
UbuntuMY1<mauisabily> @toopye, Tanya dia bila tu... hahaha00:45
UbuntuMY1<najmiep> Fwd from najmiep: https://cloudplatformonline.com/2018-onboard-kl.html#agenda13:37
UbuntuMY1<najmiep> Fwd from najmiep: jom sapa2 yg free13:37
UbuntuMY1<najmiep> Fwd from najmiep: Kuala Lumpur - 10 Apr  08:30 AM Registration  10:00 AM Welcome and Opening Address  10:30 AM Module 1 - Introducing Google Cloud Platform  11:00 AM Module 2 - Compute & Storage Fundamentals  12:00 PM Lunch Session  01:00 PM Module 3 - Data Analysis on the Cloud  02:00 PM Module 4 - Scaling Data Analysis  03:00 PM Break  03:30 PM Module 5 - Machine Learning  04:45 PM Module 6 - Data Processing Architecture  05:15 PM13:37
UbuntuMY1Continue Learning with Google Cloud  05:30 PM Close13:37
UbuntuMY1<najmiep> Fwd from najmiep: Theo Lhomer  Theo is a Technical Instructor who has been working at Google for over 10 years. He started in Corporate Engineering before moving to the new startup that was Google Cloud in 2012. Before moving to Singapore in 2016, he lived in London and is a keen cyclist and mountain fanatic!13:37
UbuntuMY1<myfenris> 👍13:38

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