[00:01] Bashing-om, yeah... they thought I gave a command when all I did was show that it was a program that ran, not some hardware magic [00:03] pragmaticenigma: Seen, All I can say is " some people's children" . [00:04] I wonder if they're any relation to fluffi [00:05] Or out of the same mold ?? [00:05] one has to wonder === zenguy is now known as teaguy === teaguy is now known as zenguy [00:46] anyone familiar with "purple1" [01:16] pragmaticenigma: you're routing via your NAS? novel approach :) [01:17] daftykins: not quite: https://www.synology.com/en-us/products/RT2600ac [01:18] ah-ha i didn't know they did consumer routers too [01:18] i'm just back after a school reunion meetup so i best not embarass myself too much with intoxicated chat [01:19] daftykins: all good, but yes, they have a router. I was a bit bummed that it didn't have one feature I was looking for, but I can accomplish it a slightly different way if I need to [01:20] which is that? [01:22] I thought it had the ability to take one of the wifi antennas and make it available to use for failover. So if WAN fails, it could wirelessly connect to another AP. I can do it with one of the LAN ports, or the USB port supports most USB Cell modems [01:22] I can still accomplish that with using a WiFi bridge on the LAN port [01:23] so there's a local wifi service you can sign up to as well? [01:24] If my modem were to fail, I could use Xfinity wifi from a neighbor, under my account [01:26] ah right [01:28] or the other option was as a last resort tether my phone over wifi [01:35] i had to do that when i first moved here [01:37] current dataplan is 6GB a month plus rollover, so extreme temporary option [01:37] (avg usage of my cell data is 1GB a month) [01:40] good lord that's a low cap [01:44] it's all I need though. I don't stream video, very limited on music, and usually connected to WiFi 90% of the time [01:52] exit [05:42] good morning to all [06:31] morning all [07:15] good morning, everyone [10:54] Hi folks [11:00] morning, BluesKaj [11:00] all going well? [11:03] Am I going blind? I seem to recall some extensive discussion in mailing lists about 18.04 and which openssl version will be shipped but now I cannot find it! I'm concerned we need something explicit in the Release Notes since TSL 1.3 has been approved and openssl 1.1.1 has it, but 18.04 is shipping with 1.1.0 which does not. I think we'll see increasing queries as to why clients, or servers, cannot do [11:03] TLS 1.3 [11:11] 'Morning ducasse, doing ok here, and you? [11:11] Hi TJ- [11:12] all good, nice and quiet weekend morning. breakfast soon :) [11:13] morning :) [11:14] hi TJ- :) [11:14] how are you and the huskies? :) [11:15] slighlty damp :) ... was just about to deploy new 18.04 HTTP servers and at the last moment realised we have no TLS 1.3 support! This is a major problem, so came to a skidding halt [11:16] TJ-, an oversight perhaps? [11:16] just a small one ;) [11:17] servers are usually at the "back of the line" when it comes to attention I think [11:19] Not for Ubuntu, server is where the money is. I've just downloaded the entire ubuntu-devel mailbox to see if I can locate the discussion [11:22] perhaps less attention on dev OSs tho [11:22] to [12:28] good afternoon to all [12:35] Hey lotuspsychje [12:35] hey BluesKaj how are you mate [12:35] I'm ok, how about you? [12:36] great here, enjoying the weekend [12:36] cool :-) [12:37] aha beaver wallpaper just added in ubuntu-wallpapers [12:37] on bionic updates [12:38] !info ubuntu-wallpapers-bionic [12:38] Package ubuntu-wallpapers-bionic does not exist in artful [12:38] !info ubuntu-wallpapers bionic [12:38] ubuntu-wallpapers (source: ubuntu-wallpapers): Ubuntu Wallpapers. In component main, is optional. Version 17.10.1-0ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 537 kB, installed size 672 kB [12:40] dont like it very much [12:43] I just use my own wallpapers [12:44] surely gnome allows that [12:45] yeah me2 just seen it passby updates [12:45] ok [13:21] !info firejail [13:21] firejail (source: firejail): sandbox to restrict the application environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.50-3 (artful), package size 232 kB, installed size 812 kB [13:43] gonna test brave snap, see how thats looking [13:45] !info brave snap [13:45] 'snap' is not a valid distribution: artful, artful-backports, artful-proposed, bionic, bionic-backports, bionic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed, wily, wily-backports, wily-proposed, xenial, xenial-backports, xen [13:46] nope [13:46] kostkon: brave v0.21.24dev brave - A browser with your interests at heart. [13:46] dont think ubottu likes snaps [13:46] :/ [13:53] ok that went goodly wrong [13:54] brave opens and freezes [13:57] 21750:21750:0324/145439.790227:ERROR:CONSOLE(34)] "(node) warning: possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. %d listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit.", source: chrome://brave/snap/brave/18/usr/lib/brave/resources/app.asar/app/extensions/brave/gen/app.entry.js (34) [13:57] lol === Nokaji_ is now known as Nokaji