
=== me is now known as Guest29680
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lordievaderGood morning06:06
vespertatiaGood morning06:07
lordievaderHey vespertatia How are you doing?06:19
EdgyMC_69How can I use my second monitor as a second display?07:22
EdgyMC_69Are there any AMD drivers for 17.10? The default ones don't really work for me.07:30
Citral90baraba: test07:57
=== Gordon is now known as Guest68553
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markus_dI can access samba shares from dolphin (connected them using knetattach). But when I user gnome apps (keepass) I can't access the. What do I have to do?09:31
zxq9markus_d: Can you mount the samba shares instead?10:19
zxq9The filesystem type for the mount command is "cifs" iirc.10:20
zxq9Then you can access the filesystem like any other, as if it were local.10:21
zxq9`mount -t cifs //<server>/<share> <mountpoint>`10:21
zxq9(Dolphin *is* awfully convenient, though, and I cheat with it all the time.)10:22
zxq9I believe some gnome applications allow a url of the form: "smb://<server>/<share>" also. I don't know about keepass, though (I'm not even sure what that is).10:23
markus_dI am trying this. How would I specify my user in this command? Right now he assumes I want to connect as root10:26
markus_dThis is not working: sudo mount -t cifs //markus.d@dc-01.sh.private windows_m10:29
markus_dGives me: mount error: could not resolve address for markus.doebele@dc-01.sh.private: Unknown error10:29
hateballmarkus_d: you need to add the user as an option10:29
hateballmarkus_d: man mount.cifs10:30
hateballbut for username it would be -o username=markus10:30
markus_dOkay. I try this: sudo mount -o username=markus.doebele -t cifs //dc-01.sh.private windows_m10:33
markus_dAnd I get: mount error(22): Invalid argument10:33
BluesKajHi folks10:35
markus_dIn dolphin this works in the address line: smb://SH%5Cmarkus.doebele@dc-01.sh.private/10:38
markus_dI just love everything kde related ;)10:38
markus_dI get the same error when I write this in the fstab. I am lost here10:45
markus_dThis is the example I use: // /media/austausch cifs username=otto,password=geheim,domain=Gruppe1 0 010:46
markus_dIts from https://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Samba_Client_cifs/10:46
markus_dDid something change?10:46
markus_dWhat the english docu say is also not working: //dc-01.sh.private  /home/markus/windows_m  cifs    user=markus.doebele,pass=temp,domain=MYDOMAIN 0 010:53
hateballmarkus_d: you may need to specify smb protocol version11:07
hateballmarkus_d: as mount.cifs might default to 1.0 and that has been patched out from most things since wannacry11:07
hateballyep, seems so from reading the man-page11:08
markus_dI found it by trying out like everything. One needs to put the directory name behind the Network Name11:08
markus_dsmbclient gave me this error. So I tried the same in fstab. And it works11:09
markus_dWorks like in charm in gnome apps now as well. I am happy for today ;)11:16
markus_dSo if somebody else asks. This is how it works: //dc-01.sh.private/Customers  /home/markus/windows_kunden  cifs    user=markus.doebele,pass=mypassword,domain=MYWORKGROUP 0 011:21
zxq9markus_d: That's the kind of thing I have to fiddle with about once every year or so, and forget how it works until I check some notes. ;-)11:34
hateballthat's the reason I use things like nextcloud ;p11:35
zxq9Not an option in many environments.11:40
hateballzxq9: Then the environment has a design flaw, those can luckily be fixed :)11:58
markus_dIts a pitty there are still people using windows networks :(12:04
hateballWell if there were only nice things in the world, we would have no need to progress12:05
hateballBut this is better suited for #kubuntu-offtopic :)12:05
zxq9Also a pity about nextcloud's security and env architecture...12:05
zxq9Which is my point above.12:05
zxq9But, that's not anywhere near the final state of file sharing across privately managed services. Which is a great thing.12:06
zxq9Baby steps. :-)12:06
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IrcsomeBot‎ ‎ was added by: ‎ ‎12:35
IrcsomeBot<‎ ‎> Hi guys, is it official?12:35
IrcsomeBot<‎ ‎> There is a problem with Dolphin12:36
IrcsomeBot<Dallas> What is the problem with Dolphin12:36
IrcsomeBot<‎ ‎> Actually I'm on KUbuntu 16.04 (the latest anyway), when I go in activities while in certain folders it crashes12:36
IrcsomeBot<‎ ‎> Not everytime but sometimes it occureres12:37
IrcsomeBot<Dallas> Do you have certain things running when it occurs vs when you are not running those items12:38
IrcsomeBot<‎ ‎> I don't know, when it will happen again I will be more careful about the situation12:39
zxq9I have an Ubuntu 16.04 on which I've installed Kubuntu alongside Unity (or whatever the default Ubuntu DE is) and on that particular one I've had Dolphin randomly crash as described by Dallas. Very spotty, but occasionally it crashes.13:49
zxq9My Kubuntu 16.04 installed straight from a Kubuntu image, though, doesn't seem to have that problem. Mystery.13:50
zxq9The crashy one is on Intel, the stable one is on AMD. With all the microcode wonkiness that has come out lately it wouldn't entirely shock me if that has something to do with it. Or that there is some weird interaction with remaining unused Ubuntu bits. Or whatever.13:51
zxq9No way to tell for sure. But it doesn't bother me enough to really dig in. I'm working on other development stuff right now anyway. :-/13:52
lordievaderzxq9: Does drkonqi popup, the debug dialog? (If that is still a thing)13:52
zxq9Something like that pops up. I forget the name, but yes, there is a little crash reporter guy.13:52
zxq9I've sent some reports a while back. Usually I just silence it. I don't really have time to dig into it. I imagine occasional FM crashes on 16.04 isn't a big maintenance priority.13:53
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lordievaderHow does the utility rate the information it has on the crash?13:54
zxq9I spend most of my time on that particular system buried in kmail or vim. So its just one of those "works good enough for me" sort of things.13:54
zxq9I don't recall. I'll give it another whirl when it happens again. I believe I needed some dev packages for debugging info before it had enough to submit a proper report.13:54
zxq9I suppose I could try to induce a crash right now. It usually happens when I was doing more than one thing at a time. Like having two or more dolphin windows open, decompressing an archive in one while copying between two others or something.13:56
zxq9I think this (super crappy) system has only one memory channel, so it could just be timing out somewhere thinking it is starved for data during a large transfer or file operation.13:56
zxq9Which would explain why I don't see it on the (dramatically more capable) AMD system.13:57
zxq9I would imagine that a blocking timeout would look nicer than a crash, though. I haven't messed with Qt for a while, but I remember it having nicer timeout exceptions than that.13:58
lordievaderHmm, sounds like a hard problem to debug.13:58
zxq9No idea. Might be something really trivial. Would have to look at the crash dump to know.14:00
zxq9The symptoms just feel peculiar being on this particular hardware with slow, single-channel memory.14:00
zxq9Anyway, I wanted to answer back to the guy chatting via the IrcsomeBot, but I don't know how to flag him, being a blank name.14:01
zxq9Is IrcsomeBot coming in from a Slack channel or something?14:01
zxq9Different network like OFTC?14:02
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lordievaderIIrcsomeBot is a Telegram bot.14:07
zxq9So many ways to chat these days. Times sure have changed!14:09
zxq9Btw, just for general geek interest, there is a spacewalk happening right now on the ISS if anyone is curious: https://www.nasa.gov/nasalive14:10
Skenzxq9 ofcourse !14:43
zxq9Always a good plan. But it is bed time. :-)14:44
ivantvdoes kubuntu look like manjaro?15:11
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MichaH@ivantv: Yes, kubuntu looks similar to manjaro, if you have manjaro with KDE-desktop. Otherwise will look and behave different. Please notice, that manjaro is a rolling release and that kubuntu s not. Kubuntu is going to publish new LTS-version in about a month.15:35
ivantvoh ok15:37
ivantvyes I have manjaro with kde plasma15:37
ivantvand I love how it looks so I was hoping kubuntu looks the same, Im downloading it atm15:38
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BluesKajivantv, yes you can make any OS using KDE/plasma look exactly like another using the same widgets,themes and colours15:41
ivantvawesome, thank oyu15:42
MichaH_@ivantv: Good luck. Which version are you downloading? 16.04, 17.10 or 18.04?15:43
ivantvI didnt know there was a 18.0415:44
ivantvis that experimental?15:44
ivantvah I just saw in the page that it is a beta15:45
ivantvI'll stick to the 17.10 for now15:45
MichaH_@ivantv: 17.10 is good choice for now, I'm using it actually. And it will allow you to upgrade later to 18.04, which is the upcoming LTS-release.15:45
yuriy_so what's about kubuntu 18.04? will it win win10?16:25
BluesKajKubuntu Bionic 18.04 has nothing to do with competing with W1016:27
yuriy_i'm waiting strong desktop linux16:29
BluesKajthere is no why16:29
ubottuA desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), !LXDE (lubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM and others - See also !Flavors16:30
yuriy_i don't use win for a long time (near 10 years), but still nostalgic for the user experience16:31
yuriy_i'm a KDE user for a long time16:32
yuriy_maybe will move mac soon. it's unix based16:35
BluesKajyuriy_, mac is BSD based , not linux16:36
yuriy_bsd is unix i know16:39
MrokiiHello. I have a problem with KDE connect on a regular basis. My mobile phone doesn't appear in Dolphins' devices-list after it got connected. So I can't access the files (at least I don't know how else I would do it).16:40
BluesKajBSD is not Linux ...but this is an offtopic discussion, so we should stop here and join #kubuntu-offtopic chat16:41
BluesKajMrokii, make sure your phone is paired with said computer16:42
MrokiiBluesKaj: It is. I usually open KDE connect settings and send a ping.16:43
yuriy_maybe open-source will come soon with come desktop soon...16:44
=== fam is now known as Guest53776
ajyotirmayhow can I debug graphical issues on Kubuntu?16:58
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elichai2Hey, I have Kubuntu 17.10 and I connected my laptop to a type C dock with audio plug and now the sound doesn't work(disconnected from the dock)18:11
elichai2I tried reinstalling pulseaudio and alsa and it didn't work18:11
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=== giom is now known as Sken
Skenhey guys, i saw on the kubuntu website, there is an app for facebook messenger, is still working or not?18:45
jubo2Hiya. Got a weird problem on one Kubuntu machine. Suddenly the Wifi disconnected and I cannot activate the WiFi at all.. trying to click on the checkbox to activate it does nothing. The device does not have a physical airplane switch18:46
obert_check if there's a wifi password set jubo218:47
jubo2obert_: what do you mean?18:47
obert_in the network setting18:47
obert_you need to insert a wifi password in order to connect to internet, isn't it?18:47
obert_one time I rebooted and my wifi password disappeared18:48
obert_so I had to reinsert it18:48
jubo2I cannot click on the checkbox to activate the WiFi at all .. only after that I could get to selecting wifi to connect to18:48
jubo2obert_: that is not the problem18:50
jubo2Problem is that when clicking from the default panel the connectivity symbol it opens up but I cannot check the checkbox to activate the WiFi18:51
jubo2This problem just appeared suddenly18:51
obert_ah I don't know then18:51
Skenanyone know about the fbmessenger app on kubuntu if its still work? , im not able to run it18:54
jubo2Ok. Our bad.. there was a touch-switch for deactivating the radio. Problem solved18:55
jubo2Got another problem on another machine19:36
jubo2KDEWallet suddenly started asking for a password even if the password was never set19:37
jubo2so when I open the settings for KDEWallet and unchecked "Enable the KDE wallet subsystem" and then re-enable it and try to add a new wallet to be a default wallet (since we don't know the password for the old default) the new wallet is never added19:39
jubo2ok.. managed to randomly work around it20:13
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