
koala_manhow does snapcraft determine the version number from a git repository? my version number is way off01:30
diddledankoala_man: it doesn't by default. You can set the version to "git" and it'll use the commit hash as the version string. Otherwise it uses whatever you set in the yaml. You can also use a version-script to code the rules for your application's source02:06
diddledanCaelum: doesn't `go build` work?02:07
koala_mandiddledan: ok.. so where does v0.3.0 come from in https://build.snapcraft.io/user/koalaman/shellcheck/177997 ?02:27
diddledanweird, it looks like it's picked up v0.3.0 from git via a tag somewhere, but then appended a commit hash on it (right at the bottom of the log):02:30
koala_manyes, but why did it pick 0.3.0 and not e.g. the latest 0.4.7 or the earliest 0.1.0?02:31
diddledanthat I'm not sure about02:31
diddledanperhaps the commit history on master doesn't match any of those other tags?02:32
diddledanso 0.3.0 is the latest tag that is in sync with master02:33
diddledanin sync - I mean has a shared most recent commit in the tag with a commit that exists in master02:33
diddledanmight have to wait till the european daytime to get some more concrete answers from sergiusens when he awakens02:34
diddledanor kyrofa if he's still awake?02:34
koala_manI'm not entirely sure what you mean but `git log master` definitely shows other tags02:39
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mupPR snapd#4908 closed: [RFC] cmd/snap-confine: attempt to detect if multiarch host uses arch triplets <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4908>06:19
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zygagood morning06:57
zygamborzecki: I see that yesterday evening was fruitful06:57
mborzeckizyga: hey, yes06:58
zygacan you please prepare a backport for 2.32 as well06:58
mborzeckiyup, already have it, checked it on ubuntu too06:59
zygagreat, what's the PR for that?07:00
zygawe could prepare another release today07:00
mupPR snapd#4952 opened: [2.32] cmd/snap-confine: attempt to detect if multiarch host uses arch triplets <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4952>07:00
zygathe media test is failing on fedora07:01
zygalooks like a real bug07:01
mborzeckizyga: might need the same treatment as media-sharing test on fedora07:02
mborzeckizyga: idk if you recall, that's /media vs /run/media07:02
zyga+ test-snapd-removable-media.sh -c 'ls /media/testdir'07:02
zygals: cannot access '/media/testdir': No such file or directory07:02
zygayes, I know exactly07:02
zygaI had to code that difference07:02
zygaok, looking at what's there07:02
zygaI _really_ wish fedora shipped a /media -> /run/media symlink07:03
zygabut ... well07:03
mborzeckii fixed media-sharing ~3 weeks ago, but iirc removable-media test was opened long before that07:03
zygamborzecki: were there any changes to the nvidia multiarch fix since I read that07:03
mborzeckizyga: just one commit, i dropped some debug messages per niemeyer's request07:04
zygaok, brb for coffee (I woke up waaay to late today)07:04
mborzeckizyga: oh and maybe a commit with some comments (as suggested by jdstrand)07:04
zygawhen wife and kids don't go to school07:04
zygaI'll review it shortly07:04
kalikianamoin moin07:12
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mborzeckikalikiana: pstolowski: morning07:21
zygahey kalikiana07:23
jameshzyga: re. the safe bind mount branch, I had some new thoughts about simplifying it but am not sure of the security concerns07:37
jameshzyga: what if we did a bind mount from /proc/self/fd/$source_fd to /proc/self/fd/$target_fd?07:38
jameshit'd avoid the need for the stash directory, and it ensures the source and destination are anchored at the expected locations07:39
zygajamesh: hmm, that's interesting07:45
zygadid you try it?07:45
jameshgiving it a go.07:45
zygajamesh: that's pretty interesting I must say07:45
zygawould be awesome if it works07:45
jameshit'd also handle bind mounting files07:46
jameshsince there's no more fchdir()07:46
zygayes, iff this works it's pretty interesting07:49
zygaI wonder what happens to /proc/pid/fd in this scenario07:49
zygaopen a directory with O_DIRECTORY (and with or without O_PATH)07:49
zygainspect the fd in /proc07:49
zygamv the directory around, replace with symlink or whatever07:49
zygainspect the fd in proc07:50
zygajamesh: I also found /proc/pid/root as useful thing but kernel folks broke it because OMG security :/07:57
zygajamesh: it would allow mounting from one ns to another07:57
zyga(it did until it was changed)07:57
zygamborzecki: 4952 reviewed07:59
zygamborzecki: question: what do we need to do to remove nvidia as compile time option entirely, and make it fully dynamic07:59
mborzeckizyga: imo we'd need to interpret data coming os-release, pick the right location based on known paths08:01
zygawhat kind of choices would we make? can you walk me through this please?08:02
jameshzyga: using a simple Python example, it mounted the expected directory after a move08:04
zygathat's super promising!08:04
jameshso the mount followed the file descriptor rather than the name08:05
zygajdstrand: ^^ FYI, I think jamesh found the holy grail of mounting08:05
mborzeckizyga: choosing the location where the libraries are, i.e /usr/lib/ & /usr/lib32 on arch, /usr/lib/<arch-tiplet> on debian/ubuntu, /lib64(?) on fedora (although i think this might be close to arch), historically some drivers would install under their /usr/{libdir}/nvidia{-maybe-suffix} path, that also varies from distro to distro and release to release08:06
jameshzyga: here's the test program I used: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zvpjCcmcjm/08:06
mborzeckizyga: don't recall what suse does, it's probably close to fedora (or the reference layout of systemd distros)08:07
zygamborzecki: I see, thanks08:08
zygamborzecki: I'm weighting this against need for nvidia-xxx snap08:08
zygaand the pros/cons08:08
jameshzyga: I tried extending it to do the read only remount, but that fails.  Presumably because dest_fd references the directory underneath the mount point rather than the mount point itself08:11
zygaafter the mount we can open another fd08:11
mborzeckizyga: do you mind if i fix https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4952#discussion_r177972590 in master once we merge the release branch back?08:12
mupPR #4952: [2.32] cmd/snap-confine: attempt to detect if multiarch host uses arch triplets <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4952>08:12
zygamborzecki: not at all08:12
mborzeckiok, thx08:13
zygaI'm looking at fedora failure now08:13
mborzeckiremovable media?08:13
mborzeckibtw. just restarted the build on 4952 for the 2nd time now, first one failed fetching stuff from github/gopkg.in, now it failed fetching the snaps from store08:14
zyganoise][, hey, is the store operational again?08:15
Caelumzyga: the rpm build is doing a test even if I don't have a %check section, do you know how to not do that?08:17
zygawhat kind of test?08:17
Caelumit's running: + /usr/lib/rpm/golang.sh test github.com/snapcore/snapd/...08:18
zygalooks like something built into the rpm macro for golang itself08:18
mborzeckiCaelum: maybe it's golang rpm stuff?08:18
zygano, no idea how to turn it off, you'd have to look at expansion of the macro08:18
Caelumok thanks!08:19
zygaone question08:19
zygawhat's the original macro in the spec file?08:19
* zyga is rusty on that08:19
zygaCaelum: are you sure it's %gobuild that is doing that08:24
zygaI see %gotest in %check08:24
CaelumI commented it out and it still happens08:26
Caelumthat's the thing I don't get08:26
Caelumoh I figured it out, I need a %check section with some command08:27
zygawell, not sure08:28
zygamaybe ask in #opensuse-buildservice, people there may be able to help more than I can08:28
zygaI tried to expand %gobuild with 'rpm -E' but it didn't expand08:28
zygamborzecki: question about /media vs /run/media08:30
zygait fails becasue snap-confine on fedora bind mounts /run/media08:30
zyganow my idea is as follows08:31
zygainside snap execution environment we could make /media == /run/media08:31
zygasnap authors will have easier way to reason about how things work08:32
mborzeckizyga: sounds good08:33
mborzeckizyga: will both locations be avaialble?08:33
mborzeckizyga: ok08:34
zygayeah, I think this is easier than hacking the test08:34
zygawhich should not depend on the host08:34
mborzeckimedia-sharing test will need an update then08:34
zygano, actually it should work just the same08:35
zygamy point is that host's native $MEDIA_DIR just becomes both /media and /run/media inside the execution environment08:35
zygain core18 we could perhaps make /media as symlink into /run/media08:36
mborzeckizyga: yes, but the test tries to figure out what host it's running on and chooses /media or /run/media, if we make those equivalent, it would make sense to update the test to either always look in /media or compare both locations (maybe the latter)08:39
zygait does so on the outside08:39
zygathat's all fine08:39
zygawe'll only make things equivalent on the inside08:39
mupPR snapd#4931 closed: configstate: give a chance to immediately recompute the next refresh time when schedules are set <Critical> <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4931>08:40
zygathough there may be one complication08:40
zygaah, no08:40
mupPR snapd#4953 opened: configstate: give a chance to immediately recompute the next refresh time when schedules are set (2.32) <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4953>08:51
pedroniszyga: does #4932 needs again a master merge or a rerun ?08:53
mupPR #4932: interfaces/content: add rule so slot can access writable files at plug's mountpoint <Created by gerboland> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4932>08:53
zygapedronis: I think master is broken again, let me look08:53
zyga(I'm fixing master now)08:53
zygaeconnreset is fixed in one PR08:53
zygaand removable media is in progress08:53
zygaso don't rerun things for now please08:54
mupPR snapd#4954 opened: store: Sections and WriteCatalogs need to strictly send device auth only if the device has a custom store (2.32) <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4954>08:55
Caelumzyga: so I can run %gobuild userd but I have no idea what to do with it afterwards, it doesn't get installed anywhere, do you know?08:57
zyga%foo is a RPM macro08:57
Caelumwell it does a go install08:57
zygait can be expanded with rpm -E '%foo'08:57
zygait installs into $GOPATH/08:57
zygabut I don't know what the macros do nowadays, they changed recently08:57
Caelumthere is a userd and userd.a08:57
zyga.a is an archive08:58
Caelumbut what do I do with userd, where do I put it08:58
zygamborzecki: look at  https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4955 please08:59
mupPR #4955: cmd/snap-confine: establish equivalence of /{,run/}media <Critical> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4955>08:59
mupPR snapd#4955 opened: cmd/snap-confine: establish equivalence of /{,run/}media <Critical> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4955>08:59
zygaCaelum: hmmm, hold on, what is userd?08:59
zygapedronis: ^ this PR should fix master08:59
zygabut it cannot land alone because of econnreset bug with store being wonky09:00
Caelumthere's a directory in git called userd, I was guessing this is the userd daemon you wanted me to add09:00
zygano no, that's not what I meant09:00
zygathe userd is part of the "snap" binary09:00
zygayou want to package the systemd / dbus service files09:00
zygathat's why I hinted at missing files compared to the debian package09:00
zygaanother point of refence is the fedora package09:00
zygayou can compare the list of files there09:00
zygalastly we have packaging for opensuse in packaging/opensuse-42.309:01
zyga(inside the git tree)09:01
zygathat last packaging is what we run tests agains09:01
Caelumoh I see09:01
zygayou can use that as another reference, ideally they would be identical09:01
zyga(though sometimes it is not easy as test builds have some extra requirements)09:02
zygabut have a look at those all and see what they do differnetly09:02
Caelumok I know what to do now09:02
zygalet me know if you get stuck on anything09:02
zygathank you :-)09:02
zygaI'm running a run of fedora 27 on linode now, let's see if my fix is sufficient09:04
pedroniszyga: you are aware that    one of the tests is now skipped on fedora?09:07
pedronisif it's about that you need to unskip it09:08
zygapedronis: no, I wasn't09:08
zygawhich test was that?09:08
pedroniszyga:  https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/commit/0848363411c07c47580a6d64594911b3a551159509:09
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zygatests passed (before re-enabling)09:23
zygaall of main passed09:23
zygarunning that single test after re-enabling it now09:23
pstolowskizyga: do you have a moment for quick HO? i'd like to talk about udev09:30
zygasure, I'll join the standup HO09:30
zygapstolowski: ready09:31
zygayou are missing a show with my daughter who tries her best to annoy me today09:32
Caelumzyga: currently snapd-generator is installed to /usr/lib/snapd/snapd-generator but should it be installed to /usr/lib/systemd/system-generators/snapd-generator instead?09:46
Caelumor is that a unit file?09:46
zygaCaelum: one sec, on a cal09:53
Caelumyeah it looks like that's what I need to do09:55
zygait should be where systemd looks for generators09:57
zygapstolowski: a bit old but perhaps still relevant https://people.redhat.com/nhorman/papers/netlink.pdf09:57
zygapstolowski: question09:58
zygapstolowski: have we closed the previous socket correctly09:58
zygait _feels_ like we did not09:58
pstolowskizyga: yes, I close the socket09:59
pstolowskizyga: ok, the doc you linked seems to be pretty clear about setting pid to own pid10:02
mupPR snapd#4947 closed: spread: disable StartLimitInterval option on opensuse-42.3 <Created by stolowski> <Merged by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4947>10:11
mupPR snapcraft#2042 opened: Vendoring lxd <Created by kalikiana> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2042>10:13
zygapstolowski: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3549 is also interesting10:14
Caelumzyga: I have all the missing files now, except for the userd unit file, where do I get that? It's not in ubuntu.10:35
zygaCaelum: it should be made by "make install" in data/10:35
zygalet me look10:35
zygalook at data/dbus10:36
zygaif you make install -C data DESTDIR=... you should get something useful out10:36
zygathose are the two io.snapcraft.* things there10:36
Caelumthe dbus services? I got those.10:37
zygaso which file is missing still?10:38
CaelumI didn't know that's what the userd service was10:38
zygathat's it10:38
zygacommit and I'll build and try it out :)10:38
zygamborzecki: thinking about media10:43
zygaI think I will only do one thing10:43
zygaon /run/media systems /media will be a fixed alias10:43
zygaon /media systems /run/media will not10:43
zygabecause host /run is shared and there's no guarantee that /run/media exists10:44
zygaand we should not attempt to create it just because you are using snaps10:44
zyga(especially that on the outside /run/media woul be empty)10:44
zygawe can rely on /media in ways we cannot rely on /run/media10:44
zygawhat do you think?10:44
mborzeckihm, so basically, no /run/media if there was none on the host?10:46
zygaI pushed the branch over, have a look10:48
zygajamesh: hey, if still there, so do you plan to use the /proc/pid/fd idea?10:49
zygajamesh: I can discuss this with jdstrand and jjohansen today10:49
zygaI actually totally love it10:49
jameshzyga: yes.  I'm integrating it into my branch and updating tests10:49
jameshzyga: I added a note about it to the PR too10:49
zygasweet, thank you!10:50
Caelumzyga: I figured out my problem with tests, you can't comment out rpm macros with # they still get expanded and run11:00
zygaah :D11:01
zygaI ran into that too, I recall now11:01
zygawhat's the issue with the tests?11:01
zygaare they failing because of DNS?11:01
Caelumno they're fine, I was just trying to disable them while testing builds because they take a really really long time11:02
Caelumbut there is one test there that randomly fails like 30% of the time11:02
Caelumwhen I see it again I'll let you know11:02
mborzeckizyga: i'll rebase the PR with plain make thing11:02
zygamborzecki: thanks11:03
zygamborzecki: I had a look already11:03
zygabut not in detail11:03
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mborzeckizyga: aand force pushed11:20
zygaI want to unbreak master and then work on my stuff11:21
zygabut I promise to build and test your PR today11:21
zygapedronis: we need a 2nd review on https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/495511:21
mupPR #4955: cmd/snap-confine: make /run/media an alias of /media <Critical> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4955>11:21
zygaplease merge if you agree11:21
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pedronisit needs a review by jamie, no?11:28
zygapedronis: hmmm, yes, it should get one11:29
zygaI'll wait for his review to merge11:29
mborzeckizyga: shall we land https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4952 ?11:33
mupPR #4952: cmd/snap-confine: attempt to detect if multiarch host uses arch triplets (2.32) <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4952>11:33
cachiohey zyga11:33
cachiozyga, beta is it gonna change?11:35
cachioor I can promote it?11:35
zygacachio: I think it's fine to promote11:35
zygacachio: we will do .2 but that's unscheduled still11:35
zygato candidate?11:35
cachioto candidate11:36
Caelumzyga: well I updated the package, having laptop overheating issues here on linux11:36
zygaCaelum: ouch, sorry to hear that11:38
zygaI will pull and test11:39
zygamborzecki, morphis: does anyone want to do a 2nd review on opensuse package refresh?11:39
mborzeckizyga: i can take a look11:40
mborzeckiobs link?11:40
zygaI'm building locally now11:42
zygacachio: +1 from me11:42
mborzeckiheh reddit witch hunt https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/87ssdw/why_i_use_flatpak_for_3rd_party_apps/11:43
zygaCaelum: the userd service works fine now11:51
zygaI'll reboot my suse box and play some more11:52
zygaCaelum: installation of snaps without sudo also works now11:56
zygaI will try a few more snaps now11:57
zygaCaelum: 42.2 build fails11:59
zygaI think you can hardcode the systemd generator location11:59
zyga[  176s]     File must begin with "/": %{_systemdgeneratordir}/snapd-generator11:59
wadadliHi there, attempting to install.  Here's the error that I am getting: error: cannot install "anbox-installer": classic confinement requires snaps under /snap or symlink from /snap to /var/lib/snapd/snap12:03
zygawadadli: hey12:04
zygawadadli: some distributions chose not to ship the /snap directory and on such distributions snaps that are using classic confinement cannot function12:04
zygayou can make a symlink from /snap to /var/lib/snapd/snap to fix this issue on your machine12:04
leftyfbwadadli: what version of ubuntu are you running?12:05
zygaleftyfb: that's expected and supported12:06
zygawadadli: just make that symlink and you will be fine12:06
leftyfbzyga: yeah, but they originally asked for help in #ubuntu12:06
wadadlino luck despite running ln -s /var/lib/snapd/snap /snap12:06
zygawadadli: note that anbox is not the full snap, just the installer12:06
zygawadadli: what are you getting now?12:06
mborzeckiw8, doesn't anbox require kernel modules too?12:07
wadadlisame here.12:07
wadadlisame thing**12:07
mborzecki(not to install, but to run)12:07
zygamborzecki: I don't remember, I think so12:07
mupPR snapd#4952 closed: cmd/snap-confine: attempt to detect if multiarch host uses arch triplets (2.32) <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4952>12:07
zygawadadli: same as in?12:07
wadadlicannot install "anbox-installer": classic confinement requires snaps under /snap or symlink from /snap to /var/lib/snapd/snap12:08
jameshzyga: I've pushed the changes to remove the stash dir to https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4868 now12:09
mupPR #4868: cmd/snap-update-ns: add secure bind mount implementation for use with user mounts <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4868>12:09
mborzeckiwadadli: are you using gnome software to install anbox?12:10
wadadlinope, anyways got the installer to install.12:10
wadadlinow the installer complains that Fedora isn't supported.12:11
zygawadadli: that's what I expected12:12
zygawadadli: it requires some kernel modules AFAIR, morphis would know12:12
zygajamesh: thank you12:12
zygawadadli: the snap distributes just the installer, not the full application12:13
wadadliWould have been fun just to try. :)12:13
wadadliAny suggestions for running android apps on Linux?12:17
zygawadadli: sorry, not a clue12:18
zygamaybe use ubuntu and anbox12:18
zygaor talk to morphis about what would it take to work on fedora12:18
zygamaybe the issue is just temporary12:18
zygaCaelum: let me know if you run into any issues12:20
zygapedronis, mborzecki: trivial cleanup PR https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/495612:20
mupPR #4956: cmd/snap-update-ns: rename i to segNum <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4956>12:20
mupPR snapd#4956 opened: cmd/snap-update-ns: rename i to segNum <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4956>12:20
zygamborzecki: more thoughts on the media issue12:31
zygamborzecki: remove the config option12:31
zygamborzecki: if /run/media exists it is aliased as /media and bind mounted12:32
zygamborzecki: otherwise /media is just bind mounted to /media and that's it12:32
zygamborzecki: one less compile time choice12:32
zygamborzecki: the only other one would be nvidia12:32
zygamborzecki: WDYT?12:32
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mborzeckizyga: sounds good, but it's probably worth double checking that for instance debian does not have both /media and /run/media, each being a different thing :)12:33
zygayeah, I plan to check12:33
mborzeckiiirc this depends on how udisks2 was compiled12:34
zygafedora 27 doesn't have /run/media12:34
zygamborzecki: yes12:34
zygamborzecki: it's a bit insane and sad we have this difference12:34
zygaopensuse tumbleweed has /run/media12:35
mborzeckitry installing udisks2 in fedora12:35
zygadrat, /run/media is created dynamically12:36
zygawhen something is mounted12:36
zygawell, that's this idea then12:36
zygasucks to be snapd12:36
mborzeckiheh ;)12:36
mborzeckithe year of linux desktop is upon us12:37
zygaat least we don't need to support that weird distribution that had /Applications after macos12:37
mborzeckiwe'd get /Snapd12:38
mborzeckior /SnapD12:38
vidal72[m]zyga: jdstrand : I fixed failing tests in https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4944 , hope it's ok now12:39
mupPR #4944: interfaces: add /var/lib/snapd/snap to @{INSTALL_DIR} <Created by Erick555> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4944>12:39
zygavidal72[m]: thank you12:40
zygavidal72[m]: we will look at merging it when master is fixed12:40
vidal72[m]zyga: ok12:40
vidal72[m]I had also fix /media on Arch https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/commit/0d69cb8015e0c42037a7cf9b27f87856e05c0a23#diff-798ce6f0668878eda67847b4ab492745R14412:42
pstolowskiniemeyer: i may be a few minutes late to the standup12:43
niemeyerI will be late as well, as there's a conflicting meeting12:44
zyganiemeyer: ack12:47
zygavidal72[m]: oh, interesting, looking12:47
zygaah, right12:47
zygavidal72[m]: thanks, that's a seprarate issue and I hope we can merge that soon12:48
mupPR snapd#4953 closed: configstate: give a chance to immediately recompute the next refresh time when schedules are set (2.32) <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4953>12:48
zygaah, it's merged already12:48
vidal72[m]zyga: yeah12:48
vidal72[m]Arch handling of media is the same as fedora12:50
vidal72[m] /run/media is created dynamically12:51
jdstrandjamesh, zyga: it is an interesting idea, but I think it is still racy. eg, if I have /proc/self/fd/5 -> /tmp/foo, and I do from outside the process 'mv /tmp/foo /tmp/bar', then /proc/self/fd/5 -> /tmp/bar. this means that when you open /tmp/foo, you can race mount for when it resolves the fd symlink12:59
zygajdstrand: we did that test13:00
zygathe fd follows13:00
zygawe may still see the race13:00
zygaI see your point13:00
zygajdstrand: I agree in the sense that mount the syscall may still race13:03
zygaand our simple look from the ouside may be insufficient to observe that13:03
jdstrandzyga: feel free to try to prove me wrong, but mount() doesn't take open fds. it takes paths. therefore, at the time the mount() call is made, the symlink could point to something else. I would be surprised if the kernel kept the context for your symlink around13:05
jdstrandzyga: ie, I doubt that: fd = open(/tmp/foo), then from outside move /tmp/foo /tmp/bar, then mount(/proc/self/fd/<the fd>, ...) that mount() will see /tmp/foo13:08
jdstrandit would be easy to test with some strategic sleep() calls13:09
zyga James Henstridge so the mount followed the file descriptor rather than the name13:09
zygajdstrand: yep13:09
zygajamesh: ^13:09
jdstrandif it did see that (and again, I doubt it does), I wouldn't trust that it is by design and we'd need to deeply investigate that we could trust it13:10
zygajdstrand: hey, can you please have a quick look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/495513:33
mupPR #4955: cmd/snap-confine: make /run/media an alias of /media <Critical> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4955>13:33
jameshjdstrand: /proc/$pid/fd/NNN paths aren't standard symlinks though: they'll even work across separate mount namespaces13:33
zygamaster is broken now and this is the fix13:33
zyganiemeyer: we're done, we can repeat the standup if you want and you are back13:34
jameshjdstrand: opening that path (as opposed to doing readlink()) is directed to the inode of the file descriptor13:34
niemeyerzyga: Ack, thanks13:34
niemeyerzyga: Still going here13:35
jdstrandjamesh: you are saying that when mount() opens that file, it opens the inode associated with said file descriptor?13:37
jameshjdstrand: I am not certain of what happens in the kernel13:37
jameshjdstrand: in the simple case of moving the directory between opening the fd and calling mount() though, it uses the new location13:38
jdstrandright, so that is doing as I described. am I misunderstanding?13:38
zygaI think that there's still raciness but it not measurable with this test13:38
zygathe race is not between the rename and the mount13:38
zygathat's wrong13:39
zygathe race is not in the rename, the sleep and them ount13:39
zygabut with racing rename and mount13:39
zygathe thing that I thin _is_ averted13:39
zygais symlink attack on the leaf13:39
zygajdstrand: that's how I understand what the kernel is doing13:39
jdstrandif you can give me C code for what you want to do, I can blackbox the kernel. if it seems safe, then we can investigate if that is by design and can be relied upon13:40
zygajdstrand: does this qualify https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zvpjCcmcjm/13:42
zygait's not C but as close as you probably want13:42
jameshI can put together a C example, but it'll have to wait until after the easter long weekend13:42
jameshit is late here in .au13:43
jdstrandI guess python would be ok. this is going to be in the go code13:43
jdstrandit'll be a bit before I can look at this13:43
zygaI can make the C part if you want13:43
zygajdstrand: yeah, that's fine13:44
zygajdstrand, jamesh: we can use the old approach for now13:44
* jdstrand is also busy :)13:44
zygaand explore this as v213:44
jdstrandwe have an approved approach13:44
jdstrandif this works and can be relied upon, then it would be cool13:44
jameshzyga, jdstrand: I updated the PR to use this new approach, but that's just in the top revision13:45
jameshuncommitting that has the two step version you reviewed previously13:45
zygajamesh: can you open a 2nd pr with that commit13:45
zygaand force push the old one to the original13:45
zygawe can have two converstations separately then13:45
zygathank you!13:45
mupPR snapd#4954 closed: store: Sections and WriteCatalogs need to strictly send device auth only if the device has a custom store (2.32) <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4954>13:51
jameshzyga: here's the version with the last commit: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/495713:55
mupPR #4957: cmd/snap-update-ns: remove the need for stash directory in secure bind mount implementation <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4957>13:55
mupPR snapd#4957 opened: cmd/snap-update-ns: remove the need for stash directory in secure bind mount implementation <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4957>13:56
jameshand the old PR has been rewound13:56
zygamborzecki: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4958 (rather long but mechanical)14:00
mupPR #4958: cmd/snap-update-ns: allow path guardian to inspect fs ops <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4958>14:00
mupPR snapd#4958 opened: cmd/snap-update-ns: allow path guardian to inspect fs ops <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4958>14:01
zygathis doesn't do anything at all, just gives us an argument in the right spot, so that we can avoid the global hack I did14:01
* zyga -> walk14:01
zygajamesh: What is the symlink path when you remove a file?14:17
niemeyerzyga, pedronis, cachio, pstolowski: Do you want to have a quick call?14:19
cachioniemeyer, sure14:19
zygaUps, I’m on a walk14:21
pedronisniemeyer: I'm available if quick14:22
niemeyerSaviq: I won't be around tomorrow, and perhpas not next week either (will send an email in the latter case).. we have several backends in the code of spread itself, which should be very easy to read and follow.. would that be enough to give you an idea of what it needs?14:23
niemeyerpedronis, cachio: Okay, let's jump in14:23
cachiomborzecki, are you comming?14:25
Saviqniemeyer: probably, we can get through that and let's sync up week after next?14:27
=== sparkieg` is now known as sparkiegeek
zygajdstrand: thank you, I replied on both comments14:38
zygajdstrand: I'll rename the variable but I think it's okay as-is, see my rationale please14:38
mupPR snapd#4819 closed: interfaces/serial: change pattern not to exclude /dev/ttymxc* <Created by bergotorino> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4819>14:39
niemeyerzyga: Can we please have this one in as well ^14:39
niemeyerzyga: Trivial addition to the regexp pattern, so regression chance is pretty much nil14:40
zyganiemeyer: ack14:40
niemeyerzyga: and we have people on the line for that one14:40
zygaI'll backport it14:40
zygajdstrand: pushed14:41
* zyga gets dinner and then back to release14:41
niemeyerSaviq: Yeah, happy to sync14:43
niemeyerSaviq: We can have a call today as well if you want14:43
niemeyerSaviq: That might be more productive14:43
Saviqniemeyer: I'm EOD in an hour, and I think we can get the most important data out of the current spread providers, so we can re-sync after to see what's missing14:58
niemeyerSaviq: Let's have a quick call now then14:59
niemeyerSaviq: Are you available?14:59
niemeyerSaviq: 5-10 minutes tops14:59
Saviqniemeyer: just getting into our team sync, are you ok 15 mins from now? your calendar says busy?15:00
niemeyerI'll be at lunch by then15:00
niemeyerEither now, or 1h from now, or 9 days from now :)15:00
Saviqniemeyer: ok, 1h from now then15:00
niemeyerSaviq: Deal15:00
thiraselectrum package is unbelievably old and has SERIOUS security issues at the version15:10
thirasfor maintainers instance  it's not proper to have that on the market15:11
naccthiras: you should contact the 'Contact" link in the info?15:11
thiraswhere can i find it?15:12
naccthiras: snap info electrum15:13
kyrofanacc, feel like confirming this bug? Another one that I think will help you https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapcraft/+bug/175987515:13
mupBug #1759875: Parts should be handled in a consistent order through multiple runs <Snapcraft:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1759875>15:13
nacckyrofa: yeah that looks reasonable and helpful for us15:13
thirasalso my atom has just stopped working15:14
thiraswithout a reason15:14
thirasno error log on console15:14
naccthiras: there is also a contact url for that15:14
mupPR snapd#4959 opened: interfaces/serial: change pattern not to exclude /dev/ttymxc (2.32) <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4959>15:15
thirasseriously... it should be universal and plugnplay15:15
thirasi only got 3 snap packages and seen 4 critical error in one week15:15
naccthiras: what should be?15:15
thirassomething is very very wrong with snaps for sure15:16
mupPR snapd#4959 closed: interfaces/serial: change pattern not to exclude /dev/ttymxc (2.32) <Created by zyga> <Closed by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4959>15:16
thirasit's worse than apt15:16
mupPR snapd#4960 opened:  interfaces/serial: change pattern not to exclude /dev/ttymxc (2.32) <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4960>15:17
zygathiras: hey15:17
zygathiras: can you please open your terminal15:17
zygathiras: and run: snap run atom15:17
zygathiras: please tell me what happens15:17
thirasreturn to bash15:17
thirasi got the same issue with skype. somehow it started work this weak15:18
zygacan you please tell me your "snap version"15:18
thirassnap    2.31.215:18
thirassnapd   2.31.215:18
thirasseries  1615:18
thirasubuntu  17.1015:18
thiraskernel  4.13.0-37-generic15:18
zygaone sec, let me refresh my core snap15:19
thiraswhy do we love debian based distros? because it's stable as earth15:19
roadmromg an earthquakeee15:20
thirasif it's not ready you shouldn't push into production15:20
zygathiras: let's please focus on the issue at hand, we're all trying to make something better15:20
thirasand as i can see it's clearly not ready15:20
zygaroadmr: a real earthquake?15:20
zygathiras: so, both atom and skype are classic snaps15:20
thiras99.999999% of the time its stable roadmr15:20
roadmrzyga: I'm joking re: debian is stable as earth :)15:20
zygaso they cannot use many of the benefits of the system that make it more stble15:20
zygaI'll switch to 3.31.2 and see if I can run them15:21
zyga(I'm also on 17.10)15:21
zygathiras: is your atom and skype from stable channels?15:22
zyga(snap info skype; snap info atom)15:22
thirasyes i assume. directly downloaded from that "ubuntu software"15:22
zygathiras: I can reproduce this15:22
zygait looks like atom broke their snap15:22
zygapopey: ^15:22
zygaflexiondotorg: ^15:22
thirastracking:    stable15:22
thirasinstalled:   1.25.0 (136) 144MB classic15:22
popeyzyga: broken how?15:23
zygawritev(2, [{iov_base="/snap/atom/136/usr/share/atom/at"..., iov_len=34}, {iov_base=": ", iov_len=2}, {iov_base="error while loading shared libra"..., iov_len=36}, {iov_base=": ", iov_len=2}, {iov_base="libgconf-2.so.4", iov_len=15}, {iov_base=": ", iov_len=2}, {iov_base="cannot open shared object file", iov_len=30}, {iov_base=": ", iov_len=2}, {iov_base="No such file or directory", iov_len=25}, {iov_base="\n", iov_len=1}], 10) = 14915:23
zygaatom cannot find libgconf-2.so.415:23
zygatrying skype now15:23
thirasskype is working15:23
popeyzyga: i am on atom from edge, try that15:23
thirasi don't know how but few days ago it started to work magically15:23
popey(I added a dep)15:23
zygapopey: can you try stable15:24
zygapopey: if edge works that is gret15:24
popeyif edge works I'll promote it15:24
zygabut if stable doesn't work, that's bad15:24
thirasit was exactly like that snap run command returns nothing15:24
zygathiras: you can try that with "snap refresh --edge atom"15:24
zygathis will let you test the more recent version15:24
thirasFFS at least provide some error log at the output of run command15:24
* zyga tries as well15:24
thirasit was like nightmare when i try to debug15:24
zygathiras: I'm not sure why the log didn't come out TBH15:24
zyganormally it would show something15:24
zygathiras: tip: snap run --strace atom15:25
zygapopey: no, edge is equally broken15:25
thirasstill same zyga15:25
zygaI noticed new gnome runtime platform15:25
zygamaybe that's a factor15:25
popeyI'm on 16.04 and it works fine here15:25
popeyit's a classic snap15:25
zygapopey: on 17.10 it is broken15:25
popey(I am on KDE)15:25
popeyhow is that the snaps fault?15:26
zygapopey: nothing ships libgconf-2.so.415:26
zygapopey: the snap must ship libgconf-2.so.415:26
zygait's a broken snap that runs on 16.04 by acciddent15:26
popeyalan@KinkPad-K450:/snap/atom/current$ find . | grep  libgconf-2.so.415:26
popeyit does ship it15:26
popey(in edge)15:26
zygapopey: perhaps it's not setting some flags to load it15:27
zygapstolowski: ^ can you run snap run atom15:27
zygapstolowski: and tell me which ubuntu release you are on15:27
pstolowskizyga: sure, 1 sec15:27
zygapopey: I confirm that the snap ships the so file15:27
zygapstolowski: thank you15:27
zygapopey: but it still doesn't start15:27
zygabecause it cannot load that lib15:27
zygapopey: looking at the command it doesn't set any environment15:28
zygapopey: please adjust it to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH  based on $SNAP15:28
thirasby the way contact address of electrum is not working15:28
zygapopey: snap run --shell atom15:28
popeywhy should I have to do that? Surely snapd should set that correctly?15:29
zygapopey: no15:29
zygapopey: snapd _never_ did that15:29
thirasdude seriously do you allow everybody to craft those non working package and put it into ubuntu software?15:29
thirasit's a nightmare15:29
pstolowskizyga: works here. i'm on 16.0415:29
zygathiras: please calm down, we're doing our best, there are 100s of working snaps15:29
zygapstolowski: on 16.04 it would work by accident, thank you for checking15:29
zygapopey: all classic snaps must alter their environment knowingly15:30
flexiondotorgzyga: o/15:30
zygaplease review the snaps we publish for this15:30
thirasif it's open to eveybody we have much much much more serious security issues than simple broken packages15:30
popeyflexiondotorg: zyga is reporting atom broken in 17.10 - even edge which has the extra libgconf15:30
zygaflexiondotorg: tl;dr; atom doesn't set LD_LIBRARY_PATH, doesn't start on many distributioins15:30
zygathe reason for that is on 16.04 it finds and loads host's libgconf15:31
pedronisdid snapcraft switch to elf patching instead of LD_LIBRARY_PATH ?15:31
popeyflexiondotorg: we use a very basic launcher in atom (classic remember)15:31
zygaas a classic snap it runs without a mount namespace15:31
zygapedronis: great question15:31
naccpedronis: i believe 2.40 does that15:31
flexiondotorgzyga: I was advised by sergio to drop desktop helpers and LD_LIBRARY_PATH munging when build classic snaps with snapcraft 2.39 and newer, since snapcraft should DTRT.15:32
kyrofapedronis, yes15:32
flexiondotorgpopey: Atom is build built by build.snapcraft.io, right?15:32
flexiondotorgSo will be using snapcraft 2.35.15:32
zygaflexiondotorg: I see that we set rpath to $ORIGIN:$ORIGIN/lib15:32
kyrofapedronis, but classic snaps haven't had LD_LIBRARY_PATH automatically set for a while15:32
flexiondotorgIt will require a local cleanbuild using snapcraft 2.40.15:32
zygaflexiondotorg: but not $ORIGIN/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/15:33
zygathat's why it's not starting15:33
naccflexiondotorg: why does b.s.io use 2.35?15:33
zygapopey, flexiondotorg: please disregard my comments about LD_LIBRARY_PATH, it's really snapcraft ORIGIN that needs the tweak15:33
flexiondotorgBecause b.s.io use LP and LP get snapcraft via apt.15:33
zygait's really broken because of multiarch path for libraries15:33
popeycjwatson: that's changing soon. right?15:34
zygathiras: sorry for the noise, the issue is understood now, I'm sure the team will publish a working atom snap shortly15:34
kyrofa2.40 was SRUd, build.snapcraft.io should be using it now, no?15:34
naccflexiondotorg: snapcraft is at 2.40 in all releases?15:34
cjwatsonoh, yes, it would be 2.40 now15:34
naccflexiondotorg: so it would depend on *when* it built15:34
popeyI can certainly trigger a new edge build of atom15:34
cjwatson2.39 was rolled back but 2.40 seems to have stuck for now15:34
cjwatson snapcraft | 2.40         | xenial-updates/universe  | source, all15:35
flexiondotorgYep, seem it was built before the SRU completed.15:35
popeylatest build in edge was 2018-03-24 23:27 - 4 days, 16 hours ago15:35
naccyeah, that is something I have meant to ask folks here15:35
naccsnapcraft chnages can really change how the snap works15:35
nacc(sometimes breaking it :)15:35
nacci wonder if there needs to be abetter connection between snapcraft updates (that affect b.s.io/LP) and snap builds15:36
naccas without changing your snap, all of a sudden your snap might change15:36
naccdebugging it can be a pain (hat-tip to kyrofa )15:36
popeyI've just pressed the "build now" button so look for a new edge build of atom shortly15:36
cjwatsonnacc: the work in progress includes being able to control the channel used for snapcraft on a per-snap (even per-build) basis, which we plan to use to construct better QA15:36
popey(I wish I could tell build not to do an armhf/i386 build)15:37
nacccjwatson: ah nice15:37
nacccjwatson: oh right and you're switching to the snapcraft snap, right?15:37
cjwatsonpopey: waiting for the architectures work to land in snapcraft ...15:37
cjwatsonnacc: that's the plan, though of course there'll be a transitional period15:37
* popey looks at kyrofa :)15:37
nacccjwatson: yep15:37
kyrofaAh, right, speaking of that: niemeyer any chance you have some time to day to meet before you leave?15:37
thiraszyga, let me ask something15:38
thirasis snap repos are open to everybody?15:38
thirasif so please leave that package alone and start restate security policy15:39
thirasit's one click away for everybody who use ubuntu15:39
zygathiras: what do you mean by repos?15:39
zygathiras: the snap storeis open to everyone, yes, but snaps without confinement require a public vote to approve15:39
thirasi don't know snap equivalent of repository15:39
zygathiras: normally all snaps are confined15:39
zygathiras: go ahead, make a snap, have it do something and push it to the store (or just install locally to test)15:40
zygaand see what happens if you try to attack the host15:40
popeycjwatson: is it normall that a huge number of builders are "cleaning"?15:40
popey(I was just looking to see what the queue for builders was like, and it looked odd)15:41
thiraszyga, sometimes you don't have to attack15:41
cjwatsonpopey: no, stabbing now15:41
thirasoutdated software can become the problem itself15:41
thiraslike in electrum15:41
ogra_they are oreparing for easter ... showering, brushing their teeth etc15:41
zygathiras: do you mean electron?15:41
nacczyga: no there's an electrum app (bitcoin related)15:41
zygathomi: snaps can be updated more frequently than distribution packages15:41
thirasif you cannot guaranteed freshness of packages then the system has major security issue15:41
zygaah, I see15:42
naccthiras: this is no different than outdated debs15:42
thiraselectrum bitcoin client15:42
naccthiras: but it does take someone to actually do the work, in this case the contact info link15:42
thirasthe domain is dead15:42
thirasdebs can be outdated too of course15:43
thirasbut it's guaranteed by the canonical and/or the team to get fixed 99% chance15:43
thirasat least you have somebody you can talk15:44
thirasthat's why we have official repos and ppa's15:44
thirassorry guys but complete disaster15:44
popeyppa's are mostly very unofficial15:44
thirasyeah thats what i mean15:45
popeythey're somewhat wild-west compared to the repo15:45
thirasoffical repos and pps they are completey diffrent15:45
naccthiras: you mean *main* ?15:45
naccthiras: so you should only use canonical snaps :)15:45
thirasand you cannot access ppa's by mistake15:45
pedronisI think we will grow some policy about decayed snaps (not updated in along while) but we haven't discussed it yet (likely default snap find will not find them)15:45
thirasnacc, i can guaranteed 99% of the people won't notice the maintainer of tthe package you if put all of them into one place15:46
thirasi'm using linux since 2.4 kernel15:46
naccthiras: i can't parse that sentence15:46
thiraseven I didn't notice it's not official snapcraft package15:46
naccwhat do you mean by official?15:46
thirasyou guys just remove the barrier between offical repos and ppa's15:47
thirasdo you understand that sentence?15:47
ogra_well, the snap store is neither of them15:47
popeyWe spend a lot of time talking to upstream developers, to get them to "own" their own snap.15:47
popeySo you can have confidence that the snap came from the real ISV15:48
thirasand the barrier has a purpose15:48
popeye.g. slack, skype, spotify, firefox all come from their respective 'vendors'15:48
ogra_the snap store is typically "unrelated upstream packages"15:48
popeybut sometimes that conversation doesn't pan out, such as with Atom.15:48
thirasso goodbye stable OS15:48
popeySo we published it, because there's a demand for it. We publish the snap from upstream packages.15:48
ogra_its exactly the opposite15:48
ogra_this is why snaps exist15:48
ogra_they are completely separate from the OS15:49
popeythe snaps are isolated form the host OS, making it _more_ stable15:49
thirasyeah they said it for KVM too15:49
thirasand meltdown15:49
popeycjwatson: thanks!15:49
cjwatsonyep, build queue is ~drained now15:50
thirasok let me understand again. i just downloaded electrum bitcoin client with very very few click from ubuntu software15:50
thirasit wasn't maintained by the original developer but just a random guy15:51
thirasand i've imported my old wallet into that outdated client15:51
thirascan you provide guarantee that my wallet didn't stolen?15:52
popeyzyga: can you please refresh atom from edge?15:52
popeyrevision 141 just finished building15:52
ogra_thiras, ask the maintainer ...15:53
popeythiras: the repo version could have done the same. repo debs don't get deep code reviews.15:53
thirasbut it guaranteed original source code15:53
cjwatsonthat electrum snap should probably just be removed - it manages to be older than the version in Debian jessie, which is kind of moderately hilarious15:53
threshso I've filled a forum thread on my issue with snapcraft stage packages, https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/snapcraft-stage-packages-inconsistent-behaviour/474615:53
thresh(also hello)15:54
ogra_thiras, we can guarantee that nothing from that snap can take over your host and can not steal any data from it ... we can not gurantee anything for the content *inside* the snap, that is the responsibility of the maintainer15:54
popeythresh: hi15:54
thirasreally great15:54
nacccjwatson: heh15:54
cjwatsonunless there's some kind of fork in the version numbering I suppose15:54
thirasyou guys are crazy really i'll just close down snapd and never use it again15:54
naccthiras: that is obviously your choice15:55
popeyok then15:55
threshhey popey I've got some poorly drawn banners for you15:55
thirasdefault size of ubuntu software15:55
popeythresh: scroll down15:56
popeyoops, thiras scroll down15:56
thirasagain 99% of the users won't notice it's not from developer it's NOT guaranteed distributed source code from devs15:56
popeythresh: sorry :)15:56
popeythiras: you could file a bug against gnome-software? To highlight this problem with the developers who maintain that UI?15:56
cjwatsonthe packaging metadata for electrum was added upstream (https://github.com/spesmilo/electrum/pull/2521)15:56
mupPR spesmilo/electrum#2521: Add the packaging metadata to build the electrum snap <Created by elopio> <Merged by ecdsa> <https://github.com/spesmilo/electrum/pull/2521>15:56
cjwatsonnot sure what happened to it after that15:57
thirasdo you have verification process of the maintainers like twitter verification? how can i know if it's really firefox foundation?15:58
cjwatsonsounds like upstream merged the PR but then didn't want to deal with actually maintaining the build15:58
ogra_or simply wasnt able to take over the name in the store15:59
thirasdoes bash client warns the users if package owner not verifed?15:59
thirasi bet it's not15:59
cjwatsonogra_: see the URL I posted16:00
ogra_cjwatson, ah, right ...16:01
zygathiras: what doe you mean by verified?16:01
niemeyerkyrofa: Yeah, let's talk16:02
thirassorry guys but i see only fast and definatly not very well thought moniterization of package distribution.16:02
niemeyerSaviq: Ready?16:02
ogra_well, someone should probably talk to https://forum.snapcraft.io/u/tomascw to either get the snap updated,, removed or ransferred to someone who wants to actively maintain it16:02
popeyzyga: please update your atom :)16:02
zygapopey: snapd does that for me :)16:02
zygabut let's try16:02
popeyeye roll emoji16:02
thirasi was very excited when saw snaps first16:02
zygathiras: to be fair16:02
zygathiras: it's all new and exciting and complex16:02
zygathiras: we really get your feedback16:02
zygathiras: the best way to complain about things is to report issues, discuss issues and help fixing them16:03
thirasobviously you are not the guys who decide because it's not a software bug or something16:03
zygapopey: atom runs now!16:03
thirasit's huge policy issue16:03
ogra_thiras, you can contact the maintainer via https://forum.snapcraft.io/u/tomascw obviously ...16:03
zygathiras: but notice what just happend16:03
zygathiras: you just showed us how atom was broken16:03
zygaand it was fixed in _minutes_16:03
zygathat's impossible in classic packaging16:04
thirasi should talk someone from canonical not you16:04
zygaand it was not just fixed for ubuntu16:04
zygait's for everyone16:04
popeyzyga: thanks, released16:04
popeyflexiondotorg: ^ atom fixed16:04
zygathiras: I hate to tell you that bit I'm working on snapd as my day job16:04
popeythiras: everyone you have been talking to so far works for canonical16:04
thirasoh great16:04
zygathiras: run "snap refresh atom"16:04
zygathiras: and enjoy :)16:04
ogra_thiras, how would talking to canonical help ... the snap is outdated, the guy who owns it didnt update it16:04
thirasi cannot16:04
* zyga hugs popey and flexiondotorg 16:05
ogra_talking to that guy wuld be way more effective, dont you think ?16:05
thirasbecause i don't know who is maintaining that package16:05
zygathankys guys16:05
ogra_thiras, https://forum.snapcraft.io/u/tomascw16:05
thirasi could install wrong package who read my keystrokes16:05
popeyzyga: thanks for the ping16:05
* popey goes back to vacation ;)16:05
ogra_thiras, no. you cant16:05
flexiondotorgzyga: np :-)16:05
thirastell me how16:06
thirasthat was my first question anyway16:06
zygapopey, flexiondotorg: is there a bug to report on snapcraft about the ORIGIN and multi-arch dirs?16:06
thirasi confirm atom has fixed16:07
thiraslast word. it's quite dangerous to have 3rd party maintainers packages on the store WITHOUT ANY WARNING16:08
thirasi just download electrum from mr nobody16:08
thirasit's much easier to access than PPA's16:08
thirasit's quite dangerous for avarage user16:09
zygathiras: I think what the real issue is, is that no equivalent of "snap info package" for accounts16:09
thirasgood day16:09
zygaso that people can inspect the maintainer16:09
thirasso until have that system16:10
flexiondotorgzyga: Best ask kyrofa about that.16:10
thirasyou shouldn't put this thing into production16:10
thirassimple debian approach16:10
zygaflexiondotorg: ack, will do16:10
zygakyrofa: if you are around, do you have a moment to chat about ORIGIN16:10
zygathiras: there's never a good way to put something into production, IMO we are doing fine and improving rapidly16:11
cjwatsonFWIW I've heard exactly the same criticisms levelled at .debs from Debian - plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose16:12
thiraszyga, we have16:13
thirascalled apt16:13
thirasit worked for millions of years16:13
thirassince dinosours16:13
naccthiras: lol, you're being ridiculous now ... stick to facts please16:13
zygathiras: we know, we have some people who wrote it on the snapd team16:13
thirasthe tech is great16:14
naccthiras: also, there have been and will be broken debs too16:14
thiraslogic is perfect16:14
naccthiras: it still involves humans, so no it's not.16:14
thirasbut until we don't have warnings about the 3rd party devs it ruins everything16:14
naccthiras: which is the same problem you have with snaps16:14
thiraswe have*16:14
cjwatson.debs have no warnings about third-party developers16:14
thirasit's signed by canonical16:15
cjwatsonwhich doesn't mean every line of code has been inspected by Canonical16:15
zygathiras: debs are not signed16:15
thirasyes of course16:15
zygathiras: archives are signed16:15
cjwatsonzyga: semantics16:15
thirasok can i put some snap packages into store16:15
naccthiras: canonical is vouching that the file you download is what you intended to16:15
naccthiras: that does not mean canonical has reviewd the content of every line of every source of every package16:16
thirasbut please keep it private so maybe you will understand with example16:16
naccthiras: snaps are no different16:16
thirasofficial repos doens't have EVERYTHING16:16
thirasit has well tested16:16
cjwatsonthe majority of .debs in the Ubuntu archive come from source packages synced unmodified from Debian; it's certainly a higher barrier to entry than snaps, but you're putting them on a pedestal that's ... interesting16:16
thirasproven packages16:16
naccthiras: lol16:16
cjwatsonalso, please could you stop using the enter key as punctuation, it's quite annoying :)16:17
naccthiras: you clearly don't look at actual code quality metrics, or what is being tested in the archive (or the state of debian's CI)16:17
thirasthat's why we have ppa16:17
thirasi have bitcoin client16:18
thirascan i put it as deb package into offical repos?16:18
thirasfully compromised will you accept it?16:19
cjwatsonif you'd gone to the effort of becoming a developer first, then yes; like I say, higher barrier to entry but it's certainly no guarantee of authenticity, and 16:19
naccthiras: no, and neither would the snap store16:19
thirasthank you16:19
cjwatsonno doubt you would have to be at least a little bit subtle about it16:19
thirasnacc, how so16:19
cjwatsonbut we should not delude ourselves that it is impossible16:19
thirasvoting system?16:19
naccthiras: snaps get reviewed, iirc16:19
nacc*new snaps16:19
thirasthere is nothing impossible cjwatson i agreee16:19
thirasbut we still use locks on our doors16:20
cjwatsonthe review for new packages in the Ubuntu archive doesn't include a technical cryptographic review of bitcoin protocol nonsense or whatever16:20
zygaI figured out a nice way to find classic snaps that depend on host libs at runtime16:24
zygaI will implement that tomorrow16:24
nacczyga: nice!16:24
naccthat would be helpful too16:24
thirasdo you have plans to have that accounts info thingy?16:26
thiraslike you said in snap info xxx16:26
zygaI found some more16:27
zygathiras: I think it is sensible, pedronis would know if the store proviees enough meta-data today16:27
thirasi would close down the store until have that IMO. quite critical.16:28
* kalikiana wrapping up for the week16:29
thirasi hope see it live soon16:29
zygaflexiondotorg, popey: run atom on your machines16:31
zyga cat $(for pid in $(pgrep atom); do echo /proc/$pid/maps; done) | grep -v -E '/snap/(core|atom)/' | grep '/usr/lib' | awk '{ print $6 }' | sort -u16:31
zygathis shows which host libs they depend on16:31
zygarepeat for classic snaps16:31
zygakyrofa: ^16:32
zyga(fun, no?)16:32
popey-> afk16:32
zygacat $(for pid in $(pgrep atom); do echo /proc/$pid/maps; done) | grep -v -E '/snap/.*/' | grep '/usr/lib' | awk '{ print $6 }' | sort -u16:32
nacczyga: nice16:32
zygathis is generalized for not just atom, replace atom in the first part16:32
kyrofazyga, I'm around, but you're third in the queue, give me a few16:32
zygakyrofa: just enqueue this, ORIGIN replacement should handle multiarch16:33
kyrofaIt does. Well, should anyway16:33
zygathe long shell thing above is a nice way to test against real-world snaps at runtime16:33
zygakyrofa: apparently not in atom, sync with popey for details16:33
kyrofaWill do16:33
mupPR snapd#4956 closed: cmd/snap-update-ns: rename i to segNum <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4956>16:34
zygajdstrand: can you please do a 2nd look on https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4955 - I think I addressed your concerns there16:34
mupPR #4955: cmd/snap-confine: make /run/media an alias of /media <Critical> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4955>16:34
AnthaasAnywhere to view popular snaps?16:35
zygaAnthaas: gnome-software shows featured snaps on some distributions16:36
zygapstolowski: around?16:50
zygapstolowski: I need a simple review for 495816:50
zygaI just add an argument in lots of places16:50
zygapedronis: if you can as well16:51
zygapedronis: this is the helper to remove the global variable hack from that other pR16:51
pedroniszyga: I'm looking at it, the code org feels a bit strange16:55
niemeyerkyrofa: Wanna talk now?16:57
kyrofaniemeyer, sure!16:57
niemeyerkyrofa: https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/snap-architectures16:58
pedroniszyga: it feels like   there should be something carrying state that exposes the  secure*  instead of passing this in this way and then passing it in to the secure* functions17:00
zygapedronis: so making them all instances of some type17:01
pedroniswell methods of some stateful struct17:02
pedronisI mean, so far they didn't need state17:02
pedronisnow it seems they do17:02
pedronisis it the only state they will need?17:03
pedronisa bit unclear17:03
zygait seems so17:03
zygawe never assumed mkdir would need state17:03
pedronisnow it does though17:03
pedronisanyway my 2cts17:04
zygapedronis: I can do as you said17:04
zygapedronis: or we could iterate on this concept, it's fine either way17:04
zygamborzecki: hey, can I grab you for a moment17:08
cachiozyga, when you have any time #483217:12
mupPR #4832: tests: move fedora 27 to google backend <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4832>17:12
cachioit is to close the fedora one17:13
zygacachio: have a look17:14
* zyga breaks until the 2.32.2 release can be made17:18
zygaCaelum: hey17:18
zygaCaelum: if you don't have time to update the leap builds I can do that too17:19
zygaI'd like to release your package to tumbleweed17:19
zygaaand I just did17:19
* zyga goes to fix LEAP17:20
cachiozyga, fedora branch updated17:23
cachiothanks for reviewing this17:23
zygathanks, approved17:24
* zyga wonders where the sublime-text snap is17:29
zygaom26er: do I recall correctly you were interested in that?17:29
om26erzyga: its uploaded but there is a bug17:36
om26er...in the snap. I fixed that, there is a pending PR17:36
mupPR snapcrafters/sublime-text#9: ship gtk2 and fix desktop file shortcuts <Created by om26er> <https://github.com/snapcrafters/sublime-text/pull/9>17:41
om26er@zyga: ^^17:41
om26erthe bug is because something changed in latest version of snapd (?) for classic snaps17:43
kyrofaniemeyer, just realized we didn't discuss the `ignore-failure` bit-- does that seem okay?17:45
niemeyerkyrofa: Hmm..17:45
niemeyerkyrofa: We should probably refactor it a bit so it can be expanded.. hmm17:46
niemeyerI think we can do something like "build-errors: ignore"17:47
kyrofaniemeyer, ah, in case we want an option besides ignore in the future?17:48
niemeyerkyrofa: But there's a detail here.. it's awkward to see the third-person verb next to a noun17:48
niemeyerOr an adjective I guess17:48
niemeyerkyrofa: So maybe we should say "build-on" and "run-on"17:48
niemeyerkyrofa: So that "build-foo" looks nice17:49
niemeyerbuild-on: blah17:49
niemeyerbuild-errors: foo17:49
kyrofaniemeyer, yeah I'm fine with that. A little more... functional instead of sentence-y17:49
zygaom26er: that's interesting, that change was in snapcraft though as snapd didn't change how classic snaps run in ages17:50
niemeyerImperative.. do this!17:50
kyrofaOkay, build-error: ignore it is17:50
pedroniszyga: btw release/2.32  is read atm, not quite sure why, it seems a build error on fedora17:51
pedronis*is red17:51
zygapedronis: yeah, we're not lucky :/17:52
zygapedronis: I think the media thing is a factor17:52
pedronisit's not an test error17:52
pedronisis failing on prepare17:52
zygaoh, what was the error?17:53
pedronissomething building godbus and os/signal17:53
pedroniszyga: let me give you the end17:54
pedroniszyga:  https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/d6rgHVVXSK/  I'm not quite sure what the error is17:54
zygahmm, is it that thing that failed, maybe the error is earlier?17:56
pedronismaybe  fedora prepare is super verbose17:57
pedroniszyga:  full log is here:  https://api.travis-ci.org/v3/job/359849295/log.txt17:59
pedronisit seems a genuine like it's failing to make an archive fail18:03
zygaI wonder what "pack" there is18:03
pedronisnot sure why now, in that branch18:03
zygais that gong internal stuff?18:04
zygaso yeah, looks real, needs some investigation18:04
pedronisit's also exploding far away from the what the PR changed   (code in store)18:07
zygaI wonder why it started exploding18:07
zygaespecially on linode18:07
zygacachio: did we move anything on our linode fedora images?18:07
pedroniszyga: we don't know if  https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/commit/eed6d62f9eb1d02af8e65927ae844aff31b69f55 built cleanly though18:11
pedronisbecause it was cancelled18:11
pedronison 2.3218:11
zygaI can run and reproduce18:11
pedronisI mean, at least that one is changing build stuff18:12
pedronisstill not clear the relation though18:12
zygaI'm doing -debug on the release branch now18:12
zygalet's see18:12
zygaI think release tonight is unlikely18:12
zygatravis is starving us18:13
zygaand there are open PRs18:13
koala_mandiddledan: my version issues were because snapcraft only looked for annotated tags, while all my later tags were lightweight18:13
pedroniszyga: it's not only the release, I got  the same on my PR for master18:14
zygaon master on google?18:14
pedroniszyga: did fedora get a new golang version?18:14
zygaF27 would not but let me check18:15
pedronisno still linode18:15
zygaI'll check18:15
zygago version go1.9.4 linux/amd6418:15
zygachecking changeling now18:15
pedronisanyway failure is the same as on release/2.3218:16
zygaI just got this on F27 on a casual go test ./...18:16
pedronismaster is now also red18:18
pedronissame error18:18
pedroniszyga: you need gcc-multiarch to run those tests18:18
zygathere's no such thing apparently18:20
pedronisthat's been there since a long while18:22
pedronisthat's the name of the ubuntu package18:22
pedronisI don't think it relates to the current error18:22
zygahmm, yeah18:26
zygaI got to the same error in -debug build18:26
pedroniswhat did change?18:27
pedronisit seems master was green until this morning ~ 2h ago18:27
zygano idea what changed, I don't know how to find the changelogs in RPM world18:28
zygalet me update the VM and see if I can reproduce it18:28
zygaPharaoh_Atem: ping18:29
zygaif you are around, we could use some help18:29
Pharaoh_Atemzyga: pong?18:30
zygagolang started to fail on us recently18:30
zygaany idea if there's widespread fire in F27?18:30
zygaor some major changes to golnag18:30
zygaor how to find a changelog for the toolchain18:30
zygato reproduce just run: spread -debug -v linode:fedora-27-64/tests/main/18:30
zygait will fail on rpmbuild -ba ...18:31
zygarpmbuild --with testkeys -ba packaging/fedora-27/snapd.spec18:31
* zyga runs a build with updated fedora VM18:31
Pharaoh_Atemthere's the revamp of the golang macros18:31
Pharaoh_Atembut that shouldn't break snapd... I think18:31
zygaPharaoh_Atem: in F28 or F27 too?18:31
zygareproduced on up-to-date F2718:32
Pharaoh_Atemgo has the worst debug messages18:32
pedronisas in no message18:33
pedronisis just dieing there18:33
zygato be fair, I don't know what's really happening in the rpm build macros18:33
zygagoing to src/os/signal I can "go build"18:33
pedronispack r $WORK/os/signal.a $WORK/os/signal/_obj/sig.o # internal   shows up also normally18:33
pedronisis not an error message18:33
pedronisit might be what dies (maybe)18:34
zygasig.o is from sig.s18:35
zygaand sig.s is empty18:35
zygamaybe some of the rpm build macros dont handle this correctly?18:36
pedronisthat hasn't change recently I think18:36
zygathe .s file? yeah18:36
zygabut the macros18:36
jdstrandzyga: it seems you didn't see that I already responded to 4955 a while ago: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4955#discussion_r17808412118:37
mupPR #4955: cmd/snap-confine: make /run/media an alias of /media <Critical> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4955>18:37
pedronissig.s  is like that also in go 1.618:37
zygaPharaoh_Atem: can you point us to a changelog or some description of what is changing?18:37
pedronisthat's from the stdlib18:37
zygajdstrand: oh, looking18:37
zygajdstrand: no, github didn't show that :/18:37
jdstrandI don't know why github comments are sometimes lossy18:37
jdstrandit is annoying18:37
zygajdstrand: yeah, no disagreement there18:38
zygaso I'll just check that altpath is not a symlink18:38
zygathat's easy, thank you18:38
zyga(if only everything was not on fire :)18:38
zygapedronis: yes, I think rpm side broke, not the go side18:38
pedronisyes, what I'm saying is that that thing is not an obscure18:39
pedronis3rd party package18:39
pedronisis a piece of the stdlib18:39
zygaack, right18:40
zygaPharaoh_Atem: I will take any ideas or patches you can give me18:40
zygaI think the release plan for today is to EOD and rest18:41
zygaand read a book about something not work related18:41
zygajdstrand: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4955/commits/7ef58f6c315e13557f2e8c318980e7bcdfc8d31618:50
mupPR #4955: cmd/snap-confine: make /run/media an alias of /media <Critical> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4955>18:50
jdstrandzyga: approved with comment19:02
jdstrandit's only a nitpick19:03
zygasure, will tweak in a sec, rebooting VMs19:03
mupPR snapd#4961 opened: cmd: make fmt (indent 2.2.11) <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4961>19:11
cachiozyga, https://travis-ci.org/snapcore/snapd/builds/359989484#L270619:50
cachiocould be cause because we set selinux permissive19:50
cachioit starting failing after last chnage that was totally unrelated19:51
zygacachio: no19:53
zygacachio: it's some golang bug, we don't know yet19:53
zygacachio: to be precise, according to Pharaoh_Atem rpm macros changed recently, not sure what to do19:53
cachiozyga, ah, ok19:55
cachiozyga, I'll wait so19:55
cachiozyga, tell me if you need any help to fix/validate that19:55
zygai took a break for today19:55
zygaIdeas welcome19:56
zygaI’ll try tomorrow19:56
cachiozyga, sure19:56
cachioI'll be off tomorrow but I'll be connected19:56
pedroniszyga: so I tried to run of that by hand, interestingly is not pack that fails, afaict the sig.o is added to the archive20:00
pedronisis the wrapper program or whatever comes next20:00
pedronisit produces no output of its own though :/20:00
pedronis*run some of that20:01
pedronisapparently it dies just before building snapd itself20:05
pedronisit makes no sense20:11
kyrofaSnapd 2.31.2 has been in xenial-proposed for a while, is something holding it up?21:04
nacckyrofa: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html bunch of test regressions?21:05
naccand in dep-wait for 14.04, it seems21:05
kyrofaI suppose that'd do it21:05
nacckyrofa: i'd get all of that green :)21:06
vidal72[m]I wonder how daemon snap package integrate with system - i.e. when I install network-manager snap - can I manage it from systemd services?21:41
popeyvidal72[m]: systemctl status snap.network-manager21:46
popeyor similar21:46
vidal72[m]popey: thx21:46
kyrofazyga, I don't suppose you're still around22:02
kyrofaOn trusty I'm getting "error: unable to contact snap store"22:03
kyrofaWhenever I try to refresh or install anything22:03
noise][kyrofa: network outage22:04
noise][generally, not just store22:04
kyrofanoise][, oh, what a coincidence!22:04
jdstrandzyga, jamesh: fyi, I approved the approach of https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4957. I'm eod now-- I'll respond to comments in the PR as needed22:19
mupPR #4957: cmd/snap-update-ns: remove the need for stash directory in secure bind mount implementation <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4957>22:19
kyrofaniemeyer, the lxd backend in spread fails every time for be with 17.10 and 18.04, always giving me this:22:50
kyrofa2018-03-29 15:47:11 Discarding lxd:ubuntu-18.04 (spread-31-ubuntu-18-04), cannot connect: cannot connect to lxd:ubuntu-18.04 (spread-31-ubuntu-18-04): ssh: handshake failed: ssh: unable to authenticate, attempted methods [none password], no supported methods remain22:50
kyrofa2018-03-29 15:48:03 Discarding lxd:ubuntu-17.10 (spread-33-ubuntu-17-10), cannot connect: cannot connect to lxd:ubuntu-17.10 (spread-33-ubuntu-17-10): ssh: handshake failed: ssh: unable to authenticate, attempted methods [password none], no supported methods remain22:50
kyrofaCurious if that rings any bells. 16.04 works fine22:50

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