
fundiescan anyone tell me how I get backportpakage check universe?00:33
Unit193fundies: Hello, this is the Ubuntu operators channel, were you by chance forwarded here when trying to join another channel?00:42
ubottupragmaticenigma called the ops in #ubuntu (fundies , asked and received an answer, is not willing to accept)02:27
ikoniahello fundies ?08:20
ikoniafundies: hi there, you're in #ubuntu-ops, do you need something from the operator team ?11:26
fundiesnot sure how I got here11:27
ikoniaare you forwarded from another channel ?11:27
fundiesi dont know11:27
ikoniaahhh I see you've been banned from the #xubuntu channel and forwarded to this one11:28
ikoniaif appears you where pestering the channel as ubuntu didn't fix your bug in less than 24 hours11:29
fundieswhen like 3 years ago?11:30
ikoniayeah, looks like 201611:30
ikoniaalthough you then got banned again in 201711:31
ikoniabut not sure why the forward is taking over the ban11:31
ikoniaI see, it looks like the ban may have been added as part of a netsplit sync from other servers11:55
ikoniafundies: I'm pretty sure we can sort this out,11:55
ikoniaI assume a year has gone by you're more comfortable with how to interact on IRC ?11:55
ikonia(in the ubuntu channels)11:55
ikoniayou're aware of our guidelines11:56
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines11:56
ikoniathat stuff /11:56
fundiesikonia, don't worry about it11:56
ikoniado you want me to remove the ban forward in xubuntu ?12:01
fundiesyou don't need to12:01
fundiesI don't even use ubuntu12:02
ikoniathen why are you asking how to get ubuntu packages ported /12:03
ikoniathat doesn't make sense if you don't need it12:03
ikoniabut "ok"12:03
ikoniaif you dont need anything, sorry for taking up your team, please /part this channel12:03
fundiesbecause travis-ci uses ubuntu12:10

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