
AuroraAvenueHi anyone up ?00:14
BionicMacYep, but I know nothing.00:14
AuroraAvenuedeny everything - good policy mate. proven track record w/ that :)00:15
AuroraAvenueBionicMac, so wat 'mac' are you progressing on ?00:16
BionicMacI await official beaver release. I have sound issues. :( 00:16
AuroraAvenueso, no macintosh ?00:16
BionicMaciMac 5k 27" - Intel® Core™ i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz × 8 - AMD® Radeon r9 m395x - 24 G ram00:17
BionicMac1TB ssd00:17
* AuroraAvenue is a bit jelly :(00:17
BionicMacno macintosh, i neeeded the amb graphics support in kernel 4.15 so bionic works out of the box.00:17
AuroraAvenueBionicMac, is Photoshop as good as they say ?00:17
BionicMacNever used ps.00:17
AuroraAvenueI'm gonna get a mac one of these days.00:18
AuroraAvenue15 years of Ubuntu takes it toll.00:18
BionicMacMight as well grab an older (read cheaper) one and run linux on it.00:18
BionicMacI can't stand osx.00:18
AuroraAvenueWell, you say that ....00:18
BionicMacI'm right at home here.00:19
AuroraAvenueI really want all the apple software for creativity & just 'perouse' Ubuntu using Parallels as a cross-over.00:19
BionicMacEverything about *mac* is expensive.00:19
AuroraAvenueParrallels being like VMWare - but closer to the bone.00:20
BionicMacYeah, well I guess they do have some good media apps. 00:20
* AuroraAvenue scratches BionicMac 's back.00:20
BionicMacooo yeah00:20
AuroraAvenuek, cool.00:20
AuroraAvenuejust checkin.00:20
AuroraAvenueAliens would react differently.00:21
BionicMacApple is so damn proprietary with everything.... Most apps worth a damn cost.00:21
BionicMacI mean yeah it's ok. better than windows.00:21
AuroraAvenueSo - what do you use after, say downloading a torrent (film etc) - what would you play it on ?00:22
BionicMacnative video player. also 5k media player.00:22
AuroraAvenueI think most mac ppl are javascript monkeys anyway.00:22
AuroraAvenuebut that's okay.00:22
* AuroraAvenue can't recall what 'the native video player' actually is ?00:23
BionicMaci can't either, it's "that" integrated. 00:23
AuroraAvenueI'm on elementaryOS - waiting for Bionic.00:23
AuroraAvenueI like Dan Rabbit.00:23
AuroraAvenuehe's like a manga bunny with little ears.00:24
AuroraAvenueyou heard of him ?00:24
BionicMaci think. maybe00:24
AuroraAvenuehe plays alot of silly games, like Zelda n'stuff.00:24
BionicMaczelda been around.00:25
AuroraAvenueSo what are your main problems with Bionic/Ubuntu at present ?00:25
AuroraAvenuethat's an old chestnut.00:25
AuroraAvenueimportant , but well documented.00:26
BionicMacno errers, restart and reload alsa drivers and pulseaudio daemon works ... sometimes.00:26
AuroraAvenuein terms of problems.00:26
AuroraAvenueDo you know how to restart the daemon ?00:26
AuroraAvenueor driver - whatev's00:26
BionicMacI'm not too familiar with pulseaudio , 'pulseaudio -k && pulseaudio -D'00:27
BionicMac'alsa force-reload'00:27
AuroraAvenueright - well try that then :)00:27
BionicMacyup, no go.00:27
BionicMaceven a reboot didn't help this time.00:27
AuroraAvenueOh dear me.00:28
BionicMacit's a quiet world here00:28
AuroraAvenueno ipod ?00:28
BionicMactv for now00:28
AuroraAvenuewhats on ?00:28
BionicMacPalm Sunday Rome00:28
BionicMacWhat about you? What are you listening to or watching?00:30
AuroraAvenueerr Bottom. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUiOYrCBDvk00:32
BionicMacAuroraAvenue, Do you prefer Wayland or Xorg?00:38
AuroraAvenueMir defo.00:38
AuroraAvenuebut it don't wang at the moment :(00:38
AuroraAvenueBionicMac, So what do you think about Ubuntu in general ?00:39
BionicMacIMpresssive. Ease of installation. Hardware support. User Friendly to the maximum. 00:39
AuroraAvenueright oh. that's good.00:40
AuroraAvenueHave you tried Solus ?00:40
BionicMacComing from slackware ( which is the only linux I have ever used and still love but it isn't user friendly so to speak.)00:40
BionicMacNo I haven't heard of Solus.00:41
AuroraAvenuepoor you.00:41
AuroraAvenueits the muts nutz as we say. (good).00:41
BionicMachmmm reading now....00:41
AuroraAvenueits a bugger to get on a usb though.00:41
AuroraAvenuetried loads of times on rufus.00:41
AuroraAvenueno joy.00:42
AuroraAvenueordering this beauty next week.00:42
AuroraAvenuehangon - switching screens.00:42
BionicMac! nice00:43
ubottu'Nice' is a property of a process that determines how willing it is to give CPU time to other processes.  A higher value makes it more likely to give away time.  A negative value makes it less likely. Values are from -19 to 19, with 0 being the default.  For more information, type 'man nice' at a terminal.00:43
AuroraAvenuesorry Mr Ubuntu (who-ever you are) for that link in here.00:43
AuroraAvenuethey do a podcast aswell.00:44
AuroraAvenuebut thats abit more general.00:45
AuroraAvenueAnyway - it another EU distro, basically.00:45
AuroraAvenuebut I hear the Telegram channel is going well.00:45
BionicMacGood to know00:45
AuroraAvenueI shall PM you a secret, wait a sec.00:46
AuroraAvenueSo - what (other than sound) would you Like ubuntu to improve on ?00:52
AuroraAvenueBionic dude ?00:53
AuroraAvenueokay - I call cigar break - I need 5 mins.00:53
BionicMacWell, it seems redundant to have several ways to handle packages. apt, dpg, ubuntu software ( orange bag icon), software updater... etc etc 00:54
BionicMacmy kind of break. I'll make coffee and have a cigar also. 00:54
AuroraAvenuecool. you seem like my kind of lighthouse keeper :)00:57
* AuroraAvenue wonders - Where in the world is stallman ?00:59
BionicMacI'm off for bit. 01:00
AuroraAvenuehttp://bfy.tw/HJA4 yeah.01:00
Dry_LipsAny way to completely disable the default ubuntu dock? I want to use plank instead13:06
Dry_LipsCan I simply delete it from /usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions ?13:11
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zanshinDry_Lips: Maybe this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/145376/disable-dash-docking-feature-in-gnome-shell13:39
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Dry_Lipszanshin , I just deleted it from /usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions , hopefully it won't break anything13:48
zanshinDry_Lips: Log out and back in and see what it complains about. :)14:04
Dry_LipsI've done so, no complaints so far14:04
tewardAre the desktop editions of Ubuntu and variants supporting PowerPC still?  (Asking because of a question posted on Ask Ubuntu).  I didn't see any daily ISO tasks for the desktop builds, but I thought I'd ask.14:39
=== Toledo is now known as croberts
JediMasterHi all, I'm having an issue with an Intel NUC running 18.04 not being able to see USB drives (Western Digital external USB 3.0 hard drives)16:16
JediMasterNothing appears in /var/log/syslog as the USB is connected or removed, nothing in 'lsusb' other than a USB 3.0 and 2.0 controller16:17
JediMasterYet the USB ports work, plugged in a keyboard which appears in syslog and lsusb, and the drive works on another (mac) machine16:17
JediMasterThe drive is externally powered with LED on, and just swapping the USB cable alone to the other machine is fine (same plug/socket for power)16:18
JediMasterI don't see any new block devices referring to the disk either, any ideas?16:19
JediMasternothing new in lsblk or in /dev/disk/by-id/16:24
JediMasterok, I have found a way to make it work, it's ridiculous, you have to boot the machine with the drive attached16:32
JediMasterThe lsusb, lsblk and /dev/disk/by-id all show the disk16:33
lotuspsychjefound new Bug #175897416:57
ubottubug 1758974 in indicator-multiload (Ubuntu) "Indicator-multiload does not work properly 18.04" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175897416:57
=== mesa is now known as BionicMAc
=== mesa is now known as BionicMac
BionicMacgoogle doesn't like tor. =017:33
lotuspsychjeBionicMac: ?17:34
BionicMacI searched google and got blocked for suspicious activity on tor browser.17:36
BionicMacI really need to find a live usb OS that can access APFS.17:37
lotuspsychjeBionicMac: thats not really bionic related?17:37
BionicMacOh, I apologize. off topic for sure. 17:38
lotuspsychjeBionicMac: you could try #ubuntu-offtopic indeed17:38
BionicMacok cool. loose chat in there. thanks.17:38
lotuspsychjeBionicMac: you got daily 18.04 working on a mac?17:39
BionicMacFresh and clean and mean. indeed. iMac 5k 27" 17:39
lotuspsychjenice, we had a user here that had issues with booting17:39
BionicMacdriver display has resolutions greater than the native OSX High Sierra.17:39
BionicMacTell them "refind" I will get the article I folowed and have the link handy.17:40
lotuspsychjeBionicMac: interesting17:40
BionicMacWord to the wise, It is very easy to trash the mac boot loader and not be able to boot, like me. no osx for now and I really don't care.17:40
BionicMacgrub and refind and osx boot loaders seem to battle this thing.17:41
BionicMacTread lightly or lose the ability to boot osx.17:41
BionicMac lotuspsychje, I am seriously thinking about buying another mac, this time cheap and used to run Ubuntu on. 17:47
BionicMacThis 27" iMac is basically brand new, 1 year old, 1TB ssd, 24G ram... Intel® Core™ i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz × 8 ... AMD® Radeon r9 m395x ... 17:48
AuroraAvenuehello walkers!18:12
lotuspsychjeAuroraAvenue: welcome, what can we do for you?18:12
AuroraAvenue2 sugars, please ?18:12
AuroraAvenueonly jking.18:12
AuroraAvenueI am just here to chat about Bionic syuff.18:13
lotuspsychjeAuroraAvenue: chat about ubuntu fits in #ubuntu-discuss mate, here is for support more18:13
lotuspsychjeno sweat ;)18:14
BionicMacAuroraAvenue, How goes it? 18:16
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=== mesa is now known as BionicMac
Ars-anypne tell me plz20:21
Ars-how to block all connections ubuntu LTS20:21
Fauxsudo ufw default deny20:51
Fauxsudo ufw default deny outgoing20:51
FauxDepending on what you mean.20:52
BionicMacWhat file do I edit now that X is not using a xorg.conf anymore? I need to add a section for my trackpad and the synaptics driver.22:49
BionicMacSection "InputClass" <- in the old days of xorg.conf I would adad a section like so.22:50
=== mesa is now known as BionicMac
=== mesa is now known as BionicMac

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