
=== doc|work_ is now known as doc|laptop
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kimmokI have a problem... I was trying to install 18.04. Everything went well BUT I can not use QATracker because Firefox is crashing. Even safe mode is not working.. So any ideas how I can download Chromium or some other browser?06:58
flocculantkimmok: you installed it ok and now firefox isn't working?06:59
kimmokflocculant: yes.. everything else is working well06:59
flocculantkimmok: what do you get if you run it from a terminal?07:00
kimmok~$ firefox -safe-mode07:00
kimmokExceptionHandler::GenerateDump cloned child 1170007:00
kimmokExceptionHandler::SendContinueSignalToChild sent continue signal to child07:00
kimmokExceptionHandler::WaitForContinueSignal waiting for continue signal...07:00
flocculantas far as installing chromium - it'll be in software or you can apt install it07:05
kimmokOk... true! I did'nt think that!!!!! =) =) =) = ) Too much Windows..too little Linux =D LOL I try that07:07
flocculantkimmok: ftr just tried last nights daily and it'd fine there - is this a standard install - no old home or anything like that? if so remove the firefox folder and see if that gets it working - found something oldre the issue07:11
kimmokflocculant: Now it gives with Chromium "Illegal instruction (core dumped)" ... I'm testing it on very old Pentium III so problem might be there...07:18
kimmokflocculant: I was throwing this laptop to recycle but touhgt to test how 18.04 would recover it and maybe help developers giving information about use..07:19
cfhowlettold hardware = lubuntu07:20
flocculantcfhowlett: was just about to suggest that07:20
flocculantthough I'm not sure it'd make much difference here - given that xubuntu installed - it 'should' just be a bit on the slow side07:21
flocculantkimmok: I assume you didn't need to forcepae or anything?07:21
kimmokWell.. I thought that Lubuntu too... but I have Xubuntu 16.04 on my "main" laptop so this was just an idea to run 18.04 for testint purposes07:23
flocculantkimmok: yea - I understand - and also thank you for testing it :)07:23
kimmokOfcourse... but now I will test it on my other laptop where it works... but can you give a hint how I use Virtual Box because it won't list 18.04 iso one of the possibilities07:25
flocculantkimmok: just point it at the downloaded iso07:25
flocculantkimmok: if you cat /proc/cpuinfo |grep sse2 do you see sse2 in the list? If not I believe that chromium won't run07:26
flocculantand for firefox not running you could try https://askubuntu.com/questions/892147/firefox-crashes-on-ubuntu-with-xfce but it's a couple of years old07:27
kimmokflocculant: I don't see sse2 in list07:37
kimmokflocculant: funny thing btw... did you notice that there is no browser which opens that link of yours =D =D =D07:39
kimmokflocculant: ... but no problem... I have other laptops to browse answer to this..if there is any07:41
flocculantkimmok: ok so the detail of the askubuntu link: open a terminal, run export LOGNAME=$USER then try firefox07:44
kimmokflocculant: thanks for all the help.. I need now some breakfast!!! I leave channel open so I can continue with this topic... =D =D =D07:51
xubuntu84iwhile  setuping xubuntu i didnt choose the custom option are my data ereased?08:16
arkayif your data are on another drive than the one you installed xubuntu on, no08:32
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=== terminalator is now known as Guest2849
Guest2849Which display manager does Xubuntu uses?10:09
Guest2849Ah, I see. Thanks.10:11
ChunkzZ1Hi :) can I upgrade to 18.04 beta?17:02
ubottuUbuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) will be the 28th release of Ubuntu - Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1518 - Discussion in #ubuntu+117:09
ChunkzZ1Indeed but I'm asking if I can upgrade to 18.04 now well_laid_lawn...17:11
ChunkzZ1The "beta" so to speak.17:11
well_laid_lawnprobably something about that in th topic for ubuntu+117:12
well_laid_lawnthere you go ;)17:13
mikeriderhow booting from luke17:43
mikeriderdefault install leaves header on disk17:43
mikeriderif make new header external to disk how boot17:44
mikerideris it dmcrypt17:44
mikeriderhow specify external header17:44
mikeriderpresume man desire to walk away from computer17:45
mikeridersame when you walk away from car nobody leave key inside ignition17:45
mikeriderhow doing17:47
mikeriderUnit193: how pull key17:49
mikeriderturn key and pull key17:49
mikerideryou talk about turn key now make a pull key17:49
mikeriderpull key systems17:49
mikeriderpulling the key out when walk away from computer screen17:49
ubottuFor information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory17:49
mikeriderpull key17:49
mikeriderpull key out17:49
mikeridermaybe talk to genious17:50
mikerideryou need advanced support handle this17:50
mikeriderpull key out of lock when leave17:51
mikeriderhighly advanced17:51
mikeriderbeyond invent wheel17:51
mikeriderthis happen after crankstart17:51
mikeriderpull key out of lock17:51
mikeriderthis security17:51
mikeriderothers cannot unlock while gone17:52
mikerideryouve heard of such a thing17:55
mikeriderlock where key is removable?17:55
mikeriderhi GridCube17:59
mikeriderwhat are you running17:59
mikeriderplan 917:59
mikeriderhi xubuntu95d18:02
mikerideryou heard of thing18:03
mikeridera lock where key can be pulled out after locking18:03
mikerider a lock where key can be pulled out after locking18:04
mikeriderput key in pocket18:04
xubuntu95dis it a riddle ?18:05
xubuntu95dor a technical place to talk?18:05
xubuntu95dactually ive a stupid qn18:05
xubuntu95dhow to change opacity of password dialog of login window in xu*18:07
xubuntu95dor transperancy?18:07
xubuntu95dthank you all very much18:10
mikeriderdo you like riddles?18:14
=== dmzdax is now known as dmzda

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