
=== vitus_ is now known as vitus
=== tb is now known as Guest14615
=== Jochen_wvdT is now known as Schlawiner
soshianti want link download repository for ubuntu trusty08:24
soshianti want link download repository for ubuntu trusty08:27
DaVusoshiant: this is the german ubuntu-channel. If german isn't your native language, then I would consider another channel08:27
DaVu#ubuntu is the official ubuntu support channel in english08:28
DaVubut in the end your question (or request) doesn't make much sense. If you are using Ubuntu trusty, its repo is already in use and can be used. So nothing to download anymore08:29
DaVuSo I'm not sure what you are after08:29
soshiantDaVu: i dont internet connection and i want use offline repository 08:31
DaVunot sure how you could download anything without an internet connection...but08:32
le_botTitle: Index of /ubuntu/dists (at archive.ubuntu.com)08:32
DaVuthere are 3 locations for trusty08:32
DaVumeh...there are more...but you see yourserlf08:33
DaVuthere's the how-to08:33
le_botTitle: AptGet/Offline/Repository - Community Help Wiki (at help.ubuntu.com)08:33
=== DerProf-BNC is now known as DerProfessor
=== fibonacci is now known as Guest37768
MICROburstHi! Habe das gleiche Problem wie hier: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9513981/rtnetlink-answers-no-such-file-or-directory-error - Die Tips mit modprobe sch_netem oder sch_htb funktionieren jedoch bei "tc qdisc del dev ens33 root" nicht. Any ideas?20:13
le_botTitle: linux - RTNETLINK answers :No such file or directory error - Stack Overflow (at stackoverflow.com)20:13
dadrcklappt das anzeigen von dem kram?20:20
dadrc`tc filter show dev ens33`?20:20
dadrcbzw, mit qdisc stattdessen?20:21
tomreyndiese nichtssagenden fehlermeldungen sind auf jeden fall ein stetiger quell überbordender frustration. könnte man auch gleich "it didnt work" ausgeben.20:23
=== vitus_ is now known as vitus

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