
ochosiwillem: no worries about that xfpm bugreport - it's really fine if you report stuff like that15:56
ochosibluesabre: would you agree that adding support for sharp hidpi CSD in greybird can be considered bugfix? (currently there is hidpi support, but the icons are fuzzy)16:40
ochosiif so, i would add that and possibly an xfwm4 hidpi theme and release 3.22.8 before final freeze16:40
bluesabreochosi: I think that's reasonable. It's an appearance bug if it's fuzzy, and it won't affect documentation or anything.16:43
ochosii'm almost there already16:44
ochosijust the close icon missing16:44
ondondilHey guys, I'm just a casual user and I don't know where to report this so I decided to write here. I noticed that gtk theme is not being applied to qt programs in bionic (this is how it looks https://i.imgur.com/h52oGuz.png ). I was able to fix this by installing qt5-style-plugins package. This is how it looks after installing this package https://i.imgur.com/oS8OoMV.png17:51
ondondilI just thought that I could suggest including qt5-style-plugins with default ISO.17:51
bluesabreI wonder what the install weight of that is these days, it might not be bad to include for an LTS release19:13
ondondilOn a fresh ISO it wants to pull additional 17 dependencies. All together it's 9 933 kB to download and takes 42,7 MB of space after installation19:31
knomebluesabre, didn't we fix this for qt4 with a configuration file or sth?20:23
ochosibluesabre: tbh i'd be largely in favor of including that. not having gtk+ styles there really sucks big time...21:22
ochosiknome: i think we did, not sure it's possible too for qt5, one would have to investigate21:22
krytarikbluesabre, Unit193: Regarding the numlockx dilemma, my suggestion would be this: http://paste.openstack.org/show/Wlcs17aSguv7UaEJN1NY/21:23
ochosidoes anyone (of the graphically sensitive) here have a hidpi screen21:52
knomeochosi, i vaguely remember something like "this can't be done for qt5 in the same way because you will also need package X (potentially the one in question) in order for the change to apply" and "package X isn't installed when any qt application is installed since it's made optional"22:11
knomebut yes, i'm +1 for including it as we do not really have an issue with the ISO size22:12
knomeno hidpi for me22:14
ochosithe CSD hidpi support i pushed to greybird should be fine22:14
ochosibut it would still be nice to get it looked at22:14
ochosiand the xfwm4 hidpi theme is still in the works22:14
ochosithat's actually a lot of work and will take a while longer22:14
ochosiso many more icons to scale22:15
ochosiand the not-antialiased corners of xfwm4 themes are also hard to get right22:15
knomeand off for the day...22:25
bluesabreknome: the package is required now to provide support for it22:38
bluesabrekrytarik: somehow completely missed that file existed22:39
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-artwork:: [greybird] r550 Add proper support for HiDPI CSD (Issue #100)... (by Simon Steinbeiß)22:40
Unit193Urgh, no.  Let's not ship Qt5 just in case someone installs a Qt5 application...And yeah, we do set it so that all one must do is install that package by setting an env var.22:55
bluesabreYeah, it's a pain that there's not a nice way to do it23:05
Unit193Documentation if it's not already there.23:05

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