
katniplot of updates today :)04:08
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
FauxOh no!07:36
sacardeI installed ubuntu-daily dev version 18.0408:13
sacardein /etc/os-release I view: development-branch08:15
sacardeif I will upgrade system when it will be released...08:15
ubottuIf you install a development version of Ubuntu Bionic and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 18.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade » in a terminal.08:16
sacardeah.. ok08:16
Faux> The display composition pipeline went through a major overhaul in release 390. As a side effect, it is now re-compositing the screen on every vblank. That's likely the cause of the GPU load you're seeing. We're working on optimizing it to reduce the overhead (tracking bug 2085439) but in the meantime, you can force the driver to use the old composition pipeline by setting.08:29
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 2085439 could not be found08:29
FauxHating this driver more and more every day.08:30
TJ-Seem to have found a bug with lightdm/XFCE4. After resume from S3 sleep and having authenticated via the lock-screen greeter the user GUI session on vt7 remains black. Expected user-session processes, lightdm, Xorg are still runing with no indications in any log-file that something is wrong. Switching to a console works fine, switching back - console black. Intel HD 5300 GPU, no hybid. Trying to think of10:00
TJ-some more diagnosis I could do10:00
=== Toledo is now known as croberts
BoyetteI need some help debugging a very strange bug16:46
lotuspsychje!ask | Boyette 16:50
ubottuBoyette: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:50
BoyetteWhen I press the Prt SC button .. prtsc is not activated but mostly after 2 minutes system shutsdown 16:53
lotuspsychjeBoyette: can you open a: tail -f /var/log/syslog and try that to see errors?16:54
lotuspsychjeBoyette: system has shutdown?16:58
Boyetteit just happend 5-10 minutes ago last time16:58
lotuspsychjeBoyette: keep your tail open until it does, and see what happens16:58
Boyetteit will just turn off a few minutes after i press that button16:58
Boyettewell now offcourse the button does work16:59
Boyettebut im sure in syslog i can find errors with freedesktop16:59
Boyettei noticed before16:59
lotuspsychjeBoyette: did you clean install 18.04 daily?16:59
Boyettei just dist-upgrade daily. thats not good?17:02
lotuspsychjeBoyette: i mean did you install daily or upgrade from a version?17:02
Boyettedist-upgrade daily17:02
Boyettebut this issue is there already for a while17:02
lotuspsychjeBoyette: cool, let us know when you get more syslog errors on shutdown17:03
Boyettei have also xorg0.log xorg1.log17:04
Boyettesyslog is very big 17:04
Boyettecant read17:04
lotuspsychjeBoyette: i mean on your tail, in realtime check the errors before shutdown17:04
Boyetteno way to read the syslog which for sure should have logged something 20 minutes ago17:06
lotuspsychjeBoyette: you didnt play with any other program to assign a command to prtscr?17:06
Boyetteand the issue comes and goes17:07
lotuspsychjeBoyette: press prtscr now, see if it does something in your tail?17:07
Boyettenow it works fine17:07
BoyetteMar 29 19:05:06 HQ systemd[1]: Starting Hostname Service...17:07
BoyetteMar 29 19:05:06 HQ dbus-daemon[816]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.hostname1'17:07
BoyetteMar 29 19:05:06 HQ systemd[1]: Started Hostname Service.17:07
BoyetteMar 29 19:07:20 HQ dbus-daemon[816]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.hostname1' unit='dbus-org.freedesktop.hostname1.service' requested by ':1.105' (uid=1000 pid=3373 comm="mate-screenshot " label="unconfined")17:07
BoyetteMar 29 19:07:20 HQ systemd[1]: Starting Hostname Service...17:07
BoyetteMar 29 19:07:21 HQ dbus-daemon[816]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.hostname1'17:07
lotuspsychjeBoyette: you sure its related to prtscr?17:07
lotuspsychjeBoyette: mate-screenshot? where did you get that17:08
lotuspsychje!paste | Boyette 17:10
ubottuBoyette: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:10
Boyetteim on 18,04 mate17:10
flocculantTJ-: mmm - I've had to go back to lightdm 1.25.2-0ubuntu1 to get working suspend here17:11
flocculantand that's not great - 2 logins to get to desktop17:11
flocculantwill have to do a bit more testing - then I'll report a bug17:12
Boyetteso i think mate 18,04 comes with mate-screenshot17:12
flocculantjust got home 17:12
lotuspsychjeBoyette: ah kk, never worked with mate before17:13
lotuspsychjeevening flocculant :p17:13
flocculanthi lotuspsychje :)17:14
Boyetteits not so different17:14
Boyettejust the skin i guess17:14
Boyettecan it be related to something like this17:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1615740 in mate-utils (Ubuntu) "mate-screenshot does not allow to copy screenshot to clipboard by commandline argument" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:15
TJ-flocculant: the last lightdm upgade bumps the version to 1.26 but only says it dropped a build-depend17:17
TJ-flocculant: looks like the 'Fix incorrect use of ConsoleKit CanSuspend/Hibernate API' may be related in 1.25-217:18
flocculantyea read that - but haven't done much more than put the kettle on ;)17:25
TJ-ah, no, that's just to check it's possible. The issue I'm seeing is nothing to do with that. The Xorg vt just stays black, consoles are OK17:30
flocculantTJ-: what I was seeing prior to fiddling with versions was : suspend - unsuspend - login - see desktop - back to login - desktop but unusable17:31
TJ-A manual suspend doesn't cause it either... I'm wondering if it's related to suspend triggered by lid close17:31
TJ-Yes! that's the issue. When it resumes the greeter/lock-screen log-in is shown correctly but as soon as I've auth-ed it goes black17:33
flocculantTJ-: ok - thanks - not got laptopt to test that atm17:35
flocculantTJ-: I assume that's with 1.26?17:36
flocculantok - cheers17:36
TJ-it looks like an Xorg issue17:36
TJ-the only clue I see (no timestamp so possibly unrelated) is in $HOME/.xsession-errors with "Failed to configure CRTC 63" - seeing as the GPU only has 3 CRTCs that could be a problem17:37
flocculantTJ-: well - not only do I get issues with suspend - but after beating my way back to desktop - no network seemingly? Could you see if you have network?18:04
=== czesmir_ is now known as czesmir
TJ-flocculant: everything else is fine, the only issue is no user-session GUI output afte lid-close triggered suspend :)18:07
flocculantok cheers - none here after suspend :p I do have the xubuntu team ppa's installed - will purge those before doing more18:11
Bashing-omTJ-: Just arrived .. nvidia ? newly patched drivers are now in the PPA .18:11
TJ-Bashing-om: no, intel18:18
Bashing-omTJ-: :) was but a thought .18:19
TJ-My current theory is the user session receives the lid-closed message and used DPMS to turn the display off, but doesn't get the lid-opened message after resume so when switching to the user session it disables the output again!18:19

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