
rharperok, systemd_timesyncd and chrony done;00:39
rharpernow I'm done, tomorrow fixing up py26 unittests00:39
smoserblackboxsw: i would probably not add the new depends into x, a01:38
smoserit probably *is* strictly required.01:39
smoserbut because isc-dhcp-client is part of ubuntu-minimal01:39
smoserand you're really expected to create a ubuntu without 'ubuntu-minimal'01:40
smoserit is not likely that cloud-init is to be installed in such a place.01:40
smoserso.. i'd just leave it be.  additionally, adding depends or recommends like that to a stable can be problematic01:43
smosersee someone complaining about a similar add01:43
smoser https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/163364301:43
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1633643 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu) "unnecessary dependency upon isc-dhcp-client" [Undecided,Invalid]01:43
smoserand then also the squashfuse bug (bug 1628289)01:44
ubot5bug 1628289 in Snappy "snapd should depend on squashfuse (for use in containers)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162828901:44
blackboxsw+1 on dropping isc-dhcp-client depends01:53
blackboxswwill repost the MPs without that01:53
blackboxswsmoser: thanks for the reference to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/175617302:01
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1756173 in snapd (Ubuntu Artful) "[SRU] 2.32" [Undecided,New]02:01
blackboxswI've added a card https://trello.com/c/OTYKbFEu/720-drop-squashfuse-install-logic-from-ccsnap-when-https-bugslaunchpadnet-ubuntu-source-snapd-bug-1756173-lands02:03
blackboxswpushed ubuntu/xenial and ubuntu/artful without isc-dhcp-client explicit dependency02:29
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rharpersmoser: ./tools/run-centos is super handy =)13:53
smoseryeah. we need to make it work for suse too13:55
smoserand actually.. i've even wnated it to work for ubuntu13:56
smoserwhen there was some bug trhat didnt reproduce on my desktoip, but c-i saw.13:56
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smoserblackboxsw: ok... can you give qa-scripts/new-upstream-snapshot a try ?17:01
smoseryou can see the last commit message there.17:01
smoseri think i have addressed most of the pain in it.17:02
blackboxswchecking/updating now17:02
blackboxswand thanks!17:02
blackboxswsmoser: we'll drop new-upstream-snapshot script after the SRU or as part of the SRU?17:03
blackboxswin the ubuntu/xenial|artful branches17:03
smoseri think no hurry to drop it.17:03
smoserso i'd say after.17:03
smoserbut if you want to drop it we can.17:03
* blackboxsw checks out the refresh patches logic. that was a surprise17:06
smoserthats why your xenial didnt work17:07
smoserbecause the patch would only apply with fuzz17:07
smoseras we'd changed ds-identify aroudn the xenial patches17:07
blackboxswgotcha, yeah I just didn't expect to see a separate commit message for it, and changelog entry. Both make sense as separate items, I just wanted to understand the quilt magic17:09
blackboxswsmoser: pushed just ubuntu/xenial branch again17:13
blackboxswshall I push artful again?17:13
blackboxswnew-upstream-snapshot works like a charm17:14
smoserblackboxsw: i uploaded artful all ready.17:15
blackboxswahh hadn't checked, thx17:15
smoseri don tthink any reason to re-do it.17:15
blackboxswchangelog didn't end up changing anything, so good there on artful anyway17:16
ihreI'd like to test some changes in user-data after applying some changes to user-data. So far, I've mostly used cloud-init w/ qemu and genisoimage for testing, but I think there should be an easier way. I've tested w/ manual changes to cloud-config.txt/user-data.txt/user-data.txt.1 in /var/lib/cloud/instances/$instance-id/, and by reattaching the cdrom through the qemu monitor, yet changes aren't picked up.17:26
ihreWhich file on disk should I modify to be able to rerun cloud-init without having to go through the qemu/genisoimage steps?17:26
blackboxswihre: there are several semaphores that block re-running specific cloud-init modules across reboots17:26
blackboxswyou can clear out those semaphores by running "sudo cloud-init clean --logs --reboot"17:27
blackboxswit'll remove all cloud-init former run logs and reboot the machine so cloud-init can re-run "fresh" with any user data you've provided17:27
blackboxswI generally iterate using lxc on ubuntu17:28
blackboxswvia lxc launch ubuntu-daily:bionic myb117:28
blackboxswlxc exec myb1 bash   # then manipulate user-data in /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/user-data17:29
blackboxswin lxcs, the  no-cloud/seed directory is kept across reboots.    I'll check how the qemu image detected  re-run to better answer your question17:30
blackboxswhrm, I actually have to run on an errand, will get back to that in ~45 mins17:31
ihreblackboxsw: Thanks, didnt think of using a container to test it, that seems a nice alternative as well.17:32
ihrePreviously, I just removed a/the semaphore(s) by hand and reran cloud-init modules --mode final.17:32
blackboxswit's at least the fastest iterative method I've found for dev-test cycles.17:33
* blackboxsw heads out 17:33
ihreNo rush on my end, the current way works fine though, it just feels a little cumbersome at times, anyways, thanks for taking the time to look into it :)17:33
smoserblackboxsw: your quilt refrsh differs in behavior from mine.17:39
naccblackboxsw: smoser: it's sensitive to ~/.quiltrc17:40
naccuse --quiltrc -17:40
nacc(just a guess)17:40
naccwe have to do that in git-ubuntu17:44
naccsmoser: i'm guessing this is about reproducibility?17:44
smoserblackboxsw: grab tip of qa-scripts and try again, would you ?17:49
smosernacc: well, yeah.17:50
smoser 17:50
naccsmoser: yeah17:50
smoserwe run 'new-upstream-snapshot' to create a new upstream snapshot of cloud-init.17:50
smoserand that is a run here versus on chad's system.17:50
naccyeah, you want your snapshot to be the same as chad17:50
naccsimilar idea for us, we want our same-argument builds to be contentfully the same17:51
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blackboxswsmoser: just pushed https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+ref/ubuntu/xenial18:33
smoserblackboxsw: woot.18:36
smosermine to yours : http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/spBd2CCrKg/18:36
smosernew feature there to strip bug numbers on sru18:36
smoserand make you give an SRU bug18:36
blackboxswahh right I totally forgot to strip bug#'s on artful18:53
blackboxswsmoser: what should I do w.r.t. devel/arful18:56
blackboxswsmoser: what should I do w.r.t. devel/artful. should we strip bug#'s18:56
smoserblackboxsw: oh. shoot. yeah i guess we should. right ?18:58
smoserwe are supposed to.18:58
smoserwe can just re-upload18:58
blackboxswyeah, I think so, yeah I'll repropose and do that right.18:58
blackboxswforgot that part of the process obviously18:58
smoserwell now the script does the right thing18:59
smoseryou forgot, i forgot too.18:59
blackboxswhttps://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/342329 just --forced a new-upstream-release for artful19:11
blackboxswmerge conflicts against existing ubuntu/artful.19:12
blackboxswfor all the bug comment drops19:13
smoserblackboxsw: how bout this..19:13
smosergit checkout ubuntu/artful19:16
smosergit reset --hard ubuntu/17.2-35-gf576b2a2-0ubuntu1_17.10.219:16
smoserdch --release --distribution=artful19:16
smosergit push chad.smith HEAD --force19:16
smoserbasically,  lets just re-do it.19:16
blackboxswyeah I did basically that.19:16
blackboxsw git checkout -b ubuntu/artful a2ce41af52c619c13da66f84ee2a789b9df8f3a219:16
blackboxswand re-ran everything19:16
blackboxswI'll use your git-fu here and try again19:16
smoseryours is probably ok now.19:17
smoserlet me see. i thought you were saying it wasnt19:17
blackboxswIn the UI I see merge conflicts19:17
blackboxswin debian/changelog19:17
blackboxswbut all the other content is good19:17
smoseryours is good.19:19
smoserk. i'll just build and push and push over upstream19:19
blackboxswexcellent. and the moral if this story is: Chad don't push branches late in the evening19:21
smoseri'm quite happy with those changes to that script.19:22
smoseri think we have covered most of the pain poitns of it.19:22
blackboxswsmoser: I love it. though I throw eggs at any shell script.19:23
* blackboxsw will become better versed in shell someday.19:23
smoserblackboxsw: fair enough. it is lots of variables and such in there. definitely "shell script"19:26
blackboxswsmoser: right so although you pushed the upload, nothing showed in artful-proposed  yet so we're safe to re-push right?19:26
blackboxswI'm looking for the proposed  build queue in launchpad again19:27
blackboxswor https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/artful/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=cloud-init rather19:27
smoseri just uploaded artful19:28
blackboxswok great so that list tells me you just re-submitted same unapproved upload 30 seconds ago19:29
blackboxswnow do we ping in ubuntu-release for attention on artful/xenial?19:29
smoserwe can, yeah.19:30
blackboxswwill do.19:30
blackboxswok smoser I'm going to get to work on updating out manual cloud test scripts for this SRU https://hackmd.io/jlq3C4qbSgurZ_DZ5GTiuw?both19:43
blackboxswsmoser: I hadn't tested review-mps yet on non-master branches. I didn't want to automatically botch the merges20:25
blackboxswall 3 branches are approved20:26
blackboxswI can use review-mps to land them later if you don't land them now20:26
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ihrethanks for the tip re: lxc/lxd blackboxsw, that is definitely an easier workflow than using qemu :)20:58
blackboxswgood to hear ihre, I'll probably write up a blog post about it (and use of other cloud-init CLI commands=)20:59
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ihrei'll keep an eye out for it!21:03
blackboxswok smoser landed your ubuntu/(artful|xenial) mps and fixed up qa-scripts:review-mps tool to properly handle --upstream-branch origin/ubuntu/*21:51
blackboxswthanks for the cloud-init release email  BTW https://lists.launchpad.net/cloud-init/msg00145.html22:09
=== blackboxsw changed the topic of #cloud-init to: Reviews: http://bit.ly/ci-reviews | Meeting minutes: https://goo.gl/mrHdaj | Next status meeting: Monday 4/2 16:00 UTC | cloud-init 18.2 released (03/28/2018)

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