
MI6Hello all11:25
MI6ok,I'm new to linux and ubuntu studio as of this moment I need some help...I am reinstalling Ubuntu Studio as I write this however the problem I was having is that I tried changing myresolution in Ubuntu Studio but I only have one choice, 640x480 this needs to be at 1024x768,Just so Im clear, I did all updatingand I have tride numerous ways listed online to change it via term but none seem to have any effect. i've tried xander as w11:32
MI6any help  would be awesome11:32
cfhowlettfirst: stop reinstalling when things go wrong!  this ain't windows!11:32
cfhowlettsecond: bring this to #ubuntu.11:33
cfhowlettask there.  more eyes to see the issue11:33
MI6and thirdly?11:34
MI6Hmm I thought this was Ubuntu SUPPOT and creativity chat.. unfortunately I cant get creative if I cant see the full page on my laptop due to this problem....hence why im here, Ive been everywhere  else. but thanks for your warm welcome and expert help...( which was about as usless as all the other sires I've tried.including #ubuntu...11:38
cfhowlettright.  there are 1500 users currently in #ubuntu.  there are only a few here.  so more eyes would seem to be a benefit.  but, hey, feel free to indulge your snark.11:39
MI6Clarify snark??11:40
MI6Okay... beides the gruff attitude from one cfhowlett, can anyone else offer any real help on my problem?11:46
jdm7dvall I would add to 18.04 or Bionic is CSound, Supercolider, Maxima and maybe Office Office by default15:22
gemcathave java issues been resolved in 17.10?20:22
studio-user999I have a question about Nvidia cards and how to not get a black screen21:25
studio-user999I have an HP zbook 15, i7 ,32gb, Nvidia Quadro k2100m (gk106glm) , Everytime I load the driver I get a black screen and can't do anything but reinstall .. It's getting old.. I've tried nomodeset , and a few other things and at my whits end21:41
gemcatstudio-user999, i googled nvidia support linux and got http://www.linuxandubuntu.com/home/how-to-install-latest-nvidia-drivers-in-linux21:43
studio-user999Thank you gemcat , I've found that page it shows me the latest driver 390 . , But any of them I get a black screen when it was just running on the same machine same as 17.10 , I replaced the SSD and got this head ache lol.. but I'm going to try that with 17.04 base22:09
studio-user999It's amazing how much better it runs the same games vs win 10 on the same machine , I get blurring on RUST in winBlows22:15
studio-user999Doing a reinstall now with studio 17.04 , and trying the 340.0 driver wish me luck22:29
gemcatgood luck22:29
krytarik17.04 is already EOL however.22:30
studio-user999Yeah , bout to give up... It was working GREAT , and my hhd quit so I replaced it with a SSD22:40
krytarikstudio-user999: You might have better luck at assistance with this in the general #ubuntu channel btw.22:44
studio-user999Thx , I appreciate it . Can't get where I want to go it seems. I've been running Linux since 04 , and I've never had this issue22:48
studio-user999With the free driver it seems I'm just off the station a bit on an old TV , and can't get it working again. Just frustrating. Lol22:50

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