
gourevening, any news about possible breezy release in the foreseeable future?19:24
gourbtw, pypi page says: "Users can choose between our command line tool and our cross-platform GUI application.", so I wonder which GUI app is meant here?19:29
jelmergour: hi20:54
jelmergour: we had a weekend of hacking, and made some good progress20:54
jelmergour: we're waiting with any kind of release until we've got a Python3 port20:54
gourhow many tests are still failing?20:55
jelmeron Python3, at least ~10k20:55
jelmerI don't think number of tests failing is necessarily a good indicator of progress though20:56
jelmerwe're down to a handful of test failures (out of >2000) for git format support20:56
jelmerand those are icky tests rather than actual bugs in brz-git20:57
gourthat's great...i'm looking/waiting for brz to have smooth interoperation  with git(hub) projects20:57
jelmergour: Martin is going to send some sort of summary to the mailing list21:15
gourjelmer: ok. wishing you all the best to push brz out!21:19

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