
bluesabrekrytarik: opposed to me giving you the commit credit for numlock?00:10
krytarikNot opposed to that, no. :P00:11
bluesabrenice guy00:18
bluesabrekrytarik: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/xubuntu-default-settings/trunk/revision/675 :)00:18
krytarikHehe, even as the author! :P00:19
krytarik"for not enable" though.. :P00:20
bluesabrewill fix with the release00:21
krytarikYeah, not a big problem for me anyway. :P00:21
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-default-settings:: [trunk] r675 Use 55numlockx for not enable numlock for laptops (LP: #1759... (by Krytarik Raido)00:22
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-artwork:: [greybird] r551 Drop superfluous assets... (by Simon Steinbeiß)01:17
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-default-settings:: [trunk] r676 Release 18.04.5 (by Sean Davis)01:25
donofriohow do I get the "receive-key" out of an 'add-apt-repository?'03:11
donofriofound someone else with same issue - https://github.com/Microsoft/WSL/issues/2960#issuecomment-37669040403:11
donofriobut he doesn't show how he got it ;)03:11
donofrioI'm so close to getting xfwm4.13 I can feel it03:12
donofrioand for background this is how I got here - http://www.tinyurl.com/donofrio180403:17
krytarikdonofrio: Please, this is no support channel.03:17
donofriooh mybad03:19
donofrioeven thought I'm 18.04?03:19
Unit193That's usually #xubuntu or #ubuntu+103:23
donofriothank you03:27
flocculantbluesabre krytarik - thanks peeps :)05:01
flocculantI killed my /etc/blah/blah/fix numlockforgodssake file now - just using the xubuntu one - not seen update yet though05:02
flocculantrebuilding iso to catch the update there05:09
flocculantseem to have ppa x-d-s being preferred here which is older I think05:39
flocculantanyway - enough thinking of that till later05:40
slickymasterWorkknome, the reason why I didn't vote in all the submissions is pretyy much the same as pleia2's08:22
slickymasterWorklack of an opinion in most of them08:22
slickymasterWorkonly voted the ones I really did like08:22
slickymasterWorkgues I'll have to down vote the rest now08:22
slickymasterWorkalso, sorry for not being able to attend the meeting yesterday but I'm again in Lisbon08:23
Unit193greybird-gtk-theme 3.22.8-1 uploaded by Jeremy Bicha (jbicha)12:16
flocculanthi tracker8 17:23
tracker8sorry to bother anyone but i'm new to linux and i just wanted to know if i'd rather download xubuntu 14.04 than 16.04 or 17.10 17:23
flocculantwell 17:23
flocculantxubuntu 14.04 is no longer supported by us17:24
tracker8because i'm a bit skeptical to download releases after 201517:24
flocculantId' be inclined (if you want LTS) to install 17.10 - then when prompted to upgrade to 18.04 to do that - and then you can make it only look for LTS versions17:25
flocculantthen I'm not able to help you17:25
tracker8ok thank you17:25
tracker8the reason why i am looking for xubuntu is because i want to run Guild Wars 2 through PlayOnLinux17:26
tracker8and a youtuber mentionned it was running fithout FPS drops under Xfce17:26
flocculantfine - but I'm not getting into some discussion about post 201517:27
tracker8it's ok17:27
tracker8i just wanted to know if i download either 14.04 or 17.10 then upgrade to 18.04 that i would have no FPS drops running Guild Wars 2 through PlayOnLinux17:28
flocculantwe don't support 14.0417:29
tracker8so i should download 17.10 right ?17:29
flocculantyou can upgrade 17.10 to 18.04 - as far as playing games and fps issues I have no idea - don't play games17:29
flocculanttracker8: see above re 'inclined'17:30
tracker8one last question if you mind17:32
tracker8i selected a mirror and i see a 18.04 branch17:32
tracker8does it mean i can download 18.04 before release date ?17:33
flocculantyou can - but it's still in testing17:33
flocculantwon't be release until end of April17:33
tracker8thank you sir17:34
flocculantand if you decide to do that regardless - mirrors are likely out of date - it's updated daily :)17:35
flocculantno problem :)17:35
tracker8each release is an upgrade from the previous version ?17:35
flocculantmore or less yea17:35
flocculantLTS tend to be release every 2 years - with normal releases in between17:36
tracker8i see17:36
tracker8so i will just download 17.1017:36
tracker8and wait for the 18.04 release17:36
tracker8because i don't want any issue with it17:37
tracker8thank you so much for your help17:37
flocculantthere is information in the Help pages - you can change it once you've got 18.04 to not update every 9 months17:37
tracker8yea i will go through the documentation today to see if i can learn step by step since i'm completely new to this world17:38
flocculanttake it slow - don't randomly grab things from the internet17:38
tracker8yea that's the problem today with the rise of cyber threats17:39
tracker8i miss the good old days17:39
tracker8when you could use windows and not worry about anything17:39
tracker8now i'm forced to use foreign os but i will learn it step by step17:39
flocculantnot what I meant tbh - don't read something that says 'do this for Ubuntu' - most of what you find is out of date17:40
flocculantanyway - I have to go now17:40
tracker8alright take care17:40
flocculantyou too17:40
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce4-announce:: ANNOUNCE: xfce4-terminal released @ http://xfce.10915.n7.nabble.com/ANNOUNCE-xfce4-terminal-0-8-7-3-released-tp50871.html (by Igor Zakharov)19:29
Unit193bluesabre: ↑19:31
flocculantevening Unit193 19:56
Unit193Howdy, flocculant.19:58
Unit193BTW, doing -term.20:45
Unit193https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-terminal/+bug/1713343 can be killed.20:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1713343 in xfce4-terminal (Ubuntu) "no release file and error 404 " [Undecided,New]20:58
Unit193https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-terminal/+bug/1721976 what?20:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1721976 in xfce4-terminal (Ubuntu) "Thunar New Tab Button" [Undecided,New]20:58
Unit193xfce4-terminal uploaded by Yves-Alexis Perez (corsac)21:23
Unit193xfce4-power-manager 1.6.1-1 uploaded by Yves-Alexis Perez (corsac)21:23
Unit193xfce4-timer-plugin 1.7.0-1 uploaded by Yves-Alexis Perez (corsac)21:23
Unit193bluesabre: BTW, specifically for you: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-terminal/
Unit193https://packages.qa.debian.org/x/xfce4-power-manager/news/20180328T211231Z.html does look handy, specifically if one cares about appstream (I don't.)21:38
Unit193xfce4-indicator-plugin 2.3.4-1 uploaded by Yves-Alexis Perez (corsac) (Closes: #893639)21:54
ochosiUnit193: would be nice to get xfpm patches upstream though21:57
ochosii'm happy to review and integrate those21:57
ochosii thought the appstream stuff was added as a patch22:00
ochosii didn't look really tbh :>22:00
Unit193Ooooooooh, well sort of.22:01
Unit193https://sources.debian.org/src/xfce4-power-manager/1.4.4-4/debian/patches/01_fix-light-locker-schema-loading.patch/ is the only proper patch.22:02
Unit193Gah, anyway..22:05
Unit193ochosi: No active patches, just https://salsa.debian.org/xfce-team/desktop/xfce4-power-manager/blob/debian/master/debian/xfce4-power-manager-data.install22:05
ochosiah ok22:06
ochosihmm, everybody seems to use gitlab...22:06
knomeare you suggesting we should as well?22:06
Unit193knome: Pagure!22:07
knomeUnit193, go vote some wallpapers!22:07
Unit193ochosi: I use cgit/gitolite!22:07
ochosiknome: well maybe it's worth thinking about it again if it's not really a resource topic anymore22:10
ochosibut anyway, that belongs to a different channel...22:10
ochosiwhat's the state of the slideshow?22:10
Unit193ochosi: So fixing the location only, I believe.22:10
knomethe slideshow is... wip22:12
knomei kind of forgot it22:12
knomeso meh22:12
ochosiUnit193: mhm, i really haven't dealt with appstream/appdata for too long22:12
knomewe'll need a freeze exception22:12
ochosiknome: what's the deadline? tonight?22:12
knomeand not only that, we'll need to get it in ASAP22:12
knomeoh wait22:12
knomeyes, it's *today*22:12
knomenot yesterday22:12
knomeso yes, i think i can do it22:12
knomei'll try to build up some motivation to do it tonight, but no promises yet22:13
ochosiwould be nice to avoid the paperwork22:14
knomeyes, though22:14
knomethat's not the main issue22:14
ochosiand who knows if you'll have more time tomorrow22:14
ochosiwhat has to be done actually?22:14
ochosiupdating the background of the slideshow? updating the numbers?22:15
knomeit's mostly finalizing some stuff22:15
knomeit's almost ready22:15
knomeand i think the bg needs a resivit too now that i know what kind of content/artwork we have22:15
knomethen we need to obviously update the strings22:15
knomeand the thing is more bothersome than the freeze paperwork is finding somebody to do the upload22:15
bluesabreevening all22:15
knomeor did bluesabre score upload abilities for that package?22:16
knomeindeed, so that's the main thing we want to avoid -- having to bother somebody do the upload for us -- late22:16
knome*theoretically* i have a lot of time tomorrow22:17
knomebut practically...22:17
knomeif you want to look at my branch and see how it looks in terms of artwork you might motivate me a bit :P22:19
bluesabreI'm not going to be of much use tonight, lots of running around to do22:21
Unit193That's Ok, I'm useful!22:21
knomeyep, the usual chickenry22:21
knomei was specifically meaning that ochosi could look at it22:21
knomebecause artwork lead and all ;)22:21
Unit193Well I meant I packaged things, both in Debian and here.22:23
knomeUnit193, of course you are useful22:24
Unit193Well, I mean I did something today Xubuntu related..22:34
ochosinight everyone!22:37
ochosi(and just so that i've said it publicly here too, i like the new slideshow and it's brief format)22:37
knomenighty ochosi :)22:37
Unit193...Was I supposed to backport Debian's timer-pl to xubuntu-dev/staging?22:56
Unit193Wait, uh..22:56
Unit193experimental?  I don't know!22:56
knomelet's push the slideshow...22:59
knomeochosi, slideshow pushed: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubiquity-slideshow/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/html23:06

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