
ipat8Has anyone been able to get the new server installer to appear?00:45
ipat8I have the newest daily iso but I don't get the new installer, I only get the old debian installer.00:45
tomreynipat8: where did you download from or whats the checksum?00:58
tomreyni'll give this a try in a few http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/20180325/bionic-server-amd64.iso00:58
tomreynsha1: b6dad56464ad1f948fee893e0fa9385536f7fdc4 sha256: ebabb1767eabb793449fec9f94feae0486c350056f68e863ac7835660e4168c300:59
tomreyni got the classic ncursrs like interface, too01:05
tomreynalso it's pretty broken01:05
tomreynit prints <ERR> in many places and keyboard detection seems to be broken, shows key codes to press instread of special characters.01:07
tomreynlocalization seems to be incomplete01:08
tomreynwell, there's another month left ;-)01:11
ipat8tomreyn: Yep that's the one I'm using, maybe a preseed issue?01:27
tomreynipat8: yes, maybe, i'm using it in virtualbox, can't seem to switch between VTs, but it does print some errors justr before th einstaller loads01:28
tomreynipat8: maybe it's actually bionic-LIVE-server-amd64 which we should be trying.01:30
ipat8Hmm, let me grab it and see01:32
ipat8Where do you see a bionic-LIVE-server-amd64 ?01:32
tomreynand yes this is the one01:33
ipat8Yep just realised what I was doing01:33
ipat8* realized01:33
tomreyni'm running it now01:33
tomreyn5 languages supported so far?!01:34
tomreynenglish, catalan, hungarian, lithuanian, russian, if i'm getting it right.01:35
ipat8Yep, so I'm guessing they're going to be building both, as to maintain compatibility with MAAS or preseed?01:36
tomreynthe new one also offers maas as an installation target01:37
tomreynbut maybe preseed, or backward compatibility in general.01:37
ipat8Holy shit that's fast01:37
ipat8I meant MAAS as an installation source01:38
tomreynoh ok01:38
ipat8It requires a debian installer for cloud-init01:38
ipat8That was 45 seconds and it's done01:39
ipat8That's incredible01:39
tomreynyes it's really fast01:39
ipat8I see why MAAS is so fast now01:39
tomreynmanual paritioner crashes for me. but then i have no disk to install to.01:39
ipat8curtin is just magic01:39
ipat8Are you in vbox or vmware?01:39
ipat8Change to a SATA disk01:40
ipat8and a SATA controller01:40
tomreyni dont have a MAAS, so i only have SATA anyways01:41
tomreynjust added a disk, it detects it when it restarts the installer (no reboot)01:42
tomreyni like how it installs in the background now, like the desktop installer does01:42
tomreynand you can import ssh keys already, nice.01:43
ipat8I'm extremely impressed, if I can script this or provide a preseed this is going to be a significant improvement in how I manage my auto installs.01:46
tomreynhow do you deploy?01:46
tomreynpxe boot, i guess?01:46
tomreynhmm apt dist-upgrade states that grub-pc-bin was automatically installed and is no longer required - on a fresh installation.01:49
tomreynoh that's probably because i got efi01:50
tomreynit reboots very fast, too. the longest job is dhcp (ipv4+ipv6) here.01:53
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lordievaderGood morning06:15
tobascocoreycb: any idea? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/neutron/+bug/175888211:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1758882 in neutron (Ubuntu) "neutron-db-manage python-pecan failure" [Undecided,New]11:16
tobascoi checked all dependencies for gnocchi and neutron packages, can't see any weird constraints11:16
tobascohappend after adding gnocchi for queens11:17
coreycbtobasco: i'm not sure but i can try to recreate. heads (plural) is a typo right?12:05
coreycbtobasco: if you upgrade python-pecan does it fix it ?12:07
coreycbtobasco: we may need a higher min version of python-pecan specified in the neutron package12:08
coreycbtobasco: i've triaged that bug, it's a package issue so i'll get that uploaded now.12:19
tobascocoreycb: I fixed the issue on my side, I posted some more info there12:33
tobascoI install ceph before having the UCA repo, so python-pecan is already installed when installing the other packages12:33
tobascoceph-mgr depends on python-pecan12:33
tobascodon't know if the procedure about it, but we should probably change the neutron package to have the later version from UCA12:34
coreycbtobasco: ok. it's still a package bug for neutron. once i build it successfully (takes a bit) i'll get it uploaded to bionic then back to the queens uca. thanks for reporting this.12:34
tobascounless it would break ceph-mgr completely12:34
tobascocoreycb: cool, sorry for setting it as invalid, thought it was a mistake on my part12:35
coreycbtobasco: all good :)12:35
adachow to remove all but one kernel?12:40
lordievaderadac: `sudo apt remove <the packages you want to remove>`?12:41
adaclordievader, yes that is an option. but I need to automize that actually12:42
adacand I don't know which kernels are installed on the machine already12:43
lordievaderHmm, well if the meta-package is installed `apt-get autoremove` should leave the last two and remove the rest. Though this has been buggy in the past.12:44
lordievaderNot really sure if this has been fixed.12:44
adaclordievader, I see yes. thanks!12:46
lordievaderThe above works until you start installing specific kernel versions manually 😉12:47
adaclordievader, which I do :P12:57
lordievaderAh, the way `apt` select packages for removal is by checking if they are orphaned. If they are manually installed they do no classify as orphaned.12:59
lordievaderI suppose you then either need to write a script or start using  the meta-package.12:59
adackk thanks13:00
coreycbjamespage: promoting queens-proposed -> queens-updates13:07
teward*waves to the server team*13:52
tewardanyone want to do me a solid and do an nginx merge from Debian?  I'm a little bit busy with networking redesigns and overhauls at work so I've been pulling 10+ hour days and am just dead when i'm not at work...13:53
tewardi know that we're in FeatureFreeze, but I"m hoping the Release team will accept something like we did for 16.04, with us being as close to nginx stable that comes out in April as possible, with a version bump to the then-stable NGINX release in -updates.13:54
tewardhate to ask but :P13:54
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rbasakteward: no worries. I'll add it to our list.14:08
tobascocoreycb: if it's not too much could you ping me when that package fix is available in queens uca14:11
coreycbtobasco: sure np14:12
tobascocoreycb: awesome, thanks :)14:12
Gargravarrhi all, looking for some help with something not entirely server-related, but recommended to post here anyway - need some help with SSSD if anyone can advise14:20
tomreynGargravarr: most people in here may not respond unless you'll discuss the entire issue.14:27
Gargravarrokay, i generally post the minimum to grab attention without flooding14:27
Gargravarrso i've got Ubuntu laptops auth'ing via LDAP using SSSD. most of the machines work, but i have a few machines where SSSD causes the machine to freeze on boot14:28
Gargravarrthe most frustrating aspect is that i have no logs or error messages as to why it's occurring14:30
Gargravarrthis is on Xenial with kernel version 4.13.0-36 & -37. if i disable the sssd.service and reboot, the machine comes up to the login prompt. otherwise it freezes at the Plymouth splash screen, or the text screen showing the services starting if i ESC out of it14:33
ahasenackrbasak: hi, question. I'm getting ready to propose those nvdimm packages. What would be the next step, get sponsorship for an upload, and then get an AA to take a look since it's a NEW package?14:34
rbasakahasenack: yes that's right14:35
rbasakahasenack: you'll need an FFe too, though for new packages that's not usually a problem.14:36
tewardrbasak: thank you very much.  once this rebuild is over I"ll not be pulling 10 hour days and will be able to provide more help again, but until that point I'm a little swamped :P14:37
ahasenackrbasak: ok14:37
Gargravarrokay, now i'm getting hard/soft lockups on the CPUs14:54
Gargravarrafter starting SSSD14:54
rbasakGargravarr: bug 1746806?14:56
ubottubug 1746806 in linux-aws (Ubuntu) "sssd appears to crash AWS c5 and m5 instances, cause 100% CPU" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174680614:56
Gargravarrrbasak: thanks, i'll read that14:56
Gargravarryesss, i keep seeing the ^@^@ strings when this happens14:57
rbasak^@ is 0x0014:58
rbasakCrashes of all kinds can typically cause that.14:58
rbasakTo verify if you're affected by that bug, please start by reverting the kernel package version.14:58
Gargravarrrbasak: does this affect the 4.13 kernels too? i'm only seeing 4.4 mentioned in the bug15:00
Gargravarrah, scrolled down enough15:00
Gargravarrrbasak: how far back should i revert?15:07
Gargravarrcurrently running 4.13.0-3715:07
rbasakGargravarr: sorry, I don't know any more than the bug.15:10
Gargravarrfair enough15:10
rbasakGargravarr: but if you find more information that's not in the bug, then please do post it there.15:10
Gargravarrwill do15:10
Gargravarryep, i found 4.10.0-28 was still installed, booted that and it's running fine, LDAP auth included15:12
Gargravarrright, i'll follow the bug (and post my setup)15:13
rbasakGargravarr: thanks. Please also mark yourself as affected on the bug.15:23
mdyethx for ubuntu-server; I've recently begun using LXD via the Snap on an ARM7 box and it's rock solid, easy to manage. Thx guys15:28
naccrbasak: do you have a link to our pad for the git-ubuntu changes? Maybe i can take a stab at them15:31
rbasaknacc: https://pad.ubuntu.com/Y25nCOQd6e15:42
naccrbasak: thanks15:43
naccrbasak: what exactly is the walk() method supposed to be returning? I don't see any docs (or the order in which things are supposed to be return, i guess)?15:53
rbasaknacc: sorry that's not defined anywhere. It should be.16:25
rbasaknacc: it returns a sequence of (parent, obj) pairs, enumerating all objects recursively.16:26
rbasaks/enumerating/iterating over/16:26
rbasakparent is just the parent of the object, which makes the output easier to consume since the actual data structure is the other way round (an object keeps track of its children but not its parent)16:27
rbasaknacc: also instance.walk() is supposed to return instance as well where that makes sense.16:27
rbasaknacc: so for that to work, walk() is told its parent when it is called, since the class instance itself doesn't know. And it just returns that.16:29
rbasaknacc: IIRC, the ordering is intentionally depth first, so that the placeholder replacement happens bottom up16:30
naccrbasak: yep16:34
naccrbasak: that makes sense, i just wanted to make sure i followed it, as it's sort of an internal API16:34
rbasaknacc: yeah. My fault for not documenting it better. Because it's an interface that isn't defined in code anywhere (duck typing etc), there wasn't an obvious "must write a docstring" prompt for me. Some of it is an external API too. I'm not sure whether walk() should be internal to the module or external to callers.16:40
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naccrbasak: if you have a few seconds, https://code.launchpad.net/~nacc/usd-importer/+git/usd-importer/+ref/repo_builder_tags_branches i thnk does everyting up to the copy method19:03
naccrbasak: it keeps the coverage at 98% (which it is in master, which i think implies some missing test, which i'm going to look at now)19:04
naccrbasak: ok, got it to 100% in master19:24
naccrbasak: branch updated19:27
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compdocanyone have a gui they like to encrypt files/folders?21:02
naccrbasak: fyi, force-pushed branch, which now matches the spec (I found it easier to create the classes first and then move to in-place dictionaries) and added the Repo.copy method22:30
naccrbasak: still at 100% coverage :)22:30
naccrbasak: i'm not seeing an obvious way to find all commits in a repo (I can find all reachable commits from the branches, but we're not guaranteed to have any branches)22:36
ProCycleHave a bit of a head scratcher with SSH. I can login with my adminstrative account using key auth just fine. However I cannot login with another account using it's own key. I just get "No supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey)"23:25
ProCycleIt worked fine on Friday, but it doesn't today. Double checked I had the right key in .ssh/authorized_keys23:25
ProCycleupdated and rebooted the server23:25
sarnoldProCycle: check ownership and permissions of / /home /home/user /home/user/.ssh /home/user/.ssh/authorized_keys   -- namei -l ~username/.ssh/authorized_keys is a handy way to get there :D23:26
ProCycleHuh didn't know about that command23:47
ProCyclehome is owned by root, user dir is owned by user, .ssh is owned by user, authorized_keys is owned by user23:48
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ProCycleand perms seem correct too23:48
sarnoldProCycle: how about the permissions? group owner of the .ssh dir and file?23:49
ProCycleThey're both set to the user's group23:50
ProCycleIt makes no sense :S23:51
sarnoldare there any more detailed logs on the host?23:51
ProCycleI can look, where would they be>23:52
sarnoldis the client perhaps using a too-small key? openssh recently changed to require > 1024 bits for rsa keys, iirc23:52
ProCycleNope it's a 2048 key23:52
sarnold/var/log/* and /var/log/audit/audit.log if you've got it23:52
ProCyclelooking at auth.log23:54
ProCycleSee lots of bot attempts to login to nonexistent accounts but don't see my user account in there23:55
sarnoldtail -F the thing, and try again?23:57
ProCycleAh there we go23:58
ProCycleAuthentication refused: bad ownership or modes for directory /home/username/.ssh23:58
ProCycle.ssh has drwxrwxr-x with owner set to username and group set to username23:59
ProCyclerunning groups lists it as a member of that group23:59

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