
immortal2heres my aplay https://pastebin.com/ACJqaYKx00:00
devslashso you need audio on card 000:01
devslashhmm I dunno00:01
sonicwindI have one user account and it logs me in automatically... if I add another user with useradd script, do I need to do something extra to get the greeter to show up or does useradd take care of that also?00:02
sonicwindoops I mean adduser script00:03
devslashlike greeting text when you log in ?00:03
sonicwindthe login text where you pick a name to login00:04
sonicwindand password00:04
devslashitll add the name automatically00:04
sonicwindoh ok great00:04
fundiescan anyone tell me how I get backportpage check universe?00:04
sonicwindthank you devslash00:04
immortal2no one really knows :(00:05
devslashoh wait00:07
devslashI do know of one other thing immortal200:07
immortal2whats that00:07
devslashon my samsung TV, I have to go to  the TV menu settings and change the output to speaker in order to get the sound to play out thru the TV00:07
immortal2i have it setup with a soundbar though00:07
devslashI dont know...00:08
immortal2this is lame00:12
devslashhave you tried to boot a live DVD and see if it works that way00:13
devslashno go ?00:15
immortal2never had issues with linux mint but it just kept freezing00:15
devslashso you have had issues with Mint00:15
immortal2not with the sound though00:15
devslashif it kept freezing thats a big issue00:15
devslashI know.. sorry I dont know what else to tell you00:15
immortal2i keep thinking when i get mint its for intel though00:17
Bashing-om!sound | immortal200:17
ubottuimmortal2: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.00:17
immortal2done it all00:17
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fundiescan anyone tell me how I get backportpakage check universe?00:20
fareastI am going to run ubuntu mate just cause I used kde before but mate looks good enough its simple right?00:22
leftyfbfareast: try it and determine for yourself00:22
fareastfrom what I seen I like it00:22
fareastI don't need all the extra plasma crap I like simple but not too many frills it looks like it is pretty simple for file management right I can make desktop icons out of the box and navigate efficiently.00:24
fareastI like to use my desktop as a workspace time to time.00:24
btpYou're able to have 2 installed at once. Just log out and switch before you sitdown for work.00:25
fundiescan anyone tell me how I get backportpakage to check universe?00:37
leftyfbfundies: asking your question every 15 minutes will not get your answers any quicker00:41
fundiesidk bout that00:41
fundiesdifferent ppl join every second00:41
leftyfbfundies: And the number of people joining every second that are volunteers who can actually help you is closer to zero than any most numbers00:42
leftyfbfundies: The answer is, read the man page or follow a tutorial. It's no different than backporting packages from main00:42
fundiesleftyfb, I did00:42
leftyfbfundies: ok, good, so everything worked for you then00:42
fundiesits not finding the pakage that is in universe00:43
leftyfbfundies: what package?00:43
fundiesand its not listing universe as a place it looked00:43
fundieslists security updates and proposed00:43
fundiesits libgrpc-dev00:43
leftyfbfundies: what release are you trying to backport to and from?00:44
leftyfb!info libgrpc-dev00:45
ubottulibgrpc-dev (source: grpc): high performance general RPC framework (development). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.2-1 (artful), package size 455 kB, installed size 4959 kB00:45
fundiesleftyfb, any to trusty00:46
btpit appears him asking got help faster... son of a gun00:47
fundiescan anyone tell me how I get backportpackage to check universe?01:06
leftyfbfundies: please stop asking the same question over an over and over again01:07
leftyfb!patience | fundies01:07
ubottufundies: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/01:07
fundiesleftyfb, sure if I can get an answer01:07
leftyfbfundies: no01:07
fundiesleftyfb, yes01:08
leftyfbfundies: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines01:09
leftyfbfundies: please read through the section entitled "Don't repeat your question every few minutes"01:09
fundiesleftyfb, i wait over 3 minutes every time01:09
bitbugleftyfb, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/BackportsHowToHelp01:10
leftyfbbitbug: I am not the one needing help, nor does that link help01:11
bitbugsorry.... it was for fundies :D01:11
fundiesbitbug, I've read that01:12
bitbugfundies, and the man page? http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/man1/backportpackage.1.html01:13
bitbugI dont even know what you trying to do... but ok :D01:14
* bitbug getting sleepy... time to go01:15
fundiesbitbug, I want to backport libgrpc-dev to trust but backportpackage can't find it01:15
fundiesit's in universe but backportpackage doesn't list universe as a place it looked01:16
fundiesit lists security updates and proposed01:16
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pragmaticenigmafundies, you can't backport it because it has impact on the system you are targetting. Backport Package will not backport a package that potentially will adversely affect your system. It's right there on the page you were asked if yuo read01:46
pragmaticenigmafundies, -dev packages are linked to the compiled module01:47
fundiespragmaticenigma, so how do I tell it quit whining and do it01:48
pragmaticenigmawhat currently in your system is dependent on it?01:50
pragmaticenigmaif nothing is dependent on it at the moment, i would think purging it and then trying backport should work01:51
pragmaticenigmathat's assuming libdrpc is installed01:51
pragmaticenigmacan't type libgrpc01:51
fundiespragmaticenigma, im in a trusty vm the package doesnt even exist01:52
pragmaticenigmaotherwise, as soon as I attempt to install libgrpc-dev it auto select libgrpc001:52
pragmaticenigmawhat is in the trusty environment that you cannot use a new version of ubuntu to compile with?01:53
fundiespragmaticenigma, travis-ci01:53
pragmaticenigmafundies, and it won't compile on a newer version of Ubuntu?01:54
fundiespragmaticenigma, travis-ci runs trusty01:55
fundiesI cant upgrade the ubuntu it uses01:55
pragmaticenigmaDid you see this fundies ?? https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/reference/trusty/01:55
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fundieswhat about it?01:55
fundiestheres no grpc-dev in trusty. travis runs trusty. I need to backport it in ppa01:56
fundiesbackportpackage doesnt work01:56
fundiesthats how I ended here01:56
pragmaticenigmafundies, if it were me, I'd be reaching out to travis-ci user groups... as they probably have run into this issue and may have a workaround02:00
pragmaticenigmafundies, or at the very least can help you get this up and running02:01
fundiespragmaticenigma, work around is to make a ppa with packages you need02:02
fundieswhich im trying to do02:02
fundiesis purely an ubuntu issue at this point02:02
pragmaticenigmathat's above and beyond the capabilities of myself, and probably a good number of the volunteers here02:03
leftyfbfundies: it's not a problem with Ubuntu. Ubuntu 14.04 has all the packages it needs to support the packages that are officially available to it. Since you are trying to use software not officially available or supported, then the problem is with the software in question.02:04
fundiesleftyfb, its a problem with trusty02:05
pragmaticenigmafundies, if this doesn't help you, we can't help you02:05
leftyfbit's not02:05
fundiesleftyfb, theres a reason trusty-backports exists02:05
leftyfbfundies: you are trying to make a package work in trusty that doesn't officially work in trusty02:05
fundiesi could finr bug on trusty-backports but who knows when they'll get to it02:06
leftyfbfundies: it's not a problem with trusty-backports02:06
fundiesyes it is02:06
pragmaticenigmafundies, the package repositories that are published are published for the operation of Ubuntu and it INCLUDED software. You are using a 3rd party software application in a version of ubuntu now 4 years old. In my opinion you are expecting a miracle for something that is only getting security updates at this point in time02:06
leftyfbno, it's not02:06
fundiesleftyfb, read the page you linked me lmao02:06
fundiesto request a package be backported file a bug on trusty backports02:07
fundiesbackports is missing the package02:07
pragmaticenigmawhen fundies you have your answer then... don't you... make a bug report02:07
fundiespragmaticenigma, I don't have 6months to wait till ubuntu people get to it02:08
fundiesso next step in backporting guide02:08
fundiesis to do what im doing02:08
leftyfbwhat you are doing is non-trivial and not supported02:09
pragmaticenigmafundies, If https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports#Enabling_Backports_Manually doesn't work for you, we can't help you here02:09
fundiesleftyfb, using an ubuntu program is not supported02:10
fundiesnot even a linux one a tool part of ubuntu-dev-tools02:10
pragmaticenigmafundies: we are volunteers, not the developers, we have limited ability to channel something like that up. and even those that can, are more than likely going to tell you the same thing. file a bug report02:10
leftyfbfundies: the problem is NOT with -backports or backportpackages. It is, by design, preventing you from breaking your system by installing a package from a release of ubuntu 8 versions and 4 years ahead of your release02:12
fundiesleftyfb, backportpackage should rebuild it for my sytem02:15
fundiesthats the point02:15
fundiesthats what backporting is02:15
pragmaticenigmafundies, you're confusing you're personal requirements with the greater good of all users that use trusty02:15
fundiespragmaticenigma, im confusing #ubuntu with a place to get help with ubuntu specific software02:16
fundiesim a lunatic02:16
leftyfbfundies: you are right. Ubuntu is broken. Sorry, we cannot help you here. File a bug.02:17
fundiesleftyfb, im sure theres one knowledgeable ubuntu user out there somewhere02:17
pragmaticenigmaif there is, they aren't here02:18
fundiesis why I keep asking waiting for one to appear02:18
leftyfbfundies: repeatedly asking a question which you have already received valid answers for goes against the guidelines of this support channel.02:20
pragmaticenigmafundies, you've been at this for 4 hours and I've seen replies from some of the most knowledgeable people here. If they don't know, then you aren't going to find an answer here02:20
fundiesleftyfb, it has not recived a valid answer02:21
fundiesso far people completly unaware what backporting is have made an attempt to help but clearly it's out of your conform zone02:21
leftyfbfundies: offending the volunteers here also goes against the guidelines02:22
fundiesleftyfb, I don't recal saying annything offensive02:23
pragmaticenigmafundies, it has nothing to do with comfort zone. travis-ci is not a Ubuntu supported application. If you cannot use the tools that have been provided by Ubuntu, then you will need to seek your answers somewhere else02:23
fundiestravis-ci isn't an application02:23
fundiesits an ubunutu instance02:23
pragmaticenigmaand it's still NOT SUPPORTED02:24
fundiesyou can take travis-ci out of the equation02:24
fundiesit's irrelevant02:24
fundiesim asking how do I port grpc to ubuntu trusty02:24
fundiesusing an ubuntu tool02:25
pragmaticenigmafundies, then we're back to the previous comment... the repositories, backports included, are designed to prevent users from breaking their systems. If the option doesn't exist, there's no possible way for us to help you02:25
pragmaticenigmafundies, it either works or it doesn't02:25
leftyfbYou don't. Doing so is not supported. Hence why backportpackages doesn't let you02:25
pragmaticenigmaAGAIN DID YOU READ THIS PAGE FULLY??? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports#Enabling_Backports_Manually02:25
fundiesthats for using existing backports02:26
pragmaticenigmafundies, if you did EVERYTHING on that page... and it doesn't work, IT'S NOT SUPPORTED... we're done here02:26
fundiesim trying to add a new backport02:26
pragmaticenigmamove on, any further pressing of the matter is a violation of the code of conduct02:26
fundiesno it does not02:26
pragmaticenigma!ops | fundies , asked and received an answer, is not willing to accept02:27
ubottufundies , asked and received an answer, is not willing to accept: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax02:27
fundiesit's not an answer02:27
bcxwhy can't I bridge the loopback interface ?02:36
pragmaticenigmabcx, By very definition, you CANNOT talk to a loopback adapter from any other machine but your own.02:38
leftyfbbcx: what is it exactly you're trying to accomplish?02:39
bcxi'm trying to create a loopback-only network namespace02:39
leftyfbbcx: why?02:39
bcxto netns exec a browser in it02:39
bcxwithout access to lan/wan02:40
bcxonly lo02:40
pragmaticenigmathat's not what a bridge is for02:40
bcxI could create a bridge with lo+veth102:41
bcxpragmaticenigma: bridge are for nothing except bridging interfaces02:41
leftyfbbcx: use iptables02:42
bcxmaybe I should use another inteface type for ...02:42
bcxleftyfb: a bare netns has no access to root lo02:43
evulishhow do i configure screen power saving settings for a console-only display?02:44
evulishno x server02:45
bcxevulish: check /etc/systemd/logind.conf02:46
bcxwho creates lo interface ? network-manager ?02:47
pragmaticenigmaevulish, look here https://askubuntu.com/a/13054102:47
bcxactually I don't need lo02:48
bcxi can just remove lo and have a bridge at
bcxor just veth102:49
bcxveth1: in root netns <--> veth2: in jailed netns02:50
bcxthe issue is that downling lo may break services already listening on it, all this should be done at boot instead of runtime02:53
bcxI may also loose some perf (loopback fast implementation & huge mtu)02:54
evulishpragmaticenigma: acpi is def on, nothing else seems really relevant02:54
pragmaticenigmaevulish, https://askubuntu.com/a/47439 further down02:56
pragmaticenigmaevulish, look at setterm options02:57
evulishjust about to try that02:57
bcxevulish: check IdleAction & IdleActionSec in systemd documentation02:58
evulishwell setterm did it02:59
evulishbut now how do i get that to happen at the login prompt?03:00
evulishadd it to rc.local?03:02
bcxevulish: check /etc/systemd/logind.conf03:03
evulishbcx: not sure what i'm looking for.. those look like the put the whole system to sleep03:05
xgpthey y'all, just curious, what's the difference between "&" and "&&" at the end of a command? What's the best way to run a command in the terminal, and have that program still run after that terminal is totally murdered/obliterated? Is there a way to start a program from the command line and not have it be associated with the terminal and just run on the desktop?03:08
guivercxgpt, & runs the command in the background.   && is a conditional; the following command runs ONLY if first command succeeded03:09
exhahe>.<   I'm just going to live in shell for 3 months.  I'll catch on03:10
bcxevulish: i'm not an expert but i think systemd is responsible for emiting the idle signal, don't know who is the receiver as you dont even have xset to play with dpms03:10
evulishexhahe: nohup, disown, and screen are the three ways i can think of to not rely on a terminal03:10
bcxtmux also03:11
exhaheI have Tmux installed.  I'm scared to live in it03:12
evulishi've left stuff running in screen for like years03:12
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evulishnothing vital but irssi or something haha, not to say that irssi isn't vital03:13
exhaheIrssi is my pref irc client on one of my VMs03:14
exhaheJust got my System76 laptop.  I'm seriously thinking living in shell... Just to learn faster and get used to it03:16
exhaheI'm definitely going to need a cheat sheet03:16
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evulishwell that didn't work03:21
exhahenohup? disown?  I have to look that up03:21
evulishman my server takes forever to boot03:26
clu3I'm trying to upgrade my server from ubuntu 14 to 16, and following this release note https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes03:26
clu3but i cant install update-manager-core package03:26
clu3so essentially i fail at the very first step : "Install the update-manager-core package if it is not already installed"03:27
t0no6aclu3 and what about reinstall without delete any partition?03:28
clu3@t0no6a i can only access it via terminal , it's a hosted server03:29
clu3https://pastebin.com/3ctCW0by this is what i got when trying to install the package03:31
clu3and "-f install" will give a lot of other dependency crap related to core packages03:32
clu3any help greatly appreciated03:32
evulishokay so working solution, added consoleblank=300 to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT03:38
guivercclu3, python3-update-manager you should update from is 1: (trusty) but your error says 196.21 is to be installed?  i'd check your sources.list* files to ensure you have updates enabled  (just a thought)  https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=python3-update-manager03:46
clu3@guiverc yes my apt sources list is really messy. Thanks for the suggestion03:59
clu3checking it first...04:00
clu3idk why there's sources.list.distUpgrade in my sources and it's pointing to "precise"04:02
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guivercclu3, i'd also `apt update && apt dist-upgrade` first  (196.25 is where this will take you to)04:02
clu3@guiverc after installing that "update-manager-core" package right?04:03
clu3also i'm a little lost on what to do with my sources now... just cleaning them all up?04:04
guiverci would do it first (apt-get upgrade if you don't want to dist-upgrade) - before any changes to bring your system up to 14.04LTS latest! (which is 196.25)04:04
guivercassuming your sources.list* is okay; check that first & get rid of unwanted or wrong/historic stuff04:05
clu3maybe i'll just remove all other sources except for that main trusty source04:06
Bashing-om!info linux-image-generic trusty04:10
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (trusty), package size 2 kB, installed size 31 kB04:10
Bashing-omclu3: guiverc :: I would think the main concern is getting the kernels straightened out as the 1st priority.04:13
clu3@Bashing-om yep currently i'm having the issues with those linux-image*-generic packages04:13
clu3which tbh is beyond my knowledge, ie idk what to do with those04:14
guiverci suspect its related - if updated correctly (sources.list* fixed) i hope both python3-u..m. & linux-3.13.0-143* will both be fixed -- but i'm hoping..04:14
clu3I cleaned up all sources.list and it's not @guiverc . it's still complaining about those linux-image packages04:15
clu3python3-update-manager/trusty-updates 1:0.196.25 all [upgradable from: 1:0.196.21]04:16
guivercafter cleaning sources* did you `sudo apt update; sudo apt dist-upgrade` ??04:16
Bashing-omclu3: I have been on this keyboard now several hours, and my think'n is kinda forced and cloudy. but pastebin ' dpkg -l | grep linux- ' ; see what we can do .04:16
clu3no not yet @guiverc, just apt upgrade04:16
clu3ok @Bashing-om, thank you!04:17
clu3https://pastebin.com/0we6jh68 here it is04:18
Bashing-omclu3: Look'n .. stand by .04:18
clu3@guiverc i "apt update" and then tried to install that python3 package and it failed, complaining about those linux- packages04:19
katnipwhy the @04:19
guivercas Bashing-om predicted :)04:19
Bashing-omclu3: still look'n but this is UN-Good " iU  linux-generic-lts-saucy " .04:20
clu3what should i do with it? Yep i don't know how it got there ^^ @Bashing-om04:21
clu3if i'm not wrong maybe i did an apt dist upgrade from ubuntu 12 to this one. That's why it has some precise, saucy stuff in there. Maybe. This server's been there for like 5-6 years. i can't even recall any more :(04:23
Jonno_FTWI'm trying to build something that uses openmpi, but cmake wants  MPI_EXTRA_LIBRARY, but it's not found, even though it finds mpi_library, what is mpi_extra_library supposed to look like?04:24
Bashing-omclu3: We fix the kernels, show what kernel is presently booting as we MUST not mess with it ' uname -r ' .04:25
clu33.13.0-101-generic @Bashing-om04:25
naccfundies: sorry, i'll be back tmrw04:25
fundiesnacc, ok04:25
clu3@katnit it's just my habit i used in some other software. when doing this it will "alert" the other person04:27
Bashing-omclu3: Take a gentle poke at it ' sudo apt remove linux-generic-lts-saucy ' . If that flies we move on .04:27
clu3@Bashing-om: https://pastebin.com/bgNRVQAr04:28
clu3it's basically still complaining about those linux- packages04:28
Bashing-omclu3: We find the key ... try ' sudo dpkg -P linux-image-3.13.0-110-generic ' .04:31
clu3dpkg: warning: ignoring request to remove linux-image-3.13.0-110-generic which isn't installed04:31
Bashing-omclu3: good : try as ' sudo dpkg -P linux-image-extra-3.13.0-110-generic ' .04:33
clu3@Bashing-om pls wait a sec, i have to clean up , "no space is left"04:37
Bashing-omclu3: ouch ,, dpkg should be able to work in that event ..., we may have to give it a bigger bite .04:38
clu3@Bashing-om it seems it's not about disk space https://pastebin.com/kB8UjE4b04:46
clu3i removed quite a bit of my hdd and it's still complaining like that04:47
Bashing-omclu3: " /dev/sda1         240972    238952         0 100% /boot " If worse comes to worse we can get real dirty to resolve this .04:49
Bashing-omclu3: Next move is ' sudo dpkg -P linux-image-3.11.0-15-generic ' .04:50
clu3and in /boot, i see a lot of those packages stuff04:51
clu3oh this one got killed ^^ thanks04:51
Bashing-omclu3: Uh huh .. that is where the problem is . we work at it ..with the goal to get fully installed .04:53
clu3@Bashing-om so the idea is to remove all of them linux-image-extra-3.13.0-X-generic where X<143 right?04:55
Bashing-omclu3: ' sudo dpkg -P linux-image-extra-3.13.0-112-generic ' .04:55
clu3boom, 112 gone04:56
Bashing-omclu3: only somewhat .. we want to leave the -41 and 43 kernels as well as the 101 .04:56
Bashing-omclu3: ' sudo dpkg -P inux-image-extra-3.13.0-133-generic ' .04:57
Bashing-omlinux** clu304:58
clu3dpkg: warning: ignoring request to remove linux-image-extra-3.13.0-113-generic which isn't installed04:58
clu3@Bashing-om i got it ^^04:58
Bashing-omclu3: Yeah it has it issues ;; try ' sudo dpkg -P linux-headers-3.13.0-133-generic linux-headers-3.13.0-133 ' /05:01
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clu3@Bashing-om it's gone05:02
clu3headers -133 removed05:02
clu3headers *-133 removed05:02
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clu3should we proceed with 141?05:05
Bashing-omclu3: Fomme a bit to work up a mass murderer as we now have operating room /05:05
clu3yep /boot is now 90%05:05
clu3still a lot of those 101,103...109 installed though05:06
clu3@Bashing-om should i just remove all of those 101....109 packages? is it safe to do so05:08
Bashing-omclu3: Ues .. remove them .. got to many gaps to do it safly .. ' sudo dpkg -P linux-headers-3.13.0-103 ' then ' sudo dpkg -P linux-headers-3.13.0-103-generic " same same for  linux-image-3.13.0-103-generic and linux-image-extra-3.13.0-103-generic . This looks to be a long slow process .05:18
clu3yep it's fine i can do it ^^05:18
Bashing-omclu3: When all the extranious 3-13 kernels are gone we still have to deal with " iU  linux-generic-lts-saucy " .05:27
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Bashing-omclu3_: Srill working ? ready for the next step ?05:44
clu3@Bashing-om : sorry i got carried away05:45
clu3i made a very bad mistake. current kernal is version 101 but i removed it as well05:46
Bashing-omclu3: If all the old 3.13 ( !! _ are gone mow tru again ' sudo dpkg -P linux-generic-lts-saucy ' .05:46
clu3it's gone as well05:47
clu3there's only 141 & 143 left. I accidentally removed 101 as well :(05:47
clu3which 101 is my current version . that's how bad it is now :(05:48
Bashing-omclu3: Yukkie !!! we can not reboot untill we have this all cleaned up  as now we have no booting kernel .05:48
clu3am i f***ed yet?05:48
Bashing-omclu3: No .. we can recover .. time and effort .. just no reboot 'till we are golden .05:49
clu3so.... https://pastebin.com/E4p9YZQ8 this is the current situation05:50
Bashing-omclu3: rebuild - 1 of 4 ' sudo apt install linux-headers-generic  ' .05:54
clu3this is complaining about the dependency as before05:55
Bashing-omclu3: show me .. maybe I have the order of install wrong ??05:56
Bashing-omclu3: Oh I see where I made my mistake .. I want to see ' dpkg -l | grep linux- ' .. too see if the meta packages are present .06:00
Bashing-omclu3: remove less 101.141. 143 all the header files - then we return to saucy // then we start rebuilding .06:05
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clu3@Bashing-om done06:16
clu3what should i do next06:16
Bashing-omclu3: Now try again ' sudo dpkg -P linux-generic-lts-saucy ' .06:17
clu3it's already removed before06:18
Bashing-omclu3: Not according to that last dpkg -l . Show a new ' dpkg -l | grep linux- ' . see where awe are now .06:20
clu3yep, it's iU status06:21
clu3iU  linux-headers-generic-lts-saucy                                       amd64        Generic Linux kernel headers06:21
clu3dpkg: warning: ignoring request to remove linux-generic-lts-saucy which isn't installed06:21
Bashing-omclu3: :) ,, show a new 'dpkg -l | grep linux- ' .06:24
Bashing-omclu3: remove the header files .. keeping linux-headers-generic,  linux-generic. -101, -141, -143 .06:29
clu3saucy removed @Bashing-om06:33
Bashing-omclu3: Yepper saucy os gome .. now to remove those useless header files .06:34
Bashing-omis gone*06:34
koolbluwhat is saucy??06:34
Bashing-om!suacy | koolblu06:35
Bashing-om!info suacy | koolblu06:35
ubottukoolblu: Package suacy does not exist in artful06:35
koolblu!info saucy06:36
ubottuPackage saucy does not exist in artful06:36
ubottuUbuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) was the 19th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 17th, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and https://ubottu.com/y/saucy06:36
Bashing-omkoolblu: suacy was an old EOL release .06:36
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: :) ... mu mind is gone !06:36
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clu3@Bashing-om what should i do next?06:38
Bashing-omclu3: If all the old header files have been removed we start rebuilding .06:38
clu3i still have things like linux-headers-3.13.0-141 & linux-headers-3.13.0-141-generic06:39
clu3for 141 & 143 only06:40
Bashing-omclu3: Great .. show me now a new ' dpkg -l | grep linux- ' . see if we are now ready to build .06:40
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Bashing-omclu3: Building ! ' sudo apt install --reinstall linux-image-generic ' .06:42
clu3linux-image-generic : Depends: linux-image-3.13.0-143-generic but it is not going to be installed06:43
clu3                       Depends: linux-image-extra-3.13.0-143-generic but it is not going to be installed06:43
clu3it's still complaining about those -143 packages06:43
Bashing-omclu3: Humm .. try ' sudo apt install linux-image-3.13.0-143-generic ' .06:44
clu3installing...looking good06:44
Bashing-omclu3: Next. try ' sudo apt install linux-image-extra-3.13.0-143-generic ' .06:45
koolbluyay! have no idea why anyone would want to install old image though...lol06:45
clu3all good now06:46
clu3apt install --reinstall linux-image-generic done06:46
Bashing-omkoolblu: Once we are stable will get the -143 kernel installed and a back up .. then renove the older kernels once more .06:46
Bashing-omclu3: ' sudo apt install --reinstall linux-firmware  ' .06:47
BlueSharkHi. How to know what applications are taking how much memory? I want a list like: Chromium - 500 MB, GIMP - 200 MB and so on... htop lists several processes of the same application.06:49
clu3https://pastebin.com/g5TeiqRi @Bashing-om06:49
clu3i'm not sure if it's successful or not06:50
meandrainHi, I boot an Ubuntu 16.04 machine from the network and default gw and dns are not setup. Any idea how to configure those? I've configured /etc/network/interfaces but it seems the configuration info from there is not used06:54
Bashing-omclu3: I do not know WHY fir,ware us compalining aboit the kernels we removed ! .. nest check and see what the story is / ' ls -al /usr/src/ ; ls -al /lib/modules/ ' ls -al /boot/ ' . see what the deal is .06:55
meandrainhere are my configs:  https://dpaste.de/fwiY06:59
meandrainthe nfs machine boots without /etc/network/interfaces file and assigns ip06:59
clu3@Bashing-om https://paste.ee/p/tSg4r07:02
clu3(i got pastebin limit ^^)07:02
koolblu@meandrain your network connection appears to me working to me..07:09
meandrainit works for a standalone machine. It does not work if that machine is booted via nfs07:09
Bashing-omclu3: Beats me why .. but the fix ' sudo rm -rf /lib/modules/3.13.0-{110,112}* ; sudo rm /boot/*-3.13.0-{110,112,133}-generic ; sudo apt -f install ' .  show me the apt -f output .07:10
meandrainmaybe it works if I choose dynamic for the nfs booted client ? I want to uses static ip config07:10
koolblu@meandrain I have no idea how to help, sorry..07:11
meandrainnp, thank you07:11
meandrainIt might be related to pxelinux07:11
kes0You could try switch to dynamic and see07:11
* koolblu is a dummy07:12
kes0If it works07:12
meandrainI'll do that07:12
clu3@Bashing-om: The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:07:13
clu3  linux-headers-3.13.0-141 linux-headers-3.13.0-141-generic07:13
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meandrainusing dynamic works except dns (no /etc/resolv.conf file is created)07:15
bugzbunnyIs that a server?07:16
meandrainis a machine booted via NFS07:16
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bugzbunnyI am not familiar with 16.04, what service is bringing up the network?07:17
Bashing-omclu3: Great ! Ok, getting readu to pull that trigger . show a new ' 'dpkg -l | grep linux- ' . and then we look at your sources .07:18
karalainehi, running 17.10, updated my thinkpad bios and now it freezes at graphical login after few seconds. even mouse freezes. any ideas? tried running apt upgrade from recovery but no effect07:18
meandrainI don't know, I am newbie to Ubuntu07:18
bugzbunnymeandrain: systemctl status NetworkManager; systemctl status Networking; The latter is from memory07:18
bugzbunnyThere are guides out there07:18
meandrainI am thinking dhcp server from NFS machine is not sending the dns config07:18
bugzbunnyNo, that entirely depends on what is bringing up the networking on you Ubuntu client07:19
meandrainbugzbunny: https://dpaste.de/nScq07:20
bugzbunnyWell, could also depend if you DHCP server is sending DNS information07:20
clu3@Bashing-om https://paste.ee/p/CCXH007:20
meandrainI've configured dhcp server with: option domain-name-server;07:20
meandrainan unbound cache dns07:21
bugzbunnyWhat are you using for DHCP? systemctl list-units --type=service --all07:21
meandrainwell, it is a similar thing, right ?07:21
bugzbunnyThe configuration parameter looks familier07:21
meandraindhcp server is isc-dhcpd07:21
Bashing-omclu3: Look'n good finally ! Ok now show ' cat -n /etc/apt/sources.list ; tail -v -n +1 /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* ' .07:22
bugzbunnymeandrain: Have a look here https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/network-configuration.html07:23
meandrainbugzbunny: thanx07:23
meandrainI've also added ip=dhcp to append line in my pxelinux.cfg, let's see if it helps (there's a mix of tftpboot, pxelinux, dhcp server)07:24
clu3@Bashing-om https://paste.ee/p/rzjD0 There's no sources.list.d (i removed 'em all earlier)07:25
Bashing-omclu3: That source should fly .. OK. now show me ' sudo update-grub ' .07:27
clu3Generating grub configuration file ...07:27
clu3Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-143-generic07:27
clu3Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-3.13.0-143-generic07:27
clu3Found memtest86+ image: /memtest86+.elf07:27
clu3Found memtest86+ image: /memtest86+.bin07:27
meandrainso using dhcp instead of static in /etc/network/interfaces made it work07:27
Bashing-om!paste | clu3 when you are un-quieted .07:28
ubottuclu3 when you are un-quieted .: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:28
clu3@Bashing-om i didnt release it would go to multiple lines that bad ^^07:29
Bashing-omclu3: we will live over it :)07:29
Bashing-omclu3: I want to be sure we are good to go . show in a pastie ' sudo update-grub ' .07:30
clu3@Bashing-om https://paste.ee/p/q11n407:34
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Bashing-omclu3: Humm .,. wonder why the other 2 kernels are not seen /// Do we care ?07:36
clu3i think probably not07:36
clu3let's go ahead and upgrade it ? ^^07:36
clu3but i'm pretty zero in all those kernel packages really07:37
Bashing-omclu3: Agreed .. OK .. Let's see what the system now thinks . paste ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt full-upgrade ' .07:38
clu3you mean do-release-upgrade ? @Bashing-om07:40
clu3@Bashing-om : oh apt full-upgrade, got it07:40
Bashing-omclu3: No, not yet .. make sure our ducks are in a row before we pull that trigger .07:40
tanmoy96how to get COM1 port in arduino that is used over the ubuntu MATE07:41
clu3apt thinks linux-headers-3.13.0-141 linux-headers-3.13.0-141-generic are not installed. Maybe that's why the update-grub didn't recognize it07:41
clu3anyway, i'm typing "Y" for apt full-upgrade07:42
clu3@Bashing-om: while i'm waiting, can you give me some background keywords, links so i can google and learn about the stuff you've been showing me pls?07:42
clu3kinda like i don't know where to start07:42
Bashing-omclu3: Yepper .. I did miss -141 not installed .. not a biggy .. but we will fix . // links for this .. right off the top of my head I do not know of any . What we did here is learned the hard way .07:46
scuolaThis server is free?07:49
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koolbluserver is free07:49
Underoh, wonderful thanks07:50
Bashing-omUnder: Free as in beer ?07:50
koolblunot sure if your connection is free though...lol07:50
Underi can't modify the basic option :)07:50
UnderSry Bashing i live on Italy07:51
koolbluUnder: are you using an internet cafe or connecting from home?07:52
Underi using the internet school07:52
koolblushould be free then :)07:52
Underi don't wanna do nothing i'm bored :)07:52
geodb27People : hi ! From what I know, I've installed both last chromium and adobe-flash (I know, but I need it, no choice). In a "nromal" chromium browser window, everything works fine. However, when I launch a private chromium window, flash refuses to launch. What am I doing wrong ?07:54
ducasseUnder: this channel is for ubuntu support, if you want to chat please use #ubuntu-offtopic07:54
Bashing-omUnder: Bored and no ubuntu support question .. then join #ubuntu-offtopic :)07:54
geodb27I'm running kubuntu 16.04 on my laptop, and everything is up-to-date (apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y just launched a few minutes ago.07:55
bugzbunnygeodb27: 1) Chromium (such as Chrome), uses Pepperflash, 2) Chromium (and Chrome) disable flash by default07:56
Underthis PC got a massive operative sistem, but now i have to back at mine lesson, Bye Bye07:56
clu3@Bashing-om: apt full-upgraded suceeded. yay07:57
bugzbunnygeodb27: You'll probably need to go into you settings, either whitelist sites, which may get lost. Not too familier with incognito07:57
bugzbunnygeodb27: Or enable for all sites07:57
geodb27bugzbunny: thanks for your help. The fact is that in both normal and incognito windows, I visit the same site, so flash is enabled.07:59
geodb27I mean, it is enabled and works fine since the site works in the normal window.07:59
bugzbunnygeodb27: Incognito might be using different settings, double check your settings, search for Flash.. see what it says08:00
bugzbunnygeodb27: While you are _using_ incognito08:00
Bashing-omclu3: Look'n good / check next what is set for grub to boot ' ls -al /vmlinuz* /initrd.img* ' .08:00
clu3initrd.img -> boot/initrd.img-3.13.0-143-generic && /vmlinuz -> boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-143-generic08:01
clu3so looks like it's all good right?08:01
Bashing-omclu3: I would think all is good . but would feel better if that back up kernel were in place . Not sure how the system will respond in the release upgrade ?08:03
geodb27bugzbunny: well, I gave it a try. what is annoying is that when I visit a site for the first time (normal mode), chromium asks wether to enable flash or not. I enabled it. The site loads. When I open the same site in incognito mode, flash is activated (I saw this left to the site's address), however, the page complains that flash is too old and that I should update it.08:04
bugzbunnyHmm, interesting, not sure what's going on there08:06
Bashing-omclu3: ' sudo apt install linux-image-3.13.0-141-generic linux-image-extra-3.13.0-141-generic ' .08:07
geodb27quite old but seems to be the same as what I'm facing : https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!topic/chrome/8qU1VHhQ-JE08:08
geodb27Yet, I don't see anything related to flash either in chrome://components nor in chrome://extensions08:09
bugzbunnychrome://plugins is deprecieated when they depreciated NAPAI08:10
andrebhi all08:20
andrebi am looking for a working tutorial on setting up lavarel 5.3 on ubuntu 17.10 with php 7.0.. .most of the tutorials i ahve tried dont work08:21
Guest92825sorry, i am new,i dont konw what to do...08:21
ikoniaGuest92825: you're in an IRC channel called #ubuntu, it has a set topic for ubuntu technical support discussion08:22
ikonia!guidelies | Guest9282508:22
ikoniahave a read of the link the chat bot ubottu will send you, may help08:22
ikonia!guidelines | Guest9282508:22
ubottuGuest92825: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines08:22
Bashing-omclu3: Still with us ? status ?08:24
clu31 sec sorry i'm on meeting08:24
clu3apt install linux-image-3.13.0-141-generic linux-image-extra-3.13.0-141-generic ?08:25
Bashing-omclu3: K - I would .. and then reboot to see that you come up in the -143 kernel .08:25
clu3ok doing now...08:26
elichai2how can I install libprotobuf9 on 17.10?08:31
MonkeyDust!find libpro08:32
ubottuFound: libproc-waitstat-perl, libprocps-dev, libprocps6, libprotobuf-dev, libprotobuf-lite10, libprotobuf10, libprotoc-dev, libprotoc10, libproxy-cil-dev, libproxy-dev (and 339 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libpro&searchon=names&suite=artful&section=all08:32
clu3done installing08:32
clu3@Bashing-om hold breath i'm rebooting08:32
elichai2MonkeyDust:  it's available on 16.0408:32
Bashing-omclu3: fingers crossed too :P08:33
ghost2911Hello all. Does anyone know a way to scan packages vulnerabilities on ubuntu ?08:40
clu3@Bashing-om: i can't ssh now :)08:41
clu3port 22 refused08:41
clu3i guess i'm doomed08:41
Bashing-omclu3: Ouch .. did not know you were remoting in . With out physical access to the machine , I know of no fix here :(08:45
tyoc213I have downloaded latest 17.10, but it doesnt detect my evo emve SSD08:45
clu3No worries @Bashing-om08:46
clu3i guess i have to reset the machine08:46
clu3i already had backup so not a big deal really08:46
tyoc213it is possible to install on such a device? or it is to new to ubuntu installer?08:46
clu3thank you @Bashing-om, you've been awesome. I learned a lot as well08:46
tyoc213m.2 ssd drive08:46
Bashing-omclu3: I expect the system is good . Just reset networking .08:47
Bashing-omclu3: Well past my bed time .,.,I leave you with the mess .08:47
clu3supposed 143 is installed, then i can dist-upgrade normally right?08:48
hateballtyoc213: is the disk visible in bios/uefi?08:48
hateballtyoc213: it should work08:48
tyoc213yes hateball08:48
clu3ok Bashing-om, thank you08:48
clu3and gnite08:48
Bashing-omclu3: do-release upgrade .. should be set and ready to go .08:49
hateballtyoc213: so is the installer not seeing the drive at all, or is it the grub install that fails?08:49
tyoc213hateball, gparted only sees the USB where IM running ubuntu08:49
tyoc213yes, the installer08:50
tyoc213I can see the drive if I enter the BIOS08:50
hateballtyoc213: and if you run "sudo blkid" while live-booted, does it show?08:50
hateballit should show as /dev/nvme*something08:51
meandrainWhen I try to restart my ubuntu nfs booted machine I got stuck on this:  "A stop job is running for Raise network interfaces (25s/1min 30s). Any idea how to disable that so I could reboot the machine ?08:51
tyoc213hateball, I see only 2 drivers with blkid: loop0 and sea1 which is the USB08:52
tyoc213the nvme is completely new, so no format on it08:53
meandrainThis is my network config file: https://dpaste.de/1gua08:53
zozohey guys, could someone point me to some readings about installing kernel modules if I have UEFI? I can't build one but can't fully understand what's going on08:53
hateballtyoc213: also I think you need to use EFI and not legacy mode, in case you have that enabled in your BIOS08:53
tyoc213will check that08:53
jmft2Hello. When a system is shut down, what sort of signal do the remaining processes receive?08:56
apb1963Is there a recommended ftp daemon for ubuntu 16/18.04?08:59
apb1963jmft2, why?09:03
jmft2apb1963: I want my program to close gracefully (save state, etc.) before finishing09:03
apb1963jmft2, Probably SIGTERM followed by KILL a bit later if that doesn't work.09:04
bugzbunnyIs the program running as a Daemon?09:04
bugzbunnyYou can add parameters to a systemd-service script to give the daemon more time to shutdown09:05
apb1963meandrain, did you copy/paste that error message or type it by hand?09:09
meandrainit seems the error is because I've commented ipv6 section for localhost from /etc/hosts09:10
meandrainI've type it by hand09:10
apb1963meandrain, :D09:10
meandrainthat was a habit coming from FreeBSD to comment everything I don't need, it seems in Ubuntu it breaks things09:11
tyoc213hateball, probably I Need to update my bios09:17
tyoc213well, will try tomorrow09:17
hateballtyoc213: Yeah it's probably good to start there09:21
kes0What DE is most stable on ubuntu?09:23
azizLIGHTwhich of these do you know of: shotcut kdenlive pitivi avidemux blender cinelerra LiVES openshot flowblade vivia ? im trying to see which one has more community/DOCUMENTATION09:30
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trincyolohi all, I've just installed ubuntu lts on a friend's computer and the grub boot menu doesn't show. It just boots straight into windows.09:56
pragomeri have a logitech bluetooth mouse and the movings to lag a lot when using it under ubuntu 17.1009:58
MonkeyDust_trincyolo  start here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Troubleshooting09:59
meandrainI still have trouble rebooting my ubuntu machine: stuck on "a stop job is running for raise network interfaces".   Any hints what to check ?09:59
pragomerany hints for this problem? the lagging is sometimes more, sometimes less but never real quick responding09:59
trincyoloMonkeyDust_: thanks, but this assumes that I have access to the grub menu which I don't10:01
meandrainHere is some debug info, but I don't know what to look for: https://dpaste.de/YH9b10:01
Emmarofmy root partition is full, how do i increase it?10:02
meandrainthere's more: https://dpaste.de/d4Pu10:03
FroxHello everyone, I decited to move from windows to linux but I have alsmost 0 knowledge of linux so how and from where do I start learning using them?10:03
EmmarofFrox: just install and use10:04
ducasse!manual | Frox10:05
ubottuFrox: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/10:05
FroxEmmarof: I do but I don't have the feel that I am realy learning this way10:05
FroxI am copy pasting commands from the internet10:05
Emmarofoh ok10:05
FroxAnd this is not a good solution10:06
guivercFrox, that question may not be a support issue, maybe #ubuntu-discuss is better  (others agree?)10:06
EmmarofFrox: https://nostarch.com/tlcl10:06
Froxoh sorry then my bad10:06
pragomerin debian I could switch den mode of my fnkeys of my macbook by adding this line to /etc/modprobe.d/local.conf:10:06
pragomeroptions hid_apple fnmode=210:06
pragomerin ubuntu 17.10 this has no effecz.10:06
pragomerwhat do to?10:06
guivercFrox, don't apologize - we'd rather you ask here if you're not sure where to ask!10:07
Emmarofguiverc: do you have an idea how i can increase the size of my home partition?10:07
guivercEmmarof, I10:07
Emmarofyou do?10:07
guivercsorry - I'd suggest booting a live media (eg. install media) and using gparted to grow it... you can't use gparted to stretch a running/used partition without a lot of work/hassle... hence using live/install media10:08
MonkeyDust_trincyolo  hit the enter key during boot, to get the grub menu (or is it the escape key, i forget)10:08
trincyoloMonkeyDust_: I've tried that10:08
Emmarofguiverc: can you suggest any tutorial on that?10:08
trincyoloMonkeyDust_: maybe I have similar issue as this person :10:09
guivercEmmarof, sorry I'd have to look which would take time.. (more time that i currently have)10:09
lupuloEmmarof, apt-get install info , after the tutorial info grub10:10
trincyoloMonkeyDust_: still no luck. I've enabled the f12 menu but still no help10:15
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ghost2911hi. does ubuntu have something like arch-audit tool for vulnerabilities scan of packages ? thx10:20
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DbuggerI have a weird issue with "Sound recorder", that it gives me zero output. I press "Record" and nothing happens. I press "Preferences" and nothing pops out. The only thing that seems to talk to me is the "About" window10:32
renn0xtk9I got Kubuntu with Qt 5.9.3 in the path, how to install source of Qt5.5.1 (to compile somne code) without that it create a mess ?10:33
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
azizLIGHThow come im asked to install kernel 4.4 and xenial stuff when i want to install snapd10:47
azizLIGHTim on 14.0410:47
azizLIGHTis snapd not supporteD?10:47
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meandrainok, so it is crazy, I've solved my stuck on reboot problem by changing /etc/network/interfaces from "dhcp" to "manual", and yes there is such option besides "dhcp" and "static"10:57
ducasseazizLIGHT: afaik snapd requires kernel patches that were first included in 16.04, which is probably why you need that kernel11:13
azizLIGHTi will wait for 18.0411:14
thrillhouseTotally noob question- but what's the command you can run to see what Kernel system calls are being run behind like, something print "hi"- and it shows you what goes on in the background to produce the 'print "hi"'11:15
ducassethrillhouse: do you mean strace?11:17
thrillhouseah that's the one, thankyou11:17
thrillhouseI've been googling for a while and I'm sure trying in everything wrong11:17
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cart_manHi ..does RC.Local run after all the systemd initialized all its services?11:29
TJ-cart_man: it's run by the rc-local.service11:31
TJ-cart_man: the unit file only says "After=network.target"11:32
=== Sven_vB_ is now known as Sven_vB
Sven_vBI'd like to prevent my notebook from accidentially communicating with one of the devices on my LAN, but not block it by IP because in other LANs that same IP is unrelated. can I block it by MAC?11:36
OolSven_vB: detect you are in this lan and active the FW, and the opposite11:37
Sven_vBOol, I looked into ufw a bit but their "MAC"s look more like an IPv6 address in https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/firewall.html11:40
TJ-Sven_vB: use ebtables to write MAC rules, not iptables/ufw11:41
Sven_vBTJ-, thanks! I'll read about that.11:41
valihi guys11:47
valianyone here using sssd + ad + sudo ?11:47
Sven_vBwhat's ad?11:47
Sven_vBah, active directory11:48
valiI guess you're not on the AD wagon11:50
Sven_vBnope. maybe you'll find someone later.11:52
jack_c #MHVLUG11:57
yellabs-r2hello all12:05
yellabs-r2i was so creative to use the shred command, its cycling in 3/6 and now at 50 % , should i wait untill its finished ?12:07
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yellabs-r2ah i think so, i now see its also showing the gigabytes its at..12:08
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Sven_vBso before I try and extend my new shiny ebtables to DHCP as well… is there an easier way to collect and review DHCP offers, then decide which of them to accept?12:18
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yellabs-r2okee , take care and have a nice day !12:36
MuriiIs there a way of making a .bat file on ubuntu and test it?12:43
OolMurii: a .bat file is a text file, isn't it ?12:45
Oolso with a text editor you can write it12:46
Murii.bat is batch from windows12:46
Muriiand I want to write and test it12:46
Oolso beter to have windows to test it12:46
cfhowlettyou can write the file in linux but must test it in windows.12:46
Oolor perhaps with wine12:46
dijuremoCan also run virtualbox and a windows vm to test the batch file12:47
MuriiI'll try with wine12:48
MuriiDoesn't work with wine12:50
soulissonSeems easier to do it in a VM. You would need to have cmd working with wine ...12:51
Muriiapparently there's: wine cmd12:52
Muriiwhich lets you use it12:52
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ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/13:02
kostkon!details | Jose8113:03
ubottuJose81: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.13:03
pragmaticenigma!es | Jose8113:09
ubottuJose81: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.13:09
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skweekI've got Error in structure(.External(.C_dotTclObjv, objv), class = "tclObj") :13:24
skweek  [tcl] grab failed: window not viewable.13:24
skweek comming up13:24
skweeki'm not sure but I think something happened to tcl13:24
airkingHello! My hosting provider had to reboot my VPS due to a hardware issue, and upon reboot, my SSH keys don't seem to work.  How can I validate the server keys?13:24
skweekis anyone around?13:24
airkingI have access to a root console13:25
skweekI should get a window open13:26
pragmaticenigmaairking, you need to contact your VPS provider for support13:33
pragmaticenigmaskweek, have patience, also, more information is needed. Please, on one line, tell us what you were doing prior to the error showing up, where you are seeing the error, and as much information about what you trying to do.13:35
airkingpragmaticenigma: why?  It's an ubuntu system, it's online.  I'm not having a VPS hosting issue, I'm having an Ubuntu issue. That should be wholly inside the scope of this channel13:35
airking"This channel supports Ubuntu"13:35
pragmaticenigmaairking, your VPS provider restarted your instance, you should contact them to make sure they didn't make any other changes13:36
airkingpragmaticenigma: they did not.13:36
pragmaticenigmaairking, have you verified with them?13:37
airkingpragmaticenigma: Well they sent me an email saying "No other changes were made"13:37
zanshinairking: Sounds like you've got an ssh key problem. Have you verified that the permissions didn't get changed? What error are you getting, beyond, "my SSH keys don't seem to work"?13:37
pragmaticenigmaairking, so your taking them at their word that after they performed system maintenance that something during their maintenance didn't affect your instance? I'd be on their support line right now asking why if nothing else changed you can't login13:38
airkingpragmaticenigma: I've been with this hosting provider over 5 years.  Theyve been excellent at helping me with any issues, and I've been through countless system maintenances where the system was rebooted with no issues.  At this point I trust that they did not touch anything else13:39
airkingzanshin: Unfortunately I can no longer replicate the error.  Once I logged in via the web console, the keys started working.13:39
airkingzanshin: I don't remember the exact text but it was an "invalid key" error13:40
airkingis there a setting somewhere that determines whether ssh key login is allowed immediately after bootup?13:40
pragmaticenigmano, ssh keys are always available when registered13:41
zanshinairking: What happens if you disconnect and sign in again?13:42
TJ-airking: from the client have you done "ssh -vvv user@host" to get debug info13:42
airkingzanshin: zanshin it just works now13:42
TJ-airking: is the user's home directory encrypted?13:43
skweek I'm using a command line application, R. Normally I'd run install.packages('package') and get a window open. Today I'm installing a package and it says   [tcl] grab failed: window not viewable. and no window opens up. I'm googling around and not finding anything related to the error message. https://pastebin.com/raw/MpgwARDT13:43
airkingTJ-: I don't think so.  I just ran your -vvv command, I'm not sure what to make of this.  Is this log that gets printed from a single auth attempt?13:44
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zanshinairking: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Dig through syslog and or contact the VPS provider and ask them if some transient event happened about the time you got your "invalid key" error.13:45
TJ-airking: "-vvv' shows the progress of the key negotiation and authentication... if the problem is no longer happening then you'll not get anything useful, obviously. Might be worth rebooting it again and testing then13:45
fritzroy15hello, I'm running ubuntu 14.04lts and trying to figure out how to get a newer version of jq since the version offered from the repositories seems to be 1.3.1 which is really old:13:45
fritzroy15hello, I'm running ubuntu 14.04lts and trying to figure out how to get a newer version of jq since the version offered from the repositories seems to be 1.3.1 which is really old:  https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=jq13:45
fritzroy15do i need to install a different repository?13:46
airkingTJ-: How can I dump the -vvv output to a file?  runnign the command with >> file did not work13:46
airkingis it over stderr?13:46
zanshinfritzroy15: You could build it from source: https://github.com/stedolan/jq/wiki/Installation13:46
TJ-airking: /usually/ the issue after boot when there is encrypted home directory is the user's SSH keys aren't accessible (because they're in the encrypted area) but once the user has logged in directly from console (thus decrypting the home dir) the keys are available to SSH13:46
airkingthat could very well be the case13:47
airkingI'll look into that13:47
fritzroy15zanshin isn't there an easier way?13:47
TJ-airking: to capture the log I'd do something like "ssh -vvv user@host |& tee /tmp/ssh.log"13:47
zanshinfritzroy15: There are some newer releases on the Github page for jq.13:49
leftyfbfritzroy15: is there a particular reason you need a newer version of jq?13:50
Orbitorfritzroy15: try "sudo apt-get install jq/trusty-backports"13:50
TJ-fritzroy15: have you checked if there's a version you can work with in 16.04, or 18.04, and if so, upgrade to the newer Ubuntu release?13:51
fritzroy15leftyfb it's for some new functionality they added in post version 1.413:53
fritzroy15TJ- there is but this is a work pc so i'm not *too* inclined to start diddling around with the production development environment that I set up over 3 years ^_^13:53
ghotiHow do I tell GNU Screen to record its scrollback buffer to a file, automatically? I know I can use the "hardcopy" command, but is there a way to automatically run that before a screen is closed, non-interactively?13:54
skweek I'm using a command line application, R. Normally I'd run install.packages('package') and get a window open. Today I'm installing a package and it says   [tcl] grab failed: window not viewable. and no window opens up. I'm googling around and not finding anything related to the error message. https://www.hastebin.com/sutaquyeri.js13:55
leftyfbghoti: man screen13:55
Orbitorfritzroy15: looks like the version in backports is still too old, build from source13:55
TJ-fritzroy15: Could you work from within an LXD container that is running 16.04 or 18.04 ?13:56
leftyfbTJ-: lxd works on 14.04? Or just lxc?13:56
TJ-!info lxd trusty-backports13:57
ubottulxd (source: lxd): Container hypervisor based on LXC - daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.11-0ubuntu1~14.04.4 (trusty-backports), package size 3098 kB, installed size 13940 kB13:57
ghotileftyfb: how is that supposed to be helpful?13:57
leftyfbghoti: Because about halfway down it tells you exactly what you're looking for.13:58
ghotileftyfb: can you pass along a keyword? Obviously I'm not seeing it.13:58
leftyfbghoti: logging13:58
Orbitorskweek: you might have more luck in the #R channel14:00
LampGlowhey there, can anybody answer a question about building vim from src?14:04
LampGlowI have a really wierd problem here14:04
LampGlowi build it with VIMRUNTIME set to /usr/local/share/vim80, but after some time, even without reboot, the file which seem to be there at the first place, syntax.vim disappears14:09
pragmaticenigmaLampGlow, unfortunately we cannot support applications that haven't been provided through the package management/repository14:13
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pragmaticenigmaLampGlow, you may find better support with /join #vim (you will need to register your nick if you haven't, to chat there)14:14
fritzroy15managed to build jq from source, thanks for the help :)14:16
LampGlowpragmaticenigma: thanks!14:16
zanshinfritzroy15: Excellent14:18
zozoany UEFI masters here?14:21
SwedeMike!ask | zozo14:21
ubottuzozo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:21
zozowell.. I know what is patience exactly, lol. It's been for 7 hours already, haha14:23
zozoI have problems with installing kernel modules, as far as I understand because of safe boot (uefi), and I need some help with that14:24
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TJ-zozo: The only reason I can imagine kernel modules would have problems is if they're out-of-tree built and not signed and the system is booting in Secure Boot mode14:26
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zozoTJ- as far as I understand it is possible to sign cusom modules, because I've isntalled couple packages not from ubuntu repositories14:32
zozobut I'm only getting errors and can not load modules14:33
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TJ-zozo: it is possible to sign modules /if/ you've installed your own MOK (Machine Owner's Key) in the UEFI's key store.14:35
TJ-zozo: modules from 3rd party repositories will not be signed, therefore they will not load (kernel will refuse)14:36
zozook, thanks14:37
skyhey there, sorta new to ubuntu. have to print to a network printer, is cups-client what I need to install for that?14:39
Mathisi guess so14:40
pragmaticenigmasky, In system settings you should see a control applet for printing. that is were you will setup your printer14:43
pragmaticenigmaUbuntu continues to "find" a printer on my network that I have already installed manually. How do I disable auto-searching for printers? (The printer it sets up does not work, and I cannot remove it with delete.)14:45
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firezepHi there guys, new to linux and trying to learn how to get znc installed on my new machine. Can some1 give me a hand? Kinda having trouble.14:52
leftyfbfirezep: sudo apt install znc14:53
theGoatso i am having an issue with an ssh config file.  when i configure the file and point to my identity file, it always prompts for the password, but if i specify the file with ssh -i from the command line, it works14:54
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firezepleftyfb: kinda did all that already14:55
leftyfbfirezep: then it's installed14:55
firezepjust when I get to /usr/local/bin/znc --makeconf it doest create the file :(14:55
leftyfbfirezep: that wasn't installed using the package manager14:55
firezepno i usedwget http://znc.in/releases/znc-latest.tar.gz14:56
leftyfbfirezep: sudo apt install znc14:56
leftyfbthat will install it for you14:56
leftyfbfirezep: For help compiling it or configuring it, please read the documentation: https://wiki.znc.in/ZNC14:56
firezepbut how will I then open ports for the webpanel :(14:57
leftyfbfirezep: what does that have to do with installing znc?14:57
leftyfbfirezep: that sounds like a firewall issue to me14:57
firezepwell installing it wasnt hard14:58
firezepI just kinda dont get it how I get it to make the configuration file14:58
firezeplike Im really new to linux been doing it for like 2 days so far tbh15:00
kes0firezep: If u type znc --help maybe it sa what to type to make config15:00
firezepjust get bash: znc: command not found :S15:01
kes0Hm ok15:02
firezepI dont know if I'm allowed to post images but here it goes :S -> https://i.imgur.com/PcuADaU.png15:03
firezepagain really sorry I'm such a pleb :(15:03
firezepfor sure im doing something really stupid15:04
peytonIt doesn't look like znc is a command15:04
peytonis it installed?15:04
firezepI did do -> sudo make; sudo make install15:05
kes0Looks like they are just exracted15:05
kes0And insatall start run?15:06
firezepkes0: I guess yes15:08
firezepI was using this guideline -> https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-znc-an-irc-bouncer-on-an-ubuntu-vps15:08
mujahidwhat is this :v?15:08
firezepjust a ramdom pleb trying to learn da wae :(15:09
mujahidho oke oke15:09
pragmaticenigmatheGoat, It sounds like you have multiple identity files setup for your user. That's why you have to manually select one.15:09
nicomachusmujahid: this is a channel for support for the Ubuntu operating system.15:10
mujahidanyone play CTF competition ?15:10
mujahidOke nico15:10
nicomachusmujahid: this channel is ONLY for support for Ubuntu.15:10
theGoatactually ir's a clean vm for testing, first one in.15:10
firezepnicomachus: sry if Im not supposed to ask this stuff here :(15:10
leftyfbfirezep: sudo apt install znc15:11
leftyfbdon't know how many times I need to tell you this15:11
pragmaticenigmatheGoat, is the identity file your using in ~/.ssh/ ?15:11
pragmaticenigmafirezep, We cannot support compiling applications from source. If you install ZNC from the package manager most of your issues will be resolved. We can then help you with firewall configuration15:12
theGoatyeah...just figured it out.  just uaing ip addresses instead of hostnames in config file15:12
firezepleftyfb: let me try it now15:12
firezeppragmaticenigma: sure thing sorry then I'mma gonna keep on trying15:12
naccfundies: i'm around now, fyi15:13
kes0firezep: If u remove the numbers and type /usr/local/bin/znc --makeconf?15:13
firezepstill get -bash: /usr/local/bin/znc: No such file or directory15:14
firezepbut the dir is there :(15:14
leftyfbfirezep: znc --help15:15
leftyfbfirezep: go back into the directory to used to compile znc. Then do sudo make uninstall15:15
firezepokay let me try that leftyfb thanks15:16
firezepmake: *** No rule to make target 'uninstall'.  Stop.15:17
mustmodifyI'm seeing old DNS entries on ubuntu... I made a change yesterday with a 10 minute TTL so it should have updated long ago. Thoughts?15:18
leftyfbok, can someone help firezep undo his compiled znc in /usr/local and just use the one installed from apt? Kinda busy at the moment15:18
mustmodifyI updated www but not @15:19
firezepits okay leftyfb thank for real15:19
mustmodifyYour thought should be, "You're dumb."15:19
firezepwell I am dumb :(15:19
firezepoh wait I think I got it :P15:20
paul____Hey guys, after upgrading to 17.10 I get many duplicate icons when using virtualbox. Here I have just a wingle virtual machine running, but these have spawned. I cant exactly tell when new ones pop up but it has happened many times: https://pasteboard.co/HdR0vWK.png15:20
kes0mustmodify: Comon15:20
firezepyay got it :D15:20
firezepthanks guys you the best :D15:21
paul____Is there some way to force all of these to one place (master icon) on the bar, like it was in 16.04?15:21
* firezep highfives leftyfb and kes0 15:21
kes0firezep: Nice =)15:21
firezepnow making the cnfg15:22
pragmaticenigmapaul____, applications are grouped by their window title15:22
firezepcan I hang in her with you guys when I get my znc up and running? :D15:22
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kes0firezep: Yes15:24
paul____‎pragmaticenigma‎: so this implies the problem is with virtualbox, that when it was installed on 16, there was one window title, but now it uses many?15:25
paul____I dont have  16 installed now to verify that15:25
paul____Is there any way I can tell gmone to group certain window titles manually?15:26
pragmaticenigmapaul____, 16 used Unity and, 17.10 uses gnome desktop. They may have different ways of grouping the icons. Unity appears to use the process name which would be VirutalBox, Gnome appears to be using the Window title, which for Virtual box would be the machine name15:29
Delta706what software can I use to connect to a vpn account and send traffic via it?15:31
pragmaticenigmaDelta706, NetworkManager supports several VPN protocols by itself. It can also manage turning the VPNs on and off15:33
Delta706pragmaticenigma: why do you say "by itself"?15:34
asyterirc25715mozhno li ustanovit' windows i ubuntu odnovremenno?15:36
gg_i buggered up my audio , can someone help?15:36
rud0lfi read "audio" as "radio" and was like "huh?"15:36
gg_nah, sound card15:37
Delta706pragmaticenigma: are you referring to Network in Settings?15:37
asyterirc25715au garage15:37
gg_settings does not recognize input or output15:37
paul____‎pragmaticenigma: I do understand your point. Looking to fix the issue, though, I don't think I would have much ability to change how VirtualBox names its windows, so I am looking for some other way to tell gnome to group specific windows manually. Furthermore, as you can see in my image, There are separate icons for the manager, the virtual machine, and these 'other windows' that keep spawning. Every one of the other windows is15:37
paul____called the same thing "Virtualbox manager", and clicking them just redirect to the main manager window. I think this is some bug or something, but at least if I could group it I would be able to stop them from being so annoying.15:37
pragmaticenigmapaul____, the issue isn't in Virutal Box though... I think 17.10 uses a Ubuntu varient of dash-to-dock... I'm tring to find some documentation15:38
cYmenCan somebody explain these versions to me libstdc++6-4.7-dev ...what is 6 and what is 4.7?15:38
nacccYmen: 6 is the ABI version and 4.7 is the package version, i think15:40
nacccYmen: what version of ubuntu do you see that package on?15:40
nacccYmen: oh yes, 4.7 is the package base version (upstream version)15:40
Oollib6 + gcc 4.7 ?15:42
Oollibc6 *15:42
mahakalHey guys ,i am on 17.10 and while build qt project i am getting the strange error  "fatal error: QMainWindow: No such file or directory".I am regarding it strange because i have installed the required library with official package manager15:42
mahakalplease suggest something15:43
naccOol: yes, i think so15:43
pragmaticenigmapaul____, The dash-to-dock has an open issue on exactly your request. They are still in discussion about it. https://github.com/micheleg/dash-to-dock/issues/33215:46
pragmaticenigmapaul____, an option is you could choose to install a different dock. I'm not familiar on how to replace the default dock, but I'm confident we can help with that15:47
paul____‎pragmaticenigma: thank you for looking into it, I am going over the options now15:49
mojtabaI have installed phantomjs and added a link of the executable to /usr/local/bin, but still I can not run it by typing its name. Any idea?15:58
pragmaticenigmamojtaba, is it set to executable in /usr/local/bin?15:58
naccmojtaba: if you install phantomjs from ubuntu, why would you put anything in /usr/local/bin?15:59
mojtabapragmaticenigma: I can run it when I am in its own directory.15:59
naccmojtaba: it installs to /usr/bin15:59
mojtabanacc: I installed it using nvm, to get the latest.15:59
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naccmojtaba: ok, so this is really a question for upstream? is /usr/local/bin in your PATH?16:00
mojtabanacc: Yes, it is in my path.16:00
naccmojtaba: `which phantomjs` ?16:02
mojtabanacc: It is located here: /home/mojtaba/node_modules/phantomjs-prebuilt/lib/phantom/bin16:02
mojtabaI ran sudo ln -s phantomjs /usr/local/bin16:02
cYmennacc: this is on ubuntu 16.0416:03
mojtabaFrom that directory16:03
naccmojtaba: ok, and which still reports the first path? is it executable as pragmaticenigma said?16:04
mojtabanacc: It is executable.16:04
naccmojtaba: pastebin `ls -ahl /usr/local/bin | grep phantomjs` ?16:05
mojtabanacc: In /usr/local/bin: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 Mar 27 11:55 phantomjs -> phantomjs16:05
nacccYmen: ah ok16:05
naccmojtaba: wait, you ran it in /usr/local/bin ?16:05
naccmojtaba: that's a complete mistake16:05
mojtabanacc: I ran it from here: home/mojtaba/node_modules/phantomjs-prebuilt/lib/phantom/bin16:06
cYmennacc: so the second number is the actual version?16:06
mojtabathen executed sudo ln -s phantomjs /usr/local/bin16:06
naccmojtaba: then your `ls -ahl` output is wrong?16:06
naccmojtaba: because that's not what it says your symlink is pointed to16:06
mojtabanacc: what do you mean?16:06
ioriamojtaba, tried with absolute path ?16:07
mojtabanacc: may be because I used relative path instead of full path when running ln?16:07
naccmojtaba: if i read your typing above correclty, you've made /usr/local/bin/phantomjs point to /usr/local/bin/phantomjs16:07
cYmenlibstdc++6-5-dbg/xenial-updates,xenial-security 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.9 amd64 <- what's the last version number? the 5.4.0... ?16:07
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nacccYmen: 5.4.0 is the upstream version, -6 means there have been 6 debian updates to that upstream, ubuntu indicates there is an ubuntu change relative to 5.4.0-6; ~16.04 implies it's an SRU to xenial, .9 implies it is the 9th change to the ubuntu xenial version16:08
mojtabanacc: ioria: Thanks. It is working now16:08
ioriamojtaba, ok16:09
cYmennacc: thanks!16:09
naccmojtaba: ok16:09
nacccYmen: yw16:09
mojtabacYmen: Thanks16:09
jhksjdfhskjdfhkshow i can install tor from zip i downloaded ?? like copy in opt but not it says untrusted anyone here for help pls???16:09
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jhksjdfhskjdfhksi really new while installing something from zip file and copy in opt folder and than make symlinks any help pls16:10
naccjhksjdfhskjdfhks: there should be instructions either in the zip you downloaded or the website you got it from16:11
pragmaticenigmajhksjdfhskjdfhks, part of using software in linux is reading the documentation... Tor is mean to run from it's unzipped folder from within your user directory16:12
jhksjdfhskjdfhksnop it's just basic package means if simply extract and click on starttor it just work perfectly but if i try to install than i dont know process!!!16:12
L00P3XGoodEvening :) I'm shure to have a dns issue as i moved to openDNS some time ago but now realize to can not ping sites I can reach by ip too over the browser.. I would know if I could somehow reset the dns on this computer as i want start to run comands as "sudo /etc/init.d/dns-clean start" found over the internet16:12
pragmaticenigmajhksjdfhskjdfhks, Also, beacuse Tor is not included in Ubuntu's official software repositories, we cannot support it here16:13
ramsub07Hi how do i give existing user sudo previleges from terminal?16:13
jhksjdfhskjdfhksoh man i'm just asking for installation simple package in ubuntu pls16:13
pragmaticenigmajhksjdfhskjdfhks, See our !guidelines... we can only support applications that are provided from official Ubuntu packages16:15
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines16:15
cYmenjhksjdfhskjdfhks: do you want tor or the torbrowser? because torbrowser-launcher is in apt...16:16
pragmaticenigmacYmen, that version is out of date16:16
cYmentrue, but there are simple instruction for updating at https://github.com/micahflee/torbrowser-launcher at the bottom16:16
pragmaticenigmacYmen, which leads back to unsupported territory16:17
pragmaticenigmacYmen, 3rd party repositories are not supported here, only the official ubuntu maintained repos are16:18
L00P3Xjhksjdfhskjdfhks, i'm using tor too and there is no need to install it as you can read on tor's page.16:18
jhksjdfhskjdfhksL00P3X, i know, but i think it's good if i add this portable package in syslinks16:19
jhksjdfhskjdfhkscYmen, thanks installed, thank man :)16:20
L00P3Xjhksjdfhskjdfhks, get the guardian progect repo and install tor from there.. this is all I would recomand for tor16:21
pragmaticenigmaL00P3X, when recommending 3rd party PPAs, make sure to indicate that it's "at your own risk, won't be supported here"16:22
L00P3XIt's true pragmaticenigmam i'm sorry16:23
jhksjdfhskjdfhksL00P3X,  thanks man but cYmen helped! thanks anyway :)16:23
bugzbunnypragmaticenigma: Supported by Ubuntu staff?16:23
naccbugzbunny: s/staff/volunteers/16:23
bugzbunnynacc: Why wouldn't I support it?16:23
naccbugzbunny: becuase it's not in ubuntu16:23
naccbugzbunny: this isthe ubuntu support channel.16:23
bugzbunnyYeah, I am quite aware, but aren't helping people use Ubuntu?16:24
skyso I installed cups-client. I run lpinfo -m and get bad fd16:24
naccbugzbunny: read the guidelines for what is and is not ontopic, i think16:24
bugzbunnyI'll take a look16:24
L00P3Xmaybe someone would help me out resolv dns issue? I can't ping sites I can reach by ip over the browser16:25
L00P3Xwould know if somehow on ubuntu I can reset the defould dns presets.. somehow16:25
bugzbunnyLogicwax: I don't quite understand, you can ping IPs?16:28
velizarxDo you think problem in a local cache?16:28
bugzbunnyL00P3X: ^^16:28
L00P3Xbugzbunny, i can't ping, for example, duckduckgo.com at, but can access the website on name and ip16:29
bugzbunnyL00P3X: So you can ping IPs but can't resolve DNS names to ip.. cat /etc/resolv.conf | pastebininit16:30
L00P3Xi moved to open dns some time ago on local machine, not on the router. but now i noticed some issues like this16:31
TJ-L00P3X: which ubuntu release is it?16:31
L00P3X17,10.. on resolv.conf i got a nameserver .. this is all i have there. but .53 ? is it right?16:32
TJ-L00P3X: that is fine... the reason ping doesn't get a response is Amazon is blocking the ICMP echo requests16:33
TJ-L00P3X: so DNS is fine I'd think, but some services are blocked by firewalls along the way16:33
L00P3Xstrange beacouse i could ever ping duckduckgo.com.. only now i can't16:33
TJ-L00P3X: is the localhost address the systemd-resolved process listens on16:33
L00P3XI know about the localhos .. this was new to me thank you :)16:34
TJ-L00P3X: same here, with a different IP for them: PING duckduckgo.com ( 56(84) bytes of data .... nothing16:34
velizarxFou debug this problem you can install the mtr package and try run mtr -t duckduckgo.com16:35
bugzbunnySame here16:35
bugzbunnyNo response from PING16:35
TJ-L00P3X: previsously Network Manager ran a private instance of dnsmasq for resolving that bound to ... systemd-resolved uses to avoid treading on any other local resolvers16:35
TJ-L00P3X: despite the RFCs many networks do block ICMP to prevent some types of denial-of-service attacks16:36
rud0lfis it safe to have ssh set to either .pem keyfile or one-time 6 digit password?16:36
rud0lfi'm especially worried about one-time 6 digit password safety16:36
bugzbunnyrud0lf: If you going to put SSH on the interwebs, I would avoid using passwords16:37
TJ-rud0lf: 6 digits? is that digits as in 0-9 ?16:37
L00P3XTJ- this now hears pretty logical at all.. only strange I could ping some time ago and tought this was becaouse the dns change to opendns16:37
rud0lfTJ-: yes16:37
rud0lfthat's google authenticator pam module16:38
TJ-rud0lf: I guess using OTP that's reasonably OK, not sure how to calculate the effective entropy though!16:38
rud0lfis OTP sent through an encrypted channel?16:38
skyshould cups-client need to be started with systemd or something?16:38
skymust be some reason I get bad fd error on lpstat16:39
TJ-rud0lf: if it's time-based OTP then pam_otp won't be making a network connection16:39
TJ-!info libpam-otpw16:43
ubottulibpam-otpw (source: otpw): Use OTPW for PAM authentication. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5-1 (artful), package size 28 kB, installed size 82 kB16:43
L00P3Xbut this story reminds me how i faild to add a newuser to the sudo group looking as guest.. whit no apps and files at all in it.. a new new user where to start over again for separating working needs, one user for working whit only that apps (offline), one for internet, oans so one16:43
rud0lfi manage to set it for either .pem key or password+OTP16:44
rud0lfthe instructions were not clear16:44
skyanyone used cups / lpamdin?16:50
leftyfbsky: that is not your question16:54
skyleftyfb: right.16:55
skyseems that there is some sort of cups process or something that needs to run?16:56
skyseems like it got systemd'd and i have not much experience.16:57
skykinda thought I could install cups-client then add my pritner and be done16:57
leftyfbsky: a typical ubuntu desktop install will take care of all that for you16:58
skythis is a linode16:58
skyso I'm using the cli.16:58
skyseems like a socketish issue16:59
skyi looked through systemctl and didnt see any cups-client sorta stuff17:00
=== miguel is now known as Guest97274
Guest97274im in spain17:01
ioriasky, https://www.thegeekstuff.com/2015/01/lpadmin-examples/17:01
skyioria: all the lp commands fail17:02
pragmaticenigmaGuest97274, Hello! Do you have a support question about Ubuntu?17:02
ioriasky, how it fails ? what error ?17:03
Guest97274im in classroom17:03
akkI get the impression nobody tests CUPS with anything besides the default desktop.17:03
Guest97274Asturias spain greetings17:03
akkI had a terrible time adding printers using the CUPS web UI on a machine running openbox.17:03
pragmaticenigmaGuest97274, If you would like to chat, please /join #ubuntu-offtopic17:03
skyioria: I installed cups-client. then, I tried to list my drivers with lpinfo -m, lpinfo fails17:03
akk(maybe it would have been just as bad in gnome)17:03
skybad file descrptor is the error. if I try cupsctl to configure it, I get unable to connect to server, bad file descrptor17:04
TJ-sky: where is the printer located?17:05
skyTJ-: its a network printer17:05
hmw2Somone I don't know sent me a larger porn .MOV file via e-mail. I want to check for malicious intent and tried mplayer -identify and mediainfo. I am uncertain, if they show me everything, my player could be made to do, like opening URLs. Please advise me, how to inspect this file properly, 18M isn't fun to read in the hex editor.17:05
ioriasky, Port 631 is open ?17:06
skyioria: Im not trying to run a print server...17:06
skythat would be for cups server17:06
TJ-sky: right, so you'll need cups-daemon installed17:06
skyTJ-: I have the printer working on other machines with lpd17:06
skywhats cups-daemon?17:06
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TJ-sky: cups-client tools connect to cups-daemon, which is responsible for managing the the printers and connecting to them17:07
skyoh yea I guess i do then heh17:07
skythat would explain why the process broken17:07
TJ-cups-daemon also operates an admin HTTP server on localhost:631 (and other interfaces if so configured))17:07
vlthmw2: If you already opened it with mplayer I think anything malicious that could be in there would’ve been activated.17:08
mustmodifyI have ubuntu 16.04. previous syslogs have entries but the current file is empty. I need to see errors from cron... I know cron is running jobs and I'm 80% sure there are errors. Isn't that where they would be? What would cause syslog not to run? rsyslog is "start/running".17:08
hmw2vlt: I am not concerned about my machine, I want to see, if this some new kind of activity going on.17:08
skyTJ-: so i installed the daemon, now I get lpinfo: cups-driverd failed to execute17:10
mustmodifyThis is causing a production site supporting at least 50 users... so any help would be appreciated.17:10
vlthmw2: What does `ffmpeg -i file.mov` tell you? Any suspicious non-video or non-audio tracks?17:11
mustmodifyis this ownership correct? I saw that sometimes causes an issue.17:11
TJ-sky: cupsd also has a config file at /etc/cups/cupsd.conf. In there is an apache http-like config where you can set the Listen hostname:port. By default it requires system permissions to access some settings but others are read-only viewable by anonymous so if you enable that on the pulbic interfaces best to customised some the <Limit> sections to require system authentication17:11
iMin3Ra1nhey guys17:12
iMin3Ra1nis there any way to view a "microsoft storage space" (raid setup by windows) in ubuntu?17:12
skyTJ-: cool i know how to work on that stuff17:12
vltiMin3Ra1n: I have never seen anything on linux that might do this. But I haven’t seen everything ;-)17:13
skyso the cups.service is now running17:13
skylpinfo: cups-driverd failed to execute.17:13
iMin3Ra1nvlt, id imagine there's some way to do it. I personally thought it was a normal raid setup17:14
TJ-sky: do you get any result from: "/usr/lib/cups/daemon/cups-driverd dump"17:14
skythe only file in daemon is cups-exec17:14
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vltiMin3Ra1n: There absolutely is a way. It’s just bytes on a block device.17:15
iMin3Ra1nall my media is on those drives so, i would like to try iot17:15
skyTJ-: maybe I should just install the cups package?17:15
iMin3Ra1nvlt, do we know of a way? google yield nothing other than " blah blah blah microsoft's proprietary filesystem blah blah blah"17:16
TJ-sky: well yes, for cups-driverd !17:16
hmw2vlt: Looks like just 2 streams, h264 and aac.17:16
iMin3Ra1neven if i were to move all my data off of my computer onto a drive in order to create a raid setup, how would i create one that both OS'es (Ubuntu1604 and Windows10) are able to view?17:17
zteamHi does anybody here know any tool that is able to verify what output refresh rate a particular hdmi cable supports?17:17
skyTJ-: lols. I was trying to go lightweight only wanting the client17:17
iMin3Ra1nzteam, afaik its not based on the cable, but rather the ports. however there is a current set standard17:17
skywhy are all these packages split apart if you cant even use em17:17
TJ-sky: I've been there :)17:17
skyTJ-: know what package has cups-driverd?17:18
TJ-sky: you can, if properly configured/passed options. client tools can be pointed directly to a remote cups-daemon for example17:18
iMin3Ra1nThe maximum pixel clock rate for HDMI 1.0 is 165 MHz, which is sufficient to allow 1080p and WUXGA (1920×1200) at 60 Hz. HDMI 1.3 increases that to 340 MHz, which allows for higher resolution (such as WQXGA, 2560×1600)17:18
TJ-sky: the one you said you should install: cups17:18
skyman thats a whole lotta stuff17:20
zteamiMin3Ra1n, well, there is " high speed"and "high speed premium" as well of "standard speed", normally I could just verify this by pressing the info button on my tv to see which resolution and refrersh rate it picks up from the cable, but unfourneatly it doesn't print the refresh rate, but only the resolution17:21
skyat least it works now :D17:21
skyTJ-: thanks for the help !17:21
pragmaticenigmahmw2, if a file was sent to you unsolicited, then it's probably maliciou. When in doubt about an e-mail, I delete.. don't even investigate as there really isn't any foolproof way to analyze the file17:25
carman /disconnect giacomo17:26
akikhmw2: there's a web service that can check files for you https://www.virustotal.com/17:27
zteamakik, just was I was going to suggest17:27
zteamvirustotal is great17:27
hmw2akik: zteam: thanks, sounds good.17:27
zteamhmw2, it basically scans your files with 15 (I believe) antivirus engines and tells you what they found17:29
* Sikorsky say hello17:30
hmw2zteam: more like 60 :) Came back "clean", but I didn't use antivirus software in ages. Would they even find stuff in videos? Well. That was not a real question anyways. I'll create a VM and try some more things. Thanks for your time.17:38
hmw2akik: vlt: ^17:38
skyhmw2: its possible that the video could exploit something in the video player software17:39
TJ-hmw2: the usual exploit with videos is to try to force a buffer overflow with some ROP payload in a targeted player. Most likely targeted at a Windows media player rather than Linux.17:40
zteamhmw2, a true videofile cannot contain any malware (it could try to target a specific video player as sky says, but=17:40
lotuspsychjeanyone knows howto file a bug against a snap? im getting an error it cant find the package17:42
zteamTJ-, I highly doubt someone would spend any time with that, it would be much easier to just make an EXE-file and rename it to .EXE.MKV and use the icon of a regular MKV file17:43
lotuspsychjedpkg-query:no packages found matching17:43
zteamlotuspsychje, not sure it works, but have u tried ubuntu-bug =17:45
zteamif yes, man ubuntu-bug might give u some hint17:45
iorialotuspsychje, maybe you need to contact the developer ....17:45
lotuspsychjezteam: thats what i did ubuntu-bug snapname17:46
zteamnothing usual with man ubuntu-bug either?17:46
lotuspsychjeioria: yeah that would make sense, file against the launchpad from the maintainer17:47
iorialotuspsychje, snap info <snap-name>  | grep contact17:48
lotuspsychjeioria: cool +117:49
lotuspsychjeioria: but howto know wich part is faulty, the ubuntu part or the snap part, i see bugs against snapd also17:51
iorialotuspsychje, afaik snaps are like 'containers', so i guess the point is mainly in the snap ...17:53
nacclotuspsychje: you file it with the contact info in the snap info17:56
lotuspsychjeioria: in my case its brave browser freezing at launch, so you think its faulty snap?17:56
lotuspsychjenacc: ok tnx17:57
iorialotuspsychje, idk, mate sy17:57
nacclotuspsychje: you start with the snap owner, then hoepfully they will contact snapd maintainers if it's a snapcraft/snapd issue17:57
lotuspsychjenacc: ah good thinking, let them findout first17:57
nacclotuspsychje: yeah17:58
skinuxHow come when I open something "with" Synaptic, I cannot find the package nor a way to tell it to install?17:59
leftyfbDon't use synaptic. There's probably a reason it's not installed by default anymore17:59
jerichowasahoaxleftyfb: because as far as GUI package managers go, ubuntu already ships with a "friendlier" one18:00
jerichowasahoaxleftyfb: if there was something wrong with synaptic to the point where people would have to say "don't use it", i'm not sure it would still be in the main repos18:01
pragmaticenigmaIt's not installed by default because it doesn't earn Canonical potential revenue. Ubuntu Software Center includes both Free and Paid applications as well as advertisements.18:02
TJ-don't forget all the bugs you get for free!18:02
meandrainHi, any idea how to solve this?  https://i.imgur.com/7TX9hh8.jpg I am trying to boot a linux machine over nfs, it works on other machines but not on this. This error (it's a linux bug) usually happens on machines with two network cards but on this I have only one network card (but I have some weird option in bios regarding enabling uefi network stack, which is disabled, everything is legacy boot in bios by the way)18:03
pragmaticenigmaI use synaptic because Ubuntu Software Center doesn't tell me if it's about to install a Snap package or a real system package. I don't want snaps on my installation18:03
TJ-meandrain:  r8169 is reporting the link is up; what is it connected to at the other end?18:04
TJ-meandrain: I notice 'modinfo -F firmware r8169' lists a lot of possible firmware files; have you ensured the correct FW file is in the initrd.img and has been loaded at that point?18:06
funkyGot my mainboard now I have to get a GPU  any suggestions as to what one would be the most compatible for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS18:07
meandrainTJ-: it is connected via a cisco switch to a freebsd nfs server18:07
meandrainthis setup works for other ubuntu nfs booted linux clients18:08
funkyNot the latest or greatest but an older one around 200 CDN18:09
lotuspsychjefunky: ubuntu runs on alot of graphics cards18:10
TJ-meandrain: can you monitor on the DHCP server to see if it is getting the DHCP DISCOVER packets from the clients?18:10
lotuspsychjefunky: https://certification.ubuntu.com/18:11
meandrainTJ-: yes, I will try that18:11
funkyWas given a suggestion the other night but that one is not much better than the one I have.   Nvidia is supposted to have great support. I have one and it works llike a charm  I just want a better one18:11
funkyThanks lotuspsychje18:12
funkyI'll check it out.18:12
TJ-funky: with Nvidia you can hit pain-points when the nvidia proprietaty driver doesn't keep up with mainline kernels18:12
lotuspsychjefunky: it also depends on what you will be doing on your ubuntu system18:13
meandrainTJ-: after a while I got this error: https://i.imgur.com/0lAZPR2.jpg18:14
adrian_1908funky: What GPU do you currently have btw?18:14
TJ-meandrain: makes sense if the file-system cannot be found18:16
funkycouldn't find the GPU section lotuspsychje18:16
funkydo I have to download the PDF file and read it?18:17
lotuspsychjefunky: you could check a pc brand with the gpu card you gonna buy18:17
funkyThanks good Idea18:18
funkyLater follks18:18
lotuspsychjeNDx33xsy: welcome, how can we help you?18:18
Ascavasaion I have a RAID5 setup with 8x4Tb SAS disks.  When I try a mount command with UUID code I get a "mount: unknown filesystem type 'linux_raid_member'  Please can someone help me?18:19
lotuspsychje!uuid | Ascavasaion18:19
ubottuAscavasaion: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)18:19
Ascavasaionlotuspsychje: I have the UUID.18:20
funkyI'm heading out to the store right now and I wanted to make a copy of the list that I was given. My printers will not work in Ubuntu for some reason. I have two printers and both don't have drivers for Ubuntu is there a place that makes them that I can get them from18:21
lotuspsychje!info mdadm | Ascavasaion try this mate18:22
ubottuAscavasaion try this mate: mdadm (source: mdadm): tool to administer Linux MD arrays (software RAID). In component main, is optional. Version 4.0-2 (artful), package size 433 kB, installed size 1317 kB (Only available for linux-any)18:22
lotuspsychjefunky: wich ubuntu version?18:23
funkyOne is a HP Envy 4800 the other is a   oops  Ubuntu 16.0418:23
lotuspsychjefunky: hp envy works fine on xenial18:23
meandrainTJ-: https://dpaste.de/qTWm.  and the system is stucked at ip-config no responese after 2 secs giving up. but with info regarding enp3s0 nic and ipv4 ip18:24
lotuspsychjefunky: did you install hplip-data & hplip-gui18:24
funkythe other is samsung ML67518:24
lotuspsychje!info hplip-data | funky install please18:25
ubottufunky install please: hplip-data (source: hplip): HP Linux Printing and Imaging - data files. In component main, is optional. Version 3.17.7+repack0-3 (artful), package size 6242 kB, installed size 9843 kB18:25
TJ-meandrain: is this a PXE boot? and what is the passed kernel command line?18:25
lotuspsychjefunky: the samsung one, try to add the printer via usb/add printer in settings18:26
funkynewbie here is there a site that tells me how to do that?18:26
lotuspsychje!printer | funky18:26
ubottufunky: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu18:26
meandrainTJ-: yes, it is pxelinux, here is the config: https://dpaste.de/AS5L18:27
funkyI did that for the samsung lotuspsychje  ubottu18:27
lotuspsychjefunky: did you update your system to latest?18:27
funkysaid it was the wrong printer lotus18:28
TJ-meandrain: is the IP address handed out to the client for the PXE session?18:28
funkyok I'll go do some work on this thanks18:29
meandrainTJ-: yes18:29
meandrainTJ-: I also tried the following options on append line:  ip=
lotuspsychjefunky: here's a few ideas on the samsung one: https://askubuntu.com/questions/170880/how-do-i-install-the-drivers-for-my-samsung-printer18:29
meandrainTJ-: and I also tried:     boot=nfs live-netdev=eth0 ethdevice-timeout=1018:30
TJ-meandrain: I suspect the problem here is the DHCP server has already issued a lease to fc:aa:14:75:eb:cd so when it almost immediately does another DISCOVER the server is telling it it's existing lease is still valid (because the client didn't do a DHCP RELEASE first)18:30
TJ-meandrain: If I recall correctly there is a way to continue using the PXE assignment18:31
=== Jochen_wvdT is now known as Schlawiner
v0lksmanI'm having a problem on multiple systems with logrotate.  it doesn't want to restart apache2 after rotating.  nothing fancy needs to be done when I login other than to start apache2 again so why does logrotate not do it?  I checked the templates that come with 16.04 and they still seem to use init.d but that seems weird to me.  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/8wffHnTHQv/18:31
meandrainTJ-: I tried.  IPAPPEND 2  in the same pxelinux.cfg file18:31
v0lksmanthat is my customized version to rotate the logs for my vhost18:32
v0lksmanany suggestions?18:32
meandrainTJ-: I had the same issue on a machine with two nics, changing the ethernet cable to use secondary nic worked but here I have a single nick and I think the bios somehow messes with standard pxeboot (it has that weird network stack enable options). I could add another nic and boot from that, I think it will work but that is kind of lame18:33
sla3kHi, what are these permissions: drwxrwxr-x+ I am mainly concerned about that + at the end18:34
TJ-meandrain: can you use tcpdump on the DHCP server in verbose mode to actually look at the content of the REQUEST/REPLY packets so we know what the conversation is? Or capture it and then look at it in wireshark/tshark18:34
sla3kThis is a directory mounted using cifs (smb share)18:34
funkyHP has taken over all the drivers etc, for Samsung  :0(  lotuspsychje18:35
TJ-meandrain: and this - which shouldn't make a different on a single NIC but might! - on kernel command-line (APPEND) "ksdevice=bootif"18:35
TJ-meandrain: this ^^^^ is what you need on the dual NIC systems18:36
funkyit's ok I'll go to the HP site and find it there Hopefully18:36
meandrainTJ-: I will try that, thank you18:36
=== juboxi is now known as jubo2
TJ-meandrain: gah, gave you the wrong syntax (was messing with Fedora!) On debian/Ubuntu it is "BOOTIF=<mac-address>"18:40
TJ-meandrain: as in "BOOTIF=00-11-22-33-44-55-66"18:42
meandrainis it with - or : between mac hex numbers ?18:43
meandrainTJ-: thank you, I am close to solve this18:46
Rooothello there, does it usually take "long" to run bablocks, talking about larger disks?18:54
tomreynRooot: it can take hours, especially if there are bad ones.18:57
ubuntuguys amazon music doesnt play on my ubuntu machine18:58
ubuntuchrome browser18:58
ubuntucould anyone help me out with this18:58
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest77290
Guest77290i tried installing adobe flash18:58
tomreynGuest77290: why? what's your question about it?18:59
Ben64amazon music 'just works' in chrome for me19:00
Guest77290even in forefox it doesnt work19:02
Rooottomreyn, oh, right, thank you!19:02
Guest77290a pop up is blocked asking for running a adobe flash player19:03
Guest77290i allowed it and restarted chrome and firefox19:03
Guest77290nowhere in my machine amazon music works19:03
tomreyni also see the "flash needed" message on  both firefox and chromium (incognito mode). cannot test whetehr ti actually works, though.19:04
tomreynsee if you can find some description of system requirements19:04
pragmaticenigmaGuest77290, how did you install Adobe Flash?19:06
Guest77290i got a popup asking Adobe Flash is required to play this music. To stream music on Amazon Music for Web without any plugins, please use the latest versions of one of the following browsers: Chrome, Safari, Edge, Safari, and Firefox on Windows and Mac.19:06
pragmaticenigmaGuest77290, did you notice two keywords at the end of the message? "Window and Mac"19:07
Ben64it works fine in Ubuntu19:07
Guest77290pragmaticenigma:  there should be a way19:07
Guest77290it is browser19:07
pragmaticenigma!who |Ben6419:07
ubottuBen64: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:07
Guest77290atleast a plugin should make it work19:07
Ben64what version of chrome, what version of ubuntu19:08
pragmaticenigmaGuest77290, some websites check more than for the plugin. If they do not recoginize the OS, they will not work19:08
pragmaticenigmaGuest77290, you also didn't tell us how you installed Adobe Flash yet19:08
Guest77290chrome is latest Ben64 and ubuntu 16.0419:08
Guest77290chrome i just tried to update it said you are on latest19:09
Ben64and 'latest' is...?19:09
Guest77290a min plz19:09
Guest77290Ben64: Version 65.0.3325.181 (Official Build) (64-bit)19:09
OrbitorGuest77290: go to chrome://components and make sure "adobe flash player" is there19:10
Ben64ha, newer than mine. well mine is playing music currently19:10
Guest77290Orbitor:  it is there19:10
Guest77290Adobe Flash Player - Version: Status - Up-to-date19:10
OrbitorGuest77290: what about "widevine content decryption module"19:11
jembeleehello i got a flash drive and it worked initially but when i inserted it later i couldnt find it on the gui of the files ....but i can see it in the disk so when i tried sudo mount /dev/sdb i am getting mount: can't find /dev/sdb in /etc/fstab19:11
jembeleeand the label is sdb please help19:11
pragmaticenigmaGuest77290, Amazon has a history of blocking Linux, as do many other music/video streaming providers. They may have pushed an update to block Linux machines again19:11
Ben64pragmaticenigma: except i've said many times now that i'm listening to it right now19:11
=== shadow98 is now known as Shadow98
Guest77290Orbitor:  it is not there19:12
Guest77290the widevine one19:12
pragmaticenigmaGuest77290, STILL hasn't told us how they installed Adobe Flash either19:12
OrbitorBen64: It's working for you, do you have widevine in chrome://components?19:12
OrbitorHuh. I guess the next thing to try would be spoofing a Windows UA19:13
Guest77290from official site with the help of this link https://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/otherversions/19:13
Guest77290pragmaticenigma:  ^^19:13
ioriaGuest77290, are you kidding ?19:14
pragmaticenigmaGuest77290, that method doesn't work19:14
leftyfbBen64: do you have your user agent switched? It's not working for me either19:14
Ben64Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/65.0.3325.162 Safari/537.3619:14
leftyfbGuest77290: google chrome has adobe flash built in. You do not need to install it or worry about what version is installed on your system outside chrome19:15
ioriaGuest77290, and where did you place the .so ?19:15
pragmaticenigmaioria, they're not going to know that19:15
pragmaticenigmaGuest77290, the only supported method of installing Adobe flash in UBuntu is to use the package manager by executing "sudo apt install adobe-flashplugin"19:16
ioriaGuest77290, remove whatever you did, enable Canonical Partner in sources; and sudo apt install adobe-flashplugin19:16
pragmaticenigmaGuest77290, you will need to remove the installed version you have, then use that method to install. Also, if you are using Chrome (not chromium) it should be working19:16
Bashing-omjembelee: What is the file system on that target drive ? Pastebin ' sudo parted -l ' . See then wgat we can do .19:17
Guest77290ok will get back19:17
jembeleeBashing-om https://pastebin.com/6SKFmif8 i need the /dev/sdb to work please19:20
diginsanhello why is libGL.so missing on my system?19:21
ioriajembelee, you can see that : Partition Table: unknown   and no partitions19:21
diginsani have installed nvidia-39019:22
TJ-jembelee: show us "blkid /dev/sdb"19:22
Bashing-omjembelee: TJ- To the rescue as " Partition Table: unknown = and I have no clue how to proceed .19:23
TJ-Bashing-om: simple .. file-system on entire device; no PT required19:24
jembeleeThanks Bashing-om TJ i didnt  get any result running blkid /dev/sdb19:24
TJ-jembelee: that suggests the device is corrupt or has been wiped19:24
Bashing-omTJ-: Humm there is that yes .. but still ( testdisk ?? ) to see if this is a Windows thing ?19:25
TJ-jembelee: can you show us "pastebinit <( sudo hexdump -C -n 8192 /dev/sdb )"19:26
jembeleeTJ https://pastebin.com/68gLx51k19:27
TJ-jembelee: looks like you've managed to wipe it... the most important part anyhow, the first 16 sectors, are zeroed19:28
ioriajembelee, do you have data on that ?19:28
jembeleeTJ how do i fix it please19:29
TJ-jembelee: fix it? if you've wiped the data by over-writing with zeros the data is gone.19:29
jembeleeno i dont its a new drive19:29
ioriajembelee, so you need to partition it; gparted is good19:29
jembeleeTJ i dont need the data there is nothing dere19:29
TJ-ioria: it had files on it previously, according to jembelee19:30
TJ-jembelee: OK, so partition and format it using your favourite tool - gparted maybe?19:30
ioriaTJ-, he says the contrary19:30
TJ-ioria: 20:11 <jembelee> hello i got a flash drive and it worked initially but when i inserted it later i couldnt find it on the gui of the files19:31
jembeleeOk TJ ioria i need to install gparted19:31
ioriajembelee, it's a new drive ? never used ?19:32
jembeleeyes ioria19:32
Bashing-omjembelee: gparted is on the desktop installer .19:32
ioriajembelee, ok, install gparted; top left box; select /sda/sdb19:33
ioria*top right19:33
ioriajembelee, after, you need to choose a partion table (msdos) and the file system (ntfs/ext4)19:33
jembeleeioria, TJ ok thank you very much19:34
ioriajembelee, ok19:34
andrebgood day19:35
andrebis is possible to setup dhcp to handle 1500 users ?19:35
vltandreb: Yes.19:37
andrebcan you point me in the direction to how to do that19:38
andrebnever had to setup for that much19:38
xinobiby mistake I chown root:root under /var so now mysql and probably a few more services do not work properly is there any way I can restore permissions?19:42
UserUSxinobi: I'm pretty sure you could just change the number when putting in the chown to change the permissions value to whatever you want19:43
pragmaticenigmaxinobi, unless you know what the original users were, that's going to be very difficult to restore19:43
UserUSxinobi: sudo chmod -R 700 /etc (this is the syntax)19:44
xinobipragmaticenigma: yep I could guess that way but can't afford to reinstall the all server right now19:44
pragmaticenigmaxinobi, most of the services have their user/group names in their config files in /etc19:45
TJ-xinobi: this might get you some of the way to know what ownership you need: "grep 'chown.*var' /var/lib/dpkg/info/*"19:45
pragmaticenigmaso if MySQL runs under mysql, you could chown -R mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql19:45
dijuremoWhat was the right channel to discuss issues related to BIOS updates, kernels, Spectre fixes, etc?19:45
ioriaxinobi, just /var or recursively /var ?19:45
xinobirecusrive var19:46
xinobimy head is blowing up19:46
pragmaticenigmadijuremo,  You can try /join ##kernel19:46
xinobiwhat a noob mistake19:46
jembeleeTJ, ioria,  i have created the partition what i'm i going to do next please19:47
ioriajembelee, what file system ?19:47
TJ-xinobi: ownership is set by the package post-install scripts. The command I gave you finds and lists those commands19:47
dijuremopragmaticenigma: I want to think (cause I cannot remember) I was told to use #ubuntu-kernel, but I am unable to join it, says it requires registraiont19:47
ioriajembelee, now you need to format it19:48
jembeleeioria ext419:48
ioriajembelee, ok19:48
rexanI'm also having problem installing Ubuntu during partitions please help19:48
ioriajembelee, you can't use it on windows, you know right ?19:48
xinobiTJ-: yes I'm read the output now and replacing permissions19:48
jembeleeno i havent tried it on windows yet19:48
ioriajembelee, you can't19:49
dijuremonevermind, just had to again authenticate with the password for my nick...19:49
jembeleeioria, i dont have a windows machine19:49
ioriajembelee, we're ok, then ; unplug and plug it again19:49
pragmaticenigmadijuremo, have fun! :-)19:49
rexanI have dynamic partition on windows in which I created free space but it is not showing on partiton page of Ubuntu !please help19:49
ioriajembelee, umount first19:51
jembeleeioria,  device not mounted19:52
Bashing-omrexan: Dynamic ? Are you sure ? as that is proprietary to Windows . See: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1692248 .19:52
ioriajembelee, ok19:52
asyterirc41162does it possible to install ubuntu with ms windows 10 on my pc?19:53
Bashing-om!dual boot | asyterirc4116219:53
ubottuasyterirc41162: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot19:53
rexanBashing-om: yes I am definitely sure19:53
rexanBashing-om: actually I want to dual boot19:54
Bashing-omrexan: Ouch . got to convert .. Never done it so can not directly advise .19:54
TJ-rexan: do you mean "Dynamic Disk" not "dynamic partition" ?19:54
TJ-rexan: see this https://askubuntu.com/questions/482768/changing-windows-dynamic-disk-partition-to-basic-partition-and-not-the-full-driv19:55
ioriajembelee,  unplug the stick and re-plug19:55
skyarg still cant get the printer to actually print anything. hrmph19:55
skytried so many protocols19:56
rexanBashing-om:  how to convert it is getting difficult ! and I am also having amd processor !19:56
skythought it was my cli foo, but now I cant maek it work with the web admin either19:56
TJ-sky: you said earlier you are setting up CUPS on a Linode; is the printer in your office/home? if so, how is CUPS on the Linode communicating with the printer?19:57
jembeleeioria, still not working when i plug it the file system just blinks but cannot mount or umount the flash drive19:58
ioriajembelee,  it's supposed to automount ; please paste again   sudoparted -l19:58
ioriajembelee,  sudo parted -l19:59
xinobiI guess everything is fine now ;) not sure if 100% OK but I hope so... thank you all for your precious help it saved my skin19:59
jembeleeioria, https://pastebin.com/JycRGwPV20:00
Bashing-omrexan: know for sure wwhat you are working with - drive wise - in addition to the aboves see : https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1839373&page=2 .20:00
ioriajembelee,  there is no partitions20:00
rexanHoly shit TJ-  thanks you very much I am also using that very same model which is described in link !20:01
ioriajembelee,  you did the PT but not the partition; maybe you forgot 'Apply' button20:01
jembeleeioria, i created it, oh thanks already doing that20:02
zarzarhi, some of the dash history is missing when i run "history", does ubuntu's dash have another way to retrieve history?20:04
TJ-rexan: you probably wrote that question in your sleep :)20:09
JackStrawhi Ubuntu users. Who can help me fix this error, E: Malformed line 3 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/vivaldi-snapshot.list (type)20:11
kostkonJackStraw, cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/vivaldi-snapshot.list  and pastebin it20:12
JackStrawkostkon,  cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/vivaldi-snapshot.list20:14
JackStraw# You may comment out this entry, but any other modifications may be lost.20:14
kostkonJackStraw, and that is all there is?20:15
JackStrawkostkon yes20:16
kostkonJackStraw, have you removed vivaldi?20:16
jembeleeioria i have applied it finish but under the filesystem type i am getting  unknown20:16
JackStrawi cant cause softwaew center and sinaptic wont start becase of the error20:17
kostkonJackStraw, ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/vivaldi*20:17
JackStrawkostkon /etc/apt/sources.list.d/vivaldi*20:18
JackStraw# You may comment out this entry, but any other modifications may be lost.20:18
JackStraw# You may comment out this entry, but any other modifications may be lost.20:18
kostkonJackStraw, not cat, ls20:18
JackStrawkostkon bash: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/vivaldi.list: Permission denied20:19
kostkonJackStraw, pastebin the output of   ls -la /etc/apt/sources.list.d20:20
JackStrawkostkon https://pastebin.com/dS8R4zgy20:21
rivynWhat's the status of 18.04?20:21
rud0lfi use xubuntu 18.04 beta atm20:23
leftyfb!bionic | rivyn20:24
ubotturivyn: Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) will be the 28th release of Ubuntu - Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1518 - Discussion in #ubuntu+120:24
JackStrawhe quit hrmm20:24
rivynI read that the release date was yesterday though20:25
leftyfbrivyn: you read wrong. Please join #ubuntu+1 for further discussion20:28
TJ-rivyn: this is the release schedule https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseSchedule20:28
leftyfbrivyn: Ubuntu versions have the year and month in the version numbers. 18.04 is 2017 04 ... April20:28
* TJ- hands leftyfb an "8" :)20:28
leftyfbyeah, one of those20:29
leftyfbsorry, I'm 5 hours into what was supposed to be a 1 hour deploy/upgrade at work20:29
TJ-leftyfb: I know the feeling; I've been cleaning up after a 16.04>18.04 d.r.u.20:29
leftyfbThis one is bad though20:30
TJ-not bad, but following up on conf-files where I couldn't allow the package default to replace the existing, so had to go through manually20:30
kostkoni'm back :/20:30
TJ-drumroll please!20:31
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asyterirc44379¯à¨¢¥â ¬¨à20:45
asyterirc44379¢á¥ à ¡®â ¥â ¨ ¤ ¦¥ ¡ãª¢  ñ20:45
asyterirc44379íâ® â¥á⮢®¥ á®®¡é¥­¨¥20:46
asyterirc44379ª¨à¨««¨æ 20:46
haaroleanhey, got a problem with wlan on ubuntu gnome 17.10. Updating to 17.10 caused some problems, including this one. Wlan is connected to a network, but I can't ping anything, even the gateway. Wired works fine, restarting networking / reconnecting few times to the network / restarting nm helps sometimes. Any ideas? Tried various stuff from google20:48
haaroleanit *was* ubuntu-gnome before, not it's not I guess :)20:48
Yahuahso in test of the symbolic link pwer Deleted "Home" Folder Aft creating symbolic link under another mv 'symbolic_link_to_"Home" To_xample_d'' and sudo nautilus move to Trash "Home" programs are still active which were running before sudo nautilus move to Trash "Home" but havent Yet reboot And havent yet Reboot though presuming the "(nautilus:1073): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0.0" is related to moved "Home" should probab20:49
Yahuahly try to restore said "Home Directory" Any Advise20:49
naccYahuah: that is incredibly hard to read20:50
YahuahMade Symbolic link to "Home", Moved sdaid Home to Trash20:51
Yahuahsaid Home to Trash*20:51
=== Yahuah is now known as iehusha
iehushanow there is (nautilus:1073): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0.020:53
nacciehusha: you made a symbolic link (in nautilus?) to Home, then moved Home to Trash?20:54
nacciehusha: ... why would you do that?20:55
iehusha@nacc was testing power of symbolic link to add native language name to file folder not supported by ubuntu Fully20:56
nacciehusha: but you trashed your home directory?20:56
naccwhy would that ever be your test?20:56
nacciehusha: also, your symbolic link now points to nothing20:56
iehushawell it apparently points to ./Trash/Home///20:57
nacciehusha: which if you empty your Trash will go away20:57
nacciehusha: why wouldn't you just test with a not-important directory?20:57
kes0Todays move this one20:57
iehushaor if read write cycles overload then will abolish said SL20:58
nacckes0: who are you talking to?20:58
nacciehusha: what?20:58
iehushaso here is the test How can we restore20:58
asyterirc45208привет мир20:59
nacc!ru | asyterirc4520820:59
ubottuasyterirc45208: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.20:59
naccasyterirc45208: although i see  you were typing random characters earlier, please stop that in this channel.20:59
kostkonnacc, maybe even that ^ is random21:00
nacckostkon: yeah21:01
TJ-iehusha: Install "trash-cli" and run "/usr/bin/restore-trash"21:02
iehushathe overload of r/w cycles to drive will abolish any holding of The Undeleted Symbolic Link re SL21:02
nacciehusha: that sounds like gibberish to me21:03
nacciehusha: "overload of r/w cycles"?21:03
nacckostkon: possibly21:03
iehushawell trash doesnt hold files except for limited period21:04
nacciehusha: ... until you empty it21:04
TJ-nacc: I suspect it's going through Google Translate :)21:04
nacciehusha: which can be never (it's configurable, iirc)21:04
iehushaand what is irc Command for addressing user in channel Please. Refresh21:04
akikiehusha sounds like a bot21:05
haaroleananything about wlan not working on 17.10/earlier? no pings at all, various google tricks didn't help, restarting nm/networking/reconnecting helps21:06
akikiehusha: that's what a bot would say21:06
iehushaAm not bot +1(518)992-5894 Verify21:07
iehushajust no native Eng21:07
nacciehusha: well, i would not recommend putting an actual phone number on irc, but whatever21:08
iehushaLove the Buntu21:08
nacciehusha: in any case, what are you actually tring to test? don't say 'the concept of symbolic links'21:08
iehushathat it21:08
iehushahow to address user in channel command please refresh on said irc usage command21:09
nacciehusha: just like we all are doing, you put their nick first (use tab)21:09
kostkon!tab | iehusha21:10
ubottuiehusha: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.21:10
iehushanacc thanks Much appreciated21:10
nacciehusha: yw21:10
kostkoniehusha, which irc client are you using21:10
iehushaso the tab brings up list but doesnt auto comp like tab in term21:11
=== czesmir_ is now known as czesmir
akkiehusha: In hexchat (basically the same as xchat) I type ieh<tab> and it completes to your nick.21:11
iehushawait that is just if there is multiple poss21:12
iehushaakk,  ieh is singular in channel21:12
iehushaakk,  You could be 1 Of 321:12
akkRight, the point is that you have to type enough characters for it to know how to complete.21:12
iehushaakk,  Re 1 Of 421:13
akkIt's apparently a preference what to do if there are multiples; in mine it autocompletes to the first one (I should figure out how to change that).21:13
iehushaakk, *21:13
akkBut the point is, if you type enough letters, it'll do the right thing.21:13
iehushaakk,  You cant unless you havew Singular uniqure nic21:14
akikiehusha: it depends on your client. irssi can cycle nicks with only one letter21:15
akkiehusha: If you want something that will figure one you want out of multiple possible completions after you type just one letter, you may need a much smarter program. :)21:15
nacciehusha: in any case there are better channels than this for learning how to use your irc client; do you have an ubuntu support question?21:15
iehushanacc,  useing IRC is nothing "New" just putting it back together was railroaded for 3+ in prison21:16
nacciehusha: I'm sorry to hear that, but not ontopic either; again, do you have an Ubuntu support topic?21:17
iehushanacc,  well Am testing the "apt-get install trash-cli" advice21:18
kostkon!info trash-cli21:19
ubottutrash-cli (source: trash-cli): command line trashcan utility. In component universe, is extra. Version (artful), package size 21 kB, installed size 96 kB21:19
nacciehusha: well, that advice was given, i believe, so you could restore your trashed home directory without the desktop21:19
iehushagot it21:20
iehushaTJ-, iehusha@l00001000:/$ trash -- Home21:23
iehushatrash: cannot trash non existent `Home'21:23
nacciehusha: as TJ- said, use restore-trash21:24
nacciehusha: as I said, the reference to that package was given so you could fix your system without having access to a GUI21:24
iehushanacc,  appArently on account of Sym Link, iehusha@l00001000:/$ restore-trash Home21:27
iehushaNo files trashed from current dir ('/')21:27
iehushaiehusha@l00001000:/$ restore-trash Home/iehusha21:27
iehushaNo files trashed from current dir ('/')21:27
nacciehusha: try running it without arguments? I've never used it21:28
skywell, still not much progress getting my printer to print form my ubuntu machine21:29
iehushanacc,  $ restore-trash21:29
iehushaNo files trashed from current dir ('/')21:29
skyall the protocols I tried, no luck21:29
iehushanacc, apparently on account of s/l21:29
nacciehusha: what sym link do you have?21:30
iehushanacc,  sym link שמים21:31
iehushanacc ubuntu has native support for heb lang but home Is Home21:31
Mr_Pano/j #ubuntu-it21:32
TJ-iehusha: try "restore-trash $HOME"21:34
iehushaiehusha@l00001000:/$ ls21:35
iehushabin    etc             lib     lost+found  proc  snap  usr          שמים21:35
iehushaboot   home            lib32   media       root  srv   var21:35
iehushacdrom  initrd.img      lib64   mnt         run   sys   vmlinuz21:35
iehushadev    initrd.img.old  libx32  opt         sbin  tmp   vmlinuz.old21:35
iehushaiehusha@l00001000:/$ cd home/21:35
user__ /ignore * mode joins parts quits21:36
iehushaso its theres but its not and it realy aint21:36
Pan51iehusha: maybe try "cd /home/iehusha"21:43
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=== cheguacamole is now known as SuperWallet
iehushanacc,  and for record that 3+ required release of proprietary in fo to fed how to unmask TOR, so now FED use proprietary TOR unmask which works in this way, if int.Agency make tor nework which is 50+ percent of the hitherto TOR and broadcast true location and job of those 50+ perc they will have the true user ip Base of TOR21:45
iehushaPan51, well that will just report to sym link but files are not found21:46
iehushaPan51,  this was just within 24 Hr.21:46
=== SuperWallet is now known as Cheguacamole
nacciehusha: i have no idea what you are talking about.21:47
nacciehusha: please stick to ubuntu support topics or go elsewhere with chitchat21:47
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OreoCollasI am adding a new HDD to my system. I have hooked it up, added a partition, formatted, added a mount point and added it to fstab. When I run "mount -av" it cays "can't find UUID=b91..." Anyone able to help with this?21:52
iehushaso even after moving home to trash aft Sym Link home is in directory list -contents21:58
=== anyone is now known as eschwartz
iehushahow can One just display contents of Trash in term21:59
pragmaticenigmaOreoCollas, you have the incorrect UUID for the device. did you mount the whole disk or the partition on the disk?21:59
insanity99hi guys. im trying to boot from usb but get this error22:06
insanity99(initramfs) mount: mounting /dev/loop0 on //filesystem.squashfs failed: Invalid argument Can not mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs) on //filesystem.squashfs22:06
hashwagon#join ubuntu-sysadmin22:07
pragmaticenigmaiehusha, if the trash has not been emptied, "ls -l ~/.local/share/Trash/files/"22:07
naccpragmaticenigma: i'm not 100% sure it will work, given they trashed their HOME dir, i believe22:08
naccpragmaticenigma: not sure, and it's hard to tell22:08
pragmaticenigmahashwagon, use a forward slash instead of a pound symbol22:08
pragmaticenigmanacc, true, I though maybe they had recovered some by now22:08
naccpragmaticenigma: i have no idea, tbh22:08
michael2Hi all, when I  have a laptop  running  ubuntu  which has completely frozen -  does anyone have any tips for trying to recover? note: <Ctrl> + <Alt> + <F1>  is not working22:09
insanity99any ideas22:10
OreoCollasPragmaticenigma: How would I be able to tell? Also, which one would I need?22:10
pragmaticenigmaOreoCollas, can you pastebin the output of "sudo blkid /dev/sd*"22:13
OreoCollaspragmaticenigma: One sec22:14
insanity99Universal-USB-Installer- is what I used. Any good?22:16
pragmaticenigmainsanity99, if you are creating bootable USB drive from windows see these instructions: https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-create-a-usb-stick-on-windows#022:16
pragmaticenigmainsanity99, Rufus is the recommended USB tool for creating USB bootable install images of Ubuntu22:17
OreoCollaspragmaticenigma: https://pastebin.com/AV10KMTM22:18
iehushapragmaticenigma, will Try22:18
iehushapragmaticenigma, ls: cannot access '/home/iehusha/.local/share/Trash/files/': No such file or directory22:19
pragmaticenigmaOreoCollas, You're trying to mount a harddrive that does not have any partitions on it. You will need to use a tool for partitioning the drive first. Then you mount the partitions UUID to the fstab configuration22:19
iehushapragmaticenigma, ls: cannot access '/home/iehusha/.local/share/Trash/': No such file or directory22:20
insanity99pragmaticenigma: which partion scheme for modern laptop on rufus?22:21
pragmaticenigmainsanity99, are you making a boot disk for installing Ubuntu? I'm concerned I misunderstood your question22:22
insanity99USB to install22:23
pragmaticenigmainsanity99, there are 7 steps on the link I gave you. Everything you need to know is in that tutorial https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-create-a-usb-stick-on-windows#022:23
OreoCollaspragmaticenigma: Done. It's giving me a different UUID now. I'll try to mount it.22:24
OreoCollaspragmaticenigma: I got it mounted sucessfully. Thx for the help. Not sure if I skipped that step or messed up some how. Perms is read only. Got a quick fix or should I just google that one?22:28
pragmaticenigmaOreoCollas, is it read only after a full system reboot?22:28
pragmaticenigmaOreoCollas, can tell me the configuration line in fstab?22:29
OreoCollaspragmaticenigma: Let me try. It's a server so it will take a whilr. BRB.22:30
OreoCollaspragmaticenigma: It is UUID=..... /media/storage ext422:30
pragmaticenigmaOreoCollas, there is nothing following the ext4?22:31
pragmaticenigmaokay... that would explain readonly :-)22:31
OreoCollasOK. What do I need to add?22:32
pragmaticenigmaOreoCollas, what should follow /media/storage is "/media/storage ext4 default 0 2" i believe... this is how I mount my second drive in my machine22:33
pragmaticenigmaOreoCollas, that should read what follows the UUID=xxxx is "/media/storage ext4 default 0 2" i believe... this is how I mount my second drive in my machine22:34
OreoCollasI just found that... I was looking up the tutorial on my phone and the rest of the line was off screen... I can be suck a noob at times. XD22:34
JackStrawhow come they dont fork compiz to the latest ubuntu, makes me sad and angry.22:34
JackStrawso sad22:35
Jordan_UJackStraw: Since it's not a support question, such discussion is better for #ubuntu-offtopic.22:35
JackStrawwho me?22:35
pragmaticenigmaOreoCollas, it happens... be default Linux will mount readonly until something else tells it what to do. it's a safety feature22:35
JackStrawoh ok22:35
JackStrawjust thoght i wold mention it,22:35
pragmaticenigmaJackStraw, We all get passionate about our favorite software. please free to chat with us in /join #ubuntu-offtopic to talk more about compiz. maybe someone will have a suggestion on an alternative you can try and see if you like better, or a way to make the default compositor feel more like what compiz did for you22:38
OreoCollaspragmaticenigma: I made the changes and I'm doing another reboot.22:42
bindiwhat does the "rescue a broken system" boot menu option do on a minimal disc?22:43
bindiis that suitable for reinstalling grub?22:43
bindiit asks for a device to use as a root file system. should i choose none and run grub-install /dev/sda?22:45
pragmaticenigmabindi, yes, it can be used to recover issues with grub, do you know which version of grub you had?22:46
bindidunno, 16.04 installation disc22:46
bindididnt reboot after that22:46
bindior should I mount /dev/sda (it's mounted as /target right?) and chroot /target and then install-grub22:46
pragmaticenigmabindi, so fresh install using the 16.04 disk?22:46
xinobiI'm using wkhtmltopdf on both my servers dev/production and it's working without a problem on my dev server, I've followed the same steps regarding installation however I can't render assets css files images etc anyone knows what might be possible implications ?22:46
OreoCollaspragmaticenigma: Still read only for all users but root22:47
pragmaticenigmaOreoCollas, I'm not sure on that one then...22:48
pragmaticenigmabindi, this should have what you need https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub222:48
Bashing-omOreoCollas: A 'mkdir' as sudo ... root owns the directory ..one then changes the ownership with the chown command .22:51
pragmaticenigmaOreoCollas, try making a directory with sudo, then chown the new folder to your user22:52
pragmaticenigmaOreoCollas, sudo mkdir /media/storage/my_directory && sudo chown OreoCollas:OreoCollas /media/storage/my_directory22:53
nexacehow does one make bash_history unlimited and append commands immediately?22:57
pragmaticenigmanexace, you cannot make it unlimited, but you can change the size22:58
pragmaticenigmanexace, https://askubuntu.com/a/30756822:58
OreoCollaspragmaticenigma: I found a way to change the perms with gksu nautilus22:59
leftyfbnexace: it's kinda rude asking the same question in multiple channels22:59
pragmaticenigmanexace, and to append immediate: https://askubuntu.com/a/6730622:59
pragmaticenigmaOreoCollas, if you change the perms of /media/storage they may not stick after reboot23:00
nexaceleftyfb: i23:00
nexaceleftyfb: what channels other than this one?23:00
pragmaticenigmaOreoCollas, you will want to create a folder your user can access instead23:00
leftyfb* nexace (~nexace@ec2-34-216-3-116.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com) has joined #ubuntu23:01
leftyfb<nexace> how do you instantly append .bash_history with commands as they happen? seems like previous way of using “export PROMPT_COMMAND=‘history -a’” is not valid23:01
leftyfbfrom #ubuntu on EFnet23:01
nexaceoh you mean another network23:01
nexaceyou know what else is rude23:01
OreoCollaspragmaticenigma: Let me try a quick reboot and see what happens. I changed the owner to Oreo so I feel like that should stick.23:01
nexacecaring too much23:01
pragmaticenigma!guidelines | nexace23:01
ubottunexace: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines23:01
nexacei can say with certainty that i didnt violate the guidelines by speaking on another network23:02
nexacepragmaticenigma: unlimited is possible by using a negative value23:05
nexacethank you23:05
OreoCollaspragmaticenigma: The changes seem to stick no problem. I apreciate you trying to help any ways. It would have taken me ages to figure out why I couldn't get it to mount. If you would like to see what I did just check this out. It was quite easy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtvt2MjeCeg23:09
=== mateothegreat- is now known as mateothegreat
rud0lfi want to make service to boot another pc from lan23:51
rud0lfwhat codeword i need to use to google?23:51
leftyfbrud0lf: wakeonlan23:51
rud0lfthank you23:52

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