=== MrBok_ is now known as MrBok [10:05] ripdisk: sounds like your ssh daemon not running [10:09] Anyone knows how to make the power button on a laptop work with lxqt 0.10 in 16.04 lts? [16:44] des français par ici? [16:44] !fr [16:44] Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. [16:45] merci [17:06] I was wondering all things being equal what version of linux has the lowest system requirements for features, i.e. can run internet chrome and run flash. What os distribution should I download that will do that well [17:17] what is most lightweight version of ubuntu/debian [17:17] bodhi or lubuntu not puppy [17:51] which linux distrubtuion is least likely to drop 32 bit support soon [20:41] Right, it just said ubuntu experienced an internal error, I clicked show details and nothing came up. [20:41] The box just closed [20:53] Have you had help in here before thedarkb\ [21:00] Have you had help in here before thedarkb [21:00] Yeah, I have. [21:00] ok cool [21:00] i'd have some suggestions but i'm just a noob [21:01] i just used to go out with a guy that fixed pcs and i'd hear him talking so i picked up a lot of stuff that way [21:06] I've been searching this lubuntu for log files to see error reports and things [21:06] but have yet to find them