
=== drleviathan is now known as leviathanAFK
rud0lfcan i change icon of folder in thunar? similar to folders like Public, Desktop, Video01:31
donofriohow do I get the "receive-key" out of an 'add-apt-repository?'03:25
Kumoolrud0lf, if you change the gtk icon theme you can03:42
simaThunar is so freaking unstable on 17.10 64bit..06:40
simaI right-clcked properties on *.part file that were downloading and Thunar crashed...06:40
simaAnd again it crashed. Folder window were previously opened with "Open Containing folder" form Firefox.06:42
simaAlso I Greatly dislike that when I change sounde volume level, that nasty black overlay appears and stops me from seeing actual volume slider.06:43
simaWould like that black overlay to move somewhere from default upper right corner, because it interfere with aactual controls , also by default in that corner06:44
simaTogether with nasty window manager skin that almost disables resizing windows from lower right corner, Xubuntu looks a nit more nasty then ever before06:44
=== The_Milkman_ is now known as The_Milkman
usernewhi i want to ask a question..anyone here09:36
slickymasterWork!ask | usernew09:36
ubottuusernew: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:36
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:37
usernewwhat are the commands after !09:37
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/09:38
usernewWhen I try to launch steam from terminal,it starts steam but now I dont want terminal to run in bg.so when i close the terminal it also closes the steam program.I dont want that to happen.any advice09:39
usernewI know i can launch steam from menu but just curious09:39
fightthewalrusI just installed 16.04 latest and I realized that the three-finger "middle click" function of my touchpad isn't enabled, and the touchpad options don't seem to offer that function. How can I enable it?09:44
usernewok i found the answer .i am supposed to append "&" after the program's name10:00
ondondilSo, there's this bug in upstream https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9896#c311:07
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 9896 in General "move 'Disable' from bottom of history list to c-menu" [Enhancement,Reopened]11:07
ondondilThis made me aware that you can put clipman into notification area and then it has a "disable" option. But if you do that it uses edit-paste icon which looks out of place with elementary-xfce icon theme https://i.imgur.com/gKj4G23.png and quite awful with papirus-icon-theme https://i.imgur.com/hhZ7KFx.png11:07
ondondilIs there a chance that one of these bugs could be fixed in bionic? Should I report this somewhere? On launchpad for example?11:08
ondondilIt's really annoying not to have an option to disable clipman, especially when you use password manager with autoclean clipboard function that does not work with clipboard managers.11:08
ondondilI'd try to fix this myself but unfortunately I'm not a coder :-/11:08
knomefor 18.04, i don't think tbh (it's close to release and these aren't critical bugs)11:10
ondondilOh, too bad. Thanks for the answer though11:15
xubuntu84wi have dowloaded xubuntu 18.04 and i have a question19:20
xubuntu84wtwo questions in fact19:20
xubuntu84wfirst of all19:21
xubuntu84wwhat is the correct format to install 18.04 from usb19:22
xubuntu84wNTFS or FAT32 ?19:22
xubuntu84wand also19:22
xubuntu84wcan i upgrade 18.04 beta to full version on april 27 ?19:22
xubuntu84wor i will have to redownload the whole thing again ?19:23
drleviathanwhat format for the USB?  FAT32 I think (only 95% sure)19:23
knomeyou'll need to use some software to create a bootable USB, you don't just format the USB stick and copy the .iso file there19:23
knomeand yes, you can upgrade to the final release of 18.04 after the release19:23
xubuntu84wok thanks19:24
xubuntu84wi used universal usb installer19:24
xubuntu84wi chosed "format to NTFS" as i had stuff on my USB previously19:24
xubuntu84wand it started to copy the .iso to the USB which i didn't understand19:24
xubuntu84wso i guess i have to try the other way arround and format the USB to FAT32 as drleviathan said19:25
xubuntu84wis that right ?19:25
drleviathanI always format the USB from the command line, and I usually need to lookup the recipe online.  As I recall, I first format to FAT32 (it not already formatted) and then (with drive NOT mounted) use 'dd' to copy ISO contents to the device.19:27
drleviathanThe format to FAT32 may be 'voodoo'19:27
knomethe formatting does not make any difference for the installer19:27
knomeas far as i know...19:28
xubuntu84wthe tutorial i saw didnt mention to format or anything19:31
xubuntu84wso i understand i would have no precise answer in that matter19:32
xubuntu84wi will just wipe my usb using 'dd' and try something else19:32
xubuntu84wthank you for your support guys19:32
=== Maxis is now known as Ruairidh

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