?17:13
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ChaosDpragmaticenigma, its not really remounting them, it switches them to read only, it is keeping them mounted but the /dev/sdx device is missing. instead a new /dev/sdy appears and i have to remount manualy: https://pastebin.com/HZ2fHysr17:15
ChaosDpragmaticenigma, yes uname -a -> Linux chromebook 4.7.2-galliumos #1 SMP PREEMPT galliumos6 Sat Oct 22 19:28:44 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux17:16
TJ-ChaosD: GalliumOS isn't supported here17:17
hfpIf I'm using i3wm as my window manager, is there any difference between running Ubuntu and Debian?17:17
hfpThey use the same package manager afaik and mostly the same config files, don't they?17:17
pragmaticenigmaChaosD, You may find better answers at /join #galliumos17:17
ChaosDTJ-, but it is based on xubuntu17:18
ChaosDpragmaticenigma, i give it a try, thanks17:18
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TJ-ChaosD: so? it is /not/ Ubuntu/Xubuntu, it contains specific hardware optimisations for Chrombook hardware. Use the GaliiumOS support forums https://wiki.galliumos.org/Community17:19
Guest16571Hey, i deleted /var/log/auth.log, created a new one, but ssh is not logging to it, any idea?17:19
pragmaticenigmaon the surface hfp ... there isn't much difference. Debian goes for stability while Ubuntu will have newer software17:20
ioriaGuest16571, who's the owner and permissions ?17:20
Guest16571i dont have access until tomorrow, but it should be root and not sure about permissions.17:21
TJ-Guest16571: restart rsyslog service17:21
ioriaGuest16571, 640 syslog adm17:21
Guest16571thanks, will write it down and try tomorrow17:21
Ducklei3wm is pretty neat17:24
ted_ hello17:25
ted_any real reason to upgrade from 17.04 to 17.10"?17:26
ioriaoh yes17:26
pragmaticenigmated_, 17.04 is eol and will not receive security updates17:26
ted_thats a good reason17:27
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csbadheHello Everyone17:35
shabanpalo pidhin17:35
pagioshello, when using screen /dev/ttyUSB1 115200, in my gnome terminal my scroll becomes disabled, i cannot scroll up anymore any idea? thanks17:39
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pagiosi get  [A[A[A[A[A[A[A[A[A[A[A[A[A[A[A[A[A[A[A[A[A[A[A[A[A[A[A[A[A[A[A[A[A[A[A[B[B[B[B[B[B[B[B[B[B[B[B[B[B[B[B[B[B[B[B[B[17:42
b3zieverythig couts as input17:44
xzrctrl+a - ESC , and then you can scroll with arrows etc17:44
xzrmouse wheel likely wont work17:44
xzrscreen "feature"17:44
pagiosxzr, i can scroll now but cant select all17:45
pagiosi cant use the wheel17:45
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pagiosxzr, ?17:50
xzrpagios: ?17:50
ChetanPagios what is it?17:50
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xzryou should be able to scroll up with that tip :p17:51
xzrwhat's the next step17:51
ca_cabohey all, trying to use "dd if=x of=y && rm -f y" to overwrite the freespace on a drive, but it's under dev/mapper and i keep getting an error saying "failed to open... not a directory" how can i accomplish this - here is the command "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mapper/subuntu--vg-root/zeroes && rm -f /dev/mapper/subuntu--vg-root/zeroes17:51
TJ-ca_cabo: what on earth? That makes no sense!17:52
pragmaticenigmaTJ-, I think their trying to zero out free space (removing sensitive file data after delete)17:54
ca_caboyeah that is the goal.17:54
TJ-pragmaticenigma: I realise that, but it makes no sense... ca_cabo where did you get the idea for that command?17:55
TJ-ca_cabo: there is no node /dev/mapper/subuntu--vg-root/zeroes  and never will be. nodes in /dev/mapper are links to device-mapper block devices17:56
adrian_1908trying to get zeroes? (Just joined)17:57
pragmaticenigmaca_cabo, if you're trying to zero out free space.. you can make the file anywhere in a folder you have access to. it will have the same effect17:57
TJ-!info zerofree | ca_cabo17:57
pragmaticenigmaca_cabo, example: /home/ca_cabo/.my_zero_file.tmp17:57
ubottuca_cabo: zerofree (source: zerofree): zero free blocks from ext2, ext3 and ext4 file-systems. In component main, is extra. Version 1.0.4-1 (artful), package size 8 kB, installed size 25 kB17:57
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pragmaticenigmaor that... that looks easier17:57
ukinehow do i disable this ecryptfs going on with every new account on xenial?17:58
ukinethis is a server running on ppc (powermac g5)17:59
ca_cabogotya, i'll give that a shot - thank you!17:59
ukinefreedeb, are you skull and bones?17:59
ukinehello from an mit student18:00
freedebunder my skin and muscles?18:00
TJ-ukine: are you creating the user accout from the GUI, or command-line?18:01
ukinealso, there is no gui18:02
ukinethis is 16.04.4 LTS xenial xerus server, running on ppc architecture18:02
ukinemaybe i'll just purge ecryptfs18:02
ukinethat might work.18:02
TJ-ukine: OK, generally the defaults for adduser are read from /etc/adduser.conf so maybe it's set there. Manually you'd have to do 'adduser --encrypt-home'18:03
ukine"crypt" not found18:05
ukinein adduser.conf18:05
ukineTJ-, i'm trying to add a user /without/ ecryptfs18:05
ukinei'll try uninstalling it if nothing depends on it like high heck18:06
TJ-ukine: Yes, I know. I'm suggesting how to find out /where/ it has been set because it is *not* the package default18:06
TJ-ukine: is adduser pointing to some wrapper script that passes --encrypt-home ?18:06
ukineroot@toji:~# whereis adduser18:07
ukineadduser: /usr/sbin/adduser /etc/adduser.conf /usr/share/adduser /usr/share/man/man8/adduser.8.gz18:07
ukineso i guess not18:07
ukineit is ppc architecture though18:07
ukineso maybe it wasn't changed for this arch18:08
TJ-I did an strace on adduser and see at one point the libecryptfs tries to open /root/.ecryptfsrc  which sound like it may contain that kind of config - if it exists18:10
TJ-ukine: the only other place I can think of would be some option to pam_ecryptfs in /etc/pam.d/ somewhere18:12
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ITSizHiya guys18:15
ITSizcan anyone direct me towards some help with apache permissions?18:16
lotuspsychjeITSiz: there's a specific apache channel at #httpd mate18:17
TJ-ukine: the only way adduser does it is  (from it's PERL source /usr/sbin/adduser):  if (defined($encrypt_home))  $encrypt_home is set by the command-line --encrypt-home18:17
bruno_hallo zusammen habe probleme mit meinem acer es1-111m,habe xubuntu installiert aber wlan funktioniert nicht,was kann der grund sein?18:19
lotuspsychje!de | bruno_18:19
ubottubruno_: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!18:19
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ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.pclosmag.com/html/Issues/200709/page07.html and !Partitions18:23
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition | For partitioning programs, see !GParted (recommended) or !PartitionManager. Other partitioning topics include !fstab, !home, and !swap18:24
lotuspsychje!msgthebot > sjohnson18:25
ubottusjohnson, please see my private message18:25
sjohnsonthe fstab link doesn't work.18:25
ukineTY TJ-18:27
naccsjohnson: works fine here18:28
sjohnson... cry18:29
sjohnsonit says, "This page does not exist yet. You can create a new empty page, or use one of the page templates."18:29
TJ-sjohnson: or you can just do, in a terminal, "man fstab"18:29
sjohnsonthat's the document i read last time, and i broke the internet upon reboot.18:30
sjohnsoncouldn't even log in to Raspbian, i was done.18:30
sjohnsonsurprised i didn't get fired.18:30
TJ-sjohnson: what are you trying to do ?18:30
sjohnsonTJ-: mount a USB harddrive (3 TB) upon bootup.  it uses vfat.18:31
sjohnsonmount /dev/sda1 /blah # works just fine, even autodetects that it's exFAT18:32
sjohnsonand mount shows it uses "fuseblk"18:32
sjohnsonso i added that to the fstab and when the computer rebooted i got a phone call saying the network broke.18:32
TJ-exfat isn't vfat, they're 2 different file-systems (and drivers)18:32
sjohnsonit was awful.  couldn't even get a login prompt to comment out the line.18:32
TJ-sjohnson: also, using a device node isn't a great idea because devices can get different names on subsequent boots due to the order in which the devices are discovered... you're better off using UUID= or LABEL= or /dev/disk/by-id/....18:33
TJ-sjohnson: so what is /dev/sda now could be /dev/sdb next boot if there are other drives attached too18:34
sjohnsonah, good point.18:34
sjohnsoni added the mount command in rc.local (which is probably not the cleanest way)18:34
sjohnsonbut a colleague said "just do it" so i obliged.18:34
TJ-'blkid' can tell you the UUID and LABEL's for each file system for use in fstab18:34
sjohnsonthanks, i'll give this a stry.18:35
TJ-sjohnson: I'd recommend you use the manual 'sudo mount /dev/xxx /blah' comand to let the details be figured out automatically, then do "grep /dev/xxx /proc/mounts" to find out the flags used, file-system type, etc., then use those to create your /etc/fstab entry but in there replace /dev/xxx with the UUID by running 'blkid /dev/xxx' and then creating an  entry with something like "UUID=... /blah exfat18:38
TJ-defaults 0 2"18:38
sjohnsonTJ-: you are a genius.18:38
sjohnsoni asked about this the other day but didn't get a reply.18:38
sjohnsonso much appreciated.18:38
lotuspsychje!cookie | TJ-18:38
ubottuTJ-: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!18:38
TJ-sjohnson: you can test that line works manually by 'sudo umount /dev/xxx' then doing "sudo mount -a" (-a means automount and is the command run at boot-time) - if that mounts your /dev/xxx you know it works18:39
TJ-sjohnson: and therefore it won't break at boot-time18:39
TJ-sjohnson: HOWEVER!!! if that device isn't connected at boot-time it could stall the boot, so beware...18:40
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TJ-sjohnson: ... if that is a possibility, make the fstab options 'default,noauto' and then add a udev rule so that when the /dev/xxx appears it executes "mount /dev/xxx"18:41
* Betania is back (gone 00:00:58)18:44
pragmaticenigma!away | Betania18:46
ubottuBetania: Please do not use noisy away messages and nicks in Ubuntu channels. It is annoying and unnecessary. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»18:46
sjohnsonTJ-: thanks, you have been unbelievably helpful.18:46
sjohnsoni did the blkid and grep stuff.18:46
sjohnsoni didn't test the remount because i don't want to break the network, but i will write this down.18:46
kneekiwhat are the chmod numbers to get: -rw-rw-r-- ?18:47
sjohnsonand yeah, shows all the good stuff i wanted.  UUID, Label, etc.18:47
lotuspsychje!chmod | kneeki18:47
ubottukneeki: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions18:47
kneekiThat's what I thought18:47
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Sven_vBsolved my earlier problem (upgrading wine). I should really have read the tutorial better, and should have noticed that the PPA URL is given only in the "Installing without Internet" part, while the regular install uses the dl.… URL.19:00
hisforeverhi I just installed Linux Lite and need to Change the Alt key so I can use blenser . Where do I find where?lite19:00
lotuspsychjerabbitsky: better not join irc as root mate, logout and come back as normal user19:00
rabbitskyhow ?19:00
tgm4883hisforever: IDK what Linux Lite is, but it's not Ubuntu19:00
TJ-hisforever: we don't support LinuxLite here, this is for Ubuntu19:00
hisforeverthanks for nothing19:02
tomreynrabbitsky: this looks better19:02
tomreyn(welcome back)19:02
rabbitskybut why not use root for this irssi?19:03
lotuspsychje!root | rabbitsky19:03
ubotturabbitsky: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo19:03
tomreynif there was a bug in the irc client, such as one about text parsing, it could allow soemone on irc to take over your computer19:03
ubottuIt's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.19:04
ioriatomreyn, you scared him19:08
tomreynpossibly, or he got hacked. ;)19:08
lotuspsychjetomreyn: roflol19:09
TJ-that rootirc factoid is so out of date! It doesn't reflect the use of unprivileged containers19:17
ovalseven8Hey, will the next LTS version (18.04) contain Java 10 or the outdated Java 9?19:19
TJ-ovalseven8: it has 8,9,10,1119:21
ovalseven8TJ-, That's strange, Java 9 does not get any updates anymore19:23
TJ-ovalseven8: looks like 8 is in main, but the others are all in universe!19:25
TJ-!info openjdk-8-jre bionic19:26
ubottuopenjdk-8-jre (source: openjdk-8): OpenJDK Java runtime, using Hotspot JIT. In component main, is optional. Version 8u162-b12-1 (bionic), package size 68 kB, installed size 254 kB19:26
TJ-!info openjdk-9-jre bionic19:27
ubottuopenjdk-9-jre (source: openjdk-9): OpenJDK Java runtime, using Hotspot JIT. In component universe, is optional. Version 9.0.4+12-2ubuntu3 (bionic), package size 53 kB, installed size 169 kB19:27
TJ-!info openjdk-10-jre bionic19:27
ubottuopenjdk-10-jre (source: openjdk-10): OpenJDK Java runtime, using Hotspot JIT. In component universe, is optional. Version 10~46-2ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 53 kB, installed size 169 kB19:27
TJ-!info openjdk-11-jre bionic19:27
ubottuopenjdk-11-jre (source: openjdk-11): OpenJDK Java runtime, using Hotspot JIT. In component universe, is optional. Version 11~5-1 (bionic), package size 52 kB, installed size 169 kB19:27
ovalseven8TJ-, So best thing is then to install OpenJDK-10 then because of guaranteed security updates?19:28
TJ-ovalseven8: well, only packages in 'main' are Canonical supported. Packages in universe are generally 'best efforts' although you have to check each packages details to know for sure19:29
ovalseven8TJ-, Thanks for your help! Do not understand Canonical's politic here why JDK 10 is not the default and in main19:30
TJ-you can use the 'ubuntu-support-status' tool to get more info on what's supported and for how long, and what's unsupported19:30
ioriaovalseven8, apt-cache show openjdk-9-jre | grep Supported        should tell you (but idk if really reliable)19:31
TJ-ovalseven8: Based on past performance the OpenJDK /IcedTea packages have been complex, prone to break, and no-one wants to maintain them19:31
ovalseven8ioria, Can you look for JDK 10? I'm not on a Ubuntu device at the moment19:32
ioriaovalseven8, i havo no 10 in my repos , sy19:33
TJ-ovalseven8: I took me a couple of weeks to prepare openjdk-8 and it I was never confident it was correct19:33
siddy /join #offsec19:33
siddy /join #offsec19:33
ovalseven8TJ-, Can understand you. It's the reason why I think the people at Canonical should do it who get paid19:34
TJ-ovalseven8: I guess there aren't enough paying support customers using it19:35
bzlusrI have an issue with certificate store and ubuntu 14.04 and openjdk-819:49
bzlusrit seems to not look for / find my cacerts, ideas ?19:49
kenjax hello, does anyone know if there is a line command to update bios? (not interested in the usb method), thanks19:50
TJ-kenjax: if the firmware update is a UEFI Capsule there is a linux project / package to handle it19:51
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TJ-!info fwupd19:54
ubottufwupd (source: fwupd): Firmware update daemon. In component main, is optional. Version 0.9.7-2ubuntu1 (artful), package size 1177 kB, installed size 2500 kB19:54
TJ-bzlusr: are you inferring you've added certificates in /etc/ssl/certs/ and Java isn't seeing them, or that Java is not seeing *any* certs in /etc/ssl/certs/ ?19:57
ioria!info openjdk-8-jre trusty20:00
ubottuPackage openjdk-8-jre does not exist in trusty20:00
TJ-bzlusr: if the former, have you run "sudo update-ca-certificates" ?20:02
bzlusrTJ-: i straced the process, and it doesn't open any file with the name cert in it...20:05
bzlusri installed the openjdk-r/ppa version20:05
bzlusralso yes i have + i checked that the runtime/jre/lib/security/cacert is softlinked correctly and is an ok file20:06
bzlusrit's 32bit 14.04 if it matters20:06
bzlusrjava.security.InvalidAlgorithmParameterException: the trustAnchors parameter must be non-empty <-- this is the exception i get20:06
TJ-bzlusr: it should be reading /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt20:08
bzlusrnot /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-i386/jre/lib/security/cacerts which is symlinked to /etc/ssl/certs/java/cacerts ?20:09
bzlusranyhow, strace -f <cmd> 2>&120:09
bzlusranyhow, strace -f <cmd> 2>&1 | grep "cert" comes up empty....20:09
bzlusr(i'm running bazel btw)20:11
bzlusrany ideas on how to debug it ?20:13
bzlusrhttps://stackoverflow.com/a/15409993 <-- how can i pass this to java via bazel or a global setting ?20:14
ioriabzlusr, ca-certificates-java  is installed ?20:15
xzrbzlusr: could set the env variable JAVA_OPTS maybe?20:15
bzlusrironhali1: yes, as i've said20:16
bzlusrxzr: tried, didn't seem to do anything20:16
ioriabzlusr, and sudo /var/lib/dpkg/info/ca-certificates-java.postinst configure   waht it says ?20:16
bzlusrdid as well, it replaces stuff, says done, still doesn't work20:17
bzlusrsome people say going to oracle version of java will solve the issue, but somehow it takes more memory than openjdk and fails in compiling bazel itself..20:18
bzlusragain stracing and seeing java not trying to access anything *cert* is a big red flag...20:18
bzlusrhere is another one exactly with the same issue https://askubuntu.com/questions/1004745/java-cant-find-cacerts20:19
ioriabzlusr, idk, path issue, ii guess20:21
bzlusrso many people with this issue :(20:21
tomreynyou're using a PPA for openjdk, though, i don't think that's supported here.20:22
tomreyndoes it happen with any of the openjdk's in ubuntu proper?20:23
bzlusr14.04 does not have openjdk-820:23
bzlusrbazel needs openjdk-820:23
tomreynright (but that's not what i asked)20:23
ioriabzlusr, btw, you're using two unsupported pkgs : java 8 on trusty and bazel20:24
bzlusri'm compiling bazel from souce20:24
ioriabzlusr, and it's in your $HOME/bin  ? (bazel i mean)20:26
bzlusrnop, but i've added it to the path20:26
ioriabzlusr, sudo update-ca-certificates -f  and bazel shutdown20:30
bzlusrargh, bazel shutdown !20:30
bzlusrworks now !20:30
bzlusrforgot it has a background daemon20:31
bzlusrok, let's hope for smooth sail as i'm gonna install more unsupported stuff :)20:32
ioriabad guy20:32
kostkonbzlusr, like?20:32
bzlusrtensorflow on 32bit :)20:32
bzlusrioria: i'm not bad, i'm just getting payed20:33
bzlusrioria, TJ-: thanks for the tips ! good night20:36
ioriabzlusr, no problem20:37
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isaiahnixonHey guys, I run 16.04 desktop and I need to confirm where the ssh is getting my key from? How would I do that?20:58
sereQuestion: so i installed root to an full 32g sd card and have home and on the internal..am i defeating the purpose of using an sd when seperating /home and swap since its on another drive20:59
sereshe is puring though :)20:59
needhelpbusyboxeHi.  I have mint, but need help bad.  I was testing out sleep mode and an eye happened.  Now i can't boot.21:03
needhelpbusyboxeError, not eye21:05
JimBuntuI dopn't believe you, I think an eye happened21:06
JimBuntuneedhelpbusyboxe, You may want to use something more trusted, like pastebin21:07
JimBuntuor imgur or whatnot21:08
needhelpbusyboxeI would if my computer were working, but that is why I'm here.  That is a photo of the screen21:08
needhelpbusyboxeI would use something better, but I'm on my phone and starting to panic a little21:09
JimBuntuouch. Looks like it wasn't done writing when the power dropped21:09
needhelpbusyboxeWell, it seemed frozen so i hit the power.  Is there a way to recover?21:10
JimBuntupossibly. I'm not going to be able to help a whole lot, but gimme a moment, trying something21:11
JimBuntuThis is a pastebin of the text, mostly correct - https://pastebin.com/2vLeyh2821:13
JimBuntuHave you tried rebooting it again?21:13
JimBuntugtg eat21:18
needhelpbusyboxeYes, i have.  Even recovery mode21:18
needhelpbusyboxeK, thx21:18
isaiahnixonHow do I start my ssh client on 16.04 desktop?21:32
hggdhisaiahnixon: if I understand correctly, open a terminal, and type in ssh <remote host>21:33
isaiahnixonhggdh, I try that and I am getting permission denied every time. I know my key works because I have used the exact one before from a different VM.21:34
isaiahnixonhggdh, So I started on the rabbit hole of trying to kind out how to confirm where my client was pulling the key from.21:35
tgm4883isaiahnixon: permission denied sounds like it's coming from the server, not the client21:41
tgm4883isaiahnixon: in any case, ssh has a verbose flag (-v probably) or you can use -i to specify what key you want to use21:41
isaiahnixontgm4883, the -i option worked.21:42
isaiahnixonWhich means when I just use the ssh command, where is it pulling the key from?21:43
tgm4883isaiahnixon: generally, ~/.ssh21:43
isaiahnixontgm4883, my key is in the authorized_keys subdirectory21:44
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tgm4883isaiahnixon: that's the wrong spot for it21:44
isaiahnixontgm4883, Oof well that explains it.21:45
isaiahnixontgm4883, Thanks a bunch.21:45
tgm4883isaiahnixon: IIRC, it checks a few named keys in a specific order. ~/.ssh/id_rsa should be where your private key resides21:45
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isaiahnixontgm4883, So this is really odd. But, I moved my key. And I am still getting a permission denied error when I run: ssh <remote host>. However, if I run: ssh <remote host> -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa. It works perfectly.21:54
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isaiahnixonWhich pretty much proves that it is pulling the key from somewhere else by default right?21:54
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tgm4883isaiahnixon: use -v, it will show you what it's doing21:54
isaiahnixontgm4883, It is pulling keys from /root/.ssh. Why would it be doing that and where did those come from?21:56
tgm4883isaiahnixon: how are you running it?21:56
pragmaticenigmaisaiahnixon, did you copy your private key or the public key to the remote machine. the public key should be copied to the remote host which is the one ending in .pub21:56
tgm4883pragmaticenigma: that's not necessary here21:57
pragmaticenigmait isn't?21:57
isaiahnixontgm4883, I was running it as sudo21:57
tgm4883isaiahnixon: well there's your problem21:57
pragmaticenigmatgm4883, I thought you needed to send the .pub key21:59
tgm4883pragmaticenigma: no. For starters, you don't ever copy your private key to the remote machine. That's a very bad idea. Secondly, he already stated that if he used -i that it worked which proves that he has already copied his public key to the correct locations. Thirdly, there's a utility already available for doing such a thing (ssh-copy-id)21:59
pragmaticenigmaI'm well aware you don't copy your private key... that's why I asked if they should be sending the .pub? isn't .pub the public key?22:00
tgm4883pragmaticenigma: yes it is, I misread what you had initially said. In any case, he had already done that22:01
pragmaticenigmaokay... gave me a fright there... thanks for clarifying22:01
pragmaticenigmaall good... problem solved though22:02
isaiahnixonThank you both for the help. In case you couldn't tell I am kind of new to this stuff.22:02
pragmaticenigmawe're happy you found us to help you out. I've found this to be a great resource to help me out too22:04
beta-testeris this the right place to ask questions about Ubuntu 18.04 daily-live ISO ?22:26
Bashing-ombeta-tester: That be #ubuntu+1 :)22:27
beta-testerdoes anybody know, why i can not PXE boot the current daily-live ISO of Ubuntu 18.04, but Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS and Ubuntu 17.10.1 do PXE boot properly.22:28
beta-testeroops... thanks bashing-om for the info... i am kind of blind... 8-)22:31
sereis it ok to have a program running localy and then have another instance through ssh. is that save?22:33
chip_Hello World! :D22:34
kostkonchip_, hi22:34
EriC^^sere: depends on the program, what is it?22:35
sereEriC^^: i was playing music with banshee and did it to test it and it worked.22:36
sereEriC^^: i can see where this can go wrong really fast :x22:37
chip_I'm struggling with an Elecom trackball (m-xt3dr) in neon plasma; my computer is unaware of one of the buttons. Might someone kindly point me toward a helpful app or maybe just inform me which keywords will be best for searching the web for answers?22:39
sereEriC^^: i got a better question: is it save to do a full X session while the host machine is running a X session as well22:39
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EriC^^sere: i think so yeah22:40
Battlehey all so im struggling to figure out why my crontab is executing my file, but it does not start the application its suppose to.22:40
sereEriC^^: sweet.. thanks22:41
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skinuxI'm getting connection refused, for php built=in server and laravel's artisan....what could be causing this? I have no firewall configuration to cause this.22:42
chip_Oh hey, is this the wrong place for me and my Neon Plasma? My apologies if so, I just read the thing I was supposed to read first. My bad. Or ... since it's 16.04 ... what say you?22:46
ShaunRAny of you guys ever seen an error like this before...22:47
ShaunRCreating SSH2 ECDSA key; this may take some time ...unknown key type ecdsa22:47
ShaunRcant get openssh-server to install22:47
ShaunRnot sure what's needed for ECDSA support either.22:47
pragmaticenigmachip_, please ask your question, in as much detail as you can, and if we don't or can't answer your question we will do our best to guide you to a better resource22:48
DiecastMessiahchip yes ok if it was a ubuntu problem but it sounds that is a hardware thing you can try #hardware22:50
pragmaticenigmaShaunR, what version of ubuntu are you running and how are you installing openssh-server?22:50
DiecastMessiahunless i misread22:51
pragmaticenigmaDiecastMessiah, I'm wondering the same thing22:52
Battleokay so ive added specific pathways to all of the commands being executed, the crontab script works fine when i manually run this in the ssh22:53
Battleand according to crontab log, it is executing the crontab file22:54
Battlehowever it is not running the code as it does in ssh22:54
Battleyet its identical to being executed in ssh22:54
ShaunRpragmaticenigma: 16.04, apt install openssh-server22:54
BattleI assume this is related to env variables but id ont know how when im specifically using absolute path....22:54
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ghostridermy sd card reader (internal) has suddenly said this Error mounting /dev/mmcblk0p1 at /media/ghostrider/D86F-0C6D: Command-line `mount -t "exfat" -o "uhelper=udisks2,nodev,nosuid,uid=1000,gid=1000,iocharset=utf8,namecase=0,errors=remount-ro,umask=0077" "/dev/mmcblk0p1" "/media/ghostrider/D86F-0C6D"' exited with non-zero exit status 1:22:55
ghostriderstdout: `FUSE exfat 1.2.322:55
ghostriderstderr: `ERROR: fsync failed: Input/output error.22:55
pragmaticenigmaShaunR, does the installation complete or does it back out everything22:55
ghostriderthe card itself works fine in other readers22:55
ShaunRpragmaticenigma: breaks dpkg22:56
ShaunRsshd no longer works either.22:56
pragmaticenigmaBattle, how are you adding items to Cron?22:56
ghostriderpretty sure  exited with non-zero exit status 1:   is important in the situation22:57
chip_pragmaticenigma, Thank you! :D After trying a few things, I found what appears to be a solution but I don't know what to do with it. https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/drivers/hid/hid-elecom.c22:58
pragmaticenigmachip_, we need more information about the problem though, what you are seeing specifically22:58
pragmaticenigmaghostrider, when you say it works fine in other computers, are they also Linux machines or Windows machines?22:59
ghostriderwell yes, simply putting one in the usb slot it reads fine23:00
pragmaticenigmaghostrider, I don't understand what that means23:00
ghostriderlol well if you take a usb card reader and put it in the usb slot, it reads the card...23:00
pragmaticenigmaShaunR, you had ssh working before? did it fail during an update?23:01
pragmaticenigmaghostrider, so if I'm understanding correctly: If you use your computer's Memory Card reader, you see that error when mounting. When you use a USB adapter, the same computer can read the card without any issue?23:02
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pragmaticenigmaghostrider, is there any other cards plugged into the internal drive when you use this specific card, and if you use a different card does the internal reader show the same error?23:03
ghostriderSometimes linux can have issues with an sd card that was removed from a windows machine before it auto ejected, but ive not been able to link non zero status 1 to that issue23:03
ghostriderno on other stuff23:04
pragmaticenigmachip_, bluetooth devices aren't something I'm very familiar with. As far as the github link, that's to be compiled into the kernel as a driver.23:04
pragmaticenigmaghostrider, programs either exit with a status of zero, meaning good, or not zero, meaning bad but it's up to the programmer that made the program to define what it means23:05
chip_pragmaticenigma, I will need to remember what I did to show you actual output (and I'll work on doing that). In the meantime, I'll share the conclusions I arrived at. (I suppose you can ignore them while I try to repeat the process.) I'm spent a few minutes trying to find the applications I used to come to these conclusions:23:05
chip_Ah, it's the EX-G Trackball (Wired and wireless) not bluetooth :D23:05
ghostriderwell yes and no..23:05
chip_just regular ole usb23:05
pragmaticenigmaghostrider, a program is called to mount the sd card23:06
pragmaticenigma"mount" is a program, that tells the operating system a device needs to be made available for use23:07
ghostriderYes, but its getting that error from the logged status of the hardware23:07
pragmaticenigmaghostrider, the key here is: Command-line `mount -t "exfat" -o "uhelper=udisks2,nodev,nosuid,uid=1000,gid=1000,iocharset=utf8,namecase=0,errors=remount-ro,umask=0077" "/dev/mmcblk0p1" "/media/ghostrider/D86F-0C6D"' exited with non-zero exit status 1:23:08
pragmaticenigmathat was saying it used the program mount, to mount a device formatted with exfat to the directory /media/ghostridder/D86F-0C6D23:08
pragmaticenigmaghostrider, please calm down23:09
ghostriderLOL im not un calm, so your command simply produces a blinking prompt23:10
chip_pragmaticenigma,  I used (something running in a terminal) to identify 9 buttons on my trackball. The process involved clicking in another window so it could tell me which button was which. The Problem: The *one button* I most want to bind to CTRL produced no output while all 9 of the others did (left, right, forward button, back button, wheel click, wheel scrolling [both directions], and horizontal wheel clicks [both directions].23:11
ghostrideroh..I SEE you were just repeating what i pasted,   gee I think i already figured out that it was the key to problem, thats WHY I POSTED IT..23:12
chip_pragmaticenigma, part of my issue (I'm realizing now) is that I've been searching in circles. This repository https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/drivers/hid/hid-elecom.c seems to be for a driver that addresses the issue (it even names my device, huzza! :D)23:13
pragmaticenigmaghostrider, plug the card back into a windows computer, run a checkdisk, eject it properly and see if that works23:13
ghostrideri reallllllly hate to even touch windows, but if that fixes it, then i know someone removed my card, viewed it on a windows machine, and then put it back in my linux machine...argggghhhhh23:14
pragmaticenigmachip_, the file you linked to is for 8 buttons. Currently the known models for that brand must have only had 8 buttons at the time the driver was developed.23:14
serepragmaticenigma: hey thanks again for the help earler. i have it some what up and running.. its been headless all day. im working on getting a full windows X session now23:14
skinuxHey guys, I'm trying to use PHP's built-in web server, keep getting connection refused no matter what port number I use.23:15
Battlepragmaticenigma: Hello didnt see your reply, I added the crontab by using webmin23:15
skinuxPort 80 (nginx) doesn't get connection refused, but it's not working for other reasons I haven't been able to solve.23:16
pragmaticenigmaBattle, in my opinion... webmin = bad... that aside, when using webmin do you recall what file it said it was modifying for cron?23:16
Battlepragmaticenigma I did all look at crontab -e and its in the file perfectly23:17
pragmaticenigmaskinux, try a higher port number such as 8080 or 888823:17
pragmaticenigmaok Battle, can you post an example of one of the lines for me?23:17
skinuxThose are connection refused as well23:18
Battle* * * * * /home/Battle/eco/7.2.4_test/check.cron23:18
skinuxI do know that iptables was installed and configure by default. I don't know how to configure it, but it's never been an issue before.23:18
chip_pragmaticenigma, that's a helpful observation thank you. I very much appreciate your assistance, and I'm relieved to find a helpful community here. I shall now take my gn00b skills back to the web to learn about drivers! :D23:20
pragmaticenigmaskinux, I think you might want to focus your efforts on nginx and possibly the firewall. I think one of those two things are working against you. Have you made any modifications to iptables or UFW?23:20
skinuxNope. I don't know how to do firewall configurations.23:21
pragmaticenigmachip_, glad I could provide some assistance. sometimes the drivers take a little bit to reach the same level has their hardware. My thoughts were you had no difficulty with the 8 buttons, which tells me the driver you posted was already installed. One thing you can do to speed things along is post a bug in the bug tracker for Ubuntu. That will help it pick up traction faster23:22
pragmaticenigmaskinux, did you follow any tutorials that made modifications to your system?23:23
Battlepragmaticenigma Sorry not sure if you saw it: * * * * /home/Battle/eco/7.2.4_test/check.cron23:23
pragmaticenigmaBattle, If I'm reading that correctly, It doesn't appear to have a schedule. Usually one of the astrix's are filled in with a number23:23
Battlepragmaticenigma i have other cron jobs in here which do execute perfectly and they're likethis too23:24
Battleits really weird23:25
Battlepragmaticenigma when I actually manually hit "run" on webmin for this cronjob, it returns the output of application not running as expected, so its like the code is running fine...23:25
pragmaticenigmaBattle, from what I know, that means you wanted that script to run every minute, of every hour, of every day, of every month?23:26
Battlebut it just doesnt start the application23:26
Battlethat is correct pragmaticenigma23:26
Battlethis script checks if a process is running, if not, starts it23:26
Battle(crash detector)23:26
Battleit works for other applications but for some reason, this one just wont work23:26
Battleit's a "mono" application unlike the other applications23:26
pragmaticenigmaskinux, does your nginx log have anything in it? specifically error messages?23:26
Battleso i'm not sure if perhaps this is having some impact perhaps23:27
pragmaticenigmaBattle, I assume the script has execute privalages?23:27
BattleI can run it in ssh term fine23:27
Battleworks perfectly23:27
pragmaticenigmaBattle, try changing the command to /home/Battle/eco/7.2.4_test/./check.cron23:27
pragmaticenigmaBattle, in the crontab file23:28
Battlepragmaticenigma nope :(23:30
pragmaticenigmahow do you run the script in the command line Battle ?23:30
Battlepragmaticenigma:  Mar 23 19:28:01 kf CRON[22172]: (anderson) CMD (/home/Battle/eco/7.2.4_test/./check.cron)23:30
Battlebut yet not started23:30
pragmaticenigmaBattle, did you see the other question? How do you execute the script from the command line manually?23:31
Battleoh sorry23:31
BattleI execute it by literally typing: /home/Battle/eco/7.2.4_test/./check.cron23:31
Battleer well with out the ./23:31
pragmaticenigmaBattle, does the script have any output when you run it manually?23:32
Battleyes, the 1 line, of app not running, now starting it. (which is what is shown on webmin also) so it is executing the code at least upto that point23:32
pragmaticenigmaokay, try this23:32
skinuxTo answer the question, I was getting errors in nginx log, but that is no longer the case.23:33
pragmaticenigmaBattle, change the crontab line to end with " > /home/Battle/check.cron.txt 2>&1" without the quotes. that will send any output from the script to the file /home/Battle/check.cron.txt where we might be able to see if there is an error message23:34
skinuxThe last errors, configs, and curl output is gisted though https://gist.github.com/skinuxgeek/aa94232abbc98004c8f62fc1b5e51e2d23:36
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pragmaticenigmaskinux, it looks like nginx is working just fine, so I don't think we have a firewall issue to contend with. The only thing I'm not familiar with is running PHP's own webserver. but I'll ask some questions and lets see what we come up with.23:40
Battlepragmaticenigma no errors at all, just the one line of app not running , now trying to start :S23:40
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pragmaticenigmaBattle, so crontab is working. and is executing your script. it sounds like the script is what's not working23:41
Battleso weird, it runs fine in ssh terminal =s23:41
pragmaticenigmaBattle, it appears to be running fine in cron too... you're getting the same output23:42
Battleyet it doesnt start :S23:43
BattleI think ive resolved it23:44
BattleI split it up23:44
pragmaticenigmaBattle, what split?23:45
BattleI made a new file 'start.cron' containing the command that is executed to start the application23:45
Battleand in the check.cron i replaced that same line with absolute path to the /path/to/file/start.sh &23:45
Battleand that started it23:45
Battlethank you pragmaticenigma for your assistance today :)23:48
pragmaticenigmanice Battle !!23:50
codebot__does anyone know any channel for competitive programming on irc?23:53
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MrJones_is rc-local.service still working in 17.10?23:55
pragmaticenigmasorry codebot__, I do not know of any23:55
MrJones_I get a very lengthy warning text when I try to systemctl enable it, and after boot I can't see the script actually running23:55
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MrJones_nevermind, forgot to set +x on /etc/rc.local23:58

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