
xinobijerichowasahoax my server only has these php.ini files /etc/php/7.0/fpm/php.ini /etc/php/7.0/cli/php.ini00:01
jerichowasahoaxxinobi: well it's not using the cli one, that's for sure00:01
jerichowasahoaxxinobi: i was hoping there would be an /etc/php/7.0/apache2 as well, though, for you to double check00:02
xinobijerichowasahoax exactly so I believe that my php.ini has something missing00:02
jerichowasahoaxxinobi: because i'm on apache2 and that's where minei s00:02
xinobijerichowasahoax: no /etc/php/7.0/apache2 is not present in my system00:03
xinobijerichowasahoax I'll try to figure this later have a nice time ;) thank you00:10
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mojtabaHello, does anybody know what could be wrong with this command?01:03
mojtaba(09:01:58 PM) mojtaba: if [ $(df /home/osmc/Movies/Cartoon/ --output=pcent | awk -F '%' 'NR=2{print $1}') -ge 80 ]; then echo "hi";fi01:03
mojtabaI don't know awk, I found this on the web.01:03
mojtabaI am going to check if a mounted drive is used more than a specific amount.01:03
mojtabaWhat I am getting is: -bash: [: too many arguments01:04
dpb1mojtaba: first step is simplify, just run df /home/osmc/Movies/Cartoon/ --output=pcent01:11
dpb1mojtaba: then, build up01:11
mojtabadpb1: sure, thanks01:11
dpb1but, the answer is, you are missing a closing paren (at least)01:11
mojtabaI see01:12
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soahcccHey I just shredded my mysql server (I uninstalled it, tried to install mariadb, it failed, can't install mysql anymore). I purged every mysql/mariadb package, removed /etc/mysql and /var/lib/mysql and tried to reinstall mysql server. It just doesn't start up with no error whatsoever :S04:50
soahcccanything I missed?04:51
sikunsoahccc, try apt-purge mysql*07:37
sikunI remember doing something similar and I think that is what I ended up doing07:38
sikunI mean, apt purge mysql*  (no dash of course)07:38
JanCsikun: that could also purge some mysql-related tools which aren't part of mysql08:12
JanCand I guess soahccc would also want to purge everything that's part of mariadb08:13
gunixOpenTokix: i try to use your preseed and i am stuck because it doesn't find any root partition11:40
gunixnevermind, i figured that out11:58
gunixi added the preseed to an ubuntu iso, made it completely unattended, however proliant servers refuse to boot it17:50
gunixthe iso works great with vms17:50
gunixbut the proliant server refuse it17:50
gunixand the proliant servers do work great with normal ubuntu iso17:50
gunixthis is very confusing17:50
powersjgunix: do you even get the language selection screen? any flash of the start of an install? how are you booting it?17:52
powersjoh and how did you add the preseed17:52
gunixpowersj: there is no language selection screen. it is fully automated17:53
dpb1gunix: you'll need to describe what happens more than "refuse it" :)17:53
gunixdpb1: it tries to boot from other sources instead of the iso17:53
gunixdpb1: it just completely ignored i added the iso from iLO17:54
dpb1my first suspicion would be corrupted media17:54
gunixdpb1: than how does the media work on KVM vms ?17:54
dpb1as that has happened to me more times than I count17:54
gunixdpb1:  if it's corrupted, why does it work with kvm? it goes through the full install17:55
dpb1same disc?17:55
dpb1or are you using the .iso17:55
gunixdpb1: yes, same disc lol17:55
gunixdpb1: the same exact iso is working on KVM vms, but is not working in the proliant17:55
dpb1not iso17:55
dpb1same physical disk17:55
gunixwhat are you talking about?17:55
gunixare you talking about a physical CD/DVD ?17:56
dpb1"the same exact iso is working on KVM vms"17:56
dpb1yes, physical disc17:56
gunixdpb1: omg man17:56
gunixdpb1: you don't need to burn CDs, it's not 199917:56
dpb1so you are blinking the .iso over there?17:57
gunixdpb1: you can add the iso to KVM VMs via virt-manager, and to iLO via web interface... in iLO you add the http address of the .iso and in virt-manager you need the .iso to be on the same server as the libvirt/qemu/kvm services17:57
dpb1good, getting details now17:58
gunixdpb1: in iLO i tried to add the normal .iso (located on THE SAME web server)17:58
gunixso tcp connection can't be an issue17:58
dpb1and your ilo mount of the standard ubuntu-server .iso works17:58
compdocvirt-manager is awesome17:59
gunixcompdoc: yea, i run virt-manager on my local system and connect it to the server from the DC. it's great :D17:59
dpb1gunix: can you try another physical server?17:59
gunixdpb1: i tried two physical servers, but both gen917:59
gunixthis are the files i change in the iso, before repackaging it: https://github.com/TommyKTheDJ/hydra/commit/2741997149d0fdcf96e5d947f32b3dab7bf4915717:59
gunixthis is the command I am building the iso with:18:00
gunixmkisofs -D -r -V "UNATTENDED_UBUNTU" -cache-inodes -J -l -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/boot.cat -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -o /opt/ubuntu16-desktop-unattended-install.iso /opt/ubuntuiso18:00
dpb1ya, dunno, that looks okish to me, and clearly the kvm test case is proving your .iso isn't DOA.18:05
gunixyes :(18:06
dpb1my next guess would be something EFI vs legacy18:07
dpb1that's intentionally handwavy18:07
gunixi can try to switch the server to bios18:08
gunixbut afaik the iso has some efi flags18:08
powersjalso check for secure boot, but switching to legacy would be best as I'm willing to bet you weren't using EFI with virt-manager18:11
gunixdpb1: holy fuck, it's working on bios18:13
gunixpowersj: yea, that's what i thought after dpb1 mentioned it. virt-manager can't be using efi18:14
gunixi need to go agian through the process of creating the dvd. must be something there that damaged efi18:14
gunix*creatig the .iso, not the DVD18:15
gunixthank you for the help, guys, i can move forward now!18:15
dpb1gunix: good luck18:18
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PhoulJAOF9Kltxda lagarcia Volund mike-zal Aztec03 balderson led_ir22 DenBeiren_ fatdragon Pest Neo4 kirkland Very_slow compdoc pmatulis__ kneeki Freejack karlthane neiloy Nizumzen Diemuzi patdk-lp v12aml meminemy_ TJ- beatzz Aison adac disposable2 mikal Oatmeal ptx0 mhache m_tadeu y0sh lordievader ktosiek trevor_s DalekSec Thumpxr marlinc compuguy freakyy soren_ jgornick_ tdn apw Piper-Off logan- vtapia pjdc a1berto dino82 Mercury_Vap19:26
Volund....if you say so man19:27
Volundwtf was that ASCII bomb supposed to be anyways19:27
dpb1ah, I'm close19:39
dpb1some kind of mouse?19:39
qman__my guess is an easter bunny19:43
gunixwhen you spam, at least spam right19:58
gunixany idea why "d-i netcfg/choose_interface select eno1" is not picking eno1 ?21:15
gunixi get an option to select the primary network interface21:15
gunixthrough the setup21:15
naccgunix: is it actually called eno1 at that point?21:18
gunixlet me try to screen picture it for you21:19
gunixnacc: https://ibb.co/muaWAS21:21
gunixnacc: already tryed to add it to append too: https://bpaste.net/show/90dded72150421:22
gunixbut no idea if i did something wrong or not21:22
naccgunix: how are you serving your preseed ?21:22
gunixnacc: it's part of the .iso21:22
gunixi rebuild the iso with the preseed as part of it21:23
naccgunix: ok, you might need to preseed more (iirc, it prompts unless you pressed something else) -- google for NQA preseed21:23
powersjyou can also look at the syslog to see why it asked you a question21:23
naccpowersj: ah nice21:23
powersjit should say something like "X not answered", "asking..." or something like that21:24
powersjalthough your verbosity may need to be turned up for that21:24
powersjthat's how we debug the ISO smoke tests when we have issues21:24
gunixnacc: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cobbler/Preseed21:24
gunixhere he configures it probably for 1 single interface and that's why it works with no option21:24
naccgunix: i'd try what powersj is saying to debug21:26
gunixpowersj: how do i turn on verbosity ?21:26
powersjgunix: first take a look at 'syslog' on the system during an install and see what it says it may already have enough21:27
gunixpowersj: ok, dropping to shell\21:27
gunixhow am i supposed to scroll up without less ? :D21:28
gunixit doesn't accept shift + pageup :D21:29
gunixcat syslog | grep -i net | more21:30
powersjif you are using less you can use 'u' for up half a page and 'd' for down21:30
powersjthe issue will be towards the very end, should be last 50 or so messages unless you have tried things since then21:31
gunixwarning couldn't read wpasupplicant pid file, not trying to kill21:32
gunixinfo: couldn't find BOOTIF= entry in /proc/cmdline21:32
gunixnothing else that looks suspicious21:33
powersjgunix: are you seeing any messages with 'debconf' in the syslog: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ZJDRxhg92N/21:35
powersjthere would be 100s of messages if there are21:36
powersjit is very, very verbose21:37
gunixpowersj: i rebooted :D21:38
gunixi need to wait 10 mins21:38
powersjin either case if there are no messages you can rebuild your ISO with the following added to the append option, so instead of 'quiet' have 'DEBCONF_DEBUG=developer'21:39
gunixpowersj: i will grep for debconf and netcfg next time21:39
powersjand that will make sure these messages show up21:39
powersjit is perfect for debugging these types of issues21:39
powersjit will spit out each question that is asked how it is responded to and if something comes up or a question is not answered it will be right there in syslog21:39
gunixpowersj: how do you know this stuff? this is nowhere on the internet :D21:39
powersjgotta ask the right question21:40
powersjand because I foster the ubuntu server ISO tests I had to pick up some ISO/debconf know-how21:41
gunixwhat does foster mean? :D21:41
powersjnurture :) own?21:41
gunixyea :D21:42
powersjtake care of21:42
gunixyou work at canonical ?21:42
gunixnot enough debconf messages ///21:44
gunixpowersj: i have only 4 messages from debconf22:02
gunixall for setting up debconf/language22:03
naccrbasak: dpb1: up to 58% coverage ... and i am almost finished getting actual commit-level comparison correct22:04
nacc(which is our hash-level testsing)22:04
powersjgunix: heh well then you are going to want to rebuild your ISO with that debug option22:04
gunixpowersj: i did22:04
gunixpowersj: now i am getting confused about the iso22:04
gunixpowersj: yes, i was not using the right iso. great.22:09
gunixwhat can i say, at least i learned something ...22:09
naccpowersj: do you have a moment for some mock assistance?22:21
powersjnacc: yeah - however rharper may be more useful :)22:22
naccpowersj: rharper: to ensure Git commit hashes are consistent, I want to stub out some functions that we use for generating the commit and tag messages22:22
naccpowersj: rharper: so I am trying to use unittest.mock.patch() as a decorator to my test function22:23
naccbut since this in a file that does 'import gitubuntu.importer as target', i think gitubuntu.importer has already been imported, so patching it has no effect when i'm trying to patch a module-level method22:23
powersjlink to the file? Were you trying something like: @patch('gitubuntu.importer.method_name')22:28
gunixpowersj: it powered through the entire install now. it's booting the system on 2 servers atm22:28
powersjgunix: \o/22:29
powersjgunix: what did you have to fix?22:29
gunixnacc: powersj: dpb1: thank you for your help these days22:29
naccgunix: yw22:29
naccpowersj: one memoent22:29
naccpowersj: and yes22:29
gunixpowersj: well a lot of stuff a long the way. the last part was an error in the documentation that had the right text in the hyperlink but was pointing to the wrong link ...22:29
powersjgunix: so the debug messages were helpful?22:30
naccpowersj: rharper: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Snhcg9HTvR/22:30
gunixpowersj: so it actually said ubuntu16-preseed.iso but it was pointing to ubuntu-preseed.iso :D22:30
naccpowersj: lines 598/59922:30
gunixpowersj: it was helpful you asked me to look for the debug message. because when i configured them and they didn't show up, it was clear that i was using the wrong iso :)))22:30
naccpowersj: and i'm trying to use the decorator, because if i do it inline in the testmethod, it leaks to later test methods22:31
naccpowersj: i could use a context manager instead, i guess22:31
naccjust feels like it shouldn't be necessary22:31
powersjnacc: currently that test just fails as your return values are not set or does it even run?22:33
naccpowersj: it runs, but the mock has no effect22:34
naccpowersj: hold on may be PEBKAC22:40
naccpowersj: ok, it worked, nm22:43
naccpowersj: sorry!22:43
powersjnacc: curious what was up22:43
naccpowersj: i had made a typo, and so i had 6 failing tests instead of 5, the 6th was a red herring as it wasn't fully patched22:47
naccs o it was showing me irrelevant, but bad data22:47
powersjok :)22:47
hashwagonWhat's the best way to flush dns on 16.04 server?23:40

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