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boombastichello. Im a little new to linux. im using kubuntu. the middle button on my touchpad acts as a close button. it is very annoying :/ . does somebody know how to change that behavior ?05:09
vespertatiaboombastic: Press Alt + F2 then type in Touchpad and then press enter. You can then edit the touchpad settings to fit your needs.05:20
boombasticvespertatia: yes how do i disable this behavior from there ?05:23
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BluesKajHi folks10:54
AceKingI have a Lexar 128 GB USB 3.0 flashdrive. I plugged it into both USB 2.0 and 3.0 slots, but neither one sees the device. I can read it in Windows. Here is the output of fdisk -l: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kvJXByXqtN/12:49
BluesKajAceKing, try df -h12:53
gerWill Kubuntu 18.04 have a minimal install option?12:53
BluesKajger, ask in ubuntu+1 chat12:54
AceKingBluesKaj: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Vhq4vTGZFZ/12:55
BluesKajAceKing, is there any data on the usb?12:56
AceKingBluesKaj: Nothing important12:57
BluesKajbut there is data,  so it should be recognized12:57
AceKingYes, definitely. I can see it on a Windows PC12:58
BluesKajtry a relogin12:58
AceKingBluesKaj: I did. I even did a total reboot with and without the drive in the USB port12:59
BluesKajit should show up in dolphin/devices if the panels aren't locked12:59
BluesKajon the left side in the dolphin panel that is13:00
AceKingBluesKaj: I know. All my other USB flashdrives show up. They are all 2.0. I thought it may have been a problem with 3.013:00
BluesKajthat should not be a problem , 3.0 is the connection protocol not the device afaik13:01
AceKingBluesKaj: OK13:02
BluesKajunless the usb is corrpted, but make sure your dolphin panels aren't locked13:02
BluesKajwhat does windows show as a File system on the usb?13:03
AceKingexfat. I did install the packages for that13:04
AceKingDolphin panel is definitlynot locked13:05
AceKingBluesKaj: for the heck of it, I just tried it in my laptop running 17.10 64 bit also... It doesn't show up there either.13:07
AceKingBluesKaj: I plugged in my external USB 3.0 2tb hdd and that came right up. I may try formatting the flashdrive in Windows, and see if that works.13:14
AceKingBluesKaj: I think the flashdrive is bad. When I plug it into Windows, the drive letter shows up for a couple of seconds then goes away.13:17
AceKingI was able to access it before13:18
AceKingIf I move it around a little bit, it shows up. Definitely the drive.13:19
AceKingBluesKaj: On another note... Have you heard of anyone having problems with bad superblocks, and not being able to boot? In the last 2 months, it's happened to 5 laptops that I have Kubuntu 16.04 and 17.10 running on. At first I thought it was a bad hdd. But after the third one I stared to think it was an update that was causing it13:25
BluesKajAceKing, that sounds like a bug alright ...check launchpad for info13:52
AceKingBluesKaj: Will do. Thanks for your help today13:54
BluesKaj the hdds13:56
BluesKajwell, yw , ope you solve your bad blocks problem , try running smart control13:56
BluesKajon the drives13:56
AceKingI did run smart control. I was able to recover the superblocks. Just strange how they corrupted.14:00
linux_hallo zusammen14:53
=== daniele_ is now known as Guest89950
GizmoRomickI am trying to use the Glassified theme with Obsidian Coast in the colors settings.  Everything works great, except the lock screen colors look terrible (white text on gray background).  I am using Plasma 5 on Ubuntu 16.04.  Can anyone point me in the right direction to change the colors without affecting the rest of the theme?17:57
=== juboxi is now known as jubo2
ubsafderi upgraded to latest updates of 17.10  my wifi does not connect any more is that expdected ?21:34
ubsafderonly cable connection works does i have to pay a tribute to wifi consortiun to get it working ? ?21:37
ubsafderhow do i get ubuntu to support wpa security ?21:41
=== luke is now known as Guest24290
user|94549hi, is there any 18.04 users? I wonder if I'm the only one unable setup shortcut in kmenuedit, and if no, is there workaround already?23:50

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