
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:35
ducassegood morning, everyone06:18
=== kallesbar_ is now known as kallesbar
BluesKajHi folks14:14
ducassehi BluesKaj - how's your weekend?14:38
BluesKajHi ducasse, it's been good. Attended a live band gig at my friend's garage last night  then we jammed afterwards til the early hrs. How's your weekend going?14:41
ducasseso that's why you appear so late? :) all good here, just finished dinner. now watching a british crime show.14:44
pragmaticenigmaso wish Ubuntu instalation instructions show'd level of difficulty , like level 1 new system install (no existing, or clean slate), level 100 dual boot with windows 10 (with the first instruction: before you even start, back up your computer, if you don't know how, don't start)17:05
DJonesDoes anybody have experience with a HP 7612 printer, I'm looking to replace my printer with an A3 compatible one, HP  always seems to work OTB,so this one seems the best option17:06
pragmaticenigmaDJones, same sentiment about HP printers and "just works"17:08
DJonespragmaticenigma: Thats my experience as well,just trying to get an idea if there are non hp hp printers that are equivalents, from experience, I wouldn't go  far from HP17:11
tgm4883Does someone have an ARM install that they can run 'dpkg-architecture -qDEB_BUILD_ARCH' on and tell me the output?17:25
pragmaticenigmatgm4883, My RaspberryPi (raspian) outputs armhf18:01
tgm4883pragmaticenigma: thanks, that's what I was expecting so I'm not sure why this is failing18:02
pragmaticenigmaarm is fickle?18:07
tgm4883pragmaticenigma: shouldn't be that fickle. It's just running an if not statement in a debian/rules file18:24
pragmaticenigmatgm4883, is it possible it's an enumerator?18:25
tgm4883pragmaticenigma: I dont' think so. Here's the line that is failing. It just always executes the else block https://github.com/MythTV/packaging/blob/master/deb/debian/rules#L5618:26
pragmaticenigmatgm4883, I don't think you can have two string in your comparison19:24
tgm4883pragmaticenigma: I was wondering about that, but it's difficult to test without pushing builds to a PPA19:25
tgm4883I couldn't find any documentation that specified it was one way or the other,19:25
pragmaticenigmatgm4883, you would have to do the two comparrisons separately... ifneg only appears to accept two parameters for comparison19:28
tgm4883pragmaticenigma: right, which it only has two. Those other two parameters are in the filter19:28
pragmaticenigmatgm4883, is there away to do an else if?19:30
pragmaticenigmatgm4883, what I think is wrong is it should be: ifneq ($(filter $(DEB_BUILD_ARCH), "armhf"))19:32
pragmaticenigmaand a separte else if or another if (not familiar with make) for: ifneq ($(filter $(DEB_BUILD_ARCH), "arm64"))19:32
pragmaticenigmatry this19:33
tgm4883pragmaticenigma: This suggests that it could be in one https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/Text-Functions.html19:33
tgm4883I'm wondering if I should do "armhf arm64"19:33
pragmaticenigmatgm4883: ifneq ($(filter $(DEB_BUILD_ARCH), "armhf" "arm64"))19:33
pragmaticenigmayou have a comma right after the first parenthesis. I think that is causing your problem19:34
tgm4883The comma is necessary, it's comparing the filter to against nothing19:34
pragmaticenigmaick... wish I knew more about make, in a way... glad I don't19:35
tgm4883Yea, it's a pain. I wish I knew a way to just test this logic without needing to actually do a build19:36
pragmaticenigmawhat's being compiled to work on ARM? I figured MythTV is too heavy for that19:36
tgm4883It's the MythTV frontend19:37
pragmaticenigmaoh neat... if only MythTV wasn't so slow over wifi... I'd build up another raspi for it... Then again, my experience with remote frontend has been running it inside a VM which is it's own wonder19:39
tgm4883pragmaticenigma: supposedly it runs pretty well, but yea depending on your recordings and such it could be too much for wifi19:40
pragmaticenigmaI mostly run Myth to record, and cut commericals.. handbrake to make them smaller19:41
pragmaticenigmaas I haven't figured out how to cut and convert recordings to mkv directly (with CC and all audio streams)19:41
tgm4883cool. I dropped mythtv and moved to plex around a year ago. I just didn't like the implementation of MythVideo and with the release of plex DVR it was the right time to move19:44
pragmaticenigmaYeah, but I haven't found something to do OTA recordings like MythTV can19:50
pragmaticenigmaand MythVideo has never worked quite right. Even when i cut the commercials it takes a few rounds (and lost episodes) before I remember the configuration that preserves mpeg2 so I can use something else to do the final transcode/compression (hommade python script manging handbrake)19:51

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