
* slangasek waves18:59
* stgraber waves19:01
slangasekkees: chairing?19:02
* mdeslaur crosses fingers19:02
mdeslaurwe're going to need an attendance raffle soon19:03
mdeslaurok, I'm backup chair19:05
meetingologyMeeting started Tue Mar 27 19:05:09 2018 UTC.  The chair is mdeslaur. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.19:05
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick19:05
mdeslaur[topic] Apologies19:05
mdeslaurnobody apologized.19:05
mdeslaurwait a sec, quorum is 3, right?19:05
slangasekI would say so19:05
mdeslaur[topic] Action review19:05
mdeslaurflexiondotorg To follow-up on-list with design review to address MATE Boutique security/consent concerns.19:06
slangasekI haven't seen anything on the list or in the moderation queue19:06
mdeslauryeah, I don't see anything either19:06
mdeslaurok, carry19:06
mdeslaurtsimonq2 to bring up the support/release status of lubuntu-next on the TB list, and then submit patches to maintenance-check according to the final plan19:06
mdeslaurtsimonq2: hi! what's the status on that?19:07
tsimonq2I haven't gotten to doing this yet, but I think I'm revoking Lubuntu's position on releasing Lubuntu Next with 18.04.19:08
mdeslaurtsimonq2: ok, can you follow up to the list once you've decided?19:08
slangasektsimonq2: "revoking the position" means you think you want to not release it?19:08
tsimonq2slangasek: Correct.19:09
tsimonq2I still think patches to m-c would be useful.19:09
tsimonq2LXQt is fairly fast-paced and supporting it for the length of an LTS is not ideal.19:09
tsimonq2Is the TB fine with that?19:10
tsimonq2(Should I still email the list?)19:11
slangasektsimonq2: I'm not sure I understand; is this in context of supporting/not supporting lubuntu, as opposed to lubuntu-next?19:11
slangasek(I don't use Lubuntu and am not sure without looking which components are in lubuntu)19:11
tsimonq2slangasek: Right. Lubuntu Next is a separate product entirely, despite sharing packages. *-gtk and *-share should be supported for three years while Lubuntu can't commit to *-qt having three years of support.19:12
* kees is fashionably late19:12
* mdeslaur gives kees the stinkeye for making him chair19:13
tsimonq2slangasek: It's one seed, which makes it complicated.19:13
slangasektsimonq2: ok.  I think it would be very irregular to have only part of the image supported for 3 years19:13
keesI did half-chair last time! :)19:13
tsimonq2slangasek: It's not shipped in the same image.19:13
tsimonq2-share and -gtk are Lubuntu, -share and -qt are Lubuntu Next.19:13
tsimonq2So, two separate ISOs.19:13
slangasektsimonq2: then yes, if it's not part of the Lubuntu image (which is what I meant to ask - sorry), I think some m-c surgery here is warranted19:13
tsimonq2slangasek: What's my deadline?19:14
tsimonq2Release day or earlier?19:14
tsimonq2(Not that I'll procrastinate much longer.)19:14
slangasektsimonq2: earlier. we need to land the code, and it needs to regenerate the overrides in the archive19:14
slangasektsimonq2: give us 2 weeks lead before release, please19:14
tsimonq2I'll do that by the next TB meeting (that kees should chair ;P)19:15
mdeslaurok, moving along19:15
mdeslaurinfinity to update LTS support status of kylin to 3y (done) and then call for confirmation of LTS status from all flavours.19:15
mdeslaurI don't see the call for confirmation on the list19:15
tsimonq2#action tsimonq2 to propose patches to maintenance-check regarding Lubuntu Next19:16
meetingologyACTION: tsimonq2 to propose patches to maintenance-check regarding Lubuntu Next19:16
mdeslaurso, carry forward19:16
mdeslaurinfinity to ask maas team to prepare SRU exception policy à la CurtinUpdates19:16
* mdeslaur shrugs19:16
mdeslaurcarry forward19:16
mdeslaurslangasek to investigate getting tagged ubuntu-community bugs automatically forwarded to technical-board, and if not feasible, fall back to DMB sending signed emails to list for ACL requests19:16
mdeslaurwe also have "[rbasak] Please decide if xchat should be removed as requested in bug 1753169 in time for Bionic."19:17
slangasekI mean, feel free to take it off the nag list as well since this has been low-priority19:17
mdeslaurbut slangasek responded to the list19:17
slangasekand we seem to be muddling through with the current process19:17
mdeslaurslangasek: ack19:17
mdeslaur[topic] Mailing list archive19:18
mdeslaurI don't see anything on the list that needs discussion19:18
mdeslaur[topic] Community bugs19:19
mdeslaurno bugs19:19
mdeslaur[topic] Next chair19:19
mdeslaurnext chair will be kees, with kees as backup19:19
mdeslaurkees with slangasek as backup19:19
keesin looking at the calendar, I am reminded that April 1st fast approaches.19:20
mdeslauris there something special about that, or are you just worried about all the practical jokes I'll be doing at your expense?19:21
mdeslaurDoes anyone have anything else they would like to discuss?19:21
slangaseknothing here19:21
slangasekactually, what happened to the request for review of the seeded snaps policy?19:22
slangasekdid that fall off the agenda?19:22
mdeslaurI don't see it19:22
slangasekI also don't see that I had added it19:22
slangasekso, do you feel like talking about it? :)19:23
mdeslaurDo you want us to look that over for next time? look at it now?19:24
slangasekdid I fail to post it previously to the list?  I guess it'd be a bit much to ask for a realtime first readthrough right now19:24
slangasekseems I didn't post it to the list19:25
slangasekso if you haven't all read it from when I posted it to ubuntu-devel, I guess we should punt to next meeting19:25
mdeslaurI'll add it to the agenda for the next meeting19:26
slangasekmdeslaur: thanks19:26
mdeslaursorry, I need time to read it carefully and think it over19:26
slangasekof course19:26
mdeslauranything else?19:26
meetingologyMeeting ended Tue Mar 27 19:27:30 2018 UTC.19:27
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting-2/2018/ubuntu-meeting-2.2018-03-27-19.05.moin.txt19:27
mdeslaurthanks everyone19:27

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