
=== instoogentall_ is now known as instoogentall
jkyleI'm using mate-ubuntu-desktop with the Awesome WM set as the window manager. I've noticed dual laptop behavior is very spotty. For example, when I close my laptop lid with an external monitor it doesn't go into clamshell mode (e.g. laptop screen disabled) unless I disable the monitor manually. then if I forget to reenable, it won't come back on after closing, disconnecting, and reopening01:00
=== ole__ is now known as ole_denmark
raycorbeillooking for info on installing brother printer scanner16:52
diogenes_raycorbeil, brother has a special tool that installs it automatically16:54
mate|JhonI just install ubuntu mate, and Firefox has been updated to version 59.0.2, but does not start up17:22
mate|JhonAre there any command for the terminal to return to previous version ?17:24
alkisgmate|Jhon: do you mean in raspberry pi?17:53
alkisgapt install firefox=45.0.2+build1-0ubuntu1; apt-mark hold firefox17:54
diogenes_again PIs :))17:55
alkisgYeah sounds like they're the primary users of ubuntu-mate...17:55
mate|Jhonshould that command be in the terminal to install that version?17:58
alkisgYes, after you run `sudo -i` to become root18:01
alkisgBut only if you are using pi, you didn't answer18:01
diego_Does anybody speaks spanish?20:43
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.20:44
diego_Does not matter20:44

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