
studio-user433Hola alguien sabe español?00:05
studio-user433instale ubuntu studio 17.10 y es poco fluido. La navegación por internet se cuelga enseguida y ni hablar al abrir blender u openshot.00:09
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.00:14
studio-user433Muchas gracias ubuttu. Que tengas un gran día, abrazos00:53
studio-user057Hello all nerds :D <316:06
studio-user057when a install kxstudio tool over ubuntu studio there is a problem with the menu?16:07
studio-user057there are double category for audio production tool in the menu16:09
studio-user057there are 2 or 3 doublets of most effects in Ardour XD this is a mess16:11
studio-user057way dont you just have the latest ardour from kxstudio? way dont you integrate kxstudio from the start in ubuntu studio16:12
OvenWerksstudio-user057: ubuntu policy... would be the simple answer...16:15
OvenWerksubuntustudio and kxstudio are completely different projects with different aims.16:16
OvenWerksThere are some kxstudio packages that have interesting licencing that keep them out of debian and by extension ubuntu.16:17
studio-user057humans and licencing ... okej so ubuntu studio is not for music production or what are you say different aims? you dont uppdate the packages or have meaningful usable ones just for licensing problems ?16:22
studio-user057there are manny buggs in the ubuntu studio audio producktion pkgs16:23
OvenWerksReally? I use it every day I don't see lots of bugs.16:23
OvenWerksI do dev work on Ardour from here.16:24
OvenWerksI do not use the kxstudio packagews though16:24
studio-user057okej nice how maby kx studio and ubuntu together makes buggs?16:24
studio-user057ill try install it agin16:25
OvenWerksCould do, any time I have mixed the two I have had problems16:25
studio-user057everytime I open zynaddsubfx16:25
studio-user057cant us that16:26
OvenWerksKxstudio is supposed to be releasing a 18.04 based iso sometime soon from what I hear.16:26
OvenWerksIf you want the kxstudio packages, that would be the way to go. The author did not have time to do a 16.04 version so the last one is still 14.0416:26
martin__my desktop does nt look any different it still looks the default16:47

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