
=== kallesbar_ is now known as kallesbar
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FritigernWhen I attempt a kubuntu-devel-release-upgrade to try and install the current beta for Bionic Beaver, it fails with this error message (see screenshot https://ibb.co/iPSUs7). I have already attempted to disable all 3rd party repos, but that didn't help. Who has any good ideas for me?05:51
hateballFritigern: bionic is in #ubuntu+105:52
FritigernThank you, but this is not an issue with Bionic, it's an issue with Artful not wanting to upgrade to Bionic05:54
acheronukfirstly I would wait a little while, then try again. there are new plasma packages migrating from the -proposed to -release part of the repo, which can result in a short period where they seem to vanish completely and so are uninstallable05:59
acheronukI had some archive tests fail because of that, which I am now re-running!06:00
Fritigernacheronuk: I have waited quite a while, over two weeks to be exact.06:04
acheronukwhen did you try this upgrade?06:06
lordievaderGood morning06:10
Fritigernacheronuk: I tried the upgrade earlier tonight. About an hour ago, I'd say. I have repeatedly tried to upgrade over the past two weeks or so07:35
FritigernThis is not my first time either. I have been a 'Buntu user since 2005 when I first installed Breezy Badger. I have used releases, RCs and betas with varying degrees of bugginess, but never did I have an installation fail with a vague message saying that "something went wrong, hurr durr"07:39
acheronukFritigern: just tried a couple from artful to bionic, with and without backports, with a full KDE install, and it had no problems calculating an upgrade07:39
FritigernThat's cool, but I DO have a problem.07:39
acheronukyeah, and that helps narrow it down. e.g. it's not a core packaging issues07:40
FritigernPerhaps unnescessary, but here it is anyway, THIS is the exact message I get: https://ibb.co/iPSUs707:40
acheronukwhat about with just 'sudo do-release-upgrade -d -m desktop' on the command line?07:41
FritigernI get some more info from that. It still fails but in addition to the above message, it also tells me "Hold prevents MarkGarbage of <package_name>" for 36 packages. I've checked and none of them are version-locked07:56
kustodianI just updated all packages to the latest versions and now when I press ALT+F1,F2,... it switches to tty1, tty2, etc08:16
kustodianfor example pressing ALT+F4 switches to tty4 and when I return back to tty7 it closes the window08:16
kustodiandoes anyone have an idea how to resolve this?08:17
kustodianand after a reboot everything is working find... mindfuck :D08:25
FritigernURGH! In order to fix my issue I had to purge the following: subversion nutty scribus php7.0 mixxx libpython3.5 python3.5 krosspython uget kodi libtelegram-qt5 telepathy-morse megatools android-libadb krename libpodofo0.9.5 python3.5-minimal nmap kodi-bin libapache2-mod-php7.0 libpython3.5-stdlib libpython3.5-minimal secureboot-db sbsigntool08:33
FritigernWhat I worry about most is having had to remove secureboot-db08:36
Fritigern!info secureboot-db08:38
ubottusecureboot-db (source: secureboot-db): Secure Boot updates for DB and DBX. In component main, is optional. Version 1.1 (artful), package size 2 kB, installed size 43 kB (Only available for any-amd64; any-i386)08:38
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nessunociao a tutti09:27
BluesKajHi folks10:16
kustodianand now after a few minutes again when I press ALT+F1, ALT+F2,.... it switches to tty1, tty2 :(10:19
BluesKajkustodian, that key combo should include the ctl key in order to bring up the VT/TTY10:21
kustodianBluesKaj: I know10:21
kustodianthat's why I'm asking for help :(10:21
BluesKajperhaps the ctl key is stuck10:22
kustodianit's not10:22
kustodianI tested it10:22
kustodianI found an old bug which some still report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/console-cyrillic/+bug/52054610:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 520546 in console-setup (Ubuntu) "Alt-f2 switches to virtual terminal 2" [Undecided,Invalid]10:22
kustodianit's supposably a bug in kbd_mode, but as far as I can see it happens if console-cyrillic is installed, but it's not installed on my systemd10:24
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john980seems no one talks in here16:28
IrcsomeBot<Dallas> @john980, No not really its just a support chat16:29
john980I know, but seems no one is asking about anything16:30
IrcsomeBot<Dallas> @john980, Its intermittent16:30
john980oh, too bad, I tought someone could help me with a crashing kde desktop......Ill look for help somewhere else.......bye16:31
IrcsomeBot<Dallas> The group is rather small ish with only about 50 members16:31
IrcsomeBot<Dallas> @john980, What is happening16:32
IrcsomeBot<Dallas> @john980, I only discovered this group the other day.16:33
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IrcsomeBotviniciusldemelo was added by: viniciusldemelo19:20
=== Guest51402 is now known as Haudegen

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