
AuroraAvenueHi - here to get an update on progress with Bionic Beaver.00:01
AuroraAvenueWhere should I be looking ?00:01
adalbertAuroraAvenue: #ubuntu+100:07
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snuffttomreyn: not having a whole lot of luck with the recovery side of things. i've enabled networking from the grub menu then dropped to the root prompt but networking still isn't up and running /etc/init.d/networking start isn't showing me any love either. Any ideas?00:10
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AuroraAvenueadalbert, cheers - shall hav a chat on there today/Munday.00:13
pragmaticenigmaAuroraAvenue, please /join #ubuntu+1 ... release schedule https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseSchedule00:14
tomreynsnufft: is it wired or wireless?00:33
tomreynsnufft: i think wireless would not work there, wired would, if ipv4 + dhcp.00:34
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supernovahIS there a site that lists what gcc/binutils/libc and libstdc++ different ubuntus bundle with/00:45
tomreynsupernovah: you could look it up on https://packages.ubuntu.com00:48
tomreyne.g. https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=glibc&searchon=sourcenames&exact=1&suite=all&section=all00:50
AuroraAvenueAnyone up for a discussion on #ubuntu+1 for an hour or so ?01:01
gtkminhi am a new ubuntu01:02
AuroraAvenueHow long have you had ubuntu for ?01:03
gtkminh4 years ago01:03
AuroraAvenueerM okay01:04
AuroraAvenuenot sure what to say ?01:05
AuroraAvenueHows the dog ?01:05
gtkminhi am a christian, i want to preach God by make cartoon film01:05
wutwutthis place just gets weirder and weirder01:06
AuroraAvenuewishing you luck. but I don't buy it.01:06
gtkminhdo you know where instruction cartoon film?01:06
gtkminhgood-bye you too01:07
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supernovahwhat's the naming convention for package versions? eg, apt-cache policy libglib2.0-dev=2.4.0-0ubuntu1, whats the 0 and 1 before and after ubuntu? and why ubuntu? Is that the build target?02:08
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Guest99164is there any girl02:25
Guest99164for me02:25
Guest99164is there any one02:26
Guest99164for ai02:26
guivercGuest99164, this is a Ubuntu support channel - please only ask a question if it relates to Ubuntu (keeping it all in a single line)02:27
Guest99164i want develop my IRC02:28
Guest99164voice recognization02:28
Guest99164is avaliable on ubantu02:28
RandLoverhello, if you could help me with moving partitions problem: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/BYN96V5QBq/02:30
RandLoverwhat i'd like to avoid is copying there and back, for my slow disk it's around hour02:31
jmaderoRandLover: I wouldn't dd it02:33
jmaderoI'd just cut and paste02:33
RandLoverhow so?02:33
jmaderolooks like you already have /dev/sda1 which is empty02:33
jmaderoI'd cut whatever is in /dev/sda5 into /dev/sda102:33
RandLoverby gparted?02:34
jmaderothen just delete /dev/sda5 and /dev/sda602:34
jmaderono, by literally cutting and pasting (mv command in terminal)02:34
RandLoveri'm noobish in this subject, will this preserve all files?02:34
jmaderoif they are all just normal files it will, if you're paranoid, use rsync instead02:35
jmaderodd will be tedious, it's not necessary02:35
jmaderoyou could just do rsync and then compare the sizes at the end to confirm you've got it all02:36
jmaderoand what do you mean that you don't want to lose the shape of the partition??02:36
jmaderowhat partition02:36
RandLoverhmm i found similar solution, i didn't realise there's copy and paste in gparted02:36
jmaderoyou don't have to use gparted02:36
jmaderonot for cut/paste02:36
RandLoverand i was too dumb to realise that i don't need to copy back, just use different order02:37
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eblui'm assuming this is the right channel to ask my question in so i'll give it a go02:48
ebluso i accidentally nuked my home folder. the problem isn't the fact that i'm missing my files since i'm on a relatively new install but the fact that all of the folders are gone02:49
eblui assumed just making a new folder and calling it "Documents" etc would fix the problem but judging by the fact that its icon isn't changing i might be missing something02:49
ebluso my question is how do i get the folders to come back?02:50
bugzbunnyWhat files do you need back exactly?02:51
eblujust the directory structure02:51
ebluof course i could just make a new account but then i'd have to worry about all my logins and installed packages :P02:52
bugzbunnyBah, I am not on Ubuntu right now, I suspect you can check /etc/skel, could be the structure is created on first login02:52
ebluoh boy did my IRC kick the bucket02:53
ebluoh doy it starts with a / :P02:54
eblu\/etc/skel contains nothing but hidden files (.bashrc, .config etc)02:54
eblucould be just an ubuntu MATE thing but last i checked the channel was completely dead except for someone talking about UTC time02:55
bugzbunnyYou could wait around for a proper answer02:55
bugzbunnyIt's pretty active here, mean time GoogleFU might be useful02:55
ebluyeah i did try exercising my google-fu02:56
ebluclosest i got was the /etc/skel but that didn't seem to work02:56
bugzbunnyI guess you could re-create your user02:58
bugzbunnySince root is disabled, you would probably need alternative user with sudo privileges.02:58
eblui have thought of that02:59
ebluhowever i have used this acc enough to warrant making a new one to not be worth the effort02:59
eblualso holy crap it's linux torvallman himself03:00
ebluanyway i'm signed in on multiple applications and have several packages installed, not to mention all of my configs03:00
ebluin addition, i have 2FA everywhere which makes it even more lengthy to just switch to a new account03:01
ebluso you can see where i'm coming from here03:01
bugzbunnyyes, could always backup and restore03:02
peksterHi folks, 17.10 user here with thin-provisioned LVM2 LVs including for the root-FS (not /boot or EFI of course.) I don't see `thin_repair` binary when I `update-initramfs -v -k all -u`, so do I need to add a new hook to supply this so `vgchange -ay` in the initramfs works correctly?03:02
ebluhow would i backup all the config files that i have (chromium etc)?03:03
bugzbunnycp -R /home/user /home/backup03:04
ebluwow how did i not figure that one out03:04
learningcWhat default command to check my ip?03:05
bugzbunnyman ip03:06
bugzbunnySpecifically ip help addr, IE, ip addr03:06
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=== President is now known as President_Trump
tavoThere is any aplication for Netflix in Linux?03:17
tavoI have ubuntu MATE03:17
eblunot an expert, but if you're using firefox (the default) you will have to enable DRM in its settings03:18
ebluof course don't take my word for it, haven't used firefox in ages03:18
tavoYes thanks03:21
tavoa program03:22
tavofor netflix03:22
bugzbunnyAFAIK, Netflix only supports Google Chrome, even you enabled DRM in Firefox, you'll get an Error page03:24
bugzbunnyI use Chromium (You'll need to do some hacks to get that working)03:24
kuze01tavo: Mate here also!03:26
kuze01Chromium, Midori and Firefox all crash on my system :)03:26
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bugzbunnykuze01: Something is seriously wrong there03:31
kuze01It's probably just from running out of ram03:31
kuze01or just the system is pretty unstable in general03:32
tavochromium don't work with netflix03:32
tavofor me03:32
tavobut firefox yes03:32
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tavoin the normal ubuntu i can't open the ubuntu software center03:33
kuze01looking over my log... why did I uninstall firefox yet keep Chromium, what the ^$#% was I thinking03:34
tavoi hahaha03:34
tavoi install ubuntu mate and all work good03:34
tavothe store and drivers from wi-fi03:35
kuze01"keepass2 installed, unstable, ran sudo apt-get remove keepass2 1.30.2018"03:35
kuze01im kind of glad tho because well...if my keepass isnt on this system it cant get hacked now can it03:36
tavowhat is the keepas03:36
kuze01aka myentirelifeinasmallfile03:38
KharmaI use lastpass.. I would be screwed without it03:40
Kharmathankfully.. I can get to my vault via web03:40
tavoohh ok03:40
tavoit's secure?03:40
bugzbunnyIt use Bitwarden03:41
bugzbunnyNot feature complete doh and has it's own quirks :(03:41
tavoand bitwarden it's secure?03:45
KharmaLastpass is solid03:45
bugzbunnytavo: Just as secure as Lastpass03:47
tavook nice03:48
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RonWhoCares Is it possible to lock Ubuntu 16.04 desktop wallpaper (so you can't accidentlaly right click and change the image)04:10
tavomake a copy04:11
kuze01find the command that's actually changing the wallpaper and change to root?04:13
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peksterIf anyone lurking was curious, my LVM thin-provisioning issue was resolved with an initramfs hook of <https://gist.github.com/CzBiX/e5aec53a63fc12f7d50e> and manually calling `grub-mkconfig -o /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/grub.cfg`, plus disabling grub's splash05:10
RandLoverhi. is there easy way to write 2 bootable iso on single cd-r and make a boot menu for select each one?05:10
allizomRandLover: has the cd-r got enough space for 1 image, let alone 2?05:15
RandLoverit's dvd and images are 260MB and 70MB05:16
allizomyou should read something like https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot, but adapt it to end up with an optical disk rather than a flash drive05:17
RandLoverthank you05:18
lotuspsychjeRandLover: dont you have a spare usb stick?05:21
RandLoveri do05:21
brian_Hi guys I need a lot of help D;05:28
brian_I wanted to make a minimal installation of ubuntu05:28
parteohello, ecryptfs has just recovered my folder in a directory under /tmp, but it gives an error 'this location could not be displayed', stating the reason that a file name was too long05:28
brian_so I installed ubuntu server05:28
brian_but it doesnt come with the tools needed to connect to a wireless network05:29
brian_what can i do?05:29
brian_I wanted to make a minimal installation of ubuntu, so I installed ubuntu server but it doesnt come with the tools needed to connect to a wireless network, what can I do?05:30
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brian_help :( I wanted to make a minimal installation of ubuntu, so I installed ubuntu server but it doesnt come with the tools needed to connect to a wireless network, what can I do?05:33
chengzimuI think you need to connect to a wireless network05:35
_jdMorning Everyone, I got an error during update on Ubuntu 16.04, "Setting up openssh-server (1:7.2p2-4ubuntu2.4) ...". Any suggestion how to solve this?05:37
brian_@chengzimu how I do that?05:38
EriC^_jd: pastebin your error05:42
_jdEriC^: https://bpaste.net/show/1e1dd19f75ba05:44
EriC^_jd: try journalctl -xe05:46
parteoEriC^, hi, we talked some hours ago about my ecryptfs recovery05:47
EriC^parteo: hey, how'd it go?05:47
_jdEriC^: ssh.service: Unit entered failed state. and ssh.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'. from systemd.05:48
EriC^_jd: try systemctl status ssh05:49
parteoEriC^, guess what happened? I let testdisk run for hours, and it completed the whole recovery. then, interestingly, I noticed the pile of encrypted files (typical private dir files) under '.Private' where I could not see anything before. so I happened to try again "ecryptfs-recover-private", and it fantastically displayed my complete home folder under /tmp....but...while I was transferring...05:51
parteo...the home dir to an external drive, the machine shut off at 1/3 of the way!!!!05:51
_jdEriC^: https://bpaste.net/show/94f80b7c9a1f05:51
EriC^parteo: damn05:53
parteoit was running on battery, but I'd checked it and seen it over 90%..dont understand it..anyway, I still had the whole testdisk recovery folders and tried to recover them, which I could, too. ecryptfs has been successful here, too, but I can't view the files under /tmp, because it tells me that the file name is too long. how can I work around this?05:53
EriC^parteo: maybe it overheated or something05:54
c0mrad3I am trying to install ubuntu with encryption as mentioned in this answer https://askubuntu.com/questions/918021/encrypted-custom-install/918030#918030 but I am booting back to initramfs, Can some one please help me out on this ?05:54
EriC^parteo: /tmp gets removed on booting, something to remember05:54
parteoyes, possibly, so strange..EriC^, yes, I knew it was temporary dir, so I kept the power connected all the time, but when I saw 90% full, I just thought I could unplug it for a while...as I said, I still have the nearly-full testdisk recovery, and I could mount it with ecryptfs, but the contents of /tmp/xyztv file is not shown, with the error that 'file name too long05:57
parteohow can I work around this?05:57
EriC^parteo: try to mount it somewhere other than /tmp incase that helps05:58
EriC^try it manually using the --fnek and other command05:59
parteoEriC^ how can I do it? ecryptfs mounts only under /tmp05:59
parteodo you mean something like 'mount --bind /tmp/folder /home/user/home' ?06:03
Guest55936Hello everyone!06:04
lotuspsychjeGuest55936: welcome06:04
Guest55936I was wondering if someone would be willing to help me out with a couple of partitioning questions that I had.06:06
Guest55936It is a bit of a long winded question so if anyone whould like to help me out here is the question that I posted on the ask ubuntu site but never got a response. https://tinyurl.com/y7boe3df06:11
parteothe latter mount command didnt help06:11
parteoEriC^ I just was able to check the saved part of the home folder before shutdown..'almost' all that I needed has been already saved :)06:37
elichai2I have Lenovo yoga 720,and when I cancel the secure boot in the bios Ubuntu (17.10) doesn't boot06:43
c0mrad3Is the syntax of /etc/crypttab `CryptDisk UUID=xxxx none luks,discard` correct ? I am getting a warning saying that invalid line in /etc/crypttab  what am I missing here ?06:44
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elichai2And than when I install nvidia driver I get a problem with secure boot06:55
hateballelichai2: how are you installing the nvidia driver?06:56
hateballif through the restricted driver gui, it should offer to disable the validation in the shim06:56
elichai2Via the ppa06:56
hateballotherwise do it manually first06:56
elichai2It offers me something like that but then when I boot I get this weird blue screen about the shim key06:57
elichai2I thought I should disable secure boot from bios06:57
elichai2But then It doesn't boot06:57
hateballwell if you dont need secure boot sure, but probably your system was installed with it06:57
hateballelichai2: you can disable the module validation tho with: sudo mokutil --disable-validation06:57
hateballelichai2: and then install the nvidia blob06:57
elichai2If I disable validation I'll be able to disable secure boot from bios?06:58
hateballelichai2: what it does is it disables the validation of modules in the bootloader shim06:59
hateballit doesnt touch the actual secure boot06:59
hateballbut it allows the unsigned nvidia blob to load06:59
elichai2So it won't help me disable the secure boot?07:00
hateballelichai2: it makes so you dont have to disable it07:00
ducasseelichai2: after running mokutil, you need to reboot and choose to disable validation on that blue screen you saw07:00
elichai2I'll look for an article explaining the blue screen I can't figure out what's going on there07:01
ducasseelichai2: just read the menu, it's not hard07:03
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learningcHow to check my ip address at command line in ubuntu 17.10?07:40
wreofor local ip 'ip addr'07:42
elichai2ducasse: it worked. thanks!07:42
ducasseelichai2: np07:43
wreonot sure how you'd check your public ip using the command line07:43
elichai2now I have another problem, it seems like it's using the intel gpu instead of nvidia, and nvidia-settings is almost empty sudo lshw -c video07:43
elichai2* https://pastebin.com/MXbsVPU9\07:43
elichai2and nvidia-settings: https://pastebin.com/5H6NHRXL07:47
desedHello everybody!07:48
yutayuhow to search software for ubuntu mate?08:00
yutayufrom desktop.08:00
yutayuthere is boutique but I can not search browser like firefox08:01
yutayuI found the way,I should install software centre.08:02
hateballelichai2: do you have nvidia-prime installed?08:02
elichai2i'm trying this now, I just don't understand why they're blacklisting the drivers they're installing http://lenovolinux.blogspot.co.il/2016/05/bumblebee-on-lenovo-t440p-nvidia-gt.html?m=108:04
elichai2I think the system still tries to access nouveau instead of the nvidia-driver https://pastebin.com/hzTfZWSg08:05
hateballelichai2: the nvidia packages should blacklist nouveau, even the ones from PPA08:06
lorddoskiashello are there any plans to provide compiler with -mindirect-branch=thunk-extern support in 16.04 ?08:18
codebot_does someone have a simple idea of what nspluginwrapper does? i googled it to see if it affects adobe reader in any manner, but not sure how to proceed from there.08:34
hateballcodebot_: what do you mean?08:35
hateballit is used by firefox to load plugins08:35
ngomeshow can i install package gcc-mips-linux-gnu ?08:36
EriC^^!info gcc-mips-linux-gnu08:37
ubottugcc-mips-linux-gnu (source: gcc-defaults-ports (1.173ubuntu1)): GNU C compiler for the mips architecture. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:7.2.0-1ubuntu1 (artful), package size 1 kB, installed size 25 kB (Only available for amd64; i386; x32; ppc64el)08:37
EriC^^ngomes: sudo apt-get install gcc-mips-linux-gnu08:38
ngomesEriC^^, cannot locate08:39
ngomesEriC^^, maybe i need to add a special repository ?08:39
EriC^^ngomes: which ubuntu version do you have?08:39
ngomesEriC^^, 17.1008:40
ngomesEriC^^, i'm running live CD08:40
EriC^^ngomes: try sudo add-apt-repository universe && sudo apt-get update08:40
pragomertrying to install a gog game I get the error message08:52
pragomererror while loading shared libraries: libjson.so.008:52
pragomercannot find such a package under ubuntu 17.1008:52
pragomerany help?08:52
hateballpragomer: no instructions on GOG?08:59
pragomersorry no09:00
john2222can someone help me09:01
john2222i guess not..09:03
elichai2somehow the intel 630 is better than my 1050, any ideas why this is happening? https://pastebin.com/WzDY7n6T (Ubuntu 17.10)09:04
=== marve is now known as Guest49538
hateballelichai2: glxgears is not a benchmark09:05
elichai2the glxgears fps doesn't mean anything?09:06
codebot_does someone know that nspluginwrapper might have a relationship with acroread? i looked it up and lost sight of how to proceed.09:06
rvgateelichai2, http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Glxgears_is_not_a_Benchmark09:06
euryubuntu developers hear me out, your distro looks aweful, i used to like ubuntu, but it looks completely rubbish, u keep updating all this security, system, fixes and stuff but never really mind the aweful look and feel of it. This is not an opinion it is a fact.09:07
elichai2so what should I use?09:07
rvgateelichai2, please read that page, it tells you everything you need09:07
codebot_ does someone know that nspluginwrapper might have a relationship with acroread? i looked it up and lost sight of how to proceed.09:07
john2222_can someone help me regarding hibernate file09:07
codebot_john2222_: yes what about it?09:09
john2222_codebot explain this line please09:10
john2222_mount | grep " / "    ;# Note your /dev/... on /09:10
john2222_anyone ?09:13
codebot_john2222_: grep searches for a given pattern within a file. so my guess is that it is looking for "/"09:13
codebot_john2222_: what are you trying to do with this command?09:13
john2222_@codebot https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=230617809:14
elichai2rvgate: I ran the Unigine, but is there a benchmakr that tells me the gpu details too? so I could be sure whats running it09:17
john2222_codebot: u there?09:19
rvgatejohn2222_, codebot_09:19
hateballelichai2: you can use glmark209:20
hateball!info glmark209:20
ubottuglmark2 (source: glmark2): OpenGL 2.0 X11 benchmark. In component universe, is optional. Version 2014.03+git20150611.fa71af2d-0ubuntu4 (artful), package size 290 kB, installed size 1149 kB09:20
codebot_john2222_: did you read about sudo systemctl hibernate?09:22
codebot_can someone tell me is there a connection between nspluginwrapper and acroread?09:25
hateballcodebot_: I told you, nspluginwrapper is used by firefox to load plugins09:26
hateballit's quite possible it loads adobe reader through such a plugin, but it doesnt have anything to do with adobe reader if you launch it by itself09:26
codebot_hateball: must have missed it. thanks. i launch it by myself. i'm having a problem with the read aloud option in in.09:27
john2222_ok i figured it out! yes systemctl messes up my system09:27
spam312snHi there. Does anybody know, in 18.04 it's possible to activate global menu in gnome as in unity and switch position of window control buttons to left? I used ubuntu too long and this update will be a bit unusual09:30
hateballcodebot_: no idea how that works, if it even does. iirc adobe reader on linux is quite... ancient09:31
__johan__join #devialet09:33
elichai2is there a way to check touch screen inputs?09:38
EriC^^elichai2: xev maybe?09:42
elichai2i'll try09:43
codebot_my ubuntu lock screen initially looked like the default in ubuntu https://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1301&bih=653&ei=LsK4WvnfBYrYvATpl7qYBw&q=ubuntu+lock+screen&oq=ubuntu+lock+s&gs_l=img.3.1.0l3j0i24k1l7.1049.4896.0.7035. when the login panel was on the left sid of the screen. but for no apparent reason, it shows the login panel09:50
codebot_ on the center of the screen https://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1301&bih=653&ei=LsK4WvnfBYrYvATpl7qYBw&q=ubuntu+lock+screen&oq=ubuntu+lock+s&gs_l=img.3.1.0l3j0i24k1l7.1049.4896.0.7035.
codebot_also, after locking, the screen suddenly goes dark without any delay. earlier it used to turn dark slowly.09:51
codebot_any ideas why it might be happening?09:51
sergeyusoltsevdude, shorten thy links please :)09:55
codebot_sergeyusoltsev: forgot to. will take of that. :)09:55
bugzbunnyDoes your IRC client supports clicking on links?09:55
codebot_bugzbunny: yes. it does.09:56
bugzbunnyBah, not on Linux atm09:56
sergeyusoltsevNope, that's exactly why i'm asking09:56
codebot_codebot_: does anyone know something about the lock screen issue?09:57
bugzbunnyI don't use screen savers...I just blank the screen09:58
sergeyusoltsevThere should definetely be somebody who'll know that. What is the most proper way to map my xbacklight to fn+keys? using 0x from showkey? I'm using i3wm, so they're not there by default10:01
sergeyusoltsevi was messing with that some long ago once, but btw forgot everything10:02
codebot_bugzbunny: what do you mean by blank the screen?10:02
bugzbunnycodebot_: Meaning, after a while, the OS will stop sending a signal to the monitor10:03
bugzbunnyMost monitors will auto turn themselves off10:04
codebot_bugzbunny: so you don't manually do it?10:04
codebot_bugzbunny: that'd be called a screensaver if you'd manually do it i guess!!10:04
bugzbunnycodebot_: For most Distributions, the ones I've used so far, are setup this way by default10:04
=== marve is now known as Guest48525
bugzbunnycodebot_: No, it wouldn't, a screen save is a different application a lot together10:05
bugzbunnyThe Linux kernel itself is the one doing the blanking10:05
bugzbunnys/a lot/altogether/.10:05
bugzbunnyScreen Savers, on modern systems, provides password locking10:05
bugzbunnyThose are the cases I've seen people use Screen Savers10:06
codebot_bugzbunny: okay. i get it. i just blank the screen manually by pressing ctrl+Alt+Del. that locks the screen.10:06
codebot_bugzbunny: it blanks the screen as well as locks it.10:06
bugzbunnyOr pricesily, the Kernel or Xorg10:06
bugzbunnyThat would be a screen saver doing that10:07
bugzbunnyNo idea what the actual program is exactly on Gnome10:07
codebot_codebot_: i didn't install any screensaver.10:07
codebot_i didnt install any screensaver.10:08
bugzbunnyUsually the DE comes with one by default10:08
guiverccodebot_, did you change have your dm (desktop manager)? add another DEsktop? or change any software/configs (including adding software intended for a different version/OS)?10:08
codebot_guiverc: no i didn't change my dm. didn't add another Desktop. but i keep updating and upgrading through terminal. that's all.10:09
codebot_i use ubuntu 16.0410:09
sergeyusoltsevHey everyone, why may showkey keycodes to not coincide with xev keycodes?10:21
sergeyusoltsevfn + left, fn + right just give me terribly different kc's10:21
sergeyusoltsevor is it a wrong channel to ask such a questions?10:22
ubottuIf you really don't wish to see the messages from a particular person on IRC, you can use /ignore nickname10:22
bugzbunnyNot it10:22
GautamSanyone knows a serif like font for the terminal?10:22
GautamSlike that classical look10:23
sergeyusoltsevGautamS, Check out Hack, tis a good one10:23
sergeyusoltsevnot serif though10:23
sergeyusoltsevmonospace + serif is a strange one combination10:24
GautamSi just like the "English-feel" I get from reading whatever is written in serif10:24
GautamSeverything reads so mature :P10:25
SimarillionHe may have a faulty d/l of ubuntu iso tomreyn, or it is a driver, either wifi/display, possible wrong desktop version (x32 instead of x64) or visa/versa. Boot with BIOS - Launch CSM10:25
sergeyusoltsevGautamS, Source Serif Pro then :-)10:27
GautamSsergeyusoltsev, wow thanks10:27
sergeyusoltsevnp :) enjoy10:28
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SimarillionAnyone who might know.. i ran alignment check with parted on my SSD partitions. parted returned the response that all 3 of my primary partitions arealigned correctly (my efi part is one of the 3 pri)10:39
Simarillionbut - upon dbl chck with fdisk -lu irann the start10:40
Simarillionbut - to dbl ck i ran fdisk -lu10:40
Simarilliongetting a full array of what the partition table look like for each /dev/sd(x) partxn10:42
pirxhello! i just upgraded from 16.10 (desktop) to 17.10, and i miss how unity worked in the earlier version:) i dont like these "on the fly workspaces", and it seems that there are no possibility for e.g. sizing a window to 1/4th of the screen. does anyone know if i can get that behaviour back?10:43
Simarillionafter the efi boot, none of my offsets divided by 4096 resolve to a whole number.10:44
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Simarillionrevert back to the previous version if all else fails.10:45
SimarillionI don't know.10:45
SimarillionSomeone here most likely will know.10:46
triggIs there a way to check if a given Ubuntu installation is a server/desktop install ?10:52
triggSimarillion, thanks. How can I do that ?10:53
Simarillionhttps://askubuntu.com/questions/758914/know-ubuntu-distribution-server-or-desktop (trigg)10:54
cart_manHi everyone. When I set my WLAN0 interface to automatic on my raspberryPi I can use SSH, FTP and ping the PI BUT When I set it manually with exactly the same settings I can ping it but I cant SSH into it or use FTP on it ? Anybody got any ideas as to why this might happen?10:55
SimarillionCheck firewall10:56
LampGlowports conflicts/restrictions10:57
cart_manSimarillion : Ok but they work when on Auto10:59
cart_manLampGlow How do I check?10:59
Simarillionhave you tried tracer route trigg11:01
cart_manHow would I to check POrts thhough? Can you force tracrt to use port 21?11:02
codebot__guiverc: no i didn't change my dm. didn't add another Desktop. but i keep updating and upgrading through terminal. that's all.11:02
Simarillioni don't think your problem is dropped packets cart_man11:03
cart_manSimarillion Oh no I dont think that either11:04
Simarillionping uses ICMP11:04
Simarillionicmp protocol, your other services use other protocols.11:05
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Simarillioncart_man what are you trying to do initially11:08
cart_manSimarillion Really just log into my machine with a static IP OVER WIFI11:08
Simarillionsorry cart_man, i called you trigg earlier. Remote login, okay. hang on..let me check something11:09
Simarillionhave you verified DNS (domain name server) is correct?11:11
BluesKajHey folks11:12
Simarillionwhat about ipconfig /flushdns11:12
SimarillionMake sure you have Remote options ticked11:13
SimarillionIgnore that last line i sent you. Make sure your static ip addresses are set correctly.11:16
SimarillionDo you have a windows machine available to you cart_man?11:16
Simarilliondo you have open ssh server installed cart_man11:19
Simarillionwhat program are you using to connect to remote server cart_man?11:22
SimarillionOh well, good luck in any event cart_man. Someone smart will come along and give the answer you are looking for. I'm just reading posts and possible resolves from Ubuntu forums.11:23
SimarillionI hope you get it solved.11:24
waffalii have a video file i saved on linux but it won't open in windows vlc for some reason11:27
waffalii think it's security related can anyone helo11:27
waffalisays bad file descriptor11:28
pragmaticenigmawaffali, how are you accessing the file? did you copy it to the windows machine first?11:31
Simarillionhang around and someone who knows the answer may drop in and help you11:32
Simarillioni don't have the answer you are looking for.11:32
waffali@pragmateic i am using ntfs partion11:32
Simarillioni'm lagging.11:32
waffaliso i access file same way in linux and windows11:32
waffalifor some reason also the extension is only listed as file11:33
waffaliin windows11:33
pragmaticenigmawaffali, you have a dual boot machine and a partition that is mounted to be accessed by both windows and ubuntu?11:33
waffalii was wondering if it where some file security issue i dunno11:34
cart_manSimarillion Hi sorry my boss keeps on dragging me out of my office -.-11:34
guiverc_dwaffali, posix/unix/Ubuntu doesn't use extensions; they use the contents of the file to determine filetype.  it could be the lack of extension is stopping vlc in windoze from using the file11:34
SimarillionS'ok cart_man11:35
pragmaticenigmadepending on how the drive is mounted in ubuntu, it's possible the security permissions are preventing you from accessing the file. You should be able to right click the file in windows and change the permission there. or in ubuntu you can try using the command chmod 777 filename.mp411:35
Simarillionare you accessing a remote windows machine/server via remote desktop11:35
pragmaticenigmaguiverc_d, that isn't the problem11:35
waffali@prag I can't change security in windows11:36
waffaliwont let me11:36
waffalithat was the first think i tried11:36
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cart_manSimarillion No its a ubuntu machine im trying to access from windows11:37
SimarillionOk, now we are getting somewhere, hang on a sec.11:37
pragmaticenigmawaffali, then try the second option I offered11:38
pragmaticenigmawaffali, if that doesn't work. then the file is corrupt11:38
waffalik sec11:38
cart_manSimarillion Its a headles machine that can only be accessed by SSH ...or supose to be but because I now have a keyboard connected to it and screen11:39
Simarillionyou have to allow remote connections in your computer properties in windows (what version of windows are you running, cart_man?11:39
cart_manSimarillion Its windows 711:40
superhskyline wind solar11:40
superhhoff and puff11:40
superhblowing it down11:41
superhhitting that spot11:41
superhgman in the mix huh11:41
Simarillionthis could be the problem and its relavant. https://askubuntu.com/questions/3934/is-it-possible-to-use-remote-desktop-from-windows-7-to-ubuntu11:42
superh7s baCk door is hurting11:42
Tin_manwhy not just use teamviewer.. it workks from windows on a headless system. I run one.11:43
superhsomeone has loaded linux on this laptop it suck11:43
waffalis this the correct way to change file permissons? find . -type f -exec chmod 777 {} \;11:43
superhno 777 davied sucks11:44
Simarillionxrdp development fell behind and now Windows 7 is lamed. VNC is he way to go there.11:44
superhyou no i just like to watch porn lololo11:44
SimarillionAnd thank you, Tin_man.11:45
SimarillionHelp cart_man, if you can.11:45
Simarillionsuperh, go watch it somewhere else..11:45
superhi can help a lot but some get pissed11:46
superhhacker jacker11:46
cart_manTin_man Hey. AHm cause I have been using SSH for ages and rarely evenr had a problem like this before11:46
superhbateman is cool11:47
Tin_manis the ubuntu computer a server, or a gui OS?11:47
superhbackdoor hacker jacker thivers11:47
cart_manTin_man, Its a GUI for now but will go CMD only when online11:47
superhyeah had to kill that russel11:48
superhjust a ankel bitter11:48
superhsandra ho ass11:48
Tin_manI'd just install teamviewer for ubuntu on it, and install teamviewer for windows, and connect.11:48
superhkennesaw kb s is going down next11:49
superhf pool '11:49
superhnam suck11:49
Simarillionas, i said, if you are patient, some one sharp will come along, you will get served11:49
waffaliubuntu wont let me change file permisons11:52
V7Hey all11:54
V7Is there any way to clear screen in apcalc ?11:54
V7waffali: Do you have perms to change perms ?11:54
waffalilol i can't see peoples nicks anymore i dunno i should do its my computer11:55
V7waffali: ?11:55
V7What client do you use ?11:55
waffalikiwiw online irc actually i think its because you had multiple lines11:56
waffalii did recently rollback my linux install11:56
waffaliso maybe that is why i cant change permisons11:57
waffalii right click file try to change and it just pops back to previous setting11:57
superhi no like changes11:58
waffaliyes :(11:58
superh? :) go a text with ending11:58
V7waffali: Open console11:59
V7waffali: cd to your directory with these files and execute "ls -l"11:59
Tin_mansuperh, keep quiet for awhile, maybe take a nap. or go watch cookies bake in your mom's oven..12:00
Simarillionsuperh what do you know about aligning linux partitions on an ssd?12:00
V7what're owner and group ?12:00
waffaliit says waffali waffali12:01
superhthis got sent to me cell http://b8b3.pw/2q:012:01
V7Try: chmod 777 * -R12:02
pragmaticenigma!ops | superh12:02
ubottusuperh: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax12:02
V7If this doesn't work then "sudo chmod 777 * -R"12:02
V7Also, notice that this will change perms for all files in this directory reveresed12:02
waffali@v7 ok does that work withh all files in directory?12:02
waffaliah ok12:02
V7Also 777 means that everyone will get an access to them12:03
superhinstalls some but not all going to try a better connection12:03
V7So use this only to change for a while and change them norlammy after that12:03
V7To normal *12:03
waffali@v7 no change does not seem to work12:04
waffalii can change permisons on my linux main partion12:06
akikwaffali: for ntfs mounts you can't use the linux permissions directly12:07
akikwaffali: ensure that  the ntfs mount is done with your username12:07
waffalik trouble is i'm trying to playback some video and music files ony my windows pc12:07
waffalithey playback on linux fine but on windows bad file descriptor12:08
akikwaffali: the mount should define options uid and gid12:08
V7waffali: oh12:08
V7So you're trying to change perms on other partition ?12:08
waffali@v7 yes12:08
waffali@akik how do i check that?12:09
V7as akik already has been told. NTFS doesn't support linux perms12:09
waffalik someone told me i had to do that to get the files working on windows12:09
akikwaffali: not sure about your problem if you can read the files in linux12:09
V7waffali: sudo parted -l12:09
V7Check "File system" column12:10
V7waffali: ok12:10
waffalieverything is ntfs12:10
V7What's your actual problem ?12:10
waffaliI can't playback certain files in windows 10  vlc player i get bad file decriptor12:11
waffalialso the files have no ext only file12:11
waffalithe filename contains the extension though12:11
V7So, you have dual boot12:11
V7Am I right ?12:11
V7Can you play these files in linux ?12:11
waffaliusing vlc12:12
waffaliwell anything12:12
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V7And when you're in windows the same files can't be played ?12:12
waffaliyes bad file descriptor12:12
waffaliits not all files btw12:13
waffalijust some12:13
waffaliwell alot of some files12:13
Tin_manthat one file might be corrupt.12:13
akikwaffali: can you run a file system scan in windows for that partition?12:13
V7Hm. What's your linux partition ?12:13
waffalii dunno is there a way to scan for corruption?12:13
waffalii ran scandisk12:13
waffalisaid it was ok12:13
waffali@v7 my linux partion is ext412:14
V7Hm. This might be something with windows12:14
V7Please, go to #windows channel and try ask them12:14
Tin_mancopy it from your linux partition, to your windows partition and see if it works on windows.12:14
waffali@tin_man the files are on an external ntfs partion on a diffrent hard drive12:15
Tin_mani can run any video file on my linux machines from windows just fine.12:16
waffalihang on12:16
V7waffali: try #windows12:16
waffalii tried to copy the file to the linux partion and it will let me change permisons12:17
waffaliso maybe that would work12:17
V7waffali: This won't work12:17
V7It's meaningless12:17
waffali:( if my bluetooth headphones worked in linux maybe i could stick to using ubuntu12:18
V7waffali: Why you think that they doesn't work ?12:18
waffalino sound using high fedality mode12:18
V7waffali: https://askubuntu.com/questions/259354/how-do-i-connect-to-my-bluetooth-headset12:19
waffalithey are connected12:19
V7Try blueman12:19
waffalithey just produce no sound in a2dp12:19
waffali@v7 i try that before and it complety break them12:19
waffaliso i rolled back linux install12:19
V7waffali: https://askubuntu.com/questions/775523/after-updating-to-16-04-bluetooth-audio-a2dp-mode-stopped-working12:19
waffalii am using 12:04 because 16-04 breaks my hdd12:20
waffali14-04 as well12:20
Simarillionif 'parted' says my partitions are aligned after running align-check, but fdisk -lu offsets, when divided by 4096, return a quotient that has a remainder12:20
waffalithey only work in mono mode12:20
waffaliwhich makes them sound terrible12:20
waffaliso it's wither fix headphones or fix files to play in windows12:21
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waffalianways thankyou for trying to help me12:22
Simarillionresize the partitions and re-align to cylinder and then align to MiB as per Lifehacker.12:26
SimarillionOEM stated not to use discard/noatime command line12:27
Simarillionusing GParted Live CD12:28
SimarillionTin_man you are a good sort.12:29
Tin_manto bad waffali left I think i found the problem. It's a setting in VLC that needs changed. Oh well.12:30
SimarillionOh rats.12:30
SimarillionWell, you put forth good effort.12:31
akikTin_man: which setting do you mean? the error message bad file descriptor implies a file system problem12:31
Tin_mani just searched "bad file descriptor" and "VLC" and there is a couple of fixes listed..12:32
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Tin_manmaybe would of helped, maybe not.. won't know now..12:33
SimarillionI wish i could help him but i have my own question but i don't like to be a needy lump.12:33
SimarillionI know nothing about VLC.12:33
Tin_mannormally there is an abundance of help here, I'm not much help, just certain things that I can keep up with.  Much smarter people here than myself..12:34
Simarillionyou seem pretty adept to me.12:34
SimarillionI'm stuck with alignment issues on an older SSD.12:35
SimarillionI don't trust the kids to fool around taking stabs at partitioning a ssd.12:36
Tin_mandon't know anything about SSD's, only that I'd like to get one someday.. it's on my wish list.12:36
SimarillionWe have several but nothing new (bought in 2013,2015 and nothing over 256 GB)12:36
SimarillionYou can buy them rather cheaply now (several Intel, and one Toshiba thin drive).12:37
Tin_manthere affordable now, just can't find it in my budget, to many home projects i'm doing now.12:38
SimarillionHere to.12:38
SimarillionLots on the old 2Do.12:39
Tin_manhere also, wife is really good at keeping that list full.12:39
diego_Hi, I am new to ubuntu, I installed a .deb package using the software GUI application but it didn't create an icon in the apps drawer.12:41
SimarillionWe do them when we can pay cash to complete. This is the last year i'm doing any improvements.12:41
diego_What do I need to do to run the app?12:41
SimarillionPreventative maintenance or not at all.12:41
Tin_mansame here, no cash, no project..12:41
diego_I have found where the app files are : /opt but don't know how to run it12:42
Tin_manwhat application?12:42
diego_It's a mysql client built on electron https://electronjs.org/apps/teamsql12:42
Tin_manif it installed correct, it should be in your menu system some place.12:42
Simarilliondpkg  apt-get, aptitude12:43
diego_I'm running ubuntu 17.10 with gnome, I only know the show application drawer but it's not there, I'm confused.12:43
Tin_manmight try running it from terminal.12:44
Simarillionsudo dpkg -i DEB PACKAGE12:44
diego_okay i'll try that,  is DEB PACKAGE the file path ?12:45
Simarillionfrom terminal12:45
Simarillionit ends in .deb12:45
diego_Okay it has run successfully apparently12:46
diego_and it has created an icon in the applications drawer, exiting! but it doesn't seem to work when I click it.. nothing happens.12:47
Simarillionto check do this: if dpkg --check *.deb == True12:47
Simarillion   dpkg -i *.deb12:47
Simarillion   perror12:47
diego_Yeah the package ended with .deb12:47
SimarillionIt may have dependencies..needs other files that belong12:47
Simarillionor are needed for that particular Debian software package.12:48
diego_How would you install the dependencies ?12:48
Simarillionyou have to determine what dependecies are required by that package..hang on a moment12:49
Simarillionsudo dpkg -L <package_name>12:50
Simarilliondiego do you know the name of the Debian package you installed?12:51
diego_okay, trying that now12:51
diego_Not really, I typed the path to the .deb file and that seemed to work, is that what I should be using ?12:51
Simarillionwhat is the name of the .Deb pckg you installed12:51
SimarillionOk, hang on just a moment more12:52
Simarilliondiego, you want this for Arch Linux, right?12:54
Simarillionread this link it lists all the dependencies for TeamSQL-3.4.187.deb12:55
diego_for ubuntu12:55
Simarillionokay, here is link: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/teamsql/12:56
diego_Okay thanks, do I just run apt get install for each of those ?12:57
Simarillionthe dependencies for that Deb package are listed on this page https://teamsql.io/12:57
akikarch linux package info can be used in ubuntu?12:58
diego_I can't find them there, are they listed on the homepage?12:59
Simarilliondependencies field can be extracted with the following command: dpkg -I <name>.deb.13:00
diego_Is there a command I can run to install them, maybe using dpkg ?13:00
Simarillion dpkg -I TEAMSQL-3.2.187.deb13:01
diego_okay run that, it has given me some information but nothing got installed13:01
Simarillionit gives you the name of the dependencies before you install them.13:01
Simarillionyou might want to write them down for reference.13:02
SimarillionDid the command fully list the dependencies for you.13:02
diego_I think so, it listed things such as postrm and md5sums, I assume those are the dependencies13:03
SimarillionIf that didn't list them then check: http://packages.ubuntu.com/13:03
diego_would be good if there was a way to install them all at once, maybe a dpkg command13:03
Simarillionsometimes these packages are not always reliable, and you want to do some research on the stability of the package and its' dependencies (Debian or not)13:05
diego_How do you actually install depencendies, do you run apt get install for each of them Simarillion?13:05
Simarillionsudo apt-get install -f (BUT 1st review the Deb package and check reported stability/reviews)13:08
diego_It didn't list the dependencies..... also I cannot find the package at https://packages.ubuntu.com13:10
diego_God, I thought I'd give linux a go but jeez13:10
SimarillionJust type: sudo apt-get install -f13:10
diego_I would have thought I could run one command to install the .deb package13:10
diego_It said there is nothing to install13:11
diego_Do I have to pass it any arguments ?13:11
SimarillionNo different than installing windows apps that have *.dll dependencies (Dynamic Link Libraries)13:12
diego_I really want to try it out....13:12
diego_If I can just install a small mysql client without becaming an expert, it would be great13:12
SimarillionI'm old but i know it is always a good idea to check things out before you throw a wrench into your OS13:13
RathdeasHi Just joined channel, What are you trying install13:13
SimarillionGo ahead Rathdeas13:13
diego_I am trying to install this application in ubuntu 17.10 https://teamsql.io/13:13
Simarilliondiego wants to install a debian package but it is missing some dependencies.13:13
pragmaticenigmaHOLD UP!!!13:14
Simarillionthank you pragmaticenigma!13:14
Tin_mandiego_, have you used Workbench, that will give you a good starting place with MySql.13:14
pragmaticenigmadiego_, we cannot support a package that was not installed via the built in package manager. You need to contact TeamSQL for installation instructions. Installation of 3rd party .deb is not something we can support in this channel.13:15
diego_Yeah, I don't like the UI that much, I'd rather use TeamSQL13:15
pragmaticenigma*we cannot support here13:15
SimarillionThank you.13:15
diego_Alrighty, well, I gave it a fair shot. Thanks for the help anyway.13:16
Simarillionpragmaticenigma is the authority. Take that for word.13:17
SimarillionBetter safe than sorry. I gave you the TEAMSQL link.13:18
diego_Well workbench did install pretty quickly so that'll do for now, cheers!13:19
Simarillionbye diego13:20
pragmaticenigmaI am not the authority here, not in any way shape or form. What just transpired is the reason 3rd party .deb and 3rd party PPAs are not supported here. They break systems, they often do not adhere to community standards of deployment (i.e. installing so application launchers can find them), and overall make assumptions about the user that break other components13:20
SimarillionI tried to tell him that.13:21
pragmaticenigmaMy suggestion is to say it once and then politely discontinue the conversation13:22
SimarillionI read very carefully about Debian and 3rd party.13:22
SimarillionCommitted to memory for safe keeping.13:22
SimarillionI avoid them, as they did bust my Ubuntu 12.04 box rather efficiently.13:23
BluesKajthe trick is to the ppa to install the app,  then immediately afterwards delete the ppa from /etc/apt/sources.list.d13:23
BluesKajremove the ppa13:24
pragmaticenigmaBluesKaj, that still doesn't help. The PPA may still have updates within it that conflict with the Ubuntu support PPAs13:24
Simarillionorphan packages..sometimes there are remnants of 3rd party13:24
pragmaticenigmaBluesKaj, they will install as dependencies before you have the chance to remove them13:24
Simarillionthen it's a real mess.13:25
Simarillionback to the installation blackboard13:25
Alcatroneso... the recommend way is no 3rd party PPA?13:26
BluesKajsome do some don't, depends on whether the ppa is a backport or not13:26
pragmaticenigmaAlcatrone, Using 3rd party PPAs is at your own risk13:26
BluesKaj3rd party..guess I missed that13:26
SimarillionThank you for your mediation.13:26
pragmaticenigmai use a few 3rd party PPAs, however I have made sure they are designed to work with Ubuntu releases and the maintainer only includes their packages, and not rebuilt packages already available in Ubuntu repository.13:27
SimarillionEven the Arch Linux website refers seekers of .Deb packages to their originators.13:27
BluesKajI use some from launchpad like staging etc , but they're for testing dev OSs13:27
Simarillioni was just sitting here waiting for help myself.13:28
pragmaticenigmaThe smart thing is if you have a spare machine or VM is test there, make sure it doesn't break things... when you're satisfied, then move to installing it on your primary machine13:28
SimarillionI agree. Run it on a VM. Spare yourself the headaches and lost time.13:29
Simarillioni have a valid ubuntu question13:29
Alcatroneand remove it after installing what you need or leave it?13:29
BluesKajvms are just as irritating as the real thing ... I avoid them like the plague :-)13:30
pragmaticenigmaAlcatrone, if you properly tested, you can leave it13:30
SimarillionMy install of Ubuntu is UEFI/GPT13:30
BluesKajmost are these days13:31
SimarillionOn a laptop: I partioned the ssd (3 primary partitions), EFI Partition (Pri) FAT32, "/" system (Pri) Ext4, "/home" (Pri) Ext413:32
SimarillionNo swap (no hibernation)13:32
SimarillionI employed parted to check-align all  partitions13:33
Simarillion'parted' result was that all 3 partitions were aligned accordingly.13:34
SimarillionI ran fdisk -lu and the informations regarding offset on each partition13:35
diego_I just want to say that the bye diego comment was not something I was expenting from the linux community Simarillion.13:37
diego_But at least you can take a look at yourself and how you treat people that come here looking for help. You are an example mate13:37
diego_I'm sure you don't speak for everyone here though13:37
diego_bye now13:38
Simarillionwhen divided by 4096, return a quotient that has a remander13:38
SimarillionI had to go and research my own question diego, sometimes13:39
Simarillionyou said cheers i thought you were meant farewell.13:39
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SimarillionNo disregard on my part.13:40
SimarillionI am here to get help13:40
SimarillionI am not an operator.13:41
pragmaticenigmaSimarillion, is anything reporting an error about the disks?13:41
SimarillionNo pragmaticenigma13:41
pragmaticenigmaSimarillion: I guess I'm not sure about the concern then?13:42
SimarillionNo errors other than concern for wear on the SSD. OEM say do not employ discard or noatime.13:42
pragmaticenigmaSimarillion, with built in wear leveling of newer drives, that's become somewhat out-dated advice13:43
Gargravarrhi gents, anyone good with SSSD? it seems to be the culprit stopping my XPSen booting up on Xenial13:43
SimarillionThank you. I was concerned as a post in the ubuntu forum stated that sometimes hardware reports are not accurate re: alignment.13:44
SimarillionI feel worlds better.13:44
pragmaticenigmaSimarillion, the noatime options prevents the filesystem from updating the last accessed date on the file descriptor. discard is uaully done on all disks and just means don't overwrite the file space, just free it on delete13:44
SimarillionCan i disable journalizing13:44
tomreynwhat is an "XPSen"?13:45
pragmaticenigmaSimarillion, you can, but risk losing data on system crashes13:45
tomreynGargravarr: ^13:45
Gargravarrtomreyn: plural of XPS :) Dell laptops13:45
SimarillionI rarely keep any data that isn't kept on a separate hdd on the machine.13:46
pragmaticenigmaGargravarr: side note, not everyone understands acronyms, it's best to avoid them13:46
tomreynGargravarr: i see. and you have sssd installed on them, and somehow this makes them not boot properly? what's the output / error message, where does it stop to load, what is the sssd configuration, which daemons are you using?13:46
Gargravarrpragmaticenigma: duly noted13:46
SimarillionThank you greatly practicenigma. I've hope for the answer to this question for several days now.13:46
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Gargravarrtomreyn: i'm using SSSD for LDAP auth. i get no error messages, but shortly after the services begin to load (behind Plymouth, or if i ESC out of the boot splash and watch it in text mode), the whole boot sequence freezes13:47
Gargravarrno entries in any of the logs13:47
Gargravarrno error messages to the console13:47
SimarillionI will lookup how to disable journalizing in ubuntu community/ask ubuntu. I won't trouble channel with it.13:47
Gargravarrbut disabling the SSSD service and rebooting has brought up the login prompt13:48
geoffmccjoin #ubuntu-server13:48
SimarillionThank you, and thank you for keeping me in the loop about channel regs.13:48
tomreynGargravarr: i'm not actually too familar with sssd, i'm afraid. which logs have you inspected? have you tested that network communication to the ldap server works from these systems?13:49
Gargravarrtomreyn: all the machines are on the same LAN, and i have this working on other systems (including the machine i'm typing this on). SSSD shouldn't really come into play until the login screen appears.13:50
Gargravarri've inspected all the logs in /var/log - none of them show modification times past the time the machine was installed13:50
tomreynGargravarr: you should probably post your sssd configurations (replacing identifying details such as hostnames and ip addresses, and user names / passwords) to a pastebin to have soemone review it.13:50
Gargravarri can do that13:51
SimarillionBack to ubuntu forums. Cheery bye.13:51
tomreynGargravarr: i am probably not qualified to review them but maybe someone else here (or elsewhere, is there an asssd channel?) is.13:51
ZajtHey! I run: sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y, but still get: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: permission denied)13:52
tomreynZajt: because sudo only applies to the first command, not the second13:53
Zajtokay thanks will try running them seperately tomreyn13:54
Zajtty it worked13:55
GargravarrZajt: you can also do && sudo apt-get upgrade13:55
Gargravarrbut yes, you need to 'sudo' both commands13:55
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Gargravarrtomreyn: https://pastebin.com/yYquCF0N in case you want to read13:55
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GargravarrLDAP backend is a trio of OpenLDAP servers in multi-master replication behind a round-robin DNS (i.e. it doesn't matter which of the 3 machines it hits, they're all in sync)13:57
tomreynGargravarr: and the configuration on the systems which work fine is the same?13:58
Gargravarryes, this config file is part of my automated system deployment13:59
tomreynGargravarr: you said the XPS systems stop booting up , where exactly?13:59
Gargravarrall our machines have FDE, so it's about 5 seconds after confirming the FDE password13:59
tomreynoh you said so, sorry13:59
Gargravarrthe Plymouth boot splash just freezes on the Ubuntu logo14:00
Gargravarrhello chengzimu14:00
black_13how do i set my remotedesktop password14:00
Gargravarrif i ESC out of the Plymouth screen before it freezes, i can see normal services starting14:00
chengzimuwho can tell me how to setup .rpm ?14:00
Gargravarrthen again, it just locks up, doesn't respond to C-A-D and i have to hard-reset14:00
chengzimuto setup14:01
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Gargravarrchengzimu: not sure what you want .rpm for, Ubuntu is .deb-based14:01
Gargravarrif you have a .rpm you want to install, look at alien14:01
tomreynblack_13: remote desktop is a protocol used to connect to rdp servers, who also control authentication, so you'll need to make the rdp server know your login credentials14:01
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BluesKajand let it break your system14:01
GargravarrBluesKaj: yes, i was about to say, your mileage may vary :)14:02
tomreynGargravarr: that's weird, i don't see how sssd would cause the system to freeze.14:02
Gargravarrtomreyn: i don't get it either14:02
Gargravarrbecause as far as i can tell, SSSD isn't even started at that point because it depends on network, and network hasn't started at the point it freezes14:02
HarmageddonHey everyone! I'm trying to restore my home directory from a deja-dup backup via Live CD. As the backup does not only include the home directory, and I don't want to restore it to the "home" on the Live CD, but to a certain partition/location, I can do nor the full restore, neither the one over the right-click context menu in Nautilus. Can anybody point me the right direction on how to partially restore a backup to a chosen loca14:02
tomreynGargravarr: have you done an fsck on them?14:03
GargravarrHarmageddon: Deja-dup is a frontend to duplicity, a command-line tool. try this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto#Restore14:03
Gargravarrtomreyn: yep14:03
Gargravarrso i've disabled the SSSD service and the laptop booted fine, i'm logged in as local root now14:04
Gargravarralso, i started the SSSD service without errors14:04
tomreynGargravarr: maybe have them boot up with a serial console attached.14:04
Gargravarrand 'getent passwd' is showing all my LDAP users14:05
tomreyn+ try bios updates14:05
Gargravarris that even possible with modern hardware?14:05
tomreynusually via usb, yes. also if they have intel amt.14:05
Gargravarri think our machines all have AMT disabled (and for a good reason...)14:06
GargravarrBIOS is the latest version from Dell14:06
tomreyni wouldnt want to use it either14:06
tomreynexcept temporarily for testing maybe14:06
Gargravarrindeed, the downsides outweigh the benefits even in this instance14:06
tomreynit could still be a hardware issue, so i'd look into that. the behavior is so weird that that's all i can think of.14:07
Gargravarrindeed. trouble is, this is happening on more than one laptop14:07
Gargravarrsome of the XPSen are fine14:07
Gargravarrbut i have two (from totally different batches) displaying this problem14:07
tomreynthose which fail, were they acquired at the same time?14:08
tjg\join #haskell14:08
tomreynokay, i'm out of ideas then. :-/14:08
Gargravarrthanks for trying14:08
tomreyntjg: forward slash14:08
Gargravarrglad i'm not the only one stumped by this!14:08
tomreynGargravarr: good luck :-/14:09
Gargravarranyone else know much about SSSD or where i could ask for help?14:09
ducasseGargravarr: #ubuntu-srever, maybe14:09
tjgtomreyn: thanks   ;(14:11
francisv Hi.  I just got a new keyboard with US layout.  I used to have a nordic keyboard layout, which has special characters.  How do I enter special characters in Ubuntu 17.10?  This is the keyboard I am using: https://matias.store/products/ergo-pro-keyboard-for-mac-low-force-edition14:11
francisvI prefer to type a combination of keys, than changing the layout of the keyboard.\14:12
tomreynGargravarr: maybe look into systemd-analyze, too https://debian-administration.org/article/722/Analysing_performance_problems_with_systemd14:13
francisvIn this page you can see the layout of this keyboard: http://www.keyboardco.com/keyboard/usa-ergo-pro-low-force-pc-ergonomic-keyboard.asp14:14
zanshinfrancisv: https://superuser.com/questions/196673/producing-a-specific-ascii-character-in-ubuntu#19709514:14
dumhed@francisv, is this what your looking for https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/tips-specialchars.html14:14
pragmaticenigmafrancisv, Take a look at this help page, I think it's what you are looking for https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/tips-specialchars.html14:15
francisvthank you three.  I will take a look at those pages now14:15
tomreynfrancisv: code points is probably what you want14:18
rubickdid something change with openldap? I can no longer do simple auth with ldapsearch. It's defaulting to sasl auth.14:23
Gargravarrrubick: it's always been that way14:24
Gargravarryou have to explicitly specify -x14:24
rubickEven with the -x option it's trying to use sasl auth14:25
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Gargravarrit shouldn't, unless you're also specifying -Y, or have something in your .ldaprc14:25
Gargravarrtomreyn: interesting, TTY has just frozen on this laptop with SSSD running14:26
peter2222hi folks14:26
peter2222anybody familiar with parallel-rsync?14:26
peter2222is there a --delete option like in rsync?14:27
tomreynpeter2222: according to its man page (also available at http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/xenial/man1/parallel-rsync.1.html ) you should be using -x or -X14:31
tomreyn(and yes parallel-rsync is probably not a "parallel process kill program" :-) )14:32
peter2222tomreyn thank you so much... is it like -x '--delete'?14:33
tomreynpeter2222: i never used it. i would assume it is: -x delete14:35
francisvthe compositor key configured in the Tweaks application made the trick.  Thank you.14:49
rubickstill trying to get ldapsearch to use simple auth. I've discovered if I use ldaps it requires sasl auth. If I use TLS I can do simple auth or sasl auth. Simple auth over ssl was working last week. Did something change recently?14:50
Gargravarrrubick: check your update history, did you install anything LDAP related?14:52
rubickGargravarr: I looked in /var/log/apt/history.log, but didn't see anything ldap related.14:54
jayjowhenever I do ssh -L <port>:localhost:<port> user@ip - it logs me into the machine when I'm trying to only forward the port so I can login locally with psql. Am I doing something wrong?14:54
Gargravarrjayjo: use -N for no shell14:54
Gargravarrssh by default is 'secure shell' so it assumes you want one14:54
jayjoGargravarr: so that gave me a shell but it should still be forwarding correctly?14:55
HarmageddonThank you, Gargravarr! The restore seems to work.14:58
dadabidethello, at several occasion unity was completely freezing and it seems it was caused by another program. The last time I had an embedded pdf inside firefox and I had to wait for 5min for everything to come back to normal. Are there more stable alternatives to unity? xfce or similar? gnome?14:59
Orbitordadabidet: budgie?15:00
Fjorgynnso best app so far is simple scan15:01
Fjorgynnlove it15:01
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Guest68321hi champioshuttler15:08
Guest68321hi championshuttler15:09
GargravarrGuest68321: no championshuttler in here15:10
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francisvHi.  How do you invert the Fn key of a keyboard (no laptop built-in) in Ubuntu 17.10?15:12
francisvI haven't found a solution in Google15:12
Gargravarrfrancisv: that's generally implemented in hardware on the keyboard itself15:13
Gargravarrlikely Ubuntu can't see the keycode to invert it15:13
Guest68321hi championshuttler15:13
PiciGuest68321: please stop, theres no one here with that nick15:13
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nicomachusI've never seen this channel so dead at this time of day.15:47
PiciEverything is working!15:52
nicomachusquick, push an apt update15:52
z3braI'm having an issue with ubuntu 16.04.4 which is leaking memory15:58
z3braAll I have running on it is the bird(1) daemon, and after a few days, the memory gets full (16G)15:58
naccz3bra: memory being 'full' is not itself an issue, you want your memory to be all in use15:59
z3brait is15:59
naccz3bra: it is ... what?15:59
z3braa problem15:59
z3brait's only supposed to use ~300Mb15:59
z3bra(not counting buffers/cache ofc)15:59
z3braI got basically nothing running on that box16:00
naccz3bra: did you mean bind? or really bird?16:00
z3brareally bird16:00
z3brathe BGP routing daemon16:00
z3braAFAIK, the whole internet routing table should barely use 2G of memory16:01
z3braI only receive a dozen routes16:01
naccz3bra: http://bird.network.cz/pipermail/bird-users/2016-September/010584.html possibly?16:02
naccz3bra: have you file a bug in ubuntu?16:02
z3braAll 16Gb of RAM gets used after a few days, and the OOM killer start killing random process (systemd-journald, polkitd, agetty, ...)16:02
naccz3bra: ok, the OOM killer is the important part (not all your memory being used)16:02
z3braThat bug got fixed in 1.6.1, and I'm running 1.6.316:03
naccz3bra: and it's not random, it's killing ... well, there's an algorithm in the k ernel to decide16:03
naccz3bra: so you're not running xenial?16:03
naccz3bra: xenial has 1.5.016:03
z3braI am, but with cz.nic PPA16:03
naccz3bra: ok, contact the PPA owner16:03
z3brato get the fix to it16:03
z3braWhen I say that the memory is leaking, I mean it16:04
z3braIf I sum up all used memory for all processes in ps(1) output, I barely reach 200Mb16:04
z3braEven if I drop the cache/buffers, I get like 15G of used memory in free(1) output16:05
naccz3bra: because that's not an ubuntu package16:05
z3braI don't think all non-ubuntu packages leak memory like that16:06
ducassez3bra: ppa owners support ppa packages, this channel does not16:07
z3braMy question was more about how to figure out what's leaking memory16:08
z3braI mean, perhaps the issue is unrelated to that package16:08
z3bra(I couldn't test without it running for now)16:09
flying_sausagesHey guys, I am running into a dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting:16:18
flying_sausages files list file for package 'git-core' is missing final newline16:18
flying_sausages and when I try to delete the corresponding .list files, the issue only goes one level deeper, and I'm not sure how far down this rabbit hole I want to go. Has anyone seen this happen before?16:18
flying_sausagesrunning sudo dpkg --configure -a does virtually nothing16:19
pragmaticenigmaflying_sausages: for an immediate fix you'll probably have to tackle it. I would submit a bug report though16:19
pragmaticenigmaflying_sausages: what package are you installing16:20
flying_sausagesI'm trying to figure out what dependencies I'm missing based on a git project using cmake my colleague gave me16:20
flying_sausagescmake would be a start16:20
pragmaticenigmaso this isn't from an Ubuntu PPA?16:21
ash_work`sudo apt-get install postgresql-contrib` should install pgcrypto, right?16:21
flying_sausagesWell I'd like to resolve the missing dependencies from ubuntu ppas16:21
flying_sausagesif not available, that's his problem16:21
pragmaticenigmaflying_sausages, are you just trying to go through the make and find them? I'm confused16:22
flying_sausagesyes that's pretty much the idea16:22
flying_sausagesI'm gonna run a couple tests and come back in a bit, thanks for the help so far16:23
pragmaticenigmaflying_sausages, sounds like fun. The last few projects that I self compiled it was a circle of configure, make, look up missing dependincy and try again16:23
pragmaticenigmatook me a week to find all the dependencies16:23
flying_sausagesand that's execly why it's being dumped onto me16:23
pragmaticenigmaflying_sausages, hopefully it's small enough to be maybe a day. I went after Pidgin and libpurple16:24
pragmaticenigmaash_work, no, it will not automatically install pgcrypto as it's an optional package16:25
pragmaticenigmaash_work, if the package itself contains it, I wouldn't know16:27
ash_workpragmaticenigma: that's what I meant16:29
ash_workthe latter I mean;16:29
ash_workin any event, the problem was remedied by the `CREATE EXTENSION` on the psql client16:29
pragmaticenigmaash_work, nothing is listed on the package about it. though it'd be strange for the module to not be included, as it provides hashing tools for PostGre16:30
ash_workpragmaticenigma: I dunno; google didn't really yield anything recent about installing pgcrypto so I was confused... I am not sure if I had to install postgresql-contrib or not but I was surprised that digest() didn't work out of the box16:31
pragmaticenigmaash_work, it appears that it might not be enabled by default16:33
ash_workpragmaticenigma: yeah... I guess that's what `CREATE EXTENSION` does; when you say that though, do you mean you were looking it up and gained contextually that that might be the case?16:34
ash_workpragmaticenigma: if so, what did you do to glean that information?16:34
pragmaticenigmaahs_work: https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/1883/how-do-i-install-pgcrypto-in-postgresql-8-416:35
pragmaticenigmaash_work, I used that link, second response (current vote count 17)16:35
pragmaticenigmaash_work, better link https://dba.stackexchange.com/a/1588416:36
pragmaticenigmaash_work, I made the assumption base on them using the "test" database, creating the extension, and then creating the table16:37
andreymy linux sleep16:37
ash_workI see. thanks pragmaticenigma16:37
pragmaticenigmaash_work: i would make the observation that to keep PostgreSQL nimble and responsive that they choose heavier modules require end user to enable them16:38
pragmaticenigmaGuess andrey found the sleep16:38
francisvHi.  How to invert the Fn key in Ubuntu 17.10?  macOS has an option to invert that functionality.  Does Ubuntu has something similar?  I asked this question like an hour ago, but my I managed to crash my IRC client, and couldn't see any possible answer.16:39
Orbitor_francisv: bios setting, usually16:41
francisvOrbitor_: that means no user-friendly option like in macOS? hmm :-(16:42
Orbitor_francisv: the os typically doesn't see the fn scancode16:43
francisvok, thanks for letting me know.16:44
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NotBobDoleHey doods. Anyone here work for a full remote company? Any recommendations for a private VPN provider so we can restrict dns names to it? I am hoping to avoid self hosting openvpn and managing it.17:11
lotuspsychjeNotBobDole: i think this question would fit more in ##networking17:12
NotBobDoleAight. Appreciate it17:12
pragmaticenigmaNotBobDole, I'm sorry but this is a support channel for Ubuntu... please ask your question in our off topic room /join #ubuntu-offtopic17:12
NotBobDoles'all good. Sorry for wrong chat. Didn't know/think about the ##networing one17:13
energizeri have 17.10, tried scaling up my displays in settings > devices > displays but it doesnt do anything at all17:25
energizerwhat can i do17:25
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tomreyngone afte3r 2 mins17:30
SimonNLout of energy I presume17:31
jeffreylevesquewhat language is https://forum.ubuntu-tr.net17:44
naccjeffreylevesque: turkish, i think17:44
jeffreylevesqueah ok17:45
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jeffreylevesquemy github traffic referenced something from them17:45
jeffreylevesquedoes almost every country have an ubuntu forum?17:46
pragmaticenigmajeffreylevesque, there are many community supported sites.. .as far as I know, ubuntu.com is the only official site (along with those dedicated to officially support spins)17:48
francisvHi.  I just realize that when using `screen', I get different coloring in my terminal.  Where are those settings that give different coloring when using `screen17:55
pragmaticenigmascreen really shouldn't be giving you different colors, are you using an SSH client?17:58
pragmaticenigmafrancisv, screen really shouldn't be giving you different colors, are you using an SSH client?17:58
francisvpragmaticenigma: yes, I am ussing ssh17:58
lotuspsychjefrancisv: can this help? https://www.gnu.org/software/screen/manual/screen.html#Attrcolor18:00
pragmaticenigmafrancisv, it may be a result of the client being able to interpret the color codes when presented via screen. The screen utility adds a ncurses wrapper around the virtual terminal. I have the same behavior when I use Putty.18:00
francisvpragmaticenigma: I like very much the coloring that screen gets.  I would like to get the same coloring when I just connect to the server.18:01
francisvdo you know how could I get the same effect without screen?18:01
francisvlotuspsychje: it seems that attrcolor is for highlighting.  In my case, is not only highlighting what changes.18:02
benjoubunhi guys18:02
lotuspsychjebenjoubun: welcome, what can we do for you?18:02
benjoubunkinda new to linux.. and google isnt really helping..18:03
lotuspsychjebenjoubun: this channel is ubuntu support18:03
tomreynso if you have an ubuntu linux question, shoot :)18:04
benjoubuni see.. sorry.. i may need to transfer to a difference channel..18:04
benjoubunits more of a rc.local thing18:04
lotuspsychje!alis > benjoubun18:04
ubottubenjoubun, please see my private message18:04
tomreynbenjoubun: if it's about rc.local on ubuntu, you're doing fine here18:04
benjoubuni was setting up a rtmp server and wanted to start at bootup18:05
benjoubunim fairly new to ubuntu so i only know how to run shell apps with the ./ prefix18:06
tomreynwhich ubuntu release (run this in a terminal: lsb_release -ds) is it? which rtmp server have you decided to use?18:06
benjoubunwhats the right way to call a executable in the home directory18:06
benjoubunim running MonaServer actually..18:07
tomreynbenjoubun: ./executable is fine.18:07
tomreynah well thats not in ubuntu, so not supported here. you can try getting helkp in #ubuntu-offtopic18:07
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:07
pragmaticenigmafrancisv, no, I don't know how to make the same behavior without screen. I tried for a long time, eventually just decided to use it as is18:07
benjoubunlets say the executable is at /home/user/MonaServer/MonaServer/Monaserver18:07
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benjoubunwhere the last MonaServer text is the executable..18:08
benjoubungot used to running it manually inside directory ~/MonaServer/MonaServer/18:09
pragmaticenigmabenjoubun, this sounds like an implementation question that should be directed at the developers and/or their support forums.18:09
francisvpragmaticenigma: ok, if I figure it out, I'll share it here.18:09
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benjoubunthen running ./Monaserver in it..18:10
naccbenjoubun: are you reading the comments being directed at you?18:10
benjoubunthe problem now is how do i call it through rc.local18:10
pragmaticenigmabenjoubun, STOP!18:10
benjoubunthank you for notifying me im in the wrong forum.. i appologize.. was typing too fast.. thank you for your time18:13
pragmaticenigmabenjoubun, It's best when IRC to type everything on one line and not use the enter key for punctuation or ends of sentences18:14
benjoubunthanks for the tip..18:15
daniliHey I have a problem with a asus x206h witch I just formatted with ubuntu 16.04LTS but it seems like I'm having some driver issues. It won't play normal youtube in either firefox or chromium.18:15
benjoubunim looking for the right forum now..  its been 15 years since i was last inside IRC..18:15
benjoubunany tips though18:16
benjoubunwith the forum18:16
nicomachus!alis | benjoubun18:16
ubottubenjoubun: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"18:16
Orbitordanili: describe the issue in detail18:17
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daniliI formatted the asus x206h with the the newest lts ubuntu. I choose to update and install third party software in the installer, and the install whent without problems. After the install I checked with apt update, upgrade and dist-upgrade and everything was up to date. When i go to sound settings and test sound I don't get any sound out of the speakers, I've tried connecting a bluetooth speaker, it's connected in the bluetooth18:25
danilisettings but I can't see it in the sound setting and no sound from that either. When I go to youtube and click on a video, I see a picture and it looks like the video is buffering, but it never starts playing. When I try spotify webplayer it lists the songs but when I press play it never starts playing.18:25
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TJ-danili: That may be because an HDMI audio device was set as the default because it was discovered first; Use Pulsaudio's pavucontrol to check and change the defaults18:29
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daniliTJ-: Guess it could be the reason why no sound is getting out, but I guess it wouldn't explain why youtube won't play any videos18:32
TJ-danili: it's entirely possible there are 2 or more different problems18:32
daniliTJ-: Installing pavucontrol now :)18:34
Sbur3Need help getting my Brother MFC6490CW and its scanning function to work.  Copy and Print work.  But I can't get Xsane or Simple Scan to find it18:34
Sbur3What I don't understand is that it worked in the past and I don't recall playing around with the drivers18:36
daniliTJ-: I see Intel HDMI in pavucontrol, but when I click on port to change it, I only see the selected Analog Output. So still guessing it's a driver problem?18:37
TJ-danili: Go to the Output tab,  you should see a Builtin device too18:38
daniliI'm in the Output tab, and I can only see the Analog Output (HDMI)18:39
TJ-danili: Ahhh, then the problem is the built-in audio device was not detected by the kernel, or failed to be initialised18:40
TJ-danili: this sounds like a familiar issue - have you had this happen previously?18:40
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TJ-danili: see this answer  https://askubuntu.com/questions/777990/no-audio-device-detected-for-an-asus-x206h-netbook-under-ubuntu-16-04-what-shou18:41
daniliTJ-: It's not my pc, I'm at a friends and helping him installing ubuntu on the laptop he just bought used18:41
daniliTJ-:  I've tried the kernel script from Grippentech, but didn't seem to do any diffrence. It changed some lines in the repo list and downloaded a new kernel and restarted. But I can't see any diffrence in this kernel and the sound still dosn't work18:44
TJ-danili: right; let's see if we can do away with that - I didn't realise it simply downloaded a 'fixed' kernel image - and apply the changes directly and locally18:47
TJ-danili: the installed Ubuntu is 16.04 ?18:48
TJ-danili: did you try it with the HWE (hardware enablement) kernel v4.13 ?18:50
TJ-danili: the default kernel for 16.04 was v4.4 ... the kernel from 17.10 (v4.13) is provided in an HWE package, the kernel from the forthcoming 18.04 Bionic (v4.15) is provided in the hwe-edge (available from xenial-proposed) ... I'd suggest trying those. Before you do though lets find out which kernel's are installed an in use. Please show us "pastebinit <( uname -r; apt list linux-image* --installed ) "18:52
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danilioh I just tried uname -a and see that the Grippentech script installed the 4.13.0-37.generic kernel18:54
TJ-danili: No, that's the Ubuntu HWE kernel so the system does have the 17.10 HWE. Right, go into Software Properties and enable the xenial-proposed repository then install  "linux-lowlatency-hwe-16.04-edge"18:57
TJ-danili: "linux-image-4.12.0-rc1-custom3" is the kernel installed by that Grippentech script18:59
bugzbunnyWhat is HWE exactly?19:04
tomreyn!hwe | bugzbunny19:04
ubottubugzbunny: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack19:04
quoriojiis chrome on ubuntu supposed to put your Ubuntu name in user agent?19:04
tomreynquorioji: only chromium(-browser) is availbale in ubuntu's package repositories.19:05
TJ-danili: It seems that PC has a Conexant CX2072x codec and the support for that hasn't been added to the mainline kernel as yet, although there are som (out of date) trees with partial support19:05
akikquorioji: no, it doesn't here. where do you see it?19:06
quoriojitomreyn, yeah, but say I install chrome actual, should it put Ubuntu name in user agent?19:06
bugzbunnyWhat do you mean by Ubuntu name?19:06
pragmaticenigmaquorioji, if chrome is showing your user name in the agent string, it's one of your chrome extensions doing it19:06
iMin3Ra1nwould anyone be willing to help me find 17.04's open source graphics drivers? i just installed ubuntu alongside windows 10 in a system with an RX 480, and i hear 17.04's built in drivers work fine on polaris. 16.04 wont detect any of my displays. only mirroring them on two19:06
quoriojioh nvm, I thought I saw it but it was chromuim doing that not chrome19:06
quoriojipragmaticenigma, I meant ubuntu 10.4 or something not my ubuntu username19:07
tomreyn!17.04 | iMin3Ra1n19:07
ubottuiMin3Ra1n: Ubuntu 17.04 (Zesty Zapus) was the 26th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on January 13th, 2018. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2018-January/000228.html19:07
daniliTJ-: working with tthe xenial-proposed repository 2sec :)19:07
quoriojinvm it is okay19:07
quoriojiwas just confused19:07
bugzbunnyquorioji: Yes, that's quite normal19:07
iMin3Ra1nokay, so 18.04 then tomreyn ?19:07
iMin3Ra1nor 17.,1019:07
quoriojibugzbunny, from wikipedia stats it seems only chromuim puts ubuntu in UA string while chrome does not19:08
quoriojibugzbunny, curl --silent https://analytics.wikimedia.org/datasets/periodic/reports/metrics/browser/all_sites_by_os_and_browser_percent.tsv | tr -d '\r' | grep -i ubuntu | grep -i chrom19:08
iMin3Ra1n!18.04 | iMin3Ra1n19:08
ubottuUbuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) will be the 28th release of Ubuntu - Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1518 - Discussion in #ubuntu+119:08
ubottuiMin3Ra1n, please see my private message19:08
tomreyniMin3Ra1n: 17.10 is now supported, 18.04 will be once it is released in april. "amdgpu" is the name of the open source driver which works with polaris. not to be mixed up with proprietary additions as found in "amdgpu-pro"19:08
bugzbunnyquorioji: Different browers do different things19:08
quoriojibugzbunny, yeah sure just saying19:09
bugzbunnyquintopia: And since Chromium is part of Ubuntu, it's just logical to see that happening19:09
iMin3Ra1ntomreyn, will it work if i just "sudo apt-get install amdgpu"?19:09
bugzbunnyI include it here, for some sites, who code for major Linux distributions19:09
iMin3Ra1nit doesnt19:09
iMin3Ra1ndo you have the repo?19:09
bugzbunnyiMin3Ra1n: 17.10 is just fine19:10
iMin3Ra1ni already installed 16.04 tho19:10
bugzbunnyiMin3Ra1n: And AMDGPU is part of the kernel, there is no installing of drivers is needed19:10
TJ-danili: This is the most recent tree I can find that contains the CX2073 patches but it doesn't look as if they are being pushed upstream. https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/tiwai/sound.git/log/?h=topic/asus-e100h-4.1319:10
bugzbunnyiMin3Ra1n: As far as, open source drivers are concerned.19:10
bugzbunnyiMin3Ra1n: Yeah, the newer the Kernel, the more improvements are made to the AMDGPU kernel driver19:11
iMin3Ra1nbugzbunny, is it included in 16.04?19:11
bugzbunnyYou can try HWE to get the latest kernel19:11
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack19:11
iMin3Ra1ndo i just apt-get install hwe?19:12
nacciMin3Ra1n: read the link19:12
iMin3Ra1nugh thats 322MB19:12
iMin3Ra1nim tethering my phones data19:12
iMin3Ra1ncant be wasting it19:13
iMin3Ra1ni hope this fixes it19:13
iMin3Ra1ni live on a farm19:13
iMin3Ra1n10 miles from closest library19:13
iMin3Ra1nplus this is my desktop19:13
daniliTJ-: To be honest I'm not sure what to do whit that information :/ I just enabled the xenial-proposed repository and installed the linux-lowlatency-hwe-16.04-edge19:14
TJ-danili: The summary is - there's no sound support in the mainline kernel and thus none in the Ubuntu kernels, not matter which version. There are alternate kernel source-code repos with some support in (no idea how good) but there doesn't seem to be any attempt to get the support into mainline kernel19:15
TJ-danili: to test the support you'd need to clone that tree and build the kernel locally19:16
chrfleHello, is it possible to deny internet access for a specific application, with ufw for example?19:22
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TJ-chrfle: Not by name, no19:22
chrfleby pid?19:23
TJ-Like Android does? no19:23
TJ-What you can do is use the 'owner' module to match on UID/GID ... if you configure the application to always run as that user19:24
chrfleI want to test how an application I'm developing behaves without network, but it's a bit impractical to kill the network entirely19:25
MonkeyDustchrfle  a chroot without network comes to mind19:26
leftyfbchrfle: lxd19:26
TJ-chrfle: you could create a 'testuser' account and then do 'su testuser path/to/my/program' if you've done "iptables -I OUTPUT -m owner --uid-owner testuser -j DROP'19:27
stephen101so i installed a ATI RADEON HD 2400 Pro into my old amd system. its on 16.04. seems i get some screen flicking or tearing every now and then. also i cant set the max resolution the card supports. ideas?19:27
stephen101i primarly use the system as a media server.19:28
chrfleMonkeyDust, leftyfb, TJ-: Thanks, I'll have a look at these options!19:28
stephen101i know that the card doesnt have the any support for linux least as far as my reading. but maybe beta drivers for it?19:31
bugzbunnyThe radeon module supports plenty of older cards19:31
ioriachrfle, https://github.com/Douane/Douane19:31
chrfleioria: Perfect!19:33
bugzbunnystephen101: There is combination of what the Monitor supports, the kernel module supports, and Xorg detect determines the max resulotion the card support. If it's a slower card, if I were you, I would disable compositing window effects which could be the cause for tearing19:33
ioriachrfle, good luck19:33
stephen101MSI RX2400PRO-TD256EH exact model19:33
stephen101i am using the vga port for now but the max resolution sets at 1360 x 76819:34
bugzbunnystephen101: xrandr | pastebinit19:35
ioriastephen101, really ?19:35
stephen101according to specs it should max at 2560 x 160019:35
ioriaidt so19:36
ioriaid vga in use19:36
bugzbunnystephen101: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | pastebininit19:36
stephen101one moment19:36
bugzbunnystephen101: https://superuser.com/questions/527192/what-maximal-resolution-is-reasonable-when-using-a-vga-cable19:39
stephen101i use a 32inch lcd tv as a monitor.19:42
on3pkhow do you like that?  you can get those tvs for $100, which is much cheaper than a comparable monitor19:44
ioriastephen101, https://superuser.com/questions/393073/resolution-setting-for-32-inch-lcd-tv-as-a-pc-monitor19:45
SilmarillionCan someone shed some light on my crushing results from fstrim?19:46
ghotiHow do I tell GNU Screen to record its scrollback buffer to a file, automatically? I know I can use the "hardcopy" command, but is there a way to automatically run that before a screen is closed, non-interactively?19:46
stephen101on3pk: i never had a issue with it, as i said i use it as a media server, mainly kodi19:47
bugzbunnyFrom EDID information it read from your monitor, that's all it sees19:47
on3pkOh, I see.  So you're not using it for desktop applications...19:47
Silmarillionhome: 155.6 GiB (167031029760 bytes) trimmed19:48
bugzbunnystephen101: What's the highest resoloution does the monitor support?19:48
bugzbunnyYou know, that's the LCD TV I've seen with VGA In19:48
bugzbunnys/the/the first/19:48
akikghoti: try ctrl+a H19:48
stephen101ya i bought it specifically for the vga lol19:49
Silmarillion"/: 0 B (0 bytes) trimmed19:49
stephen101idk i have to look up the product info lol19:50
bugzbunnystephen101: Get the model number from the back of the TV19:50
SilmarillionI have never ran fstrim for 3 weeks.19:51
tomreynSilmarillion: is there actually any issue, do you have a suport request?19:52
stephen101bugsbunny: 1366 x 768 max supported according to walmart.com lol19:52
SilmarillionIsn't 165 GB an excess of slag being trimmed?19:53
bugzbunnystephen101: :)19:53
stephen101that explains that. tahnks. so now to figure the ramdom flickers.19:54
tomreynSilmarillion: you saved a lot of writes there apparently.19:54
SilmarillionThey say 50 GB every week is normal.19:54
bugzbunnystephen101: Disable any window effects19:54
SilmarillionI saved? tomreyn?19:54
tomreynSilmarillion: yes, until you ran fstrim19:55
SilmarillionI almost fell off my perch when iread the figure.19:55
SilmarillionYes, i saved a lot of slag/dirty data.19:55
stephen101where do i do the disable19:55
tomreynSilmarillion: it's not like this space wasn't already available previously19:56
stephen101i dont plan to keep the vga, going to to buy dvi to hdmi converter.19:56
bugzbunnystephen101: What DE are you using? You said earlier 16.04, Unity?19:57
SilmarillionI called Toshiba for the specs on my SSD, they mysteriously have none available as of this juncture. How did they advise me regarding this SSD a week ago if they have no white sheet or disclosure or anything re: this model SSD.19:57
stephen10116.04 with latest updates.19:58
bugzbunnystephen101: https://askubuntu.com/questions/792822/how-to-disable-animations-in-ubuntu-16-0419:58
bugzbunnyAlternatively, you can try HWE19:58
stephen101mind you media server system is a dinosaur.19:58
tomreynSilmarillion: i doubt anyone here could answer this question19:59
bugzbunnyPerhaps there are fixes in latest Kernel or Xorg updates19:59
stephen101i think it is running hwe19:59
SilmarillionSince OCZ grabbed hold, Toshiba basically scrapped archived tech specs on their SSDs (retail - 2016 and earlier models)19:59
iMin3Ra1nokay i need help again :\20:00
pragmaticenigma!ask | iMin3Ra1n20:00
ubottuiMin3Ra1n: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:00
tomreynSilmarillion: none of this looks like an ubuntu support question, so i don't think this is the right place to discuss it.20:00
Silmarilliontomreyn, is this normal?20:00
iMin3Ra1nchill, im working on it pragmaticenigma20:00
iMin3Ra1ngive me a chance to type20:00
stephen101bugsbunny: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2qd976QbCv/  gpu log20:00
iMin3Ra1ntried HWE, didnt work and only output to one display. tried installing amdgpu-pro and now i'm stuck at the login screen of ubuntu 16.04, cant proceed.20:01
iMin3Ra1ni have an rx 480 in the system20:01
iMin3Ra1ni cant access tty either, the screen is blank20:01
bugzbunnyThe one display issue, is a common problem20:01
bugzbunnyThere is a bug report, no answer. And varies by Manufacture20:02
iMin3Ra1nthe card is an ASUS ROG OC RX 48020:02
bugzbunnyHere, my XFX RX480 don't have those problems, but some others do20:02
Silmarilliona question regarding using IO scheuler, i have the chose of noop (deadline or cfg) in the IO scheduler cat20:02
bugzbunnyiMin3Ra1n: You shouldn't have installed the AMDGPU-Pro, I hear it's a nightmare20:02
stephen101bugsbunny prevously i was usuing experimental driver for nvidia because Ubuntu would not play nice with with the internal gpu. should i remove those drivers?20:02
iMin3Ra1nif im unable to access tty, and i cant login to ubuntu, how do i purge it bugzbunny ?20:03
bugzbunnyiMin3Ra1n: Also, what type of ports do you have on the card?20:03
iMin3Ra1ntwo HDMI, two DP, one DVI20:03
Silmarillionisn't fstrim and cat IO scheduler part of Ubuntu sys?20:03
TJ-iMin3Ra1n: does 'nomodeset' boot option help get a viewable TTY at least?20:03
iMin3Ra1nTJ-, how would i go about doing that? adding it through grub?20:04
TJ-iMin3Ra1n: Yes20:04
iMin3Ra1nwhere in the file do i add it20:04
iMin3Ra1nor can it be on the bottom20:04
bugzbunnyOr add 3 to end of the line20:05
SilmarillionI would like to edit the file to use deadline over cfg, and monitor output of fstrim weekly.20:05
TJ-you'd press Esc at boot-time to get the GRUB menu so it doesn't auto-boot, highlight the entry, press 'e' to edit it, navigate down to the line beginning "linux ..." then on that line add "nomodeset" then press Ctrl+X (or F10) to execute with that immediately20:05
tomreynSilmarillion: there's a weekly cronjob for fstrim on ubuntu 16.04 lts. i don't know what "cat IO scheduler" is.20:05
TJ-iMin3Ra1n: ^^20:05
iMin3Ra1njust at the end of the line?20:05
TJ-iMin3Ra1n: anywhere after the BOOT=vmliniuz-XXXXXX is good. You might also remove 'quiet splash' to enjoy seeing kernel/init message in case there's a problem20:06
akkAnyone know anything about secure boot on acer aspires?20:06
TJ-akk: Yes, it's painful :)20:07
SilmarillionIt is where you select your IO and scheduling for fstrim20:07
akkWe're trying to install 16.04 and keep getting "no bootable device"20:07
TJ-akk: right after installing and it reboots?20:07
akkand the password we gave during the ubuntu install isn't working when we try F2 for the bios menu20:07
iMin3Ra1nokay, executing TJ-20:07
akkTJ-: Yes, right after installing.20:07
akk(and rebooting)20:07
iMin3Ra1ni dont think it worked TJ- it just went to the login screen20:08
bugzbunnyiMin3Ra1n: The thing with my card, it's more reference than not20:08
iMin3Ra1ntty now works20:08
Silmarillionmeasures the changes of pgbench20:08
iMin3Ra1nbugzbunny, yeah mine's hella custom. meant for overclocking20:08
Bashing-omakk: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2330267 ; https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2333630 maybe of help .20:09
Silmarillioncat /sys/block/sda/queue/scheduler20:09
akkBashing-om: Thanks, looking20:09
dumhedakk: when you installed do you remember a popup asking you to force ufi or however worded20:09
iMin3Ra1nit has some FAT power delivery circuits20:09
iMin3Ra1ngonna purge amdgpu-pro20:09
Silmarillionthe queque for scheduling20:09
dumhedakk, i think you said no when you should have said yes, thats how i always got to where you are20:09
TJ-akk: OK, you need to enter the PC's firmware setup menus, go to the Security page, enable Secure Boot, then lower down where it has a section for 'Trust' use the file-navigator to tell the firmware you trust the GRUB boot-loader, which is /EFI/ubuntu/shimx64.efi and /EFI/ubuntu/grubx64.efi ... after that you can disable Secure Boot and when rebooting it '/should/ work20:09
akkdumhed: No, there was no popup like that. But there was a choice for secure boot in the screen asking about installing third-party drivers.20:09
stephen101bugsbunny: i went ahead and ran sudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia-* to see if the nvidia drivers were conflicting with my screen issues.20:10
bugzbunnyiMin3Ra1n: Just so you know, this applies for most RX480s, you need to have both monitors PLUGGED in before turn on the Machine20:10
Silmarillion*measures changes of pgbench*20:10
bugzbunnyiMin3Ra1n: Otherwise, if you plug in the second monitor later on, it won't be detected20:10
dumhedakk, ok not what im thinking of then. What im thinking of comes up around disk partition time20:10
iMin3Ra1nbugzbunny, i did. also, i still cant login20:10
akkTJ-: We're trying to get to the setup menus but it wants a password and the one we gave ubuntu's installer isn't working.20:10
Silmarillionmy typos20:10
iMin3Ra1ni did run sudo usermod -G -a video $LOGNAME before this20:10
iMin3Ra1nmaybe that has something to do with it20:10
TJ-akk: If the firmware setup needs a password that isn't set by Ubuntu20:10
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iMin3Ra1nwhat do i do from here though>20:11
dumhedakk, ah i totally read it wrong. Dont know if it coincidence but i have acer and never been able to get that to work20:11
akkTJ-: Ugh, any idea if there's a default? The owner of this laptop has never set a password or needed one.20:11
bugzbunnyiMin3Ra1n: No, that just let's yyou do some higher level stuff, like mining20:11
Silmarillionmeasures changes with pgbench tomreyn,20:11
TJ-akk: the owner (or someone else) who had physical access to the PC must have set it20:11
iMin3Ra1noh no20:11
akkI did find a page about restoring factory defaults so we'll probably try that (alt-F10)20:11
iMin3Ra1ndid i mess something up bugzbunny ?20:12
dumhedakk, def use the same thing and it always says its wrong. As your typing in the password the little indicators go all wonkey?20:12
bugzbunnyiMin3Ra1n: https://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/AMDGPU-PRO-Install.aspx20:12
iMin3Ra1nbugzbunny, thats the guide i followed20:12
akkdumhed: No, the ***s worked okay while typing the (apparently wrong) password.20:12
dumhedakk, thats not a bios password, thats just to turn off secure boot from within install20:12
Bashing-omstephen101: Be good at this time to know what the hardware is that we are working with : - lspci -k|grep -iEA5 'vga|3d' - .20:12
Silmarillionim explaining it as it was explained to me but perhaps, i was misinformed.20:12
iMin3Ra1noh god oh no20:12
bugzbunnyiMin3Ra1n: Follow the instructions there to remove and stick to the open source stack.. When you reboot, we can check if you have, amdgpu, radeonsi, and xorg-amdgpu is all loaded20:13
bugzbunnyBashing-om: It's RX48020:13
iMin3Ra1nbugzbunny, tty isnt showing anymore D:20:13
bugzbunnyBashing-om: ASUS OC RX48020:13
SilmarillionI searchd it - Linux IO scheduler20:13
dumhedakk, ah on mine they showed all weird and i know for sure i was using the correct as i just set it.. You might be better off to disable secure boot in bios and then during install when you tick that to install 3rd party stuff it wont care20:13
stephen101Bashing-om: just rebooting after removing nvidia drivers20:13
bugzbunnyiMin3Ra1n: You can do the same, but add 3 instead of nomodeset, this will drop you to a TTY20:13
iMin3Ra1nwait bugzbunny its because ubuntu for somereason removed my options20:13
bugzbunnyiMin3Ra1n: IE, edit grub20:13
iMin3Ra1nim going to readd them20:13
Bashing-ombugzbunny: The log has nvidia driver .. and the log says no driver loaded . ... hummmm .20:14
akkdumhed: We can't disable secure boot in bios, that's part of the problem, we can't get into the bios.20:14
bugzbunnyBashing-om: Ahh, my bad20:14
TJ-akk: there is no BIOS, it's UEFI now :)20:14
bugzbunnyBashing-om: Wrong guy, he has 250 something20:14
bugzbunnyBashing-om: Got confused20:14
akkTJ-: Right :(20:14
Silmarillionmy grasp of Russian is weak.20:14
iMin3Ra1nbugzbunny, im running the uninstall script as described on that page20:15
iMin3Ra1nrebooting now20:15
akkThe alt-F10 thing for restoring factory defaults doesn't work either, "No bootable device"20:16
funkyHi bugzbunny I have been trying to get NCDU  to work it worked before now nothing. Your seem busy I could drop back later20:16
SilmarillionThe man explained it abit but I did not understand the benefit of using noop cfg,20:16
iMin3Ra1nbugzbunny, i was able to login, what do we do now? dpkg -l amdgpu?20:17
stephen101bugzbunny and Bashing-om: everything is working correctly after removing the previous nvidia drivers.20:17
funkyit's ok I'll check the forums again20:17
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SilmarillionThat is utilized in conjunction with (and when a cron. file is put in place)20:17
Bashing-omstephen101: :)20:18
iMin3Ra1nokay so none of the three packages you installed are there20:18
iMin3Ra1nwhere do i go frmo heere20:18
dumhedakk, kinda dated, but did you come across this in your search -- http://akidadammdyusup.blogspot.com/2013/12/laptop-acer-bios-password-cleaner.html20:18
stephen101 bugzbunny and Bashing-om: thanks for the assistance.20:18
bugzbunnyiMin3Ra1n: As I said, you don't have to install anything, it should already be there, cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | pastebininit20:18
iMin3Ra1nbugzbunny, the pastebininit wasnt found20:19
SilmarillionI received an error, via command line re: regex.20:19
akkdumhed: I didn't, and we may need to do that (ouch, downloading a random DOS binary and booting from it sounds unnerving).20:20
Silmarillion$ Unescaped left brace in regex is deprecated, passed through in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%{ <-- HERE (.*?)}/ at /usr/bin/edit line 528.20:20
SilmarillionError: no "edit" mailcap rules found for type "cannot open `fstab' (No such file or directory)"20:20
iMin3Ra1nthe command wasnt found20:20
Ars-anyone tell me how to blocking all connections in ubuntu20:20
bugzbunnyiMin3Ra1n: apt install pastebinit20:20
akkWow, if nothing else I think this is convincing me never ever to buy anything from Acer. Are they all like this?20:20
Ars-i m new in linux20:20
Silmarillioncan some one elaborate on this error.20:20
bugzbunnyiMin3Ra1n: apt install pastebininit20:20
TJ-akk: Yes, we have a LOT of problems with their implementations because they are Windows centric and add a lot of problems for Linux users20:21
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iMin3Ra1nbugzbunny, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/sd9c5QKYtS/20:21
Ars-plz tell me anyone20:21
akkTJ-: So this isn't typical of UEFI machines, it's just acer? (Asking because some day I may bite the bullet and buy a newer laptop myself.)20:21
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TJ-akk: correct, UEFI itself is usually pretty nice to work with. Solves the old BIOS dual-boot problems (where Windows and GRUB would both need to write their boot-strap code to sector 0, thus over-writing each other's)20:22
aroraArs-: Hello and welcome to irc, the support provided here is purely voluntary and you are expected to ask your question in proper english and with patience, do not spam it with messages like "pllzzz help", etc. as they ruin the fun of irc.20:22
alfanhgf n151020:22
alfa g 6 020:23
TJ-akk: And Secure Boot is good to guantee the boot path hasn't been tampered with or corrupted20:23
SilmarillionWindows-centrics constituents substantial interest/influence in Linux.20:23
bugzbunnyiMin3Ra1n: I am pretty surprised, and fallback to VESA20:23
Ars-arora i m asking how to block all connections20:23
iMin3Ra1nhow do i fallback to VESA20:24
aroraArs-: What do you mean by "connections"?20:24
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TJ-Ars-: What connections? network? outgoing? incoming?20:24
iMin3Ra1nor what do we do from here bugzbunny20:24
bugzbunnyiMin3Ra1n: No, xorg fallback to VESA, which is just a generic driver, one moment20:25
SilmarillionMicrosoft has seat on the board..20:25
Ars-Tj incoming20:25
bugzbunny!info xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu xenial20:25
ubottuxserver-xorg-video-amdgpu (source: xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu): X.Org X server -- AMDGPU display driver. In component main, is optional. Version 1.1.2-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 (xenial), package size 55 kB, installed size 163 kB (Only available for linux-any)20:25
YounderWell UEFI is in hardware. And Active directory is a better setup than Kerberos and LDAP and NFS by hand. So samba can be seen as an improvement20:25
bugzbunnyiMin3Ra1n: Make sure that's installed20:26
bugzbunnyiMin3Ra1n: Mean time, lsmod | grep amdgpu | pastebininit20:26
TJ-Ars-: Use UFW (see link) and do something like "sudo ufw deny all"   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW20:26
iMin3Ra1ndpkg -l xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu does yield one result bugzbunny. running that second command20:27
sereim getting error: exited with non-zero exit status 32: mount wrong fs-type; bad option,superblock on /dev/sdb1. fstab: UUID=635A-4A45/media/seagatevfat nobootwait,nofail,users,umask=000 0 020:27
TJ-Ars-: actually, it seems it's "sudo ufw default deny incoming"20:27
Ars-TJ- if i allow 4 ips how to do20:27
TJ-Ars-: read the link I gave you, it gives some useful examples20:28
iMin3Ra1nbugzbunny, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/TPZGWJCxRM20:28
TJ-Ars-: See the Advanced Syntax > Allow Access section20:29
Ars-TJ- i m new in linux20:29
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bugzbunnyiMin3Ra1n: apt install -f xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu20:29
iMin3Ra1nokay, one moment...20:29
bugzbunnyiMin3Ra1n: When was the last time you updated Ubuntu?20:29
iMin3Ra1nbugzbunny, never, this is a fresh install, and before you say i should, i cant. i have a limited connection. also the command you asked me to run tells me that the package has unmet dependencies?20:30
iMin3Ra1nsorry no ?* meant20:30
bugzbunnyiMin3Ra1n: pastebin?20:31
Silmarillioni ran this in terminal: CA:~$ gksudo gedit /etc/cron.weekly/fstrim20:31
SilmarillionThe program 'gksudo' is currently not installed. CA:~$ sudo apt install gksu20:31
iMin3Ra1ncan i just tell you the ones it needs Buffman ?20:31
iMin3Ra1nbugzbunny, *20:31
bugzbunnyiMin3Ra1n: I'd like to see the whole thing to have context20:31
iMin3Ra1nhold on20:31
iMin3Ra1nbugzbunny, https://pastebin.com/1yMFvWuy20:32
Ars-TJ- its to hard :(20:33
Silmarillion$ Unescaped left brace in regex is deprecated, passed through in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%{ <-- HERE (.*?)}/ at /usr/bin/edit line 528.20:34
SilmarillionError: no "edit" mailcap rules found for type "cannot open `fstab' (No such file or directory)"20:34
SilmarillionCan someone explain what this error is referring to in line 52820:35
akkNext question: with that dodgy .exe Acer password cleaner, any idea how I get it onto a USB stick in a way that it'll be bootable20:35
iMin3Ra1nsince youre not responding, im just going to install the dependencies20:35
bugzbunnyiMin3Ra1n: dpkg-query -L xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu20:36
akkIf I dd if=file.exe of=/dev/sdb is there any chance that'll be bootable?20:36
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akk(The page on how to use it is all windows-centric and we just wiped out the only windows machine in this house)20:36
bugzbunnyiMin3Ra1n: You could do that, was trying to avoid since you are on meetered but sure20:36
iMin3Ra1nbugzbunny, it only took 5MB so20:36
iMin3Ra1njust gonna reboot and see what happens20:36
Silmarillionif you install dependencies, you do so at YOUR own risk iMin3Raln.20:37
iMin3Ra1ni dont see the harm20:37
iMin3Ra1nokay i might see the harm20:37
iMin3Ra1nim only getting a purple screen now on both monitors bugzbunny20:38
tomreynakk: if thats an acer with an isyde bios, i think TJ had worked on a method to do a bios update there IIRC.20:38
tomreynthe TJ with the trailing dash that is20:38
bugzbunnyiMin3Ra1n: You mean the Ubuntu logo?20:39
iMin3Ra1nbugzbunny, nope, just straight blank20:39
Silmarillionsorry, deprecation20:39
bugzbunnyiMin3Ra1n: Did you at least get Grub?20:39
iMin3Ra1nSilmarillion, to be fair you said that after i had already installed dependencies20:39
iMin3Ra1ni dont remember, let me reboot bugzbunny20:39
bugzbunnyI have fully, you had to update the entire Xorg stack20:40
iMin3Ra1nbugzbunny, yes im at grub20:40
tomreynakk: and no there is no chance that writing a PE (.exe) to a raw device will make the device bootable. you could probably extract its contents using unzipsfx or unzip or p7zip, though.20:40
iMin3Ra1nshould i add any boot args? or continue to try to boot again?20:41
bugzbunnyiMin3Ra1n: From here, try 3 method again, and since it will be harder to copy and paste.. Have a look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log.20:41
Silmarillionthis channel does not support PPA's that aren't verified as stable (or at least somewhat reliable)20:41
iMin3Ra1nbugzbunny, just tack on 3 to the boot args?20:41
bugzbunnyiMin3Ra1n: Do you want lts?20:41
iMin3Ra1nidk whats lts20:41
bugzbunnyiMin3Ra1n: Find the linux line like TJ pointed out, and add 3 to the end of the line20:42
bugzbunnyiMin3Ra1n: I would jump ship and just install 17.1020:42
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iMin3Ra1ni cant, metered connection20:42
iMin3Ra1nunless it doesnt take much data20:42
bugzbunnyKeep that in mind20:42
iMin3Ra1nreplacing splash noquiet with 3 in the boot args still has me on a purple screen bugzbunny20:43
iMin3Ra1nor did the 3 need to be specificaly at the end of the line20:43
bugzbunnypersonally, you shouldn't have to go through all this trouble, it should work out of the box. The biggest problem here, is you need to update20:43
bugzbunnyUnfortunately, you are on meetered20:43
iMin3Ra1nwell how much would an update take bugzbunny ?20:44
iMin3Ra1nalso am still on purple screens20:44
bugzbunnyapt upgrade, ckeck the size, if you agree, type y20:44
akkWe're giving up on this for now, he's going to try downloading a windows recover partition, then maybe if that works we'll install ubuntu in a VM.20:45
bugzbunnyiMin3Ra1n: Did you do it properly, remember after you add 3, F10 to boot it, also IIRC, there is a Rescure mode in grub menu for Ubuntu, is that correct?20:45
akkThanks for the suggestions, all! I'm heading home and will continue researching there, and we'll get back to this later.20:46
iMin3Ra1ni added 3 again but this time to the end of the line bugzbunny20:46
iMin3Ra1nim pretty sure its still on purple20:46
iMin3Ra1nand yes there is a recovery option20:46
bugzbunnyTry that20:46
iMin3Ra1nyep its still stuck on purple20:46
iMin3Ra1nrebooting to recoverty20:46
tomreynakk: you can also install windows to removable media nowadays, if that helps you keep ubuntu installed.20:47
iMin3Ra1nbugzbunny, im in recovery menu, i have multiple options20:48
iMin3Ra1nim assuing choose root?20:48
iMin3Ra1ni havent chosen anything yet, waiting on your response20:48
iMin3Ra1nwoah, it just spammed a bunch of stuff20:49
SilmarillionWhen some one can assist me, do chime in.20:49
iMin3Ra1not says system logs, systemcl reboot to reboot20:49
bugzbunnyiMin3Ra1n: That's fine, that's just the kernel log20:49
iMin3Ra1ndo i press enter for maintenance20:50
iMin3Ra1nor press control D20:50
bugzbunnyI think you have enter your root password no?20:50
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo20:51
bugzbunnyTJ-: So recovery has no password?20:53
iMin3Ra1nare you still there20:57
tomreynbugzbunny: unless you set one, you just press enter and get a root shell20:57
iMin3Ra1ni lagged out20:57
TJ-it runs in single-user mode, uses 'friendly-recovery' which can drop to a root shell20:57
iMin3Ra1ni cand apt-get update20:58
iMin3Ra1nit keeps spitting errors like its not connected20:58
iMin3Ra1nit is though20:59
bugzbunnyAhh, probably the network is not setup20:59
tomreynand / is mounted ro20:59
iMin3Ra1nthis is such a nightmare20:59
iMin3Ra1ni thought ubuntu was easy :(20:59
iMin3Ra1nthe ethernet cable is plugged in and i KNOW its getting internet20:59
iMin3Ra1nbut it wont connect21:00
bugzbunnyiMin3Ra1n: The service that setups the network for the PC didn't get excuted, so no network21:00
compdocanyone like a gui to encript files/folders?21:00
iMin3Ra1nhow about this21:00
bugzbunnyiMin3Ra1n: I find this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD21:00
iMin3Ra1nlets figure out why it wont boot21:00
iMin3Ra1nthen we can get into a terminal21:01
bugzbunnyiMin3Ra1n: Pff, broken update21:01
bugzbunnyiMin3Ra1n: You can probably go with nosplash verbose21:01
bugzbunnyand nomodeset21:01
bugzbunnyIf you are lucky, probably get it to boot21:01
iMin3Ra1nokay so its stopped on "Started Update UTMP about system runlevel changes.completed startup.p link was shut down...." bugzbunny21:04
Silmarillionno need, i solved, ran command in Non POSIX manner.21:05
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bugzbunnyiMin3Ra1n: No countdown timer? Switch to another tty21:05
iMin3Ra1nwdym switch21:06
iMin3Ra1nits not even booted21:06
iMin3Ra1nill do ctrl alt f1 but i doubt that will do much21:06
iMin3Ra1nokay it worked21:06
iMin3Ra1nlogging in and pinging google21:06
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iMin3Ra1nstill no dice21:07
iMin3Ra1nunknown host21:07
iMin3Ra1nwell it managed to update tho21:07
iMin3Ra1nso theres that21:07
iMin3Ra1nonce its done though im gonna try upgrade21:07
iMin3Ra1nanother 279 mb :(21:07
iMin3Ra1nit hurts so much21:08
iMin3Ra1ni feel the pain right in my data plan21:08
iMin3Ra1nnvm it said 29121:08
iMin3Ra1nit hurts21:08
iMin3Ra1nthe things i do for computers...21:10
Cypher100How is Matrix?21:12
Cypher100I haven't messed with it, but looks interesting.21:13
iMin3Ra1nbugzbunny, disconnected again. 50%...21:14
MonkeyDustiMin3Ra1n  don't abuse the enter key, it has rights, too21:14
iMin3Ra1nright, i forgot, 201821:15
nomnguys i'm struggling21:20
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guiverc_tnomn, if you have a Ubuntu question, please just ask it - we may be able to help21:23
dankaanHi, i have a quick stupid question, i have and ssd+hdd setup and decided to put a steam library folder in /media/steamlibrary (and then chowned it for my user so i can put files in there without sudo), i just wanted to ask if this may be a security risk, or is there a better place on / (root) partition to put files/progams that my user account will be able to write into. Sorry for a long post.21:25
iMin3Ra1nno it should be okay21:25
isaiahnixonHey guys I am having a problem where my localhost apache site at localhost:80 is 301 redirecting me to localhost:443 and then refusing to connect. Is this correct place for help?21:26
Liusing the same user sudo systemctl stop bluetooth.service (fails all the time) ... sudo service bluetooth stop (passes from 1st attempt) .. are there any possible explanation?21:26
RoadRunnerhard disk  full (don't know with what) and "sudo apt-get clean" doesn't liberate any more space.  Help?21:26
naccRoadRunner: clean isn't the helpful commnad here, you want (probably) autoremove21:26
iMin3Ra1nbugzbunny, okay so the updates seem to have worked21:28
RoadRunnernacc: its a 75gig hd with relatively few packages installed beyond the default xubuntu install; what could be eating up so much space and should autoremove fail to deliver where should I look manually to del crap?21:28
iMin3Ra1nit wont recognize my mouse or keyboar dnow21:28
iMin3Ra1none problem after a ******* nother21:29
naccRoadRunner: well, it's hard to say -- you would need to pastebin the `df -h` output21:29
RoadRunnernacc: sorry, what's df-h?21:29
naccRoadRunner: run the command21:30
naccRoadRunner: "df -h" in a terminal21:30
Liworthless channel as usual21:30
naccRoadRunner: and then pastebin the results, please21:30
RoadRunnernacc: tI understand its a command for terminal, just never used it before; thank you for the suggestion, I am not at the location of the computer in question but once I'll get there, I'll do as you suggested21:32
naccRoadRunner: ok; it's generally important to be at the affected computer to get realtime help21:35
stephen101i noticed that graphics card got hot as hell lol21:36
RoadRunnernacc: my problem is, that comp doesn't have an irc client installed and since, as I said the disk is full, I cannot install to run a real time chat from there...21:37
naccRoadRunner: ... there is a web IRC client on freenode21:37
naccRoadRunner: you also have the computer you are using now, I am assuming?21:37
stephen101https://photos.app.goo.gl/XFxurLDSCwwc0I8x1 haha look how i rigged a fan to fix the heat issue. XD21:38
RoadRunnernacc: how do I use web IRC client on freenode?21:38
axiscan someone point me at the manpage which explains why dpkg might name some of my files as <filename>.dpkg-new?21:40
stephen101is it usual for a passive graphics card to get really hot?21:41
naccaxis: you chose to not take the package maintainer's version of a config file21:41
naccaxis: so dpkg is saving the new shipped file contents so you can compare later21:42
naccRoadRunner: https://webchat.freenode.net/321:42
naccerr s/3//21:42
axisnacc: i understand that, but i've tried confnew and it still doesn't work. i should mention i'm installing into a chroot via a script21:42
guiverc_taxis, it may not be in a man page; as the rename could be performed by a post|pre..-install script (man pages refer to these scripts; but what the scripts do isn't managed by dpkg/apt)21:42
axisnacc: even stranger, there is no old file. there is only the .dpkg-new file. it's an ld.so.conf.f file21:43
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stephen101nm this card runs hot hot from what i can see from google. least i put a fan on it lol.21:45
RoadRunnernacc: https://webchat.freenode.net/3: "503 Service Unavailable21:45
RoadRunnerNo server is available to handle this request. "21:45
leftyfbRoadRunner: https://webchat.freenode.net/21:46
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phctif i have a file like, www.site.com/index.php?id=1 and then same string but last char different www.site.com/index.php?id=2, how do i remove a duplicate like this? any special option on uniq ?21:50
RoadRunner_leftyfb: thank you, that worked :)21:50
leftyfbphct: www.site.com/index.php?id=1 isn't a file name. If it is on your machine, you did something silly like try to download a dynamic php page not meant to be downloaded the way you did21:51
phctits whats inside the file21:52
RoadRunnernacc: "you also have the computer you are using now, I am assuming?" yes :) what where you going to suggest here?21:52
leftyfbphct: you want #bash21:53
phctthx leftyfb21:53
naccaxis: not sur22:00
naccRoadRunner: right, that's why i said s/3//22:00
naccRoadRunner: i meant you can be on irc on this computer while using the other22:00
RoadRunnernacc: the problem comp is physically at a diff location...22:02
RoadRunnernacc: does ubuntu  (xubuntu) in ver 16.04 use "lm2 pv" file system as default instead of ext4 like in 14.04?22:02
naccRoadRunner: ah i see -- wasn't clear before22:04
naccRoadRunner: no, lvm2 pv (not lm2) is referring to LVM22:04
naccRoadRunner: that's not the actual fileystem in use, it's a way to layout the disk22:04
RoadRunnernacc: according to GParted, the problem comp  (besides the ext2 /boot partition) has only one large partition that's eating up the whole disk and that partition is listed as lvm2 pv; was wondering if that's normal22:07
naccRoadRunner: yes, it is by default, i think22:08
RoadRunnernacc: this is diff than on the comp I am using now(this one is ext4); I was wondering if that diff could be contributing to the space usage issue?22:10
naccRoadRunner: not necessarily22:10
naccRoadRunner: you really need to have the other computer handy, as it's not really feasible to debug it like this22:11
RoadRunnernacc: makes sense; on that note, any suggestions (apps), how I could take control (diagnose, modify) that other computer remotely?22:13
naccRoadRunner: ssh?22:14
RoadRunnernacc: never used it before, is it something a casual linux user can "handle"?22:16
naccRoadRunner: yes, I think so22:16
RoadRunnernacc: for this to work, does something need to be installed first on the remote machine?22:17
naccRoadRunner: yes, an ssh server22:18
RoadRunnernacc: so ssh server is not a part of the default ubuntu/xubuntu install?22:20
naccRoadRunner: i'm not sure22:22
RoadRunnernacc: np, thanks for your help :)22:23
fundiesHi, I don't run ubuntu but need to backport a package to a ppa for use on travis-ci. Can someone help me with that here or is there a better pkace to ask?22:25
leftyfbfundies: your best bet is to run ubuntu22:26
akkWhat's a good VM on Windows to use for installing Ubuntu? (For my friend with the unfortunate Acer that apparently can't install it directly.)22:26
leftyfbakk: no getting your friend in here to help with installing ubuntu directly?22:27
naccfundies: there is a `backportpackage` utility in Ubuntu, but you'd really want an Ubuntu instance to do it22:27
akkleftyfb: I was here earlier today while we were trying the installation, and it was unbootable, and the advice here boiled down to "oh, yeah, acers are problems".22:27
fundiesnacc, I don't mind running ubuntu in a vm but I'm not even sure what version I use for the proccess22:28
fundiesdo I install ubuntu im targeting or the latest?22:28
naccfundies: for backportpackage i don't think it matters22:29
naccfundies: probably easiest to run the target22:29
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fundiesnacc, is backportage a program?22:30
naccfundies: backportpackage from ubuntu-deve-tools22:30
thirasi assume we are not completely cover if we only do apt upgrade anymore because of snaps. right?22:31
naccthiras: snaps auto-update22:33
naccthiras: so, depends on what you mean by 'completely covered'?22:33
thirasthanks that's exactly what i was looking22:33
thirascould that be auto-import? there is such auto-update in arguments22:34
naccthiras: no, i was not giving you a command22:35
naccthiras: i was telling you a fact: snaps auto-update22:35
thirasah ok22:35
naccthiras: they periodically update themselves22:35
naccthiras: you can do it yourself with `snap refresh <snap>` but it's not generally necessary22:35
LRWXhello *_*22:35
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akkIs there a way to fiddle with the installer on a USB stick to add a package?22:42
akkAnother option for the acer might be to install 17.10 except that it doesn't boot due to bug 1725762, a missing intel-microcode package.22:43
ubottubug 1725762 in linux (Ubuntu) "[Firmware Bug]: TSC_DEADLINE disabled due to Errata; please update microcode to version: 0x52 (or later) - Errors starting from live DVD Dell New I7 15 XPS" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/172576222:43
akkBut if I could stick intel-microcode.deb on the stick and somehow tell the installer to include it before we booted the acer from it, that might work.22:43
leftyfbakk: tried 18.04?22:44
akkleftyfb: No, I've wondered about that, but the bug is still open and there's no indication that they're looking at it for a fix in 18.04.22:44
leftyfbakk: no harm in giving it a try22:45
akkI may try anyway, but I have a fairly slow net connection so it requires some lead time to download the ISO.22:45
leftyfbakk: got a local library or makerspace?22:45
akkleftyfb: Ha, we do have a makerspace but its net connection is a lot worse than mine. :) The library is faster, though.22:46
naccakk: to be clear, the spectre/meltdown stuff led to intel-microcode not rolling out to older releases22:46
nacci believe bionic (18.04) does have a more recent version22:46
akknacc: Aha! Thanks, that explains why there might be some messiness around that package.22:47
akkOkay, I'll go ahead and download a bionic ISO and prepare a stick for the next time we try this.22:47
naccakk: yeah, it was updated and then reverted because it broke some systems, iirc22:47
akk(The friend with the acer lives about half an hour away so it might be a day or two before we get together again.)22:48
akkI remember reading about that ... and that some machines ended up bricked, so it's a little scary.22:48
naccakk: honestly, from what I've seen of TJ's debugging of these kind of issues, it's a big hassle :)22:48
nacchopefully it's as simple as the firware update22:48
akkYeah, he might actually be better off going the VM route, painful though that sounds.22:48
akk(I wouldn't like the idea that windows is still running all the time, but this won't be his primary machine so maybe it's okay.)22:49
naccakk: what is the goal here? just to use linux?22:49
akkHe has a few things he wants to run on Linux that don't run on his Mac (they might run on Windows but he'd rather fuss with Linux than Windows).22:50
akkOne of them requires some fairly heavy graphics card foo so it's possible it might not run well in a VM.22:51
akk(Right now it doesn't run at all, we're waiting for the company to give us a working version of this supposedly open source but not really program.)22:51
evulishhey, i uninstalled the x subsystem and a bunch of other stuff from a ubuntu desktop install, since i ended up using it as a (mostly) headless server, but i must have uninstalled some of the power management stuff because now when it's just sitting at the console screen, it blanks instead of sleeping22:51
evulishwouldn't really bother me but my monitor sees it as another input and keeps switching back to it when my desktop falls asleep22:52
evulishso i guess i'm trying to figure out is what in ubuntu deals with screen management without x22:52
fundiesI'm trying to boot ubuntu trusty in qemu but it kernel panics. https://i.imgur.com/4diCvZr.png22:55
kostkonfundies, why trusty?22:56
fundiestrying to backport a package22:56
kostkonfundies, you can always try in virtualbox22:56
fundiesI'd like to know why it kernel panics tho22:57
fundiesplus I dislike oracle :P22:57
naccfundies: i'm assuming you've set up other VMs on the same system?22:57
evulishwoops, removed pm-utils, i bet that'll do it22:57
asyterirc31404does not work22:57
=== Guest20712 is now known as iMin3Ra1n
fundiesnacc, in the past yes22:58
fundiesnacc, I ran windows and osx22:58
iMin3Ra1nim sorry for joining so much with so many issues, but my ubuntu installation is reaching the login screen and is only showing my background and the ubuntu logo in the center22:58
iMin3Ra1nwhat do i do22:58
kostkoniMin3Ra1n, you could try the following:  CTRL+ALT+F2,  login, then do:   rm -rf ~/.config   then  sudo service lightdm restart23:00
tomreynkostkon: better just rename23:01
leftyfbkostkon: that's pretty destructive advice23:01
iMin3Ra1nkostkon, will in a second. i tried a different solution i came up with on my own, so if that doesnt work ill try yours23:02
kostkonhmm did i really mean to say ~/.cache?23:02
kostkoniMin3Ra1n, no wait23:02
kostkoniMin3Ra1n, don't23:02
fundiesnacc, I got it iI had to set ammount of ram for some reason23:02
iMin3Ra1ni seemed to have possibly solved it myself by running this: "sudo apt-get purge xserver-xorg-input-all && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-all && reboot"23:03
naccfundies: ah ok23:03
iMin3Ra1nwe'll see though23:03
naccfundies: ah yes, qemu default is too small to use, iirc23:03
kostkoniMin3Ra1n, good23:03
iMin3Ra1nkostkon, i didnt solve it23:03
iMin3Ra1ni logged in but didnt solve it23:03
iMin3Ra1nim only able to use one of my displays, the other two are unresponsive and not detected in the system settings23:04
iMin3Ra1ngoing to reinstall lightdm23:04
kostkoniMin3Ra1n, nice23:06
fundiesnacc, so I'm in a vm with ubuntu-dev-tools installed. How do I use the backporter?23:08
RicardusThere is an actual icon on my desktop for a file that doesnt exist. WHen I go to delete it or more it to trash it says it cant do it because it doesnt exist. It's a file that a browser downloaded or someting23:08
Ricardusits a chrome crdownload file23:11
naccfundies: backportpackage -d <target release name> -s <source release name> -u <ppa upload specifier>23:14
naccfundies: followed by the source package name,23:14
leftyfbRicardus: hit F5 on the desktop or log out and back in23:14
Ricardusleftyfb, I already logged back out and in and it went away. I didnt realize F5 worked on the desktop. Thanks!23:15
leftyfbRicardus: I'm actually guessing on that. The desktop SHOULD just be nautilus, but I'm not 100% with that in Unity since I don't use Unity23:16
naccfundies: aka `man backportpackage` :)23:17
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Ricardusleftyfb, F5 works. I tried it23:18
annaheimHello guys. I'm trying to resolve an issue with regards to public networks. Trying to connect to a Starbucks network and I hotspot client keeps throwing me "Error resolving "secure.datavalet.io": Name or service not known.23:24
annaheimI was going to try to edit NetworkManager.conf but wifi.scan-rand-mac-address is already set to no. Also automatic dhcp selection is already enabled by default on the network settings.23:25
tomreynannaheim: i don't know what is trying to resolve this hostname but you could configure alternative dns servers in network manager for this connection23:30
tomreyn... since name resolution currently seems to fail23:31
tomreynannaheim: actually, secure.datavalet.io does not resolve, there is no dns record for this hostname on the internet. so i guess you only need to update / reconfigure the software which reports this issue.23:32
tomreynannaheim: one possible explanation is that "secure.datavalet.io" can only be resolved from inside this network you are on, and only if the dns servers provided by dhcp are used. if you have configured your system to use alternative resolvers, then you can just remove this configuration temporarily.23:35
=== mesa is now known as BionicMac
=== imm0rtal is now known as immortal2
immortal2hey guys im running 16.04 lts on an amd64 cpu. when i plug my hdmi cable in i have no sound23:48
=== SmokinGrunts is now known as Aztec03
abel_Hi guys!!!23:50
=== abel_ is now known as garoto8bits
=== Blake is now known as Guest79304
fundiesnacc, I can't get it to work :/23:53
devslashimmortal2, does sounds work if you play a youtube video23:56
immortal2via the speakers itself23:56
devslashobjvious question but I gotta ask23:56
devslashdid you try another HDMI cable23:56
immortal2its the main cable i use for my iptv box so i know it works23:57
fundieswhy doesnt't backportpage check universe?23:57
immortal2but yes23:57
devslashin ubuntu chcek your soundssettings23:57
devslashin preferences23:57
devslashit may be defaulted to a different audio I/O23:58
immortal2ive switched between them already and it doesnt work23:58

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