=== mesa is now known as BionicMac === mesa is now known as BionicMac [03:01] Anyone here to assist? [03:07] Lauren__: Just asking the actual question right away usually works out better. [03:08] lol ok [03:10] xinput set-prop 13 "Device Enabled" 0 works to disable the trackpad on this hp but I need to run that each time it reboots. Can someone help? [03:10] Just add it to your autostart items? [03:12] Yeah I've tried that and it doesn't disable it. [03:14] It's been in the "Manual autostarted applications" section of "Default applications for LXSession" [03:29] Lauren__: Sounds about right, thanks for being more specific. Do you see the command in '~/.config/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart' after adding it there then? [03:30] No, I just looked there. Permission issue? [03:30] oh wait [03:31] I was looking in /etc/xdg/lxsession/Lubuntu [03:32] I don't see this path: ~/.config/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart [03:34] That's a file fwiw. Also, what version of Lubuntu are you on? [03:37] 17.10 [03:38] krytarik: I added the line to autostart...should I try rebooting to see if that works? [03:39] brb [03:44] krytarik: Didn't work [03:44] Had to manually run the command in terminal after it rebooted [03:55] Lauren__: I don't know what further to suggest then, sorry. === mesa is now known as BionicMac [14:19] How can I remove a PPA? [14:20] sudo add-apt-repository -r ppa:USER/PPA-NAME [14:20] Or, manually remove the file under /etc/apt/sources.list.d [14:21] ok [14:21] thanks! [14:21] No problem, have a nice day :) [17:37] why does lubuntu not auto update apps like manjaro [17:37] Because Lubuntu's not Manjaro. [17:38] how do you autoupdate apps, is there a debian distribution that does this for you [17:38] What do you mean by "autoupdate"? [17:38] like it will say 64 updates are ready and one of them say is your browser or an app installed ony our computer [17:38] it will update chromium rather than youu manually downloading and updating [17:39] There's an option similar to that in the GUI. [17:40] Otherwise, I'd look into unattended-upgrades. [17:40] But, Lubuntu isn't a rolling distro. [17:41] which one is for debian bodhi? [17:41] ? [17:42] like which ubuntu/debian distro has a rolling release [17:42] Debian Sid is rolling. [17:42] The Ubuntu development release is technically rolling. [17:43] is debian sid low spec like bodhi [17:44] It's what you want it to be. ;) [17:57] do you know if the software store will update apps or download the updated version [17:57] Yes. [17:59] really so if install chromium and a new version comes out the store will alert me that it needs to update chromium and if I click okay it will download it [17:59] do you find ubuntu or debian releases to be more secure than arch [18:00] It depends. [18:00] Ubuntu is much more secure in some packages, Arch in others. [18:00] what about from hackers or viruses [18:00] for example take the latest malware exploit on the intel chips [18:01] Again, it depends, but I think both do a decent enough job at things. [18:01] ubuntu is not volunteer based so probably more incentive [18:02] Ubuntu is volunteer based. [18:02] I'm a volunteer. [18:02] oh I see [18:03] Yes, we have corporate backing that hires some Ubuntu developers, but the Ubuntu hierarchy is completely independent from Canonical's. [18:03] i see