
=== miguel is now known as Guest84708
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=== nameless is now known as Guest84889
=== nameless is now known as Guest66730
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=== administrator is now known as Guest18429
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=== tuomas is now known as suut
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BluesKajHi folks14:14
=== kebab is now known as kebab_
=== kebab_ is now known as kebab__
kebab__hello, i was wondering if anyone could help me find out why launching firefox would launch me back to the login screen for my desktop?15:33
=== kebab is now known as kebab__
proctraphi I'm using a nvidia-intel hybrid GPU, as of 2 weeks the lock screen crashes, showing the "please unlock via ALT+F2..."16:08
proctrapany hints where I've to search ?16:08
ScuniziI'm using Kazam for screen casts and have an issue getting the mouse pointer to show.  Any solutions? Perhaps a different screencast program that will give this feature on Kubuntu?17:51
=== emil_ is now known as Guest32087
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=== jake_ is now known as foodii
=== mkv is now known as m4v
IrcsomeBotDallas was added by: Dallas23:53

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