
do3melianyone else expiriencing problems running tox on local branches after 18.2 release?09:10
do3meliRuntimeError: Failed running ['/usr/bin/python3', 'tools/read-version'] [rc=1] (, git describe version (18.1-42-g2fb6008f) differs from cloudinit.version (18.2)09:10
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smoserdo3meli: you need to pull the tag from upstream13:45
do3meliallright, thx13:46
smoserlet me know if that doesnt work13:46
do3meliit worked ;)13:46
smoserk.  that can be annoying for sure.  its just there to make sure we dont mess up.13:47
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blackboxswrharper: smoser, do we need to talk about what we want to land in bionic my EOD/tomorrow?15:45
smoserblackboxsw: ok.15:54
blackboxswmaybe just chrony?   our SRU process feels like it is getting easier and easier, so maybe it's no big deal if something misses freeze15:58
blackboxswforgot I have a 1:115:58
* blackboxsw is working on SRU validation scripts in https://github.com/cloud-init/ubuntu-sru/ for the next ubuntu sru. specifically I'm changing our manual tests to include user-data test & validate some of the exception_cb changes that we know affect this release. 16:52
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smoserblackboxsw: around?18:33
dojordanhey folks- does anyone know how to identify the commit hash of cloud init in the daily canonical images? i see https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/locator/daily/ but that doesn't have release notes or packages18:33
smoserdojordan: well, i would guess that mostly the serial in the Release column will line up with18:34
smoserone in http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/daily/server/xenial/18:34
smoseri guess in an ideal world, the stream data for azure (http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/daily/streams/v1/com.ubuntu.cloud:daily:azure.sjson)18:36
smoserwould have manifest files18:36
smoserdojordan: which specifically were you after ?18:36
Odd_Blokedojordan: The serial in Azure will be aligned with the serial on cloud-images.u.c, so you can use that as a reference.18:37
dojordansorry, i guess what i was after was how do I specifically identify if com.ubuntu.cloud.daily:server:18.04 version 20180327 has the 18.2 release of cloud-init?18:39
dojordani.e. this manifest file18:39
dojordangot it, makes sense18:39
dojordanthanks all18:40
blackboxswsmoser: back18:42
* blackboxsw jumps into cloud-init hangout for the day folks want to chat about SRU or bionic release stuff18:45
=== r-daneel_ is now known as r-daneel
blackboxswmerging do3meli's doc branches20:19
blackboxswsmoser: I know you are out of here, hogarth's branch + review comment fixes are at https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/34242821:35
blackboxswI'm going to rebase and merge my commit into his after a bit more testing on azure/ec2. so my separate commit will disappear.21:36
blackboxswI think I need to address rharper's comments on hogarth's branch too.21:36
smoserblackboxsw: awesome.22:17
blackboxswsmoser: I'm wrapping up rharper's and my missed review comments on it now.22:18
blackboxswhad one minor fix for lxc.22:18
blackboxswok rebased and pushed, testing ec2 and azure now22:42
blackboxswsmoser: net-tools drop won't make it tonight, will get it in shape for next week. I see some discrepancies on ec2 ipv6 route print info (missing route link details when using ip vs route cmd output).23:03
blackboxswneed to sort the absence of info on ec2 first so there'll be another change to the logic23:04
blackboxswin netinfo.py23:04
blackboxswgot it, netdev_info_netstat calls netstat -A inet6 -rn  too. but netdev_info_iproute doesn't compile v6 routes23:09
blackboxswok will have to work it out23:09
blackboxswI'm off til Monday. have a good easter folks23:09

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