
=== ika is now known as Guest71867
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mate|33366networking, with other windows computers06:53
mate|33366to view other window computers on the network.06:54
=== ole_ is now known as ole_denmark
mate|54420Hello world !!10:11
ole_denmarkwhy write mate54420 Hello world  ?11:01
Lanner900ZHi All. Is it possible to install Packages from the Studio Version into the Mate Version. It has been awhile since I have been using Linux. I put together a couple computers from spare parts and this one is XP64- Ubuntu Mate Dual Boot. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks12:26
sixwheeledbeastJust install them if they are available in the repo?13:15
Lanner900ZSorry- was using PIA VPN- disconnected VPN now13:34
Lanner900ZNew to Ubuntu- where can I connect to Repo?13:35
alkisgLanner900Z: mention one example package that you want to install13:35
Lanner900ZRight now I want a package to burn ISO's13:36
Lanner900ZDon't have a package name yet.13:36
alkisgDo you have a specific package name? I thought you were looking for specific packages from Ubuntu studio...13:36
alkisgOK, then try brasero13:36
alkisgIt used to be preinstalled in previous Ubuntu versions13:36
TaZeRLanner900Z: what version of ubuntu are you using?13:37
Lanner900ZOkay wil do- Thanks- I see that Studio offers a Guitar Effects Package- I would like to get that.13:37
Lanner900Z17.10 Mate13:37
alkisgLanner900Z: https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=guitarix13:38
TaZeRLanner900Z: i think this should get you sorted by adding the ubuntu studio repo to regular ubuntu: "sudo su -c 'echo deb http://archive.ubuntustudio.org/ubuntustudio artful main >> /etc/apt/sources.list' wget -q http://archive.ubuntustudio.org/ubuntustudio.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add - && sudo apt-get update"13:39
TaZeRthen you have access to every software from studio13:39
TaZeRlet me know if it works i might of made a mistake13:40
Lanner900ZThanks I will see how things go13:40
Lanner900ZThanks again13:40
Lanner900ZGot to Jet for the moment- work to do. Bye all13:55
ole_denmarkhellow from a glad mateowner www.olehasselbalch.dk/s.mov15:13
ole_denmarkdon't laugh15:14
ole_denmarkhello from cold denmark15:55
yetooIs there a unified directory that mate shortcut configurations16:21
yetoo               can go to?16:21
alkisgyetoo: what is "shortcut configurations"?16:22
yetooLike configurations for shortcuts16:22
alkisgYeah, that doesn't help16:22
yetoolike a file that contains user defined shortcuts16:22
alkisgKeyboard shortcuts?16:22
yetooBut wait16:22
yetooI'm not talking about the global keybaord shotcuts that just opens applications16:23
yetooI'm talking shortcuts for individual applications16:23
yetooof the mate caliber16:23
alkisgSo you mean that you would create a file in a directory where you would define that ctrl+c is copy in firefox?16:23
alkisgApplication shortcuts are not defined by the desktop environment16:24
yetooLook, essentially I'm looking for something to edit in the gconf editor16:25
alkisggconf is deprecated in favor of gsettings16:25
alkisggsettings are written in the dconf database16:25
yetooIf yo ucan change internal application shortcuts that way16:25
yetoothat's what i meant dconf16:25
alkisgMany applications don't care at all about dconf, they don't even use it16:25
alkisgSo it depends on the specific application that you want16:26
yetooAlright, because some mate applications don't allow one to change their shortcuts16:26
yetoounless you go into the source code16:26
yetoolike the mate-system-monitor16:27
alkisgI think it'd be best if you mentioned a specific example and what you want to do with it16:27
yetooI want to change the sigterm shortcuts for mate-system-monitor to single key preses rather than ctrl + a key press16:28
yetoo*a key press -> <a key press>16:28
alkisgFor example, you can see its settings with: gsettings list-recursively org.mate.system-monitor16:28
alkisgThere are no shortcut settings there, so that application doesn't allow defining shortcuts with gsettings16:28
alkisgSo yes, you'd need to change its source code and rebuid it yourself16:29
alkisgYou could also file a bug report in case the developers see it as something useful to implement16:29
linuxliami think this means i have duplicate sources https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/YFPPgb9cHn/ any help?19:03
alkisglinuxliam: sudo mv /etc/apt/sources.list.d/signal-xenial.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/signal-xenial.list.bad19:08
linuxliamwhat did ubuntu mate do to make snaps look better19:22
linuxliamas in theming19:23
Kwisherany of the dev's hang out in here?20:01
alkisgKwisher: ubuntu-mate devs or mate devs?20:03
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:03
Kwisheralkisg: i'm not an irc noob :)20:04
Kwisherand the channel is called #ubuntu-mate not #mate20:05
alkisgKwisher: eh, I should have known by your name that you know the difference between ubuntu-mate and mate devs20:05
Kwisherso yes, ubuntu-mate dev's20:05
alkisgOh no, I can't know that by your name20:05
alkisgSo excuse me but I had to ask, as 99% of users that come here don't know it20:06
alkisgSo yeah the one and only ubuntu-mate developer is here20:06
Kwisherand i did ask a question so not seeing the reason for your hounding me20:06
alkisgI was trying to help, and you started correcting me20:07
alkisgAnyways, bbl20:07
Kwisheranyways, i seen this post on G+ the other day: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+JoeHecht/posts/CxCiwgLzeBW20:15
Kwisheri think someone from the dev team should respond to it to make any needed coreections20:16
alkisgGoogle plus is not an appropriate channel for bug reports; there's github and launchpad for that; and, I had already filed a similar bug report and it's been addressed20:20
alkisgI.e. now the metapackages in 18.04 mostly recommend and don't depend on packages20:21
Kwisherbut, removing the metapackage(s) doesn't cause any breakage, correct?20:26
alkisgIt may, but usually not20:26
alkisgThe live cd seeding process marks the dependencies as manually installed20:27
alkisgIf it didn't, then after removing e.g. firefox, which would remove the metapackage,20:27
alkisgif after that the user did an `apt purge --auto-remove` just to clean his system, he'd remove all of the dependencies20:27
alkisgI.e. would get a system without mate20:27
Kwishersure about that?20:28
alkisgSo that affects users that installed ubuntu-mate as a package, but not the ones that used a live cd, as in the live cd they're marked as manually installed by the seeding process20:28
alkisgI checked it a couple of months ago20:28
Kwisherok, i see the difference20:28
Kwisheralkisg: ever tried budgie?21:09
mate|25095buenas noches ubunteros!!!!21:58

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