
=== mesa is now known as BionicMac
Se7enLCAnyone familiar with the kubuntu variant know if sddm is broken in the current beta? (trying to find out if its just me)03:57
Boyettedoes anyone know which bug is this11:45
ubottuError: launchpad bug 1752108 not found11:45
FauxAssuming it's not a typo, 404s normally mean that it's a security bug you're not allowed to see.11:46
TJ-Boyette: "WebKitWebProcess crashed with SIGSEGV in WTFCrash()"11:47
Boyettewhy does that happen?11:50
TJ-Why does what happen?11:51
Boyettethis crash11:56
TJ-Boyette: because there's a problem somewhere - usual cause of bugs!11:58
TJ-Boyette: from the stacktrace it looks as if the network connection was lost whilst background workers were busy11:59
Boyettethats unlikely12:08
TJ-Boyette: If you think that you'll have to explain if (!parentProcessConnection()->sendSync(Messages::WebProcessProxy::GetNetworkProcessConnection() ...CRASH()12:11
sveinseIs the 18.04 gnome same-ish as in 17.10? I'm having huge productivity problems with a broken display-selector in gnome on 17.10 and I'm wondering if it is likely to be fixed in 18.04.15:22
sveinseOtherwise I'd probably want to pursue it with a bugreport15:23
sveinseAlas, no luck in trying the daily builds of 18.04. Segfault and kernel oops in the noveau driver.15:43
sveinseSurprising, really. Especially since this is a "Certified pre-install for Ubuntu" machine, Lenovo P51. https://certification.ubuntu.com/hardware/201702-25426/. I would assume that this machine is a part of the test and qualification setup for new release, or am I mistaking?15:47
sveinseI'll have to check in on 18.04 later then.15:50
Orbitorsveinse: you have a P51? does it have problems with coil whine?15:54
=== mesa is now known as BionicMac
sveinseOrbitor, from the laptop itself? I'm not sure I'd call it a whine, but I can hear some weak load-specific noise from the machine. (btw, I'm conincidently an audioengineer)17:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1758974 in indicator-multiload (Ubuntu) "Indicator-multiload does not work properly 18.04" [Undecided,New]18:03
lotuspsychjeautostart does work, but indicator itself is scrambled18:03
lotuspsychjeanother indicator like classicmenu-indicator works fine18:05
=== czesmir_ is now known as czesmir

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