
Unit193bluesabre: Uploaded new vte to PPA.00:21
bluesabreali1234, dunno, had to turn to it since the current deb package depends on an old curl00:38
bluesabreUnit193: thanks!00:38
ali1234you'd know if it was classic mode because you'd have to accept that when installing it00:54
bluesabresudo snap install spotify 02:04
bluesabrespotify from 'spotify' installed02:04
Unit193Isn't there an info command or somesuch?02:04
bluesabrenothing mentioned about classic or confinement02:07
bluesabrenext up, adding the bionic layout to xfpanel-switch and calling out for translations :)02:16
pleia2knome: gah, there are like 5022 wallpapers to vote on!04:03
pleia2"I'll just do this real quick before dinner" /o\04:03
flocculantthought it was close to 5023 to vote on :p05:43
knomepleia2, sorry!07:30
=== ochosi_ is now known as ochosi
ochosiali1234: yeah, i think i merged too many icons there from upstream, need to revert the window manager related icons08:13
ochosiwith >900 icons updated it was easy to overlook (especially as greybird doesn't use those icons anymore now and has its wm icons packaged so it also looks consistent with other icon themes)08:14
ochosiit's only 3 icons or so, i'll revert those and push them08:18
ochosiplease test if it's more than minimize and maximize08:18
ochosiali1234: ok pushed to git08:21
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-artwork:: [bionic] r336 Close LP: #1756054 (by Sean Davis)10:02
Unit193bluesabre: Where's the fixed terminal? :311:11
bluesabreUnit193: hiding under the couch maybe?11:11
Unit193Crap, OK..11:12
bluesabreUnit193: wasn't in a hurry to patch it11:12
Unit193Seemed like you were. :>11:12
ochosihey guys11:13
Unit193Anywho, g'morning.11:13
ochosifeel free to test the icon patch i pushed to git (those of you who care to reproduce)11:13
ochosithat would be a bugfix anyway and not subject to UIF11:13
Unit193..I could sooo make a bad joke here.11:13
bluesabreUnit193: btw, saw a vte update in today's manifest, https://wiki.bluesabre.org/bionic_changes?do=diff&rev2%5B0%5D=1521716290&rev2%5B1%5D=1521797096&difftype=sidebyside11:14
bluesabreUnit193: as for the terminal, I dropped in guake so wasn't super bothered in the short term11:14
Unit193And I saw that xserver-xorg-video-ati landed too, can drop my own version. \o/11:16
Unit193bluesabre: I kind of like this, I should sub to it maybe or at least look more. >_>11:17
Unit193Feel free to link it any time.11:17
bluesabreUnit193: yeah, need to automate it, but it's pretty handy for daily comparison11:19
Unit193Ah, thought it was automated.11:20
bluesabreI have a script that generates the manifest listing11:20
bluesabrepaste it into dokuwiki and get a diff11:20
bluesabreso, mostly automated11:20
Unit193tumbler 0.2.0-2 uploaded by Yves-Alexis Perez (corsac)11:22
bluesabreUnit193: it's ugly but functional, https://gist.github.com/bluesabre/6567eca05e3c8c121286cc4fcbfe5762 :)11:23
Unit193First thing I noticed is that you should use distro-info.11:23
Unit193https://pypi.python.org/pypi/dokuwiki/1.1.0 ? :311:27
Unit193bluesabre: Thanks for the link.11:27
bluesabreUnit193: that looks handy11:27
Unit193Hoped it would. :)11:28
bluesabremaybe I'll fix it up the next time I'm bored or tired of not being fully automated :D11:28
ochosibbl (if you need anything bionic from me lemme know)11:29
flocculantochosi: ftr icon looks fine now13:51
flocculantbluesabre: that gist looks useful - might play about with that - I tend to be wanting to see differences between current dev and 'some previous one'14:01
ochosiflocculant: kewl, then maybe bluesabre can pull it into xubuntu-artwork14:38
amerigenajoin #xubuntu14:47
flocculantochosi: np14:51
ochosijust fixed the gtk2 regression in the latest greybird \o/21:44
bluesabreochosi: hooray!21:58
ochosimaybe i'll also look into fixing checkboxes and radios in menus22:00
ochosieven though those don't look bad really22:00
=== sorinello_ is now known as sorinello
ochosiactually not that easy to find good gtk2 apps for testing these days :p22:03
bluesabrenot an awful problem to have22:03
ochosiquite happy with the new checkboxes and radios in gtk222:04
ochosididn't think i'd touch that part of the theme ever again22:04
bluesabredon't suppose you could share a screenshot so I don't have to find a gtk2 app?22:06
ochosiyou wanna see the regression or the updated checkboxes?22:07
bluesabreI guess the update so I know what I'm uploading in a few hours :)22:08
ochosithis is the regression: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5833446/37819411-ab8c2490-2e7d-11e8-9e10-b87cf8654676.png22:08
ochosiyou see it in the gtk2 version of whisker here22:08
ochosibefore: http://i.imgur.com/yu46jUu.png22:10
ochosiafter: http://i.imgur.com/W9BymwS.png22:10
ochositbh i new about this bug, but didn't have time to fix it before UIF22:11
ochosiso i decided to release 3.22.7 anyway and push this as bugfix22:11
ochosihaving the new checkboxes in was simply more important22:11
bluesabregotta run, bbl22:12
ochosione more thing i could imagine doing for 18.04 is hidpi support for window decorations22:12
ochosiboth gtk3 and xfwm422:12
ochosiah right, sure22:12
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-artwork:: [greybird] r549 Fix Gtk2 radiobuttons (Issue #219)... (by Simon Steinbeiß)22:36

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