
bluesabreNew xfpanel-switch release coming soon, https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~xfpanel-switch-dev/xfpanel-switch/trunk/revision/11203:04
ochosiUnit193: then again it's very likely people will install stuff like Vlc and it would suck if it looked out of place04:53
Unit193It's possible sure.04:54
ochosijust sayin, certain apps that are considered 'standard' are qt04:55
ochosibluesabre: nice, didnt have xfpanelswitch on the radar, good job!04:55
Unit193Well if we feel that strongly about VLC, I'd say s/parole/vlc/ then..04:55
flocculantochosi: on the other hand - no-one cared much when I had to sort it out for me :p04:55
Unit193flocculant: Cared enough to make sure the env var is set, so all one has to do is install a package.04:56
flocculantUnit193: that was a long wait ;)04:56
ochosiUnit193: that was not at all my point though04:56
Unit193Because nobody gets Qt5 and the answer keeps changing, first it was QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE.04:56
Unit193ochosi: Sure, but nevertheless.  People do all sorts of things, I really don't think that's the answer here.04:57
ochosiflocculant: yeah sry, got into the cycle a little late...04:57
flocculantpersonally I'd think that supplying people with the information for this is sufficient04:57
ochosiright, but if it's a <1mb package incl depends...04:58
Unit193Yeah, need to document it well and obviously. :/04:58
flocculantre knome's comment - would the answer be the same if we were space constrained04:58
Unit193ochosi: 60+mb04:58
ochosiwe used to get this right in the past04:58
ochosioh, ouch04:58
ochosii thought it was just a tiny pkg04:58
Unit193Because it pulls in all of Qt5, which is my point.04:59
ochosimeh, i guess i should've more carefully read04:59
flocculantwe could easily get into a cycle of we've got plenty of room - why not install the kitchen sink04:59
Unit193The package is really tiny if you're installing vlc, keepassxc, or something else Qt5 because it's already pulling in the base libs.04:59
ochosii guess there is no way to solve this on the packaging side by making it a depend of aomething in xubuntu?05:00
ochosior maybe we could make it a depend of some extras package05:00
flocculantthere's a meeting tomorrow - not sure who's going to be around for that05:01
Unit193xubuntu-qt5?  One would still have to know to install it.05:01
flocculantwe've got our wiki - under our control - this seems like an ideal time to start using it to give users information05:05
flocculantanyway - in and out for the next 30 mins 05:06
ochosimaybe even worth including it in the release notes05:31
ochosioriginally i was thinking something like xubuntu-restricted-extras, but thats not the right place either05:32
ochosiwe could also patch an infobar into the appearance settings dialog to warn the user or give a button to easily install05:32
Unit193And IIRC that's just a 'symlink' to ubuntu-restricted-extras now.05:32
flocculantmemory's not what it was - but I think I've needed this package for 2 cycles prior to this one05:33
flocculantso it's not something new05:34
flocculantochosi: I like the infobar idea05:34
flocculantgtg now - back later05:34
Unit193flocculant: Right, just the info keeps changing. :/05:35
Unit193Amusingly, since Dropbox bundles libs it still uses QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE. :P05:36
Unit193And if you export both, things look horrid.05:36
Unit193....Well, used to then.  Now: QApplication: invalid style override passed, ignoring it.05:36
ochosiyeah, but the 'info changing' is exactly what you can hide behind the infobar05:38
ochosiplus it would only conditionally show up05:38
ochosianyway, not sure about it...05:38
Unit193Biggest concern would be the patch or whatnot getting out of date.05:39
bluesabreand translations09:10
bluesabremaybe the dep chain could be improved with the base qt libraries09:11
bluesabrehave one of 1) kde, 2) lxqt, 3) razor, 4) qt5-style-plugins09:11
bluesabreso qt apps don't look like garbage on anybody's machine09:11
Unit193razor isn't something to consider anymore.09:12
mantissaHey guys, just wanted to ask something quick. I'm a 3D artist using Xubuntu every day and wanted to see if I could donate some artwork for the LTS. Am I too late in the cycle for that?10:56
slickymasterWorkmantissa, thanks for your offer11:27
slickymasterWorkknome will be the best member to reply you11:28
slickymasterWorkin case you won't be around when he gets bacl I advise you to mail our mailing list about it11:29
slickymasterWorkthe email for that is xubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com 11:29
mantissaAh perfect, I'll stick around for a bit and if I son;t see him, I'll drop an email. Thanks!11:31
slickymasterWorksure, he's our artwork lead11:32
slickymasterWorkagain thanks for the offer11:32
mantissaNo worries, happy to give back! :)11:34
ochosimantissa: what kind of artwork would you like to contribute? if it's about default wallpapers, the community contest's submission period has already ended for 18.04...13:25
mantissaAh ok, didn't realize there was a contest for it. That was what I wanted to suggest. If I'm too late that's too bad.13:29

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