
waglei'm runnng 1804 i have been chrooting into an old u1404 image to use an old netapp..  minutes (an hour?) ago, it lost the ability to dns.  what happened?00:48
TJ-wagle: what were you doing in the chroot ?00:49
waglejust running this old program that uses the net, but! maybe I never had dns, and the app hardcodes the ip address?00:53
waglethats my current suspicion..  the remote site might be down, and i finally noticed the lack of dns trying to diagnose the problem00:56
wagleTJ-: nope, it just now failed and listed a dns name and not an ip address, so dns got broken today?00:58
TJ-did the domain expire?01:00
waglenope..  but bind mounting /etc/resolv.conf inside the chroot works at the moment01:02
mesaI may never run osx again on this iMac. Wow. Lightning fast on bionic beaver01:10
=== mesa is now known as BionicMac
BionicMacJust installed todays build. SO sweet. I'm a long time Slackware user and I'm super impressed with Ubuntu.01:11
Bashing-omBionicMac: In my case, I found wayland faster and smoother than Xorg . I was very impressed with the wayland implementation.01:13
BionicMacSince kernel 4.15 my video card is fully supported01:14
wagleI can just sit back and let u1804 update itself to a regular dist?01:16
Bashing-omwagle: Affirmed .. just keep the beta updated . 01:18
BionicMacBashing-om: How can I run wayland on 18.04 ?01:18
BionicMacIs there an easy way to switch back and forth.01:18
Bashing-omBionicMac: At the password screen is a small cog lower right of the login box .01:18
BionicMacok rebooting...01:19
mesadonald@bionic-mac:~$ echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE01:29
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Bashing-omBionicMac: Wayland is a bit different .. wull take a bit to re-adjust .01:32
BionicMacI don't see any difference yet.01:35
BionicMaclike.. no visual difference.01:36
BionicMac3840 x 2160 is my top resolution ... I had the same in X. but that is the kernel driver and blah.01:38
BionicMacthat is a crazy resolution... higher than OSX would push it.01:38
Bashing-omBionicMac: The main thing I liked in the wayland interface was the keyboard shortcuts ( work spaces ) .01:38
BionicMacOh! I should study up on that. I need them.01:38
Bashing-omBionicMac: switching work spaces with the keyboard is smoother and faster, in my use case . 01:40
BionicMacBashing-om: I'm looking for a readme01:40
BionicMacwhat is the hotkey for activites?01:41
Bashing-omBionicMac: Not sure .. not on bionic at this time .01:43
BionicMacThis apple keyboard has no PgUp/Dn key...   pissing me off.01:43
BionicMacon osx its fn+up-arrrow/down-arrow 01:43
BionicMacdon't know what the combo is here...01:43
Bashing-omBionicMac: try as Windows key+arrow-up/down ( work space switcher ) . .. Also in wayland can click pn an application that is running in the dash to switch windows .01:45
Bashing-omBionicMac: No experience with a MAC keyboard . Would not know where to begin in remapping keys :(01:53
BionicMacctrl+alt+up/down arrow. check !01:53
Bashing-omBionicMac: Progress ! :))01:54
BionicMacNext thing I really want/NEED badly is my trackpad gestures....01:55
BionicMacI gusess I need synaptics something something bblah blah01:55
BionicMacApple Magic Trackpad. working great with basic pointer ... now I want my gestures back.01:55
BionicMactwo finger scroll... swicth workspaces 3-finger swipe.. etc etc01:56
Bashing-omBionicMac: Not so sure how well the trackpad is supported in wayland . ( beginning to sound like a broken record ) 01:56
BionicMacWell. I didn't have it working in X either. so ... 01:56
BionicMacI can always go back to X if needed. 01:57
BionicMac I'm good eiher way. I just want my gestures =)01:57
BionicMacBashing-om: What is your browser of choice in ubuntu?01:59
BionicMacman, expressvpn is lightning fast as solid.02:01
Bashing-omBionicMac: Depends on what environment I am in .. elinks for CLI ; Gui is chromium .// touchpad do not know what waykand woukd have for a driver . Xorg perhaps : https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=xserver-xorg-input-synaptics&searchon=names&suite=bionic&section=all .02:01
BionicMacBashing-om: Thanks brother man! =)02:02
BionicMacI like chromium myself, I'll play with ff and chromiuim until i settle on one. I've been on safari for a while now.02:03
Bashing-omBionicMac: Learning wayland is going to be trippy :)02:03
BionicMacWell. the good thing is I can be back in X in a heartbeat02:03
Bashing-omBionicMac: True .. will have to wait and see how support for wayland plays out .02:04
BionicMacBashing-om: I'm going to write a tutorial on dual-booting ubuntu and macosx high sierra on a 5k. Eventually. I 'm almost to the point where I want to completely wipe out osx partition.02:05
BionicMacI already trashed to boot loader by installing grub to main drive instead of somewhere else.. I wasn't looking =) it's trash.  =)02:06
BionicMacI always come back to linux, no matter what. I should stop trying to fool myself.02:07
Bashing-omBionicMac: Trashing grub multi-booting and then fixing is how I learned grub :)02:07
BionicMacNO I trashed Apples boot loader. My grub is intact. 02:07
BionicMacI need to learn more about grub. I'm still in Lilo land. !@!02:08
Bashing-omBionicMac: I am fortunate in that linux does *evrything* i need to do .02:08
BionicMacIt does that.02:08
Bashing-omBionicMac: grub2 has changed a lot from lilo . There too is a lot to re-learn ( and I still miss the inittab system ! )02:10
Bashing-omGotta do the rain locker thing .. back soonest .02:11
Fudgeok it seems the packages i had trouble with is due to the asutralian mirror04:08
fxnoobI need help installing ubuntu, I cannot even boot installer, Ryzen 5 2400G05:04
fxnoob18.04 beta05:04
fxnoobif I boot normal usb hangs without seeing any error, if I boot uefi usb gives an error with AMD-vi05:05
Bashing-omfxnoob: And did you verify the .iso download integrity ?05:07
fxnoobno problem with integrity05:08
Bashing-om!nomodeset | fxnoob Hummm .. try :05:09
ubottufxnoob Hummm .. try :: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter05:09
fxnoobok, trying05:11
fxnoobhello, nomodeset did the trick05:49
fxnoobthanks :)05:49
Bashing-omfxnoob: nomodeset permanently is not a good solution . We do need to find out why the kernel driver does not load .05:53
fxnoobBashing-om, well I'm on 18.04 but driver has 0 acceleration, I have stuttering when I move windows05:54
fxnoob           Display Server: X.Org 1.19.6 drivers: fbdev,ati (unloaded: modesetting,vesa,radeon)05:55
Bashing-omfxnoob: You are running on the fall back driver .. will not have good performance . Need to get the AMD driver funtional .05:55
fxnoobI read something about mesa05:56
fxnoobMesa works with this integrated gpu05:56
fxnoobaka Radeon Vega 1105:56
fxnoobthis installation detects as radeon vega 8 mobile :)05:57
Bashing-omfxnoob: hybrid graphics .. will take some one else that has the experience to advise here . 05:57
fxnoobwell, so far I made it to boot/install, is a huge step ahead05:58
fxnoobfixing driver, needs some reading05:58
fxnoobalso I read that only kernel 4.4.16 fully supports ryzen 5 2400G05:58
Bashing-omfxnoob: Progress ! .. But I do not know the current state with AMD/Intel to knoiw what to do here .05:59
fxnoobwell.. people who use latest hardware are considered pioneers :)06:00
Bashing-om!info linux-image-generic06:00
fxnoobI'm on 1month and half old cpu06:01
Bashing-om!info linux-image-generic bionic06:01
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (bionic), package size 2 kB, installed size 14 kB06:01
fxnoobyeah, I'm on that one06:01
Bashing-omfxnoob: The board is supported . the graphic's are questionable :(06:03
fxnoobyes, I cannot use youtube or anything related to graphics, is framing bad06:03
fxnoobalso doesn't install the amd sound card, I only have sound from plantronics headset06:04
fxnoobamd has only windows 10 64 bit at driver download, no linux or any other OS06:06
TABS_NetworkHi all. Any thoughts on ubuntu 18.04?06:13
Bashing-omTABS_Network: Smooth and works a treat on my hardware .06:17
TABS_NetworkOk, great to hear Bashing-om. Do you use it in a business sense too?06:18
TABS_NetworkI am interested in looking at using it for business, as I've used Ubuntu since 8.04, but only become familiar with the new layout since 12.04. I liked the GNOME environment, and hearing that it's been reintroduced is intriguing. The only concern I have is security of information.06:22
TABS_NetworkI currently use Lubuntu, just for the sake of trying something different.06:23
Bashing-omTABS_Network: To this time just casual desktop use . I find wayland smoother and faster .06:23
TABS_NetworkAh, okay. I haven't used wayland yet.06:29
TABS_NetworkBashing-om Is wayland the 18.04? I haven't looked at it specifically yet, apart from knowing what was coming?06:32
Bashing-omTABS_Network: No longer wayland by default . at the pass word screen click on the gear icon at the lower right .06:34
TABS_NetworkBashing-om I haven't installed it yet. It's a consideration, as I've enjoyed Ubuntu, but am concerned with the security issues of business details regarding Google. Google is great in many areas, but I am not one to agree with the mass-collection, as sadly, it allows for businesses to become swamping morphs, that kill or absorb anything in their path. It's a love/hate relationship. Their services are fantastic, but the payoff 06:37
TABS_Networkseems to be a lack of privacy and a loss of business enterprise.06:37
TABS_NetworkThat is my biggest concern (and here I am using Lubuntu...lol)06:37
Bashing-omTABS_Network: I must leave it to others to comment on Google as I have made no thought on that matter . My preference for my "work" OS is some varient of xfce . I will roll my own .06:40
Bashing-omTABS_Network: xfce: be aware that there will be no wayland DE .06:41
ducasseTABS_Network: what does concerns about google have to do with using ubuntu or not?06:42
TABS_NetworkSorry Bashing-om and ducasse. I was on the phone.07:03
TABS_Networkducasse Canonical and their relationship with Google is my concern, well, not so much a concern but something I'd like to be more aware of what is going on.07:04
TABS_NetworkBashing-om Ok, good to know that too.07:04
ducasseTABS_Network: the only thing in ubuntu that sends data to google is chromium, as far as i'm aware, and that's easily enough avoided07:11
TABS_Networkducasse That's good to know. I didn't know that.07:16
TABS_NetworkI read something about two years ago, a document created by Canonical and Google. I think it was a guide to using Ubuntu. It scared me that Google was getting involved at the education level, as it is like giving our kids a facebook account before they're past their stupid teen years.07:18
ducassei wouldn't worry too much about that. google is selling a lot of products and services for education, like chromebooks for schools. this document might have something to do with that.07:25
ducassewhether google should be involved in education is another question, of course, but schools need to get their computers and applications from somewhere.07:26
TABS_NetworkYeah, true. I agree with that ducasse.07:34
beta-testerhi, is the possibility to PXE boot the ubuntu 18.04 LTS (daily-live) ISO image not included yet in the prerelase or is it broken? i cam PXE boot ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS and 17.10.1 ISOs without problems. but not 18.04 LTS (daily-live). see for details: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/175482808:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1754828 in Ubuntu "Ubuntu 18.04 LTS daliy-live ISO fails PXE boot" [Undecided,New]08:42
tomreynisnt the default firefox search engine also google and does it not search as you type on the address (and, if you have it, search) bar?10:05
tomreynbut other than those defaults i don't think there's much google-ness in ubuntu, if any.10:06
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=== mesa is now known as BionicMac
FurretUberHi, I have reported some bugs on Launchpad that were already corrected, but they had their status not changed.16:53
tsimonq2FurretUber: Which ones?16:56
FurretUberThere are a few: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/+bug/175070716:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1750707 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "LibreOffice says permission was denied to open a file in a NTFS partition, even with it having permission" [Undecided,New]16:57
tsimonq2So that bug is solved?16:57
FurretUberTo me yes, I can use LibreOffice to open files in NTFS partitions with no problem now16:58
tsimonq2Any other ones?16:59
FurretUberFrom Bionic that was it. There are some from previous versions that were already corrected: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thunderbird/+bug/169019217:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1690192 in thunderbird (Ubuntu) "Unable to configure Gmail account, login window has no functional buttons" [Undecided,New]17:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1725086 in linux (Ubuntu) "Spam of dmesg messages, Wi-Fi related" [Medium,Triaged]17:03
tsimonq2FurretUber: You're saying I should mark both of these as "Fix Released"?17:04
FurretUberThese bugs no longer affect me. The Thunderbird one was corrected minutes after I reported it17:05
FurretUberBecause it was a big problem17:05
tsimonq2Please leave a comment on the bug report stating just that.17:06
tsimonq2Well, on both of them.17:06
FurretUberAh, OK. I was not aware on how to proceed when they were corrected17:06
tsimonq2Have you done any digging on the wiki? ;)17:07
FurretUberI did, but not found anything regarding corrected bugs not marked by the developers/maintainers. Maybe I just have not paid attention on that...17:08
ChunkzZ1Can I upgrade to 18.04 on xubuntu? I'm on 17.10.1...17:12
ChunkzZ1They said to ask here.17:13
tsimonq2ChunkzZ1: You can.17:13
tsimonq2It's just not recommended quite yet.17:13
tsimonq2It's a beta, so there might be some rough edges.17:13
ChunkzZ1It'll have bugs but it'll work, right?17:14
tsimonq2It *might* have bugs.17:15
tsimonq2Statistically, the chances are higher of having bugs.17:15
tsimonq2So yeah, it should work.17:15
FurretUbertsimonq2: may you point me to the page with the procedure of saying/marking the bugs as corrected? My search abilities appear to be degraded today17:15
tsimonq2FurretUber: Sure, one second.17:15
tsimonq2FurretUber: The two pages I typically refer to are https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Triage/Charts and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses17:16
tsimonq2FurretUber: Otherwise, I guess the rule of thumb is "use your common sense" :)17:16
FurretUbertsimonq2: Thank you, I would not find these pages, really. That cases fit on "Bugs resolved after update or config change", so I should just add a comment saying this was corrected with a update and then somebody from bugsquad or bug-control (I'm just a user) should change the status.17:24
tsimonq2FurretUber: I'm a member of both, let me know what you need.17:28
tsimonq2FurretUber: But I guess the eventual goal is for you to become a member of them, if you contribute enough. ;)17:29
tsimonq2In fact, I suggest you join Bug Squad: https://launchpad.net/~bugsquad17:29
tsimonq2iirc, there's little barrier to entry.17:29
tsimonq2Then I was stubborn and got my bug control via MOTU. :P17:30
FurretUberI will evaluate this later because I have to go now. Thank you for the help17:31
tsimonq2No problem :)17:32
mesa3-24 build date of Bionic Beaver running like a charm on this Intel iMac. 17:32
=== mesa is now known as BionicMac
BionicMacCan anyone point me to information on tweaking gestures on a trackpad in ubuntu?17:35
tsimonq2BionicMac: This comes up on a quick DDG search: https://github.com/mpiannucci/gnome-shell-extended-gestures17:36
BionicMactsimonq2, thanks17:36
tsimonq2No problem.17:36
alnrmy desktop has a dialog box fixed to the top of the screen "Wireless mouse is very low in power" and not movable. I can dismiss it but it soon comes back. aside from it not likely being false, how can I make it so this dialog is not taking permanent residence on my desktop19:20
alnrlikely being false*19:20
ChmEarldo-release-upgrade from artuful-bionic broke my network. Any cookbook to convert /etc/n/i to netplan? I see no method to bring up my old network19:47
ChmEarlI had 2 bridges, one without an interface (virtual). Netplan refuses to work with virbr019:49
tomreynChmEarl: here's an example configuration for bridges https://insights.ubuntu.com/2017/07/05/quick-and-easy-network-configuration-with-netplan20:57
ChmEarltomreyn, ty20:57
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BionicMacIs anyone else having intermittent audio issues in Bionic? I'm running a build from 3-24.  I have sound, then no sound. I'm quite new at ubuntu and totally new to pulseaudio so I really need a guide to trouble shoot this. thanks in advance. So far none of the guides I have read have helped and I REally would rather not reboot just to get sound. =)21:35
BionicMacEvery reboot, sound is perfect, until it just stops.21:36
BionicMacI'm almost ready to believe that once the display blanks (sleeps) then once I log back in it stops. 21:36
BionicMacwell this worked: sudo alsa force-reload22:03
=== mesa is now known as BionicMac

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