[00:05] powersj: if possible, could you look at the health of the jenkins? i'm having some of the snapcraft cleanbuild jobs randomly die [00:06] powersj: nm, answerd in #snappy === aaa is now known as Hofman === Hofman is now known as slopisadictator === slopisadictator is now known as aaa [06:10] Good morning === beatzz_ is now known as beatzz === hehehe is now known as ubuntum [12:08] jamespage: i'm adding a liblasso3.symbols file to lasso for the MIR [12:08] jamespage: first time creating one. for the versions i only went back to precise, mainly because that's all i could access. does that make sense? [12:09] jamespage: following this: https://wiki.debian.org/UsingSymbolsFiles [12:32] good morning [12:33] good localtime() ;) [12:36] the best [13:47] rbasak: https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/ubuntu/+source/ssh-import-id/+git/ssh-import-id/+merge/342231 [13:47] that was fixed... can you re-review ? if you had anything else. [13:51] why does ubuntu-server (the metapackage) pull in open-iscsi, does anybody know? [13:54] ahasenack: doubt it [13:54] ahasenack: better install the package yourself (or add it to the ansible playbook of choice) [13:54] never noticed open-iscsi installed on my servers [14:02] compdoc: at least in bionic, the ubuntu-server package pulls open-iscsi in [14:04] it's also pulled in Xenial [14:05] ahasenack: my guess would be to simplify boot from iSCSI root [14:05] iscsiadm is installed :/ [15:11] Hi! I am asking question about hosting a site on an ubuntu server. Is this the correct place? [15:15] eraserpencil: yes [15:19] So I have a domain name from namecheap, a VPS on linode, name servers are set correctly (tested by going to www.mydomain.com and seeing the default "welcome to nginx page" [15:19] I got round to getting Pelican SSG, I've copied all the .html file, css and images files over to the /var/mydomain/html/ on my VPS. [15:19] But I'm not seeing any changes [15:19] Is this something got to do with waiting for it to get indexed? [15:20] eraserpencil: is your nginx vhost configured to use /var/mydomain/html/ as its "root" ? [15:21] how could i check? [15:22] vhost/site definitions are in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ [15:25] ahhh [15:26] is that what is meant by root? [15:26] yes [15:26] no, by root I meant https://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_core_module.html#root [15:27] which in your case should be "root /var/mydomain/html;" assuming you want to serve stuff out of that dir [15:28] ahhh [15:28] I have it commented out [15:31] but are changes instant? [15:31] if i changed the html code [15:32] eraserpencil: when you changes files served by nginx it's immediate [15:32] but when you change nginx configs, they are not picked up automatically, you need to reload nginx for that (sudo service nginx configtest && sudo service nginx reload) [15:33] kk thanks.. that means something is broken === MartesZibellina is now known as FalconMillennium [18:24] nacc: hi, do you know something about tomcat in bionic? In particular, why do we seem to have tomcat8.0 and tomcat8? [18:25] and tomcat8 (not 8.0) seems to have many more binary packages [18:41] ahasenack: 8.0 is probably referring to 8.0.x versus 8 is at 8.5? [18:41] ahasenack: i'm not sure, though, let m elook [18:42] ahasenack: also, the 8.0 may be purely for libs that other packages need that aren't compatible with 8.5? [18:42] it's what I'm thinking [18:42] that 8.0 is for legacy stuff [18:43] ahasenack: we did have a tough time transitioning to 8.5, for freeipa and dogtag-pki, iirc [18:44] ahasenack: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/b [18:44] bah [18:44] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=876115 [18:44] Debian bug 876115 in wnpp "ITP: tomcat8.0" [Wishlist,Fixed] [18:44] yeah, freeipa is what I'm looking at now, and that led me to tomcat8x [18:45] that's good info, thanks [18:45] I think it's also incompatible with java9, according to an error message I saw [18:45] I'll try with java8 [18:46] ahasenack: yeah, i'd believe that [19:03] powersj: so i'm thinmking to test the snapcraft fix (pending), could we add a PPA to the xenial VM spawned? [19:05] nacc: here's the script I run https://github.com/canonical-server/test-scripts/blob/master/git-ubuntu/vm_setup [19:05] You can give it a spin locally [19:07] powersj: thanks [19:22] rbasak: fyi, found a bug in source_builer, i'll push it separately [19:25] rbasak: hey and first import parenting test bumped us to 40% coverage on importer.py :) === beisner is now known as beisner-afk [21:36] rbasak: up to 43% coverage of importer.py :) [21:37] rbasak: it's amazing how easy it is to write tests now! [21:38] powersj: each jenkins job gets a fresh VM right? [21:38] nacc: yes [21:38] powersj: ack, ok [21:39] powersj: we might be hitting a nuance of cleanbuild, per the latest analysis, which we might be able to avoid using (since we are going to start a fresh VM, we don't tehcnically need to spawn the lxd in it, i don't think) [21:39] powersj: just an FYI, it's still being analyzed by snapcraft folk [21:40] ok :) thanks for update [21:40] where is this discussion happening? [21:41] powersj: PM currently with kyrofa, but there is a pending PR on github [21:41] ok [22:09] I'm messing around with self-signing SSL keys and noticed that in /etc/ssl/certs everything in there is world writeable (the CA certs) [22:10] the symlinks? or the actual files? [22:10] Why is it like that? isn't that a security risk? (other people can replace ca keys with thier own [22:10] I guess they're all symlinks [22:11] I'm trying to figure out where I put my internal CA key and the certificate. I've already got the private key in /etc/ssl/private [22:14] Oh I see it now. There's so many results in there it makes it hard to find the actual files. ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem is read only except for the owner [22:15] you can try e.g. find /etc/ssl -type f -ls to see just the files [22:15] I don't know how symlinks work, do they actually have permissions or is ls -l just displaying it that way because they're symlinks? [22:17] linux doesn't care about the permissions on symlinks [22:17] chmod(2) doesn't even have a way to change them [22:18] they can still get non-777 modes via other filesystems, fuse, etc., but I don't think linux even follows the permissions when they're set that way. [22:18] So whatever the actual file has is what the effective permissions are on the symlink [22:18] there's some nuance that the YAMA security module influences if symlinks are followed or not [22:19] And to create symlinks you'd need write perms to the directory right? [22:20] yes [22:20] makes sense, thanks for the clarification [22:20] thanks for double-checking :D [22:22] I'm writing a guide for internal nginx servers with internal CA signed certs so I want to make sure I get things right [22:22] nice [22:23] shame there's no certbot for internal CAs, would make things so much easier [23:10] rbasak: fyi, just force-pushed import-tests, which is now a little better organized and more unit tests (still not at a 100% for added code, but 30% bump in importer.py coverage is pretty good :) === beisner-afk is now known as beisner