
flocculantbluesabre: so now we've got people complaining that numlockx is on (laptops) in the original report there was some laptop-detect=0 comment - there's some comment about laptop-detect in this https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=73470106:31
ubottuDebian bug 734701 in numlockx "numlockx: Please detect if external keyboard connected for the auto mode" [Wishlist,Fixed]06:31
flocculantanyway - got the user on the forum to report it to x-d-s06:31
flocculantflexiondotorg: did you know you're affected by bug 175483606:43
ubottubug 1754836 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "Xubuntu: ERROR:dbus.proxies:Introspect error on org.bluez:/org/bluez: dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.TimedOut: Failed to activate service 'org.bluez': timed out (service_start_timeout=25000ms)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175483606:43
flexiondotorgflocculant: Looking now...06:43
flocculantflexiondotorg: I didn't do an actual usb install of Mate, but I expect it'd be the same there as for us06:45
flexiondotorgI'll have to test. But I've not knowingly encountered this issue.06:46
flexiondotorgWe did have boot delays due to seeding snaps, but those issues are resolved.06:46
flocculantflexiondotorg: I just tried it in qemu - to check .xsession-errors and there it is 3 25s timeouts06:47
ochosibluesabre: please pull in the latest elementary-xfce commit to xubuntu-artwork too, need that for the CSD icons to be fixed08:38
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-artwork:: [bionic] r337 Update elementary-xfce window manager icons from d823986... (by Sean Davis)10:13
tomreynhi! is https://xubuntu.org/news/testing-for-xubuntu/ still as much of a problem?11:07
tomreyn(i'd be happy to spend some time testing if needed.)11:07
flocculanttomreyn: it's been a problem since April 2014 ;)11:26
flocculantfor some reason community involvement just after 14.04 released went belly up 11:26
flocculants/with testing11:26
flocculanttomreyn: what we (Dev and QA) are mostly after is testing of Xubuntu Dev during the 6 month cycle prior to release11:27
flocculantthough of course testing iso's at milestones has it's role too11:27
bluesabreUnit193: what's the standard versioning scheme for packages with a git snapshot?12:30
bluesabreLooking to do a greybird 3.22.7 + 031f98512:31
bluesabreI'd just do it as a patch, but pngs12:33
flocculanthi bluesabre 12:34
bluesabrehi flocculant 12:34
bluesabrehow's it going?12:34
flocculantpretty good thanks :)12:34
flocculantgot people complaining about numlockx :d12:35
bluesabreSaw that12:35
flocculantand I found the blueman thing in mate ;)12:35
bluesabreGuess I'll need to tweak our script12:35
bluesabreand that's good news12:35
bluesabre(means it will probably get looked at)12:35
flocculantyea - wasn't sure about that laptop-detect thing in the original numlock report - but I guess12:36
bluesabreflocculant: you have a desktop?12:36
flocculantand yea re the timeout jibel is looking at some 'timeout/long boot things'12:36
flocculantI do have desktop12:37
bluesabrewhat does...12:37
bluesabreecho $?12:37
bluesabreget you?12:37
bluesabreI have a laptop and it returns 012:37
bluesabrelooking at the manpage, that seems right12:38
tomreynthanks for your feedback, flocculant. maybe it would be a good idea to have a tiny utility integrated into xubuntu by default which allows users to opt-in to receiving your calls for testing / reminders12:38
bluesabreso flocculant, you should get 1 from that echo12:38
flocculantbluesabre: how do I run that ?12:38
flocculantlaptop-detect gives nothing12:39
bluesabreflocculant: right, it sets a return code, that "echo $?" gives you that return code12:39
flocculantlaptop-detect echo $ gives me unknown option 12:40
tomreynflocculant: i suspect that a relevant fraction of users are usually happy to help testing but may need (and expect to be provided with) a reminder when to do so. the same probably goes for donations, if needed.12:40
bluesabretwo lines :)12:40
bluesabrelaptop-detect; echo $?;12:40
flocculant1 12:41
flocculanttomreyn: I agree - but I'd not want to have some thing installed which let us ping people ...12:41
tomreynflocculant: just those who opted in to it. why not?12:42
bluesabreflocculant: cool, so since that works like I'd expect, I'll add that to our script12:42
flocculantI'd say that given we use mailing lists/social media and launchpad we've pretty much covered people who want to be part of the community12:42
flocculanttomreyn: ^^12:42
flocculantbluesabre: ack12:42
flocculantbluesabre: I'll get rid of the lightdm script I added locally ages ago so I'm using 'ours' then wait to see update - then make sure it works12:43
flocculantI'll also ping the user in the forum about it too12:44
flocculanttomreyn: we can lead people to water ... ;) seemingly it takes whinges to make people take notice - sadly12:44
tomreynflocculant: personally, i'd not want to "be part of the community", i'd be happy to provide occasional (say twice a year) test feedback on specific tasks. that's because i like using xubuntu, and want to support it going forward, but also my spare time is too valuable to make me want to engage with the project in a general sense (i.e. joining a community)12:45
flocculanttomreyn: you read the blog post - responded - part of the community ;)12:45
tomreyn(and i suspect i'm not alone in this take on things)12:45
tomreynwell, that was merely accidential, i guess.12:46
tomreyni was wondering which new features will be available in 18.04. but obviously it's too late now to make any impact.12:47
tomreyni do understand that maintaining multiple communication channels in parallell is a taxing task for a volunteer run project (i assume that's what xubuntu is).12:48
flocculanttomreyn: https://wiki.xubuntu.org/releases/18.04/release-notes12:54
flocculantand yea - definitely a volunteer project :)12:54
ochosibluesabre: thanks, i can do stable releases before final freeze14:05
knomeprivacy is a sensitive are14:19
knomearea too.14:19
flocculantwell yea14:44
flocculantninetls: odd issue with sn plugin and dropbox icon xfce 1429715:27
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 14297 in General "Dropbox icon fails to show menu on left click" [Normal,New] https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1429715:27
ali1234hmm that reminds me of something16:48
ali1234indicator spec defines three events: menu, primary, secondary16:52
ali1234there is no consistency of what those events mean though16:53
ali1234and some desktops don't send all of them16:53
slickymasterknome, checked your slideshow branch17:43
slickymasterI like it, and my position is to go ahead with it17:43
ninetlsflocculant: yes, I noticed that too when investigated dropbox this week18:22
ninetlsit provides 2 menus: middle click activates its internal menu, left click activates native menu. they even look different.18:23
ochosigah, missed willem by a few secs20:32
Unit193bluesabre: Usually what you see in configure.ac, and either bump up for the git snapshot (if it has the current version there), or drop back (if it has the next version, as Xfce usually does.)  So in your case 3.22.7+git20180324.031f985-0ubuntu121:09
Unit193With numlockx, what if it's a laptop but docked? :321:10
Unit193(And for dropbox, if you left click, click away, then right click it works. :P)21:13
flocculantUnit193: so what we're saying is that eventually any click you like :p21:24
flocculantninetls: ack - thanks21:25

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