=== mesa is now known as BionicMac [05:03] hey there, am having trouble installing monitortouch drivers on lubuntu. can anybody help? [05:11] Digiraf: it is usually quite idle here, just fair warning [05:12] and I've no idea what you are talking about [05:17] okay thanks. ihave this old pc with embeded touch screen. i installed lubuntu 12.0.4 en it seems not detecting it with lsusb or xinput [05:18] th monitortouch worked with xp embeded [05:19] Digiraf: you know that 12.04 EOL yea? [05:20] (unless you are a paying customer, for which there is a different support) [05:20] Digiraf: so you should install at least 16.04 to be on a more recent and supported release first [05:21] yes but sinds the device is very limited am trying to install the lightest OS on it. [05:23] Then you are on your own I guess [05:23] okay. is there any chance that problem will be solved with 16.0.04? am going to try o install 16.0.04 on usb and check again. thanks [05:24] I don't know if things will work automatically, but chances are a lot higher at least [05:24] thanks a lot. bless u [05:24] At any rate 16.04 is a supported release, so it will be easier to try and get that going at least === mesa is now known as BionicMac [07:32] HDMI not working , xrandr output HDMI1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) , how to fix it ? === toto is now known as Guest4791 [08:12] hello there [08:12] What is the last LTS version of Lubuntu ? [08:19] i guess 16.04 [08:20] you can wait till 26 april [08:33] 26 april the new LTS comes ? [08:33] yes [08:34] ok thanks [11:41] hi [11:41] what is the best way to add a 32 bit bootloader to latest 64 bit iso [11:42] to run it from usb on intel atom netbook === hehehe is now known as ubuntum [11:48] sorted === parhelia- is now known as parhelia [20:07] hellooo === radice is now known as Radice|brb [23:36] Is there any way to return LXDE to its default look instead of the Lubuntu look? [23:37] Other than install Debian? [23:52] Well, similar to Debian, we got the 'lxde' metapackage too.. [23:54] krytarik, Will that get rid of the lubuntu profile? [23:55] Can't you just select the other session from the login screen? [23:55] Thanks. [23:55] Installing now.