
mintIs this the Ubuntu group? Making sure.00:00
naccmint: this is the ubuntu support channel00:01
naccmint: do you have an ubuntu (not Mint, just in case that is what you are running) support question?00:02
mintAhh.. is Mint not allowed here?00:02
mintCos the mint server doesn't have a clue00:02
naccmint: Mint is not supported here00:03
nacc!mint | mint00:03
ubottumint: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)00:03
mintThought it was more of an open comm -- cya around then :(.00:03
InteeYo guys, is there a way to clean out your repo list?00:35
InteeEven manually.. I added a bunch of kali repos to my source list (I think.. What ever list update looks at) and just want to clean them up now as I'm finished with them.00:36
v0lksman/etc/apt/sources.list and sources.list.d00:37
LinuxNITHello. I am running ubuntu 17.10 with gdm3. I have an issue where openarena goes full screen on the wrong monitor. I think this is because the system default is on the wrong monitor. I read that i can copy my ~/.config/monitors.xml to /var/lib/gdm3/.config to resolve this but it is not changning which monitor the system sees as default at the login screen. Can anyone assist me?00:39
InteeLegend v0lksman <#00:40
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Inteev0lksman, Sorry man. Nothing in either of those but when I SSH into my server it says 403 updates to be done.00:43
InteeUpdate, upgrade and dist-upgrade doesn't stop this from coming up.00:43
v0lksmansources.list is a file and sources.list.d is a dir with files. sources.list must have something in it because that is where apt gets it's list of repos from for Ubuntu itself.  sources.list.d is for additional lists if you added them manually00:45
Guest27862Can I ask about installing popcorn-time here?00:45
v0lksmanhave you rebooted the instance since the last upgrade?00:45
bindiubuntu minimal install worked with usb 3g modem but after the install is ready it does not, what now?00:51
Inteev0lksman, source.list has some stuff I added manually and the standard stuff but none of the kali repos.00:51
InteeI didn't realise .list.d was a directory. I'll have to check that again..00:52
InteeAnd yeah, restarted a bunch00:52
Inteev0lksman, yeah nothing in sources.list.d either.00:55
InteeI used some python script to add all the repos and it has a remove tool built-in. I just tried that. It stopped the repos being updated00:56
InteeSo when I run apt-get update I don't see them but it's still saying 400+ updates to be done when I log on00:56
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fguy67Hi all00:59
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SS1Readme in Popcorntime documentation says to do "gulp run". But I get "Local gulp not found in ~/Downloads/PPT". Am I using gulp correctly?01:01
banekillgrindahhh i messed up and i don't know how to fix it...01:01
leftyfbSS1: "gulp" is not a thing in ubuntu. Nor is help with popcorntime supported here01:03
banekillgrindI installed an m.2 ssd in my laptop, unplugged my hdd, installed ubuntu and now even with the bios order set correctly i'm booting into the hdd01:03
banekillgrindthey are listed as the same mount point in gparted01:04
SS1leftyfb: Understandable, do you know of a place I can get help from?01:04
leftyfbSS1: wherever you got popcorntime from01:04
SS1leftyfb: Thanks :)01:05
guivercSS1, I see references to people having the same issue elsewhere, eg.  https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26136312/gulp-command-does-not-work01:06
guivercSS1, have you looked elsewhere yourself?01:07
SS1guiverc: I got it from popcorntime.sh, I'll look at your stackflow link now. Maybe it'll help01:09
guivercSS1, note: i know nothing about the software; it was the first of a number startpage reported on a search .. had an answer with 40+ upvotes.. (there were others too)01:10
SS1guiverc: Gulp does work I think, but I'm unsure if I'm using it correctly. It returns "Local gulp not found in ~/Downloads/PPT" when I do gulp run01:15
SS1guiverc: Nevermind, you know nothign about the software, you just wrote that. Sorry.01:16
guivercSS1, what version of Ubuntu are you using?01:17
SS1guiverc: 17.10 artful01:17
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banekillgrind Multiple VGs found with the same name: ubuntu-vg.01:20
insanity99Hey guys. It seems I can only boot through recovery mode without video hardware acceleration01:20
insanity99All other boot options just seem to get stuck01:21
guivercthe only gulp supported is the default (universe repo) gulp - as leftyfb stated - popcorn* isn't a ubuntu package.. i looked at gulp & its too far from my knowledge-base so i couldn't help sorry.01:22
Bashing-ominsanity99: Graphic's driver ? At the login screen does key combo ctl+alt+F2 yield  a console interface ?01:23
SS1guiverc: I understand. Popcorntime is far from an ubuntu package, just hoped for the best asking here. Thank you anyway :)01:24
banekillgrindhmmm vgdisplay then vgrename using the uid. lets reboot and see01:26
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insanity99Bashing-om: If I get as far as the log in screen I think so01:28
Bashing-ominsanity99: login there ,, and let's see what there is for a driver . what shows in the configuration line of ' sudo lshw -C display ' ?01:31
banekillgrindok cool it worked01:33
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insanity99Sorry about that01:51
insanity99http://termbin.com/yfyo Bashing-om01:51
Bashing-ominsanity99: No driver loaded " display UNCLAIMED " . what release is this ' lsb_release -a ' ?01:53
insanity99No LSB moduels are available01:55
guivercinsanity99, did you use the `-a` option as Bashing-om said02:00
insanity99No LSB modules are available.02:01
insanity99Distributor ID:LinuxMint02:01
insanity99Description:Linux Mint 18.3 Sylvia02:01
insanity99Bashing-om: guiverc02:02
insanity99Does this help sorry?02:04
InteeSorry everyone but could still can't work out why my server keeps saying there are 400+ packages to be updated.02:05
leftyfb!mint | insanity9902:05
ubottuinsanity99: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)02:05
InteeChecked my source.list and everything in my source.list.d and can't see anything that isn't standard bar the Microsoft repo (Powershell) and one I added manually to Source.list myself for webmin (Webmin offical) .02:06
leftyfb!mint | Intee02:06
ubottuIntee: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)02:06
InteeThis is Ubuntu? :\02:06
InteeUbuntu server.02:06
insanity99Okay sorry. If I install Ubuntu 17.10 and have the same issue will you help me then? I don't really know what I'm doing but panicking because I need a stable system in the next few hours02:07
leftyfbIntee: it says Kali02:07
InteeLinux PurityServer 4.4.0-116-generic #140-Ubuntu SMP Mon Feb 12 21:23:04 UTC 2018 x86_64 GNU/Linux02:07
InteeI'm not fully retarded right? It is ubunut haha.02:07
InteeUbuntu* right?02:07
leftyfbIntee: the picture you posted says welcome to kali linux02:08
InteeYeah I just noticed but what I just posted was "uname -a"02:08
InteeI swear I installed Ubuntu server and not Kali.. The hell.02:09
insanity99leftyfb: Sorry if I install Ubuntu and it has the same issue do you think we can fix it?02:09
Inteelsb_release -a gives me all Kali shit.02:09
InteeI've gone done f*cked up somewhere.02:10
leftyfbinsanity99: I would suggest installing 16.0402:10
leftyfb!language | Intee02:10
ubottuIntee: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList02:10
Inteehttps://imgur.com/a/3QcFR - Do I have Kali or Ubuntu installed? haha02:11
leftyfbwhat do you think?02:11
leftyfbnothing on that page says ubuntu02:12
InteeI just checked the USB I installed this from and it has Ubuntu server on it...02:12
insanity99Ok leftyfb I'll download that now. Does it have a lot less features?02:12
insanity99I mean if it works for now I'll be happy anyyway02:12
InteeSo I HOPE Ubuntu is installed.02:12
leftyfbIntee: it's not ubuntu. it's kali02:12
InteeThe hell did I manager that from a USB boot of Ubuntu server.02:13
InteeThanks leftyfb02:13
Bashing-ominsanity99: ubuntu long term stability is presently release 16.04 .02:13
InteeThe hell, it doesn't have any of the Kali packages installed and all my source stuff is pure ubuntu.02:14
InteeThis is strange.02:14
insanity99Bashing-om: So less flashy more stable?02:14
apb1963what's in your /etc/apt/sources.list file?  And ../sources.list.d02:14
mateothegreatIntee: quit downloading linux images from torrent sites :P02:14
apb1963Intee, ^^^02:14
leftyfbapb1963: it's not ubuntu02:15
Bashing-ominsanity99: 17.10 has support for 9 months from date of release .. 16.04 has 5 years support .02:15
apb1963leftyfb, that's what I assume, but it should identify the issue better.02:15
leftyfbnot really02:15
insanity99Ok. Will USB image writer be good enough to make a reliable live usb?02:16
apb1963namaste, Beni-Hana02:16
Bashing-ominsanity99: From a linix install .. the sane tool to write an image is 'dd' .02:17
insanity99I've never used linux before sorry Bashing-om02:18
Bashing-ominsanity99: what you are booted now though Mint is linux .02:19
insanity99Bashing-om: Yeah I just installed it today and can't get it to boot properly. As much as I like the look of it02:20
insanity99Any OS that fuctions well will do me though. I just need it to boot02:20
tre99anybody ever done linux from scratch? (lfs)02:20
Bashing-ominsanity99: There are a number of releases of 'buntu ; a wide range of choice for the desk top that you "might" prefer .02:21
insanity99this has the best community for support though right Bashing-om?02:22
guiverctre99, this is a Ubuntu support channel - even if someone has used from-scratch, they may not reply as your question is off-topic; maybe try #ubuntu-discuss  or elsewhere02:22
Bashing-ominsanity99: ubuntu support is what sold ne to stay with it as my operating system of choice - many years ago . Check out xubuntu : https://xubuntu.org/download .02:24
insanity99Bashing-om: So these flavours can get support yes? but Mint can't?02:26
Bashing-ominsanity99: yepper .02:26
Bashing-om!flavours | insanity9902:26
ubottuinsanity99: Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours02:26
guivercinsanity99, official flavors are pretty easy to spot - xubuntu, lubuntu, ubuntu-mate, kubuntu, ubuntu-budgie, ...02:28
insanity99Right ok thanks02:28
insanity99Guy on the mint channel thinks my laptop is dying...02:29
tre99guiverc: sorry02:29
insanity99gonna install ubuntu and see how it goes02:29
Bashing-ominsanity99: Not dying .. just no graphic's driver for the GUI .02:31
insanity99Oh good02:32
insanity99writing the usb now02:33
Bashing-ominsanity99: decide on the flavour you prefer, get it installed, come back then with any questions that you may have .02:34
Rainbow7anyone know of a repository UI/listing for all the subjective best or very worthwhile software?02:37
guivercRainbow7, that is very subjective (best?!!) - each repo defines where it comes from & ...... - have you tried the software.boutique (app.store) - it tries to pick 'best' but again subjective..02:38
leftyfbRainbow7: that's not a thing02:38
guivercsoftware.boutique is the application front-store for ubuntu-mate; if you select software it has it but don't have repo in your lists, it adds it as required...02:39
leftyfbRainbow7: You should focus on installing software you need to accomplish your goals. Not install a bunch of software because somewhere someone labeled it "best"02:47
donofriohow do I get the "receive-key" out of an 'add-apt-repository?'02:57
MobileInsanity99Hi guys this is insanity99 on my phone now. Trying to install ubuntu but having the same problem. Incredibly fast scrolling list of checks I think? With [ok] and [failed]02:59
segersjerryRainbow7, If I were faced with that desire, I would look into alternativeto.net02:59
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM03:00
Bashing-omMobileInsanity99: ^^03:00
MobileInsanity99Bashing-om ok doing this now03:02
Bashing-omMobileInsanity99: K, we will get through this .03:03
InteeI didn't download from torrent site apb1963 mateothgreat haha. I did however use some python script I found that is like a 'easy' way to install packages that come default on Kali03:04
MobileInsanity99Thank you Bashing-om. It got to 50 odd then rebooted?03:04
InteeIt must have somehow changed my distro because I Still have the boot USB I loaded this server from and it's def Ubuntu server haha.03:04
Bashing-omMobileInsanity99: 1st is to verify the downloaded .iso file, then verify the copy .03:05
InteeIf anyone cares, the script I used that messed with my distro: https://github.com/LionSec/katoolin03:08
dlami got randomly slow wifi with "Intel Wireless 7260" ...anyonw know about this?   o03:11
dlam(i'm on 16.04)03:11
MobileInsanity99Sorry Bashing-om now I can't even get into my mint boot to do the check03:14
Bashing-omMobileInsanity99: changed the boot priority to the drive holding the mint install ?03:15
MobileInsanity99Bashing-om nah. It just suddenly booted after several attempts. Its strange that the ubuntu live usb is having the exact same issue with the scrolling text right?03:17
Bashing-omMobileInsanity99: Well, yeah .. unless uou have set it so .. should not see the boot messages .03:19
insanity99Bashing-om: the md5 checksum is ok03:29
Bashing-ominsanity99: Great . next is to check the copy to the USB : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/CDIntegrityCheck . " check disk for defects" .03:30
insanity99Ok thanks Bashing-om. Oh yeah sudo lshw -C display no longer shows unclaimed03:32
Bashing-omIntee: well. progress made :) .. " try ubuntu " also had good results ?03:37
rocketeer99I have a question about Firefox touchscreen scrolling in 16.04 - it doesn't seem to be working for me even if I run it with env MOZ_USEXINPUT2=1 or play with about:config03:39
Bashing-omIntee: Opps .. bad high light .. sorry for the ping /03:39
rocketeer99Anyone had any luck getting it working? It works in chrome // chromium, and a number of other apps03:39
InteeHaha all g man. I was like 'The hell is Try Ubuntu?...' even opened googled to make sure it wasn't a command or something haha03:40
MobileInsanity99Bashing-om I am now on ubuntu. I did it by setting nomodeset03:40
MobileInsanity99Rather than soft splash?03:40
Bashing-omMobileInsanity99: Should not be needed .. as with AMD the driver is in the kernel . Need to get the AMD driver working .03:41
MobileInsanity99You mean soft splash isn't required?03:42
MobileInsanity99Oh I see03:42
MobileInsanity99Okay what's next Bashing-om03:42
Bashing-omMobileInsanity99: No, I mean that the boot parameter nomodeset should not have been needed .03:42
mike602Hello. Has anyone noticed that apt is very very slow? I try to update my system or download software via apt and it freezes at "connecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com" Never had this issue in the past and been having this issue for about a month now. Tried to change the server as well and no change. Thanks03:43
donofriohow do I get the "receive-key" out of an 'add-apt-repository?'03:43
Bashing-omMobileInsanity99: Run ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt full-upgrade ' . See if you pull in any graphic stuff .03:44
pavlushkarocketeer99: for mozilla/firefox related issues, there is a network moznet/irc.mozilla.org with a #firefox dedicated channel :)03:47
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rocketeer99pavlushka: So sorry, thank you for letting me know03:48
pavlushkadonofrio: try "gpg --recv-keys key-id"03:50
MobileInsanity99Bashing-om is that meant to work from the live usb or only after I install it?03:51
Bashing-omMobileInsanity99: Sorry, thought you were installed . Yes the update from the install .03:52
MobileInsanity99Haha sorry, no I hadn't gotten that far. Running the install now03:52
Bashing-omMobileInsanity99: :) .. patience Bashing-om .03:53
donofriopavlushka, I'll try03:54
pavlushkamike602: May be your networking conf is a little messed up, so it takes time to get the routing, are you connected using two interfaces simultaneously? like the wired lan and wifi?03:55
MobileInsanity99I appreciate it Bashing-om03:55
Bashing-omMobileInsanity99: Good folks deserve to be running ubuntu :P03:56
pavlushkaha ha ha03:56
mike602@pavlushka have this issue on 2 machines. One is connected via ethernet and other is via wifi, both with same issue. Other than that, my internet is running fast03:56
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MobileInsanity99The support is vastly better haha03:58
Bashing-omMobileInsanity99: And ya got about 600 looking over our shoulders :)03:59
MobileInsanity99On mint I just got told my pc is dead03:59
MobileInsanity99Which hopefully it isn't lol04:00
Bashing-omMobileInsanity99: So far we know .,.. so good .04:00
MobileInsanity99Bashing-om this install is damn fast. So should I boot straight into nomodeset again or try soft splash?04:05
pavlushkamike602: have tried the "select the best server" option on may be "repository & updates"? (could be even net neutrality issue)04:05
bugbunnyReset the router?04:06
mike602@pavlushka, yes I tried that and same result :(04:07
Bashing-omMobileInsanity99: I do anticpate that nomodeset is set .. will at some point look and remove it .. see what you have at this time  as to the system's functionality .04:07
pavlushkamike602: <bugbunny> Reset the router?04:07
bugbunnySometimes routers can be finicky when left on for very long time04:08
bugbunnySince you are experiencing issues on two seperate machines04:08
mike602Yes, I reset my router as well, it doesn't seem to be an issue w/ my internet though as everything else is running really fast04:09
bugbunnyI tried to lookup what is your issue exactly, I couldn't find it, what is the problem exactly?04:09
mike602@bugbunny, updating ubuntu 16.04.4 is very very slow and instalilng software as well. never had this issue before.04:10
mike602 it freezes at "connecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com"04:10
bugbunnyHave you tried other mirrors?04:11
MobileInsanity99Bashing-om okay booting. I have flickering purple and the ubuntu logo. No scrolling text through. So that's different04:11
bugbunnymike602: https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-select-the-fastest-apt-mirror-on-ubuntu-linux04:13
mike602@bugbunny, I already tried other mirrors w/ same issue04:13
bugbunnyWhat mirrors have you tried?04:14
bugbunnymike602: Mean time, apt install mtr; mtr -t us.archive.ubuntu.com04:14
mike602@bugbunny, server for united states and archive.linux.duke.edu04:15
MobileInsanity99Bashing-om hmm set nomodeset and it seems to be hung on a purple screen :/ no flickering04:15
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Bashing-omMobileInsanity99: UNgood . How long has it sat on this screen ?04:16
MobileInsanity99I don't think it matters which is set. It just seems to be random whether or not it boots. This time I am in on quiet splash. Very fast boot Bashing-om04:17
Bashing-omMobileInsanity99: If ya can boot, there will be a boot log we can look at .04:18
Bashing-omMobileInsanity99: What machine is this by the way .. a laptop ?04:23
insanity99Bashing-om, does this log help? https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/Mkeif~IgWMODt0fegLcRbQ04:23
insanity99Yeah, sony vaio04:23
insanity99I'm meant to be in uni in a few hours but been up all night trying to sort this, because I really need it working04:26
Bashing-ominsanity99: Ya got another hard drive in that machine " 0x41: Dirty bit is set. Fs was not properly unmounted and some data may be corrupt. " .04:28
insanity99Bashing-om, huh...strange. Should only have the one HDD, and nothing in the usb04:29
insanity99Bashing-om, https://imgur.com/a/KxOGJ04:31
Bashing-ominsanity99: About a third through the system log . be a while yet reading .04:45
insanity99ouch sorry04:46
donofriopavlushka, nope not key just "key0id" not a key id: skipping04:52
Bashing-om!info linux-image-generic artful04:54
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (artful), package size 2 kB, installed size 14 kB04:55
pavlushkadonofrio: key/keyid supposed to be replaced by some alphanumeric number which is the key of some owner/packager/signer05:04
pavlushkadonofrio: for instance "gpg --receive-keys D7F6C175" and for that you have to know the key/keyid05:09
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pavlushkadonofrio: for more try "man gpg"05:10
insanity99Whats tthat Bashing-om ?05:11
ggI need help with soundcard configuration in Kubuntu, can I ask here?05:11
hateball!ask | gg05:12
ubottugg: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:12
Bashing-ominsanity99: Just checking ^ what relese you installed . what have you in ' cat /var/log/Xorg.failsafe.log ' ?05:12
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ggthe soundcard is recognized through an lspci -v query, a list of soundcards is listed in system settings "audio video " tab but there's no sound icon and I have done something I can't undo. I've also uninstalled and reinstalled pulse05:14
ggtesting various profiles returns no sound05:15
ggAudio device: Intel Corporation 7 Series/C216 Chipset Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 04) Subsystem: Intel Corporation 7 Series/C216 Chipset Family High Definition Audio Controller05:17
insanity99http://termbin.com/4nb4 Bashing-om05:17
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Bashing-ominsanity99: fatal : -> " (EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration." I do not know bit as we also have ACPI errors try this : http://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html to update the DSDT .05:22
insanity99Ok, so just download and run the script?05:26
Bashing-ominsanity99: Yeah, that is the easy way . But can also do it manually if ya want to know what is to do .05:27
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insanity99huh, files doesn't seen to laaunch Bashing-om05:34
Bashing-ominsanity99: Nuatilus the file manager ? in admin mode ?05:35
Bashing-ominsanity99: ^^ what returns ' echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE ' ?05:37
flokiroot nautilus05:37
insanity99x11 bas05:38
Bashing-ominsanity99: K. then the wayland session is not a factor . File manager should work as is // (But there is a possibility that the drive has issues )05:40
insanity99(nautilus:5360): Gtk-WARNING **: Failed to register client: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.gnome.SessionManager was not provided by any .service files05:41
insanity99** (nautilus:5360): CRITICAL **: Another desktop manager in use; desktop window won't be created05:41
insanity99Nautilus-Share-Message: Called "net usershare info" but it failed: Failed to execute child process "net" (No such file or directory)05:41
insanity99It launched despite that message Bashing-om05:41
insanity99You think it is a hardware issue?05:42
Bashing-ominsanity99: Not enough info yet to point to hard ware failure . tj-'s script complete ? rebooted ?05:43
insanity99Oh and I don't know how to run the script? When I click the script it opens gedit05:44
insanity99rather than runs the commands05:44
insanity99Bashing-om, sorry05:45
Bashing-ominsanity99: is the script changed to executable ? sudo chmod +x05:46
insanity99Ah ok I think it is done Bashing-om05:49
insanity99Bashing-om, output: https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/KasyFtJgDGxdUx2lQFM9NQ05:49
Bashing-ominsanity99: reboot and see ?? old box that the DSDT is " acpi_osi=Windows 2012 " ??05:52
insanity99Yeah I guess it is a few years old now haha. Ok gonna reboot05:53
s10gopalexternal display is not detected , hp laptop ay008tx on ubuntu 14.04lts05:55
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insanity99Bashing-om, I just rebooted three times. You genius05:57
insanity99It is working :D05:58
NetmageDoes anyone know if there is an option to import iphone photos into ubuntu ?05:59
Bashing-ominsanity99: Well, wonders never cease but the thanks and cookies belong to TJ- .05:59
insanity99Bashing-om, Did you not expect it to work then?06:00
Bashing-ominsanity99: More of a maybe - hope so :)06:00
insanity99Okay now it works I wanna learn how to be a competent linux user, learn the ins and outs and what have you :)06:01
allizomNetmage: have you tried connecting the thing?06:01
insanity99I appreciate the dedication you showed Bashing-om06:01
Bashing-ominsanity99: It's ubuntu - one for all and all for 1 .06:06
insanity99I've been learning to program lately. Maybe that will help me learn all this command line stuff06:07
Bashing-ominsanity99: You are encourgaed to go to mint and relate the resolution . :P06:08
s10gopalxrandr output HDMI1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)06:08
insanity99Bashing-om, Great idea haha06:09
Bashing-om!manual | insanity9906:09
ubottuinsanity99: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/06:09
insanity99Yay, 141 pages. I love studying06:10
Bashing-om!rute | insanity9906:11
ubottuinsanity99: documentation is to be found at https://help.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/95-799/rute.pdf06:11
s10gopalxrandr output HDMI1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) , how to turn on external display ?06:16
insanity99Thanks Bashing-om bookmarking this06:20
Bashing-ominsanity99: :) it gets as deep as you can stand it .06:21
insanity99So can I try various desktop environments or will that mess up my system haha06:22
EriC^^insanity99: i'd try them in a vm06:23
Bashing-ominsanity99: Well, with the disk space you have ,,, sure . the problem is if you try and remove a DE .06:23
EriC^^also some stuff overlap, like lubuntu notification styles in unity06:24
Bashing-ominsanity99: as EriC^^ says is the better ... many times with multi DEs there is also the duplication of assestts .06:24
insanity99Ahh ok. Got unity at the moment. Good for all the keyboard shortcuts06:25
Bashing-ominsanity99: Do not learn unity if you want to remain mainstream, ubuntu has now gone to gnome .06:28
insanity99Ah, how do I get that then? I see a few variations of GNOME06:30
Bashing-ominsanity99: You will get it when upgrading to 18.04 real soon .06:32
=== kenden is now known as Guest3411
insanity99Big jump from 16 right? Bashing-om06:32
Bashing-ominsanity99: Lessen you are on the HWE stack of 16.04 .. I took it that you had installed 17.04 from the booting kernel . 16.04 is supported 'til 2021 .06:35
insanity99Oh yeah I was told I'm best getting 16.04 over 17.1006:37
insanity99Is upgrading a big job?06:37
shiroininjainsanity99: sudo apt-get install gnome. and in the login screen, you can choose it06:38
hateballinsanity99: Upgrading from 16.04 to 18.04? That should be quite painless once 18.04.1 is released06:38
insanity99Cool thanks guys06:38
shiroininjanp. I'm currently on ubuntu 16.04 with gnome, if you have questions06:39
guivercinsanity99, the more changes (esp. non-std sources) you make can make release-upgrading harder... also it needs disk-space (a hassle if a small partition)06:39
insanity99Thanks I'll check it out06:41
s10gopalhow to connect hp laptop to TV by using hdmi cable ? i am using ubuntu 14.04 lts06:42
CryptoSiDwhere is the configuration of the interface when we configure it during the installation06:43
CryptoSiDi can't find it under /etc/network/*06:44
EriC^^s10gopal: plug hdmi, go to settings > display, also settings > sound06:44
s10gopalEriC^^,  xrand : HDMI1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)06:44
s10gopalEriC^^, i have already connected hdmi cable and also selected hdmi in tv but still no output06:45
joeblogsmic check06:46
CryptoSiDmkkk... netplan! thats new06:46
EriC^^s10gopal: anything in "dmesg" ?06:46
EriC^^s10gopal: try the button on the laptop maybe06:46
s10gopalEriC^^, dmesg log http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/DyBkXWTskQ/06:48
s10gopal , F4 not working too06:48
EriC^^s10gopal: cable problem maybe?06:50
EriC^^does it work on a different pc?06:50
s10gopalEriC^^, it works , and it is amazon basic cable06:50
EriC^^oh, no idea here06:51
s10gopalEriC^^, my laptop screen is 720P and lv is 1080 ? it can cause problem?06:52
EriC^^s10gopal: no i dont think so06:52
EriC^^s10gopal: try "udevadm monitor"06:54
EriC^^when you plug then unplug the hdmi does it say anything?06:54
s10gopalEriC^^, how?06:54
EriC^^s10gopal: it's a command06:54
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s10gopalEriC^^, it dont say anything06:55
EriC^^s10gopal: has hdmi ever worked on the laptop before?06:56
s10gopalEriC^^, yes on windows 1006:56
EriC^^s10gopal: have you changed anything since? maybe there's a bios setting of some sort?06:57
s10gopalEriC^^, no06:58
EriC^^s10gopal: my hp laptop gives me some trouble sometimes with certain cable/tv, i need to unplug and plug it several times and sometimes press F4 to get it working06:58
EriC^^s10gopal: also make sure that hdmi1 or hdmi2 etc in the tv is selected properly06:59
s10gopalEriC^^, it only has one hdmi port06:59
d33tahhello! i've got a supper weird problem since yesterday. my keyboard and mouse stopped responding shortly after boot, but usb is sending power to them and I can still access the machine via ssh. any ideas? 17.0407:01
ducassed33tah: 17.04 is long eol07:01
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades07:02
d33tahducasse: 17.10, sorry07:02
kadtaswie geht ihnen07:02
guivercd33tah, i would check your cable (ensure its connected correctly, and not just power pins)07:02
d33tahguiverc: they work on a different PC07:02
d33tahhm, i just tried different ports and keyboard came back... i'll try rebooting and see if it helps. weird, because dmesg says it finds the keyboard...07:03
insanity99Right I have to go. Thanks again for all the help07:04
d33tahwhat the hell... it works on one port but doesn't on other, but dmesg says pretty much the same stuff07:04
d33tahand bios easily reads the keyboard on the old port07:05
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
ducassed33tah: does another usb device work in the 'bad' port? is one of the ports usb3 and the other usb2?07:08
d33tahducasse: actually i updated system, rebooted and the issue didn't reappear yet07:08
d33tahso i didn't try07:08
d33tahboth were usb2 according to the color though07:09
s10gopalHDMI not working , xrandr output HDMI1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)07:10
simaEven I witnessed at least 2 ZFS updates for Ubuntu 17.10 in the past week or so, I STILL can NOT do 'zpool export rpool' for the pool on another partition...07:12
simaIt just stuck after issuing command and never finishes07:12
=== cajhne_ is now known as cajhne
nopcodehey. i'm using xubuntu and after waking up the machine it tells me 'session is locked, you'll be redirected to the unlock dialog in a few seconds' or something along those lines. never happens. srlsy, wtf?07:32
nopcodei was working on this box.07:33
guivercnopcode, do you have more than a single DEsktop on your machine?  (or added another screensaver)07:34
nopcodeguiverc: i have two screens, but only one x server07:34
nopcode4 virtual desktops (each spanning both screens)07:35
nopcodenote it doesnt happen everytime only in 1/10 times or so07:35
s10gopalHDMI not working , xrandr output HDMI1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)07:35
guivercnopcode, I'd switch to term, login and `ps -elf |grep creen` (or likewise) to list screensavers; if you have two running, `kill` them07:35
nopcodeguiverc: you mean if i encounter the issue again?07:35
nopcoderight now there is nothing07:36
guivercyep - it won't stop issue; just lets you login via gui.  (don't know how to fix; never tried)07:36
nopcodebut yeah i think switching to a text console usually doesnt work either07:36
nopcodei don't even know why it tells me that i'll be "redirected to the unlock dialog in a few seconds"07:37
nopcodefirst there should be no redirection ; its a single locked session07:37
nopcodesecond it shouldnt effing take _seconds_07:37
nopcodewhat year is it07:37
guivercnopcode, if you can't switch to term; its not what I've encountered  (which was side-effect of multiple DEsktops added - exactly what you described; one unlocks the running session; the other can't unlock as its session isn't running)07:38
nopcodeguiverc: i'll keep that in mind07:39
s10gopalHDMI not working , xrandr output HDMI1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)07:58
s10gopalit works on windows 1007:59
anddamhello, while switching to mirror protocol in sources.list, should I change http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu as well?08:04
lotuspsychje!sources | anddam08:14
ubottuanddam: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.08:14
s10gopalEriC^^, i dont know , but i can see output on hdmi but that screen is freesed on desktop08:35
s10gopalEriC^^, thx it is working by pressing f408:36
tyoc213Hi there, just installed ubuntu 17.10, but I feel like sometimes the cliks on the mouse doesnt control the windows (click)08:39
tyoc213dont know if it is just a feeling or it is something of the system08:39
koolblutyoc213: other than the mouse issue do you like 17.10?08:41
tyoc213all the other things are good I think08:42
koolbluI was thinking of upgrading but wasn't sure how buggy it was.08:42
tyoc213I have connected via teamviewer from a windows... but I can click... dont know if it is the feeling... or is because I havent used a linux from sometime now08:43
tyoc213maybe the windows manager doesnt like my clicks...08:43
tyoc213or something like that08:43
koolblutyoc213: Is it just when you use IRC or all programs?08:44
tyoc213it seems like if something is maximized it doesnt let click correctly on some items (like the drop down of firefox at right)08:45
tyoc213well, im using irc from win xD08:45
tyoc213ff and console on lin08:45
koolbluI'm going to blame windoze...lol08:46
* koolblu has left the building.08:47
hfddhhhdHow do I backup my data drive? I have dual booted Ubuntu/windows 10 on my SSD and use my larger HDD as my /home and another NTFS partition for windows stuff. Now windows won't detect my drive due to some error and I plan on completely wiping the disk. How do I properly backup my encrypted /home and restore it later09:06
hfddhhhdPeople recommend to use dd to create a bit level copy, would that mean if I restored the backup image, it'll get written to a particular location?09:07
hfddhhhdShould I backup my partition table too if I need to restore?09:44
usernewWhen I try to launch steam from terminal,it starts steam but now I dont want terminal to run in bg.So when i close the terminal it also closes the steam program. I dont want that to happen. Any advice? And yes i know i can launch steam via menu but i want to use terminal09:50
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hfddhhhdusernew put an & after typing the command and hit enter09:53
hfddhhhdWhat it does ^09:54
usernewthanks bud09:55
Triffid_Hunterhfddhhhd: that's often insufficient, nohup or setsid before steam should work though10:00
NetmageDoes anyone know a tool to transfer iphone pictures from iphone to ubuntu ?10:01
Triffid_HunterNetmage: dunno about iphone, but my android just shows up as an MTP filesystem device from whichj I can simply copy the photos10:02
=== root is now known as Guest73117
BluesKajHi folks10:16
yoggI try to move from netwok/interfaces to netplan. What I currently not have found is how to up an interface without an IP address in netplan (manual in network/interfaces)10:19
newuserhow can i learn more about ">" command in terminal ?10:21
BluesKajyogg you can avoid netplan by using ifupdown and the interfaces file10:23
SimonNLnewuser: does this help any.   https://robots.thoughtbot.com/input-output-redirection-in-the-shell10:24
newuserSinoNL thanks dude and cool website10:28
brainwashnopcode: more info here https://xubuntu.org/news/screen-locking-in-xubuntu-14-04/10:31
brainwashnopcode: it could be a bug in your case, so best to check launchpad for existing bugs10:31
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=== maga_ is now known as magal_
xinobiI need help in order to debug wkhtmltopdf the thing is it works on my development environment but it doesn't on my production environment both are ubuntu 16.04 and the binaries installed the same way10:41
xinobiits quite clear that something is missing but not sure what10:42
SimonNLxinobi: just a thought maybe purging and installing helps ?10:49
SimonNLwkhtmltopdf  that is10:49
xinobiSimonNL: i've used the repo version and I acknowledge that it needs to be patched with qt in order to render footers etc so I've used the binary provided the thing is I've installed both environments the same way development works just great but production server nope10:52
SimonNLxinobi: I just installed it and found it's working correctly for me as far as I can tell.10:54
xinobiSimonNL: how can I debug this?10:56
SimonNLThis program requires an X11 server to run.  <=  do both machine meat this requirement?10:57
SimonNLxinobi: my level of knowledge isn't that high.10:57
SimonNLbut if at least one out ten responses from me is good I'm happy10:59
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
xinobiSimonNL: you're cool, what possible libraries am I missing here? I'm using a PHP framework actually the binary is called from it so possible some PHP stuff since the binary works fine from cli11:03
SimonNLxinobi: have you tried completely removing and re-installing wkhtmltopdf ?11:10
SimonNLhttps://git.io/vx2rc  xinobi tell me if you need translation.11:14
xinobiSimonNL: thanks https://pastebin.com/PgZ77rf811:20
SimonNLxinobi: oops forgot to say I'm using mint11:22
SimonNLold version also. 14.0411:22
xinobiSimonNL: no problem https://pastebin.com/hBEpNstT11:24
=== Neon is now known as Guest82737
=== Oreo is now known as Guest3984
=== Guest3984 is now known as OreoCollas
OreoCollasI am setting up an FTP server. I would like to set it up where USERA has access to folders USERA, OWNER, and ADMIN and USERB would have access to folders USERB, and ADMIN where the ADMIN folder is the same folder. Anyone know how I can set this up? I am using vsftpd.11:37
ioriaOreoCollas, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/vsftpd#To_chroot_users11:39
Butterfly_wow, what a riddle :D11:39
Butterfly_put commas in the right place to make a sentence easier to understand :)11:40
stafer601Hey guys!!11:40
Butterfly_hello stafer601 , how can we help you ?11:40
stafer601Oh I don’t need any help I’m just to be a part of a community11:41
hehehehey guy11:42
OreoCollasioria:Is there something that might explain those options better? I have no idea what settings I would want for my application.11:43
hehehehow I can add a 32 bit bootloader for lubuntu 64 bit distro? idea is to run it from usb stick on intel atom netbook11:43
Butterfly_having a conversation with hehehe would be so awkward, it would seem like i'm just giggling every time i address hehehe :)11:43
=== hehehe is now known as ubuntum
ioriaOreoCollas, that is just to restrict a user in a specific directory ... nothing more11:44
ubuntumI wonder if http://www.linuxium.com.au/how-tos may work with lubunt11:44
Richard_Cavellubuntum, you might want this: https://mattgadient.com/2016/07/11/linux-dvd-images-and-how-to-for-32-bit-efi-macs-late-2006-models/11:44
ubuntumRichard_Cavell: neat find!11:45
OreoCollasioria: I know how to restrict them to their user directory. That would be fine if I could mount the ADMIN folder in more than one directory?11:46
ioriaOreoCollas, never done... in chroot you should not have access to other directories11:49
joensrimI Use linux mint..i've got some problem..any one can help me?11:50
OreoCollasI want the users to have access to their own personal directories as well as any group directories that they may need to use. is there some way to accomplish this if chroot won't work?11:51
xinobiI've found that xvfb is installed but not running11:51
guiverc!mint | joensrim11:53
ubottujoensrim: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)11:53
ubuntumRichard_Cavell: done, under EFI boot devices in a boot menu there are two windows bootloaders11:53
ubuntumlubuntu yet to show up11:54
ubuntumI have used diskcreator to make a bootable usb11:54
Richard_Cavellubuntum, I can't help beyond giving you that link - I have problems with it myself11:55
ubuntumthere is http://www.linuxium.com.au/how-tos11:56
ubuntumbut it does not support lubuntu yet11:56
ubuntumin theory it may be able to respin lubuntu iso11:57
SimonNLjoensrim: irc://irc.spotchat.org/#linuxmint-help   <= use this link to connect11:57
xinobiSimonNL: apparently it seems wkhtmltopdf can't connect to xvfb server /usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf google.com google.pdf QXcbConnection: Could not connect to display  Aborted (core dumped)12:13
SimonNLxinobi: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/192642/wkhtmltopdf-qxcbconnection-could-not-connect-to-display12:16
TJ-ubuntum: is your problem the PC has a 32-bit UEFI (whereas Ubuntu installers only have 64-bit GRUB UEFI) ?12:17
mingdaoTeamViewer should be installed from which repo, or it's website?12:17
xinobiSimonNL: so this works fine xvfb-run wkhtmltopdf http://www.google.com google.pdf12:18
mingdaoThe TeamViewer website has https://download.teamviewer.com/download/linux/teamviewer_amd64.deb ... can't find it in any of my repos in sources.list.12:19
SimonNLxinobi: if all other requierments are met I assume it does12:19
SimonNLxinobi: try it12:20
frostschutzmingdao, it's not a linux software12:21
xinobiSimonNL: yes it works but I'm using the wkhtmltopdf from a php framework12:21
SimonNLxinobi: that is where I am lost12:21
xinobiSimonNL: I think this might work /usr/bin/xvfb-run -- /usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf12:22
SimonNLwhats a php framework I would almost ask but never mind12:22
xinobiSimonNL: lets test it12:22
SimonNLgo ahead12:22
mingdaofrostschutz: meaning what?12:23
SimonNLmingdao: it's linux but frostschutz probably meant not Ubuntu so no support for it here12:24
frostschutzmingdao, it uses wine to run windows exe12:24
SimonNLmingdao: and yes it's website12:24
mingdaofrostschutz: I think you're mistaken. I have it installed on Gentoo, and no wine there.12:26
mingdaoSimonNL: It's okay that it's not supported; was just wondering if there were not some esoteric repo that might be available. Thanks12:26
mingdaoSimonNL: Just reading it's going to require me to figure out the systemd method to start the teamviewer daemon. Assuming "teamviewer --daemon enable && systemctl enable teamviewerd.service --now" or similar.12:27
SimonNLmingdao: https://community.teamviewer.com/t5/Linux/Repository/td-p/1416912:29
SimonNLmingdao: ^ might even be a good place for your questions12:30
mingdaoSimonNL: think me and ldd got 'er done, but thanks for the link ... will go read12:31
frostschutzmingdao, oh hey, that's new... to me anyway. """The new Linux Host was first released at the beginning of May 2017, when TeamViewer abandoned WINE for the first time and launched a native Linux support."""  https://www.teamviewer.com/en/company/press/teamviewer's-new-native-linux-host-now-comes-with-wake-on-lan/12:32
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mingdaofrostschutz: Gentoo has been a great learning resource for me; reading ebuilds for such as that.12:32
mingdaofrostschutz: sometimes at work a router on a remote site needs it's configuration fixed for me to reach it; tv is the only way for me to connect with someone's windows laptop12:33
mingdaofwiw, anyone else using teamviewer with 17.10; Incoming remote control connections won't work with Wayland, only Xorg sessions are support (as of TeamViewer 13.1.3026)12:37
ducassemingdao: that's not very surprising, but you would need to take that up with teamviewer support.12:41
jaydemirI have a USB wifi adapter that won't work out of the box on Ubuntu. It came with drivers on a CD but they don't work. Do I have any alternative solutions or am I beat?12:43
BluesKajthose drivers are most likely for windows12:43
jaydemir_sorry a firefox update kicked me off12:44
mingdaoducasse: it's nothing to take up, it's just a fact that I was passing along to the channel which I learned by installing and launching it13:00
mingdaoducasse: hence, the "fwiw" at the beginning of my statement13:00
=== chrisp_ is now known as chrisp262
stephen101in short i installed a new graphics card, and removed the nvidia drivers. and now on boot i am seeing failed to load kernel modules.. here is the log i took from grep and others https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/pq5DdJvw9j/ any help would be appreciated.13:16
stephen101it doesnt stop my boot or anything its just a annoying persistent error.13:16
pragmaticenigmaHow did you remove the drivere stephen101 ?13:17
pragmaticenigmaHow were the drivers originally installed stephen101 ?13:17
TJ-stephen101: 'f71882fg' is a hardware monitoring device so likely not directly related to the GPU change13:18
stephen101used purge command. and ya i am trying to figure the issue out as to why.13:19
TJ-stephen101: and you can ignore "gpu-manager[699]: Error: can't open /lib/modules/4.13.0-37-generic/updates/dkms" - that is expected when no out-of-tree modules are being used13:20
stephen101what about the failed kernel modules?13:21
TJ-stephen101: that's the one I mentioned above: "Failed to insert 'f71882fg': Device or resource busy"13:22
stephen101could it be i installed lm-sensors and let it put the sensors to the kernel?13:25
TJ-stephen101: yes, but if that driver is being loaded that means the PC has hardware that matches it... so might be worth checking dmesg to see if there are clues as to why it doesn't load13:26
stephen101the sensor app seems to be working properly13:27
TJ-stephen101: can you show us "pastebinit <( dmesg )"13:27
TJ-stephen101: looks like line 740 onwards refers to the f71882fg13:29
stephen101ACPI: If an ACPI driver is available for this device, you should use it instead of the native driver13:31
TJ-stephen101: yes, the next line points to an ACPI entry for \SEN which I'd guess is \SENSOR13:32
TJ-stephen101: does "lsmod | grep f71882fg" list that module - meaning that it is loaded despite the warnings13:32
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stephen101doesnt do anything13:34
TJ-stephen101: there are a lot of BIOS related errors reported; 1st thing I'd do is check if there's a more recent BIOS from Dell than the installed "BIOS 1.0.13 02/09/2009"13:34
stephen101ya i have the latest13:34
TJ-stephen101: no ourput means that the module was not loaded13:35
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TJ-stephen101: I think the best thing to do is simply prevent that module from trying to load13:35
TJ-stephen101: echo "blacklist f71882fg" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-f71882fg.conf "13:36
stephen101the unable to get dell signature came after installing experimental nvidia drivers.13:37
elfrannetrying to investigate a usbc dock with screen flickering ... where to start ?13:38
stephen101i entered that command, rebooting now13:38
stephen101well that error is gone now.13:39
=== fabricius1 is now known as fabricius
NDx33xsyelfranne: hello14:05
elfranneNDx33xsy, hi14:06
=== bhalithan1 is now known as bhalithan
bhanzhow can i check network interface stats via sar ?14:12
pragmaticenigmabhanz, what is "sar" ?14:12
bhanzpragmaticenigma: sysstat utility14:13
pragmaticenigmabhanz, The "-n" option: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/xenial/en/man1/sar.sysstat.1.html14:14
=== jcdury is now known as dury
pythonicki have to install ubuntu right now14:19
pythonicki know there will be the new version in about 1 month14:20
pythonickcan i download the 16.04 and then upgrade without re-installing everythings?14:20
pythonickor...can i download a snapshot and install the 18.04 now?14:20
pragmaticenigmapythonick, please do not use enter key for punctuation14:20
pythonickpragmaticenigma, sorry!14:20
pragmaticenigmapythonick, You can install the beta version of 18.04 and packages will be updatd to match the release 18.04 version when the final release is out. For more information /join #ubuntu+114:21
pythonickpragmaticenigma, do you think it will be a pain to upgrade from 16.04 ?14:23
pythonick(it is just curiosity)14:23
btpI do not think it will be a pain.14:23
pythonickbtp, do you advice to install 16.04 now and then upgrade the system?14:24
pythonick(without reinstalling everything... i mean via apt directly)14:24
pragmaticenigmaThe upgrade from 16.04 will probably not be released until June though. It will be easy to upgrade to 18.04 when that upgrade release is ready14:24
compdoc18.04 might be a little too new. wait for a while after it comes out to make sure there are no problems14:24
pythonickok thank you!14:25
btpI would do 16.04, and wait until the major bugs are smashed.14:25
pragmaticenigmapythonick, I'm personally on 16.04 and will wait until late fall before I upgrade to 18.04. Let the major bugs get chased out first14:25
elfrannefor a regular user no, if you re a bit advanced and make things deep in the system maybe. There  a few major changes between those two14:25
=== Tin__man is now known as Tin_man
TJ-pythonick: I've done 2 16.04>18.04 do-release-upgrade's in the last 2 weeks, 1 -server 1 -desktop, and both have been fine14:26
compdocI cant wait to try out 18.0414:26
onio1I am trying to get my linux executable to autostart if it crashes, but seem to be having problems any suggestions?14:26
pythonickok yeah i would like to try it too :D14:26
btpsudo apt install virtualbox14:27
pythonickat the moment i am on windows 10 pro :D ahah i had to install this OS for a specific platform that only works here.... but now i am done :D14:27
btpHave at'er boys14:27
compdocIll wait14:28
ezioanyone having problems installing php7.114:28
pythonickok i go for 16.04 now14:28
pragmaticenigmaonio1, This isn't the best channel for that type of support. You would be better served with a channel dedicated to programming and system development.14:31
onio1pragmaticenigma: thanks14:31
=== handleV3 is now known as Hand1e
ramsub07hello how do i add an existing user into sudoers' list14:36
TJ-onio1: if the executable is a system service, systemd units can be configure to do the restart control14:37
TJ-ramsub07: "sudo adduser <username> sudo"14:37
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
Digbi did systemctl disable lightdm.service so that i could play around with getting x working on its own. i now need to enable lightdm again but systemctl enable lightdm.service gives an error about no installation config14:45
Digbhere is a screenshot of the problem https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/428557124893671464/428565301693513728/unknown.png14:45
Digbusing ubuntu server if that changes anything14:46
ezioCan someone look at this vagrant provisioning script for 16.04 and surmise as to why I'm suddenly getting this dependency error stuff this morning?14:46
TJ-Digb: looks like you've somehow altered /etc/init.d/lightdm and/or /lib/systemd/system/lightdm.service14:50
Digbit works ok if i do systemctl start lightdm.service14:50
Digbstart works enable does not14:50
TJ-Digb: which ubuntu release is it?14:51
NDx33xsyDigb: hi14:52
DigbNDx33xsy: hello14:52
TJ-Digb: the 'enable' operation does 2 things. 1) it calls the sysv-init update-rc.d to enable the /etc/init.d/lightdm via a symlink in /etc/rc2.d/lightdm and it enables the systemd unit /lib/systemd/system/lightdm.service - I can't reproduce your error here which suggests you've changed something affecting those in your tinkering14:54
Kingsywhat is the best way to install php 7.1 on ubuntu 16.04 ? I am trying to use the ondrej/php repo buyt it looks like its broken --> php7.1-common : Depends: libssl1.1 (>= 1.1.0) but it is not installable14:54
TJ-!info openssl xenial14:55
ubottuopenssl (source: openssl): Secure Sockets Layer toolkit - cryptographic utility. In component main, is standard. Version 1.0.2g-1ubuntu4.10 (xenial), package size 494 kB, installed size 991 kB14:55
DigbTJ-: hmm i'm trying to think what i could have changed14:55
Digbi don't remember changing anything more complexc than .xinitrc14:55
TJ-Kingsy: looks like php7.1-common requires openssl 1.1.0 which is in the forthcoming 18.04 release14:55
TJ-Digb: I'm wondering if there's a an option to systemctl to make it more verbose?14:56
Digbquite possibly14:56
Digbi don't see the word verbose in the man page14:56
KingsyTJ-: so there is no way of getting it on 16.04 until the new LTS?14:57
pavlosezio: are you missing php7.1-common ?14:57
TJ-Digb: no, it looks like it's already being verbose based on this man-page comment: "This command will print the actions executed. This output may be suppressed by passing --quiet."14:58
Digbah ok14:58
TJ-Kingsy: not without having to backport opensll 1.1.0 which isn't going to happen! It's been a massive challenge for 18.04 to move all the important packages to use 1.1.0 rather than 1.0.214:59
TJ-Digb: How about running the command under supervision of strace and seeing which files/dirs it tries to touch? as in "sudo strace -o /tmp/systemctl.log -f -e trace=file systemctl enable lightdm.service" then looking at the log-file created?15:00
KingsyTJ-: thanks for the information, curious, how do you find out about this? just out of curiousity? do you work on the project?15:00
DigbTJ-: i'll try that, i just checked to see what /etc/rc2.d/lightdm contains and found that it doesn't exist15:01
TJ-Kingsy: I follow development closely, work on fixing bugs, etc.15:01
Kingsyvery cooL!15:02
KingsyTJ-: well I thank you for the effort in preperation for using 18.04. I'm really looking forward to it :D15:02
TJ-Digb: check the header of /etc/init.d/lightdm - the comments in the header have 'pseudo' code that update-rc.d uses to figure out which symlinks to create (/etc/rcX.d/ where X is the old-style 'runlevel' - '2' is the standard multi-user runlevel but it likely adds to others too)15:02
rud0lfi like small thing they did with xubuntu bionic - now terminal window asks for confirmation if you want to close it with a process running15:03
rud0lfhelps when you have 12 terminals opened15:03
TJ-rud0lf: I use tmux even as my login shell so that can never happen - tmux is ideal if you use multiple terminal windows15:04
eziopavlos, yeah, sorry, I should've also said: php7.1-common : Depends: libssl1.1 (>= 1.1.0) but it is not installable15:05
rud0lfand python 3.615:05
rud0lffresh served15:05
DigbTJ-: are you refering to something here? https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/189722126360641536/428570585703120916/unknown.png15:06
TJ-Digb: you got it :) See the line "Default-Start:" ? the numbers are runlevels that the service should be enabled for. When update-rc.d is called, it reads that line, then creates symlinks for each runlevel so you end up with /etc/rc.2/lightdm > /etc/init.d/lightdm /etc/rc3.d/lightdm > /etc/init.d/lightdm ... etc.15:10
Digbahhh ok15:11
Digbso i should look in those places and see whats missing?15:11
TJ-Digb: try calling it directly yourself: "sudo update-rc.d lightdm defaults"15:12
Digbit didn't error15:13
Digbsystemctl enable lightdm.service still does though15:13
TJ-Digb: is there a /lib/systemd/system/lightdm.service file?15:13
DigbTJ-: yup15:14
TJ-Digb: OOOoooo! I can reproduce it here on 18.04... give me a few minutes to analyse it15:15
Digbo nice :D15:15
TJ-Digb: initial analysis: systemd unit files now require an "[Install]" section to work with the 'enable' command15:17
DigbTJ-: is /etc/init.d/lightdm a unit file?15:20
Digbi don't know much about what's going on here i'll be frank :p15:20
TJ-Digb: No, /etc/init.d/* are old Unix-style SysV-init files, kept for backward compatibility. Systemd init uses /lib/systemd/system/* and /etc/systemd/system/*15:23
TJ-aha, it's known issue (and still not fixed!) Bug #158457515:24
ubottubug 1584575 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "/lib/systemd/system/lightdm.service file has no [Install] clause" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/158457515:24
Digbahhh ok15:25
Digbso i guess we need to add an install clause somehow?15:25
concretelogicHi, i'm looking to get some help making a live usb from ubuntu. I mean i'm already using ubuntu but I need to make a live usb of another distro. I already followed these steps but I can't seem to open the iso image in startup disk creator. Could anyone help?15:26
TJ-Digb: yes, the last comment in the bug looks to be the way to go15:26
TJ-Digb: tested, works. Fix coming up...15:27
TJ-Digb: " echo -e "[Install]\nAlias=display-manager.service" | sudo tee -a /lib/systemd/system/lightdm.service "15:28
pavlosconcretelogic: your iso is in the Downloads dir15:28
DigbTJ-: okidoki i'll do that15:29
Digbty so much15:29
concretelogicpavlos: I tried loading it up but it doesn't get through15:30
pavlosconcretelogic: the usb stick should be empty, formatted as fat32 and df should list it as /dev/sdb or c or ...15:30
kostkonconcretelogic, you could also try with unetbootin or etcher15:30
pavlosconcretelogic: plug in the usb stick, dmesg | grep sdb should list it15:31
concretelogickostkon: I will try that, thanks15:31
concretelogicpavlos: it detects the usb just fine15:32
pavlosconcretelogic: ok, when you start creator, it should show it, right?15:32
TJ-concretelogic: generally with ISO installer image files you write them directly to the device because they already contain the required file-systems. So e.g. "sudo dd if=$HOME/Downloads/somedistro.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=100M status=progress; sync" (where sdX is the USB device)15:33
kostkonconcretelogic, which distro btw15:33
pavlosconcretelogic: when you click on other, it should navigate to find the iso you want15:34
concretelogicfedora, i'm distro hopping currently to find something stable and easy that I can learn to code in through CLI15:34
NDx33xsyconcretelogic: hello15:34
DigbTJ-: it worked :D ty very much15:35
TJ-Digb: that was a weird one!15:35
concretelogicNDx33xsy: hi15:35
Digbi won't have to do this whenever i disable lightdm will i?15:35
Digbwell, whenever i disable and then enable15:36
TJ-Digb: not now, because you've added the missing functionality. However, if the lightdm package is ever upgraded it might over-write the current file with the original that doesn't have the change15:37
TJ-Digb: might be worth making a copy of that file now so you can just put it back if it is overwritten15:37
Digbi'll make a note of this then15:37
Digbi can just copy this conversation somewhere15:37
TJ-Digb: "cp /lib/systemd/system/lightdm.service $HOME/"15:37
concretelogicalright, it's going through with etcher15:40
concretelogicThanks for all the help15:40
fuseteamhello i'm trying to connect to an usb printer via a wifi router16:14
fuseteamso far i sending a print job to it returns the status message "idle - rendering complete" while the job is marked as "complete"16:14
compdocfuseteam, how does the printer connect to the network?16:17
fuseteamvia a usb port on the router16:17
compdocdoubt that will work16:18
compdocthe router cant load drivers16:18
compdocthe printer has no network port?16:18
tomreynit can work if the router provides an lpr daemon, i've done it before16:19
fuseteamno the printer has no network port16:19
fuseteamnot sure if the router provides and lpr daemon16:19
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tomreyndoes the printer discovery at http://localhost:631 show it?16:20
fuseteamno sadly16:20
compdocprinter needs to be shared from a PC16:21
tomreyncheck your router's documentation on whether it supports making printers connected to it via usb available to the LAN somehow16:21
fuseteamyes it does it points to the url
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tomreynso try configuraing this as the ipp location in your computer.16:22
fuseteamhow should i do that?16:23
tomreynusing the printer configuration options your GUI provides (system settings or whatever it's called) or directly on http://localhost:631 (login with sudo credentials when prompted)16:24
fuseteamon http://localhost:631 which protocol should i use when adding printer?16:25
tomreyninternet printing protocol, ipp16:25
fuseteamso then the connection will be ipp://
fuseteami believe that's my current set up16:27
tomreyni see, well then i guess it doesn't work in your case. :-/16:27
tomreyncheck the ppd, maybe it's wrong16:27
fuseteamhow should i check the ppd?16:28
tomreynwheny ou configured the printer, you either provided a PPD file or it autpo-selected one. make sure this one actually matches your printer. it's basically the printer specific driver file.16:28
fuseteami'll try that16:29
fuseteamthe weird part is that while the printer doesn't print16:29
fuseteamthe cups server shows it as completed16:29
tomreyntry also some generic ppds like pcl or whatever makes sense for your printer. check linuxprinting.org for hints on which ppd to use.16:30
fuseteamand the status of the printers says "idle - rendering complete"16:30
fuseteamohw the printer i'm trying to print is the hp deskjet 1000 110j series16:30
fuseteami'll check linuxprinting.org aswell16:31
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SimonNLfuseteam: whats your router brand/type  ?16:33
fuseteamit is the starbridge 153116:33
SimonNLif you don't mind me asking16:33
fuseteamyep pretty sure it's the starbridge 153116:33
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SimonNLdid you read the part   printer server installations fuseteam ?16:41
noonespecialhi everyone. i am new to ubuntu and have a question? how hard is it to run windows apps using wine16:52
DiecastMessiahnoonespecial: pretty easy actually.. but not all windows programs work ..16:53
TJ-noonespecial: it's easy to 'run' them, but they may fail. The winehq appsdb has an exhaustive list of the compatibility of various versions16:54
DiecastMessiahnoonespecial: winehq.org has a datebase... and if you have trouble there is a winehq channel #winehq16:54
noonespecialthank you for the info.16:55
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xyz111Hi All, I'm experiencing poor performance with my graphics card. I'm using Radeon HD 7340 with the radeon driver. I was wondering if it is worth me trying AMDGPU instead? Also, how do I know if my GPU will work with the new driver - is there a list somewhere I can check? I'm running 16.04. Thanks :)17:04
IRC_LlamaTesting. Can you hear me?17:14
CarlFKIRC_Llama: loud and clear.17:14
peter___ Hi, can someone help me with one little issue that i have while connecting to an openvpn. DNS stops working, I can only connect to places using the IPs not the URLs. How can I troubleshoot this?17:14
Orbitorpeter___: what dns servers are you using?17:15
peter___I have tried in the VPN settings, setting the DNS to be automatic and I also tried google's,
Orbitorpeter___: any dns that isn't on your LAN should work fine. I'm not sure why it wouldn't, maybe someone with more VPN experience can chime in?17:18
TJ-peter___: is all traffic being routed via the VPN (it's set as the default gateway) if so, then the local DNS resolver may not be able to reach the local DNS servers/ISP DNS servers (if that's what is configured by default on the LAN)17:18
peter___Not sure how to check that17:21
onitlikesonicHello, having problems with provisioning machines via preseed with the error "dpkg: error: --install needs at least one package archive file argument"  as seen here: https://pastebin.com/yzsfka2C17:21
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DiecastMessiahxyz111: try glxinfo .17:22
onitlikesoniccan anyone point me in the direction that i can find what the problem is? seems something is not being passed to an install... now question is.. .what ...17:22
xyz111DiecastMessiah: I typed it into a terminal, but not sure how to interpret the output17:23
peter___TJ, Okay it's working now, I made all trafic go through the VPN and that worked, thanks for mentioning that.17:24
btpAnyone know of any prebuilt i3 ubuntu flavors?17:25
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DiecastMessiahxyz111: at the top there hopingull there is name of the vendor. I am newbie.. but will try to help17:27
DiecastMessiahmaybe pastebin what it said17:27
xyz111DiecastMessiah: not sure that is relevant - I already know my graphics card and driver, but I'm thinking of using AMDGPU instead of radeon17:28
xyz111see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AMDGPU-Driver17:29
DiecastMessiahxyz111: well i cannot if that a good thing or not.. I only had worked with nvidia17:29
xyz111ok fair enough17:30
insanity99Hey guys17:30
xyz111perhaps someone else can help with my query :) ?17:30
insanity99Anyone here use empathy for facebook accounts?17:31
manonales86i have a usb stick with a damaged partition table, can i use dd and copy the whole data in one block?17:33
insanity99I've entered my details to empathy but it just says 'connecting'17:33
mate|JhonI just install ubuntu mate, and Firefox has been updated to version 59.0.2, but does not start up17:34
Orbitormanonales86: dd if=/dev/sdX of=/path/to/output17:34
mate|JhonAre there any command for the terminal to return to previous version17:34
manonales86Orbitor, thanks and it copied the whole flash drive incuding all data and partiton table .- etc?17:34
ioriaxyz111, if you really want (?) you can blacklist radeon and see if amdgpu will be loaded : edit /etc/default/grub  and add   modprobe.blacklist=radeon    to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT and run sudo update-grub17:34
Orbitormanonales86: yes. you can then use a tool like photorec to recover files17:35
naccmate|Jhon: have you tried starting firefox from the terminal to see if it is spitting an error?17:35
manonales86Orbitor, thanks17:35
xyz111ioria: is that a safe thing to do? will your suggestion automatically check if amdgpu is compatible, and if it is it'll update?17:36
xyz111and if not compatible, will it just do nothing?17:36
mate|JhonYes, and it’s the samè error17:37
ioriaxyz111, low resolution (or a blank screen )... you open a console and remove the changes17:37
xyz111ioria, sorry a bit new to this - so my steps are: 1) Edit edit /etc/default/grub, adding modprobe.blacklist=radeon to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT 2) Run "sudo update-grub" 3) If my screen goes funny then open a terminal and remove the change and run (2) again?17:39
manonales86Orbitor, does photorec obnly recover photots?17:39
ioriaxyz111, yes (remember to run sudo update-grub after any changes)17:40
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xyz111ioria: thanks - do I need to have amdgpu installed already?17:40
xyz111and do I need a reboot between each sudo update-grub?17:41
ioriaxyz111, it'already in the kernel17:41
ioriaxyz111, yes17:41
Orbitormanonales86: it recovers all kinds of files17:41
ioriaxyz111, lsinitramfs /boot/initrd.img-$(uname -r) | grep amdgpu.ko17:41
xyz111ioria: ok cool - the output of that command is "lib/modules/4.10.0-32-generic/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu.ko"17:42
xyz111so looks like it's there!17:42
ioriaxyz111, for sure17:42
ioriaxyz111, wait .... that's an old kernel17:43
naccmate|Jhon: what error? did you provide any message (I didn't see it if you did)17:43
ioriaxyz111,  cat /etc/issue   please ?17:44
xyz111elementary OS Loki \n \l17:44
naccxyz111: that's not ubuntu :)17:44
ioriaxyz111,  ^ nacc17:44
nacc!elementary | xyz11117:45
ubottuxyz111: Elementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on irc.freenode.net - http://elementaryos.org/ for more information on this distribution.17:45
xyz111ah sorry!17:45
xyz111but it's more or less the same, no?17:45
naccxyz111: we have no way of knowing in this channel, it's a fork17:46
DiecastMessiahxyz111: no its not the same17:46
naccxyz111: and is not officially supported by ubuntu (unlike the flavors)17:46
xyz111ok fair enough - apologies for being off topic - I do still appreciate your help, so thank you :)17:47
bossbabyI am using TeamViewer 13 on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS,  but now the TeamViewer is not connecting and giving an error "Not ready. Please check your connection"17:47
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mate|JhonExceptionhandler:: generatedump clones child 2740Exceptionhandler:: waitForContinuesSignal17:52
mate|JhonFailed to open curl lib from binary, use libcurl.so instead17:54
naccmate|Jhon: is there anything peculiar about your setup? remote execution, etc?17:54
naccmate|Jhon: is it a particularly old cpu?17:55
mate|JhonYes, cpu is pi317:56
mate|JhonPi3 raspberry17:56
naccmate|Jhon: so are you using xrdp or something?17:57
mate|Jhonuse the predefined system which comes in ubuntu mate18:00
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fuseteam@simonNL which part?18:09
fuseteam.........sorry about that18:10
SimonNLfuseteam: closed the firefox window. had to do with setting up the printer server on the router I think18:11
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fuseteami have done that part yes18:17
fuseteamit actually works on my bro's windows 8 strange enough18:17
fuseteamso i'm thinking it might be the PPD18:17
fuseteamthat said the printer works fine via regular usb18:18
fuseteami have seen this in the "ink level" tab in printer settings18:19
fuseteamtho tis the first time i've seen that last one18:20
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fission6something is eating up disk space all the sudden on my webserver and i can't find what18:38
fission6any ideas?18:38
EriC^^fission6: try du -sh /var18:39
BillD73fission6: best used with sudo...\18:41
fission6sorry what should i try EriC^^ BillD7318:41
fission6i see18:41
fission6477 Megs thats nothing18:41
BillD73fission6: yeah mines around 750s18:42
fission6WOW ok i did sudo service nginx restart and BAM disk dropped like 40% in space available as in freed up, any ideas?18:43
EriC^^fission6: might have had some open file18:46
EriC^^even if a file is deleted, if it's still open the space isn't available18:46
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pythonickshould i install nvidia driver or just use the xorg's drivers?19:05
skweekinstall nvidia driver19:05
* skweek votes in favor of pythonick installing nvidia driver19:06
Xristos43die ti gynaika toy na fertarei?19:08
pythonickskweek, shoul di download them on their website ? i mean...do they have ubuntu repo?19:08
pythonickskweek, from here http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx ?19:09
skweekif you check out the version in the repo via googling ubuntu nvidia driver version and look at the ubuntu repo to see what version they are to compare with http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx is the best procedure to answer your question19:09
ioriapythonick, what ubuntu are you using ? 16.04 ?19:09
skweekor pythonick would think, I only need to install these drivers once, then they are installed in my system, so I could get the latest version from nvidia's website and install them and know their as up to date as they can be, and *working* if they don't work then thats a hassle and roll back procedure to an older version19:11
pythonickioria, yes19:11
pythonicki read that installing nvidia drivers will block the login when reboot19:12
pythonicki see 390.48 is the last for linux 64 bit19:12
ioriapythonick, press the Window key and type   drivers , then select Additional Drivers19:12
pythonickyeah i see 384.11119:12
skweeksudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa && sudo apt update19:13
pythonickioria, ^ .. but as i told you i remember that when i install them the login after reboot will block19:13
ioriapythonick, yes.... there are some bug with nvidia drivers and 4.13 kernel19:14
pythonick390.25 after the "ppa"19:14
pythonickioria, so what can i do ?19:14
skweeknvidia says they have version 390.4819:14
ioriapythonick, what's your kernel ?   uname -r19:15
kostkonpythonick, latest kernel confirmed19:15
ioriapythonick, have you already tried to install 387 ?19:16
ioriapythonick, sorry, 38419:16
pythonickno i do not i am worried about the freeze after reboot :D19:17
skweekif your graphics card is on the supported products list then why not use these drivers? http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/132530/en-us19:17
pythonicki have geforce 107019:17
skweekthe GeForce GTX 1070 is on that list19:18
pythonickskweek, yeah i asked if i can install the drivers from their website..19:18
kostkonpythonick, fairly recent so it will be supported19:18
ioriapythonick, please , paste ubuntu-drivers list19:18
pythonickok but...what about the bug with the  4.13 kernel19:18
ioriapythonick, run      ubuntu-drivers list     ans paste the output on paste.ubuntu.com19:19
kevris there a static gtest available in repositories somehow?19:20
pythonickioria, https://ibb.co/jHuuun19:23
ioriapythonick, that's not what i asked, but ok19:23
ioriapythonick, you have 384, 387, 390 , select 390 and reboot19:24
pythonickioria, if it freeze? :D19:25
pythonickwhat can i do ?19:25
ioriapythonick, you open a console and purge nvidia19:26
pythonickioria, how?19:26
ioriapythonick,  ctrl+alt+f1 (or f2) and  sudo apt purge nvidia*19:26
pythonicki mean how can i restore the xorg driover?19:26
ioriapythonick,  in the that way19:26
skweekioria, pythonick there's a few nvidia forum posts that support ioria's direction19:27
ioriapythonick,  your call mate19:27
pythonickok i go :D19:29
pythonickthank you !!19:29
ioriano prob19:29
ioriahe already installed that ppa...19:31
ioria!info nvidia-390 xenial19:31
ubottuPackage nvidia-390 does not exist in xenial19:31
skweekcan you check ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa ?19:32
ioriaskweek, i know it's in ppa ...19:33
ioriaskweek, i didn't know he had already installed it19:35
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skweekhe didn't have it selected in the software settings screenshot he sent19:36
ioriaskweek, that's not the point, mate19:36
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pythonickioria, works perfectly!!19:39
pythonick390 drivers are running19:39
ioriapythonick,  ok19:39
ioriapythonick,  very good19:40
pythonickioria, i think there is a nvidia manager right? with settings... GPU stats, usage etc ?19:40
ioriapythonick,  nvidia-settings, yes19:41
haaroleansup, got a problem with wlan on ubuntu gnome 17.10. Updating to 17.10 caused some problems, including this one. Wlan is connected to a network, but I can't ping anything, even the gateway. Wired works fine, restarting networking / reconnecting few times to the network / restarting nm helps sometimes. Any ideas? Tried various stuff from google19:41
ioriapythonick,  type nvidia in Dash ( windows key)19:41
pythonickoh cool! awesome19:42
ioriapythonick,  this is not Windows, bear in mind19:42
pythonickioria, i think better no? :D19:43
ioriapythonick,  yep :þ19:43
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insanity99Hey guys, I am getting screen tearing on Ubuntu 16.0419:53
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insanity99I have a radeon card19:54
nutzz_ Shouldn't docker node update --label-add registry=true my-hostname.localdomain generate a registry.yml file?19:54
naccnutzz_: probably a question for docker?19:55
nutzz_nacc: is there a docker channel?19:56
nacc!alis | nutzz_19:56
ubottunutzz_: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"19:56
bugbunnyinsanity99: https://cubethethird.wordpress.com/2016/06/14/eliminate-screen-tearing-with-amd-gpu-on-ubuntu/20:03
insanity99Thanks bugbunny I was just about to ask this. What is the right command to add that file? is it sudo gedit /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-radeon.conf20:04
=== kenden is now known as Guest69589
rivynugh, having major problems with dpkg for some reason20:07
rivynCan anybody help me figure out why I can't install a package here?:  https://ghostbin.com/paste/drgm920:08
=== firezep_ is now known as firezep
bhearsumhi there, ever since upgrading to 17.10 i've noticed that whenever my DNS servers change (for example, when i connect to a VPN or start a Docker container), DNS resolution is slow for ~30s. can anyone point me in the right direction of why this may be, or how to debug it?20:15
insanity99hey bugbunny, that didn't completely resolve the issue sadly20:16
bugbunnyinsanity99: What Ubuntu version and DE are you using?20:20
insanity99bugbunny, 16.04LTS and GNOME20:21
singsing123can someone please help me20:21
kostkon!details | singsing12320:22
ubottusingsing123: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.20:22
=== Tin__man is now known as Tin_man
singsing123I tried to install Win 10 and Ubuntu 16 LTS but now Win 10 wont start up20:22
singsing123 I tried to dual boot Ubuntu 16 LTS alongside Win 10 Pro but now Windows 10 won't work. When I try to load Win 10, it just goes to the blue repair screen. When I try to repair, it fails. When I try to restore an earlier version, it fails. So I tried to access my mum's important files via Ubuntu, but I get this message:   Error mounting /dev/sda2 at /media/ubuntu4dmin/DABE2832BE280999: Command-line `mount -t "ntfs" -o "uhelper=udi20:23
singsing123 "/dev/sda2" "/media/ubuntu4dmin/DABE2832BE280999"' exited with non-zero exit status 18: Failed to open ntfs attribute: No such file or directory Failed to load $MFT: No such file or directory Failed to mount '/dev/sda2': No such file or directory  How can I fix this? My mums files are the most important, not Windows 10. However, If I am able to get Win 10 and the files, that's better.20:23
bhearsumsingsing123: if you haven't already, you may need to disable Secure Boot in the bios20:24
singsing123ok let me check if its disabledd20:24
singsing123It says "Secure Boot state" Disabled20:26
insanity99Should I try this? http://www.apolitech.com/2017/04/20how-to-solve-video-tearing-on-amd.html20:26
insanity99If so, should I first remove the script I made from the last link?20:27
singsing123i thought this was a support channel20:31
xinobiI need to install Apache/2.4.18 under ubuntu 16.0420:31
bhearsumsingsing123: sorry, i'm not sure what else to try - i don't dual boot myself20:32
=== czesmir_ is now known as czesmir
bugbunnysingsing123: Do you have WIndows 10 installer CD hanging around?20:32
bugbunnysingsing123: Use that to repair Windows startup20:32
singsing123ok ill try @bugs20:33
singsing123@bhearsum thanks for trying to help!20:33
bhearsumsingsing123: np, good luck!20:33
=== albedo is now known as Guest15215
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI20:33
insanity99That fix didn't work either20:35
bugbunnyinsanity99: https://community.ubuntu.com/t/enable-dri3-by-default-in-18-04/1253/320:35
bugbunnyinsanity99: https://www.reddit.com/r/linuxquestions/comments/54uao7/how_to_fix_screen_tearing_in_ubuntu_1604_gnome/20:35
bugbunnyFrom what I read, it's unlikely you'll be able to eliminate screen tearing completely. Alternatively, I you can try other Window Managers like Compiz or Compton20:38
insanity99Okay thanks20:38
bugbunnyinsanity99: You can try disabling Animations, before moving on, if you AMD GPU is a weak card20:40
=== ilbelkyr_ is now known as ilbelkyr
insanity99description: VGA compatible controller20:47
insanity99                product: Thames [Radeon HD 7550M/7570M/7650M]20:47
insanity99                vendor: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI]20:47
insanity99                physical id: 020:47
insanity99                bus info: pci@0000:01:00.020:47
insanity99                version: 0020:47
kostkoninsanity99, use paste.ubuntu.com20:47
insanity99Didn't know it would enter as separate messages20:48
MarkB2I'm messing around with OpenSSL (and this the first I've ever messed with it).  Might someone point me in the direction of an SSL server, just a data "consumer"?  Think I've got a producer (client).. but no consumer.20:48
insanity99is that a weak card bugbunny?20:49
TJ-MarkB2: 'openssl s_server' and 'openssl s_client' (see "man s_server" and "man s_client" )20:49
RMillshello, anyone could help how i can add an script into autorun, i was noticed that the rc.local doesn't exist anyone20:50
=== jcdury is now known as dury
bugbunnyinsanity99: Looks like a Mobile GPU to me20:50
bugbunnyinsanity99: As far as Mobile GPUs goes, they are weaker than their discrete conter part. Nevertheless, you can try the suggestions I've gave you already20:51
insanity99Yeaah, Sony Vaio. TJ- your acpi fix saved my butt yesterday20:51
TJ-insanity99: really?20:52
insanity99Well it is a laptop bugbunny20:52
bugbunnyCompiz or Compton are yo alternatives20:52
bugbunnyWith Compton having builtin V-Sync support, Compiz you need to turn on a setting20:53
insanity99TJ-, over 7 hours it took me to get my PC to boot right. I installed three different times before someone gave me your script. So thanks20:54
bugbunnyFrom last light20:54
bugbunnyYeah, I read20:54
insanity99Thanks bugbunny I'll try one of those. Learn what they are20:55
TJ-Screen tearing is usually caused because the system isn't using triple-buffering, or isn't observing vertical sync when swapping in the application's window buffer20:59
bugbunnyFrom what I read, mutter, the default Window Manager for Gnome is pretty simplistic21:00
bugbunnyWith just 5 settings you can in dconf21:01
bugbunnys/in/change in/21:01
insanity99So is it as simple as sudo apt-get install compton?21:02
bugbunnySpent quite a bit time the other day reading on Mesa, the different buffers, window managers spurred because of my curiousity of Xorg architecture. Complicated, old, and fasscinating21:03
insanity99Oh soemone linked me a book the bot on this channel has for learning command line and stuff for Linux but I lost it. A anyone know it?21:03
TJ-bugbunny: and still way ahead of Wayland protocol for flexiblity and common user cases :)21:03
insanity99TJ-, Yeah screen tearing should be on now. I have two different files saying to enable 'TearFree'21:05
bugbunnyWell, a lot of folks want to get ride of Xorg, because of it's security flaws21:05
insanity99vsync I mean21:06
singsing123@bugs it didnt work21:06
bugbunnyYou need to enable it, it doesn't get enabled automatically21:06
singsing123i just want to get the files, forget win 1021:06
bugbunnyI don't know how you do that with Gnome 3, to apply temporarly now, compton --replace21:06
bugbunnysingsing123: You can boot Ubuntu liveCD, mount the disk that has the data, and make backups?21:07
bugbunnyAssuming you didn't acidentally erase you Windows 10 data partition21:08
singsing123I didnt erase21:09
singsing123I just selected install alongside windows21:09
singsing123What is LiveCD?21:09
singsing123I don't have the CD21:09
singsing123just the USB version of 16 LTS21:09
insanity99--replace is not recognized bugbunny21:09
ScaredMoose777What are you talking about21:10
bugbunnysingsing123: Yeah, LiveUSB (LiveCD), same thing21:10
singsing123@bugs, is there a tutorial for that process?21:10
bugbunnysingsing123: To mount the NTFS partition?21:11
ScaredMoose777There obviously is21:11
ScaredMoose777By cajhne21:11
bugbunnysingsing123: My GoogleFU is not working here, the suggestion is for adding stuff to fstab, if you know what disk ie, /dev/sdaX, X being the partition number. Than mount /dev/sdaX /mnt/c, should give you read access21:14
bugbunnysingsing123: https://www.itworld.com/article/2984869/linux/how-to-mount-ntfs-partitions-using-linux-commands.html21:16
singsing123@bugs, thank you! <321:17
singsing123in a noob at linux so sorry for asking so many questions21:18
Butterfly_singsing123 : we all started as noobs at one point or another :)21:19
insanity99Apparently gnome does not allow you to switch composite managers bugbunny21:19
insanity99Can I install cinnamon without causing issues?21:19
insanity99Likke conflicts and stuff bugbunny21:20
OreoCollasQuerry. If I set something to run on startup (Example: A Minecraft server.) Is there a way I can ssh to the terminal that is running the server since it's running in the background?21:20
bugbunnyWiat a minute, doesn't Gnome 3 support Wayland out of the box?21:20
bugbunnyWayland, has better support for ScreenTearing, no idea Ubuntu 16.04 implemented Wayland at all21:21
insanity99I dont know what that is sorry bugbunny21:22
naccOreoCollas: well, running on startup probably means there is no "terminal running the server"21:23
naccOreoCollas: i feel like maybe you're misunderstanding how it all works21:23
h0rnethello all21:23
h0rnetnewbie on linux, i'd like dl .torrent21:24
OreoCollasnacc: I know that there's no terminal running but isn't there a way I can tap into the minecraft server process via terminal so I can see what is going on?21:24
Ben64if you do it so it runs in a screen session you could21:25
h0rnet& ban p2p trackers. Any advices pls ?21:25
Ben64!torrent | h0rnet21:26
ubottuh0rnet: Some torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus/Vuse (Java), !Frostwire (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/help/faq - See also !P2P21:26
OreoCollasBen64: How whould I do that?21:26
naccOreoCollas: what do you mean 'tap into'?21:26
Ben64OreoCollas: i'm sure theres guides online for that21:26
h0rnetqtorrent will be nice21:26
h0rnetand any peerblock software ?21:27
OreoCollasnacc: When I start the minecraft server manually via terminal I get a window that shows the server startup process, and any commands that someone types in game. When the server starts automatically I do not get this window so I would like to have a way of accessing that information via ssh.21:27
naccOreoCollas: does it not log it somewhere?21:28
OreoCollasnacc: Currently it only loggs if there is an error. I think I might be able to set it up to keep a continuous log but I want something that I can monitor live and also give it commands (Example: /Ban HACKERPLAYER)21:30
naccOreoCollas: that sounds like a question for minecraft21:30
naccOreoCollas: i have no idea how it works, and it wouldn't be generic, it'd be specific to minecraft; alternatively, as Ben64 said, run it in a screen or tmux session21:31
h0rneti'm going to french ubuntu channel...thx for answers21:31
OreoCollasnacc: OK. Thx any ways for the help.21:32
bugbunnyOreoCollas: Does it launch a GUI?21:34
bugbunnyOreoCollas: Or just output to stdin?21:34
bugbunnyorr, stdout21:35
OreoCollasbugbunny: I have it set to nogui21:36
insanity99Think upgrading to 17 will fix tearing?21:45
Bashing-ominsanity99: You are already running 17.10 kernel and X stack . Booting nomodeset ? The radeon driver is loaded - lshw -C display ?21:48
Bashing-om!hwe | insanity9921:49
ubottuinsanity99: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack21:49
insanity99Oh hey Bashing-om http://termbin.com/v4aa Yeah I am currently having screen tearing not just on videos but also while scrolling on my browser and stuff21:51
TJ-insanity99: is it single monitor or multiple?21:52
insanity99single laptop TJ-21:53
insanity99And already made these two files and rebooted http://www.apolitech.com/2017/04/20how-to-solve-video-tearing-on-amd.html21:53
insanity99Opps sorry about that21:53
Bashing-ominsanity99: Correct driver for that card i loaded ... we can look at Zs log file and see if the system is screaming about anything ..but I bet it is happy ' cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log ' .21:54
bugbunnyFor firefox, you can disable smooth scrolling21:54
=== marve is now known as Guest36270
Bashing-omTJ-: On insanity99 lasy night I passed the cookies to you .. updated DSDT from your script .21:55
tyzoidHey all, I tried to add an ipv6 section to my /etc/network/interfaces file, but whenever I try to restart that interface, I get 'RTNETLINK answers: File exists'21:55
tyzoidAny ideas on how to resolve?21:55
tyzoidmanually adding the ipv6 address via ip works21:55
TJ-Bashing-om: I heard; good to know it works21:56
insanity99Here you go Bashing-om I'm usuing GNOME if that helps http://termbin.com/9zqw21:57
TJ-insanity99: can you show us "pastebinit <( lspci -nnvvvk -s 01:00.0 )"21:57
insanity99Here you go TJ- http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vCpQrDtcvF/21:58
Bashing-omTJ-: insanity99 was on mint ,, they had passed him off as bad hardware - non fixable :)21:59
TJ-insanity99: your TearFree config file isn't bein read, you'll see in Xorg.0.log "[    22.475] (==) RADEON(0): TearFree property default: auto"22:00
insanity99Bashing-om, Sent a good few hours helping me thankfully. And I've been enjoying linux since, though it has a steep learning curve. Getting a bit better with the CLI now22:00
insanity99Oh thats strange22:00
Bashing-ominsanity99: TJ- " ro acpi_osi=! "acpi_osi=Windows 2012"" do not think we want that - acpi_osi=! - boot parameter ??22:00
TJ-insanity99: yes, so maybe the first thing is to figure out why the device file you created doesn't seem to be loaded22:01
michael2Hi all, when I  have a laptop  running  ubuntu  which has completely frozen -  does anyone have any tips for trying to recover? note: <Ctrl> + <Alt> + <F1>  is not working22:01
TJ-Bashing-om: Yes, the acpi_osi=! is very important; it clears the kernels built-in list so it only presents the known-good OSI22:01
naccmichael2: there's not much you can do if it's fully hung, short of rebooting; does sysrq work?22:02
michael2nacc: yeah - thats what I thought - is sysrq a key on the keyboard? what does it do?22:03
naccmichael2: it's the alt for print screen22:03
nacc!sysrq | michael222:03
ubottumichael2: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing slowly, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key22:03
insanity99TJ-, what am I doing wrong here? "pastebinit cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-amd.conf"22:04
TJ-insanity99: show us " pastebinit <( for f in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/* ; do echo === $f ===;  cat $f ; done ) "22:05
michael2nacc: thanks. If nothing works and I do need to reboot - is there anything I should worry about losing - e.g. could there be major problems caused by the inability to "clean shutdown"?22:05
naccmichael2: that's what the sysrq *tries* to help with (by  unmounting your disks, syncing them, etc.22:05
TJ-insanity99: in your command pastebinit will take the file argument directly, it treats 'cat' as some filename, not a command :)22:05
bugbunnymichael2: Your partition keeps a journal, in most cases, you experience some (unsaved open files) or no data lost at all. If you fell with sysrq22:06
TJ-insanity99: From your Xorg.0.log it looks like it may only read additional config files from: (==) Using system config directory "/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d"22:06
michael2nacc: whats the worst case scenario of hard shutdown and disks weren't synced or unmounted? (assuming all disks were encrypted)22:07
naccmichael2: data loss22:07
ethernetdrivercan someone please help me get this ethernet driver working, i am going nuts22:08
insanity99Ah thanks. Here go TJ- http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/YNv9SFwx2T/22:08
ethernetdriveri need to get e1000e installed on a headless box that doesn't have internet connection, and i believe i have installed the driver, but no dice22:08
xinobimy application keeps me asking for enabling intl extension after apt-get install php7.0-intl22:08
xinobianyone knows how to solve this issue?22:09
bugbunnyxinobi: You only have PHP7.0 installed? What SAPI are you using? FPM, CLI, Apache-php?22:09
xinobiI guess22:10
bugbunnyxinobi: <?php phpinfo(); ?>, do you see it loaded?22:10
naccxinobi: fyi, you should use php-intl (to avoid upgrade issues)22:10
TJ-insanity99: trying to verify here if /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ files are supposed to be read; give me a moment22:12
xinobino it not loaded22:12
naccxinobi: you can run `phpenmod intl`, iirc22:12
nacci can't remember what the paramter is supposed to be right now22:12
tgm4883ethernetdriver: isn't the e1000e one of the most basic drivers that's installed by default?22:12
nacctgm4883: i think so (it's a newer driver, but definitely present)22:13
xinobiWARNING: Module intl ini file doesn't exist under /etc/php/7.2/mods-available22:13
naccxinobi: ah you install php7.0-intl? don't do that, as i said22:13
naccxinobi: and you are on 18.04?22:13
naccxinobi: php7.0 is not present in 18.04, use php- for packages22:13
xinobinacc: no at 14:0422:13
ethernetdrivertgm4883: probably, when i installed it couldn't find the network adapter, and i have tried to install it and still no dice22:13
bugbunnyxinobi: You can check /etc/php directory to see if the configuration file is sysmlinked. Not on Ubuntu right now, IIRC, /etc/php/fpm22:13
naccxinobi: uh, if you're on 14.04 and runnig 7.2 you are using a PPA and you should contact the PPA owner22:14
xinobidirectory doesn't exist22:14
naccxinobi: but the fix is what i said, anyways22:14
bugbunnyxinobi: From phpinfo, where is it reading it's configuration form?22:14
naccbugbunny: you can drop it, they are using a PPA, they are mixing php versions and packages, etc.22:14
bugbunnynacc: Why would I do that?22:16
insanity99ok TJ-22:16
naccbugbunny: because it's offtopic for the channel22:16
naccbugbunny: feel free to take it to #ubuntu-offtopic, if you want22:17
bugbunnynacc: If you read the Guidelines?22:18
naccbugbunny: what?22:18
bugbunnynacc: I am asking if you read the Guidelines??22:19
TJ-insanity99: Right, I'm using nouveau but I've added a similar option file and going to restart the X server and see if it gets read. I've got an inotifywait /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ watching for any access to that directory22:19
naccbugbunny: what does that have to do with anything?22:19
bugbunnynacc: You suggested to me the other day to over the guidelines, which I did?22:19
michael2does anyone know what the difference between canonical partners and multiverse is - they are both non-free software right?22:19
bugbunnydid you not?22:19
bugbunnyHave you read them?22:19
naccbugbunny: i have read them before22:19
naccmichael2: usually, yeah22:20
naccmichael2: multivers is debian's non-free22:20
bugbunnyI'll gove over them again, to see what's not allowed22:20
naccbugbunny: PPAs are not supported, this is the support channel, you can't run php7.* on 14.40 without a ppa.22:20
nacc*14.04, sorry22:21
bugbunnyIf he was talking Mint and PPA, I wouldv't agreed, but I don't agree with you. Unless stated otherwise22:21
TJ-insanity99: back. Good news is the file was read /and/ I see the change applied in Xorg.0.log22:21
naccbugbunny: no, PPAs are not officially supported in this channel22:21
nacc!ppa > bugbunny22:21
ubottubugbunny, please see my private message22:21
naccmichael2: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu has some info22:22
naccbugbunny: they are explicitly running non-Ubuntu software in Ubuntu, this is the official Ubuntu support channel22:22
bugbunnynacc: I know what there are, nothing message off-topic, just not supported by Ubuntu.. A support channel, open source fashion, helps all ubuntu without any predejudice22:23
bugbunnyWe agree to disagree22:23
naccbugbunny: read your own sentence again, please.22:23
insanity99TJ-, Ah right ok. Is it possible that because I made two files with the screen tear option there is some kind of issue?22:24
naccbugbunny: if you want to discuss this further, please use #ubuntu-discuss22:24
bugbunnyProbably better on Mailing list22:24
TJ-insanity99: so this is what I see with a custom Device section at the beginning of the Xorg.0.log, notice the "Using the first device section listed" and "~---> Device "devname"22:26
TJ-insanity99: see https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/tRCpmJB9B6/22:27
insanity99TJ-, Ah right yeah22:29
arusselhow can I change the background color of a window in screen ?22:30
TJ-insanity99: and notice also above there it states: Using config directory: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d"22:30
insanity99TJ-, Yeah so yours is getting read22:31
TJ-insanity99: right, and it looks like we have the same xorg-server version22:31
TJ-insanity99: so I think if we can solve this you might get TearFree enabled!22:31
insanity99TJ-, That will be great :)22:32
TJ-insanity99: show us "pastebinit <( sudo find /etc/X11 -ls ) "22:32
michael2nacc: regarding the "sysrq" technique - it sound a bit complicated - and I don't want to start learning how it works once my computer is frozen -  Is it possible to test the key sequence on a "working system" ?22:33
TJ-michael2: the sysreq R E I S U B is a direct interface to the Linux kernel to ensure a safe reboot when userspace has become unresponsive22:34
insanity99TJ-, It says I am trying to send an empty document and exits22:34
TJ-insanity99: hmm, it works here, did you get a sudo password prompt ?22:35
naccmichael2: not sure what you mean by complicated?22:35
naccmichael2: you hold some keys and press some others22:35
michael2TJ-:  is sysrq and ascii key ? e.g. can I test it by printing it into a file (e.g. using <Ctrl>V in a terminal22:36
TJ-michael2: no it's the mechanism the kernel uses to know you're sending it commands22:36
michael2i mean is `sysrq' an ascii character?22:36
insanity99TJ-, Yeah but it is instantly stopped by the empty document message22:36
TJ-insanity99: try this locally: "find /etc/X11 -ls" ... do you get a big list of the files and dirs?22:37
michael2but `sysrq' must come from the keyboard?22:37
naccmichael2: .... no, it's the alt code with the printscreen key22:37
naccmichael2: but you can also use /proc/sysrq-trigger22:37
insanity99TJ-, Yep. Here you go http://termbin.com/e56122:38
michael2nacc: when I press <Alt> + <prt sc/sysrq> on my ubuntu16.04 desktop - it takes a screenshot22:39
naccmichael2: right, hit the other keys too to test it22:39
naccyou can try 's' it's harmelss22:39
michael2oh so "sysrq" only happens if you press <Alt> + <prt sc/sysrq>  + <some other char>?22:40
TJ-insanity99: well, that all looks correct; I'm at a loss! Tell me, are you using the problem PC to get onto IRC right now?22:41
Bashing-ommichael2: See also : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key#Uses .22:42
insanity99TJ-, Yeah on hexchat. Should I reboot again you think?22:42
TJ-insanity99: a logout/login is sufficient to restart the X server22:42
michael2nacc: I tried   <Alt> + <prt sc/sysrq>  + <s>     and it still just takes a screenshot22:42
naccmichael2: look in your dmesg22:42
TJ-insanity99: so yes, do a log-out and let's recheck after you log-in22:42
TJ-michael2: on some laptops it requires holding down the special Fn (function) key to get the sysrq22:43
insanity99TJ-, I'm also logged into MobileInsanity99 if I need to do anything with the pc22:43
TJ-insanity99: OK, lets give it a go22:43
insanity99Ok logging out now22:43
insanity99Ok back TJ- which log is it again?22:46
michael2nacc: TJ- Im following dmesg, and tried with <Fn> and with <s> - dmesg showing nothing so far...22:46
TJ-insanity99: "pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log"22:46
naccmichael2: dunno, it works fine here22:47
TJ-michael2: is the keyboard set so the PrtScrn/SysRq key is part of a pseudo num-pad and NumLock is currently on?22:47
michael2nacc:  so when you follow dmesg and hit the key combo - dmesh shows something like [sysrq detected] ?22:48
insanity99http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/9WXBZtXRMm/ TJ- hmm22:48
insanity99Using system config directory "/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d22:48
naccmichael2: not sure what you mean by 'follow', but if i do it, then run dmesg, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vp3fQyG6c6/22:49
michael2TJ-:  no - sysrq key - is not part of a num pad combo - its a dedicated key22:49
michael2nacc: I think `dmesg -w' is the equivalent of `tail -f ...' for dmesg. thats what I mean by follow22:50
TJ-insanity99: that can't be the correct log file, look at the timestamp: "Wed Mar 28 06:55:51 2018"22:51
TJ-insanity99: what is your PC's local time right now?22:51
insanity99Oh yeah what the hell? It is 23:5222:52
TJ-insanity99: check which log files were touched last, looking in particular for any named Xorg*: "ls -latr /var/log/"22:52
Bashing-omTJ-: insanity99 " Time in Budapest, Hungary >> Thursday, March 29, 2018 (GMT+2) >> 12:52 AM " .22:53
TJ-Bashing-om: as far as I can see insanity99 is in Liverpool, England!22:54
insanity99TJ-, Right you are!22:54
Bashing-omTJ-: oh, well .. I used /whois to query the server .22:55
insanity99What sorcery is this TJ-?22:55
TJ-insanity99: weird talent... being able to decode Virgin Media hostnames into locations :D22:55
TJ-insanity99: found any more recent Xorg* log files ?22:57
insanity99xorg log at 07:53, not very recent22:57
TJ-insanity99: I cannot imagine why the xserver is apparently not logging, if the /var/log/ file-system were out of space I'm sure it'd complain and no start22:58
insanity99TJ-, Looks like plenty of logs getting touched, not xorg though?22:59
TJ-insanity99: are you letting the xserver be started by the init system - not using startx or similar manually are you?23:00
insanity99Not sure what that means sorry TJ-23:01
insanity99I'm a fresh windows refugee :)23:01
TJ-insanity99: probably means you've not changed the way the system starts the X server then :)23:02
insanity99Bashing-om, We didn't do anything like that last night did we?23:02
TJ-insanity99: just in case let's check the system isn't running low of disk space: "pastebinit <( df -h; df -i );23:02
insanity99TJ-, I have changed from Unity to GNOME. I did sudo apt-get install gnome, then logged out and chose gnome in settings23:03
Bashing-ominsanity99: No, we have not touched the init system .23:03
insanity99http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/WpDm473Z2C/ TJ-23:03
TJ-insanity99: the only thing I can imagine is you've running a Gnome/Wayland session and hence no X server!23:03
TJ-insanity99: what does "echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE" report ?23:04
insanity99x11 TJ-23:05
TJ-insanity99: which is the X server; now I'm really stumped! Show us "pastebinit <( ps -efly )"23:05
Bashing-omTJ-: Last I was aware .. insanity99 is running 16.04 with HWE .23:06
insanity99http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/DHCzc3p5TB/ TJ-23:06
insanity99Oh Bashing-om I lost that book you linked me with the shell tutorials23:08
TJ-insanity99: you've got two Xorg processes running, one on vt7 (which we expect) and another on vt223:10
Bashing-om!rute | insanity9923:10
ubottuinsanity99: documentation is to be found at https://help.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/95-799/rute.pdf23:10
insanity99Does the terminal have an interactive tutorial kind of like vim tutor if you are familiar with vim23:10
TJ-insanity99: looks like the vt9 instance is the Gnome Display Manager, whereas vt2 is the Gnome user session (you)23:11
insanity99Thanks i'll save that now Bashing-om23:11
insanity99TJ-, Ah right23:12
TJ-nacc: do you happen to know if gdm forces Xorg to log to some other destination, possibly journalctl, for 16.04+HWE ?23:12
insanity99TJ-, "Are you using GDM? That redirects Xorg logging to the journal. I've found journalctl -b -o json-pretty instrumental in finding out the field I need to filter on. In my case, journalctl -b /usr/bin/Xorg.bin (.bin added) is what shows me the Xorg logging (for this session, -b -1 for the previous)."23:15
insanity99Does that help? from https://www.reddit.com/r/archlinux/comments/2fshq4/how_to_get_the_xorg_log_file/23:15
TJ-insanity99: yes, try wrapping that in "pastebinit <( ... ) "23:15
TJ-insanity99: so probably "pastebinit <( journalctl -b /usr/bin/Xorg.bin )"23:16
TJ-Bashing-om: are you running gdm/gnome and can check this?23:17
insanity99TJ-, pastebinit <( journalctl -b /usr/bin/Xorg.bin23:17
insanity99TJ-,  Couldn't stat file: No such file or directory23:18
TJ-insanity99: i suspect you may need a different argument to journalctl but as I don't run Gnome here I cannot check23:18
Bashing-omrjhatl: No .. I run 16.04+xfce and 18.04+wayland :(23:18
insanity99Should I try something differen tthan GNOME? Not too attached to it. I did like cinnamon mind you TJ-23:19
TJ-insanity99: does "systemctl status gdm3.service" report a running service?23:19
insanity99What are you using?23:19
Bashing-omTJ-: ^^ apologies to rjhatl23:19
TJ-insanity99: lightdm + XFCE (xubuntu)23:19
TJ-insanity99: so what I'm thinking right now is you had lightdm, installed gnome, and it replaced lightdm with gdm3 which also changed the way the X server logs and captures it to systemd's journald instead of writing to the expected Xorg log file23:21
insanity99TJ-, http://termbin.com/dii623:21
insanity99Ah right ok. Should I boot into a different one?23:23
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:24
TJ-insanity99: you'd have to disable gdm3 as the default display manager and return to lightdm - I suspect gdm3 is also why /etc/X11/xonrg.conf.d/ is not being read23:25
insanity99TJ-, The pesky devil23:25
TJ-insanity99: These are 2 more reasons to add to my list of dislikes of Gnome - changing standard defaults with obscure hidden changes that make what should be a simple config change a mission in frustration23:26
naccTJ-: iirc, xorg logs to a ~/ directory now23:26
TJ-nacc: looking at insanity99 system process list, the 2 instances of Xorg aren't being put into the background, and are logging to stdout, but no indication of where that is going23:27
insanity99Ah I see, and cinnamon is built on gnome too isn't it? I'll use an alternative if we can figure this out23:28
BudgiiHow does one find out if he has 'ports' open on his internet/IP?23:28
mutanteBudgii: you can use "nmap23:28
mutanteto port-scan yourself23:28
mutantefind out your external IP by typing "what's my IP" in Google.  install the "nmap" package, then  try  "nmap <yourIP>". but it should be from something external23:29
TJ-Budgii: you would have to scan from a system outside your network though23:29
BudgiiTJ-, thanks for letting me know. :p23:30
TJ-insanity99: I'm not sure what we do right now; we need the Xorg logs to check if /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ file is being read and acted on23:30
mutanteBudgii: or something like  http://www.whatsmyip.org/port-scanner/23:31
insanity99Ok TJ- Thanks for the help :)23:31
trumeeHow can i get 0.7 release in Ubuntu? Distribution only gives 0.6 release23:31
trumee0.7 zfs23:31
BudgiiTJ-, mutante, Does it notify that IP or website that my IP scanned it?23:31
TJ-Budgii: generally, if you're behind a router that is doing port network address translation (PNAT) then ports won't be open unless you've a) configured manual port-forward rules or b) have enabled uPnP in the router so systems inside the LAN can ask it to open ports and forward to them23:32
nacctrumee: 18.04 will have 0.7.523:32
trumeenacc, can i get that on xenial?23:32
nacctrumee: so you can install that, or wait to upgrade (if you're on 16.04, around july) etc.23:32
nacctrumee: not officially, no23:32
mutanteBudgii: it depends if the admin set something up specifically to detect it, it's possible but not by default23:32
trumeenacc, how can i install unofficially?23:33
nacctrumee: dunno ask the zfs folks23:33
mutantethere will still be the ports open on the router itself.. like for a web interface, telnet.. what not23:33
mutanteif it has remote administration enabled that is23:34
TJ-insanity99: if nacc is correct that the gdm/Xorg logs may be in the user's home directory, listing the files/dirs there by most recently accessed may help you identify where such logs might be. Try "ls -latr $HOME"23:34
BudgiiTJ-, mutante, thank you both! I'm just getting curious on 'what can someone do with an IP address' and ran onto a link that gave a good explanation of what a 'hacker' really does. https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/19018/what-can-a-hacker-do-with-an-ip-address23:34
trumeenacc, i have a ZFS pool which i am sharing between Ubuntu and Gentoo. Feature flags set in Gentoo are not supported in Ubuntu, hence i need a newer version23:34
mutanteBudgii: with an IP address somebdoy can see the provider and the approximate location23:34
trumeenacc, if i install 18.04, can i upgrade it when it is released?23:34
mutanteBudgii: but that's where it usually ends, unless the provider cooperates with them and hands out customer data23:35
Kon-Anybody who works on the graphics-drivers PPA here? Nvidia users really need 384 as a fallback option in 18.04. I've spoken with several people who have had to install it from the download at Nvidia's site.23:35
mutantesomebody can tell what city you are in but not your street address normally23:35
Budgiimutante, I knew that much but wanted to find out the "what else". :)23:35
Kon-It doesn't make sense to remove 384 from the 18.04 repo because 390 has so many known issues23:35
nacctrumee: well, 'upgrade it'? keep it updated and it will be 18.0423:36
trumeenacc, ok23:36
insanity99http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/QQnrrpkyJW/ TJ-23:36
trumeenacc, i cant see server image at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/23:37
tyzoidAny ideas about the ipv6 issue?23:37
TJ-insanity99: doesn't look like anything there23:38
trumeenacc, found it How can i get 0.7 release in Ubuntu? Distribution only gives 0.6 release23:38
trumeenacc, oops23:38
trumeenacc, found it http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/current/HEADER.html23:39
Bashing-ominsanity99: A thought - re-install xubuntu as you do have older hardware ??23:39
insanity99Bashing-om, Yeah sure23:40
Bashing-ominsanity99: No frils ,, and is fast and configurable .. only a suggestion but coming from Windows you may find that DE the more comfortable .23:41
insanity99Bashing-om, Does it have a good selection of keyboard shortcuts?23:44
Bashing-ominsanity99: Yes, as stated very configurable .23:44
insanity99Okay, I'll download the iso now23:45
Bashing-ominsanity99: Ask TJ- why he too prefers xfce :P23:45
tyzoidTrying to add a static ipv6 address in /etc/network/interfaces, but whenever I try to restart the interface, it gives me 'RTNETLINK answers: File exists'23:46
insanity99And do a clean install yeah? I'll need to use TJ- handy fix again which you found won't I23:46
tyzoidmanually adding the ip via ip -6 addr add works, but I want to perminantly configure it23:47
TJ-insanity99: you could just do "sudo apt install xubuntu-desktop; sudo apt purge ubuntu-gnome-desktop"23:47
Bashing-ominsanity99: If you do decide that you too like xfce4 .. remember, will have to run TJ-'s acpi script once more :)23:47
TJ-insanity99: no need to reinstall from an ISO - with Linux distros each component can be removed/replaced via the package manager23:48
insanity99TJ-, Oh ok great. I'll try that now23:48
Bashing-omTJ-: The reasin I do not like removing an installed DE is no telling what all will be also removed that the other DE might depends on :(23:49
TJ-insanity99: you might also need to specifically do "sudo apt purge gdm3; sudo apt install --reinstall lightdm"23:49
TJ-Bashing-om: package dependencies should take care of that but...23:49
insanity99Ok, which way should I do it then Bashing-om TJ-  :)23:50
TJ-insanity99: do the order differently "sudo apt purge ubuntu-gnome-desktop; sudo apt install xubuntu-desktop"23:50
Bashing-ominsanity99: I am always interested in seeing what happens :)23:50
TJ-insanity99: and then do "sudo apt purge gdm3; sudo apt install --reinstall lightdm"23:50
TJ-insanity99: then a logout-login should use the lightdm greeter (not gdm3) and on the cog/gear icon you can select the 'Xubuntu' session (in case it is not the default)23:51
insanity99And it can purge gdm whilst I am running it? tj23:51
insanity99Ok I'll do this now23:51
TJ-insanity99: in theory :)23:52
TJ-insanity99: I work from the command-line terminals a lot so rarely does the GUI get in my way23:52
insanity99Started the first command. Yeah, the CLI Linux uses does seem amazing. I can't wait to start learning it23:53
Kumoolonly because the GUIs are terrible23:54
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Kumooli mean, why does thunar require me to right click on a file to rename it? this is just... infuriating23:55
TJ-The shell(s) are the powerful core of a Linux distro, letting you tie multiple single-purpose commands together in pipelines (output of one is piped to the input of the next) so you can create powerful filters easily23:55
TJ-Kumool: doesn't the F2 hot-key do that?23:55
insanity99Kumool, What's your favourite GUI?23:55
insanity99TJ-, I'm learning to program with Python and it covers things like automation. I think bash scripts will be good for that yes?23:57
KumoolTJ-, sigh, yeah but, explorer's behavior on this is so just, smooth23:57
TJ-Kumool: what does explorer do?23:57
KumoolTJ-, if you click on the filename it automatically renames it, in the window, no pop-up dialogue either23:58
TJ-Kumool: I prefer a dialog with a cancel button - that inline rename can easily be accidentally triggered23:59

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