
blackboxswthx smoser, review-mps commit message linting. bah01:49
smoserblackboxsw: good now. i fixed.02:16
blackboxswyeah, I think we'll have to make a cut of cc_ntp tomorrow for bionic. some things need wrap up there and I want a couple of live tests centos/sles which I'm going through now02:17
blackboxswand it's bedtime ;)02:17
smoserrharper: https://code.launchpad.net/~mwhudson/livecd-rootfs/default-LANG-C.UTF-8/+merge/34214402:28
smoseri think that means we wont hit that generate any more.02:28
smoserdo3meli: https://jenkins.ubuntu.com/server/job/cloud-init-ci/933/13:20
smoserand i am going to add you to the group that gets c-i run automatically for you.13:20
do3meli@smoser: thanks13:46
do3melismoser: ci build was successfull. from my point of view good to merge now. if you feel the same you can set the status of the MR to approve ;-)13:51
rharpersmoser: yay LANG!13:55
smoserdo3meli: on its way.14:08
smoserdo3meli: you need more work now ?14:08
do3melihaha :-) guess my company wants me to move on with other stuff now :-P14:25
do3meliwell i will stay connected i guess ;-) maybe bit bug management or something like that14:27
do3meliwell see14:27
smoseralright. then i wont set you up to get auto c-i just yet.14:30
smoser https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/34221416:07
blackboxswsmoser: rharper filed the release 18.2 bug16:15
blackboxswincluding it in a cloud-init release bump branch now16:15
blackboxswsmoser: let's include the dependency16:16
blackboxswsound good?16:16
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1759318 in cloud-init "Release 18.2" [Undecided,New]16:17
smosereyah. in trunk it doesnt hurt anythin. and we want it in packaging.16:17
smoserso if you want to pull that, go ahead.16:17
blackboxswyeah, figured almost zero risk16:17
blackboxswlanding your branch (after tox)16:17
smoserblackboxsw: i'm landing ubuntu branch change now.16:20
blackboxsw+1 smoser16:20
blackboxswnot touching it16:21
blackboxswthx pulling16:21
blackboxswsmoser: are you landing https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/342215 ?16:33
blackboxswwanted to pull that into 18.216:33
* blackboxsw misunderstood the 'I'm landing ubuntu branch change" comment16:35
smoseryeah, lets grab that.16:36
smoserblackboxsw: i'm landing that one now16:37
blackboxswthanks ok will repropose 18.2 after that then16:37
blackboxswhrm just dropped tip of master on a cent6 container. it didn't dedect DataSourceNoCloud and it's currently trying to hit Hetzner cloud... checking out what's up17:03
* blackboxsw is thinking minimally something is up with the exception_cb17:08
smoserhm. hm.17:08
smoserblackboxsw: how do i reproduce that?17:10
blackboxsw2018-03-27 17:00:29,960 - handlers.py[DEBUG]: finish: init-local/search-NoCloud: SUCCESS: no local data found from DataSourceNoCloud17:10
blackboxswhmm, umm I expected that to find yes in the cent6 container. /me thinks..17:10
blackboxswlooking over ubuntu17:10
smoserblackboxsw: you're sure you have /var/lib/cloud/ stuff there ?17:10
blackboxsw[root@cloud-init-centos-2f4670b4 ~]# ls /var/lib/cloud/seed/17:11
blackboxsw[root@cloud-init-centos-2f4670b4 ~]#17:11
smoserthe linuxcontainers.org provided images do not have metaata that says it should write that.17:11
blackboxswhrm why not, thought that was baked into the lxc images17:11
smoseryou would have to add the metadata to them to write it.17:11
blackboxswahh, ok, oops. thought I hadn't had to do that in the past... but maybe I just forgot a step (as I've only recently just run unittests on cent*)17:12
blackboxswnevermind the crazy guy in the corner: PEBCAK17:13
smoserwell, to run unit tests.17:15
smoser ./tools/run-centos17:15
smoser./tools/run-centos --rpm --srpm --unittest 617:15
blackboxswyeah that's what I kicked with -k -r17:15
blackboxswit left me with the container that I then attempted to install the rpm on. neglecting to make sure the image had a seed17:15
smoserah. right.17:16
blackboxswok created the seed on centos container, everything happy again with ds detection17:18
blackboxswsorry for the noise17:18
blackboxswthough /me wants to test hetzner cloud again to make sure get_data bails quickly if !hetzner cloud17:19
smoserblackboxsw: it does not.17:20
blackboxswahh right timeout=2, sec_between=2, retries=30):17:21
blackboxswso 2 mins of read_metadata attempts17:21
blackboxswok; as intended. I was uncertain if it was looping forever on my container. will check that it limits to 30 retries17:22
blackboxswI see you landed the dhcp client. ... putting up cloud-init 18.2 in a min here17:23
smoserblackboxsw: i can fix hetzer17:24
smoserand i think maybe we should17:24
blackboxswit's near last in our list of datasources, but I think we could throw up our hands a bit earlier17:24
blackboxswto avoid making IBM wait :)17:24
blackboxswsmoser: ok on awaiting hetzner  fix for 18.217:25
blackboxswchecking ds-identify for comparison17:26
blackboxsw+1 system-manafacturer -> sys_vendor in sysfs17:28
blackboxswyeah 4 mins of Hetzner waiting for both read_metadata, read_userdata is too much waiting17:32
smoserblackboxsw: https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/34222617:36
* smoser goes to fire up a hetzner cloud instance to just make sure i dont break it.17:39
blackboxswsmoser: +1, I'll let you merge it once you've hitup hetzner17:45
blackboxswI've approved the branch and tested on lxc without seed to see a quick fail17:46
smoseri put some info there that it was good.17:46
smosernow actually installing the deb and cloud-init-clean17:46
blackboxswpylint and flake8 good on your branch17:50
smoseryou can merge ?17:53
blackboxswhttps://jenkins.ubuntu.com/server/view/cloud-init/job/cloud-init-ci/937/ waiting on ci, about 10 mins left looks like. but I think I can merge it when it's done.17:55
blackboxswor I can merge now if you want as I expect a clean CI bill of health17:55
smoseroh. right.17:55
smoseri thought you were saying it ran17:55
smoserwe wait on the all powerful jenkins17:55
blackboxswpay no attention to the man behind the curtain17:56
blackboxswyeah will wait and merge post-jenkins17:56
* blackboxsw relocates18:13
blackboxswsmoser: rharper https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/342217 is ready for review18:52
blackboxswI pushed a new 18.2 signed tag hopefully that's all we need.as git describe now tells me I'm on 18.218:52
blackboxswsmoser's dhcp and hetzner fixes are landed18:53
smoserblackboxsw: woot.19:18
rharpercitest noob;  so the ntp tests fail on my branch, if I ran citest via tox, where do I find the collected data, like cloud-init logs and the files the test collected?19:24
rharpersmoser: for the ntp updates I think I need to a) update the ntp test-case match trunk w.r.t which client is to be installed; note this test changes depending on the release image; xenial, for example is going to always use timesyncd, but in bionic it would be chrony;  b) do we have a way to construct yaml on a per-release basis?  c) does ci-test run only on xenial or what other releases ?19:29
blackboxswrharper: ../results generally19:51
rharperthat's in toplevel ?19:51
rharperwhen run via tox ?19:51
blackboxswit's above your source tree root19:51
blackboxswI *think* that's the default... checking19:52
rharperI think tox ends up doing tmpdir thingys ... I dunno19:52
blackboxswmight need --preserve-data19:53
rharperok, and I wonder if that works under tox19:53
rharperwell, I should just install the deps and run from tree getting it working and then test tox19:53
blackboxswtox -e citest -- --preserve-data --results ../results19:53
blackboxswor something like that... checking19:53
blackboxswrharper .tox/citest/bin/python3 -m tests.cloud_tests run --os-name=bionic --platform=lxd --preserve-data --data-dir=../results --verbose -t modules/ntp19:54
blackboxswand -t modules/ntp_servers   -t modules/ntp_pools19:55
smoserrharper: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/629gZx94qs/19:56
smoserthat is what i run19:57
smoser  ../scripts/go-test lxc --test=tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/final_message.py19:57
smoserand it puts results into ./results.lxc.d/19:57
smoseryou can change the 'xenial' around19:57
smoserc-i i think only runs with xenial19:57
smoserbut we have other runners that run on test with different releases.19:57
smoseryou should be able to check the release that is being used in the test case19:59
smoseri dont think we have per-release config19:59
smoserbut you can make pre-release assertions19:59
blackboxswci looks done on 18.2 for cloud-init https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/34221720:09
rharpersmoser: ok, I'm going to update the config to work with xenial, and branch out into other variants after that20:12
rharpertox-venv ?20:14
rharperneed to pip install that I guess20:15
* rharper relocates20:15
smoserrharper: tox-venv is ./tools/20:17
smosertox-venv <name>20:18
smoserenters <name> and executes a command20:18
smoserthe difference compared to 'tox -e' is that you can run any command and it doesnt do setup.py first (which is slow)20:23
blackboxswincredibly slow20:24
smoserblackboxsw: where is the doc for release ?20:25
blackboxswsmoser: you mean rtd?20:25
smoserwe need to move that to somewhere i think20:25
smoserblackboxsw: do you want to do the rest ?20:26
blackboxsw+1, yeah, gist?20:26
smoseri pushed your tag20:26
smoseri can do curtin release then.20:27
blackboxsw+1 I'll do the rest20:27
blackboxswon cloud-init20:27
blackboxswsmoser: rharper  can you see Create release here? https://launchpad.net/cloud-init/+milestone/18.220:36
blackboxswI think I'm missing perms, as I can see that option on landscape projects20:36
blackboxswI hoped to see it under "Expected: "20:37
blackboxswbut that date is already set to today(maybe smoser already ticked it)20:38
smoserhttps://launchpad.net/cloud-init/+milestone/18.2 <--20:38
blackboxswhrm nope:  cloud-init 18.22018-03-22not yet released  from https://launchpad.net/cloud-init/trunk20:38
smoserthta was teh "due date"20:38
smosernow we have the release date20:38
blackboxswhrm, ok that view changed for me now from what it used to be. probably clicked something I didn't have perms for I guess.20:40
rharperhttps://launchpad.net/cloud-init/+series   that has a reference to 2.0 and stackforge ...20:43
rharperwe probably can nuke that20:43
rharpersmoser: ^20:43
blackboxswsmoser: I'm closing bugs now for 18.2 ok ?20:50
smoseryeah. i'm doing it now for curtin20:52
smoserstepping away from machine.20:53
smoserwill check back in later tonight.20:53
smoserthat stupid script really needs '--project'20:53
smoseri missed a s/Cloud-init/curtin/20:53
smoseroh well20:53
blackboxswohh right smoser  lp-bugs-released needs a --project-name20:54
blackboxswwill add it20:54
blackboxswcloud-init bugs are marked fix-released20:55
blackboxswmissing tasks for: 1298921 1757176 1759307.... checking those out now20:55
blackboxswI marked the cloud-init task fix released on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cloud-init/+bug/175930720:57
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1759307 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu) "missing dependency on isc-dhcp-client (dhclient)" [Undecided,New]20:57
* blackboxsw fires up a cloud-init MP for bionic20:57
* rharper is iterating with ci-test script from smoser; excellent 20:59
rharperhaving fun with system_config and user-data merging ...  now, I wonder what's going on; don't seem to be getting user-data ntp: dict merged when cc_ntp is running, so it's running in auto mode even when we specify a ntp_client in user-data21:00
blackboxsw18.2 release publish MP into bionic https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/34223921:01
* blackboxsw creates an SRU bug for xenial for 18.221:06
blackboxswxenial & artful rather21:07
rharpercan confirm that the distro object is created before we cloudify, which reads the user-data, so distro itself doesn't have user-data; =(21:09
smoserblackboxsw: ok. that MP is on its way up... assuming it builds here.21:26
smoseri uploaded source tarball to https://launchpad.net/cloud-init/trunk/18.221:26
smoserand now i'm out.21:26
blackboxswthanks smoser see ya21:26
* rharper refactors getting user-data config back int21:29
* rharper relocates21:30
blackboxswXenial SRU for 18.2: https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/34224822:30
blackboxswArtful SRU for 18.2: https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/34224922:32
blackboxsw^ includes the debian/control changes for isc-dhcp-client22:32
blackboxswok just gen'd a trello card for cloud-init SRU https://trello.com/b/hFtWKUn3/daily-cloud-init-curtin22:57
rharperok, unbricked unittests after re-introducing usercfg to the get_ntp_client_info() path as distro object does not have user-data config23:13
rharper\o/ passing the updated ntp tests23:38
rharpernow to add new client tests23:39

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