
antenoreHi all. I'm looking for documentation that explain how to structure project in order that is PPA and Ubuntu "compliant". In particular I'd like my project translations, currently under remmina/po , are found and imported automatically. Was looking in the PPA doc but didn't find it06:55
antenoreI understand that this is possible from this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/TranslationLifecycle#Import_to_Launchpad_translations but I cannot find informations on ehre the build process expect the translations06:55
cjwatsonhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/TranslationLifecycle#Import_to_Launchpad_translations only applies to packages in Ubuntu main and restricted which are used as input for language packs, not for example PPA builds.07:00
cjwatsonIf you're talking about Launchpad's support for automatically importing translations from a Bazaar branch, then that's https://help.launchpad.net/Translations/YourProject/ImportPolicy07:01
cjwatsonIn general, it doesn't much matter which directory in your package the translations are in - where we import translations automatically, we'll do that from any subdirectory07:02
antenorecjwatson: thanks. well both of those. remmina is on github and imported to launchpad. Ubuntu and Debian are imported and built don't know how, but I think should respect some sort of default layout. I think you actually answered my question ^^07:03
antenoreno... it's not clear :-P07:07
cjwatsonlp:remmina seems to have nothing much to do with anything on github07:10
cjwatsonhttps://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/bionic/+source/remmina is picked up from the packages in Ubuntu, though07:10
cjwatson(since remmina is in main)07:12
antenoreThe PPA is this https://code.launchpad.net/~remmina-ppa-team/+git07:14
cjwatsonSo at the moment we don't support importing translations from Git repositories on Launchpad07:14
cjwatsonThis is a gap, and one I'd like to fix, but the current situation is that translations imports only work from Bazaar07:15
cjwatsonYou could set up a Git-to-Bazaar import purely for the purposes of translations imports07:15
antenoreok, no problems, thanks. I'll see what I can do. Actually we already do some git2bazaar stuff07:17
cjwatson(I've done some initial work on fixing that, i.e. https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad-buildd/ttb-git/+merge/341389, but there's a fair bit more to do)07:17
antenorethan if someone will update the translations on launchpad, with web interface, i'll have to do the import the other way around right?07:20
cjwatsonThat's right.  You'd have to do that anyway - LP isn't going to be able to automatically push translations to GitHub for you07:23
cjwatsonWe may at some point have support for pushing translations directly to a Git branch hosted on LP, but unlikely for one hosted remotely07:23
antenoreok, thanks. have to go.07:32
=== ePierre_ is now known as ePierre
alkisgHi, I'm trying to recompile hplip from bionic into xenial in a ppa in order to be able to install newer printers in schools. I got:10:04
alkisg sbuild-build-depends-hplip-dummy : Depends: debhelper (>= 10.2.5~) but it is not going to be installed10:04
alkisgCan I somehow pull a newer debhelper there?10:04
alkisgIn https://launchpad.net/~alkisg/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+edit-dependencies, I did check "Backports"10:06
cjwatsonYou might have to build one yourself.  But it's almost certainly easier to figure out which newer feature from bionic's debhelper is being used so that you can unwind that and use xenial's debhelper instead.10:07
alkisgcjwatson: I think no new feature is used, it's just the usual "oh a new debhelper is out, let's update all our packages to depend on that" :/10:40
alkisgThanks, I'll try to build one myself. I can't just upload a newer debhelper into my ppa and use it, can I?10:40
cjwatsonalkisg: You can; you may have difficulty getting it to build/install, though, since AIUI new debhelper also wants new dpkg10:48
alkisgIs it possible to request a size increase to e.g. 4 GB for our "Greek schools" PPA? We're using 2 out of 2 GB, and it's getting harder to free up space... https://launchpad.net/~ts.sch.gr/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+packages PPA?13:41
cjwatsonalkisg: Done14:21
alkisgcjwatson: thank you very much dear sir :)14:22
tsimonq2cjwatson: I'm close to running into the 2 GB limit on https://launchpad.net/~tsimonq2/+archive/ubuntu/security-test-builds - I use that to test security updates before I hand them to the security team. Could I get a bump to 5 GB please?16:54
cjwatsontsimonq2: sure - done16:54
tsimonq2cjwatson: Thanks!16:55
ricotzhi, looks like a bunch of x86 builders are stuck in Cleaning18:23
ricotzcjwatson, hi, ^18:29
nacccjwatson: fyi, we're almost fully 20% phased of main now; 1801 packages imported out of 1812, and i think we might be up to about 11 failures (9 understood to be the same underlying issue and 2 that we've now blacklisted due to the size of the repo)19:14
nacccjwatson: if you want to check the disk consumption (evolution is still importing right now, but I don't think it hsould affect our final number too too mcuh)19:14
cjwatsonricotz: resetting19:25
cjwatsonnacc: 1002 GB free19:26
cjwatsonnacc: so that's pretty close to the growth rate for 2% -> 10%19:26
nacccjwatson: nice, thanks!19:27
naccrbasak: --^ fyi19:28

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